Tero T. Heikkilä

Current Rectification in Junctions with Spin-Split Superconductors

Spin-split superconductors exhibit an electron-hole asymmetric spin-resolved density of states, but the symmetry is restored upon averaging over spin. On the other hand, asymmetry appears again in tunneling junctions of spin-split superconductors with a spin-polarized barrier. As demonstrated recently in both theory and experiment, this fact leads to a particularly strong thermoelectric effect in superconductor-ferromagnet structures. In this work we show another important effect stemming from the electron-hole asymmetry: current rectification. We calculate the charge current in spin-polarized tunnel junctions of a normal metal and a spin-split superconductor with ac and dc voltage bias. In…

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Enhancing Optomechanical Coupling via the Josephson Effect

Cavity optomechanics is showing promise for studying quantum mechanics in large systems. However, smallness of the radiation-pressure coupling is a serious hindrance. Here we show how the charge tuning of the Josephson inductance in a single-Cooper-pair transistor (SCPT) can be exploited to arrange a strong radiation pressure -type coupling $g_0$ between mechanical and microwave resonators. In a certain limit of parameters, such a coupling can also be seen as a qubit-mediated coupling of two resonators. We show that this scheme allows reaching extremely high $g_0$. Contrary to the recent proposals for exploiting the non-linearity of a large radiation pressure coupling, the main non-linearit…

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Nonadiabatic dynamics in strongly driven diffusive Josephson junctions

By measuring the Josephson emission of a diffusive Superconductor-Normal metal-Superconductor (SNS) junction at a finite temperature we reveal a non-trivial sensitivity of the supercurrent to microwave irradiation. We demonstrate that the harmonic content of the current-phase relation is modified due to the energy redistribution of quasiparticles in the normal wire induced by the electromagnetic field. The distortion originates from the phase-dependent out-of-equilibrium distribution function which is strongly affected by the ac-response of the spectral supercurrent. For phases close to $\pi$, transitions accross the Andreev gap are dynamically favored leading to a supercurrent reduction. T…

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Domain wall motion in a diffusive weak ferromagnet

We study the domain wall motion in a disordered weak ferromagnet, induced by injecting a spin current from a strong ferromagnet. Starting from the spin diffusion equation describing the spin accumulation in the weak ferromagnet, we calculate the force and torque acting on the domain wall. We also study the ensuing domain wall dynamics, and suggest a possible measurement method for detecting the domain wall motion via measuring the additional resistance.

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Momentum-space structure of surface states in a topological semimetal with a nexus point of Dirac lines

Three-dimensional topological semimetals come in different variants, either containing Weyl points or Dirac lines. Here we describe a more complicated momentum-space topological defect where several separate Dirac lines connect with each other, forming a momentum-space equivalent of the real-space nexus considered before for helium-3. Close to the nexus the Dirac lines exhibit a transition from type I to type II lines. We consider a general model of stacked honeycomb lattices with the symmetry of Bernal (AB) stacked graphite and show that the structural mirror symmetries in such systems protect the presence of the Dirac lines, and also naturally lead to the formation of the nexus. By the bu…

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Electron-induced massive dynamics of magnetic domain walls

We study the dynamics of domain walls (DWs) in a metallic, ferromagnetic nanowire, focusing on inertial effects on the DW due to interaction with a conduction electron bath. We develop a Keldysh collective coordinate technique to describe the effect of conduction electrons on rigid magnetic structures. The effective Lagrangian and Langevin equations of motion for a DW are derived microscopically, including the full response kernel which is nonlocal in time. The DW dynamics is described by two collective degrees of freedom: position and tilt angle. The coupled Langevin equations therefore involve two correlated noise sources, leading to a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT). Th…

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Topological polarization, dual invariants, and surface flat band in crystalline insulators

We describe a three-dimensional crystalline topological insulator (TI) phase of matter that exhibits spontaneous polarization. This polarization results from the presence of (approximately) flat bands on the surface of such TIs. These flat bands are a consequence of the bulk-boundary correspondence of polarized topological media, and contrary to related nodal line semimetal phases also containing surface flat bands, they span the entire surface Brillouin zone. We also present an example Hamiltonian exhibiting a Lifshitz transition from the nodal line phase to the TI phase with polarization. Utilizing elasticity tetrads, we show a complete classification of 3D crystalline TI phases and invar…

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Competition of electron-phonon mediated superconductivity and Stoner magnetism on a flat band

The effective attractive interaction between electrons, mediated by electron-phonon coupling, is a well-established mechanism of conventional superconductivity. In metals exhibiting a Fermi surface, the critical temperature of superconductivity is exponentially smaller than the characteristic phonon energy. Therefore, such superconductors are found only at temperatures below a few kelvin. Systems with flat energy bands have been suggested to cure the problem and provide a route to room-temperature superconductivity, but previous studies are limited to only BCS models with an effective attractive interaction. Here we generalize Eliashberg's theory of strong-coupling superconductivity to syst…

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Giant enhancement to spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator systems

We develop a theory of the spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator (SC/FI) systems taking into account the magnetic proximity effect. We demonstrate that the spin-energy mixing enabled by the superconductivity leads to the enhancement of spin accumulation by several orders of magnitude relative to the normal state. This finding can explain the recently observed giant inverse spin Hall effect generated by thermal magnons in the SC/FI system. We suggest a nonlocal electrical detection scheme which can directly probe the spin accumulation driven by the magnetization dynamics. We predict a giant Seebeck effect converting the magnon temperature bias into the nonlocal voltag…

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Superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids for non-reciprocal electronics and detectors

We review the use of hybrid thin films of superconductors and ferromagnets for creating non-reciprocal electronic components and self-biased detectors of electromagnetic radiation. We start by introducing the theory behind these effects, as well as different possible materials that can be used in the fabrication of these components. We proceed by discussing in detail the fabrication and characterization of Al/EuS/Cu and EuS/Al/Co based detectors, along with their noise analysis. We also indicate some routes for multiplexing such self-biased detectors.

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Spin and charge currents driven by the Higgs mode in high-field superconductors

The Higgs mode in superconducting materials describes slowly decaying oscillations of the order parameter amplitude. We demonstrate that in superconductors with a built-in spin-splitting field the Higgs mode is strongly coupled to the spin degrees of freedom, allowing for the generation of time-dependent spin currents. Converting such spin currents to electric signals by spin-filtering elements provides a tool for the second-harmonic generation and the electrical detection of the Higgs mode generated by the external irradiation. The nonadiabatic spin torques generated by these spin currents allow for the magnetic detection of the Higgs mode by measuring the precession of the magnetic moment…

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Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Modes between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Photoactive Molecules: The Effect of the Stokes Shift

We have investigated the dynamics of strongly coupled modes of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and fluorescent molecules by analyzing their scattered emission polarization. While the scattered emission of SPPs is purely transverse magnetic (TM) polarized, the strong coupling with molecules induces transverse electric (TE) polarized emission via the partial molecular nature of the formed SPP–molecule polariton mode. We observe that the TM/TE ratio of the polariton emission follows the contribution of the molecular excited states in this hybrid mode. By using several types of molecules, we observe that, in addition to the coupling strength, which determines the contribution of the molecular…

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Collective amplitude mode fluctuations in a flat band superconductor formed at a semimetal surface

We study the fluctuations of the amplitude (i.e., the Higgs-Anderson) mode in a superconducting system of coupled Dirac particles proposed as a model for possible surface or interface superconductivity in rhombohedral graphite. This system also serves as a generic model of a topological semimetal with an interaction-driven transition on its surface. We show that the absence of Fermi energy and vanishing of the excitation gap of the collective amplitude mode in the model leads to a large fluctuation contribution to thermodynamic quantities, such as the heat capacity. As a consequence, the mean-field theory becomes inaccurate, indicating that the interactions lead to a strongly correlated sta…

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Theory for the stationary polariton response in the presence of vibrations

We construct a model describing the response of a hybrid system where the electromagnetic field - in particular, surface plasmon polaritons - couples strongly with electronic excitations of atoms or molecules. Our approach is based on the input-output theory of quantum optics, and in particular it takes into account the thermal and quantum vibrations of the molecules. The latter is described within the $P(E)$ theory analogous to that used in the theory of dynamical Coulomb blockade. As a result, we are able to include the effect of the molecular Stokes shift on the strongly coupled response of the system. Our model then accounts for the asymmetric emission from upper and lower polariton mod…

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Thermal, electric and spin transport in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator structures

A ferromagnetic insulator (FI) attached to a conventional superconductor (S) changes drastically the properties of the latter. Specifically, the exchange field at the FI/S interface leads to a splitting of the superconducting density of states. If S is a superconducting film, thinner than the superconducting coherence length, the modification of the density of states occurs over the whole sample. The co-existence of the exchange splitting and superconducting correlations in S/FI structures leads to striking transport phenomena that are of interest for applications in thermoelectricity, superconducting spintronics and radiation sensors. Here we review the most recent progress in understandin…

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Moir\'e with flat bands is different

Recent experimental discoveries of superconductivity and other exotic electronic states in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) call for a reconsideration of our traditional theories of these states, usually based on the assumption of the presence of a Fermi surface. Here we show how such developments may even help us finding mechanisms of increasing the critical temperature of superconductivity towards the room temperature.

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Coexistence of superconductivity and spin-splitting fields in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator bilayers of arbitrary thickness

Ferromagnetic insulators (FI) can induce a strong exchange field in an adjacent superconductor (S) via the magnetic proximity effect. This manifests as spin splitting of the BCS density of states of the superconductor, an important ingredient for numerous superconducting spintronics applications and the realization of Majorana fermions. A crucial parameter that determines the magnitude of the induced spin splitting in FI/S bilayers is the thickness of the S layer d: In very thin samples, the superconductivity is suppressed by the strong magnetism. By contrast, in very thick samples, the spin splitting is absent at distances away from the interface. In this work, we calculate the density of …

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Cavity optomechanics mediated by a quantum two-level system

Coupling electromagnetic waves in a cavity and mechanical vibrations via the radiation pressure of photons is a promising platform for investigations of quantum–mechanical properties of motion. A drawback is that the effect of one photon tends to be tiny, and hence one of the pressing challenges is to substantially increase the interaction strength. A novel scenario is to introduce into the setup a quantum two-level system (qubit), which, besides strengthening the coupling, allows for rich physics via strongly enhanced nonlinearities. Here we present a design of cavity optomechanics in the microwave frequency regime involving a Josephson junction qubit. We demonstrate boosting of the radiat…

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Intrinsic spin-orbit interaction in diffusive normal wire Josephson weak links: Supercurrent and density of states

We study the effect of the intrinsic (Rashba or Dresselhaus) spin-orbit interaction in superconductor--nanowire--superconductor (SNS) weak links in the presence of a spin-splitting field that can result either from an intrinsic exchange field or the Zeeman effect of an applied field. We solve the full non-linear Usadel equations numerically and analyze the resulting supercurrent through the weak link and the behavior of the density of states in the center of the wire. We point out how the presence of the spin-orbit interaction gives rise to a long-range spin triplet supercurrent, which remains finite even in the limit of very large exchange fields. In particular, we show how rotating the fi…

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Supercurrent Induced Charge-Spin Conversion in Spin-Split Superconductors

We study spin-polarized quasiparticle transport in a mesoscopic superconductor with a spin- splitting field in the presence of co-flowing supercurrent. In such a system, the nonequilibrium state is characterized by charge, spin, energy and spin energy modes. Here we show that in the presence of both spin splitting and supercurrent, all these modes are mutually coupled. As a result, the supercurrent can convert charge imbalance, that in the presence of spin splitting decays on a relatively short scale, to a long-range spin accumulation decaying only via inelastic scattering. This effect enables coherent charge-spin conversion controllable by a magnetic flux, and it can be detected by studyin…

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Superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of twisted bilayer graphene

We study superconductivity of twisted bilayer graphene with local and non-local attractive interactions. We obtain the superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition temperature for microscopic tight-binding and low-energy continuum models. We predict qualitative differences between local and non-local interaction schemes which could be distinguished experimentally. In the flat band limit where the pair potential exceeds the band width we show that the superfluid weight and BKT temperature are determined by multiband processes and quantum geometry of the band.

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Superconductivity near a magnetic domain wall

We study the equilibrium properties of a ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor structure near a magnetic domain wall. We show how the domain wall size is affected by the superconductivity in such structures. Moreover, we calculate several physical quantities altered due to the magnetic domain wall, such as the spin current density and local density of states, as well as the resulting tunneling conductance into a structure with a magnetic domain wall.

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On the superconductivity of graphite interfaces

We propose an explanation for the appearance of superconductivity at the interfaces of graphite with Bernal stacking order. A network of line defects with flat bands appears at the interfaces between two slightly twisted graphite structures. Due to the flat band the probability to find high temperature superconductivity at these quasi one-dimensional corridors is strongly enhanced. When the network of superconducting lines is dense it becomes effectively two-dimensional. The model provides an explanation for several reports on the observation of superconductivity up to room temperature in different oriented graphite samples, graphite powders as well as graphite-composite samples published i…

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Colloquium: Nonequilibrium effects in superconductors with a spin-splitting field

This Colloquium discusses the recent progress in understanding the properties of spin-split superconductors under nonequilibrium conditions. Recent experiments and theories demonstrate a rich variety of transport phenomena occurring in devices based on such materials that suggest direct applications in thermoelectricity, low-dissipative spintronics, radiation detection, and sensing. This text discusses different experimental situations and presents a theoretical framework based on quantum kinetic equations. This framework provides an accurate description of the nonequilibrium distribution of charge, spin, and energy, which are the relevant nonequilibrium modes, in different hybrid structure…

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Thermoelectric radiation detector based on a superconductor-ferromagnet junction : Calorimetric regime

We study the use of a thermoelectric junction as a thermal radiation detector in the calorimetric regime, where single radiation bursts can be separated in time domain. We focus especially on the case of a large thermoelectric figure of merit $ZT$ affecting significantly for example the relevant thermal time scales. This work is motivated by the use of hybrid superconductor/ferromagnet systems in creating an unprecedentedly high low-temperature $ZT$ even exceeding unity. Besides constructing a very general noise model which takes into account cross correlations between charge and heat noise, we show how the detector signal can be efficiently multiplexed by the use of resonant LC circuits gi…

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Noiseless Quantum Measurement and Squeezing of Microwave Fields Utilizing Mechanical Vibrations

A process which strongly amplifies both quadrature amplitudes of an oscillatory signal necessarily adds noise. Alternatively, if the information in one quadrature is lost in phase-sensitive amplification, it is possible to completely reconstruct the other quadrature. Here we demonstrate such a nearly perfect phase-sensitive measurement using a cavity optomechanical scheme, characterized by an extremely small noise less than 0.2 quanta. We also observe microwave radiation strongly squeezed by 8 dB below vacuum. A source of bright squeezed microwaves opens up applications in manipulations of quantum systems, and noiseless amplification can be used even at modest cryogenic temperatures.

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Giant enhancement to spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator systems

We develop a theory of the spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator (SC/FI) systems taking into account the magnetic proximity effect. We demonstrate that the spin-energy mixing enabled by the superconductivity leads to the enhancement of spin accumulation by several orders of magnitude relative to the normal state. This finding can explain the recently observed giant inverse spin Hall effect generated by thermal magnons in the SC/FI system. We suggest a nonlocal electrical detection scheme which can directly probe the spin accumulation driven by the magnetization dynamics. We predict a giant Seebeck effect converting the magnon temperature bias into the nonlocal voltag…

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Mean-field theory for superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene

Recent experiments show how a bilayer graphene twisted around a certain magic angle becomes superconducting as it is doped into a region with approximate flat bands. We investigate the mean-field $s$-wave superconducting state in such a system and show how the state evolves as the twist angle is tuned, and as a function of the doping level. We argue that part of the experimental findings could well be understood to result from an attractive electron--electron interaction mediated by electron--phonon coupling, but the flat-band nature of the excitation spectrum makes also superconductivity quite unusual. For example, as the flat-band states are highly localized around certain spots in the st…

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Low-Noise Amplification and Frequency Conversion with a Multiport Microwave Optomechanical Device

High-gain amplifiers of electromagnetic signals operating near the quantum limit are crucial for quantum information systems and ultrasensitive quantum measurements. However, the existing techniques have a limited gain-bandwidth product and only operate with weak input signals. Here we demonstrate a two-port optomechanical scheme for amplification and routing of microwave signals, a system that simultaneously performs high-gain amplification and frequency conversion in the quantum regime. Our amplifier, implemented in a two-cavity microwave optomechanical device, shows 41 dB of gain and has a high dynamic range, handling input signals up to $10^{13}$ photons per second, three orders of magn…

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Cavity-induced bifurcation in classical rate theory

We show how coupling an ensemble of bistable systems to a common cavity field affects the collective stochastic behavior of this ensemble. In particular, the cavity provides an effective interaction between the systems, and parametrically modifies the transition rates between the metastable states. We predict that the cavity induces a collective phase transition at a critical temperature which depends linearly on the number of systems. It shows up as a spontaneous symmetry breaking where the stationary states of the bistable system bifurcate. We observe that the transition rates slow down independently of the phase transition, but the rate modification vanishes for alternating signs of the …

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Nexus and Dirac lines in topological materials

We consider the $Z_2$ topology of the Dirac lines, i.e., lines of band contacts, on an example of graphite. Four lines --- three with topological charge $N_1=1$ each and one with $N_1=-1$ --- merge together near the H-point and annihilate due to summation law $1+1+1-1=0$. The merging point is similar to the real-space nexus, an analog of the Dirac monopole at which the $Z_2$ strings terminate.

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Coupling the Higgs mode and ferromagnetic resonance in spin-split superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

We show that the Higgs mode of superconductors can couple with spin dynamics in the presence of a static spin-splitting field and Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The Higgs-spin coupling dramatically modifies the spin susceptibility near the superconducting critical temperature and consequently enhances the spin pumping effect in a ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor bilayer system. We show that this effect can be detected by measuring the magnon transmission rate and the magnon-induced voltage generated by the inverse spin Hall effect.

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Cross-Kerr nonlinearity in optomechanical systems

We consider the response of a nanomechanical resonator interacting with an electromagnetic cavity via a radiation pressure coupling and a cross-Kerr coupling. Using a mean field approach we solve the dynamics of the system, and show the different corrections coming from the radiation pressure and the cross-Kerr effect to the usually considered linearized dynamics.

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Electron refrigeration in hybrid structures with spin-split superconductors

Electron tunneling between superconductors and normal metals has been used for an efficient refrigeration of electrons in the latter. Such cooling is a nonlinear effect and usually requires a large voltage. Here we study the electron cooling in heterostructures based on superconductors with a spin-splitting field coupled to normal metals via spin-filtering barriers. The cooling power shows a linear term in the applied voltage. This improves the coefficient of performance of electron refrigeration in the normal metal by shifting its optimum cooling to lower voltage, and also allows for cooling the spin-split superconductor by reverting the sign of the voltage. We also show how tunnel couplin…

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Electron Induced Massive Dynamics of Magnetic Domain Walls

We study the dynamics of domain walls (DWs) in a metallic, ferromagnetic nanowire. We develop a Keldysh collective coordinate technique to describe the effect of conduction electrons on rigid magnetic structures. The effective Lagrangian and Langevin equations of motion for a DW are derived. The DW dynamics is described by two collective degrees of freedom: position and tilt-angle. The coupled Langevin equations therefore involve two correlated noise sources, leading to a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT). The DW response kernel due to electrons contains two parts: one related to dissipation via FDT, and another `inertial' part. We prove that the latter term leads to a mass …

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Effect of disorder on Majorana localization in topological superconductors: a quasiclassical approach

Two-dimensional (2D) topological superconductors (TS) host chiral Majorana modes (MMs) localized at the boundaries. In this work, we study the effect of disorder on the localization length of MMs in two-dimensional spin-orbit (SO) coupled superconductors within quasiclassical approximation. We find nonmonotonic behavior of the Majorana localization length as a function of disorder strength. At weak disorder, the Majorana localization length decreases with an increasing disorder strength. Decreasing the disorder scattering time below a crossover value ${\ensuremath{\tau}}_{c}$, the Majorana localization length starts to increase. The crossover scattering time depends on the relative magnitud…

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Long-range spin accumulation from heat injection in mesoscopic superconductors with Zeeman splitting

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Very large thermophase in ferromagnetic josephson junctions

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Superconducting spintronic tunnel diode

Diodes are key elements for electronics, optics, and detection. Their evolution towards low dissipation electronics has seen the hybridization with superconductors and the realization of supercurrent diodes with zero resistance in only one direction. Here, we present the quasi-particle counterpart, a superconducting tunnel diode with zero conductance in only one direction. The direction-selective propagation of the charge has been obtained through the broken electron-hole symmetry induced by the spin selection of the ferromagnetic tunnel barrier: a EuS thin film separating a superconducting Al and a normal metal Cu layer. The Cu/EuS/Al tunnel junction achieves a large rectification (up to ∼…

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Polariton response in the presence of Brownian dissipation from molecular vibrations

We study the elastic response of a stationarily driven system of a cavity field strongly coupled with molecular excitons, taking into account the main dissipation channels due to the finite cavity linewidth and molecular vibrations. We show that the frequently used coupled oscillator model fails in describing this response especially due to the non-Lorentzian dissipation of the molecules to their vibrations. Signatures of this failure are the temperature dependent minimum point of the polariton peak splitting, uneven polariton peak height at the minimum splitting, and the asymmetric shape of the polariton peaks even at the experimentally accessed "zero-detuning" point. Using a rather generi…

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Magnomechanics in suspended magnetic beams

Cavity optomechanical systems have become a popular playground for studies of controllable nonlinear interactions between light and motion. Owing to the large speed of light, realizing cavity optomechanics in the microwave frequency range requires cavities up to several mm in size, hence making it hard to embed several of them on the same chip. An alternative scheme with much smaller footprint is provided by magnomechanics, where the electromagnetic cavity is replaced by a magnet undergoing ferromagnetic resonance, and the optomechanical coupling originates from magnetic shape anisotropy. Here, we consider the magnomechanical interaction occurring in a suspended magnetic beam -- a scheme in…

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Flat Bands as a Route to High-Temperature Superconductivity in Graphite

Superconductivity is traditionally viewed as a low-temperature phenomenon. Within the BCS theory this is understood to result from the fact that the pairing of electrons takes place only close to the usually two-dimensional Fermi surface residing at a finite chemical potential. Because of this, the critical temperature is exponentially suppressed compared to the microscopic energy scales. On the other hand, pairing electrons around a dispersionless (flat) energy band leads to very strong superconductivity, with a mean-field critical temperature linearly proportional to the microscopic coupling constant. The prize to be paid is that flat bands can probably be generated only on surfaces and i…

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Nonlinear spin torque, pumping, and cooling in superconductor/ferromagnet systems

We study the effects of the coupling between magnetization dynamics and the electronic degrees of freedom in a heterostructure of a metallic nanomagnet with dynamic magnetization coupled with a superconductor containing a steady spin-splitting field. We predict how this system exhibits a non-linear spin torque, which can be driven either with a temperature difference or a voltage across the interface. We generalize this notion to arbitrary magnetization precession by deriving a Keldysh action for the interface, describing the coupled charge, heat and spin transport in the presence of a precessing magnetization. We characterize the effect of superconductivity on the precession damping and th…

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Spin Pumping and Torque Statistics in the Quantum Noise Limit

We analyze the statistics of charge and energy currents and spin torque in a metallic nanomagnet coupled to a large magnetic metal via a tunnel contact. We derive a Keldysh action for the tunnel barrier, describing the stochastic currents in the presence of a magnetization precessing with the rate $\Omega$. In contrast to some earlier approaches, we include the geometric phases that affect the counting statistics. We illustrate the use of the action by deriving spintronic fluctuation relations, the quantum limit of pumped current noise, and consider the fluctuations in two specific cases: the situation with a stable precession of magnetization driven by spin transfer torque, and the torque-…

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Predicted very large thermoelectric effect in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions in the presence of a spin-splitting magnetic field.

We show that a huge thermoelectric effect can be observed by contacting a superconductor whose density of states is spin split by a Zeeman field with a ferromagnet with a nonzero polarization. The resulting thermopower exceeds kB/e by a large factor, and the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT can far exceed unity, leading to heat engine efficiencies close to the Carnot limit. We also show that spin-polarized currents can be generated in the superconductor by applying a temperature bias. © 2014 American Physical Society.

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Flat-band superconductivity in periodically strained graphene: mean-field and Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition

In the search of high-temperature superconductivity one option is to focus on increasing the density of electronic states. Here we study both the normal and $s$-wave superconducting state properties of periodically strained graphene, which exhibits approximate flat bands with a high density of states, with the flatness tunable by the strain profile. We generalize earlier results regarding a one-dimensional harmonic strain to arbitrary periodic strain fields, and further extend the results by calculating the superfluid weight and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition temperature $T_\text{BKT}$ to determine the true transition point. By numerically solving the self-consistency …

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Stimulated quasiparticles in spin-split superconductors

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Flat-band superconductivity in periodically strained graphene : mean-field and Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition

In the search of high-temperature superconductivity one option is to focus on increasing the density of electronic states. Here we study both the normal and s-wave superconducting state properties of periodically strained graphene, which exhibits approximate flat bands with a high density of states, with the flatness tunable by the strain profile. We generalize earlier results regarding a one-dimensional harmonic strain to arbitrary periodic strain fields, and further extend the results by calculating the superfluid weight and the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) transition temperature T BKT to determine the true transition point. By numerically solving the self-consistency equation, w…

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Flat-band superconductivity in strained Dirac materials

We consider superconducting properties of a two-dimensional Dirac material such as graphene under strain that produces a flat band spectrum in the normal state. We show that in the superconducting state, such a model results in a highly increased critical temperature compared to the case without the strain, inhomogenous order parameter with two-peak shaped local density of states and yet a large and almost uniform and isotropic supercurrent. This model could be realized in strained graphene or ultracold atom systems and could be responsible for unusually strong superconductivity observed in some graphite interfaces and certain IV-VI semiconductor heterostructures.

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Dynamics of Two Ferromagnetic Insulators Coupled by Superconducting Spin Current.

A conventional superconductor sandwiched between two ferromagnets can maintain coherent equilibrium spin current. This spin supercurrent results from the rotation of odd-frequency spin correlations induced in the superconductor by the magnetic proximity effect. In the absence of intrinsic magnetization, the superconductor cannot maintain multiple rotations of the triplet component but instead provides a Josephson type weak link for the spin supercurrent. We determine the analog of the current-phase relation in various circumstances and show how it can be accessed in experiments on dynamic magnetization. In particular, concentrating on the magnetic hysteresis and the ferromagnetic resonance …

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Spin Hanle effect in mesoscopic superconductors

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Charge transport through spin-polarized tunnel junction between two spin-split superconductors

We investigate transport properties of junctions between two spin-split superconductors linked by a spin-polarized tunneling barrier. The spin-splitting fields in the superconductors (S) are induced by adjacent ferromagnetic insulating (FI) layers with arbitrary magnetization. The aim of this study is twofold: On the one hand, we present a theoretical framework based on the quasiclassical Green's functions to calculate the Josephson and quasiparticle current through the junctions in terms of the different parameters characterizing it. Our theory predicts qualitative new results for the tunneling differential conductance, $dI/dV$, when the spin-splitting fields of the two superconductors are…

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Proximity Effect in Superconducting Heterostructures with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling and Spin Splitting

It has been shown that singlet Cooper pairs can be converted into triplet ones and diffuse into a ferromagnet over a long distance in a phenomenon known as the long-range proximity effect (LRPE). This happens in materials with inhomogeneous magnetism or spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Most of the previous studies focus on the cases with small SOC and exchange field. However, the physics was not clear when SOC and exchange field strength are both much greater than the disorder strength. In this work, we consider a two dimensional system with a large Rashba-type SOC and exchange field in the case where only one band is partially occupied. We develop a generalized quasiclassical theory by projectin…

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Thermalization of hot electrons via interfacial electron-magnon interaction

Recent work on layered structures of superconductors (S) or normal metals (N) in contact with ferromagnetic insulators (FI) has shown how the properties of the previous can be strongly affected by the magnetic proximity effect due to the static FI magnetization. Here we show that such structures can also exhibit a new electron thermalization mechanism due to the coupling of electrons with the dynamic magnetization, i.e., magnons in FI. We here study the heat flow between the two systems and find that in thin films the heat conductance due to the interfacial electron-magnon collisions can dominate over the well-known electron-phonon coupling below a certain characteristic temperature that ca…

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Directly probing the chirality of Majorana edge states

We propose to directly probe the chirality of Majorana edge states in 2D topological superconductors using polarization selective photon absorption. When shining circularly polarized light on a 2D topological superconductor in disk geometry, the photons can excite quasiparticles only when the polarization of the light matches the chirality of the Majorana edge states required by the angular momentum conservation. Hence, one can obtain the chirality of the Majorana edge states by measuring the photon absorption rate. We show that the polarization selective photon absorption can also serve as smoking gun evidence of the chiral Majorana edge mode.

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Superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel junction thermoelectric bolometer and calorimeter with a SQUID readout

Superconductor-ferromagnet thermoelectric detector (SFTED) is a novel ultrasensitive radiation detector based on the giant thermoelectric effect in superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel junctions. This type of detector can be operated without the need of additional bias lines, and is predicted to provide a performance rivaling transition-edge sensors and kinetic inductance detectors. Here we report our numerical studies on the SFTED noise equivalent power, energy resolution and time constant, and the feasibility of a SQUID readout in both bolometric and calorimetric regimes, with the goal to provide practical design parameters for the detector fabrication and the readout circuitry implementatio…

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Thermoelectric Radiation Detector Based on Superconductor-Ferromagnet Systems

We suggest an ultrasensitive detector of electromagnetic fields exploiting the giant thermoelectric effect recently found in superconductor-ferromagnet hybrid structures. Compared with other types of superconducting detectors where the detected signal is based on variations of the detector impedance, the thermoelectric detector has the advantage of requiring no external driving fields. This is especially relevant in multipixel detectors, where the number of bias lines and the heating induced by them are an issue. We propose different material combinations to implement the detector and provide a detailed analysis of its sensitivity and speed. In particular, we perform a proper noise analysis…

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Two topologically distinct Dirac-line semimetal phases and topological phase transitions in rhombohedrally stacked honeycomb lattices

Three-dimensional topological semimetals can support band crossings along one-dimensional curves in the momentum space (nodal lines or Dirac lines) protected by structural symmetries and topology. We consider rhombohedrally (ABC) stacked honeycomb lattices supporting Dirac lines protected by time-reversal, inversion and spin rotation symmetries. For typical band structure parameters there exists a pair of nodal lines in the momentum space extending through the whole Brillouin zone in the stacking direction. We show that these Dirac lines are topologically distinct from the usual Dirac lines which form closed loops inside the Brillouin zone. In particular, an energy gap can be opened only by…

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