P. Molimard
Etude de la cooperation entre Geotrichum candidum et Penicillum camemberti : impact sur le profil aromatique et sur les qualites organoleptiques d'un fromage de type camembert
*INRA Unite Regionale de Documentation B.V. 1540 21034 Dijon Cedex Diffusion du document : INRA Unite Regionale de Documentation B.V. 1540 21034 Dijon Cedex Diplôme : Dr. Ing.
Dialysis of flavour compounds: Yields of extraction on model solution
The extraction of 58 flavour compounds by Nafion membrane dialysis was studied using a model solution. Reproducibility and yield of the method were investigated. The coefficient of variation of the extraction yield was less than 15% for 48 of the 58 compounds tested. When the number of carbon atoms increased, the extraction yield fell to zero for compounds with more than ten carbon atoms. Flavour compounds with a cyclic structure showed a better diffusion rate through the membrane than other compounds with the same number of carbon atoms. The extraction yield seems to be correlated mainly to the hydrophobicity of the molecule. The use of the method for quantitative analysis was studied. Ext…
Association de Penicillium camemberti Geotrichum candidum. effets sur la qualité sensorielle de camemberts
National audience
Comparison of odour sensory profiles performed by two independent trained panels following the same descriptive analysis procedures
Odour sensory profiling of 28 associations of cheese ripening micro-organisms was performed by two panels of 10 assessors on two different sites. Sample preparation, training protocols and references, tasting procedures and scoring were similar in the two laboratories. Panel 2 used 10 attributes and panel 1 used these terms plus 4 extra descriptors. Analysis of variance and multivariate methods (canonical variate analysis, generalised procrustes analysis and STATIS) exhibited differences between assessors within a panel and between panels concerning the use of the scoring scale and the strength of product discrimination by attribute. Panel 1 was more sensitive to fruity notes and panel 2 to…
Development of the flavour in cheeses with using associations of specific strains of Geotricum candidum, yeast and bacteria
International audience
Cheese flavour
International audience
Growth of Penicillium camemberti and Geotrichum candidum in pure and mixed cultures on experimental mold ripened cheese of camembert-type
Cooperation between Penicillium camemberti and Geotrichum candidum : effect on taste and flavour qualities of camembert type cheese
National audience
Review : Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold-ripened cheeses : Origins and properties
Abstract Cheese flavor is obtained through a series of chemical changes that occur in the curd during the early stages of ripening. Lipid hydrolysis leads to FFA, which serve as substrates for further reactions. Peptides and amino acids, which results from proteolysis, also lead to aroma compounds through enzymic and chemical reactions. This paper is a review of the current knowledge about the compounds that contribute to flavor in mold-ripened cheeses, especially Camembert-type cheese. Discussed are the pathway of formation, the sensory properties (odorous notes and perception thresholds), and the quantities of the main volatile compounds encountered in these types of cheeses.
Les lipides et la flaveur des produits laitiers
National audience
Production of sulfur flavour compounds - especially thioesters - by ten strains of Geotrichum candidum
International audience
Flavor generation in cheese curd by coculturing with selected yaest, mold, and bacteria
International audience
Effect of the association of surface flora on the sensory properties of mould-ripened cheese
Summary - In cheese, flavour and taste are, in great part, generated by the starters during the ripening stage. Proteolysis and lipolysis are the first steps of the elaboration of a large number of taste and odour compounds directly invol ved in the sensory quality of cheeses. The pathways used by the microorganisms to produce flavour compounds are still unclear in many cases. It would be useful for the starter-producing industry to have screening criteria permitting diversification of the starter quality, and for the cheese industry to know which strain to associate to obtain cheeses with specifie sensory properties. The production of experimental cheeses with different associations of sur…
Amertume et fractions azotees de fromages a pate molle de type camembert : role de l'association de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum
National audience
Etude de la qualité de camemberts réalisés avec des associations de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum: effet desamèrisant de Geotrichum candidum
National audience
Effect of the association of surface flora on the sensory properties of mold ripened cheese
International audience
Quantitative descriptive analysis of cheese ripening strains in co-cultures performed by independent trained panels
International audience
Impact of associations of microorganims on the sensory properties of fermented foods
National audience
Etude de la coopération entre Geotrichum candidum et Penicillium camenberti. Impact sur le profil aromatique et sur les qualités organoleptiques d'un fromage de type camembert
National audience