showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Les enseignants des universités


UniversitéCondition de travail[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFranceEnseignant enseignement supérieurComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEnseignement supérieur

Bericht über die 61. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik e. V.0000


HistoryHistory and Philosophy of ScienceBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Badania odporności termicznej polietylenu małej gęstości stabilizowanego krajowymi antyutleniaczami


Zbadano skuteczność działania dwóch antyutleniaczy krajowych jako stabilizatorów PEmg na podstawie testów przyspieszonego starzenia termicznego próbek różnej grubości w temp. 100, 105 i 160 C. Przyspieszonemu starzeniu w temp. 160 C poddano polimer w stanie stopionym, co powodowało oddziaływanie tlenu w całej masie, a nie tylko na powierzchni tworzywa. Za kryterium oceny mieszanek przyjęto zmiany wskaźnika płynięcia, siły zrywającej, wydłużenia względnego i absorpcji pasma karbonylowego w zależności od czasu starzenia w wybranej temperaturze. Na podstawie wyników dokonano oceny skuteczności badanych antyutleniaczy, wykazano braki w korelacji między starzeniem w różnych temp. oraz między zmi…




At the Institut od Pediatric Surgery and the Institut of Electrotechinique of the UNiversity of Palermo was realized a method based iìon the blood capacity, because of its ionic fractions, on the change of the condictivity of a medium having know and constant electric peculiarity.

Settore MED/20 - Chirurgia Pediatrica E InfantileIntraoperative blood iosse in neonatla surgery a new method of measuring it.

Gobernar es elegir, o Suarez como pretexto/1


Publicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónPartidos politicosIdeología

Ecole et production : la mésentente cordiale ?


[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationMESH: Ecole Production Relation éducation-économie

El trigo y el arroz


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Effects of Atropine on Acetylcholine Overflow from Perfused Chicken Hearts


Isolated chicken hearts were perfused (20 ml/min) with Tyrode’s solution. Release of acetylcholine (ACh) was evoked either by electrical stimulation (1 ms; 15 mA) of both preganglionic vagus nerves or by perfusion with dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP). ACh was extracted from the perfusates by ion-pair extraction and determined by gas chromatography.

AtropineChromatographySalivary secretionChemistryDimethylphenylpiperaziniumSmall intestinal motilityExtraction (chemistry)medicineStimulationPerfusionAcetylcholinemedicine.drug

¿Alternativa de poder o impaciencia de gobierno?


PoderOposiciónPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAAlternativaIzquierdasPOLÍTICAGobiernoAlternancia

Legislación y jurisprudencia en la España del antiguo régimen [Prólogo] Antonio Pérez Martín, Johannes-Michael Scholz


Sobre leyes y jurisprudencia en la España moderna.


Materiales para la historia de los precios en Valencia durante el siglo XIX


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Bestimmung extrem geringer Substanzmengen mit der Mikrosonde nach elektrolytischer Anreicherung auf kleinen Oberflächen


In einer speziellen Apparatur werden Kupfer und Gold aus einem Tropfen Losung auf Pt-Elektroden von 25–300 μm O elektrolytisch unter Potentialkontrolle abgeschieden. Die Elektroden mussen vorbehandelt werden. Vollstandige Abscheidungen lassen sich innerhalb praktisch brauchbarer Zeiten nicht erreichen, doch sind die Ausbeuten bei konstanten Elektrolysebedingungen gut reproduzierbar. Die quantitative Bestimmung der Metallmengen auf den Elektroden erfolgt rontgenographisch mit der Mikrosonde. Die untere Bestimmungsgrenze fur Cu betragt ca. 3 ng, fur Au ca. 0,3 ng.

ChemistryClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineAnalytical ChemistryNuclear chemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie

El veraneo tradicional en las Costas Valencianas. Barraques y Casetes de la Mar en la Huerta de Gandía


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]



Histamine H2 receptorChemistryHistaminergicmedicinePharmacologyPartial agonistClonidinemedicine.drug

Studies of structure and dynamics of solid polymers by elastic and inelastic neutron scattering


Abstract Neutron scattering methods can be applied to solid polymers in order to investigate the structure of the bulk material as well as the nature of the molecular motion. A review of some recently performed studies is presented. Diffusional motion in crystals of chain molecules has been studied by means of quasielastic scattering for the case of n-C33H68 as an example for the relationship between structure and molecular motion. It can be shown that below the so-called rotational transition the paraffin crystals exhibit two types of molecular motion: a translational jump (τt = 0.5 10-8s) and a 180°-rotational jump (τr = 2.5 10-8s). The low frequency vibrations in n-alkanes as models of p…

Quasielastic scatteringScatteringChemistryGeneral Chemical EngineeringDynamic structure factorQuasielastic neutron scatteringGeneral ChemistryInelastic scatteringAtomic physicsBiological small-angle scatteringNeutron scatteringSmall-angle neutron scatteringMolecular physicsPure and Applied Chemistry

Ultrastructure of the sternal glands inThrips validus uzel (Thysanoptera, terebrantia)


The ultrastructure of the sternal glands of the males ofThrips validus is consistent with the hypothesis that they are involved in pheromone production. The secretory cells, which are strongly modified epidermal cells, are characterized by the abundance of mitochondria and the presence of agranular, tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ATER) and microbodies. Each of the numerous apical microvilli encloses one or several tubular extensions of ATER. Some mitochondria are in close contact with ATER tubules. The mitochondrial matrix is probably involved in the elaboration of the secretory product, which is extruded and possibly modified by the agranular reticulum. The secretion is sudanophilic, but n…

Endoplasmic reticulumAnatomyMitochondrionBiologyCell biologyCytoplasmLipid dropletUltrastructureMicrobodyAnimal Science and ZoologySecretionAnatomyReticulumDevelopmental BiologyZoomorphologie

Neurosecretion in the Frontal Ganglion of the Stick Insect, Carausius morosus


The presence of neurosecretory cells in the frontal ganglion (FG) has been demonstrated only in the Lepidoptera Bombyx (BOUNHIOL et al., 1953), Manduca (BORG et al., 1973; BELL et al., 1974), and Diatraea (YIN and CHIPPENDALE, 1975). In Manduca and Diatraea the neurosecretory material of the FG is apparently involved in the regulation of diapause.

Carausius morosusDiatraeaLepidoptera genitaliabiologymedia_common.quotation_subjectInsectDiapauseManducabiology.organism_classificationNeurosecretionBombyxmedia_commonCell biology

Suomen linja-autoliikenteen historia


Significance of Induction Phenomena


A number of foreign compounds induce the proliferation of the hepatic smooth endoplasmatic reticulum and thereby increase the activity of monooxygenases that metabolize drugs and other foreign compound. With reference to the safety of food additives some antioxidants have been examined by various authors for their inducing capacity, in doses well above those ingested with treated food and above the stipulated accepted daily intake (ADI). Thus feeding of rats with the very high dose of 500 mg/kg body weight of butylated hydroxtoluene (BHT) resulted in an increase in its own oxidative metabolism. Also in monkeys BHT produces an inductive increase of microsomal enzyme activity, cytochrome P 45…

chemistry.chemical_compoundAntioxidantEthoxyquinchemistrySafroleIsosafrolemedicine.medical_treatmentMetabolitemedicineMicrosomeMonooxygenaseButylated hydroxyanisolePharmacology

Gobernar es elegir, o Suarez como pretexto/y2


Publicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónPartidos politicosIdeología

Retarded Elimination of a High-Molecular Enzyme-Substrate-Complex after Hydroxyethyl-Starch-Infusion


During a pharmacokinetic study with hydroxyethyl starch we found, that this plasma substitute induces a regular increase of serum amylase. In 54 patients after infusion of 500 ml 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) an increase of serum amylase was observed, which in 51 cases exceeded the upper limit of normal (190 U/l). In most cases serum amylase reached values twice as high as the basal value. Renal function influenced duration of increased serum amylase values, but did not influence maximum increases (201 ±15 U/l; mean ± SEM). In patients with advanced renal failure (GFR = 2–10 ml/min) serum amylase was still markedly elevated after 72 hours (298 ± U/l; mean ± SEM). In patients with normal rena…

Enzyme substrate complexmedicine.medical_specialtybiologyChemistryRenal functionHydroxyethyl starchExcretionBasal (phylogenetics)EndocrinologyPharmacokineticsInternal medicinemedicinebiology.proteinAmylaseLipasemedicine.drug

Polimeryzacja olefin wobec kompleksów metaloorganicznych


Na podstawie obszernej literatury omówiono współczesne poglądy na mechanizm polimeryzacji olefin wobec kompleksowych związków metaloorganicznych oraz ich znaczenie dla praktyki przemysłowej.


EL PAIS, un diario independiente y una empresa próspera


No es un artículo de José Vidal-Beneyto sino una noticia firmada por la redacción de "El País" donde aparece una referencia a Vidal-Beneyto en tanto que socio fundador del diario.

Sobre José Vidal-Beneyto: Reseñas críticas y referencias a la obra de Vidal-BeneytoPrensaEl PaísVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICAObjetividadIdeologíaInformación

Quantum Disorder in Macroscopic Systems of Interacting Atoms and Radiation Fields


The linear interaction between a system of two-level atoms and an electromagnetic field can be described as taking place through a number of elementary acts in which photons are absorbed or emitted, while atoms change their states. It is conceivable that these processes tend to modify the original statistical properties characteristic of the atomic system and of the electromagnetic field at t = 0, when we assume that the interaction is “turned on”. The problem is of conceptual importance, and might become of practical importance in connection with laser processes in unusual ranges of frequency. In fact, it has recently received increasing attention in the case of one-photon interactions [1]…

Electromagnetic fieldPhysicsDipoleAngular momentumPhotonQuantum mechanicsCoherent statesMacroscopic quantum phenomenaGround stateQuantum

El País a imagen del país


Publicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónPrensaEl PaísVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICAObjetividadIdeologíaInformación

Una clave criptográfica relacionada con la germanía valenciana


DocumentosCriptografíaUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

Über die massenspektrometrische Bestimmung des Einbauverhältnisses in Copolymeren, 2. Copolyester der Milchsäure und Glykolsäure


Materials sciencePolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie



LorcainideChemistrymedicine.medical_treatmentPlasma concentrationmedicinePharmacologyAntiarrhythmic agentmedicine.drug

Mirando desde atrás con ira


SepultamientoPlatajuntaPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Artículos en revistas políticasVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICAMemoriaJuntas Democraticas

Pētera Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātē aizstāvētās disertācijas, 1971-1975: bibliogrāfisks rādītājs


Teksts paralēli latviešu un krievu valodā.

Vēsture - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsPedagoģija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsLatvijas UniversitāteBibliogrāfiskie rādītājiEkonomika - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsFizika - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsUniversity of LatviaLatvijas Universitātes disertācijas - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsHistory of the University of LatviaMatemātika - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsĢeogrāfija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsTiesību zinātne - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsFilozofija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsBioloģija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājs:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education [Research Subject Categories]Latvijas Universitātes vēstureP. Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes disertācijas - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsFiloloģijas zinātnes - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājs

Zum Begriff der Geschlechtsidentität


Die Verwendung von Beschreibungsdimensionen wie „Mannlichkeit“und „Weiblichkeit“ setzt generell voraus, a) das Ubereinstimmung zwischen verschiedenen Personen uber bestimmte individuelle Merkmale herzustellen ist, d.h. Definierbarkeit; b) das diese Merkmale erfast, bzw. gemessen werden konnen, d.h. Mesbar-keit und c) das diese Streuungen aufweisen, bzw. quantitativ beschreibbar sind, d.h. Variabilitat.

Isomotiol, a new triterpene from strychnos potatorum


Isomotiol (fern-8-en-3β-ol) was isolated from the leaves of Strychnos potatorum; it was not known previously as a natural product, but it has been obtained by acidic isomerization of compounds with a fern-7-ene or a fern-9(11)-ene skeleton. From the leaves and the bark mixtures of sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol were also isolated.

chemistry.chemical_classificationStrychnos potatorumNatural productStigmasterolbiologyStereochemistryCampesterolPlant ScienceGeneral MedicineHorticulturebiology.organism_classificationBiochemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryTriterpenevisual_artvisual_art.visual_art_mediumOrganic chemistryBarkMolecular BiologyIsomerizationPhytochemistry



medicine.medical_specialtyEndocrinologyOxytocinbusiness.industryInternal medicineMedicinebusinessmedicine.drug

NMR-Spektroskopie an Heterocyclen, 5. Mitt.13C-NMR- und massenspektrometrische Untersuchung N-substituierter Methoxy- und Hydroxy-äthylimidazole


Es wird die 13C-NMR- und massenspektrometrische Untersuchung verschiedener N-substituierter Methoxy- und Hydroxy-athylimidazole beschrieben. Fur den Zerfall von 1,2-Diathyl-4-(2-hydroxyathyl)-imidazol wird ein ausfuhrliches Fragmentierungsschema angegeben. NMR-Spectroscopy of Heterocyclic Compounds, V: 13C-NMR and Mass Spectrometry of N-Substituted (2-Methoxyethyl)- and (2-Hydroxyethyl)-imidazoles The 13C-NMR and mass spectra of various N-substituted (2-methoxyethyl)- and (2-hydroxyethyl)imidazoles are described. A scheme for the fragmentation of 1,2-diethyl-4-(2-hydroxyethyl)imidazole is reported.

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryFragmentation (mass spectrometry)Drug DiscoveryMass spectrumPharmaceutical ScienceImidazoleNuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyMass spectrometryMedicinal chemistryArchiv der Pharmazie

Untersuchungen zur elektrochemischen Simultanbestimmung von Blei und Zinn


Die starke Temperaturabhangigkeit des polarographischen Zinn(II/0)-Signals in Losungen des vierwertigen Zinns ermoglicht bei −32° C in methanolischer salzsaurer Grundlosung die Bestimmung des Bleis neben hohem Zinnuberschus. Eine Anwendung des Verfahrens zur wechselstrompolarographischen Bestimmung des Bleis in Rohzinn wird beschrieben.

ChemistryClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineAnalytical ChemistryNuclear chemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie

Interpretation of Mössbauer Parameters of Iron Compounds


The task of this section is to show that for the interpretation of Mossbauer parameters — in the present case of electron densities, field gradients and magnetic hyperfine fields — bonding effects can play an important role, and free-ion or crystal field approaches may be a poor approximation.

CrystalMaterials scienceField (physics)Condensed matter physicsAtomic orbitalMössbauer spectroscopyElectronQuadrupole splittingHyperfine structureElectric field gradient