showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Clean air, technology, glocalization: how can we clean up the Planet with small little actions that resonate globally? Blockchain may be the answer
Amongst the lessons that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, there is at least one lesson for each of these three words: clean air, technology and glocalization. Clean air: research has noticed a link between polluted air and the spread of the virus, in a game where the former helps the latter. Do we need further evidence that polluted air is bad? Technology: smart working, schools, everything during lockdown functions thanks to stable internet and connected devices. Glocalization: small actions can resonate, as a virus can spread if citizens move across countries or go out without wearing masks. To make sure we reach our goals – be them the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the thresholds…
Il sistema dualistico
Il sistema dualistico introdotto in Italia dal D.Lgs. 17/01/2003, n. 6 con il dichiarato intento di dotare le società per azioni di maggiori dimensioni di un modello organizzativo atto a realizzare la “dissociazione tra proprietà (dei soci) e potere (degli organi sociali)” pone l’interprete di fronte a rilevanti problemi ermeneutici, che presumibilmente hanno contribuito allo scarso successo applicativo dell’istituto. La profonda incertezza nella ricostruzione della sua disciplina deriva da una tecnica legislativa incerta e lacunosa, che ha posto in posizione di primazia il sistema tradizionale, ricalcando su quest’ultimo la regolamentazione dei sistemi alternativi attraverso molteplici e a…
The multiple roles of sexological organisations
The research question behind this article is to analyse how missions and goals for sexological organisations on various levels are described and how they can complement each other. The missions and goals of global (WAS), regional (EFS), and national organisations in Europe are described and analysed by their statutes and bylaws. The results show that organisations on all levels are occupied with sexual health and rights, sexuality education, professional education, and standards of ethics. In addition, there seems to be a division of work between the various levels of organisations: Global organisations: Network of regional federations, sexual health promotion within international organisat…
Quand l’incertitude de la maladie cancéreuse attaque les liens : effet de la dynamique transférentielle
Resume Le cancer est une maladie largement connue du grand public. Elle represente par ailleurs une des maladies les plus redoutees en France. C’est ainsi que lorsqu’elle frappe, tout est bouleverse, tout devient incertain. La pathologie est source d’incertitude pour le patient mais aussi pour sa famille et ses proches. Mais alors comment s’accommode-t-on a celle-ci, a ces changements et a ces nouveaux reperes de vie ? Ce questionnement marque le point de depart de notre reflexion autour du processus d’incertitude en oncologie. Cet article s’interesse au vecu de l’incertitude de patients atteints du cancer, de leur entourage et des partenaires de soins. Ici nous nous centrerons sur la quest…
Inhibition of FTSJ1, a tryptophan tRNA-specific 2’-O-methyltransferase as possible mechanism to readthrough premature termination codons (UGAs) of th…
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, coding for the CFTR chloride channel. About 10 % of the mutations affecting the CFTR gene are "stop" mutations, which generate a Premature Termination Codon (PTC), thus resulting in the synthesis of a truncated CFTR protein. A way to bypass PTC relies on ribosome readthrough, that is the capacity of the ribosome to skip a PTC, thus generating a full-length protein. “TRIDs” are molecules exerting ribosome readthrough and for some of them the mechanism of action is still under debate. By in silico analysis as well as in vitro studies, we investigate a possible mechanism of action (MOA) by whic…
Can the Multidimensional Prognostic Index Improve the Identification of Older Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Likely to Benefit from Mechanical V…
Objective: Data on prognostic tools for indicating mechanical ventilation in older people with COVID-19 are still limited. The aim of this research was to evaluate if the Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI), based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), may help physicians in identifying older hospitalized patients affected by COVID-19 who might benefit from mechanical ventilation.Design: Longitudinal, multicenter study.Settings and Participants: 502 older people hospitalized for COVID-19 in 10 European hospitals.Methods: MPI was calculated using 8 different domains typical of the CGA. A propensity score, Cox's regression analysis was used for assessing the impact of mechanical…
Vineyard irrigation and assessment of ecosystem service: Experimental trials on “Catarratto” cultivar for the production of “Bianco di Alcamo” DOC wi…
Water is an important resource for humans both for drinking and for irrigation. In the case of irrigation, the use of water resources leads to many direct benefits for farmers. The use of irrigation water, in addition to having consequences for those directly involved, determines positive externalities on the ecosystem in general. In this research the value of the ecosystem service that determines water for irrigation was estimated. The method used was that of the gross margin method which determined a value of 200.10 (sic)/ha. The research results are very important in relation to climate change which makes water increasingly important as an element of production in Mediterranean environme…
Artisti, "artistucoli" e "buoni lavoranti": Francesco Carradori e la razionalizzazione dei processi operativi nell’«Istruzione elementare per gli stu…
Francesco Carradori's treatise «Istruzione elementare per gli studiosi della scultura» (1802) codifies the organization and working process within a sculpture workshop in such an exemplary manner that it is an indispensable source for understanding the marble industry in the 19th century. The author analyses Carradori's text both through its Renaissance and Baroque sources (Vasari, Cellini, Boselli) and through encyclopaedic repertories (Baldinucci, Félibien, de Jaucourt, Falconet, Levesque) and then proposes a comparison with the similar attempt by the Prussian sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow, whose essay «Die Werkstätte des Bildhauers» (1802) similarly narrates the work processes, but u…
Semiotica del cibo
Good to think about. The possibility of a semiotics of food, as well as its cultural value, is all given in this famous expression with which Claude Lévi-Strauss summarizes the enormous anthropological question related to food. It is Gianfranco Marrone who clarifies the extent of the debt to the great scholar in the note to the introduction of a book that, not surprisingly, uses these same words as its title. Lévi-Strauss's idea is as simple as it is dense with consequences: the enormous differences found in the food systems of different peoples can only be explained if it is assumed that choices take place not on the basis of utilitarian criteria or variables external to the individual suc…
Una ricerca-intervento per costruire il giudizio sintetico globale degli alunni
For the formulation of the synthetic global judgment of the primary school pupil it is proposed to use EU key competences as indicators and as descriptors of the overall educational goals of the class council which constitute the operational formulation of the fundamental objectives of the S.O.F.E.
The tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål) Ascherson entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal more than 100 years ago. In the coastal-marine ecosystems the spatial niche of H. stipulacea is often overlapped with that of native Mediterranean Sea seagrasses and therefore it might out-compete them. On the basis of previous observations, we monitored for one year a Southern Mediterranean shallow water habitat (North-Western Sicily Island, Italy, Southern Mediterranean Sea), where H. stipulacea co-occurred with the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson. In this paper we compare sites with (impacted sites) and without H. stipulacea (non-impacted sites) to analy…
Experimental study of MMI structures in a switchable continuous-wave thulium-doped all-fiber laser
Switchable multi-wavelength laser emission from a thulium-doped all-fiber laser is reported by implementing a tapered and a non-tapered multi-modal interference (MMI) filters. The MMI structure relies on a coreless optical fiber spliced in between two single-mode optical fibers. For the non-tapered case, a minimum insertion loss of 12.60 dB is achieved around the 2-μm region, from which stable generation of commutable dual-wavelength emission at 1986.34 nm and 2017.38 nm is obtained. On the other hand, the tapered MMI structure performs a minimum insertion loss of 8.74 dB at the 2-μm region, allowing a stable triple-wavelength emission at 1995.4 nm, 2013.3 nm, and 2038.3 nm. In addition, co…
Produced waters (PWs) are wastewaters generated by crude-oil extraction processes. They can present very different characteristics depending on the field location and production process. Dispersed oil, dissolved organics and solid particles are usually the main components. Moreover, PWs can contain a very high quantity of dissolved salts 1, with a total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration up to 300 g/L. Each barrel of extracted oil requires the simultaneous extraction of 3 barrels of produced water2 on average. PWs are often discharged into the sea, or sent in evaporation ponds thus leading to a dramatic environment impact3. Reinjection in the extraction well is currently the most common an…
Starting with a suggestion, the similarity between Wittgenstein and Montaigne, this article reconstructs a quick history of the substantial misunderstanding that, despite his enormous success, characterized the "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" and the role of ethical issue in this book.
Scultori e statue lignee dal Rinascimento al Neoclassicismo a Caltabellotta
Il contributo esamina le sculture lignee custodite nelle chiese di Caltabellotta, piccolo centro siciliano della provincia di Agrigento. Si tratta di opere, perlopiù in discreto stato di conservazione, realizzate dalla metà del Cinquecento agli inizi dell’Ottocento. I simulacri, tangibili manifestazioni della devozione locale, sono stati eseguiti talora da scultori perlopiù attivi nell’hinterland, come i Lo Cascio, talaltra da altri documentati nelle diverse province dell’Isola, come Antonino Ferraro, Gaspare De Miceli, Antonino Barcellona, Filippo Quattrocchi, fra’ Benedetto Valenza e Girolamo Bagnasco. The contribution examines the wooden sculptures kept in the churches of Caltabellotta, …
Using self-deferral to achieve fairness between Wi-Fi and NR-U in downlink and uplink scenarios
Wireless networks operating in unlicensed bands generally use one of two channel access paradigms: random access (e.g., Wi-Fi) or scheduled access (e.g., LTE License Assisted Access, LTE LAA and New Radio-Unlicensed, NR-U). The coexistence between these two paradigms is based on listen before talk (LBT), which was, however, designed for random access. Meanwhile, scheduled systems require that their transmissions start at the beginning of a slot boundary. Synchronizing this boundary to the end of LBT usually requires transmitting a reservation signal (RS) to block the channel. Since the RS is a waste of channel resources, we investigate an alternative self-deferral approach (gap-based access…
The dynamics of ions on phased radio-frequency carpets in high pressure gases and application for barium tagging in xenon gas time projection chambers
NEXT Collaboration: et al.
Des HMM pour estimer la dynamique de la banque de graines chez les plantes
La persistance des populations de plantes à fleur repose sur la colonisation et la dormance, cette dernière étant difficile à estimer car la banque de graines est rarement observée. Nous présentons une modélisation par chaînes de Markov cachées couplées qui représente explicitement ces deux processus. Nous l’illustrons sur l’estimation des paramètres clés de la dynamique des plantes adventices.
Study of tin and gold halos in the medieval wall painting depicting Saints Luke the Evangelist and Gregory the Great in Palermo’s San Francesco d’Ass…
Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di fornire un supporto al restauratore quando si trova ad affrontare un manufatto con doratura a foglia di stagno. Lo studio dei materiali originali ha fornito un quadro completo dei vari componenti coinvolti, organici e inorganici, e sono stati delineati i degradi più comuni, nonché i metodi di conservazione per questi materiali estremamente fragili e sensibili come le foglie metalliche The purpose of this study is to provide a support for the restorer when facing an artifact with tin leaf gilding. The study of the original materials gave a complete picture of the various components involved, organic and inorganic, and the most common degradations were ou…
La corretta e costante applicazione della manutenzione può assumere un ruolo chiave per garantire la qualità del patrimonio costruito e il soddisfacimento delle più recenti classi di requisiti ambientali. A tal fine, è necessario che le strategie che guidano la programmazione delle attività di manutenzione siano modellate sulle caratteristiche del manufatto in esame. In Italia una larga parte degli edifici risulta edificata prima del 1946 e, molti di questi seppur non strettamente tutelati dalla legge, possono presentare rilevanti caratteri morfologici o costruttivi che vanno opportunamente conservati. La manutenzione, condotta in un’ottica sistemica e multiscalare, comprendendo interventi …
Reproducibility of evoked and induced MEG responses to proprioceptive stimulation of the ankle joint
Cortical processing of proprioceptive afference can be investigated by examining phase locked evoked and induced responses in cortical signals to passive movement stimuli. Reproducibility of evoked and induced responses has been studied using electroencephalography (EEG), but proprioceptive domain has received little attention. It is unclear whether evoked and induced responses to proprioceptive stimulation arising from the lower limbs are reproducible using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Nineteen healthy volunteers (18 right-foot dominant, 36.1 ± 6.6 yr, 7 females) were measured in two MEG sessions separated by 9 ± 5 days in which their right ankle was rotated intermittently using a pneumat…
Constructed wetlands as nature-based solution for sustainable wastewater management in urban areas: a critical assessment by experimental studies and…
In urban areas, constructed wetland systems (CWS) have been recognized as one of the most valid technologies for sustainable wastewater management. They represent green infrastructure and provide solutions to treatment of wastewaters that cities and peri-urban areas produce in large amount. In particular, CWS offer the advantages of wastewater reuse for parklands irrigation, water storage and peak-flow attenuation, control of stormwater runoff, nutrient cycling and uptake, heavy metals sequestration, removal of organic compounds. In greener cities, these systems have the potential to perform not just hydrological and wastewater treatment functions, but also urban design and ecological aspec…
A GIS-based optimization model finalized to the localization of new power-to-gas plants: The case study of Sicily (Italy)
In 2020 the European Commission approved the GND (Green New Deal), a strategic plan aimed at the decarbonization of the EU by 2050. In this scenario, the diffusion of alternative renewable energy sources (RESs) play a key role, particularly electric energy production from wind and photovoltaic power plants. Regardless, the nonprogrammable nature of these power sources led recent studies to focus the interest on the power-to-gas solution (PtG), consisting of the electrolytic transformation of excesses of unused electric energy into hydrogen. The complexity of this technology requires the development of strategic optimization models aimed at finding the best locations for new PtG plants in sp…
Correlation between tissue-harvesting method and donor-site with the yield of spheroids from adipose-derived stem cells
SOC-V-11 New serum miRNA biomarkers to predict liver steatosis by valproic acid in paediatric epileptic patients
Depakine (Valproate, VPA) has been the first line, most-frequently prescribed, anti-epileptic drug in children for the past 50 years. Idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity (iDILI) by VPA has been demonstrated in several case reports, where microvesicular liver steatosis was the most frequent feature. Moreover, more than half of VPA-treated patients could have silent fatty liver as demonstrated by ultrasounds. Extensive experimental studies support that VPA has a high potential to induce steatosis in hepatocytes. However, there is an apparent lack of significant hepatic problems in the Neuropediatric Units, despite transaminitis is not uncommon. One of the reasons could be that iDILI and liver steato…
L’oltremare nel rinnovamento dell’Urbanistica italiana
In Italia in poco più di un lustro, a partire dal 1932, un orientamento perseguito da una compagine di giovani progettisti (architetti e ingegneri), preceduto da alcuni isolati piani regolatori di concezione avanzata e di impronta scientifica (basati ora sull’attenzione alla natura e al valore del luogo e sulle direttrici e valenze economiche del territorio), configura in ambito urbanistico una sorta di tendenza innovativa. Quasi a consuntivo di questa prima stagione, nel 1937, il Primo Congresso Nazionale dell’Urbanistica a Roma tende a liquidare radicalmente, non senza ambiguità, le remore passatiste in materia di progettazione urbana introducendo criteri analitici e nuove logiche di impa…
Memory degradation induced by attention in recurrent neural architectures
This paper studies the memory mechanisms in recurrent neural architectures when attention models are included. Pure-attention models like Transformers are more and more popular as they tend to outperform models with recurrent connections in many different tasks. Our conjecture is that attention prevents the recurrent connections from transferring information properly between consecutive next steps. This conjecture is empirically tested using five different models, namely, a model without attention, a standard Loung attention model, a standard Bahdanau attention model, and our proposal to add attention to the inputs in order to fill the gap between recurrent and parallel architectures (for b…
Hypoxic preconditioning induces neuroprotection against oxidative stress
Brain is an oxyregulator organ, however extremely vulnerable to oxygen. Both high and low oxygen concentrations generate free radicals and may cause oxidative stress and damage because of an insufficient response of the antioxidant system. Hypoxic preconditioning (HP) exerts neuroprotective effects and may be a protecting tool against oxygen fluctuations, thus preventing neuronal damage in events such as ischaemia, acute hypoxia, stroke, or traumatic brain injury, among others. This review aims to discuss the molecular mechanisms involved in the neuroprotective action of HP against oxidative stress and subsequently upon the brain under pro-oxidant conditions. Activation of the antioxidant d…
Pathways between Social Capital and Oral Health from Childhood to Adolescence
Author's accepted manuscript This study aimed to evaluate the theoretical pathways by which social capital can influence dental caries and oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children over time. This 10-y prospective cohort started in 2010 with a sample of 639 preschoolers aged 1 to 5 y from the southern Brazil. Community and individual social capital were assessed at baseline through the presence of formal institutions in the neighborhood and social networks, respectively. In the 10-y follow-up, the individual social capital was evaluated by social trust and social networks. Dental caries was measured by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), and the …
Facial Emotion Recognition in Psychosis and Associations With Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia
The EU-GEI Project was funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. HEALTH-F2-2010-241909 (Project EU-GEI). The Brazilian study was funded by the Säo Paulo Research Foundation under grant number 2012/0417-0.
Building coherence and impact : differences in Finnish school level curriculum making
AbstractThe study aims to gain a better understanding on how curriculum making regulated by reform’s implementation strategy contributes to teachers’ and teacher communities perceived curriculum coherence, and further to the impact that reform has on school development. The two-level path modelling was utilised for analysing clustered data including the 75 schools and 1556 individual teachers from these schools during the most recent Finnish core curriculum reform. The results showed that the participatory strategy, including balancing the steering and transformative dialogue, seemed to be crucial both for promoting the individual teacher’s and professional communities’ shared capacity to p…
The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis
Background: The circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) diagnostic accuracy for detecting phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha ( PIK3CA) mutations in breast cancer (BC) is under discussion. We aimed to compare plasma and tissue PIK3CA alterations, encompassing factors that could affect the results. Methods: Two reviewers selected studies from different databases until December 2020. We considered BC patients with matched tumor tissue and plasma ctDNA. We performed meta-regression and subgroup analyses to explore sources of heterogeneity concerning tumor burden, diagnostic technique, sample size, sampling time, biological subtype, and hotspot mutation. Pooled sensitiv…
Grid-forming converters. A critical review of pilot projects and demonstrators
Grid-forming control can be a useful solution for all dynamic issues in weak grids and for providing ancillary services. It represents the new frontier in modern power electronics, responding to the needs of power systems more and more rich in renewables and, for this reason, with lower inertia. Today, the research on grid-forming is mainly oriented to propose new and more effective control schemes and to evaluate their performances with simulation tools, but few works in the literature focus on the results of on-field experimentation. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of grid-forming pilot projects and demonstrators developed worldwide. The work describes the mai…
La critica heideggeriana all’umanismo e la tecnica: per un decentramento dell’umano al tempo dell’antropocene.
The context in which Heidegger’s technique is represented as the ultimate achievement of modern metaphysics is the same in which the critique of humanism of the metaphysical tradition matures, but above all in which the perspective of decentralization of the human to the detriment of any residual anthropology emerges with ever greater clarity. This overall critical vision is inscribed in the broader context in which the question of technique is posed with the Kehre on an ontological and not anthropological basis on the basis of the new formulation of the Seinsfrage. The rethinking of the essence of the human starting from the difference from the other, from an otherness that man does not ha…
Krūmiņa-Koņkova, Solveiga; Ruiz-Pereira, Sebastian; Peterson, Voltair Alvarado; Mazlovskis, Arnis; Leitlande, Gita; Mieriņa, Inta; Stašulāne, Anita;O…
Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti XXXII ir par telpas pieredzēšanu: par to, kā mēs izdzīvojam sevi vietā, kurā esam, un kā mēs izjūtam sevi šajā savā vietā vai vietā, kura tā arī nav kļuvusi vai nekad nebūtu varējusi kļūt par mūsu dzīves pasauli. Kā veidojas šī savas vietas izjūta? Vai vieta, kurā mēs dzīvojam, vienmēr ir mājas? Vai šo vietas izjūtu veido mūsu individuālā pieredze vai varbūt tā ir vairāk atkarīga no kādām kolektīvām prasībām? Varbūt to nosaka mūsu piederība tradīcijām, kurās esam audzināti un kuras arī saucam par savām, bet varbūt tieši mūsu vietas pieredze ir tā, kas nosaka to, kādai tradīcijai mēs izvēlamies piederēt vai kuras veidošanā piedalāmies? Par tradīcijas iesakņošanos…
Exploring the conceptual framework and measurement model of intrinsic capacity defined by the World Health Organization: A scoping review
WHO has defined intrinsic capacity (IC) as the composite of all physical and mental capacities of an individual covering five subdomains: cognition, locomotion, sensory, vitality, and psychological. Despite this well accepted definition, the conceptual and measurement model of IC remains unclear, which hampers a standardized operationalization of the construct. We performed a scoping review to give a comprehensive overview of the extent to which the current literature of IC addresses and assumes the conceptual framework and measurement model of IC as reflective or formative. For inclusion, we considered all types of articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals except for protocol …