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Botāniskā dārza sekcijas “Augu daudzveidības pētījumi ex situ” un “Augu selekcija un introdukcija” tēžu krājums
Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences Botāniskā dārza sekcijas “Augu daudzveidības pētījumi ex situ” un “Augu selekcija un introdukcija” referāti tika nolasīti 2022. gada 1. februārī plkst. 13:00 tiešsaistē.
Effects of a dynamic stretching warm-up on functional movement patterns in female hip-hop dancers
Background: A large percentage of dancers suffer an injury to their musculoskeletal system at least once in their careers, as well as from pain caused by overloading or overtraining this system. A high frequency of injuries has been observed in hip-hop dancers. Before each workout, there should be a solid warm-up and stretching period. The lack of these two important elements increases the risk of injury. Aim of the study: This study aimed to examine the effects of dynamic stretching warm-ups on fundamental movement patterns in female hip-hop dancers. Material and methods: This study included 14 hip-hop female dancers, aged 15–17. Dancers participated in 6 weeks of dynamic stretching warm-u…
Le Fotocronache di Bruno Munari tra fotografia e comunicazione
In this essay I analyze Bruno Munari's "Le Fotocronache" as an example of intertextual artwork.
Core and Shell: facciate storiche e nuovi edifici. Il caso dell’ex Chelsea and Fulham Power Station a Londra
The maintenance of the façade(s) is one of the most common solutions – in countries where this intervention is allowed – which can also guarantee the “preservation” of the existing built herit- age, as well as the construction of new “zero land consumption buildings”. The English term used to identify this area of work is Façadism. The paper analyses a perfect example attributable to this area of work that is being implement- ed on the former Chelsea and Fulham Power Station in London. The refurbishment project, in the construction phase, was instructed to Midgard Design Service Ltd (Design Department of the Irish construction company JRL Group Limited) which will transform the entire area …
The role of mucilage of Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. on sweet cherry fruit during storage
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is an important crop from temperate areas and is widespread and much appreciated by the consumers when the pedicel is green. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of sweet cherry fruit treated with a mucilage coating, extracted from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill (OFI). The cultivar ‘Ferrovia’ was harvested at the commercial ripeness stage from an orchard in Puglia (Italy), stored for 14 days at 2°C and RH 92% and to evaluated by the variation of color and other qualitative parameters such as physical-chemical, nutraceutical and sensory analysis. Fruits were transferred at 10°C to postharvest laboratory of University of Palermo after…
Bioactive Phytochemicals from Grape Seed Oil-Processing By-Products
Winemaking leads to by-products with high added value, which can be used for new productions in different fields. The reuse of grape seed is addressed in the production of oil and related oil-processing by-products. The main residue from seed oil processing is represented by grape seed flour. A focus on grapeseed oil and health by literature quantitative research analysis is presented. Chemical composition, bioactive compounds, and biological and functional properties ofgrape seed oil and oil-processing by-products are described, and databases containing data and information on grape seed by-products are highlighted. Due to their contents of nutrients and bioactive molecules, grape seed oil…
This work presents a computational framework for solving the equations of inviscid gas dynamics over embedded geometries based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. The novelty of the framework is the ability to achieve high-order accuracy in the regions of smooth flow and to handle the presence of solution discontinuities via suitably introduced damping terms, which allow controlling spurious oscillations that are typical of high-order methods for first-order hyperbolic PDEs. The framework employs block structured Cartesian grids where a level set function defines implicitly the considered geometry. The domain is partitioned by intersecting the grid and the level set function, such th…
Le dichiarazioni pubbliche del Presidente Mattarella nella formazione del Governo e l’evoluzione dell’istituzione presidenziale
The paper analyzes the role of the Head of State's influential judiciary in the formation of the Government, both following new political elections and in the management of government crises. As is well known, the Head of State, in order to carry out his activity of moderation, persuasion and stimulus towards the political bodies, has combined the formal presidential powers with informal tools and procedures of moral suasion. The informality of the aforementioned activities and procedures has allowed a greater margin of intervention and influence of the President of the Republic in the exercise of his functions of political intermediation, during the phases of government crisis management a…
Storie, malgrado tutto. Per una teoria dell'autopatografia
L’idea di narrazione che intendo proporre per schizzare una possibile teoria delle storie di malattia (illness narrative), è quella di una teoria che cerca di pensarle malgrado tutto. Malgrado, in prima istanza, la teoria letteraria e in particolare la narratologia che hanno preteso di dirci tutto sul funzionamento delle narrazioni, malgrado il silenzio e il mutismo che spesso abita le storie di malattia, malgrado l’illu- sione – certo rafforzata dalla psicologia dopo Jerome Bruner che ha connesso il Sé alla narrazione – che le storie possano rappresentare, incarnare, esprimere tutto il Sé, tutta una persona, tutta una vita.
The EU Directive 2020/1828 is the arrival point of a troubled harmo-nization process on collective techniques for consumers’ protection, no longer limited to injunctive measures but also extended to redress ones. The essay focuses on the two provisions dedicated, respec-tively, to the binding effects of jurisdictional/ administrative decisions as well as to the exhibition orders. The Author stresses how, through those legislative measures and despite the uncertainties still related to the ongoing implementation process, a European Regulatory Pri-vate Law enforcement is being shaped more and more oriented to the consistency between its “private” and “public”dimension.
Le fondazioni lirico sinfoniche: criticità e profili di attualità giuridica ed economica
Ad oltre un ventennio dall’avvio di un nuovo processo di privatizzazione delle fondazioni lirico sinfoniche, mutate le condizioni economiche nazionali e globali, cogliendo gli spunti provenienti dalla dottrina più accorta, il contributo propone un’analisi ad ampio spettro, incrociando profili giuridici, approcci economici non pregiudiziali e conoscenza dei processi di organizzazione, al fine di rendere una chiave di lettura possibile per la verifica della situazione presente e la prospettazione di una migliore condizione futura di tali istituzioni. Partendo dal tema della natura giuridica, passando per le questioni relative al personale, ci si propone di affrontare lo stato dell’arte, carat…
Use of xanthan gum as edible coating to prolong shelf life of cactus pear fruit
The objective of this work was to elucidate the effect of xanthan gum-based edible coating C35H49O29 on the quality of cactus pear fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica). The research was conducted in 2018, on O. ficus-indica ‘Bianca’ fruit, coming from second bloom “scozzolatura”. After harvest, 100 fruits were coated with a xantan gum (XAN) and distilled water and on other 100 fruits were immersed in distilled water (CTR). All fruits were stored at 6±0.5°C with RH 90% for 30 days. Every 7 days, visual quality browning index score, flesh colour, total soluble solids (TSS), total acidity (TA), ascorbic acid and total phenols were measured. During cold storage, fruit treated with XAN (p<0.05) showe…
In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries
Contains fulltext : 284232.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we…
Pathways between Social Capital and Oral Health from Childhood to Adolescence
Author's accepted manuscript This study aimed to evaluate the theoretical pathways by which social capital can influence dental caries and oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children over time. This 10-y prospective cohort started in 2010 with a sample of 639 preschoolers aged 1 to 5 y from the southern Brazil. Community and individual social capital were assessed at baseline through the presence of formal institutions in the neighborhood and social networks, respectively. In the 10-y follow-up, the individual social capital was evaluated by social trust and social networks. Dental caries was measured by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), and the …
Il sistema dualistico
Il sistema dualistico introdotto in Italia dal D.Lgs. 17/01/2003, n. 6 con il dichiarato intento di dotare le società per azioni di maggiori dimensioni di un modello organizzativo atto a realizzare la “dissociazione tra proprietà (dei soci) e potere (degli organi sociali)” pone l’interprete di fronte a rilevanti problemi ermeneutici, che presumibilmente hanno contribuito allo scarso successo applicativo dell’istituto. La profonda incertezza nella ricostruzione della sua disciplina deriva da una tecnica legislativa incerta e lacunosa, che ha posto in posizione di primazia il sistema tradizionale, ricalcando su quest’ultimo la regolamentazione dei sistemi alternativi attraverso molteplici e a…
Exploring the conceptual framework and measurement model of intrinsic capacity defined by the World Health Organization: A scoping review
WHO has defined intrinsic capacity (IC) as the composite of all physical and mental capacities of an individual covering five subdomains: cognition, locomotion, sensory, vitality, and psychological. Despite this well accepted definition, the conceptual and measurement model of IC remains unclear, which hampers a standardized operationalization of the construct. We performed a scoping review to give a comprehensive overview of the extent to which the current literature of IC addresses and assumes the conceptual framework and measurement model of IC as reflective or formative. For inclusion, we considered all types of articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals except for protocol …
In viaggio con Stravinsky, gli ultimi anni di tournée e le "Choral-Variationen" sul canto natalizio Vom Himme hoch..." (1955-56)
The text takes up in organic form the speeches held on June 3, 2021 as part of the conference "Stravinsky in/and Italy. Day dedicated to the memory of Igor Stravinsky in the fiftieth anniversary of his death (1971-2021)" and the subsequent round table. The first paragraphs have the character of a reconstruction of the life of Igor Stravinsky ‘as an old man’, dealing above all with the theme of the trips to Italy made by the Maestro together with his wife Vera de Bosset, the conductor Robert Craft. The second part of the text is about the "Choral-Variationen on the Christmas carol “Vom Himmel hoch...”, written in 1955-56 to be performed with the Canticum Sacrum in the St. Mark’s Basilica in …
Concentrated bitterns discharged from saltworks have extremely high salinity, often up to 300 g/L, thus their direct disposal not only can have harmful effect on the environment, but also generates a depletion of a potential resource of renewable energy. Here, reverse electrodialysis (RED), an emerging electrochemical membrane process, is introduced to capture the salinity gradient power (SGP) intrinsically conveyed by these bitterns also aiming at the reduction of concentrated salty water disposal. A RED unit at the laboratory scale has been adopted to study the SGP potential with different ion exchange membrane and different operating conditions. In particular, membranes supplied by Fujif…
COURAGE at CheckThat! 2022: Harmful Tweet Detection using Graph Neural Networks and ELECTRA
In this paper we propose a deep learning model based on graph machine learning (i.e. Graph Attention Convolution) and a pretrained transformer language model (i.e. ELECTRA). Our model was developed to detect harmful tweets about COVID-19 and was used to tackle subtask 1C (harmful tweet detection) at the CheckThat!Lab shared task organized as part of CLEF 2022. In this binary classification task, our proposed model reaches a binary F1 score (positive class label, i.e. harmful tweet) of 0.28 on the test set. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms the official baseline by 8% and describe our model as well as the experimental setup and results in detail. We also refer to limitations of th…
Residual stress and material flow prediction in Friction Stir Welding of Gr2 Titanium T-joints
Friction Stir Welding is nowadays an established technique successfully used by many industries. However, most of the research and, consequently, most of the applications regard aluminum alloys and butt joints. T-joints are of high interest for different industrial sectors as aeronautical, aerospace, naval and ground transportation, for which joint integrity and low residual stress are extremely important. In this study, an experimental and numerical approach is proposed with the aim to study the peculiarities of the residual stress distribution and material flow occurring in FSW of CP-Ti T-joints. Experiments were carried out to assess the feasibility of the process and to acquire the temp…
Regional sustainability transition through forest-based bioeconomy? Development actors' perspectives on related policies, power, and justice
Forests and forest-based bioeconomy have central roles in the contemporary sustainability transition. However, the transition towards a bioeconomy is loaded with tensions regarding economic growth, ecological integrity, and social justice. These tensions reproduce varying transition discourses. Political actors at the level of the European Union (EU) and nation states take part in the processes creating the discourses and aim to govern the forest bioeconomy-based transition in certain directions viewed as favourable. The transition tensions are strongly felt in regions that are rich with forest resources but poor in terms of economic and political power, called ‘forest peripheries’. In this…
The perception of food products in adolescents, lay adults, and experts:A psychometric approach
Almost 40% of global mortality is attributable to an unhealthy diet, and adolescents and young adults are particularly affected by growing obesity rates. How do (young) people conceptualize and judge the healthiness of foods and how are the judgments embedded in people’s mental representations of the food ecology? We asked respondents to rate a large range of common food products on a diverse set of characteristics and then applied the psychometric paradigm to identify the dimensions structuring people’s mental representations of the foods. Respondents were also asked to rate each food in terms of its healthiness, and we used the foods’ scores on the extracted dimensions to predict the heal…
Postembryonic development of the troglobitic planthopper species Valenciolenda fadaforesta Hoch &amp; Sendra, 2021 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Ki…
All nymphal instars of the recently discovered troglobitic planthopper species Valenciolenda fadaforesta Hoch & Sendra, 2021 are described. This represents the first documentation of the complete postembryonic development of any species in the family Kinnaridae. Characters of the external morphology are described and illustrated, and a key to the instars are provided to facilitate discrimination among the different nymphal stages. While V. fadaforesta nymphs share certain synapomorphies with other Fulgoromorpha (except the Tettigometridae), e.g., the cog-wheel structures of the metatrochanters, other characters may be correlated with the subterranean way of life of the species, and thus…
Freud "rivisto". Nuove interpretazioni femministe dello sguardo
Gli studi sullo sguardo femminile hanno ormai una lunga anche se forse non consolidata tradizione interdisciplinare che risale almeno agli anni ’70 del Novecento. Se è stato di sicuro l’ambito dei Film Studies, e soprattutto quello dei Feminist Film Studies, ad aver dato un imprescindibile impulso a questi studi (è scontato riferirsi all’ormai classico Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema di Laura Mulvey così come agli studi di Mary Ann Doane) alla fine del Novecento e all’inizio del ventunesimo secolo la messa in questione di una “differenza” di genere all’interno delle pratiche, delle tecnologie, delle specificità dello sguardo si è allargata ad ambiti diversi. In questo saggio ci concent…
Effects of Excimer Laser Irradiation on the Morphological, Structural, and Electrical Properties of Aluminum-Implanted Silicon Carbide (4H-SiC)
This paper reports on the effects of excimer laser irradiation on an aluminum (Al)-doped silicon carbide (4H-SiC) layer. Specifically, high-concentration (1 × 1020at/cm3) Al-implanted 4H-SiC samples were exposed to a few pulses of 308 nm laser radiation (pulse duration of 160 ns), with fluence varying from 1.0 to 2.8 J/cm2. As a starting point, the laser-induced modifications of the morphological, microstructural, and nanoelectrical properties of the exposed 4H-SiC surface were monitored by combining different techniques. From these investigations, an evolution of the surface morphology was observed that can be ascribed to a conversion during irradiation of the uppermost part of the 4H-SiC …
La formazione dei maestri elementari nell’Italia degli anni Cinquanta: verso la democratizzazione della società
Il presente contributo intende riflettere sulla formazione dei maestri italiani nel secondo dopoguerra, con particolare attenzione agli anni Cinquanta. Attraverso un breve riferimento al periodo fascista, caratterizzato dalle riforme di Giovanni Gentile, si farà notare come molti maestri elementari venissero formati all’interno di Istituti magistrali, la cui durata fu prolungata da tre a quattro anni e dove gran parte dell’attenzione fu rivolta a una preparazione teorica, come quella derivante dallo studio del latino e della filosofia, a scapito dello svolgimento del tirocinio e dello studio della psicologia. L’attenzione sarà poi rivolta agli anni Cinquanta, durante i quali, complice il de…
The restoration of a mosaic fragment in Betlehem’s Nativity church
Il frammento di mosaico, raffigurante uno degli angeli della teoria, che si trova sulle pareti della navata centrale all'interno della chiesa della Natività a Betlemme (Palestina), è datato intorno al XII secolo e riflette i canoni artistici dell'età Comnena. Il cattivo stato di conservazione del mosaico aveva portato alla decisione di un intervento di restauro: operazione preliminare di sicurezza, pulizia della superficie musiva, consolidamento profondo, reintegrazione della lacuna e restituzione e protezione estetica The fragment of mosaic, depicting one of the angels of the theory, which is located on the walls of the central nave inside the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine…
Differentiation in the European Union in Post-Brexit and -Pandemic Times
Paid open access
In the frame of the restoration intervention on a 16th century wooden altar performed by the experts of the Gallery of Art for the Sicilian Region ‘Palazzo Abatellis’, a deep scientific investigation of the artwork has been made by a scientific team in order to individuate the constitutive materials and techniques. The outcomes from the multi-analytical analyses supported the scheduling and monitoring of the conservation treatments and revealed the pictorial materials and underdrawing techniques typical of the artistic production for this typology of work of art widespread between the 15th and 16th centuries in central and northern Europe.
Multimodal Multidisciplinary Management of Patients with Moderate to Severe Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Need to Meet Patient Expectations.
© The Author(s) 2022 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which permits any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by…
Betrug und Täuschung in der Literatur des späten 15. und des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts
Compound climate extreme events threaten migratory birds’ conservation in western U.S.
In a warming world, more intense and frequent compound climate extreme events pose serious challenges to biodiversity and conservation on Earth as one of the 2030 United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs): “Life On Land” (SDG 15). In summer 2020, concurrent swelling wildfires and a sudden cold snap in the western U.S. killed a massive number of migratory birds. In August 2020, the hot and humid weather in response to the wildfire radiation and the oceanic evaporation could result in killing heat stress for migratory birds along the coastal shoreline, particularly in California. The heat and smoke of wildfires forced the migratory birds to abandon such feeding grounds towards inla…
Compositional measurement of gas emissions in the Eastern Carpathians (Romania) using the Multi-GAS instrument: Approach for in situ data gathering a…
The Multi-GAS, a robust and low-cost instrument for real-time in-situ gas measurements, has previously been used mainly for compositional measurements of active volcanic plumes. Here we demonstrate novel use of a specially designed Multi-GAS instrument adapted to low temperature degassing areas. We performed compositional measurements in the Eastern Carpathians on dry and bubbling gas emissions using a sensor kit that allows measurement of CO2, CH4 and H2S (three major components of low-temperature hydrothermal/volcanic manifestations). Our results demonstrate good agreement between Multi-GAS measurements and independently obtained CO2 concentrations from gas chromatography. We also provide…
Seguridad y efectividad del oxihidróxido sucroférrico en pacientes españoles en diálisis: subanálisis del estudio VERIFIE
Resumen Antecedentes y objetivo En este estudio presentamos los resultados del subgrupo de pacientes espanoles del estudio VERIFIE, primer estudio postautorizacion prospectivo que evalua la seguridad y efectividad a largo plazo del oxihidroxido sucroferrico (OHS) en pacientes en dialisis con hiperfosfatemia durante la practica clinica habitual. Pacientes y metodos Se incluyeron pacientes en hemodialisis y dialisis peritoneal con indicacion de tratamiento con OHS. La duracion del seguimiento fue de 12 a 36 meses desde el inicio del tratamiento con OHS. Las variables primarias de seguridad fueron la incidencia de reacciones adversas a medicamentos, eventos medicos de interes especial y variac…
Institutional factors affecting entrepreneurship: A QCA analysis
A country's institutional framework plays a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship, which drives economic growth. Encouraging a minimum level of certainty in ambiguous environments characterized by risk taking is important. Aware of this importance, we analyze the influence of institutional factors on entrepreneurship development. Specifically, we analyze political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, a robust rule of law, the ease of starting a new business, and the ease of obtaining credit. We develop two models to explain the presence and absence of entrepreneurship. To do so, we apply qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to a sample of 48 countries using data s…