showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Prognostic significance of troponin increment after percutaneous coronary intervention: A retrospective study.
ObjectiveThe prognostic significance of troponin elevation following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains debated. This study aimed to evaluate the association between different thresholds of post-PCI cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and mortality.MethodsFrom January 2012 to July 2017, 5,218 consecutive patients undergoing elective PCI with pre-PCI cTnI < 99th percentile of the upper reference limit (URL) were included. Levels of cTnI were measured before PCI and every 8 h for 24 h after procedural. The outcomes were 3-year cardiac mortality.ResultsPatients had a mean age of 66.2 years, 27.6% were women, 67.0% had hypertension, and 26.2% had diabetes mellitus. During the 3 years…
Attention to diversity in Madrilenian classrooms. Teachers’ opinions
City marathons have evolved and grown exponentially in type and popularity, in their managerial complexity, and in terms of their financial impact on their host cities and the attraction of corporate sponsors. Most of the research on city marathons has focused on evaluating their broad economic, urban, tourist, social, sporting, and symbolic effects on host cities. However, less attention has been paid to analyzing key strategic decisions that could account for the evolution and growth of specific marathons and their influences on their management and success. This article, which addresses the cases of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and the Marathon Valencia Trinidad Alfonso, examines…
Island Development Model Specialisation: A Panel Data Analysis Comparing Evolutionary Tourism Model, Industrial to Community-Based (2010–2019)
Islands are frequently characterised by an economic structure centred on tourism and the service sector. This specialisation has taken different forms and characterisations concerning the chosen or spontaneously developed model. To understand the development choices and patterns, this article analyses sixteen islands and archipelagos in the European Union over ten years from 2010 to 2019. A panel data analysis was based on critical variables identifying the tourism industry model from those that could represent a proxy of the community-based tourism model. The principal component analysis was adopted to compare the evolutionary trends of these two different ways of choosing the island’s tou…
Early OCTA Changes of Type 3 Macular Neovascularization Following Brolucizumab Intravitreal Injections
Background and Objectives: Brolucizumab is a novel anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), whose efficacy has been shown in the Hawk and Harrier phase 3 clinical studies. The goal of the present case series is to report initial results of brolucizumab intravitreal injections (IVI) on type 3 neovascularization in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), evaluated by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Materials and Methods: This is a bicentric retrospective case series. Patients with newly diagnosed type 3 MNV treated with brolucizumab IVI and at least 6 months follow-up were enrolled. OCTA en face images and B-scans were analyzed for lesions at baseline, 1 m…
Using eye-movement modelling examples to improve critical reading of multiple webpages on a conflicting topic
This project investigates the effects of an EMME intervention on undergraduates' sourcing when reading conflicting multiple texts on the Internet. Dependent variables: eye-movements on SERP, webs header, texts authors, and texts; use of source information in summaries; ideas from texts in summaries.
An extended catalogue of ncRNAs in Streptomyces coelicolor reporting abundant tmRNA, RNase-P RNA and RNA fragments derived from pre-ribosomal RNA lea…
Streptomyces coelicolor is a model organism for studying streptomycetes. This genus possesses relevant medical and economical roles, because it produces many biologically active metabolites of pharmaceutical interest, including the majority of commercialized antibiotics. In this bioinformatic study, the transcriptome of S. coelicolor has been analyzed to identify novel RNA species and quantify the expression of both annotated and novel transcripts in solid and liquid growth medium cultures at different times. The major characteristics disclosed in this study are: (i) the diffuse antisense transcription; (ii) the great abundance of transfer-messenger RNAs (tmRNA); (iii) the abundance of rnpB…
Gaze cueing in naturalistic scenes under top-down modulation – Effects on gaze behaviour and memory performance
Humans as social beings rely on information provided by conspecifics. One important signal in social communication is eye gaze. The current study (n = 93) sought to replicate and extend previous findings of attentional guidance by eye gaze in complex everyday scenes. In line with previous studies, longer, more and earlier fixations for objects cued by gaze compared to objects that were not cued were observed in free viewing conditions. To investigate how robust this prioritization is against top-down modulation, half of the participants received a memory task that required scanning the whole scene instead of exclusively focusing on cued objects. Interestingly, similar gaze cueing effects oc…
Encoding specificity instead of online integration of real-world spatial regularities for objects in working memory
Most objects show high degrees of spatial regularity (e.g. beach umbrellas appear above, not under, beach chairs). The spatial regularities of real-world objects benefit visual working memory (VWM), but the mechanisms behind this spatial regularity effect remain unclear. The "encoding specificity" hypothesis suggests that spatial regularity will enhance the visual encoding process but will not facilitate the integration of information online during VWM maintenance. The "perception-alike" hypothesis suggests that spatial regularity will function in both visual encoding and online integration during VWM maintenance. We investigated whether VWM integrates sequentially presented real-world obje…
Predicting habitat suitability for Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus ticks in Finland
AbstractBackgroundTicks are responsible for transmitting several notable pathogens worldwide. Finland lies in a zone where two human-biting tick species co-occur:IxodesricinusandIxodespersulcatus. Tick densities have increased in boreal regions worldwide during past decades, and tick-borne pathogens have been identified as one of the major threats to public health in the face of climate change.MethodsWe used species distribution modelling techniques to predict the distributions ofI.ricinusandI.persulcatus,using aggregated historical data from 2014 to 2020 and new tick occurrence data from 2021. By aiming to fill the gaps in tick occurrence data, we created a new sampling strategy across Fin…
Proceedings of 21st ISPAD science school for physicians 2022.
Neuroendocrine neoplasms in the context of inherited tumor syndromes: a reappraisal focused on targeted therapies
Purpose Neuroendocrine neoplasms can occur as part of inherited disorders, usually in the form of well-differentiated, slow-growing tumors (NET). The main predisposing syndromes include: multiple endocrine neoplasias type 1 (MEN1), associated with a large spectrum of gastroenteropancreatic and thoracic NETs, and type 4 (MEN4), associated with a wide tumour spectrum similar to that of MEN1; von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL), tuberous sclerosis (TSC), and neurofibromatosis 1 (NF-1), associated with pancreatic NETs. In the present review, we propose a reappraisal of the genetic basis and clinical features of gastroenteropancreatic and thoracic NETs in the setting of inherited syndromes with a s…
Comparative investigation on the value-added products obtained from continuous and batch hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) can be considered a promising route for the energy valorisation of waste sewage sludge (SS). However, not much information is available on continuous flow processing. In this study, the mixed SS was subjected to HTL at 350°C for 8 min in a continuous reactor with loadings of 10 wt% in the feed flow. The results show that the mass recovery reached 88%, with a biocrude yield of 30.8 wt% (3.9 wt% N content). The recovered biocrude yields are highly dependent on the selection of the recovery solvent for extraction, and dichloromethane can contribute an additional 3.1 wt% biocrude from aqueous phase, acetone can extract some pyrrole derivatives into the trapped ph…
Boundaries between law and religion: considerations regarding the use of curses in the documents of Norman Sicily
The word ‘boundary’ does not only indicate a physical division between different worlds. The border often represents a point of contact. This concept of a ‘boundary’ is particularly critical in the field of legal history because often the plurality of iura contributes not only to the fusion of different cultures but also to the creation of new ones. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relevance and the meaning of expressions of Anathema and curse it’s possible to find in some Latin documents that date back to the Norman period of Sicily. This period is pivotal for the consolidation of the secular and spiritual power of the Church and the use of curses by the lay power highlights…
Informal compliance mechanisms in the EU ‘development’ and ‘integration without membership’ association agreements: a quest for capacity and ownershi…
Association Agreements between the EU and third countries lie at the heart of the EU’s foreign policy. The Association Agreements the EU concluded with Eastern Neighbours and the Caribbean Forum and Central American countries are marked with partner countries’ ambitious obligations, and the multi-instrument toolbox the EU applies to ensure partner countries’ compliance, including official consultations and dispute settlement. Nevertheless, the EU has demonstrated to prefer informal compliance instruments, such as statements or informal meetings in both the ‘integration without membership’ and ‘development’ contexts. The article focuses on the rationale behind the EU’s preference for ‘soft’ …
Environmentally Friendly Composites and Surface Treatments for Metal-to-Composite Hybrid Joints for Marine Application
In this study, the use of natural fibres (flax and basalt) in combination with a recyclable epoxy matrix based on cleavable amines is suggested for improving the sustainability of marine industry. In addition, a new and eco-friendly anodizing process based on tartaric sulfuric acid solution (TSA) and a pore widening step in a NaOH aqueous solution was carried out on aluminium alloy (AA5083) to evaluate its effect on the adhesion strength and damage tolerance after low velocity impact of co-cured adhesive joints with a basalt fibre reinforced and recyclable laminate. The durability in marine environment was simulated by exposing samples to salt-fog spray conditions over a period of 90 days. …
La història social de la llengua catalana en els estudis de Joan Fuster
Aquest treball detalla els articles, capítols i llibres que l'escriptor Joan Fuster i Ortells va publicar sobre aspectes diversos de la història social de la llengua catalana, que es troben dispersos al llarg de la seua obra, i valora les seues aportacions a la disciplina. Joan Fuster no va arribar a publicar una obra monogràfica sobre aquesta matèria, però sí que va publicar una gran quantitat d'estudis sobre aquesta: en uns casos, aquests textos tenien com a propòsit algun aspecte d'aquesta matèria, però en d'altres s'hi refereix de manera secundària tot aportant reflexions i informacions d'interès. This work details the papers, chapters and books that the writer Joan Fuster i Ortells pub…
Nesting behaviour and description of mature larva of Lindenius albilabris (Fabricius, 1793) (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)
Nesting habits of the digger wasp Lindenius albilabris (Fabricius, 1793) at two localities in Poland were studied. The female hunts nymphs or adults of plant bugs Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, 1911 and L. pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758), depositing up to 10 individuals per cell, depending on their size. Nests are built in a wide variety of sandy habitats, on dirt roads, and in wastelands. The nest consists of a 10–12 cm long main burrow and one to three cells. Males are usually found on flowers of wild carrots Achillea millefolium, Daucus carota, Peucedanum oreoselinum, Pimpinella sp. and Tanacetum vulgare. The nest kleptoparasite Metopia argyrocephala was recorded in nests of this species. The ma…
Knowledge Extraction from Biological and Social Graphs
Many problems from the real life deal with the generation of enormous, varied, dynamic, and interconnected datasets coming from different and heterogeneous sources. This PhD Thesis focuses on the proposal of novel knowledge extraction techniques from graphs, mainly based on Big Data methodologies. Two application contexts are considered: Biological and Medical data, with the final aim of identifying biomarkers for diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of diseases. Social data, for the optimization of advertising campaigns, the comparison of user profiles, and neighborhood analysis.
Flying-Related Concerns among Airline Customers in Finland and Sweden during COVID-19
COVID-19 hit the global economy hard in early 2020, and airline industry was among the biggest commercial victims. Governments closed borders, the virus scared off travelers and the aircraft stayed on the ground to a large extent. The forecasted record year turned out to be the worst in the history of aviation. This study focused on the concerns of airline customers and analyzed the differences between the customer behavior in two focus markets, Finland and Sweden. The article is based on a questionnaire and the answers of 2004 airline customers. The results show that even though the overall COVID-19 strategy was very different between the focus markets, the same concerns still arose. The m…
Which potential of service plants for ‘multi-pest’ regulation in agroecosystems? An integrative conceptual framework highlighting complementarities i…
International audience; Alternatives to synthetic pesticide use are required to increase the sustainability of crop protection strategies. Identifying technical options based on the biological regulation of pests (pathogens, animal pests and weeds) is a promising and complex challenge. Among the options to be developed are ‘service plants’, also called ‘cover plants’, ‘companion plants’ or ‘biocontrol plants’. The principle is to sow these plants, either in association or in rotation with cash crops, to provide different ecosystem services, among which pest regulation. Past studies demonstrated the usefulness of service plants for regulating one category of pest, i.e. either pathogens, anim…
How Can We Improve the Vaccination Response in Older People? Part II: Targeting Immunosenescence of Adaptive Immunity Cells.
The number of people that are 65 years old or older has been increasing due to the improvement in medicine and public health. However, this trend is not accompanied by an increase in quality of life, and this population is vulnerable to most illnesses, especially to infectious diseases. Vaccination is the best strategy to prevent this fact, but older people present a less efficient response, as their immune system is weaker due mainly to a phenomenon known as immunosenescence. The adaptive immune system is constituted by two types of lymphocytes, T and B cells, and the function and fitness of these cell populations are affected during ageing. Here, we review the impact of ageing on T and B …
Modelli di comando e sistemi di leadership in Cosa Nostra
Il capitolo s’interroga sull’attuale delicata fase di Cosa Nostra, con una prospettiva analitica diacronica e multiproblematica. Affiancando riflessivamente (Garfinkel 1967) l’iter degli studi e l’evoluzione del fenomeno, ripercorre sinteticamente le tappe più significative della storia di Cosa Nostra degli ultimi 30 anni; quando – dopo la feroce seconda guerra di mafia – la leadership di Salvatore Riina si afferma imponendo un nuovo modello organizzativo, una nuova strategia criminale, nuove alleanze con i “referenti esterni” e un nuovo stile identitario. Uno snodo critico è costituito dalle stragi del 1992-1994, che vedono Cosa Nostra alzare il tiro, sfidando le istituzioni statali in mod…
Mimicking human autonomy in industrial robotic enabled sensing
Humans have an immediate perception of shapes and surroundings through their senses and their cognitive capabilities. This innate ability enables the manual inspection of components in manufacturing environments. Trained inspectors combine their senses and handling skills with bespoke non-destructive testing instrumentation. However, manual inspections can be slow for large and/or complex geometries and prone to human factors. Automated non-destructive testing systems have emerged in recent years, to increase data acquisition speed, part coverage and inspection reliability. These tools work well when the robotic inspection takes place in a well-structured environment and an accurate part mo…
Extubation in neurocritical care patients: the ENIO international prospective study
Purpose: Neurocritical care patients receive prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), but there is poor specific information in this high-risk population about the liberation strategies of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods: ENIO (NCT03400904) is an international, prospective observational study, in 73 intensive care units (ICUs) in 18 countries from 2018 to 2020. Neurocritical care patients with a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) ≤ 12, receiving IMV ≥ 24 h, undergoing extubation attempt or tracheostomy were included. The primary endpoint was extubation failure by day 5. An extubation success prediction score was created, with 2/3 of patients randomly allocated to the training cohort …
Polarogrāfijas iekārtas
Raksts par Latvijas Ķīmijas vēstures muzeja krājumā esošajām 2 paaudžu polarogrāfijas iekārtām, polarogrāfijas metodes īpatnībām, veidiem un pielietojumu, un metodes autoru, čehu zinātnieku Jaroslavu Heirovski.
Evaluation of benefits and limitations of a Desertification Adaptation Model framework for sustainable land management in areas under desertification…
The LIFE project Desert-Adapt (LIFE16 CCA/IT/000011) has designed a Desertification Adaptation Model (DAM) framework of land management to respond to two of the most critical problems experienced by farmers, public land and communities of the Mediterranean Basin, given the need to adapt to current Climate Change and reduce or counteract the increasing phenomenon of land degradation and desertification risk. These two issues are interrelated, as land degradation often characterizes fragile areas where the co-occurrence of climatically unfavourable conditions, mostly prolonged aridity and high temperatures, and inappropriate land management, leads to loss of ecosystem quality, biodiversity, p…
Quantum RoboSound: Auditory Feedback of a Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarm
Data sonification enhance and enrich information understanding with an additional sensory dimension. Sonification also opens the way to more creative applications, joining arts and sciences. In this study, we present sequences of chords obtained as auditory feedback from the trajectories of a robotic swarm. The swarm behavior is an emerging effect from simple local interactions and autonomous decisions of each robot. The swarm effect can be identified through sonification outcomes in terms of voice leading patterns. Thus, chord patterns represent behavior patterns. The convergence to the target is represented by the convergence to a specific pitch. The swarm decision process is based upon q…
The effect of THF and the chelating modifier DTHFP on the copolymerisation of β-myrcene and styrene: kinetics, microstructures, morphologies, and mec…
The statistical anionic copolymerisation of the biobased monomer β-myrcene with styrene in cyclohexane was investigated via in situ near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, focusing on the influence of the modifiers (i.e., Lewis bases) tetrahydrofuran (THF) and 2,2-di(2-tetrahydrofuryl)propane (DTHFP) on the reactivity ratios. With increasing [modifier]/[Li] ratio, the reactivity ratios in the system myrcene/styrene are adjustable from rS ≪ rMyrvia rS ≈ rMyr to rS ≫ rMyr. The bidentate modifier DTHFP affects the reactivity ratios much more than THF: minute amounts only (0.35 equivalent relative to Li) are required to randomize the copolymer, and one equivalent to invert the reactivity ratios. Usin…
MetaEmotions at School: A Program for Promoting Emotional and MetaEmotional Intelligence at School; a Research-Intervention Study
MetaEmotions at Schools is a SEL program that aims at promoting the culture of emotional and metaemotional intelligence in schools, and at improving emotional awareness both among teachers and students. It is a train-the-trainers program that unfolds in five steps, respectively, aimed at stimulating teachers and students to: (1) develop emotional literacy; (2) create emotionally inclusive environments; (3) build tools, materials and methods for emotionally inclusive classes; (4) develop didactic method mediated by emotions; (5) become ambassadors of the metaemotional intelligence at school and beyond. In this study, we report some results of the first application of the training program, fo…
Race et espace : la ville comme lieu d’étude des représentations raciales
Cette étude examine les « paysages raciaux » dans le centre-ville de Bordeaux, c'est-à-dire la façon dont les discours sur la race et le racisme se matérialisent au quotidien. Les paysages raciaux rendent compte de la nature contradictoire des discours sur la race et le racisme en Europe, et en France, qui sont à la fois omniprésents et dissimulés. Analyser le centre-ville de Bordeaux permet d’appréhender la manière dont les discours locaux et nationaux s’étayent et se construisent, mettant ainsi en lumière les relations complexes entre les discours sur la race, le passé colonial et le cadre républicain universaliste spécifique à la France (Fila-Bakabadio 2011). Cette étude pose donc la que…
Vanhemmuuden ja selviytymiskykyisyyden tukeminen ohjatussa äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmässä
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella työntekijöiden kuvauksia ja havaintoja siitä, miten ohjatussa äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmässä tuetaan vanhemmuutta ja selviytymiskykyisyyttä. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä sovellettiin resilienssitutkimuksen ja Seligmanin (2011) PERMA-hyvinvointiteorian käsitteitä. Tutkimuksen kontekstina oli matalan kynnyksen perhekeskustoiminta ja kohteena äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmä. Lähestymistapana sovellettiin tapaustutkimusta, ja menetelminä olivat työntekijöiden (N=2) parihaastattelut tutkimusjakson alussa ja lopussa sekä puolistrukturoidut päiväkirjat, joihin työntekijät kirjasivat huomioitaan omista toimintatavoistaan ja vuorovaikutustilanteista äitien ja lasten ryhmäta…
Geomorphological and Morphometric Analyses of the Catanzaro Trough (Central Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy): Seismotectonic Implications
In this work, we investigated the landscape response to the recent activity of the faults affecting the Catanzaro Trough, a seismically active structural basin that developed transversally to the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy) during the Neogene–Quaternary. We carried out a geomorphological and morphometric study of the drainage networks and basins intercepted by the Quaternary faults that were previously mapped through remote and field analyses. The study confirms the occurrence north of the Catanzaro Trough of a WNW–ESE-oriented left-lateral strike-slip fault system (here named the South Sila Piccola Fault System), which accommodates the differential SE-ward migration of the u…
Dissimilar titanium-aluminum skin-stringer joints by FSW: process mechanics and performance
Ever since its inception, friction stir welding (FSW) is being validated by scientific investigations as an effective substitution for fusion-based conventional joining technologies. One of the main strengths of FSW is the possibility to produce dissimilar joints, even using materials extremely different in terms of thermal and mechanical properties. The goal of the present research is to investigate the feasibility of both Al-Ti skin-stringer and reversed Ti-Al skin-stringer joints, highlighting the effect of joint configuration and main process parameters on material flow and joint mechanical properties. During the investigation, the essentiality of the proper heat input through balancing
Design of a Hybrid Electric Power-Split Transmission for Braking Energy Recovery in a Drilling Rig
Despite the promising potential of the hybrid electric power-split layout, its broader market penetration is prevented by the large number of feasible solutions and the constructive complexity, which overcomplicate the design process. Moreover, due to the lack of relevant literature references, the power-split transmissions design is even more difficult if concerning applications outside the automotive and agricultural sectors. In this paper, a general parametric model already available in the literature to design a single-mode power-split transmission with up to two planetary gear sets and six ordinary gear sets was applied to hybridize an oil drilling rig to recover energy braking during …
Patterns of soil microbial biomass and diversity across Mediterranean agroecosystems in areas under desertification risk
Rapid characterisation of Photonic Crystal Fibre dispersive properties by a stochastic and tunable picosecond pump source
International audience