showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents



Concentrated bitterns discharged from saltworks have extremely high salinity, often up to 300 g/L, thus their direct disposal not only can have harmful effect on the environment, but also generates a depletion of a potential resource of renewable energy. Here, reverse electrodialysis (RED), an emerging electrochemical membrane process, is introduced to capture the salinity gradient power (SGP) intrinsically conveyed by these bitterns also aiming at the reduction of concentrated salty water disposal. A RED unit at the laboratory scale has been adopted to study the SGP potential with different ion exchange membrane and different operating conditions. In particular, membranes supplied by Fujif…

Brine Salinity gradient power RED salty water



Settore BIO/17 - Istologiagut microbiotaheat shock proteinsLactobacillus fermentumgut-brain axiethanol

Multimodal Multidisciplinary Management of Patients with Moderate to Severe Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Need to Meet Patient Expectations.


© The Author(s) 2022 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which permits any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by…

not availableMotivationAnti-Inflammatory Agents Non-SteroidalQuality of LifeHumansPainPharmacology (medical)Osteoarthritis KneeArthroplasty Replacement KneeDrugs

Verso l'euro digitale: la moneta legale nell'epoca della digitalizzazione


The essay aims to evaluate the potential repercussions of the introduction of the new central bank digital currencies and, in particular, of the digital euro ECB’s project, on the concept of legal money in the European and domestic legal system. In the era of crypto-currency and cash crisis, a reasoning is started on the relationship between public and private and market dimensions within the monetary institution.

Settore IUS/05 - Diritto Dell'Economiacryptocurrencielegal moneycryptoassetMoneySettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatocentral bank digital currenciesdigital euro

The 3D modelling of musive surfaces for a monitoring protocol


In questo lavoro l'utilizzo della metodologia digitale tridimensionale per la scansione di superfici musive è stato indagato nell'ambito dell'intervento di restauro di un mosaico pavimentale all'interno della Cappella Palatina di Palermo. Grazie alla possibilità di sezionare il modello di maglia con un software di rappresentazione digitale, è stato possibile confrontare la superficie della maglia con una superficie piana di riferimento allo scopo di valutare uno dei declini della posta dei pavimenti musivi, ovvero l'abrasione delle superfici In this paper the use of three-dimensional digital methodology for scanning musive surfaces was investigated within the restoration intervention on a f…

Settore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte Medievale3D laser scanner methods floor abrasion surfacesscanner laser 3D metodi pavimento abrasione superfici

Per una classe dirigente autonoma, performante e responsabile


Il saggio intende mettere in luce il filo conduttore del percorso riformatore, ormai trentennale, del nuovo modello di rapporti tra politica e amministrazione. Oggetto specifico dell’indagine sono il principio della distinzione delle funzioni di indirizzo e controllo politico-amministrativo e i principi correlati dell’autonomia, della valutazione della performance e della responsabilità dirigenziale. Vengono in particolare analizzate le cause che hanno finora impedito lo sviluppo di una classe dirigente realmente autonoma nelle decisioni (e resistente agli eventuali condizionamenti impropri della classe politica) e soprattutto performante e responsabile dei risultati che produce nell’intere…

Public Management Autonomy Performance AccountabilitySettore IUS/10 - Diritto AmministrativoDirigenza pubblica Autonomia Performance Responsabilità

Efectos de las consultas boca a boca en redes sociales en la compra de cosméticos en Ecuador.


Las redes sociales han reestructurado el paradigma de la comunicación en el marketing. Investigaciones recientes demuestran que la conducta de consultar reseñas está adquiriendo un rol fundamental en la decisión de compra de los consumidores. En este contexto, el presente estudio desarrolló un marco de investigación para determinar la cadena de relación entre influencia social, credibilidad percibida del boca a boca, adopción del boca a boca e intención de compra aplicada a la industria cosmética del Ecuador. A través de una muestra de 406 consumidores y la aplicación del método de análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados evidencian el vínculo existente entre las variables plant…

influencia socialadopción del eWOMStrategy and ManagementConsumidoresPublicidad boca a boca// [http]IntentionCosmeticsMercadeo en Internet// [http]Social mediaSocial influencePreferencias de los consumidoresWord-of-mouth advertising// [http]AdvertisingManagement of Technology and InnovationConsumidor// [http]Influencia socialMarketingCosmeticosintención de compraM31 MarketingConsumer behaviourCredibilidad percibida del eWOMComercio electrónico// [http]eWOM en redes socialesAdopción del eWOMIntenciónIntención de compraPersuasion (Psychology)// [http]Internet marketingRelaciones socialesInternet personalitiesEconomics and EconometricsPersuasión (Psicología)Medios socialesElectronic commerceComportamiento del consumidorOnline social networks in businessPublicidad// [http]// [http]ShoppingRedes de informaciónMercadeo// [http]Information networksComercializaciónBusiness and International ManagementCompraCompras// [http]Redes sociales en línea en los negociosCosméticos// [http]// [http]// [http]UNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS// [http]// [http]Consumer behavior// [http]Purchasingcredibilidad percibida del eWOMConsumers' preferences// [http]Social relationshipsConsumersInfluenciadoresFinance// [http]

Living in future cities: from overbuilding to ecological transition


In contemporary cities the levels of livability and urban quality are less and less optimal. There are various causes: climate and demographic changes, reduction of natural resources, health risks, excessive consumption of soil, increased pollution, impoverishment of populations, lack of employment, transformation of urban space, etc. Evolving cities, increasingly vulnerable, characterized by insecurity, uncertainty and unpredictability, the result of mistakes made in the past. In this context, in planning future scenarios it is necessary to re-examine the governance, the strategies of urban expansion and transformation through new approaches capable of declining innovative concepts such as…

climate crisis soil consumption green revolutiongreen revolution transformation urban qualitySettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Nuovi modelli formativi per gli insegnanti in un’ottica di green economy: una riflessione sulla scuola multiculturale


Il contributo propone un’ipotesi di ricerca pedagogica, con elementi teorici e metodologici, per le scuole multiculturali al fine di dar vita ad attività educative, formative e di orientamento per giovani migranti, mirate alla transizione ecologica. Il tutto dovrà realizzarsi in un’ottica di alleanza educativa con le famiglie di origine, ove presenti sul territorio ospitante, e le comunità di accoglienza. L’Agenda 2030, adottata dalla comunità internazionale nel 2015 per lo sviluppo sostenibile, pone le odierne migrazioni come “elemento fondamentale dello sviluppo sostenibile”. In tal senso, il PNR - Programma Nazionale per la Ricerca 2021-2027, nell’articolazione 8 dell'ambito di ricerca e…

green economy scuola multiculturale orientamento educativo e formativo adolescenti migranti competenze interculturali e imprenditorialiSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Sociale

The restoration of a mosaic fragment in Betlehem’s Nativity church


Il frammento di mosaico, raffigurante uno degli angeli della teoria, che si trova sulle pareti della navata centrale all'interno della chiesa della Natività a Betlemme (Palestina), è datato intorno al XII secolo e riflette i canoni artistici dell'età Comnena. Il cattivo stato di conservazione del mosaico aveva portato alla decisione di un intervento di restauro: operazione preliminare di sicurezza, pulizia della superficie musiva, consolidamento profondo, reintegrazione della lacuna e restituzione e protezione estetica The fragment of mosaic, depicting one of the angels of the theory, which is located on the walls of the central nave inside the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine…

Settore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleNativity Church Betlehem medieval art Byzantine mosaic restorationChiesa della Natività Betlemme arte medievale mosaici bizantini restauro



Crowdsourcing for innovation contests represents a promising mechanism to access and integrate external ideas. Among various crowdsourcing types, online, team-based contest is one of the most prominent one. The objective of this study is to deepen the understanding of team-based crowdsourcing by exploring specifically the issues that characterise the innovation process of crowdsourcing in a virtual team setting. To empirically pursue this aim, we conducted an interview-based case study leveraging interviews of 106 solvers and 24 facilitators moderating the team of solvers, which have participated in contests through the IdeaConnection crowdsourcing platform. We found that five main issues …

Virtual teamManagement of Technology and InnovationStrategy and ManagementCrowdsourcingBusiness and International ManagementCrowdsourcing platformsInnovation contestsInternational Journal of Innovation Management

Multi-analytical study of the medieval wall paintings from the rupestrian church Grotta del Crocifisso at Lentini (eastern Sicily): new evidence of t…


AbstractThis study presents the results of the examination and characterisation of the wall paintings that decorate the rupestrian church named Grotta del Crocifisso, which is located in the territory of Lentini (eastern Sicily, few tens of kilometres from Catania and Syracuse). The earliest mural paintings in the church date back to the twelfth century AD. A multi-analytical approach was adopted for the characterisation of stone materials, secondary degradation products, and pigments. For this purpose, the following techniques were used: reflected light microscopy (RLM), polarised light microscopy on thin sections (PLM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP),…

ArcheologyAnthropologyFTIR Middle ages p-XRF Raman spectroscopy SEM-EDS Sicily Thin-section microscopy Wall paintings Woad (Isatis tinctoria)Settore GEO/09 -Georis. Miner.e Appl.Mineral.-Petrogr. per l'Ambi.ed i B.Cult.

Il contributo dei documenti d’archivio per lo studio di Messina in epoca normanna. Nuovi dati e riletture a partire dai documenti greci inediti.


Unpublished, or revisited, documentary sources in Greek language from the XIIth century, provide topographical, economic, and social data that, connected to material and literary sources, are able to draft a new map of the city of Messina in the Norman period.

Settore L-FIL-LET/07 - Civilta' Bizantinamedieval MessinaNorman Sicilymedieval greek language




Settore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleSCHOOL CHANGE PNRR

Mean flow, secondary currents and bed shear stress at a 180-degree laboratory bend with and without enhanced permeable groins as an Eco-friendly rive…


River restoration aims to apply environmentally-friendly structures for bank protection in meandering rivers to restore their natural habitat. Enhanced Permeable Groin (EPG) is a novel river restoration technique that can improve the fish habitat environment in a river system by creating a series of eco-friendly scour pools. This study reports the results of two groups of 3D velocity measurements in a 180-degree channel bend in cases with and without an EPG for clear water conditions to characterize the mechanisms leading to the primary stages of the scouring phenomenon. The analysis revealed that the presence of an EPG amplified the velocity magnitude in the regions near the tip of the van…

Enhanced permeable groinFish habitatEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental ChemistrySettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliRiver bendManagement Monitoring Policy and LawIn -stream structureSecondary currentWater Science and TechnologyCivil and Structural EngineeringRiver restoration

Corporate entrepreneurship and governance: Mergers and acquisitions in Europe


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a form of corporate entrepreneurship involving strategic decisions that require discussion and approval by the board of directors of the acquiring firm. We focus on board attributes to analyze the entrepreneurial function of the board of directors and its involvement in corporate entrepreneurship. Building on different theories (agency theory, resource dependence theory, stewardship theory, and stakeholder theory), we examine whether board composition affects the number of acquisitions, the risk involved in bids, and the creation of value for the acquirer's shareholders. For a sample of European firms over the period 2002 to 2020, we find that board size a…

corporate boardabnormal returnManagement of Technology and InnovationM&A performanceUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASBusiness and International Managementboard of directorsApplied Psychologymergers and acquisitions

An overview of the microbiological characteristics of the wooden shelves used in cheese ripening


Cheese ripening is a complex phenomenon affected by several factors. Among these, the influence of the wooden shelves used for aging traditional cheeses is underrated. The surfaces of the wooden boards are in contact with cheese rind for the entire ripening period and develop a microbial community. The aims of this review article is to provide an overview on the microbiological approaches applied to study the biofilms associated to the wooden tools used for dairy productions and to summarize the studies specifically performed on the wooden shelves used to ripen traditional cheeses. A critical discussion is focused on the hygienic aspects and the safety of these systems applied in cheese pro…

Lactic acid bacteriaCheese ripeningTraditional cheeseSettore AGR/18 - Nutrizione E Alimentazione AnimaleWooden shelvesSettore AGR/16 - Microbiologia Agraria

Information asymmetry in the agri-food sector and territorial marks: The case of the olive oil Val di Mazara PDO


This article analyzes the importance of information in the agri-food market, since the presence of information asymmetry favors market failure. This analysis ex-amines the information asymmetry in the agri-food market and its geographical brands, PDO and PGI, focusing on the Sicilian oil sector of the olive oil Val di Mazara PDO. A quality product has specific organoleptic characteristics that give it flavors, fragrances and various nutritional properties. To protect this, there are the brands that are essential to avoid that between sellers and consumers there is information asymmetry and consequently the failure of the market. In fact, through this analysis are examined the evolution of t…

Information asymmetry PDOAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceFood ScienceJournal of Agriculture and Food Research

Recensione ad A. RENKER, Streit um Vergil. Eine poetologische Lektüre der “Eklogen” Giovanni del Virgilios und Dante Alighieris, Stuttgart 2021


Recensione al volume: A. RENKER, Streit um Vergil. Eine poetologische Lektüre der “Eklogen” Giovanni del Virgilios und Dan-te Alighieris, Stuttgart 2021 Review of the volume: A. RENKER, Streit um Vergil. Eine poetologische Lektüre der “Eklogen” Giovanni del Virgilios und Dante Alighieris, Stuttgart 2021

«Eclogues»Settore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaDante Alighieri«Egloghe»Settore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura Italiana

Evaluating of the sustainability of complex rural ecosystems during the transition from agricultural villages to tourist destinations and modern agri…


Many agricultural villages have transformed from traditional agricultural communities into tourist destinations to eliminate the progressive degradation, abandonment, ecological and social crises that threaten sustainable development. Today rural villages are complex ecosystems that represent the result of the historical relationship between man and nature in the socio-economic dimension. A tool for assessing the sustainability of rural villages is the analysis of the interaction between man and the environment. Preserving healthy rural ecosystems, in dynamic balance with the interrelation between social development and the functioning of the natural ecosystem is an indispensable goal of su…

Gastronomic tourismTerritorial developmentRural tourismSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleRural developmentRural villageAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceFood Science

Grid Stability Improvement Using Synthetic Inertia by Battery Energy Storage Systems in Small Islands


In this paper, the synthetic inertia need of the small island of Pantelleria in the Mediterranean Sea is assessed. Firstly, the optimal renewable energy mix able to minimize the Levelized Cost of Energy for the generation system of the island is evaluated, considering the yearly load demand and the characteristics of the local natural resources. The optimal energy mix introduces in the island a quota of power generation with static power converters interfaced to the grid that could jeopardize the security of the system if not suitably controlled. Therefore, the inherent inertial response of the diesel generators of the system is calculated hour by hour for each month of one year, considerin…

Renewable energySettore ING-IND/11 - Fisica Tecnica AmbientaleMechanical EngineeringSynthetic inertiaEnergy planning Grid stability Renewable energy Synthetic inertiaBuilding and ConstructionPollutionEnergy planningIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringSettore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'EnergiaGeneral EnergyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringGrid stabilityCivil and Structural EngineeringEnergy

Wireless software and hardware platforms for flexible and Unified Radio and Network Control (WiSHFUL)


In the last years, we have assisted to an impressive evolution of wireless technologies for short distance communication (like IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4. Bluetooth Low Energy, etc.) due to the need of coping with the heterogeneous requirements of emerging applications, such as Internet of things, the Industry 4.0, the Tactile Internet, the ambient assistant living, and so on. Indeed, for optimizing the technology performance in these scenarios, it is often required to support some forms of protocol adaptation, by allowing the dynamic reconfiguration of protocol parameters and the dynamic activation of optional mechanisms, or some targeted protocol extensions.In both cases, prototyping, tes…

wireless flexibility network contro radio controlSettore ING-INF/03 - Telecomunicazioni

Krūmiņa-Koņkova, Solveiga; Ruiz-Pereira, Sebastian; Peterson, Voltair Alvarado; Mazlovskis, Arnis; Leitlande, Gita; Mieriņa, Inta; Stašulāne, Anita;O…


Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti XXXII ir par telpas pieredzēšanu: par to, kā mēs izdzīvojam sevi vietā, kurā esam, un kā mēs izjūtam sevi šajā savā vietā vai vietā, kura tā arī nav kļuvusi vai nekad nebūtu varējusi kļūt par mūsu dzīves pasauli. Kā veidojas šī savas vietas izjūta? Vai vieta, kurā mēs dzīvojam, vienmēr ir mājas? Vai šo vietas izjūtu veido mūsu individuālā pieredze vai varbūt tā ir vairāk atkarīga no kādām kolektīvām prasībām? Varbūt to nosaka mūsu piederība tradīcijām, kurās esam audzināti un kuras arī saucam par savām, bet varbūt tieši mūsu vietas pieredze ir tā, kas nosaka to, kādai tradīcijai mēs izvēlamies piederēt vai kuras veidošanā piedalāmies? Par tradīcijas iesakņošanos…

pilgrimagesOld Believers:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Other humanities and religion [Research Subject Categories]Anthropocene:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Sociology [Research Subject Categories]The Uniate Churchintolerancemass mediareligious belongingStoic ethicsSoviet occupation:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects [Research Subject Categories]

Giotto’s legacy and western Sicily. The restoration of a late 14th century Maiestas Domini in the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi in Palermo, Italy


Tra novembre 2019 e luglio 2020, l'intervento di restauro di un dipinto murale raffigurante la "Maiestas Domini", situato all'interno della Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi a Palermo, è stato l'occasione per intraprendere un percorso di indagine tecnica e storico-artistica che ha approfondito lo stretto legame tra la Sicilia e le manifestazioni pittoriche "post-giottesche", con particolare attenzione alle opere d'arte su supporto murario e al ruolo svolto dall'iconografia all'interno della tradizione figurativa locale, tra eredità dell'arte normanna e influenze toscane e iberiche Between November 2019 and July 2020, the restoration of a mural painting depicting the "Maiestas Domini," loca…

Settore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte Medievalewall painting medieval art restoration Palermo



Introduction In this article I shall seek to demonstrate the remarkable contemporary relevance of John Dewey’s pedagogic ideas, found in publications such as My Pedagogic Creed, The School and Society and Democracy and Education. Through a brief analysis of these works I will highlight how much Dewey believed in a school that is connected to society and which places itself at its service, contributing to the birth or consolidation of a democracy understood not just as a form of government, but as a way of life. In view of this analysis and in light of the present pandemic caused by COVID-19, I will consider the importance today of the school. Following Dewey, I will take into account the ro…

John Dewey school society COVID-19 democracy.Settore M-PED/02 - Storia Della Pedagogia

Exploring the conceptual framework and measurement model of intrinsic capacity defined by the World Health Organization: A scoping review


WHO has defined intrinsic capacity (IC) as the composite of all physical and mental capacities of an individual covering five subdomains: cognition, locomotion, sensory, vitality, and psychological. Despite this well accepted definition, the conceptual and measurement model of IC remains unclear, which hampers a standardized operationalization of the construct. We performed a scoping review to give a comprehensive overview of the extent to which the current literature of IC addresses and assumes the conceptual framework and measurement model of IC as reflective or formative. For inclusion, we considered all types of articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals except for protocol …

kognitiofunctional abilityAgingfyysinen toimintakykymeasurement modelSDG 10 - Reduced InequalitiesBiochemistrymittausmenetelmätWHOikääntyminenhealthy agingNeurologytoimintakykymittarit (mittaus)/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/reduced_inequalitiesterveysMolecular Biologyolder adultsfyysinen aktiivisuusikääntyneetpsyykkinen toimintakykyBiotechnologyAgeing Research Reviews

Distracted driving in relation to risky road behaviors and traffic crashes in Bogota, Colombia


The growing evidence on road distraction during the recent years has shown how road distractions might be playing a relevant role on traffic crash causation. However, the empirical insights about how it works in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are really limited so far. The case of Colombian non-professional drivers remains virtually unexplored on this regard. This research aims to assess the effect of road distractions, driving-related issues and road behaviors on the self-reported crashes suffered by drivers in Bogotá, Colombia. To do so, a sample of 659 drivers (64% males and 36% females) with a mean age of 37.9 years (SD = 11.7) was gathered, who answered an online survey on ro…

Seguretat viàriaAccidentsConducta (Psicologia)Public Health Environmental and Occupational HealthBuilding and ConstructionSafety Risk Reliability and QualitySafety Research

In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries


Contains fulltext : 284232.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we…

NudgesBehaviour Change and Well-beingddc:150230 Affective NeuroscienceSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingmessage framing ; anxiety ; nudges ; COVID-19/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingMessage framingCOVID-19General MedicineAnxiety

Le grafie e le visioni in Oltremare di Umberto Di Segni


Between the end of 1993 and the beginning of 1994, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Bologna held an extraordinary exhibition on Italian architecture in the overseas territories, accompanied by a catalogue which, through period drawings and photos, gave an insight into a very interesting moment in the history of Italian architecture. The “Quarta Sponda”, at that time thought of as the nineteenth region of the Homeland, was to be a true extension of Italy that would be inhabited, according to a well-defined colonisation programme, by one hundred thousand colonists.The role of architecture was central to the process of founding new agglomerations and representative buildings envisaged by the Fas…

rationalism colonies redrawing Umberto Di Segni LibiaSettore ICAR/17 - Disegno

Freud "rivisto". Nuove interpretazioni femministe dello sguardo


Gli studi sullo sguardo femminile hanno ormai una lunga anche se forse non consolidata tradizione interdisciplinare che risale almeno agli anni ’70 del Novecento. Se è stato di sicuro l’ambito dei Film Studies, e soprattutto quello dei Feminist Film Studies, ad aver dato un imprescindibile impulso a questi studi (è scontato riferirsi all’ormai classico Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema di Laura Mulvey così come agli studi di Mary Ann Doane) alla fine del Novecento e all’inizio del ventunesimo secolo la messa in questione di una “differenza” di genere all’interno delle pratiche, delle tecnologie, delle specificità dello sguardo si è allargata ad ambiti diversi. In questo saggio ci concent…

Settore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparateGender studieVisual CultureGaze

Madonna Haghiosorìtissa oder der Fürsprache (scheda F 6_8)


L'opera d'arte, oggi al Museo Diocesano di Palermo, è un mosaico staccato del XII secolo forse proveniente dalla cappella di Santa Maria Maddalena nella Cattedrale, dove erano sepolti i membri della famiglia Hauteville, voluta dalla regina Elvira The work of art, now in the Diocesan Museum in Palermo, is a detached 12th century mosaic possibly from the chapel of Saint Mary Magdalene in the Cathedral, where members of the Hauteville family were buried, commissioned by Queen Elvira Bei dem Kunstwerk, das sich heute im Diözesanmuseum in Palermo befindet, handelt es sich um ein freistehendes Mosaik aus dem 12. Jahrhundert, das möglicherweise aus der Kapelle der Heiligen Maria Magdalena in der K…

medieval mosaic Palermo Cathedral Byzantine iconographySettore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte Medievalemittelalterliches Mosaik Palermo Kathedrale byzantinische Ikonographiemosaico medievale Palermo Cattedrale iconografia bizantina

Stability and transitions in school-aged children's physical education need satisfaction profiles : A latent transition analysis


This study examined stability and transitions of school-aged children's self-determination theory-based need satisfaction profiles in physical education (PE) over three years. Participants were 1121 (girls 573, boys 548) Finnish school children. The self-report data were assessed using identical procedures from 2017 to 2020. Three latent need satisfaction profiles were identified: Low, Mid, and High need satisfactions. Transitions mainly occurred between grade 5 and 6 in elementary school, after which the profile memberships remained relatively stable. The profile memberships were not school- or PE group dependent over time. These results indicate that school-based actions to achieve a posi…

relatednessliikuntakasvatuskouluikäisetkoulutschoolcompetenceautonomiakompetenssikoululaisetlatent transition analysisautonomy

Tra terra, mare e cielo: le terrazze del raccontare di Giorgio Caproni


Nel saggio sono indagati i multiformi significati e le diverse declinazioni attribuite agli spazi domestici nella produzione di Giorgio Caproni. Partendo dalla disamina di "La Maliarda" e passando in rassegna altri racconti caproniani, vengono individuate alcune costanti tematiche e la funzione meta narrativa associata al topos della terrazza. Essa, territorio di confine tra terra, mare e cielo, è infatti luogo privilegiato delle “città dell’anima”, è spazio del paradosso, della memoria e, soprattutto, luogo della narrazione.


Coping in the role as next of kin of a person with a brain tumour: a qualitative metasynthesis


ObjectiveBeing the next of kin of a person with a brain tumour is a stressful experience. For many, being a next of kin involves fear, insecurity and overwhelming responsibility. The purpose of this study was to identify and synthesise qualitative original studies that explore coping in the role as next of kin of a person with a brain tumour.MethodsA qualitative metasynthesis guided by Sandelowski and Barroso’s guidelines was used. The databases Medline, CHINAL and PsycINFO were searched for studies from January 2000 to 18 January 2022. Inclusion criteria were qualitative original studies that aimed to explore coping experience by the next of kin of a person with brain tumour. The next of k…

VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700General MedicineBMJ Open

Strategic choice in times of stagnant growth and uncertainty: An institutional theory and organizational change perspective


This conceptual study provides insight into the strategic behaviors of firms facing slow growth in times of economic stagnation. Recognizing the inevitability of periods of economic stagnation—with another downturn expected as early as 2022, we note that most industry classifications are considered mature and characterized by a few extremely large companies in each industry group. We introduce the Fortune 500 as an important cross-industry collective of these large firms and suggest that they now comprise an institutional field. This development explains their isomorphic behavior during the recession triggered by the financial crisis of 2008 as well as their subsequent motivation for change…

Management of Technology and Innovation:Samfunnsvitenskap: 200 [VDP]VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200Business and International ManagementApplied Psychology

Significance of immunohistochemistry biomarkers in prediction of malignant transformation of oral lichen planus


Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disorder with increased risk for malignant transformation. Biomarker validation is a pivotal step in moving newly discovered biomarkers towards clinical implementation. We performed a systematic review of studies on biomarkers related to OLP, wherein biomarkers have been described in at least two independent studies. Our aim was to determine whether any of these biomark-ers might be promising in predicting the increased risk of malignant transformation of OLP. Material and Methods: We searched the following databases until August 2021: PUBMED, EMBASE, and Web of Science. Due to high heterogeneity, a qualitative rather than quant…

bisphosphonate osteonecrosisp53malignant transformationP21bone densitybiomarkerscomputed tomographycervical vertebraeImmunohistochemistryCell Transformation NeoplasticjawOtorhinolaryngologySDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingProliferating Cell Nuclear AntigenOral lichen planusBCl-2Humans/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingPCNAMouth NeoplasmsSurgeryGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASLichen Planus OralMedicina oral patologia oral y cirugia bucal