showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Teachers’ work-related well-being in times of covid-19: the effects of technostress and distance learning
Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the first measures implemented in Italy was the transition from frontal teaching to e-learning. The sudden need to use technologies to perform their job has added a source of stress to teachers’ work, the so-called technostress. The difficulties experienced in this transition may also have affected the perception of work-related well-being, although other variables, such as the perception of the meaningfulness of work, could alleviate this sense of uneasiness. The study aims to examine the relationships between technostress, distance learning, pleasure in working and meaningful work perceptions among 219 teachers from different school …
6th Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2022 University of Salento – ACI Italy Chapter
Geopolymer cement is a viable alternative to ordinary cement in order to significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide related to the construction of concrete structures. Being made up of waste materials, geopolymer cement also helps to limit the use of new raw materials, leading to a considerable reduction of the environmental impact of the construction industry. During the last years, the use of Geopolymer Recycled Aggregate Concrete (GRAC) in structural members has been studied in several recent experimental research in which the behavior of either the material or structural member was investigated. A review paper will be done critically to compile the present research on the use o…
Nuovi modelli formativi per gli insegnanti in un’ottica di green economy: una riflessione sulla scuola multiculturale
Il contributo propone un’ipotesi di ricerca pedagogica, con elementi teorici e metodologici, per le scuole multiculturali al fine di dar vita ad attività educative, formative e di orientamento per giovani migranti, mirate alla transizione ecologica. Il tutto dovrà realizzarsi in un’ottica di alleanza educativa con le famiglie di origine, ove presenti sul territorio ospitante, e le comunità di accoglienza. L’Agenda 2030, adottata dalla comunità internazionale nel 2015 per lo sviluppo sostenibile, pone le odierne migrazioni come “elemento fondamentale dello sviluppo sostenibile”. In tal senso, il PNR - Programma Nazionale per la Ricerca 2021-2027, nell’articolazione 8 dell'ambito di ricerca e…
Activity level in left auditory cortex predicts behavioral performance in inhibition tasks in children
Funding Information: We are grateful to Hanna-Maija Lapinkero, Suvi Karjalainen, Maria Vesterinen & Janne Rajaniemi for help with data collection and to Amit Jaiswal, Erkka Heinilä and Jukka Nenonen for their help with preprocessing and scripting. This work was supported by EU project ChildBrain (Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) – European Training Network (ETN), grant agreement no. 641652) and the Academy of Finland grant number 311877. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Sensory processing during development is important for the emerging cognitive skills underlying goal-directed behavior. Yet, it is not known how auditory processing in children is…
The recreational value of botanic garden events: A case study of the Zagara plant fair in Palermo, Italy
Botanic gardens are defined by their mission to maintain living plant collections for scientific research, conservation, display and education. This mission represents the potential ecosystem services that botanic gardens aim to produce, with display and education specifically regarding recreational ecosystem services (RES). Visitors must directly experience botanic gardens to transform these potential RES into real benefits, yet the public may not be interested in studying plants during their leisure time. Thus, botanic gardens turn to events to attract visitors. The objective of this study is to estimate the RES benefits created by a botanic garden event and profile the visitors that it b…
Intercomparison of methods to estimate gross primary production based on CO2 and COS flux measurements
Separating the components of ecosystem-scale carbon exchange is crucial in order to develop better models and future predictions of the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, there are several uncertainties and unknowns related to current photosynthesis estimates. In this study, we evaluate four different methods for estimating photosynthesis at a boreal forest at the ecosystem scale, of which two are based on carbon dioxide (CO2) flux measurements and two on carbonyl sulfide (COS) flux measurements. The CO2-based methods use traditional flux partitioning and artificial neural networks to separate the net CO2 flux into respiration and photosynthesis. The COS-based methods make use of a unique 5…
La tutela e la gestione delle risorse idriche nella prospettiva del PNRR
The right to accessing clean and drinkable running water for all is formally ensured in Italy, but it is undeniable that there are substantial distribution and pollution problems that hinder its fulfilment. That is especially true for southern and insular areas where the living conditions for large parts of the population remain problematic. The European Court of Justice has condemned Italy twice already for these deficiencies, which are now aggravated as a result of the health and economic crisis linked to Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, there is a pressing need for a serious and systematic intervention of the legislator, leading to the renewal of legislation on national and regional level…
Architettura emergenziale: buone pratiche esecutive
This paper provides a comparative overview of different types of (temporary) shelters that have recently been used in various field locations in response to a forced displacement due to disastrous events. In particular, possible strategies useful to increase the sustainability of the humanitarian response and reduce the carbon footprint, while ensuring the adequacy and suitability of the shelters themselves, are here explored. This study investigates a systematic design framework that is often constrained by many obstacles such as the limited availability of low-cost materials, and a lack of local labour experience. To reduce the negative impact of a disaster, especially in the developing c…
Characteristics and survival of patients with primary biliary cholangitis and hepatocellular carcinoma
Background: Comprehensive and contemporary data pertaining large populations of patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are missing. Aim: To describe main characteristics and outcome of PBC patients with HCC diagnosed in the new millennium. Methods: Analysing the Italian Liver Cancer registry we identified 80 PBC patients with HCC diagnosed after the year 2000, and described their clinical characteristics, access to treatment and survival. Results: Median age of patients was 71 years and 50.0% were males. Cirrhosis was present in 86.3% of patients, being well-compensated in 58.0%. Median HCC diameter was smaller in patients under surveillance (2.6 …
Freud "rivisto". Nuove interpretazioni femministe dello sguardo
Gli studi sullo sguardo femminile hanno ormai una lunga anche se forse non consolidata tradizione interdisciplinare che risale almeno agli anni ’70 del Novecento. Se è stato di sicuro l’ambito dei Film Studies, e soprattutto quello dei Feminist Film Studies, ad aver dato un imprescindibile impulso a questi studi (è scontato riferirsi all’ormai classico Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema di Laura Mulvey così come agli studi di Mary Ann Doane) alla fine del Novecento e all’inizio del ventunesimo secolo la messa in questione di una “differenza” di genere all’interno delle pratiche, delle tecnologie, delle specificità dello sguardo si è allargata ad ambiti diversi. In questo saggio ci concent…
I media digitali nell'attività di ricerca della semiotica italiana
This chapter reconstructs the history of the Italian research in Semiotics on Digital Media, starting from "before" the Internet and the Digital itself up to the latest publications,
Las coaliciones tarsianas como causa de dolor en el pie infantil: opciones terapéuticas
Resumen Antecedentes y objetivo La coalicion tarsiana puede ser causa de dolor de medio-retropie en ninos mayores. El objetivo es analizar los tipos de coalicion tratados en nuestro centro hospitalario de 2010 a 2019 asi como el tratamiento realizado. Material y metodo Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo de 18 pacientes con coalicion tarsiana, 8 mujeres y 10 hombres, de 11,9 ± 2,6 anos de edad. Se recogieron datos epidemiologicos, hallazgos clinicos y de pruebas de imagen y tratamiento realizado. Resultados Se revisaron 25 pies (38,8% bilaterales). El principal sintoma fue el dolor. Un 64% se asociaba a pie plano-valgo. El 52% se localizaba en la articulacion calcaneo-escafoi…
Strategic choice in times of stagnant growth and uncertainty: An institutional theory and organizational change perspective
This conceptual study provides insight into the strategic behaviors of firms facing slow growth in times of economic stagnation. Recognizing the inevitability of periods of economic stagnation—with another downturn expected as early as 2022, we note that most industry classifications are considered mature and characterized by a few extremely large companies in each industry group. We introduce the Fortune 500 as an important cross-industry collective of these large firms and suggest that they now comprise an institutional field. This development explains their isomorphic behavior during the recession triggered by the financial crisis of 2008 as well as their subsequent motivation for change…
Exploring the conceptual framework and measurement model of intrinsic capacity defined by the World Health Organization: A scoping review
WHO has defined intrinsic capacity (IC) as the composite of all physical and mental capacities of an individual covering five subdomains: cognition, locomotion, sensory, vitality, and psychological. Despite this well accepted definition, the conceptual and measurement model of IC remains unclear, which hampers a standardized operationalization of the construct. We performed a scoping review to give a comprehensive overview of the extent to which the current literature of IC addresses and assumes the conceptual framework and measurement model of IC as reflective or formative. For inclusion, we considered all types of articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals except for protocol …
Corrosion and wear resistance of coatings produced on AZ31 Mg alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation in silicate-based K2TiF6 containing solution: Ef…
Abstract In this research, plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings were prepared on AZ31 Mg alloy in a silicate-based solution containing K2TiF6 using bipolar and soft sparking waveforms with 10, 20, and 30% cathodic duty cycles. The coatings displayed a net-like surface morphology consisted of irregular micro-pores, micro-cracks, fused oxide particles, and a sintered structure. Due to the incorporation of TiO2 colloidal particles and the cathodic pulse repair effect, most of the micro-pores were sealed. Long-term corrosion performance of the coatings was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy during immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution up to 14 days. The coating grown by t…
“Status quaestionis” sulle «Egloghe» dantesche. A proposito di un recente volume
Breve rassegna sullo stato delle edizioni delle «Egloghe» di Dante Alighieri e dei principali studi a esse dedicati, a proposito della pubblicazione del volume di A. Renker, Streit um Vergil. Eine poetologische Lektüre der “Eklogen” Giovanni del Virgilios und Dante Alighieris, Stuttgart 2021. Brief review on the state of the editions of Dante Alighieri’s «Eclogues» and the main studies dedicated to them, regarding the publication of the volume by A. Renker, Streit um Vergil. Eine poetologische Lektüre der “Eklogen” Giovanni del Virgilios und Dante Alighieris, Stuttgart 2021.
Conclusioni provvisorie (e una postilla piccoliana)
Nel saggio è proposta l'analisi di un luogo singolare delle dimore letterarie: l'andito. Lucio Piccolo dedica a questo ambiente domestico di transizione il secondo componimento di Plumelia e con esso inaugura un nuovo spostamento dalle «cattedrali del verde orlandiano» (Tedesco, 1986) agli interni più intimi della casa. L'autore, attraverso raffinate metafore, delinea precise coordinate spazio-temporali e al contempo descrive, con immagini evanescenti, una condizione di contemplazione e di sospensione che proprio uno studio genetico delle varianti testuali aiuta a decodificare.
Dalla scuola educante alla comunità accogliente: percorsi di alleanza educativa per i minori migranti soli
L’esperienza della solitudine e della famiglia mancante è vissuta da molti uomini e donne migranti. A maggior ragione, quella della famiglia mancante o assente, è un’esperienza che necessita di essere compresa, dal punto di vista educativo, quando è vissuta da adolescenti migranti soli o non accompagnati. Quella degli adolescenti migranti soli è un’esistenza a rischio di invisibilità, mediata dal rapporto tra la comunità di accoglienza, la famiglia di origine, ove è presente, e le altre agenzie educative, come ad esempio la scuola, ed è orientata verso la ricerca di nuovi equilibri tra il mantenimento di un legame stabile con le figure di riferimento e i diritti di cui essi sono titolari. A…
Bioactive Phytochemicals from Grape Seed Oil-Processing By-Products
Winemaking leads to by-products with high added value, which can be used for new productions in different fields. The reuse of grape seed is addressed in the production of oil and related oil-processing by-products. The main residue from seed oil processing is represented by grape seed flour. A focus on grapeseed oil and health by literature quantitative research analysis is presented. Chemical composition, bioactive compounds, and biological and functional properties ofgrape seed oil and oil-processing by-products are described, and databases containing data and information on grape seed by-products are highlighted. Due to their contents of nutrients and bioactive molecules, grape seed oil…
Role of Stress History on the Swelling-Shrinkage Behavior of Compacted Scaly Clay
Compacted scaly clays are complex geomaterials widely used for the realization of dam cores and waste dump liners. This research aims to investigate the swelling/shrinkage behavior of these geomaterials subjected in an oedometric cell to complex hydromechanical stress paths, including different sequences of cyclic variations of suction and stress. Microstructure investigations, based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) techniques, highlighted the microstructural characteristics of the material, which are the distinctive microfabric features (particles assemblages and scales) and the double-porosity networks, where micro- and macropores coexist. More…
Il sistema dualistico
Il sistema dualistico introdotto in Italia dal D.Lgs. 17/01/2003, n. 6 con il dichiarato intento di dotare le società per azioni di maggiori dimensioni di un modello organizzativo atto a realizzare la “dissociazione tra proprietà (dei soci) e potere (degli organi sociali)” pone l’interprete di fronte a rilevanti problemi ermeneutici, che presumibilmente hanno contribuito allo scarso successo applicativo dell’istituto. La profonda incertezza nella ricostruzione della sua disciplina deriva da una tecnica legislativa incerta e lacunosa, che ha posto in posizione di primazia il sistema tradizionale, ricalcando su quest’ultimo la regolamentazione dei sistemi alternativi attraverso molteplici e a…
Effetto diretto di alcune disposizioni della Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali e impatto sulla tutela 'integrata' dei diritti
The paper addresses the issue of the direct effects of some provisions of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the consequences on the "integrated" protection of rights in the light of the dialogue between the Courts.
The EU Directive 2020/1828 is the arrival point of a troubled harmo-nization process on collective techniques for consumers’ protection, no longer limited to injunctive measures but also extended to redress ones. The essay focuses on the two provisions dedicated, respec-tively, to the binding effects of jurisdictional/ administrative decisions as well as to the exhibition orders. The Author stresses how, through those legislative measures and despite the uncertainties still related to the ongoing implementation process, a European Regulatory Pri-vate Law enforcement is being shaped more and more oriented to the consistency between its “private” and “public”dimension.
Investigation of the Efficiency of Shielding Gamma and Electron Radiation Using Glasses Based on TeO2-WO3-Bi2O3-MoO3-SiO to Protect Electronic Circui…
This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No. AP09058081). EP, EE, and AIP thank the Institute of Solid State Physics, University for their support. ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.
Betrug und Täuschung in der Literatur des späten 15. und des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts
Il contributo dei documenti d’archivio per lo studio di Messina in epoca normanna. Nuovi dati e riletture a partire dai documenti greci inediti.
Unpublished, or revisited, documentary sources in Greek language from the XIIth century, provide topographical, economic, and social data that, connected to material and literary sources, are able to draft a new map of the city of Messina in the Norman period.
La fuga nelle clausole generali: una minaccia per il diritto e per lo Stato
Italian translation of a German work on a general clauses which marked a stage in the debate on subject
Tenuta e rinnovamento della nobiltà feudale nella Sicilia spagnola (XVI-XVII secc.)
Il saggio analizza sulla base di un ampio ricorso a fonti primarie i fattori di consolidamento e di rinnovamento della nobiltà feudale nella Sicilia spagnola (secc. XVI-XVII) The essay analyzes the factors of consolidation and renewal of the feudal nobility in Spanish Sicily (16th-17th centuries) on the basis of extensive recourse to primary sources.
The Impact of Climate, Resource Availability, Natural Disturbances and Human Subsistence Strategies on Sicilian Landscape Dynamics During the Holocene
This paper presents a multidisciplinary summary of the most recent discoveries and hypotheses concerning factors driving the human subsistence economy and landscape shaping in Sicily during the Holocene. A number of scientific papers have recently pointed out the key role played by paleogeography, resource (water, food) availability and natural disturbances (volcanic eruptions, tsunamis) in local human activities. Modern anthropology and archaeology increasingly use biological remains (e.g. soils, bones, wood, plant macroremains, pollen) to better understand how human communities managed to survive and spread. Likewise, refined reconstructions of past human demographic fluxes and socio-econ…
Shallow magma dynamics at open-vent volcanoes tracked by coupled thermal and SO2 observations
Open-vent volcanic activity is typically sustained by ascent and degassing of shallow magma, in which the rate of magma supply to the upper feeding system largely exceeds the rate of magma eruption. Such unbalance between supplied (input) and erupted (output) magma rates is thought to result from steady, degassing-driven, convective magma overturning in a shallow conduit/feeding dyke. Here, we characterize shallow magma circulation at Stromboli volcano by combining independent observations of heat (Volcanic Radiative Power; via satellite images) and gas (SO2, via UV camera) output in a temporal interval (from August 1, 2018 to April 30, 2020) encompassing the summer 2019 effusive eruption a…
In this article I shall seek to demonstrate the remarkable contemporary relevance of John Dewey’s pedagogic ideas, found in publications such as My Pedagogic Creed, The School and Society and Democracy and Education. Through a brief analysis of these works I will highlight how much Dewey believed in a school that is connected to society and which places itself at its service, contributing to the birth or consolidation of a democracy understood not just as a form of government, but as a way of life. In view of this analysis and in light of the present pandemic caused by COVID-19, I will consider the importance today of the school. Following Dewey, I will take into account the role it plays i…
Il ruolo della laparoscopia nella valutazione dell’infertilità
The Notion of Eikos Within Conspiracy Theories. A Rhetorical Analysis
Based on the analysis of one specific conspiracy theory, this paper will explore, from the rhetorical framework, the antic concept of likelihood [eikos]. Indeed, we believe that the rhetorical approach could allow us, on a larger scale, to (re)question, in the light of contemporary challenges, the complex relationship we have with the notions of rationality and truth. More precisely, to proceed with the rhetorical analysis, we will mobilise two types of logical reasoning: first, “the logic of the pot” argument from pragmatic logic and second, the logic of amplification and poetization of discourse. This will allow us to draw some comparisons between conspiracist speeches and, respectively, …
The tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål) Ascherson entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal more than 100 years ago. In the coastal-marine ecosystems the spatial niche of H. stipulacea is often overlapped with that of native Mediterranean Sea seagrasses and therefore it might out-compete them. On the basis of previous observations, we monitored for one year a Southern Mediterranean shallow water habitat (North-Western Sicily Island, Italy, Southern Mediterranean Sea), where H. stipulacea co-occurred with the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson. In this paper we compare sites with (impacted sites) and without H. stipulacea (non-impacted sites) to analy…
Pathways between Social Capital and Oral Health from Childhood to Adolescence
Author's accepted manuscript This study aimed to evaluate the theoretical pathways by which social capital can influence dental caries and oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children over time. This 10-y prospective cohort started in 2010 with a sample of 639 preschoolers aged 1 to 5 y from the southern Brazil. Community and individual social capital were assessed at baseline through the presence of formal institutions in the neighborhood and social networks, respectively. In the 10-y follow-up, the individual social capital was evaluated by social trust and social networks. Dental caries was measured by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), and the …