Laurent Brondel

Taste disorders in disease

Among the different sensory systems, gustation is one of the most elaborate. In its sensory task, gustation is helped by interactions with other sensory systems (olfaction, vision, audition, and somatosensory, trigeminal and thermal sensations). It allows the detection and identification of soluble compounds which can be ingested or must be avoided. This function is fundamental to ingestive behavior (energy intake and selection of nutrients) in order to meet physiological needs. Taste is also fundamental to the genesis of hedonic sensations and, therefore, the desire to eat (appetite). The tasting step is also the first stage of the digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients due to ant…

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Satiety in face of variety: On sensory-specific satiety and perceived food variety

Sensory-specific satiety (SSS) is the relative decrease in sensory pleasure derived from a specific food or drink with its consumption. Such satiation does not require ingestion, but hinges on exposure to a given flavour. As it affects meal termination, it is important in determining overall intake. Variety in a meal or dish undermines SSS and promotes consumption of the meal. In the present study, the hypothesis that the mere presentation and suggestion of food variety can undermine SSS was examined in a sample of 92 undergraduate students. All participants ate several bite-sized servings of a test food to induce SSS, but participants in the experimental group were shown another food durin…

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Potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l’homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

research product

To eat or not to eat

To eat or not to eat. Réseau des comités de liaison alimentation nutrition (RESCLAN) : "Nutrition et Cancer : votre assiette est une alliée !"

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Acute partial sleep deprivation increases food intake in healthy men: commentary.

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Dynamics of aroma release during cheese consumption: influence of the physiological state

International audience

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[Hedonic perception and taste of food in patients with type 2 diabetes - Impact of treatment with a GLP-1: Liraglutide] / P19 Perception hédonique et gustative des aliments chez les patients diabétiques de type 2 - Impact du traitement par un analogue du GLP-1 : le Liraglutide

Special Issue 2 : Résumés des communications de la réunion scientifique de la SFD, de la SFD Paramédical et de l'AJD ; WOS: 000302819400145; International audience

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Gustatory evoked potentials activity and fatty taste

International audience; Introduction: Gustatory evoked potentials (GEP), detected in response to an intermittent stimulation of the gustatory receptors by a primary flavor, are a reliable and safe record of the human gustatory function. We previously highlighted the modifications of GEP in response to saccharose stimulation by the concentration of the saccharose solution and its hedonic sensation. Fatty taste might be considered as the sixth primary flavor. We aimed to demonstrate that GEP in response to fatty taste stimulation do exist, and to compare these GEP with the GEP in response to saccharose and salty taste.Methods: Healthy and voluntary male subjects were included. Each subject un…

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Haro sur l'apéro, ou quels sont les pièges pour manger trop ?

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Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharose stimuli

National audience

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La variété alimentaire est-elle un facteur de surconsommation. Si oui, comment, pourquoi ?

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Modification des ingestions protéiques par la séance d’hémodialyse : une piste pour lutter contre la dénutrition

Introduction La denutrition proteino-energetique est un facteur de risque de mortalite chez les patients (P) en hemodialyse (HD). Le but de l’etude est de determiner si les apports alimentaires sont modifies par la seance d’HD et d’en rechercher d’eventuels mediateurs. Patients et methodes Un large choix d’aliments est propose a des P dialyses, non diabetiques, non fumeurs, sans comorbidite evolutive, 2 jours consecutifs a 12 heures apres l’HD et un jour sans HD. Les P choisissent la nature et la quantite d’aliments et leurs ingestions sont quantifiees. Des questionnaires avec echelle visuelle analogique permettent d’evaluer les criteres de choix des aliments. Les concentrations plasmatique…

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Mechanisms involved in the control of feeding behavior in relation to food flavor

Revue; IntroductionIntake is one of the most essential behaviors, since human beings, like any living organism, require adequate nutrients for their survival. Ingestive behavior is controlled to maintain energy balance by peripheral and central mechanisms. When physiological needs are not being met, they will lead to motivation. Thus, being hungry will motivate us to find food, and the motivation will cease when needs are met. Ingestive behavior is thus initially due to a need related to internal signals (Fig. 10.1), in this case, hunger (physiological need) and appetite (urge to eat a food from which we expect pleasure and satisfaction). Sensory (visual, olfactory and, to a lesser extent, …

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Evolution du Wanting et du Liking suite à la consommation de quatre petits déjeuners différents de part la composition du pain

National audience

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Candidature pour l'obtention de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches présentée et soutenue par Laurent BRONDEL le 5 décembre 2011

Pas de résumé.

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Optimization of fat oxidation during exercise and recovery in overweight men: which is the best exercise intensity?

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Le rassasiement sensoriel spécifique

National audience

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Influence du liraglutide (analogue du GLP-1) sur les caractéristiques hédoniques de la prise alimentaire et les performances gustatives, chez les patients diabétiques de type 2

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A table ! Voyage au cœur des habitudes alimentaires

En collaboration avec Science en Lumière (CNRS et Université de Lorraine), le Jardin des Sciences de Dijon, l’uB ( Mission Culture Scientifique), le CSGA organise une projection du film-documentaire « A table » suivi d’une conférence-débat avec 2 chercheurs du CSGA, Sandrine Monnery-Patris et Laurent Brondel. Le débat sera animé Alexandre Benani (CSGA) et Véronique Bronner (CNRS/Univ. de Lorraine). Sur inscription (dans la limite des places disponibles) au

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L'augmentation de la prise alimentaire liée à la variété chez l'humain ; rôle de la satiété sensorielle spécifique et du zapping alimentaire?

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Satiété sensorielle spécifique liée à l'ingestion d'aliments simples: pas d'influence du BMI?

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A new method to calculate external mechanical work using force-platform data in ecological situations in humans: Application to Parkinson's disease

Abstract Background and aim To accurately quantify the cost of physical activity and to evaluate the different components of energy expenditure in humans, it is necessary to evaluate external mechanical work ( W EXT ). Large platform systems surpass other currently used techniques. Here, we describe a calculation method for force-platforms to calculate long-term W EXT . Methods Each force-platform (2.46 × 1.60 m and 3.80 × 2.48 m) rests on 4 piezoelectric sensors. During long periods of recording, a drift in the speed of displacement of the center of mass (necessary to calculate W EXT ) is generated. To suppress this drift, wavelet decomposition is used to low-pass filter the source signal.…

research product

Sensory-specific satiety with simple foods in humans: no influence of BMI?

Olfacto-gustatory sensory-specific satiety plays an important role in the termination of food ingestion. A defect in this mechanism, by increasing food intake, could be a factor in development of overweight. The present study was conducted to explore whether sensory-specific satiety in the overweight may be different from that in normal-weight subjects. 144 subjects (half men, half women; age range: 17–62 years; BMI range: 17–39 kg m−2). Olfactory pleasure (OP) and flavor pleasure (FP) were evaluated before and after ingestion of a single chosen food. Six foods from three classes were offered: cucumber and tomato, pineapple and banana, and peanut and pistachio. According to the subjects' pr…

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A randomized trial on the efficacy of a 2-month tube feeding regimen in anorexia nervosa: A 1-year follow-up study.

Background & aims Despite the high mortality rate in malnourished anorexia nervosa (AN) patients, very few trials have prospectively studied the efficacy of tube feeding. Methods This open prospective study was conducted in malnourished AN patients, who were randomized in tube feeding (n=41) or control (n=40) groups during a 2-month period. Thereafter, body weight, body mass gain, energy intake, eating behavior and relapse rates were compared during a 1-year follow-up, using paired Student t-test and ANOVA. Results At the end of the 2-months period, weight gain was 39% higher in the tube feeding group than in the control group (194±14 vs 126±19 g/day; P<0.01). The fat-free mass gain was gre…

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Sleep deprivation and food intake in men

International audience

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Le goût : physiologie, rôles et dysfonctionnements

Article de vulgarisation; National audience; The sense of taste involves multimodal sensory activation to detect and identify many flavors. Today, five primary tastes have been identified (sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami). These are often combined to form complex tastes. The physiology of gustatory pathways is complex. The activation of gustatory receptors located in the mouth leads to an ascendant pathway through the neurons of the solitary nucleus in the brainstem and the neurons located in the thalamus. After the thalamus, the gustative signal modulates the ipsilateral primary taste cortex and then the secondary taste area. The secondary taste cortex, which combines representations o…

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Effect of two types of fatigue on the VO2 slow component

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Déterminants des troubles du goût

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Leptin and the central control of feeding behavior.

International audience; The discovery of leptin by Friedman and coll. in 1995 was a major step forward in our comprehensive view of energy homeostasis. Since the original paper, a tremendous amount of work has been performed in laboratories all over the world. Many recent reviews have described this work in details. In the present review, we focus on the role of leptin on food intake. It is accepted by most authors working in this field that the control of food intake can be divided in two closely-related system: the homeostatic system and the hedonic system. Leptin has been shown to act on both systems.

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Sensory-specific satiety for a food is unaffected by the ad libitum intake of other foods during a meal. Is SSS subject to dishabituation?

Sensory-specific satiety (SSS) is defined as a decrease in the pleasantness of a specific food that has just been eaten to satiation, while other non-eaten foods remain pleasant. The objectives of this study were the following: (1) to investigate whether SSS for a food is affected by the ad libitum intake of other foods presented sequentially during a meal, (2) to compare the development of SSS when foods are presented simultaneously or sequentially during a meal, and (3) to examine whether SSS is modified when foods are presented in an unusual order within a meal. Twelve participants participated in three tasting sessions. In session A, SSS for protein-, fat- and carbohydrate-rich sandwich…

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Influence of BMI on sensory-specific satiety with simple foods in humans

International audience

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P217: Potentiels evoqués gustatifs chez l’Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

Introduction et but de l’etude Les Potentiels Evoques Gustatifs (PEG) peuvent etre detectes en reponse a une stimulation intermittente des recepteurs gustatifs par une saveur primaire. Ils permettent d’explorer la voie sensorielle gustative depuis les bourgeons du gout jusqu’au cortex gustatif. Notre objectif etait double : (1) etablir un enregistrement fiable des PEG chez l’Homme, et (2) determiner les variations physiologiques de l’activite evoquee electrique cerebrale en regard des aires gustatives en fonction de l’intensite du stimulus puis en fonction de l’etat de jeune ou de satiete. Materiel et methodes Des sujets volontaires sains ont ete inclus. Lors d’une 1 re experience, une solu…

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Effects of energy density on the liking for sweet drinks and on caloric adjustment conditioning after exposure in children

The contribution of energy density from sweet drinks to energy intake in children needs clarification. The objective was to study the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet drinks exposure. Children aged 8 to 11 (n=44) were exposed to distinctly flavored sweetened drinks: a high-energy (HE: 150kcal) and a no-energy version (NE: 0kcal). They received either 2 or 7 exposures to each drink during a 4-wk conditioning period; no exposure during a 3-wk stability period; 3 exposures to both drinks, for which the association between the flavor and the energy density was switched, during a 4-wk extinction period. Flavor liking and food intake during the meal…

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Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharin stimuli

National audience; Introduction/Objectives: Gustatory Evoked Potentials (GEP) can be detected in response to an intermittent stimulation of the gustatory receptors by a primary flavour. Contrary the other evoked cortical potentials (visual, auditory or sensory), GEP have not been extensively studied due to their recording heterogeneity. Our aim was to establish a reliable recording of GEP in Humans. Methods: Voluntary and healthy subjects were included in this experiment. A saccharin solution with several concentrations (5, 10 or 20g per 100mL) was used as the gustatory stimulus. Each session was performed on a different day, with an interval of at least 2 hours after eating or drinking. Co…

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P036: Impact de la densité énergétique de boissons sucrées sur l’apprentissage de l’appréciation et de l’ajustement calorique chez l’enfant

Introduction et but de l’etude Il a ete montre que l’association repetee, dans une matrice alimentaire, entre une flaveur et une densite energetique pouvait entrainer un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment. Ainsi, apres apprentissage, la flaveur signale l’energie apportee par l’aliment et une flaveur associee a une plus forte densite energetique est plus appreciee. L’objectif du present travail est d’etudier, chez l’enfant de 8-11 ans, le developpement et la stabilite d’un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment sur l’appreciation de boissons et sur la capacite a ajuster l’energie consommee au repas qui suit leur ingestion. Materiel et methodes Pour cela, 44 enfants ont ete exposes a deux boissons …

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Dynamics of Aroma Release during Cheese Consumption

The influence of satiation before and after a pasta meal was studied through the evaluation of aroma release and chewing activity during the consumption of a flavored model cheese. Aroma release during cheese consumption was found to be higher after satiation than before. The difference can be explained by an increase in the duration of the chewing sequence and an increase in the chewing muscular work after satiation. However, the pulmonary flow was not affected by satiation.

research product

Taste of Fat and Obesity: Different Hypotheses and Our Point of View

Obesity results from a temporary or prolonged positive energy balance due to an alteration in the homeostatic feedback of energy balance. Food, with its discriminative and hedonic qualities, is a key element of reward-based energy intake. An alteration in the brain reward system for highly palatable energy-rich foods, comprised of fat and carbohydrates, could be one of the main factors involved in the development of obesity by increasing the attractiveness and consumption of fat-rich foods. This would induce, in turn, a decrease in the taste of fat. A better understanding of the altered reward system in obesity may open the door to a new era for the diagnosis, management and treatment of th…

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Influence of metabolic state (substrate oxidation ratio) on food liking, food wanting and food consumption in young men

Meeting Abstract n°484 . WOS: 000288862900481; International audience

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Incontinence anale : ne pas baisser les bras !

Incontinence anale : ne pas baisser les bras !. Printemps médical de Bourgogne

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Les peu mangeurs et les beaucoup mangeurs.

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To eat or not to eat

To eat or not to eat. Réseau des comités de liaison alimentation nutrition (RESCLAN)

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Comportement alimentaire et cancer

Comportement alimentaire et cancer. 6. rencontres Bayer healthcare

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Effect of energy density on liking and on caloric adjustment conditioning after sweet beverage exposure in children aged 8-11 y

The contribution of sweet beverages to weight gain in children and adolescents is controversial. The present study was conducted to study, in 8-11 year-old children, the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet beverages exposure. We also studied the stability of the conditioning effects after a period without exposure and an extinction period. Children (n = 44) were exposed to 2 flavored sweetened beverages: a high energy version (HE: 150kcal) and a no energy version (NE: 0kcal). During a 4-wk conditioning period, children were exposed either 2 or 7 times to each beverage. During a 3-wk stability period children were not exposed to any beverage. Duri…

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Influence of substrate oxidation ratio on food intake, food wanting and food consumption in humans

National audience

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Le «zapping alimentaire» diminue la satiété sensorielle spécifique et augmente la prise alimentaire.

National audience

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Alliesthesia in visual and auditory sensations from environmental signals.

'Alliesthesia' describes the fact that sensory stimuli can arouse pleasant or unpleasant sensations according to the internal state of a person. In the present work, the hedonicity aroused by stimuli from the environment in visual and auditory sensations was evaluated in 5 situations: 1) daytime without sensory stimulations (no video-tape); 2) daytime with poor sensory stimulations (uninteresting video-tape film); 3) daytime with rich sensory stimulations (interesting chosen movie on video-tape); 4) night-time without sensory stimulations (no video-tape); 5) night-time with poor sensory stimulations (uninteresting video-tape). During the day, hedonic ratings decreased with time in the no- a…

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Increase food-intake in relation to food variety in humans: is sensory-specific satiety diminished by 'alimentary zapping'?

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Hedonic perception and taste of food in patients with type 2 diabetes - Impact of treatment with a GLP-1: Liraglutide.

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Le goût : physiologie, rôles et dysfonctionnements

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potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l'Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

International audience

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A new formula for correction of total calcium level into ionized serum calcium values in very elderly hospitalized patients

International audience

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Potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l'Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

National audience

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Cerveau, sensorialité et métabolisme

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Gustatory evoked potentials and cerebral control of food intake in obese subjects (PEGASE study)

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Cortical taste activity in response to sucrose and sweeteners solutions: a study using gustatory evoked potential

Introduction: Sweeteners are widespread in overweight or diabetic patients because of their high sweetening power and their light effect on glycaemia. Sweeteners effects on cortical activity, reflecting both cortical analysis and gustatory signalization pathway, are not well known. We observed previously that gustatory evoked potentials (GEPs) in response to sucrose varied in latency and/or in amplitude with sucrose concentration of the solution, the pleasantness of taste and the feeding status. The aim was to compare the gustatory cortical activity by recording GEPs in response to sucrose, aspartame and stevia solutions.Methods: Twenty healthy non-smoker adult volunteers were included (mea…

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Influence substrate oxidation ratio on food liking, food wanting and food consumption in humans

Meeting Abstract; International audience; Influence substrate oxidation ratio on food liking, food wanting and food consumption in humans

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Le CSGA célèbre la Semaine du Goût

Le Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (CSGA) célèbre la Semaine du Goût avec au programme : * Projection-débat du film "A table ! Voyage au coeur des aliments" animée par Véronique Bronner, coordinatrice de Sciences en Lumière et Alexandre Benani, chercheur CNRS en neurosciences au CSGA > jeudi 11 octobre 2018 * Journée portes ouvertes du CSGA > samedi 13 octobre 2018 Entrée libre tous publics [u]En savoir plus :[/u] http://www.dijon.inra.fr/Evenements/Semaine-gout-dijon-2018-csga

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Influence of substrate oxidation on the reward system, no role of dietary fibre.

International audience; It has been suggested that a high intake of dietary fibre helps regulate energy intake and satiety. The present study aimed to examine whether dietary fibre influenced the liking and wanting components of the food reward system, the metabolic state or subsequent intake. Five sessions involving 32 normal-weight subjects (16 men and 16 women, 30.6 ± 7.6 year) were held. The sessions differed in the composition of the bread eaten during breakfasts (dietary fibre content varied from 2.4 to 12.8 g/100 g). Several factors such as the palatability, weight, volume, energy content and macronutrient composition of the breakfasts were adjusted. Energy expenditure, the respirato…

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La privation de sommeil fait grossir : mythe ou réalité ?

Resume Notre rythme de vie actuel a entraine une diminution progressive du temps alloue au sommeil. En France, une personne sur 3 dormirait moins de 7 heures par nuit. Dans le meme temps, le nombre de patients souffrant d’obesite a augmente. De nombreuses etudes epidemiologiques soulignent le lien entre la faible duree du temps de sommeil et la prise de poids. En parallele, les etudes experimentales ont observe que la privation de sommeil modifiait le comportement alimentaire en augmentant la sensation de faim et la prise alimentaire. Le cycle nycthemeral induit par l’alternance lumiere–obscurite a une influence majeure sur le sommeil mais aussi sur le comportement alimentaire : la lumiere …

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Treatment by GLP-1 agonist modulates hedonic response to food and taste sensitivity in type 2 diabetes

Context: Besides their potential action in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), GLP-1 analogues have been shown to decrease satiety and food intake. However, little is known about their effects on food hedonic and taste perceptions. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of GLP-1 analogue Liraglutide on the liking and wanting component of the food reward system as well as on taste sensitivity in T2DM patients. . Research design and methods: Thirty T2DM patients were studied before and after 3 months of daily Liraglutide treatment (1.2 mg). In each trial, blood samples were collected and body mass composition was analyzed by dual-energy X-ray absorpt…

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The R3C French network : a federative tool for large studies on energy metabolism

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Satiété sensorielle spécifique pour des aliments simples chez l'humain : absence d'influence du BMI ?

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Dynamics of aroma release during cheese consumption: influence of the physiological state

Studies dealing with food intake usually focus either on in vivo aroma release or on subject physiology and behaviour. However, no approach combining all the parameters is known and the effect of changes in the physiological state (for instance satiation state) has been slightly studied until now. Yet, the evolution of aroma perception during food intake is important because it can modify the consumption behaviour, in particular when the subject is satiated. The objective of this project is to study the dynamics of the evolution of aroma release from model cheese, according to physiological modifications such as satiation attainment. . The present study is a preliminary test led on a small …

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Postprandial thermogenesis and alimentary sensory stimulation in human subjects

OBJECTIVE: To study the role of alimentary sensory stimulation on the thermic effect of food. SUBJECTS: Nine male healthy volunteers (age: 20-34y, body mass index (BMI): 17.4-25.3 kg/m 2 ). DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: Four experimental situations were investigated on different days. Subjects: 1) ate a four course meal containing 2582kJ (meal), 2) saw, smelt and tasted the same courses (alimentary sensory stimulation), 3) saw, smelt and tasted non-alimentary substances (non-alimentary sensory stimulation), 4) received directly into the stomach the previous meal (tube feeding). Energy expenditure (EE) was measured over a 20 min rest period, then for 110 min. RESULTS: The changes over midday rest…

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Haemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure increases the wanting for foods rich in proteins

Haemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure increases the wanting for foods rich in proteins. 24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO)

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Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activity in frail elderly people with postural abnormalities and in control subjects

Heart rate variability (HRV), which is considered to reflect the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), has been shown to decline with age. The aim of the present study was to explore cardiac ANS in older patients showing frontal-subcortical dysfunction with "Psychomotor Disadaptation Syndrome" (PDS), through the 24-h HRV. We enrolled 14 patients with PDS (mean age: 84.5+/-6.9 years), they were compared to 13 frail control subjects (mean age: 80.6+/-6.7 years). Cardiac ANS activity was assessed by 24-h ECG recordings from three leads with a Holter digital monitor. The decrease in cardiac ANS activity observed in PDS subjects was greater than the alteration found in normally aging s…

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Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharose stimuli

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Hormonal and psychological factors linked to the increased thermic effect of food in malnourished fasting anorexia nervosa

In patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), weight gain is lower than that expected from the energy content of the meals. Thus we investigated the thermic effect of food (TEF) in relation to subjective feelings and plasma hormone levels in a group of AN patients.TEF, feelings (14 items), and plasma release of beta-endorphin, ACTH, cortisol, dopamine, and catecholamines were evaluated in 15 AN patients (body mass index, 13.6 +/- 1.2 kg.m(-2)) and in 15 healthy women after three gastric loads (0, 300, 700 kcal) infused by a nasogastric tube in a blind design.In AN, the blind loads induced an energy-dependent increase in TEF (P0.001), which was higher than that observed in healthy women (P0.001). …

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Influence of respiratory quotient on food liking, food wanting, macronutrients selection and food consumption

International audience

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Influence du liraglutide (analogue du GLP-1) sur les caractéristiques hédoniques de la prise alimentaire et les performances gustatives, chez les patients diabétiques de type 2

Titre anglais : Treatment by GLP-1 agonist modulates hedonic responses to food and taste sensitivity in obese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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Satiation-related changes in olfactory hedonismheterogeneous effects for food and non-food odours

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Monotonous consumption of fibre-enriched bread at breakfast increases satiety and influences subsequent food intake

Research report; International audience; This study aimed to observe the influence of the monotonous consumption of two types of fibre-enriched bread at breakfast on hedonic liking for the bread, subsequent hunger and energy intake. Two groups of unrestrained normal weight participants were given either white sandwich bread (WS) or multigrain sandwich bread (MG) at breakfast (the sensory properties of the WS were more similar to the usual bread eaten by the participants than those of the MG). In each group, two 15-day cross-over conditions were set up. During the experimental condition the usual breakfast of each participant was replaced by an isocaloric portion of plain bread (WS or MG). D…

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COVID 19-Induced Smell and Taste Impairments: Putative Impact on Physiology

This article is part of the Research Topic "The Tribute of Physiology for the Understanding of COVID-19 Disease".; International audience; Smell and taste impairments are recognized as common symptoms in COVID 19 patients even in an asymptomatic phase. Indeed, depending on the country, in up to 85-90% of cases anosmia and dysgeusia are reported. We will review briefly the main mechanisms involved in the physiology of olfaction and taste focusing on receptors and transduction as well as the main neuroanatomical pathways. Then we will examine the current evidences, even if still fragmented and unsystematic, explaining the disturbances and mode of action of the virus at the level of the nasal …

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