Antoni Bayes-genis

Right Heart Dysfunction and Readmission Risk Across Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Status in Patients With Acute Heart Failure.

BACKGROUND: Right heart dysfunction (RHD) parameters are increasingly important in heart failure (HF). This study aimed to evaluate the association of advanced RHD with the risk of recurrent admissions across the spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 3383 consecutive patients discharged for acute HF. Of them, in 1435 patients (42.4%), the pulmonary artery systolic pressure could not be measured accurately, leaving a final sample size of 1948 patients. Advanced RHD was defined as the combination of a ratio of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion/pulmonary artery systolic pressure of less than 0.36 and significant tricuspid regurgitation…

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EpCAM and microvascular obstruction in patients with STEMI: a cardiac magnetic resonance study

Abstract Introduction and objectives Microvascular obstruction (MVO) is negatively associated with cardiac structure and worse prognosis after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), involved in epithelium adhesion, is an understudied area in the MVO setting. We aimed to determine whether EpCAM is associated with the appearance of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)-derived MVO and long-term systolic function in reperfused STEMI. Methods We prospectively included 106 patients with a first STEMI treated with percutaneous coronary intervention, quantifying serum levels of EpCAM 24 hours postreperfusion. All patients underwent CMR imaging 1 w…

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ST2 and left ventricular remodeling after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: A cardiac magnetic resonance study.

Background: The association of soluble interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 (ST2) with left ventricular (LV) remodeling is unclear in patients with a first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The objective of this work was to assess the relationship between ST2, a marker of inflammation, and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging-derived LV remodeling after a first STEMI. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 109 patients with a first STEMI treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention who had ST2 assessed 24 h post-reperfusion. All patients underwent CMR imaging 1 week and 6 months after STEMI. The independent associations between ST2, LV diastolic and systolic volume in…

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EpCAM y obstrucción microvascular en pacientes con un IAMCEST: estudio con resonancia magnética cardiaca

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La obstruccion microvascular (OMV) se asocia negativamente con la estructura cardiaca y el pronostico de los pacientes tras un infarto agudo de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST (IAMCEST). El factor epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), implicado en la cohesion de las celulas epiteliales, esta poco estudiado en el contexto de la OMV. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar en una cohorte de pacientes con IAMCEST la asociacion entre la concentracion de EpCAM circulante con la extension de la OMV, determinada por resonancia magnetica cardiaca (RMC), y la funcion sistolica en fases cronicas. Metodos Se incluyo prospectivamente a 106 paciente…

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Urine: an overlooked biomedium in heart failure?

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Additional file 3: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S3. Cox regression analyses for 1-year HF-related hospitalization. A competing risk strategy using the Gray method was adopted, considering death as the competing risk in both univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. (DOCX 27 kb)

research product

Circulating monocyte subsets and heart failure prognosis

Altres ajuts: Fundacio' La MARATO' de TV3 (201502 to ABG, 201516), AdvanceCat with the support of ACCIÓ [Catalonia Trade & Investment, Generalitat de Catalunya], Fundació Bancària La Caixa. Monocytes are a heterogeneous population of effector cells with key roles in tissue integrity restoration and maintenance. Here, we explore the association of monocyte subsets and prognosis in patients with ambulatory heart failure (HF). Monocyte subsets were classified as classical (CD14 ++ /CD16 -), intermediate (CD14 ++ /CD16 +), or non-classical (CD14 + /CD16 ++). Percentage distribution and absolute cell count were assessed in each subset, and multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed wit…

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Randomized comparison between the invasive and conservative strategies in comorbid elderly patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction.

Abstract Background Comorbid elderly patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (non-STEMI) are underrepresented in randomized trials and undergo fewer cardiac catheterizations according to registries. Our aim was to compare the conservative and invasive strategies in these patients. Methods Randomized multicenter study, including 106 patients (January 2012–March 2014) with non-STEMI, over 70 years and with comorbidities defined by at least two of the following: peripheral artery disease, cerebral vascular disease, dementia, chronic pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure or anemia. Patients were randomized to invasive (routine coronary angiogram, n = 52) or conservative (coronar…

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Biomarker-guided management in acute heart failure: is there light at the end of the tunnel?

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Efficacy and safety of combined neprilysin and RAS inhibition in heart failure: Let's leave the doubts behind

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Inspiratory Muscle Training and Functional Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The TRAINING-HF Trial

Introduction and objectives: Despite the prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), there is currently no evidence-based effective therapy for this disease. This study sought to evaluate whether inspiratory muscle training (IMT), functional electrical stimulation (FES), or a combination of both (IMT + FES) improves 12- and 24-week exercise capacity as well as left ventricular diastolic function, biomarker profile, and quality of life in HFpEF. Methods: A total of 61 stable symptomatic patients (New York Heart Association II-III) with HFpEF were randomized (1:1:1:1) to receive a 12-week program of IMT, FES, or IMT + FES vs usual care. The primary endpoint of the st…

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Is acute heart failure a distinctive disorder? An analysis from BIOSTAT-CHF

Aims: \ud This retrospective analysis sought to identify markers that might distinguish between acute heart failure (HF) and worsening HF in chronic outpatients.\ud \ud Methods and Results: \ud The BIOSTAT‐CHF index cohort included 2516 patients with new or worsening HF symptoms: 1694 enrolled as inpatients (acute HF) and 822 as outpatients (worsening HF in chronic outpatients). A validation cohort included 935 inpatients and 803 outpatients. Multivariable models were developed in the index cohort using clinical characteristics, routine laboratory values, and proteomics data to examine which factors predict adverse outcomes in both conditions and to determine which factors differ between ac…

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Additional file 2: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S2. Cox regression analyses for 30-day rehospitalization. A competing risk strategy using the Gray method was adopted, considering death as the competing risk in both univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. (DOCX 27 kb)

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Short‐term changes in left and right systolic function following ferric carboxymaltose: a substudy of the Myocardial‐IRON trial

Funding: This work was supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Vifor Pharma and Proyectos de Investigación de la Sección de Insuficiencia Cardiaca 2017 from Sociedad Española de Cardiología. The mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) in patients with heart failure (HF) and iron deficiency (ID) have not been completely characterized. The Myocardial-IRON trial was a double-blind, randomized trial that evaluated myocardial iron repletion following FCM vs. placebo in 53 patients with HF and ID. In this post hoc analysis, we evaluated whether treatment with FCM was associated with cardiac magnetic resonance changes in left and right ventricular functio…

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El consumo máximo de oxígeno predice los ingresos recurrentes por insuficiencia cardiaca con fracción de eyección conservada

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La insuficiencia cardiaca con fraccion de eyeccion conservada (IC-FEc) es un sindrome muy prevalente con alto riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad. Hasta la fecha, la evidencia acerca del papel del consumo maximo de oxigeno (VO 2max ) para predecir la carga de morbilidad en la IC-FEc es escasa. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la relacion entre el VO 2max y el riesgo de ingresos recurrentes de los pacientes con IC-FEc. Metodos A un total de 74 pacientes con IC-FEc sintomaticos y clinicamente estables, se les realizo una prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar entre junio de 2012 y mayo de 2016. Se utilizo el metodo de regresion binomial negativa para determinar…

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Advanced interatrial block predicts new-onset atrial fibrillation and ischemic stroke in patients with heart failure: The “Bayes' Syndrome-HF” study

Advanced interatrial block (IAB) is characterized by a prolonged (≥120 ms) and bimodal P wave in the inferior leads. The association between advanced IAB and atrial fibrillation (AF) is known as “Bayes' Syndrome”, and there is scarce information about it in heart failure (HF). We examined the prevalence of IAB and whether advanced IAB could predict new-onset AF and/or stroke in HF patients. Methods and results: The prospective observational “Bayes' Syndrome-HF” study included consecutive outpatients with chronic HF. The primary endpoints were new-onset AF, ischemic stroke, and the composite of both. A secondary endpoint included all-cause death alone or in combination with the primary endpo…

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Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Abstract Background Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) trajectories and functional recovery with current heart failure (HF) management is increasingly recognized. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) leads to a worse prognosis in HF patients. However, it is unknown whether T2D interferes with LVEF trajectories. The aim of this study was to prospectively assess very long-term (up to 15 years) LVEF trajectories in patients with and without T2D and underlying HF. Methods Ambulatory patients admitted to a multidisciplinary HF clinic were prospectively evaluated by scheduled two-dimensional echocardiography at baseline, 1 year, and then every 2 years afterwards, up to 15 years. Statistical anal…

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Peak Exercise Oxygen Uptake Predicts Recurrent Admissions in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Introduction and objectives: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a highly prevalent syndrome with an elevated risk of morbidity and mortality. To date, there is scarce evidence on the role of peak exercise oxygen uptake (peak VO2) for predicting the morbidity burden in HFpEF. We sought to evaluate the association between peak VO2 and the risk of recurrent hospitalizations in patients with HFpEF. Methods: A total of 74 stable symptomatic patients with HFpEF underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test between June 2012 and May 2016. A negative binomial regression method was used to determine the association between the percentage of predicted peak VO2 (pp-peak V02) and rec…

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Factors associated with plasma antigen carbohydrate 125 and amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide concentrations in acute heart failure

Background: Plasma amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and antigen carbohydrate 125 levels are positively associated with a higher risk of adverse clinical outcomes in acute heart failure. As a proxy of congestion, antigen carbohydrate 125 has also been proposed as a right-sided heart failure marker. Thus, we aimed to determine in this population the main factors – including echocardiographic right-sided heart failure parameters – associated with antigen carbohydrate 125 and amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide. Methods and results: We prospectively included 2949 patients admitted with acute heart failure. Amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and antigen carbohy…

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Lung ultrasound in outpatients with heart failure: the wet‐to‐dry HF study

The Nancy team is supported by the RHU Fight-HF, a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the second 'Investissements d'Avenir' programme (reference: ANR-15-RHUS-0004), by the French PIA project 'Lorraine Université d'Excellence' (reference: ANR-15-IDEX-04-LUE), the ANR FOCUS-MR (reference: ANR-15-CE14-0032-01), ERA-CVD EXPERT (reference: ANR-16-ECVD-0002-02), the Contrat de Plan Etat Lorraine IT2MP, and FEDER Lorraine. Aims: In ambulatory patients with chronic heart failure (HF), congestion and decongestion assessment may be challenging. The aim of this study is to assess the value of lung ultrasound (LUS) in outpatients with HF in characterizing deco…

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Long-term serial kinetics of N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide and carbohydrate antigen 125 for mortality risk prediction following acute heart failure.

Aim: Baseline values of N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) predict all-cause mortality in acute heart failure (AHF). However, there is limited information about the added prognostic benefit of using longitudinal values, and how this predictive ability is modified when modelling together. The aim of this study was to determine the mutually-adjusted association between the longitudinal trajectories of NT-proBNP and CA125 with all-cause mortality after an episode of AHF. Methods and results: We included 946 consecutive patients discharged for AHF. NT-proBNP and CA125 were measured at each physician-patient encounter (median (interquartile…

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Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dysfunction in heart failure: prognosis and 15‐year prospective longitudinal trajectories in survivors

Aims Systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), and TAPSE/SPAP ratio trajectories are not fully characterized in chronic heart failure (HF). We assessed very long-term longitudinal SPAP, TAPSE and TAPSE/SPAP trajectories in HF patients, and their dynamic changes in outcomes. Methods and results Prospective, consecutive, observational registry of real-life HF patients, performing echocardiography studies at baseline and according to a prospectively structured schedule after 1 year, and then every 2 years, up to 15 years. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) was defined as SPAP ≥40 mmHg; right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) was defined at TAPSE ≤16 mm…

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Circulating neprilysin hypothesis: A new opportunity for sacubitril/valsartan in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction?

BackgroundCirculating Neprilysin (sNEP) has emerged as a potential prognostic biomarker in heart failure (HF). In PARAGON-HF benefit of sacubitril/valsartan was only observed in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤57%. We aimed to assess the prognostic value of sNEP in outpatients with HF and LVEF >57%, in comparison with patients with LVEF ≤57%.MethodsConsecutive HF outpatients were included from May-2006 to February-2016. The primary endpoint was the composite of all-cause death or HF hospitalization and the main secondary endpoint was the composite of cardiovascular death or HF hospitalization. For the later competing risk methods were used.ResultssNEP was measure…

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Prognostic value of NT-proBNP and CA125 across glomerular filtration rate categories in acute heart failure.

This study aimed to evaluate whether glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) during admission modifies the predictive value of plasma amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure (AHF).We retrospectively evaluated 4595 patients consecutively discharged after admission for AHF at three tertiary-care hospitals from January 2008 through October 2019. To investigate the effect of kidney function on the association of NT-proBNP and CA125 with 1-year mortality (all-cause and cardiovascular mortality), we stratified patients according to four eGFR categories:30 mL•minAt 1-year follow-up, 748 of 4595 (16.3%)…

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Additional file 3: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S3. Cox regression analyses for 1-year HF-related hospitalization. A competing risk strategy using the Gray method was adopted, considering death as the competing risk in both univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. (DOCX 27 kb)

research product

Additional file 2: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S2. Cox regression analyses for 30-day rehospitalization. A competing risk strategy using the Gray method was adopted, considering death as the competing risk in both univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. (DOCX 27 kb)

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Pronóstico al año en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca en España. Registro ESC-EORP-HFA Heart Failure Long-Term

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es un problema creciente de salud y una carga importante para la sociedad. Pese a ello, con frecuencia se minusvalora globalmente la gravedad del pronostico. Este estudio estima el pronostico al ano en pacientes con IC aguda y cronica en Espana y resto de Europa. Metodos Un total de 2.829 pacientes con IC (589 IC aguda y 2.240 IC cronica) seleccionados en 27 centros hospitalarios en Espana, atendidos por cardiologos y que participan en el registro ESC-EORP-HFA Heart Failure Long-Term, con 211 centros y 12.440 pacientes en total, se siguieron un ano para monitorizar la mortalidad y el ingreso hospitalario. Resultados La mortalid…

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Effects of empagliflozin on CA125 trajectory in patients with chronic congestive heart failure

INTRODUCTION: We aimed to evaluate the trajectory of two surrogates of fluid overload -antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) and amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)- after the addition of oral empagliflozin to usual care in a cohort of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). METHODS AND RESULTS: From October 2015 to February 2019, 60 ambulatory patients with CHF and T2D were retrospectively included. The primary endpoint was to assess the longitudinal trajectory of plasma levels of CA125 and NT-proBNP after empagliflozin initiation. Changes in quantitative variables were evaluated using linear mixed regression. Median CA125 and NT-proBNP at basel…

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Additional file 2 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 2: Table S1. Demographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics at baseline and treatments during follow-up according to etiology of heart failure and presence of diabetes mellitus. Table S2. Paired wise means data analysis in diabetic patients. Table S3. Causes of death of the studied cohort during the 15-year follow-up, according the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus. Table S4. Multivariable Cox regression analysis for all-cause death and the composite end-point all-cause death or heart failure hospitalization.

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Sex differences on new-onset heart failure in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease

Abstract Aims The impact of sex in patients with CAD has been widely reported, but little is known about the influence of sex on the risk of new-onset HF in patients with known or suspected CAD. We aimed to examine sex-related differences and new-onset heart failure (HF) risk in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) undergoing vasodilator stress cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Methods and results We prospectively evaluated 5899 consecutive HF-free patients submitted to stress CMR for known or suspected CAD. Ischaemic burden (number of segments with stress-induced perfusion deficit) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were assessed by CMR. The association…

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Clinical Role of CA125 in Worsening Heart Failure

Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) and the risk of 1-year clinical outcomes in patients with worsening heart failure (HF). Background CA125 is a widely available biomarker that is up-regulated in patients with acute HF and has been postulated as a useful marker of congestion and risk stratification. Methods In a large multicenter cohort of patients with worsening HF, either in-hospital or in the outpatient setting, the independent associations between CA125 and 1-year death and the composite of death/HF readmission (adjusted for outcome-specific prognostic risk score [BIOSTAT risk score]) were determined by usin…

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Metabolic effects of sacubitril/valsartan: are they relevant in clinical practice?

The burden of cardiometabolic diseases continues to rise worldwide (1). Obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension and intra-abdominal adiposity are strongly interrelated and are crucial determinants of heart failure (HF) (2).

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Benefit of primary percutaneous coronary interventions in the elderly with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

Objective Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (P-PCI) has demonstrated its efficacy in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, patients with STEMI >= 75 years receive less P-PCI than younger patients despite their higher in-hospital morbimortality. The objective of this analysis was to determine the effectiveness of P-PCI in patients with STEMI >= 75 years. Methods We included 979 patients with STEMI >= 75 years, from the ATencion HOspitalaria del Sindrome coronario study, a registry of 8142 consecutive patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted at 31 Spanish hospitals in 2014-2016. We calculated a propensity score (PS) for the indication of P-P…

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Optimal carbohydrate antigen 125 cutpoint for identifying low-risk patients after admission for acute heart failure

Introduction and objectives: Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) has been shown to be useful for risk stratification in patients admitted with acute heart failure (AHF). We sought to determine a CA125 cutpoint for identifying patients at low risk of 1-month death or the composite of death/HF readmission following admission for AHF.Methods: The derivation cohort included 3231 consecutive patients with AHF. CA125 cutoff values with 90% negative predictive value (NPV) and sensitivity up to 85% were identified. The adequacy of these cutpoints and the risk of 1-month death/HF readmission was then tested using the Royston-Parmar method. The best cutpoint was selected and externally validated in a co…

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Punto de corte óptimo del antígeno carbohidrato 125 para la identificación de pacientes con bajo riesgo tras un ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El antigeno carbohidrato 125 (CA125) se ha mostrado util para la estratificacion del riesgo de los pacientes ingresados por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA). Se intenta determinar un punto de corte para identificar a los pacientes con bajo riesgo de muerte y muerte/reingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca 1 mes tras el ingreso por ICA. Metodos La cohorte de derivacion incluyo a 3.231 pacientes con ICA consecutivos. Se identificaron valores de corte de CA125 con un valor predictivo negativo (VPN) del 90% y una sensibilidad de hasta el 85%. La idoneidad de estos puntos de corte y el riesgo de muerte/reingreso al mes se evaluaron mediante el metodo de Royston-Par…

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CA125 outperforms NT-proBNP in acute heart failure with severe tricuspid regurgitation.

In acute heart failure (AHF) with right ventricular dysfunction, the roles of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) are poorly understood, and functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) severity is thought to indicate a poor prognosis. We examined the prognostic abilities of NT-proBNP and CA125 according to TR status among patients with AHF.TR severity was assessed during index hospitalization (108 ± 24 h after admission) and classified as none/trivial, mild, moderate, or severe. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was performed to assess how pre-discharge CA125 and NT-proBNP were associated with long-term all-cause mortality relative t…

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Pulmonary vascular resistance versus pulmonary artery pressure for predicting right ventricular remodeling and functional tricuspid regurgitation.

BACKGROUND Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common cause of right ventricular (RV) remodeling and functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR), but incremental pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) does not always correlate with anatomic and functional RV changes. This study aimed to evaluate a noninvasive measure of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) for predicting RV dilatation, RV dysfunction, and severity of FTR. METHODS We prospectively analyzed consecutive stable patients with PASP ≥ 35 mm Hg or any degree of RV dilatation or dysfunction secondary to PH. Noninvasive PVR was calculated based on FTR peak velocity and flow in RV outflow tract. RESULTS We included 251 patients, aged 72.1…

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EpCAM and microvascular obstruction in patients with STEMI: a cardiac magnetic resonance study

Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: Public grant(s) – EU funding. Main funding source(s): This study was funded by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and “Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional FEDER” Bachground. Microvascular obstruction (MVO) is negatively associated with cardiac structure and worse prognosis after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), involved in endothelium adhesion, is an understudied area in the MVO setting. Purpose. We aimed to evaluate whether EpCAM is associated with the appearance of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)-derived MVO and long-term systolic function in reperfused STEMI. Methods.…

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Early effects of empagliflozin on exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure: A pilot study

BackgroundSodium-glucose linked transporter 2 inhibition recently emerged as a promising therapy for reducing the risk of heart failure (HF) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, there is a lack of data endorsing its role in symptomatic HF patients. We sought to evaluate the short-term effects of empagliflozin on maximal exercise capacity in these patients. HypothesisWe postulate tretament with empagliflozin may improve functional capacity in patients with T2DM and established HF. MethodsNineteen T2DM patients with symptomatic HF were prospectively included and underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and 30days after initiation of empagliflozin therapy. A mixe…

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Early Spot Urinary Sodium and Diuretic Efficiency in Acute Heart Failure and Concomitant Renal Dysfunction

<b><i>Objective:</i></b> In acute heart failure (AHF), early assessment of spot urinary sodium (U<sub>Na</sub>) has emerged as a useful biomarker for risk stratification and monitoring. The objective of this study was to investigate (a) whether early spot U<sub>Na</sub> predicts 24-h diuretic efficiency and (b) the clinical factors associated with early spot U<sub>Na</sub> in patients with AHF and concomitant renal dysfunction (RD). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This is a post hoc analysis of the IMPROVE-HF trial, in which 160 patients with AHF and RD (estimated glomerular filtrate rate [eGFR] <60 mL/min/1…

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Soluble ST2 for Prognosis and Monitoring in Heart Failure

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Comparación entre CA125 y NT-proBNP para valorar la congestión en insuficiencia cardíaca aguda

Resumen Antecedentes El antigeno carbohidrato 125 (CA125) y los peptidos natriureticos tipo B son marcadores subrogados de congestion en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA). El objetivo del estudio fue valorar la asociacion entre CA125 y NT-proBNP y parametros de congestion en pacientes con ICA. Metodos y resultados Estudio observacional prospectivo multicentrico, que incluyo a 191 pacientes hospitalizados por ICA. Se registro la presencia de derrame pleural, edema periferico y diametro de vena cava inferior (V C I) durante las primeras 24-48 horas tras el ingreso y se evaluo su asociacion independiente con las concentraciones de CA125 y la fraccion amino-terminal del peptido n…

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Iron deficiency testing and treatment in heart failure: the eyes are useless when the mind is blind

Definition, clinical implications, and rate of iron deficiency assessment and treatment in the Swedish Heart Failure Registry. FCM, ferric carboxymaltose; HF, heart failue; ID, iron deficiency; TSAT, transferrin sauration.

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Long-Term Potassium Monitoring and Dynamics in Heart Failure and Risk of Mortality

Background: The prognostic value of long-term potassium monitoring and dynamics in heart failure has not been characterized completely. We sought to determine the association between serum potassium values collected at follow-up with all-cause mortality in a prospective and consecutive cohort of patients discharged from a previous acute heart failure admission. Methods: Serum potassium was measured at every physician-patient encounter, including hospital admissions and ambulatory settings. The multivariable-adjusted association of serum potassium with mortality was assessed by using comprehensive state-of-the-art regression methods that can accommodate time-dependent exposure modeling. Res…

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Clinical profile and 1-year clinical outcomes of super elderly patients admitted with acute heart failure

There is scarce information about the clinical profile and prognosis of acute heart failure (AHF) at the extreme ranges of age. We aimed to evaluate the 1-year death (all-cause mortality and HF-death) and HF-rehospitalizations of patients ≥85 years admitted for AHF.We prospectively evaluated a cohort of 3054 patients admitted with AHF from 2007 to 2018 in a third-level center. Age was categorized per 10-year categories (65 years; 65-74 years, 75-84 years, and ≥85 years). The risk of mortality and HF-rehospitalizations across age categories was evaluated with Cox regression analysis and Cox regression adapted for competing events as appropriate.The mean age was 73.6 ± 11.2 years, 48.9% were …

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Noninvasive Imaging Estimation of Myocardial Iron Repletion Following Administration of Intravenous Iron : The Myocardial- Trial

Background Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose ( FCM ) improves symptoms, functional capacity, and quality of life in heart failure and iron deficiency. The mechanisms underlying these effects are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to examine changes in myocardial iron content after FCM administration in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency using cardiac magnetic resonance. Methods and Results Fifty‐three stable heart failure and iron deficiency patients were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive intravenous FCM or placebo in a multicenter, double‐blind study. T2* and T1 mapping cardiac magnetic resonance sequences, noninvasive surrogates of intramyocardial iron, were eval…

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Prognostic Value and Kinetics of Soluble Neprilysin in Acute Heart Failure

Abstract Objectives This study sought to examine the prognostic value of the soluble form of neprilysin (sNEP) in acute heart failure (AHF) and sNEP kinetics during hospital admission. Background sNEP was recently identified in chronic heart failure (HF) and was associated with cardiovascular outcomes. Methods A total of 350 patients (53% women, mean 72.6 ± 10.7 years of age) were included in the study. Primary endpoints were composites of cardiovascular death or HF hospitalizations at short-term (2 months) and long-term (mean: 1.8 ± 1.2 years) follow-up. sNEP was measured using an ad hoc–modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and its prognostic value was assessed using Cox regression …

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Efecto pronóstico diferencial de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en mujeres y varones con insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección conservada

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una comorbilidad comun en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) con fraccion de eyeccion conservada (ICFEP). Estudios anteriores han demostrado que las mujeres diabeticas tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar insuficiencia cardiaca que los hombres. Sin embargo, el pronostico a largo plazo de los pacientes diabeticos con insuficiencia cardiaca en funcion del sexo no se ha explorado ampliamente. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue evaluar el impacto diferencial de la DM2 en la mortalidad por todas las causas en hombres frente a mujeres con ICFEP tras un ingreso por IC aguda. Metodos Se incluyeron prospectivamente 1.019 p…

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Clinical utility of antigen carbohydrate 125 for planning the optimal length of stay in acute heart failure.

BACKGROUND: The optimal length of stay (LOS) in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure (AHF) remains controversial. Plasma antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) has emerged as a reliable proxy of congestion. We aimed to evaluate whether there is a differential impact of LOS on the risk of 6-month AHF readmission across CA125 levels. METHODS: This is a retrospective study that included 1,387 patients discharged for AHF in two third-level centers. CA125 was measured 48±24h after admission. The association between CA125 and LOS with the risk of subsequent AHF readmission at 6 months was analyzed by Cox regression analysis accounting for death as a competing event. RESULTS: The median (IQR) a…

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Antígeno carbohidrato 125 en insuficiencia cardiaca. Nueva era en la monitorización y control del tratamiento

Resumen Asistimos en los ultimos anos a un gran interes en la busqueda de nuevos biomarcadores en la insuficiencia cardiaca (IC); fundamentalmente, en el ambito del diagnostico, pronostico, monitorizacion y como guia terapeutica. Sin embargo, la mayoria de ellos no cumplen los criterios requeridos para ser utilizados en la practica clinica diaria. El antigeno carbohidrato 125 (CA 125) es el anticuerpo de la glucoproteina mucina 16 (MUC16) y su uso se ha restringido a la monitorizacion terapeutica del cancer de ovario. Sin embargo, se ha constatado su elevacion en otros procesos no tumorales como la IC. En este ultimo contexto, el CA 125 es sintetizado por las celulas serosas epiteliales en …

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Chronotropic Incompetence Predicts Distance Walked in Six-Minute Walk Test in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

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CA125 but not NT-proBNP predicts the presence of a congestive intrarenal venous flow in patients with acute heart failure

Abstract Background Intrarenal venous flow (IRVF) measured by Doppler ultrasound has gained interest as a potential surrogate marker of renal congestion and adverse outcomes in heart failure. In this work, we aimed to determine if antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) and plasma amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) are associated with congestive IRVF patterns (i.e., biphasic and monophasic) in acute heart failure (AHF). Methods and results We prospectively enrolled a consecutive cohort of 70 patients hospitalized for AHF. Renal Doppler ultrasound was assessed within the first 24-h of hospital admission. The mean age of the sample was 73.5 ± 12.3 years; 47.1% were female, and…

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Entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria y la electroestimulación muscular funcional en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca con función sistólica conservada: estudio TRAINING-HF

SEC 2017: Congreso de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Introducción y objetivos No se dispone de tratamientos farmacológicos que demuestren reducir la morbimortalidad asociada en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y función sistólica conservada (IC-FEc). El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar si en pacientes con IC-FEc, el entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria (EMI), la electroestimulación muscular funcional (EMF) o la combinación de ambas (EMI + EMF) puede mejorar la capacidad funcional, calidad de vida, parámetros de disfunción diastólica o biomarcadores a las 12 y 24 semanas. Métodos Un total de 61 pacientes estables con IC-FEc (clase funcional de la New York Heart Associ…

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Multi-Biomarker Profiling and Recurrent Hospitalizations in Heart Failure.

Altres ajuts: Fundació La Marató de TV3 (no.201502-30), Sociedad Española de Cardiología, Societat Catalana de Cardiologia Despite advances in pharmacologic therapy and devices, patients with heart failure (HF) continue to have significant rehospitalization rates and risk prediction remains challenging. We sought to explore the value of a multi-biomarker panel [including NT-proBNP, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-TnT), and ST2] on top of clinical assessment for long-term prediction of recurrent hospitalizations in HF. NT-proBNP, hs-TnT, and ST2 (suppression of tumorigenicity-2) levels were measured in 891 consecutive ambulatory HF patients. The independent association between the mu…

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Prognostic Value of New-Generation Troponins in ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the Modern Era: The RUTI-STEMI Study.

Background In ST ‐segment–elevation myocardial infarction ( STEMI ), troponins are not needed for diagnosis: symptoms and ECG data are sufficient to activate percutaneous coronary intervention. This study explored the prognostic value of new‐generation troponins in a real‐life cohort contemporarily treated for STEMI . Methods and Results We studied 1260 consecutive patients with primary STEMI treated with percutaneous coronary intervention between February 22, 2011, and August 31, 2015. We collected data on clinical characteristics and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events ( MACCEs ) at 30 days and 1 year. Peak high‐sensitivity troponin T and sensitive‐contemporary tropon…

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Destination Therapy with Left Ventricular Assist Devices in Non-transplant Centres: The Time is Right

For almost half a century, cardiac transplant has been the only long-term treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure. Implantable left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have emerged as a new treatment option for advanced heart failure as destination therapy for patients either too old or not suitable for transplant. A meta-analysis presenting head-to-head comparisons of cardiac transplant versus LVAD as destination therapy (LVAD-DT) found no difference in 1-year mortality rates between LVAD-DT and cardiac transplant (OR 1.49; 95% CI [0.48–4.66]; I2=82.8%). Moreover, a recent subanalysis from the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support found similar outco…

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Early Sacubitril/Valsartan-driven Benefit on Exercise Capacity in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction: A Pilot Study

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Role of PCSK9 in the course of ejection fraction change after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a pilot study

Altres ajuts: Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport GV/2018/116 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) has emerged as a therapeutic target for reducing plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Beyond lipid control, recent findings suggest a deleterious effect of this protein in the pathogenesis of postmyocardial infarction left ventricle remodelling and heart failure-related complications. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between circulating PCSK9 and 6 month cardiac magnetic resonance imaging-derived left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) after a first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We prospectively evaluated 40…

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A bio-clinical approach for prediction of sudden cardiac death in outpatients with heart failure: The ST2-SCD score

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the main modes of death in heart failure (HF) patients and its prediction remains a real challenge. Our aim was to assess the incidence of SCD at 5 years HF contemporary managed outpatients, and to find a simple prediction model for SCD.SCD was considered any unexpected death, witnessed or not, occurring in a previously stable patient with no evidence of worsening HF or any other cause of death. A competing risk strategy was adopted using the Fine-Gray method of Cox regressions analyses that considered other causes of death as the competing event.The derivation cohort included 744 consecutive outpatients (72% men, age 67.9 ± 12.2 years, left ventricular …

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Functional Mitral Regurgitation Predicts Short-Term Adverse Events in Patients With Acute Heart Failure and Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

Functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) is a common finding in patients with acute heart failure (AHF) and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (heart failure and reduced ejection fraction [HFrEF]). However, its clinical impact remains unclear. We aimed to evaluate the association between the severity of FMR after clinical stabilization and short-term adverse outcomes after a hospitalization for AHF. We prospectively included 938 consecutive patients with HFrEF discharged after a hospitalization for AHF, after excluding those with organic valve disease, congenital heart disease, or aortic valve disease. FMR was assessed semiquantitatively by color Doppler analysis of the regurgitant jet…

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Iron status measurement in routine heart failure assessment: a call for action

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Comparison between CA125 and NT-proBNP for evaluating congestion in acute heart failure

Abstract Background Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) and B-type natriuretic peptides are surrogate markers of congestion in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). The aim of the study was to assess the association between CA125 and NT-proBNP and congestion parameters in patients with AHF. Methods and results Prospective multicentre observational study that included 191 patients hospitalised for AHF. We recorded the presence of pleural effusion, peripheral oedema and inferior vena cava (IVC) diameter during the first 24–48 h after admission and evaluated their independent association with CA125 concentrations and the amino-terminal fraction of pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP). Th…

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Right Ventricular Dysfunction Staging System for Mortality Risk Stratification in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction

Right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) parameters are increasingly important features in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We sought to evaluate the prognostic impact of a progressive RVD staging system by combining the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) to pulmonary artery systolic pressure (TAPSE/PASP) ratio with functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) severity. We prospectively included 1355 consecutive HFpEF patients discharged for acute heart failure (HF). Of them, in 471 (34.7%) patients, PASP could not be accurately measured, leaving the final sample size to be 884 patients. Patients were categorized as Stage 1: TAPSE/PASP &ge

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Soluble ST2 and Diuretic Efficiency in Acute Heart Failure and Concomitant Renal Dysfunction

Abstract Background Identifying patients at risk of poor diuretic response in acute heart failure (AHF) is critical to make prompt adjustments in therapy. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the circulating levels of soluble ST2 predict the cumulative diuretic efficiency (DE) at 24 and 72 hours in patients with AHF and concomitant renal dysfunction. Methods and Results This is a post hoc analysis of the IMPROVE-HF trial, in which we enrolled 160 patients with AHF and renal dysfunction (estimated glomerular filtrate rate of Conclusions In patients with AHF and renal dysfunction at presentation, circulating levels of sST2 were independently and negatively associated with a …

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Optimal decongestive therapy in acute decompensated heart failure syndromes: Far from being solved

We have read with great interest the article entitled “Efficacy and safety of high dose versus low dose furosemide with or without dopamine infusion: The Dopamine in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure II (DAD-HF II) Trial” [1]. First, we would like to commend the authors for their effort in carrying out this investigator-initiated clinical trial by testing the prognostic effect of three decongestive strategies in the management of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). The analysis of the data revealed no-significant differences in the in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes between high (HDF) vs low-dose furosemide infusion (LDFD); the addition of low-dose dopamine infusion…

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Digoxin and prognosis of heart failure in older patients with preserved ejection fraction: Importance of heart rate. Results from an observational and multicenter study

Abstract Background The value of digoxin in heart failure (HF) remains controversial, particularly in patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). This study evaluated the 1-year risk of events after digoxin treatment for acute heart failure (AHF) in patients >70 years old with HFpEF. Methods 1833 patients were included in this analysis (mean age, 82 years). The main endpoints were all-cause death and the composite of death and/or HF re-admission within 1 year. Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between digoxin treatment and prognosis. Results 401 patients received digoxin treatment; of these, 86% had atrial fibrillation. The mean baseline heart rate was 86 ±…

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Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients.

Background Heart failure (HF) is associated with a high rate of readmissions within 30 days post-discharge and in the following year, especially in frail elderly patients. Biomarker data are scarce in this high-risk population. This study assessed the value of early post-discharge circulating levels of ST2, NT-proBNP, CA125, and hs-TnI for predicting 30-day and 1-year outcomes in comorbid frail elderly patients with HF with mainly preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Methods Blood samples were obtained at the first visit shortly after discharge (4.9 ± 2 days). The primary endpoint was the composite of all-cause mortality or HF-related rehospitalization at 30 days and at 1 year. All-cause mo…

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Inspiratory Muscle Function and Exercise Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Background: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a clinical syndrome characterized by impaired exercise capacity resulting from dyspnea and fatigue. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the exercise intolerance in HFpEF are not well established. We sought to evaluate the effects of inspiratory muscle function on exercise tolerance in symptomatic patients with HFpEF. Methods and Results: A total of 74 stable symptomatic patients with HFpEF and New York Heart Association class II-III underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test between June 2012 and May 2016. Inspiratory muscle weakness was defined as maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) <70% of normal predicted values…

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Heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction: a transition phenotype?

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Right ventricular function and iron deficiency in acute heart failure

Abstract Aims Iron deficiency (ID) is a frequent finding in patients with chronic and acute heart failure (AHF) along the full spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Iron deficiency has been related to ventricular systolic dysfunction, but its role in right ventricular function has not been evaluated. We sought to evaluate whether ID identifies patients with greater right ventricular dysfunction in the setting of AHF. Methods and results We prospectively included 903 patients admitted with AHF. Right systolic function was evaluated by tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and the ratio TAPSE/pulmonary artery systolic pressure (TAPSE/PASP). Iron deficiency was de…

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Usefulness of Right Ventricular to Pulmonary Circulation Coupling as an Indicator of Risk for Recurrent Admissions in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction.

In recent years, the study of right ventricular (RV) to pulmonary circulation (PC) coupling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) has been a matter of special interest. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) to pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) ratio has emerged as a reliable noninvasive index of RV to PC coupling. Thus, we hypothesized that TAPSE/PASP would be a predictor of readmission burden in HFpEF. One thousand one hundred and twenty seven consecutive HFpEF patients discharged for acute HF were included. In 367 patients (32.6%), PASP could not be accurately measured by echocardiography, leaving the final sample size to be 760 patients. Negative …

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Intrarenal venous flow in cardiorenal syndrome: a shining light into the darkness

The aim of this case report is to assess the potential role of intrarenal Doppler ultrasonography as a non‐invasive method to evaluate intrarenal venous flow (IRVF) in acute heart failure (AHF) and concomitant renal dysfunction. We report a case of an 81‐year‐old woman with valvular heart disease (previous mitral valve replacement) that presented with acutely decompensated heart failure and concomitant worsening renal function (WRF). In addition to complete physical examination, laboratory analysis, and echocardiography, IRVF was assessed at baseline and 48 h after the administration of diuretic treatment. At admission, physical examination and echocardiography revealed signs of intravascul…

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Use of acetazolamide in the treatment of patients with refractory congestive heart failure

Aims Optimal diuretic treatment of patients with refractory congestive heart failure (CHF) remains to be elucidated. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the serial changes of functional class and surrogates of fluid overload (weight and antigen carbohydrate 125) after addition of oral acetazolamide in patients with refractory CHF. Likewise, serial changes in renal function, serum electrolytes and pH were evaluated. Method This is an observational retrospective study in which 25 ambulatory patients with refractory CHF that received acetazolamide in addition to standard intensive diuretic strategy were evaluated. Longitudinal assessment of New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class and…

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Additional file 1: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S1. Correlations between studied biomarkers. Correlation between the different studied biomarkers was performed using Pearson correlation test of log-transformed values of each biomarker. (DOCX 25 kb)

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Additional file 1: of Predictive biomarkers for death and rehospitalization in comorbid frail elderly heart failure patients

Table S1. Correlations between studied biomarkers. Correlation between the different studied biomarkers was performed using Pearson correlation test of log-transformed values of each biomarker. (DOCX 25 kb)

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Differential prognostic impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women and men with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Introduction and objectives Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a common comorbidity in patients with heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Previous studies have shown that diabetic women are at higher risk of developing HF than men. However, the long-term prognosis of diabetic HFpEF patients by sex has not been extensively explored. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the differential impact of DM2 on all-cause mortality in men vs women with HFpEF after admission for acute HF. Methods We prospectively included 1019 consecutive HFpEF patients discharged after admission for acute HF in a single tertiary referral hospital. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to …

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Microvascular Obstruction in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Looking Back to Move Forward. Focus on CMR

After a myocardial infarction (MI), despite the resolution of the coronary occlusion, the deterioration of myocardial perfusion persists in a considerable number of patients. This phenomenon is known as microvascular obstruction (MVO). Initially, the focus was placed on re-establishing blood flow in the epicardial artery. Then, the observation that MVO has profound negative structural and prognostic repercussions revived interest in microcirculation. In the near future, the availability of co-adjuvant therapies (beyond timely coronary reperfusion) aimed at preventing, minimizing, and repairing MVOs and finding convincing answers to questions regarding what, when, how, and where to administe…

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Early urinary sodium trajectory and risk of adverse outcomes in acute heart failure and renal dysfunction.

Introduction and objectives: Urinary sodium (UNa+) has emerged as a useful biomarker of poor clinical outcomes in acute heart failure (AHF). Here, we sought to evaluate: a) the usefulness of a single early determination of UNa+ for predicting adverse outcomes in patients with AHF and renal dysfunction, and b) whether the change in UNa+ at 24 hours (Delta UNa24 h) adds any additional prognostic information over baseline values. Methods: This is a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial (IMPROVE-HF) (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02643147) that randomized 160 patients with AHF and renal dysfunction on admission to a) the standard diuretic strategy, or b) a carbohydra…

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Hydrogen- and Methane-Based Breath Testing and Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure

Background: Recent evidence endorses gut microbiota dysregulation in the pathophysiology of heart failure (HF). Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) might be present in HF and associated with poor clinical outcomes. Lactulose breath testing is a simple noninvasive test that has been advocated as a reliable indicator of SIBO. In patients with HF, we aimed to evaluate the association with clinical outcomes of the exhaled hydrogen (H-2) and methane (CH4) concentrations through the lactulose breath test. Methods and Results: We included 102 patients with HF in which lactulose SIBO breath tests were assessed. Cumulative gas was quantified by the area under the receiver operating characte…

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Neprilysin inhibition, endorphin dynamics, and early symptomatic improvement in heart failure: a pilot study

Altres ajuts: This work was supported in part by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (201516-10, 201502-30), Societat Catalana de Cardiologia, "la Caixa" Banking Foundation. Altres ajuts: PERIS/SLT002-16-00234 Sacubitril/valsartan is a first-in-class angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor developed for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Its benefits are achieved through the inhibition of neprilysin (NEP) and the specific blockade of the angiotensin receptor AT1. The many peptides metabolized by NEP suggest multifaceted potential consequences of its inhibition. We sought to evaluate the short-term changes in serum endorphin (EP) values and their relation with patients' p…

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Characterization and implications of the dynamics of eosinophils in blood and in the infarcted myocardium after coronary reperfusion.

Objective We characterized the dynamics of eosinophils in blood and in the infarcted myocardium in patients and in a swine model of reperfused myocardial infarction (MI). The association of eosinophil dynamics with various outcomes was assessed. Methods Serial eosinophil count and pre-discharge cardiac magnetic resonance were carried out in a prospective series of 620 patients with a first ST-elevation MI. In a swine model of reperfused MI, the dynamics of circulating eosinophils and their presence in the infarcted myocardium were determined. In autopsies from chronic MI patients, eosinophils were quantified. Results Patient eosinophil count sharply decreased 12h post-reperfusion compared t…

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Response by Núñez et al to Letter Regarding Article, “Long-Term Potassium Monitoring and Dynamics in Heart Failure and Risk of Mortality”

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CA125-Guided Diuretic Treatment Versus Usual Care in Patients With Acute Heart Failure and Renal Dysfunction

BACKGROUND: The optimal diuretic treatment strategy for patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction remains unclear. Plasma carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) is a surrogate of fluid overload and a potentially valuable tool for guiding decongestion therapy. The aim of this study was to determine if a CA125-guided diuretic strategy is superior to usual care in terms of short-term renal function in patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction at presentation. METHODS: This multicenter, open-label study randomized 160 patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction into 2 groups (1:1). Loop diuretics doses were established according to CA125 levels in the CA125-gui…

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Step by Step Toward Biomarker-Based Precision Medicine in Heart Failure

> You wouldn't wear just any pair of glasses—your prescription is tailored to your vision. This statement was made by President Obama in 2016 during the presentation and launch of the Precision Medicine Initiative. Whether we like it or not (and some politicians today seem rather indifferent), we are headed toward a new paradigm of precision medicine. This is a new era of medicine in which the right treatment is delivered at the right time to the right person. In the context of heart failure (HF)5 there is a long road ahead to fully realize the goals of precision medicine. HF is a complex syndrome with heterogeneous pathophysiology. Most medical treatments currently used in HF have been tes…

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Sacubitril/valsartan and short-term changes in the 6-minute walk test: A pilot study

Background: Impaired exercise capacity is the most disabling symptom in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Despite sacubitril/valsartan showing reduced long-term morbidity and mortality over enalapril in HFrEF, its effects on short-term functional capacity remain uncertain. We sought to evaluate the effects of sacubilril/valsartan on a 30-day six-minute walk test in eligible patients with HFrEF. Methods and results: From November 1, 2016 to February 1, 2017, a total of 58 stable symptomatic patients with HFrEF were eligible for sacubitril/valsartan and underwent 6-MWT before and 30 days after initiation of sacubitril/valsartan therapy. A mixed-effects model …

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Head-to-head comparison of contemporary heart failure risk scores.

Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UAB Aims: Several heart failure (HF) web-based risk scores are currently used in clinical practice. Currently, we lack head-to-head comparison of the accuracy of risk scores. This study aimed to assess correlation and mortality prediction performance of Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC-HF) risk score, which includes clinical variables + medications; Seattle Heart Failure Model (SHFM), which includes clinical variables + treatments + analytes; PARADIGM Risk of Events and Death in the Contemporary Treatment of Heart Failure (PREDICT-HF) and Barcelona Bio-Heart Failure (BCN-Bio-HF) risk calculator, which also include biomarke…

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Trends in modes of death in heart failure over the last two decades: less sudden death but cancer deaths on the rise.

AIMS Better management of heart failure (HF) over the past two decades has improved survival, mainly by reducing the incidence of death due to cardiovascular (CV) causes. Deaths due to non-CV causes, particularly cancer, may be increasing. This study explored the modes of death of consecutive patients who attended a HF clinic over 17 years. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 935 deaths were ascertained from 2002 to 2018 among 1876 patients (mean age 65.8 ± 12.5 years, 75% men, left ventricular ejection fraction < 50%) admitted to our HF clinic. Median follow-up was 4.2 years [1.9-7.8]. Mode of death was curated from patient health records and verified by the Catalan and Spanish health system da…

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Bio-profiling and bio-prognostication of chronic heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction.

Abstract Background Recent ESC guidelines on heart failure (HF) have introduced a new phenotype based on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), called the mid-range (HFmrEF). This phenotype falls between the classical reduced (HFrEF) and preserved (HFpEF) HF phenotypes. We aimed to characterize the HFmrEF biomarker profile and outcomes. Methods 1069 consecutive ambulatory patients were included in the study (age 66.2 ± 12.8 years); 800 with HFrEF (74.8%), 134 with HFmrEF (12.5%), and 135 with HFpEF (12.5%). We measured serum concentrations of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT), soluble suppression of tumorigenicity (ST2), galectin-…

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Effect of β-Blocker Withdrawal on Functional Capacity in Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction

BACKGROUND Chronotropic incompetence has shown to be associated with a decrease in exercise capacity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), yet b-blockers are commonly used in HFpEF despite the lack of robust evidence. OBJECTIVES This study aimed to evaluate the effect of b-blocker withdrawal on peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2) in patients with HFpEF and chronotropic incompetence. METHODS This is a multicenter, randomized, investigator-blinded, crossover clinical trial consisting of 2 treatment periods of 2 weeks separated by a washout period of 2 weeks. Patients with stable HFpEF, New York Heart Association functional classes II and III, previous treatment with b-bloc…

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The Peptide for Life Initiative: a call for action to provide equal access to the use of natriuretic peptides in the diagnosis of acute heart failure across Europe

n/a Funding Agencies|Applied Therapeutics; Innolife; Novartis PharmaceuticalsNovartis; Abbott DiagnosticsAbbott Laboratories; AstraZenecaAstraZeneca; AbbottAbbott Laboratories; Boehringer IngelheimBoehringer Ingelheim; Cardior Pharmaceuticals Gmbh; Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Novo NordiskNovo Nordisk; RocheRoche Holding; Swiss National Science FoundationSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)European Commission; Swiss Heart Foundation; KTI; European UnionEuropean Commission; University of Basel; University Hospital Basel; Beckman Coulter; BRAHMS; Idorsia; NovartisNovartis; Ortho Clinical Diagnostics; Quidel; SiemensSiemens AG; Singulex; Sphingotec; CardioRenal

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Serum neprilysin and recurrent hospitalizations after acute heart failure

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Trayectoria precoz del sodio urinario y riesgo de eventos adversos en insuficiencia cardiaca aguda y disfunción renal

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El sodio urinario (UNa+) ha surgido como un biomarcador util para predecir eventos clinicos desfavorables en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA). En este estudio pretendemos evaluar: a) la utilidad de una unica determinacion precoz de UNa+ para predecir eventos adversos en pacientes con ICA e insuficiencia renal (IR) concomitante, y b) si los cambios en el UNa+ a las 24 horas (ΔUNa24 h) anaden informacion pronostica adicional sobre los valores basales. Metodos Analisis post-hoc del ensayo clinico multicentrico, abierto y paralelo (IMPROVE-HF), (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02643147) en el que 160 pacientes con ICA e IR concomitante al ingreso fueron al…

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Transitioning from Preclinical to Clinical Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Mechanistic Approach.

International audience; To better understand heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), we need to better characterize the transition from asymptomatic pre-HFpEF to symptomatic HFpEF. The current emphasis on left ventricular diastolic dysfunction must be redirected to microvascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction that leads to cardiomyocyte remodeling and enhanced interstitial collagen deposition. A pre-HFpEF patient lacks signs or symptoms of heart failure (HF), has preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) with incipient structural changes similar to HFpEF, and possesses elevated biomarkers of cardiac dysfunction. The transition from pre-HFpEF to symptomati…

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Comorbidities, Fragility, and Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients With Midrange Ejection Fraction.

Objective: To assess the effects of comorbidities, fragility, and quality of life (QOL) on long-term prognosis in ambulatory patients with heart failure (HF) with midrange left ventricular ejection fraction (HFmrEF), an unexplored area. Patients and Methods: Consecutive patients prospectively evaluated at an HF clinic between August 1, 2001, and December 31, 2015, were retrospectively analyzed on the basis of left ventricular ejection fraction category. We compared patients with HFmrEF (n=185) to those with reduced (HFrEF; n=1058) and preserved (HFpEF; n=162) ejection fraction. Fragility was defined as 1 or more abnormal evaluations on 4 standardized geriatric scales (Barthel Index, Older A…

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Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction infrequently evolves toward a reduced phenotype in long-term survivors: a long-term prospective longitudinal study

Background: Long-term trajectories of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in heart failure (HF) patients with preserved EF (HFpEF) remain unclear. Our objective was to assess long-term longitudinal trajectories in consecutive HFpEF patients and the prognostic impact of LVEF dynamic changes over time. Methods and Results: Consecutive ambulatory HFpEF patients admitted to a multidisciplinary HF Unit were prospectively evaluated by 2-dimensional echocardiography at baseline and at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 years of follow-up. Exclusion criteria were patients having a previous known LVEF &lt;50%, patients undergoing only 1 echocardiogram study, and those with a diagnosis of dilated, noncompa…

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Self-care of heart failure patients: practical management recommendations from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology

Self-care is essential in the long-term management of chronic heart failure. Heart failure guidelines stress the importance of patient education on treatment adherence, lifestyle changes, symptom monitoring and adequate response to possible deterioration. Self-care is related to medical and person-centred outcomes in patients with heart failure such as better quality of life as well as lower mortality and readmission rates. Although guidelines give general direction for self-care advice, health care professionals working with patients with heart failure need more specific recommendations. The aim of the management recommendations in this paper is to provide practical advice for health profe…

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Serum Neprilysin and Recurrent Admissions in Patients With Heart Failure

Background Our aim was to evaluate the association between the soluble form of neprilysin ( sNEP ) levels and long‐term all‐cause, cardiovascular, and acute heart failure ( AHF ) recurrent admissions in an ambulatory cohort of patients with heart failure. sNEP has emerged as a new biomarker with promising implications for prognosis and therapy in patients with heart failure. Reducing the recurrent admission rate of heart failure patients has become an important target of public health planning strategies. Methods and Results We measured sNEP levels in 1021 consecutive ambulatory heart failure patients. End points were the number of all‐cause, cardiovascular, and AHF hospitalizations during…

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Renal function dynamics following co-administration of sacubitril/valsartan and empagliflozin in patients with heart failure and type 2 diabetes

Abstract Aims The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety profile in terms of changes in renal function after co‐treatment with sacubitril/valsartan and empagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Methods and results This multicentre observational analysis included 108 patients with T2D and HFrEF treated with both agents: baseline sacubitril/valsartan (Group A; n = 43), baseline empagliflozin (Group B; n = 42), or both agents initiated simultaneously (Group C; n = 23). The primary endpoint was estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) dynamics across treatment groups. A binary characterization of worsening renal funct…

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Antigen carbohydrate 125 as a biomarker in heart failure: a narrative review.

Congestion explains many of the signs and symptoms of acute heart failure (AHF) and disease progression. However, accurate quantification of congestion is challenging in daily practice. Antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) or mucin 16 (MUC16), a large glycoprotein synthesized by mesothelial cells, has emerged as a reliable proxy of congestion and inflammation in patients with heart failure. In AHF syndromes, CA125 is strongly associated with right-sided heart failure parameters and a higher risk of adverse clinical events beyond standard prognostic factors, including natriuretic peptides. Furthermore, CA125 has the potential for both monitoring and guide HF treatment following a decompensated H…

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Unraveling the Molecular Mechanism of Action of Empagliflozin in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction With or Without Diabetes

Visual Abstract

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Additional file 8 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 8: Figure S4. Survival and event-free survival curves related to the presence of diabetes mellitus and to etiology (ischemic vs. non-ischemic). Panel B: Event-free survival curves (composite end-point of all-cause death or HF hospitalizations). Diabetic patients from ischemic etiology (dark purple) showed the worse prognosis, while non-diabetic from non-ischemic etiology (blue) showed the best. Remarkably diabetic patients from non-ischemic etiology (soft orange) showed slightly worse prognosis than non-diabetic patients from ischemic etiology (green).

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Additional file 1 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 1: Figure S1. Distribution of the number of echocardiograms performed per patient. Number of echocardiograms per patient ranged from 2 (minimum inclusion criteria) to 9 (patients with all the per protocol pre-specified echocardiograms).

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Additional file 6 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 6: Figure S3. Loess spline curves of long-term LVEF trajectories based on sex. Panel B: Women. P value for trajectory changes on LVEF &lt;0.001 for both groups. P for comparison between groups (interaction between trajectory changes and diabetes) = 0.14. Shaded regions displayed around curves represent the confidence interval at level = 0.95.

research product

Additional file 5 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 5: Figure S3. Loess spline curves of long-term LVEF trajectories based on sex. Panel A: Men. Diabetic (orange) vs. non-diabetic (blue) patients. P value for trajectory changes on LVEF

research product

Additional file 3 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 3: Figure S2. Loess spline curves of long-term LVEF trajectories based on heart failure duration. Panel A: Patients with HF duration ≤ 12 months; Diabetic (orange) vs. non-diabetic (blue) patients. P value for trajectory changes on LVEF

research product

Additional file 4 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 4: Figure S2. Loess spline curves of long-term LVEF trajectories based on heart failure duration. Panel B: Patients with HF duration &gt; 12 months. P value for trajectory changes on LVEF

research product

Additional file 7 of Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

Additional file 7: Figure S4. Survival and event-free survival curves related to the presence of diabetes mellitus and to etiology (ischemic vs. non-ischemic). Panel A: All-cause death survival curves.

research product