John W. Blanchard


Two-dimensional single- and multiple-quantum correlation spectroscopy in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance.

We present single- and multiple-quantum correlation $J$-spectroscopy detected in zero ($<\!\!1$~$\mu$G) magnetic field using a \Rb vapor-cell magnetometer. At zero field the spectrum of ethanol appears as a mixture of \carbon isotopomers, and correlation spectroscopy is useful in separating the two composite spectra. We also identify and observe the zero-field equivalent of a double-quantum transition in ${}^{13}$C$_2$-acetic acid, and show that such transitions are of use in spectral assignment. Two-dimensional spectroscopy further improves the high resolution attained in zero-field NMR since selection rules on the coherence-transfer pathways allow for the separation of otherwise overlappi…

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Search for axionlike dark matter with a liquid-state nuclear spin comagnetometer

Physical review letters 122(19), 191302 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.191302

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Application of spin-exchange relaxation-free magnetometry to the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment

The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) seeks to measure oscillating torques on nuclear spins caused by axion or axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. A sample spin-polarized along a leading magnetic field experiences a resonance when the Larmor frequency matches the axion/ALP Compton frequency, generating precessing transverse nuclear magnetization. Here we demonstrate a Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free (SERF) magnetometer with sensitivity $\approx 1~{\rm fT/\sqrt{Hz}}$ and an effective sensing volume of 0.1 $\rm{cm^3}$ that may be useful for NMR detection in CASPEr. A potential drawback of SERF-magnetometer-based NMR detection is …

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Stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter

Numerous theories extending beyond the standard model of particle physics predict the existence of bosons that could constitute the dark matter (DM) permeating the universe. In the standard halo model (SHM) of galactic dark matter the velocity distribution of the bosonic DM field defines a characteristic coherence time $\tau_c$. Until recently, laboratory experiments searching for bosonic DM fields have been in the regime where the measurement time $T$ significantly exceeds $\tau_c$, so null results have been interpreted as constraints on the coupling of bosonic DM to standard model particles with a bosonic DM field amplitude $\Phi_0$ fixed by the average local DM density. However, motivate…

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Overview of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr)

An overview of our experimental program to search for axion and axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques is presented. An oscillating axion field can exert a time-varying torque on nuclear spins either directly or via generation of an oscillating nuclear electric dipole moment (EDM). Magnetic resonance techniques can be used to detect such an effect. The first-generation experiments explore many decades of ALP parameter space beyond the current astrophysical and laboratory bounds. It is anticipated that future versions of the experiments will be sensitive to the axions associated with quantum chromodynamics (QCD) having masses \({\lesssim }10^{…

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Lower than low: Perspectives on zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

Abstract The less-traveled low road in nuclear magnetic resonance is discussed, honoring the contributions of Prof. Bernhard Blumich, aspiring towards reaching ‘a new low.’ A history of the subject and its current status are briefly reviewed, followed by an effort to prophesy possible directions for future developments.

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Zero- to Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enhanced with Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.

Zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance is a modality of magnetic resonance experiment which does not require strong superconducting magnets. Contrary to conventional high-field nuclear magnetic resonance, it has the advantage of allowing high resolution detection of nuclear magnetism through metal as well as within heterogeneous media. To achieve high sensitivity, it is common to couple zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance with hyperpolarization techniques. To date, the most common technique is parahydrogen-induced polarization, which is only compatible with a small number of compounds. In this article, we establish dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization as a versatile method…

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Magnetic Gradiometer for Detection of Zero- and Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic sensors are important for detecting nuclear magnetization signals in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). As a complementary analysis tool to conventional high-field NMR, zero- and ultralow-field (ZULF) NMR detects nuclear magnetization signals in the sub-microtesla regime. Current ZULF NMR systems are always equipped with high-quality magnetic shieldings to ensure that ambient magnetic field noise does not dwarf the magnetization signal. An alternative approach is to separate the magnetization signal from the noise based on their differing spatial profiles, as can be achieved using a magnetic gradiometer. Here, we present a gradiometric ZULF NMR spectrometer with a magnetic gradient …

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Battery Diagnostics with Sensitive Magnetometry

The ever-increasing demand for high-capacity rechargeable batteries highlights the need for sensitive and accurate diagnostic technology for determining the state of a cell, for identifying and localizing defects, or for sensing capacity loss mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate the use of atomic magnetometry to map the weak induced magnetic fields around a Li-ion battery cell as a function of state of charge and upon introducing mechanical defects. These measurements provide maps of the magnetic susceptibility of the cell, which follow trends characteristic for the battery materials under study upon discharge. In addition, the measurements reveal hitherto unknown long time-scale transient inte…

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Wu et al. Reply:

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The cosmic axion spin precession experiment (CASPEr): a dark-matter search with nuclear magnetic resonance

The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) is a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment (NMR) seeking to detect axion and axion-like particles which could make up the dark matter present in the universe. We review the predicted couplings of axions and axion-like particles with baryonic matter that enable their detection via NMR. We then describe two measurement schemes being implemented in CASPEr. The first method, presented in the original CASPEr proposal, consists of a resonant search via continuous-wave NMR spectroscopy. This method offers the highest sensitivity for frequencies ranging from a few Hz to hundreds of MHz, corresponding to masses $ m_{\rm a} \sim 10^{-14}$--$10^{-6}…

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Measuring molecular parity nonconservation using nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy

The weak interaction does not conserve parity and therefore induces energy shifts in chiral enantiomers that should in principle be detectable in molecular spectra. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the expected shifts are small and in spectra of a mixture of enantiomers, the energy shifts are not resolvable. We propose a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment in which we titrate the chirality (enantiomeric excess) of a solvent and measure the diasteriomeric splitting in the spectra of a chiral solute in order to search for an anomalous offset due to parity nonconservation (PNC). We present a proof-of-principle experiment in which we search for PNC in the \textsuperscript{13}C resonances…

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Polarization transfer via field sweeping in parahydrogen-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance.

&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;table&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;We show that in a spin system of two magnetically inequivalent protons coupled to a heteronucleus such as 13C, an adiabatic magnetic field sweep, passing through zero field, transfers proton singlet order into magnetization of the coupled heteronucleus. This effect is potentially useful in parahydrogen-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance, and is demonstrated on singlet-hyperpolarized [1-13C]maleic acid, which is prepared via the reaction between [1-13C]acetylene dicarboxylic acid and para-enriched hydrogen gas. The magnetic field sweeps are of microtesla amplitudes, and have durations on the order of seconds. We sh…

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Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization of heteronuclear singlet order

Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) is a method to hyperpolarize nuclear spins using light. In most cases, CIDNP experiments are performed in high magnetic fields and the sample is irradiated by light inside a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer. Here we demonstrate photo-CIDNP hyperpolarization generated in the Earth's magnetic field and under zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) conditions. Irradiating a sample containing tetraphenylporphyrin and para-benzoquinone for several seconds with light-emitting diodes produces strong hyperpolarization of 1H and 13C nuclear spins, enhancing the NMR signals more than 200 times. The hyperpolarized spin states at th…

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Eddy current imaging with an atomic radio-frequency magnetometer

We use a radio-frequency $^{85}$Rb alkali-vapor cell magnetometer based on a paraffin-coated cell with long spin-coherence time and a small, low-inductance driving coil to create highly resolved conductivity maps of different objects. We resolve sub-mm features in conductive objects, we characterize the frequency response of our technique, and by operating at frequencies up to 250 kHz we are able to discriminate between differently conductive materials based on the induced response. The method is suited to cover a wide range of driving frequencies and can potentially be used for detecting non-metallic objects with low DC conductivity.

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Towards Large-Scale Steady-State Enhanced Nuclear Magnetization with In Situ Detection

Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE) boosts NMR signals of various nuclei enabling new applications spanning from magnetic resonance imaging to analytical chemistry and fundamental physics. SABRE is especially well positioned for continuous generation of enhanced magnetization on a large scale, however, several challenges need to be addressed for accomplishing this goal. Specifically, SABRE requires (i) a specialized catalyst capable of reversible H2 activation and (ii) physical transfer of the sample from the point of magnetization generation to the point of detection (e.g., a high-field or a benchtop NMR spectrometer). Moreover, (iii) continuous parahydrogen bubbling accele…

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Search for Axionlike Dark Matter Using Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Physical review letters 126(14), 141802 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.141802

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Molecular parity nonconservation in nuclear spin couplings

The weak interaction does not conserve parity, which is apparent in many nuclear and atomic phenomena. However, thus far, parity nonconservation has not been observed in molecules. Here we consider nuclear-spin-dependent parity nonconserving contributions to the molecular Hamiltonian. These contributions give rise to a parity nonconserving indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling which can be distinguished from parity conserving interactions in molecules of appropriate symmetry, including diatomic molecules. We estimate the magnitude of the coupling, taking into account relativistic corrections. Finally, we propose and simulate an experiment to detect the parity nonconserving coupling using liqu…

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Quantum sensitivity limits of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments searching for new fundamental physics

Nuclear magnetic resonance is a promising experimental approach to search for ultra-light axion-like dark matter. Searches such as the cosmic axion spin-precession experiments (CASPEr) are ultimately limited by quantum-mechanical noise sources, in particular, spin-projection noise. We discuss how such fundamental limits can potentially be reached. We consider a circuit model of a magnetic resonance experiment and quantify three noise sources: spin-projection noise, thermal noise, and amplifier noise. Calculation of the total noise spectrum takes into account the modification of the circuit impedance by the presence of nuclear spins, as well as the circuit back-action on the spin ensemble. S…

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Constraints on bosonic dark matter from ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

The nature of dark matter, the invisible substance making up over $80\%$ of the matter in the Universe, is one of the most fundamental mysteries of modern physics. Ultralight bosons such as axions, axion-like particles or dark photons could make up most of the dark matter. Couplings between such bosons and nuclear spins may enable their direct detection via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: as nuclear spins move through the galactic dark-matter halo, they couple to dark-matter and behave as if they were in an oscillating magnetic field, generating a dark-matter-driven NMR signal. As part of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), an NMR-based dark-matter search, w…

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Correlation of high-field and zero- to ultralow-field NMR properties using 2D spectroscopy

The field of zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is currently experiencing a rapid growth, owing to the progress in optical magnetometry, and also attractive features of ZULF NMR, such as low hardware cost and excellent spectral resolution achieved under ZULF conditions. In this work, an approach is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous acquisition of ZULF-NMR spectra of individual 13C-containing isotopomers of chemical compounds in a complex mixture. The method makes use of fast field cycling, so that the spin evolution takes place at ZULF conditions, whereas signal detection is performed in a high-field NMR spectrometer. This method has excellent sensitivi…

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Nuclear-spin comagnetometer based on a liquid of identical molecules

Atomic comagnetometers are used in searches for anomalous spin-dependent interactions. Magnetic field gradients are one of the major sources of systematic errors in such experiments. Here we describe a comagnetometer based on the nuclear spins within an ensemble of identical molecules. The dependence of the measured spin-precession frequency ratio on the first-order magnetic field gradient is suppressed by over an order of magnitude compared to a comagnetometer based on overlapping ensembles of different molecules. Our single-species comagnetometer is shown to be capable of measuring the hypothetical spin-dependent gravitational energy of nuclei at the $10^{-17}$ eV level, comparable to the…

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Zero- to Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance $J$-Spectroscopy with Commercial Atomic Magnetometers

Zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) is an alternative spectroscopic method to high-field NMR, in which samples are studied in the absence of a large magnetic field. Unfortunately, there is a large barrier to entry for many groups, because operating the optical magnetometers needed for signal detection requires some expertise in atomic physics and optics. Commercially available magnetometers offer a solution to this problem. Here we describe a simple ZULF NMR configuration employing commercial magnetometers, and demonstrate sufficient functionality to measure samples with nuclear spins prepolarized in a permanent magnet or initialized using parahydrogen. This opens …

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Measurement of untruncated nuclear spin interactions via zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

Zero- to ultra-low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) provides a new regime for the measurement of nuclear spin-spin interactions free from effects of large magnetic fields, such as truncation of terms that do not commute with the Zeeman Hamiltonian. One such interaction, the magnetic dipole-dipole coupling, is a valuable source of spatial information in NMR, though many terms are unobservable in high-field NMR, and the coupling averages to zero under isotropic molecular tumbling. Under partial alignment, this information is retained in the form of so-called residual dipolar couplings. We report zero- to ultra-low-field NMR measurements of residual dipolar couplings in acetonitrile…

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Sensitive magnetometry reveals inhomogeneities in charge storage and weak transient internal currents in Li-ion cells

The ever-increasing demand for high-capacity rechargeable batteries highlights the need for sensitive and accurate diagnostic technology for determining the state of a cell, for identifying and localizing defects, and for sensing capacity loss mechanisms. Here, we leverage atomic magnetometry to map the weak induced magnetic fields around Li-ion battery cells in a magnetically shielded environment. The ability to rapidly measure cells nondestructively allows testing even commercial cells in their actual operating conditions, as a function of state of charge. These measurements provide maps of the magnetic susceptibility of the cell, which follow trends characteristic for the battery materia…

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Nondestructive in-line sub-picomolar detection of magnetic nanoparticles in flowing complex fluids

AbstractOver the last decades, the use of magnetic nanoparticles in research and commercial applications has increased dramatically. However, direct detection of trace quantities remains a challenge in terms of equipment cost, operating conditions and data acquisition times, especially in flowing conditions within complex media. Here we present the in-line, non-destructive detection of magnetic nanoparticles using high performance atomic magnetometers at ambient conditions in flowing media. We achieve sub-picomolar sensitivities measuring ~30 nm ferromagnetic iron and cobalt nanoparticles that are suitable for biomedical and industrial applications, under flowing conditions in water and who…

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Rapid hyperpolarization and purification of the metabolite fumarate in aqueous solution

Significance Magnetic resonance imaging is hindered by inherently low sensitivity, which limits the method for the most part to observing water molecules in the body. Hyperpolarized molecules exhibit strongly enhanced MRI signals which opens the door for imaging low-concentration species in vivo. Biomolecules can be hyperpolarized and injected into a patient allowing for metabolism to be tracked in real time, greatly expanding the information available to the radiologist. Parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) is a hyperpolarization method renowned for its low cost and accessibility, but is generally limited by low polarization levels, modest molecular concentrations, and contamination by…

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Rapid online solid-state battery diagnostics with optically pumped magnetometers

Applied Sciences 10(21), 7864 (2020). doi:10.3390/app10217864

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Towards large‐scale steady‐state enhanced nuclear magnetization with in situ detection

Magnetic resonance in chemistry 59(12), 1208 - 1215 (2021). doi:10.1002/mrc.5161

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Experimental benchmarking of quantum control in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance

Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides complementary analysis modalities to those of high-field NMR and allows for ultra-high-resolution spectroscopy and measurement of untruncated spin-spin interactions. Unlike for the high-field case, however, universal quantum control -- the ability to perform arbitrary unitary operations -- has not been experimentally demonstrated in zero-field NMR. This is because the Larmor frequency for all spins is identically zero at zero field, making it challenging to individually address different spin species. We realize a composite-pulse technique for arbitrary independent rotations of $^1$H and $^{13}$C spins in a two-spin system. Quantum-inform…

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Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of viscous liquids

Abstract We report zero-field NMR measurements of a viscous organic liquid, ethylene glycol. Zero-field spectra were taken showing resolved scalar spin–spin coupling (J-coupling) for ethylene glycol at different temperatures and water contents. Molecular dynamics strongly affects the resonance linewidth, which closely follows viscosity. Quantum chemical calculations have been used to obtain the relative stability and coupling constants of all ethylene glycol conformers. The results show the potential of zero-field NMR as a probe of molecular structure and dynamics in a wide range of environments, including viscous fluids.

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Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance of chemically exchanging systems.

Zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is an emerging tool for precision chemical analysis. In this work, we study dynamic processes and investigate the influence of chemical exchange on ZULF NMR J-spectra. We develop a computational approach that allows quantitative calculation of J-spectra in the presence of chemical exchange and apply it to study aqueous solutions of [15N]ammonium (15N\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathrm{H}}_4^ +$$\end{document}H4+) as a model syst…

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Raman and nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of alkali metal vapor interaction with alkene-based anti-relaxation coating.

The use of anti-relaxation coatings in alkali vapor cells yields substantial performance improvements by reducing the probability of spin relaxation in wall collisions by several orders of magnitude. Some of the most effective anti-relaxation coating materials are alpha-olefins, which (as in the case of more traditional paraffin coatings) must undergo a curing period after cell manufacturing in order to achieve the desired behavior. Until now, however, it has been unclear what physicochemical processes occur during cell curing, and how they may affect relevant cell properties. We present the results of nondestructive Raman-spectroscopy and magnetic-resonance investigations of the influence …

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A method for measurement of spin-spin couplings with sub-mHz precision using zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance.

We present a method which allows for the extraction of physical quantities directly from zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) data. A numerical density matrix evolution is used to simulate ZULF NMR spectra of several molecules in order to fit experimental data. The method is utilized to determine the indirect spin-spin couplings ($J$-couplings) in these, which is achieved with precision of $10^{-2}$--$10^{-4}$ Hz. The simulated and measured spectra are compared to earlier research. Agreement and precision improvement for most of the $J$-coupling estimates are achieved. The availability of an efficient, flexible fitting method for ZULF NMR enables a new generation of…

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Chemical Reaction Monitoring Using Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enables Study of Heterogeneous Samples in Metal Containers

Abstract We demonstrate that heterogeneous/biphasic chemical reactions can be monitored with high spectroscopic resolution using zero‐field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This is possible because magnetic susceptibility broadening is negligible at ultralow magnetic fields. We show the two‐step hydrogenation of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate with para‐enriched hydrogen gas in conventional glass NMR tubes, as well as in a titanium tube. The low frequency zero‐field NMR signals ensure that there is no significant signal attenuation arising from shielding by the electrically conductive sample container. This method paves the way for in situ monitoring of reactions in complex heteroge…

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