Calogero Pace
IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers
This paper describes the scientific aims and potentials as well as the preliminary technical design of RUDE, an innovative tool for multi-disciplinary investigations in a wide field of scientific, technological and industrial applications. IRIDE will be a high intensity "particles factory", based on a combination of high duty cycle radio-frequency superconducting electron linacs and of high energy lasers. Conceived to provide unique research possibilities for particle physics, for condensed matter physics, chemistry and material science, for structural biology and industrial applications, IRIDE will open completely new research possibilities and advance our knowledge in many branches of sci…
Compact instrumentation for radiation tolerance test of flash memories in space environment
Aim of this work is the description of a test equipment, designed to be integrated on board of a microsatellite, able to investigate the radiation tolerance of non-volatile memory arrays in a real flight experiment. An FPGA-based design was adopted to preserve a high flexibility degree. Besides standard Program/Read/Erase functions, additional features such as failure data screening and latch-up protection have been implemented. The instrument development phase generated, as a by-product, a non-rad-hard version of the instrument that allowed performing in-situ experiments using 60Co and 10 MeV Boron irradiation facilities on Ground. Preliminary measurement results are reported to show the i…
Ionizing radiation effects on Non Volatile Read Only Memory cells
Threshold voltage (V-th) and drain-source current (I-DS) behaviour of nitride read only memories (NROM) were studied both in situ during irradiation or after irradiation with photons and ions. V-th loss fluctuations are well explained by the same Weibull statistics regardless of the irradiation species and total dose. Results of drain current measurements in-situ during irradiation with photons and ions reveal a step-like increase of I-DS with the total irradiation dose. A brief physical explanation is also provided.
Low Dose-Rate, High Total Dose Set-Up for Rad-Hard CMOS I/O Circuits Testing
In this paper, the planning of low dose-rate, high total dose testing campaign for I/O circuits is reported. In particular, the paper describes all development steps, starting from the rad-hard I/O circuits design and the implementation of the test-chip, which is meant to allow comparative testing between rad-hard and standard devices. The designed experimental setup permits in situ measurements, therefore the circuits behavior can be remotely monitored for very long periods. This feature enables low dose-rate testing up to very high dose.
Gamma-ray irradiation tests of CMOS sensors used in imaging techniques
Technologically-enhanced electronic image sensors are used in various fields as diagnostic techniques in medicine or space applications. In the latter case the devices can be exposed to intense radiation fluxes over time which may impair the functioning of the same equipment. In this paper we report the results of gamma-ray irradiation tests on CMOS image sensors simulating the space radiation over a long time period. Gamma-ray irradiation tests were car ried out by means of IGS-3 gamma irradiation facility of Palermo Uni ver sity, based on 60Co sources with dif fer ent ac tiv i ties. To re duce the dose rate and re al ize a nar row gamma-ray beam, a lead-collimation sys tem was pur posely …
Laser Beam Lithography For 3-D Surface Patterning
A low power laser processing unit, for microlithographic applications on non-planar surfaces, is described. By combining proper laser beam handling, micropositioning, software control and surface coating techniques, a 5-axis robotic system for laser writing has been set up. Light from a He-Cd laser source is fiber-delivered to a writing head, which moves around a resist coated solid object. After exposure, traditional wet processing can be applied. The unit is capable of patterning metal films deposited on samples up to a size of 50x50x100 mm, with 5 micrometer spatial resolution. An application in 3-D circuit fabrication is presented.
Dangerous effects induced on power MOSFETs by terrestrial neutrons: A theoretical study and an empirical approach based on accelerated experimental analysis
This paper investigates the effects that terrestrial neutrons can induce on power MOSFETs when they are biased during their normal working conditions especially in inverters for photovoltaic applications. After a brief review of power MOSFETs failure phenomena caused by neutron irradiation (with emphasis on so called “Single Event Effects” (SEE)), the results of an accelerated test performed with the Am-Be source at the University of Palermo are discussed.
Indoor Fast Neutron Generator for Biophysical and Electronic Applications
This study focuses the attention on an indoor fast neutron generator for biophysical and electronic applications. More specifically, the findings obtained by several simulations with the MCNP Monte Carlo code, necessary for the realization of a shield for indoor measurements, are presented. Furthermore, an evaluation of the neutron spectrum modification caused by the shielding is reported. Fast neutron generators are a valid and interesting available source of neutrons, increasingly employed in a wide range of research fields, such as science and engineering. The employed portable pulsed neutron source is a MP320 Thermo Scientific neutron generator, able to generate 2.5 MeV neutrons with a …
Flexible Laser Tracing Systems for Defining Thin Film Hybrid Geometries
A recent programme of technical collaboration between Alelco, DIE of Palermo and CRES of Monreale has led to the development and operative confirmation of a technique for delineating conductive microgeometries on various types of Substrates. This technique, using a flexible System of laser microlithography on planar (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) surfaces, has led to the development of several types of thin film components for use at both low and high frequencies. © 1994, MCB UP Limited
Threshold Voltage Variability of NROM Memories After Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Threshold voltage (V-th) behavior of nitride readonly memories (NROMs) was studied after irradiation with photons (gamma-and X-rays), light and heavy ions. Both programmed and nonprogrammed single cells were investigated. The data suggest that two main physical phenomena are contributing to V-th variation and that the V-th loss and the variability can be modeled by a Weibull statistics with a shape parameter k similar to 2.2 regardless of the irradiation species and total dose. The same peculiarities were found in large memory arrays, confirming the results from single-cell studies but with significantly larger statistics. Hence, once the irradiation dose is known, the V-th loss distributio…
Radiation tolerance of NROM embedded products
Radiation tolerance of NROM memories is demonstrated at the level of industrial 4 Mbit memory embedded modules, specifically not designed for operation in radiation harsh environments. The memory fabricated in 0.18 um technology remains fully functional after total ionization doses exceeding 100 krad. The tests were performed by irradiating with γ-rays (60Co source) and 10 MeV 11B ions in active (during programming/erase and read-out) and passive (no bias) modes. Comprehensive statistics were obtained by using large memory arrays and comparison of the data with the parameters of irradiated single cells allowed deep understanding of the physical phenomena in the irradiated NROM devices for b…
The methodology for active testing of electronic devices under the radiations
The methodology, developed for active testing of electronic devices under the radiations, is presented. The test set-up includes a gamma-ray facility, the hardware board/fixtures and the software tools purposely designed and realized. The methodology is so wide-ranging to allow us the verification of different classes of electronic devices, even if only application examples for static random access memory modules are reported.