Reno Harboe-sorensen
TID and SEE Tests of an Advanced 8 Gbit NAND-Flash Memory
We report on the dose and operational mode dependence of error percentage, stand-by current, erase and write time of 8 Gbit / 4 Gbit NAND-flash memories as well as on their static, dynamic and SEFI cross sections.
Key Contributions to the Cross Section of NAND Flash Memories Irradiated With Heavy Ions
Heavy-ion irradiation of NAND flash memories under operating conditions leads to errors with complex, data-dependent signatures. We present upsets due to hits in the floating gate array and in the peripheral circuitry, discussing their peculiarities in terms of pattern dependence and annealing. We also illustrate single event functional interruptions, which lead to errors during erase and program operations. To account for all the phenomena we observe during and after irradiation, we propose an ldquoeffective cross section,rdquo which takes into account the array and peripheral circuitry contributions to the SEU sensitivity, as well as the operating conditions.
From the Reference SEU Monitor to the Technology Demonstration Module On-Board PROBA-II
The reference SEU Monitor system designed and presented in 2005 (R. H. SOslashrensen, F.-X. Guerre, and A. Roseng ldquoDesign, testing and calibration of a reference SEU monitor system,rdquo in Proc. RADECS, 2005, pp. B3-1-B3-7) has now been used by many researchers at many radiation test sites and has provided valuable calibration data in support of numerous projects. As some of these findings and results give new insight into improved inter-facility calibrations and provide additional inputs into ongoing SEE research, a few of the more interesting cases are presented. Furthermore the dasiadetector elementpsila, the Atmel AT60142F SRAM, now in a hybrid configuration, will form the key dete…
Evaluation of Mechanisms in TID Degradation and SEE Susceptibility of Single- and Multi-Level High Density NAND Flash Memories
Heavy ion single-event measurements and total ionizing dose (TID) response for 8 Gb commercial NAND flash memories are reported. Radiation results of multi-level flash technology are compared with results from single-level flash technology. The single-level devices are less sensitive to single event upsets (SEUs) than multi-level devices. In general, these commercial high density memories exhibit less TID degradation compared to older generations of flash memories.
Experimental Linear Energy Transfer of Heavy Ions in Silicon for RADEF Cocktail Species
Experimental linear energy transfer values of heavy ions in silicon are presented with comparison to estimations from different semi empirical codes widely used among the community. This paper completes the experimental LET data for the RADEF cocktail ions in silicon.
Comparison of TID response and SEE characterization of single- and multi-level high density NAND flash memories
Heavy ion single-event measurements and total ionizing dose (TID) response for 8Gb commercial NAND flash memories are reported. Radiation results of multilevel flash technology are compared with results from single-level flash technology. The single-level devices are less sensitive to single event upsets (SEUs) than multi-level devices. In general, these commercial high density memories exhibit less TID degradation compared to older generations of flash memories. The charge pump in this study survived up to 600 krads.
Heavy ion SEE studies on 4-Gbit NAND-Flash memories
Heavy ion SEE studies on three 4-Gbit NAND-flash memory types were performed at the RADEF facility at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland with particular emphasis on SEFI differentiation. An error classification for complex memory devices is introduced, and respective cross sections are reported.
Heavy-Ion Induced Charge Yield in MOSFETs
The heavy-ion induced electron/hole charge yield in silicon-oxide versus electric field is presented. The heavy-ion charge yield was determined by comparing the voltage shifts of MOSFET transistors irradiated with 10-keV X-rays and several different heavy ions. The obtained charge yield for the heavy ions is in average nearly an order of magnitude lower than for the X-rays for the entire range of measured electric fields.
Traces of errors due to single ion in floating gate memories
Single, high energy, high LET, ions impacting on a Floating gate array at grazing or near-grazing angles lead to the creation of long traces of FGs with corrupted information. Every time a FG is crossed by a single ion, it experiences a charge loss which permanently degrades the stored information. If the ion crosses more than one FG, the threshold voltage of all those FGs interested by its track will be degraded.
The RADECS 2008 workshop overview
The 8th European Workshop on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECS 2008, was held September 10–12, 2008 at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. The venue took place at the University's Agora Building locating close to the Alba hotel, where most of the attendees were accommodated. The host of the event was the Department of Physics and its Industrial Applications group served as the organizer. The group runs the Radiation Effects Facility, RADEF, in the Department's Accelerator Laboratory.
Upgrades for the RADEF Facility
RADEF includes heavy ion and proton beam lines for irradiation of space electronics. A special beam cocktail for back side irradiations has been developed. Also, experimental LET values of its two heaviest ions have been determined.
Can Atmospheric Neutrons Induce Soft Errors in NAND Floating Gate Memories?
Atmospheric neutrons can interact with the matter inside a microelectronic chip and generate ionizing particles, which in turn can change the state of one or more memory bits [soft error (SE)]. In this letter, we show that SEs are possible in Flash memories, although with extremely low probabilities. While this problem will increase for future technologies, we do not expect SEs to be the reliability limiting factor for further floating gate scaling.
Influence of beam conditions and energy for SEE testing
GANIL/Applications industrielles; The effects of heavy-ion test conditions and beam energy on device response are investigated. These effects are illustrated with two types of test vehicles: SRAMs and power MOSFETs. In addition, GEANT4 simulations have also been performed to better understand the results. Testing to high fluence levels is required to detect rare events. This increases the probability of nuclear interactions. This is typically the case for power MOSFETs, which are tested at high fluences for single event burnout or gate rupture detection, and for single-event-upset (SEU) measurement in SRAMs below the direct ionization threshold. Differences between various test conditions (…
Effect of Ion Energy on Charge Loss From Floating Gate Memories
Heavy ions typical of the space environment have energies which exceed by orders of magnitude those available at particle accelerators. In this paper we are irradiating state of the art floating gate memories by using both a medium energy (SIRAD) and a high energy (RADEF) facilities. The corruption of stored information decreases when increasing ion energy. The proposed model deals with the broader track found for higher energy ions. Implications for testing procedures and for reliability considerations are discussed.