José M. Tomás
Development and Validation of the Adolescent and Children in Risk of Abuse and Maltreatment Protective Factors Scale (ACRAM-PFS)
AbstractBackgroundChild maltreatment is a significant global problem concerning over 25% of children around the world. Traditionally, the assessment of children’s welfare was characterized by the creation of instruments and models from the deficit-based theoretical framework.PurposeThis study aims to develop an instrument to measure protective factors (the Adolescent and Children Risk of Abuse and Maltreatment Protective Factors Scale, ACRAM-PFS) and gather evidence on its psychometric properties. ACRAM-PFS is an 18-items scale for the assessment of protective factors of child maltreatment developed from the socioecological framework.MethodStructural validity, reliability and convergent-rel…
When age means safety: Data to assess trends and differences on rule knowledge, risk perception, aberrant and positive road behaviors, and traffic crashes of cyclists.
This data article examines the association between age, knowledge of traffic rules, risk perception, risky and positive behaviors on the road and traffic safety outcomes of cyclists. The data was collected using a structured self-administrable and online-based questionnaire, applied to a full sample of 1064 cyclists. The data contains 4 parts: descriptive statistics; graphical trends for each study variable according to age; Post-Hoc (Tukey-HSD) comparisons between cyclists classified in the different age groups; and, finally, the dataset for further explorations in this regard. For further information, it is convenient to read the full article entitled "Explaining Self-Reported Traffic Cra…
Development and validation of the Short Professional Quality of Life Scale based on versions IV and V of the Professional Quality of Life Scale
Background This research presents a short version of the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) scale, one of the most frequently used questionnaires in the arena of applied healthcare investigation. It measures burnout (BO), compassion fatigue (CF), and compassion satisfaction (CS). Methods A 9-item version of the ProQOL was developed. In Study 1, this short version, which used items from version IV of the ProQOL, was administered to 817 palliative care professionals from Spain, Argentina, and Brazil. In Study 2, the same nine items, but this time from version V of the ProQOL, were administered to 296 Spanish palliative care professionals. Results Study 1: The Short ProQOL showed an adequat…
Screen time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity changes and displacement in adolescence: A prospective cohort study.
This paper determines longitudinal changes in the time Spanish adolescents devote to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and screen media activity (SMA). Moreover, it examines the displacement hypothesis between time spent on SMA and MVPA.A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a prospective cohort study over a three-year period. Repeated measures ANOVA to highlight interaction effects among all variables and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques were employed.Age and gender-related variations in longitudinal changes in time spent on MVPA and SMA evolved in the inverse direction (decreased on MVPA/increased on SMA) according to the ANOVA. The potential displacement bet…
Does the Spanish version of the SWLS measure the same in Spain and Peru?
Aim Satisfaction with life is a measure of protection in older adults. There lies the importance of providing quality instruments. The aim of the study was to evaluate the invariance of the life satisfaction scale (SWLS) in two samples of older adults in Spain and Peru. Method The participants were 857 older adults in Spain (mean age = 68.23 years, SD = 5.93) and 336 older adults in Peru (average age = 72.42, SD = 7.07). All multi-group confirmatory factor analyzes were estimated in Mplus 8.0. Results The results indicate the presence of a strict invariance of the one-dimensional structure of the SWLS in samples of older adults in Spain and Peru, which allows for meaningful comparisons of l…
More on the Dimensionality of the GHQ-12: Competitive Confirmatory Models
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) was designed to measure minor psychiatric morbidity by assessing normal ‘healthy’ functioning and the appearance of new, distressing symptoms. Among its versions, the 12-item is one of the most used. GHQ-12’s validity and reliability have been extensively tested in samples from different populations. In the Spanish version, studies have come to different conclusions, of one, two, and three-factor structures. This research aims to present additional evidence on the factorial validity of the Spanish version of the GHQ-12, using competitive confirmatory models. Three samples of workers (N= 525, 414 and 540) were used to test a set of substantive models pr…
Espiritualidad, esperanza y dependencia como predictores de la satisfacción vital y la percepción de salud: efecto moderador de ser muy mayor
Objetivo: analizar algunos predictores de la calidad de vida en personas mayores, diferenciando entre mayores jóvenes o muy mayores. Esto es, se estudia un potencial efecto moderador debido a ser muy mayor, dado que este sector de la población está en rápido crecimiento en todo el mundo. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico de encuesta a 224 personas mayores, en dos grupos diferenciales, menores de 75 años y 75 años o más, que viven en la ciudad de Valencia (España). Resultados: se ajustó un modelo estructural multimuestra donde las dimensiones de espiritualidad y la esperanza predicen dos indicadores de calidad de vida en personas mayores: satisfacción vital y percepción de …
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the White Bear Suppression Inventory and the Thought Control Questionnaire
The White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) was developed to assess chronic thought suppression, whereas the Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ) measures different strategies to suppress unpleasant intrusive thoughts. The present study examines the latent factor structure of these instruments in a sample of 540 normal subjects using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Regarding the WBSI, the CFAs indicated that the tested models did not provide a good fit for the data. Data analysis showed that the TCQ with five factors and 30 items did not reach a reasonable fit. Therefore, in order to present a five-factor structure with an adequate fit, those items with problematic factor loadings were …
Screen media time usage of 12-16 year-old Spanish school adolescents: Effects of personal and socioeconomic factors, season and type of day.
Abstract This study examined screen media time usage (SMTU) and its association with personal and socioeconomic factors, as well as the effect of season and type of day, in a Spanish sample of 12–16 year-old school adolescents (N = 323). The research design was a cross-sectional survey, in which an interviewer-administered recall questionnaire was used. Statistical analyses included repeated measures analyses of variance, analysis of covariance and structural equation models. Results showed an average of 2.52 h per day of total SMTU and partial times of 1.73 h per day in TV viewing, 0.27 h per day in computer/videogames, and 0.52 h per day in mobile use. Four significant predictors of SMTU …
Actitudes de emprendimiento y los "Cinco Grandes": una compa-ración intercultural entre España y Estados Unidos.
Culture may interact with personality to facilitate or inhibit en-trepreneurial behaviors. 296 undergraduates in the United States and 257 in Spain completed the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Entrepreneur-ial Attitudes Scale for Students (Mean age = 20.16 years; SD = 3.39). We hypothesized that across cultures, conscientiousness and openness would predict greater risk taking whereas neuroticism and agreeableness would be a negative correlate. Personality variables explained a larger proportion of the variance in entrepreneurial attitudes in the U.S. data. The associations between the personality dimensions and entrepreneurship varied consider-ably by country and gender. Significant…
Validation of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale in Peruvian old adults: a study based on SEM and IRT multidimensional models.
Loneliness is a public health problem. Its assessment is important to identify older adults who experience greater loneliness and appropriate interventions can be carried out. The De Jong Gierveld Solitude Scale (DJGLS) is one of the most widely used, at least in the European context, to measure loneliness. Although the Spanish version of the DJGLS has shown reliability and validity in Spanish samples of older adults, there is no evidence of adequacy in the Latin American context. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the DJGLS in Peruvian older adults. Specifically, factorial validity, internal consistency and criterion-related validity were studied, based o…
Using the Updated EWGSOP2 Definition in Diagnosing Sarcopenia in Spanish Older Adults : Clinical Approach
Recently the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP2) has updated diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia, which consist of one or more measures of muscle strength, muscle mass, and physical performance, plus an initial screening test called SARC-F. The main objective was to compare the number of cases of sarcopenia, using the different measurements and screening options. A cross-sectional study was conducted on Spanish older adults (n = 272, 72% women). Combining the different measures proposed by the steps described in the EWGSOP2 algorithm, 12 options were obtained (A–L). These options were studied in each of the three models: (1) using SARC-F as initial screening
Predictors of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults: the role of socio-demographic variables and COVID-19 anxiety
The objective of this study was to evaluate factors related to the mental health of Peruvian older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study had a cross-sectional and observational design. A total of 274 older adults in Lima, Peru (Mage = 67.86) filled out a sociodemographic survey, the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, Mental Health Inventory-5, Patient Health Questionnaire-2 item, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale. A Structural Equation Model (SEM) was estimated to test an a priori model that relates the sociodemographic variables, COVID-19 Anxiety, psychological well-being, anxiety and depression. The model fit indices indicated a good fit to the data. The socio-demographic variables …
Is It Possible to Measure the Role of the Bystander and the Victim of Bullying in Children? Construct Validity of Two Brief Pictorial Scales With IRT and CFA Models
The study's objective was to develop and validate the psychometric properties of two brief pictorial scales to evaluate the roles of bystanders and victims of bullying. A sample of 910 students was considered (49.6%, boys; 50.4%, girls) between the ages of 7 and 13 (M = 10, SD = 1.4). Both instruments present nine pictorial items representing two dimensions: physical bullying (items 1 to 4) and psychological bullying (items 5 to 9). An additional measure of anxiety was used to assess convergent validity. The Confirmatory Factorial Analysis shows that the two-dimensional oblique model, physical bullying and psychological bullying, presents a better fit to the bystander scale data (RMSEA = .…
The effects of self‐efficacy, hope, and engagement on the academic achievement of secondary education in the Dominican Republic
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican teachers: dimensionality, reliability, and validity
ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…
The Relationship Between Safety Attitudes and Occupational Accidents
This research provides empirical evidence on the relationships between employee attitudes to safety issues and accident indicators in a Spanish context. The research attempts to review to what degree those attitudes reflect a collective, or shared, climate for safety within a number of organizations. Data were gathered from workers in a number of industries in Valencia (Spain) by questionnaire. A total of 1,234 valid questionnaires were completed and formed the basis for subsequent analysis. Analysis of the attitude dimensions found a similar structure to that found in previous research in other countries, as well as identifying those dimensions shared within groups, more likely to represe…
Comparison between Spanish young and elderly people evaluated using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test
The first objective of this work was to compare scores obtained in the daily memory function between young and elderly people, and to check whether there are differences between the groups for each of the profile scores obtained in the memory test. A second aim of this paper is to study the relationship between everyday memory and age, while controlling for gender and educational level. The total and profile scores obtained in the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test were compared in a sample of 60 young and 120 elderly people from Valencia (Spain). Results showed significant differences between the two groups: those between 18 and 30 years obtained a higher average than those over 65. Once th…
Evaluación de las estrategias de aprendizaje con las escalas ACRA y ACRA-Breve: Modelos competitivos, invarianza de medida, y predicción del rendimiento académico en estudiantes de secundaria de la República Dominicana
Resumen Las estrategias de aprendizaje han sido ampliamente estudiadas, y relacionadas con el exito academico en diversos estudios. Entre las medidas desarrolladas, la version de 44 items de la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje (ACRA) es, de lejos, una de las mas utilizadas en el contexto de habla hispana. Recientemente, este instrumento ha sido reducido a una version de 17 items. Ni la version de 44 items ni la de 17 han sido puestas a prueba en la Republica Dominicana. La muestra se compone de 1712 estudiantes dominicanos de secundaria. Ambas estructuras del ACRA se evaluan mediante AFC; se calcula alfa y el indice CRI para valorar la consistencia interna; y, para obtener evidencia de …
Psychometric Evaluation of Nursing Professionals Involved in Palliative Care
12 páginas Objetivos: Validar las escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff en enfermería y relacionarlas con variables clave en calidad de vida laboral. Materiales y método: participaron por encuesta electrónica autoadministrada anónima 433 profesionales, 33.1% profesionales de enfermería (n=123) en quienes nos centramos. Además de sociodemográficos, se recogió información sobre bienestar psicológico, atención consciente, afrontamiento de la muerte y calidad de vida. La validez de constructo fue evaluada con análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se estimó fiabilidad y se recogieron evidencias de validez externa. Resultados: El modelo mostró ajuste adecuado: c2(362) = 438.59 (p = .01), CFI = .98…
La predicción de la satisfacción con la vida en personas mayores de Angola: el efecto moderador del género
ResumenExiste abundante investigación que ha estudiado la satisfacción vital en personas mayores y ha encontrado evidencia empírica de sus mejores predictores. Cuando se estudia la satisfacción con la vida de las personas mayores y sus predictores se hallan diferencias en función del género incluyendo, por ejemplo, las interacciones con la viudedad. En este contexto, el presente estudio se ha centrado en los siguientes objetivos: (1) poner a prueba la invarianza en función del género de una medida de satisfacción con la vida, (2) predecir la satisfacción vital usando varias variables relacionadas con el proceso de envejecimiento y (3) poner a prueba el potencial efecto moderador del género …
Socio-Demographic Variables, Fear of COVID-19, Anxiety, and Depression: Prevalence, Relationships and Explanatory Model in the General Population of Seven Latin American Countries
The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the contribution of socio-demographic factors and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety and depression in samples of residents in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and El Salvador). A total of 4,881 individuals, selected by convenience sampling, participated in the study. Moderate and severe levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety were identified, as well as a moderate average level of fear of COVID-19. In addition, it was observed that about a quarter of the participants presented symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a major depressive episode. …
Satisfação Profissional no Docente Dominicano: Antecedentes Profissionais
Resumen La satisfacción laboral del colectivo docente ha sido estudiada desde diversas perspectivas, debido a los importantes efectos que esta puede tener tanto a nivel económico como a nivel organizacional. La muestra empleada en este trabajo se compone de 978 docentes dominicanos, y fue obtenida mediante un muestreo estratificado, y, por tanto, representativo de la población. En este estudio se examina un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el cual el contexto de trabajo y las condiciones laborales afectan el burnout y el engagement de los profesores. A su vez, se plantea que burnout y engagement afectan la satisfacción laboral docente. El modelo ajustó a los datos: x2(223)= 1089.9, p<.…
Measuring self-esteem in Spanish adolescents: Equivalence across gender and educational levels
Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (RSES) has been applied in many areas of psychology, highlighting the interest in the study of gender differences and educational level. At the same time, there was a methodological debate on its psychometric properties. Evidence points at a scale measuring a single trait confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine RSES differences due to gender and educational level at the factor level, while controlling for the presence of method effects, in Spanish students. A completely a priori model was separately tested in four subsamples: college men and women, and high school men and women, and an invariance r…
Predicting perceived health in Angolan elderly: The moderator effect of being oldest old
The objective of this study was to test the predicting effects of variables measuring social support, dependence/active perceptions, and generativity, on this facet of well-being when controlled for socio-demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and institutionalization). The research tries to extend previous literature by assessing them in a multivariate context, studying differential effects of these variables in young old and oldest old, and offering evidence of the scarcely studied population of Angola. The sample was formed by 737 young old and 266 oldest old. It was built a hierarchical regression, in which, among the different predictors, interactions effects between age a…
Consecuencias del desempleo en la salud mental de una muestra de jóvenes angoleños
espanolEntre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresion y perdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estres sobre la salud mental en desempleados jovenes angolenos mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser economicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angolenos con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 anos. El modelo se estimo en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. E…
Validation of the Cycling Behavior Questionnaire: A tool for measuring cyclists' road behaviors
Abstract Introduction Even though cycling is an activity whose benefits in terms of urban mobility and health are globally recognized, its disproportional growth during the past few decades has led to some unexpected dynamics. In fact, the increasing number of traffic injuries and deaths involving cyclists has a high cost for public health systems. Considering the available empirical evidence, aberrant and positive behaviors on the road constitute relevant predictors for the injuries suffered by road users. Nevertheless, the scarcity of tools that measure and evaluate the behavior of road users, especially in the case of cyclists, constitutes a serious lack in terms of explaining, interveni…
Apoyo social de familia, profesorado y amigos, ajuste escolar y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes peruanos
espanolIntroduccion: La psicologia positiva ha senalado la importancia del bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes, por ser un precursor del desarrollo positivo de los jovenes. La investigacion resalta la importancia del apoyo social percibido y el ajuste escolar como determinantes del bienestar adolescente. Por ello, este articulo tiene como finalidad analizar las relaciones de la percepcion de apoyo social (de familia, profesorado, amigos) con el bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes, mediado por su ajuste escolar. Metodo: Participaron 1035 estudiantes peruanos de educacion secundaria, con edades entre 12 y 16 anos. Se probaron dos modelos teoricos con variables latentes, uno con mediac…
Validez factorial de una escala de generatividad en español: ¿otra escala con efectos de método?
Introducción: Erikson (1950) utilizó el término “generatividad” por primera vez y se refiere al estado de adultez en el ciclo de vida, lo que implica procreatividad, productividad y creatividad e impulsa el desarrollo de la propia identidad. Existen varias formas de medir la generatividad como las entrevistas, la observación directa, los estudios de caso o los cuestionarios de autoinforme. El método más utilizado es el autoinforme y, entre las escalas disponibles, una de las más destacadas es la Escala de Generatividad de Loyola (EGL). La EGL es una medida de autoinforme que consta de veinte ítems que miden un factor general de generatividad.Objetivo: este estudio examinó la validez factori…
Method Effects and Gender Invariance of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: A Study on Adolescents
AbstractRosenberg's self-esteem scale has been extensively used in all areas of psychology to assess global self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965, 1979). Its construct validity, and specifically its factor structure, has almost from the beginning been under debate. More than four decades after its creation the cumulated evidence points that the scale measures a single trait (self-esteem) but confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine the measurement invariance of the RSES by gender and test potential gender differences at the latent (trait and method) variable level, while controlling for method effects, in a sample of Spanish students. A …
The Relationship of Sexism and Gender Ideology to Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
The process of adapting to a physical disability is complex and multi-dimensional. It is influenced by many variables that affect adequate life adjustment and psychological wellbeing. This study addresses the specific effects of sexism and gender stereotypes on self-esteem and selfconcept in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). The research design is cross-sectional and correlational. The sample comprises 127 persons, including 95 men and 32 women, with a long-term spinal injury. The results of the MANOVAs do not demonstrate statistically significant differences based on sex for the following variables: self-esteem, self-concept, traditional sexism and neosexism. The relationships among v…
In recent years, interest in satisfaction with love life (SWLL) has increased. Empirical evidence demonstrated that SWLL favors subjective well-being, physical and mental health, marital quality and stability. In this regard, the study aimed to examine evidence based on the internal structure validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the Peruvian version of the Satisfaction with Love Life Scale (SWLLS). The participants were 323 older adults recruited from the region of San Martin (Peru) with an average age of 68.73 years (SD = 7.17). The sample comprised of 49.5% women and 50.5% men. The results supported the one-dimensional model and adequate reliability of the SWLLS. A multi-g…
Measurement of the will to live in older adults: Transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the Will-to-Live Scale
Abstract Objective The Will-to-Live Scale (WTLS) is used to measure the will to live in older adults; however, there is no Spanish version. The objective of the study was to translate the WTLS into Spanish, assess its internal structure, reliability, and the correlates between WTLS and life satisfaction, resilience, and depression in older Peruvian adults. Method The participants were 235 Peruvian older adults (M = 72.69, SD = 6.68), evaluated between March to May 2019, selected through non-probability sampling. The WTLS, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) were administered. Data analysis included r…
Influencia del clima motivacional en clase sobre el compromiso escolar de los adolescentes y su logro académico
The scientific literature provides empirical evidence on the relationship between school engagement and numerous important variables of the adolescents’ educational context. The school engagement has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of both teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom. Because of it, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between perceived motivational class climate and students’ academic achievement, with school engagement acting as a mediator. A sample of 2028 teenagers completed various instruments to measure the percept…
Socio-Demographic Variables and Successful Aging of the Angolan Elderly
The proportion of elderly people is growing faster than any other age group. Amongst them, the group of oldest old is indeed the segment of the elderly population with the fastest growth rate. The increase in the proportion of elderly in the Angolan population makes research on this area badly needed. Within the theoretical framework of successful aging, the study aims to test for sociodemographic group differences in perceived health, life satisfaction, and social relations in Angolan elderly. The dependent variables are three of the components of what has been called successful aging. Data came from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in Luanda. 1003 Angolan elderly were sur…
Contributions of Psychosocial Factors and Physical Activity to Successful Aging
AbstractThe aim of this study was twofold: (a) To validate a successful aging model in a Spanish older adult’s sample, and (b) to predict successful aging from psychosocial factors and physical activity. Participants were 725 Spanish older people, of whom 478 were women and 247 men, aged between 55 and 100 years. Of these, 501 were physically active and 197 persons did not practice physical activity. The sample was collected in three areas: Sport centers, day centers and public areas of several Spanish towns. Factorial validity of the Successful Aging Inventory was studied by confirmatory factor analysis, and four multiple regressions to predict each of the dimensions of successful aging (f…
Assessment of learning strategies with the ACRA and the Brief-ACRA scales: Competitive models, measurement invariance, and prediction of academic achievement in secondary elementary students from the Dominican Republic
Abstract Learning strategies have been widely studied, and they have been related to academic achievement in several studies. Among the measurement instruments developed, the 44-item version of the Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) is, by far, one of the most widely used questionnaires in the Spanish speaking context. This instrument has been recently shortened to a 17-item version. Neither the 44-item nor the 17-item version have been tested in the Dominican Republic. The aim of this study is to study the psychometric properties of the 44-item and 17-item versions of the ACRA. Participants were 1712 Dominican secondary school students. Both structures of the ACRA were tested via CFA; alpha …
The SF-8 Spanish Version for Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment: Psychometric Study with IRT and CFA Models.
AbstractThe aim of current research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SF–8, overcoming previous shortcomings. A double line of analyses was used: competitivestructural equations modelsto establish factorial validity, andItem Response theoryto analyze item psychometric characteristics and information. 593 people aged 60 years or older, attending long life learning programs at the University were surveyed. Their age ranged from 60 to 92 years old. 67.6% were women. The survey included scales on personality dimensions, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors related to aging. Competitive confirmatory models pointed out two-factors (physical and mental health…
Social interaction learning strategies, motivation, first-year students’ experiences and permanence in university studies
Applying a structural equations modelling methodology, the study analyses the relationships and effects of self-regulated learning (social interaction learning strategies and motivation) and first-...
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS): A study on elderly attending to university programs
Several measures have been developed for the operalization of well-being, standing out the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). To cope with some of its problems the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS) was developed. The aim of this study is to present and validate the Spanish version of the TSLS, in a sample elderly attending to University programs. The sample was composed of 737 elderly. Together with the TSLS, an indicator of general life satisfaction and the SF-8 Health Scale were used. Analyses included the study of factorial validity, estimations of reliability and external validity. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis were adequate: χ2(87)=454.593 (p<.001), CFI=.9…
Medición de la voluntad de vivir en adultos mayores: adaptación transcultural, validez y confiabilidad de la Will-to-Live Scale
Resumen Objetivo La Will-to-Live Scale (WTLS) es utilizada para medir la voluntad de vivir en adultos mayores; sin embargo, no existe una version en espanol. El objetivo del estudio fue traducir la WTLS al espanol, evaluar su estructura interna, su confiabilidad y los correlatos entre la WTLS y la satisfaccion con la vida, la resiliencia y la depresion en adultos mayores peruanos. Metodo Los participantes fueron 235 adultos mayores peruanos (M = 72,69, DE = 6,68) evaluados entre marzo y mayo de 2019, seleccionados a traves de un muestreo no probabilistico. Se administro la WTLS, la Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), la Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) y el Patient Health Questionnarie-…
Palliative Care Professionals' Inner Lives: Cross-Cultural Application of the Awareness Model of Self-Care
Compassionate professional qualities traditionally have not received the most attention in either critical or end of life care. Constant exposure to death, time pressure and workload, inadequate coping with personal emotions, grieving, and depression urge the development of an inner curricula of competences to promote professional quality of life and compassionate care. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the universality of these problems and the need to equip ourselves with rigorously validated measurement and monitoring approaches that allow for unbiased comparisons. The main objective of this study was to offer evidence on the generalizability of the awareness model of self-care across thr…
Evaluación del desorden en los vecindarios: validación de una escala observacional de tres factores
This study presents data on the development and preliminary validation of an observational scale assessing neighborhood disorder. Independent observations by trained raters of neighborhood disorder were conducted in 552 census block groups in the city of Valencia (Spain). Intraclass correlation coefficients assessing inter-rater reliability indicated fair to substantial levels of agreement among raters. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a final three-factor model scale measuring physical disorder, social disorder, and physical decay. Results for the internal consistency showed large composite reliability indices indicating good reliability for all neighborhood disorder factors. Evidenc…
Evidencias psicométricas de una medida breve de resiliencia en adultos mayores peruanos no institucionalizados
Resumen: La resiliencia es comprendida como el dominio de recursos personales y factores contextuales que permiten un afrontamiento exitoso y el logro de una adaptación positiva ante los diferentes estresores que aparecen a lo largo de la vida, siendo así importante dentro del proceso de envejecimiento saludable y exitoso. En la actualidad se han desarrollado instrumentos breves para la medición de la resiliencia como la escala breve de resiliencia (BRCS - Brief Resilient Coping Scale) que evalúa la capacidad de los individuos para hacer frente al estrés de manera adaptativa. En este sentido, el estudio ofrece evidencia de validez y fiabilidad de la BRCS en adultos mayores no institucionali…
Factorial validity and invariance analysis of the five items version of Mindful Awareness Attention Scale in older adults
Objective: Mindfulness or the full attention state is a factor that contributes to the successful process of aging. This study aims to evaluate the evidence of validity, on the basis of the internal structure, convergent and discriminant validity, reliability and factorial invariance across gender, for the five items Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-5) within a sample of older adults. Methods: The participants were 323 Peruvian older adults, consisting of 160 women and 163 men, whose average ages were 68.58 (S.D = 7.23) and 68.91 years (S.D = 7.12), respectively. In addition to the MAAS-5, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 were administered. Resu…
Design and implementation of the DAP 360º tool for the assessment of risk and vulnerability in childhood and adolescence
Introducción. El maltrato a la infancia y la adolescencia es un problema a nivel mundial que tiene graves consecuencias que pueden durar toda la vida. La detección y evaluación eficaz del maltrato infantil se considera esencial para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones profesional. No obstante, en la actualidad, la descentralización de la atención, la falta de rigurosidad científica y objetiva en los diagnósticos y las evaluaciones parciales y fragmentadas pueden dificultar la adopción de medidas de protección efectivas. Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar el proceso de diseño de la herramienta DAP 360º, creada para colaborar en el juicio profesional para la evaluación …
Subtypes of Depression: Latent Class Analysis in Spanish Old People with Depressive Symptoms
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most disabling disorders and the one that most contributes to disability. When it occurs in older people, it is an additional burden to their potential physical and cognitive deficiencies, making MDD an important public health problem that supposes a large investment in health. There is a clear lack of consistency between the subtypes of depression found in the literature, ranging from two to seven classes, with three being the most commonly found non-melancholic, melancholic and psychotic, or putative psychotics. The aim of this research is to add knowledge to the profiles of depressive symptoms in a representative sample of older Spanish peopl…
Kihon Checklist to assess frailty in older adults: Some evidence on the internal consistency and validity of the Spanish version
Aim The aim of this study was to assess the internal consistency, hypothesis testing and criterion-related validity of the Spanish versions of the Kihon Checklist (KCL) - the original 25-item and reduced 15-item versions - for screening frailty in community-dwelling older adults. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out between March and September 2018 in Valencia province (Spain). A sample of 251 participants was recruited. Construct validity was assessed using four different frailty instruments, and alternative measures corresponding to the KCL domains (handgrip strength, gait speed, the Short Physical Performance Battery, skeletal muscle mass index, physical activity level, functi…
Coping Strategies: Gender Differences and Development throughout Life Span
Development during life-span implies to cope with stressful events, and this coping may be done with several strategies. It could be useful to know if these coping strategies differ as a consequence of personal characteristics. This work uses the Coping with Stress Questionnaire with this aim using a sample of 400 participants. Specifically, the effects of gender and age group (young people, middle age and elderly), as well as its interaction on coping strategies is studied. With regard to age, on one hand, it is hypothesised a decrement in the use of coping strategies centred in problem solving and social support seeking as age increases. On the other hand, the use of emotional coping is h…
sj-pdf-1-prx-10.1177_00332941211037601 - Supplemental material for Is It Possible to Measure the Role of the Bystander and the Victim of Bullying in Children? Construct Validity of Two Brief Pictorial Scales With IRT and CFA Models
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-prx-10.1177_00332941211037601 for Is It Possible to Measure the Role of the Bystander and the Victim of Bullying in Children? Construct Validity of Two Brief Pictorial Scales With IRT and CFA Models by Lindsey W. Vilca, Rocio E. Herrera, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, José M. Tomás and Mauricio Herrera-López in Psychological Reports
Psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Job Life Scale in Portuguese workers: A systematic study based on the IRT and CFA modeling
Job satisfaction is related to better physical and mental health, as well as to factors specifically related to work. In this context, the measurement of work satisfaction is important for organizations that profess an interest in engaged and satisfied workers. Therefore, this study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Job Life Scale (SWJLS) in Portuguese workers by combining the procedures of the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Item Response Theory (IRT). Specifically, internal structure of the scale was studied, its reliability (consistency), correlations with other measures of wellbeing (life satisfaction, loneliness, emotional wellbeing at work, and j…
Frailty Status Typologies in Spanish Older Population: Associations with Successful Aging
Background: Defining frailty typologies would contribute to guiding specific care interventions. These typologies could additionally be related to different health outcomes. This study aims at identifying subgroups of frail older adults based on the physical frailty phenotype and examining the relationships of these frailty profiles with quality of life and perceived health. Methods: This study relies on data from the SHARE project, namely a representative sample of 1765 Spanish-dwelling older adults identified as frail or pre-frail. Analysis included general descriptive statistics, exploratory latent class analysis (LCA) to determine the number of frailty subgroups, and LCA with covariates…
Intervención fisioterápica preventiva del deterioro de la musculatura respiratoria en ancianas institucionalizadas con limitación funcional
Introduccion En el anciano de edad avanzada (> 80 anos) la funcion respiratoria puede verse afectada cuando a la presencia de comorbilidad y la perdida de movilidad se suma el descenso de la fuerza de la musculatura respiratoria (MR). La literatura medica ha mostrado que el entrenamiento de la MR puede ser una intervencion efectiva para mejorar la funcionalidad y prevenir el deterioro clinico, especialmente en la poblacion con debilidad de la MR. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la efectividad del entrenamiento de la MR en la fuerza y resistencia de esta musculatura, en ancianas institucionalizadas con limitacion funcional. Metodo Se asignaron aleatoriamente 54 residentes con limitacion …
The adolescents’ school engagement: Assessment of its dimensions
A topic that in the last years is getting relevance in school and students research is school engagement. This topic has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom, students-teachers relationships, and life satisfaction of the students. School engagement may be defined as the participation of the student in academic achievements, and it is understood as a multidimensional construct. The most repeated typology of dimensions recognizes three specific and overlapping dimensions: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affe…
Quality of Life in European Older Adults of SHARE Wave 7: Comparing the Old and the Oldest-Old
CASP-12 (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, and Pleasure scale) is one of the most common internationally used measures for quality of life in older adults, although its structure is not clearly established. Current research aims to test the factor structure of the CASP-12, so as to provide evidence on reliability and external validity, and to test for measurement invariance across age groups. Data from 61,355 Europeans (≥60 years old) from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe wave 7 were used. CASP-12, EURO-D (European depression scale), self-perceived health, and life satisfaction measurements were included. Reliability and validity coefficients, competing confirmatory …
Brief report: Association between socio-demographic factors, screen media usage and physical activity by type of day in Spanish adolescents.
This study examined the relationship between socio-demographic factors, screen media time usage, and light, moderate and vigorous activities on weekdays and weekends. Cross-sectional data was collected from 323 Spanish adolescents (mean age 13.59 years) who completed an interview administered recall questionnaire. Structural equation models indicated that male and younger adolescents spent more time on vigorous activities at the weekend, while females and older adolescents showed a greater involvement in light activities both on weekdays and weekends. State school students reported engaging in light and vigorous activities for longer periods than private school students on weekends. TV view…
Physiotherapy Intervention for Preventing the Respiratory Muscle Deterioration in Institutionalized Older Women With Functional Impairment
Abstract Introduction In elderly seniors (>80 years), respiratory function may be compromised when, in addition to the presence of comorbidity and loss of mobility, there is also reduced respiratory muscle (RM) strength. The literature has shown that RM training could be an effective method to improve RM function and prevent clinical deterioration, particularly in population with RM weakness. The main purpose of this paper was to assess the effectiveness of RM training on the respiratory muscle strength and endurance of institutionalized elderly women with functional impairment. Method Fifty-four residents (mean=85 years, SD=6.7) were randomly assigned to either a control (n=27) or training…
Locus of control as a mediator of the association between attachment and children’s mental health
Locus of control-the expectation that one is in control of one's outcomes in life-is linked to well-being. The authors explored one of the possible antecedents of locus of control such as secure children's attachment. The hypothesis was that locus of control acts as a mediator of the association between children's attachment and their mental health, in terms of depression, anxiety (internalizing problems), and aggression (externalizing problems). Participants were 206 children with ages ranging from 8 to 14 years. The authors obtained data from teachers as well as by self-report. Structural equations modelling yielded significant results for both a direct path from insecure attachment to in…
Predicting life satisfaction of the Angolan elderly: A structural model
Satisfaction with life is of particular interest in the study of old age well-being because it has arisen as an important component of old age. A considerable amount of research has been done to explain life satisfaction in the elderly, and there is growing empirical evidence on best predictors of life satisfaction. This research evaluates the predictive power of some aging process variables, on Angolan elderly people's life satisfaction, while including perceived health into the model. Data for this research come from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in the capital of Angola, Luanda. A total of 1003 Angolan elderly were surveyed on socio-demographic information, perceived …
Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies
Objectives: This study aims to give a wider view on the role of coping strategies on elderly’s well-being, by means of literature-based competitive structural equation models (SEM). Methods: 857 older adults were surveyed with Ryff’s scales of Psychological Well-being and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Competitive full SEMs were tested. Results: The best fitting model was the one in which the religious coping dimension was removed, leaving the remaining dimensions defined by problem- and emotion-focused coping, which explained both psychological and subjective well-being factors (χ2(46)=165.910, p<.001; CFI=.906; GFI=.957; RMSEA=.058 [.048, .067]). Discussion: Results pointed the rele…
Validation of an explicative model of the successful aging process with psychological, physical, relational, and leisure variables
Increasingly, research on the aging process tends to adopt a dual perspective emic (specific to a culture) and etic (universal), requiring further studies to address this cross-cultural approach. The aim is to obtain an empirical answer to the question of whether a model of successful aging raised from a different context such as the Taiwanese context, is suitable to represent this process in our elders. The sample consisted of 737 elderly. Socio-demographic-data and different scales to assess life satisfaction, leisure, health, and social support were collected. A structural equation model taken from Lee et al. (2011), in which leisure, health and social support predicted life satisfaction…
Envejecimiento y espiritualidad: estructura factorial y fiabilidad de dos escalas
Resumen Introduccion En el area de la gerontologia, el estudio de la mejora de la salud y calidad de vida —como envejecer «con exito»—, la espiritualidad juega un papel clave y constituye uno de los topicos de la investigacion actual. Sin embargo, su incorporacion en la literatura cientifica esta resultando ardua y lenta, hecho en parte debido a la ausencia de medidas desarrolladas y validadas especialmente para su uso en el ambito hispanohablante. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer evidencia de las propiedades psicometricas de dos instrumentos de medida de la espiritualidad: la Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp) y el Cuestionario Grupo de…
AbstractThis study presents data on the development and preliminary validation of an observational scale assessing neighborhood disorder. Independent observations by trained raters of neighborhood disorder were conducted in 552 census block groups in the city of Valencia (Spain). Intraclass correlation coefficients assessing inter-rater reliability indicated fair to substantial levels of agreement among raters. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a final three-factor model scale measuring physical disorder, social disorder, and physical decay. Results for the internal consistency showed large composite reliability indices indicating good reliability for all neighborhood disorder factors.…
Corrigendum: Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies
The development of a Spanish language version of the Worn Out scale of the General Well-Being Questionnaire (GWBQ).
The paper describes the development of a short Spanish-language version of the General Well-Being Questionnaire (GWBQ; Cox & Gotts, 1987), based on the 12 items of its Worn Out scale. Research has shown the English-version Worn Out scale to be sensitive to aspects of the design and management of work. This study aimed to test its cross-cultural consistency in a Spanish-language workplace context. The data were collected from a sample of 229 workers in Valencia (Spain). Confirmatory Factor Analyses showed the factorial validity, reliability, and concurrent validity of the new Spanish version to be adequate. The sensitivity of the new measure to safety behavior and the reporting of accide…
Dispositional hope and life satisfaction among older adults attending lifelong learning programs
Abstract Background The aim of this study is to explore the indirect effects of dispositional hope in the life satisfaction of older adults attending a lifelong learning program at the University of Valencia, Spain. We examine the mediating impact of dispositional hope regarding its ability to impact life satisfaction while considering affective and confidant social support, perceived health and leisure activities, consciousness and spirituality as predictors. Methods Analysis were based on survey data (response rate 77.4%) provided by 737 adults 55 years old or more (Mean age = 65.41, SD = 6.60; 69% woman). A structural model with latent variables was specified and estimated in Mplus. Resu…
Validating the Spanish version of the aggression scale in adolescents
The Scale of Physical and Verbal Aggressiveness has been an instrument widely used in the scientific literature to measure physical and verbal aggressiveness, both in children and adolescents as we...
Mindful Attention Awareness in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals
Abstract. Mindfulness is conceived as a state in which the individual pays full attention to everything that is happening around him or her. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) is the most popular instrument for assessing mindfulness. Studies on its structure have shown some conflicting results. This study aims to offer new evidence on the dimensionality and reliability of the MAAS, handling both SEM and IRT procedures, in palliative professionals. The sample was composed of 385 professionals from a national online survey. First, two Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFAs) were specified, estimated, and tested, with one- and two-factor structures, respectively. Second, the Graded Resp…
Development and validation of the thought control ability questionnaire
12 pages, 3 tables.-- Available online Sep 11, 2004.
Aportaciones de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la predicción de la satisfacción escolar en estudiantes universitarios
La literatura especializada ofrece evidencias de que en todo el mundo las tasas de deserción universitaria son elevadas, generando inconvenientes para los propios estudiantes, para la institución a la que pertenecen y para la sociedad en general. Los determinantes del abandono de los estudios son diversos, considerando uno de los más importantes la satisfacción de los estudiantes con su entorno educativo. La satisfacción académica de los estudiantes depende en gran medida del clima motivacional del aula y de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, fundamento de la teoría de la autodeterminación. En el marco teórico de la motivación autodeterminada y de la psicología positiv…
Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) by gender and age in Angola
Abstract Subjective well-being is a research arena that has grown almost exponentially: over the last 20 years, the number of publications on subjective well-being has increased approximately 16-fold (Diener, 2009). The cognitive aspect of subjective well-being or life satisfaction is referred to a conscious cognitive judgment of life (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin 1985), in which person’s quality of life is globally assessed (Shin & Johnson, 1978). The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS, Diener et al., 1985) is the most widely used instrument for its measurement. A reliable, valid and invariant measurement is critical for meaningful comparisons. The aim of this study is to examine the …
Escala de Utrecht de implicación en el trabajo en los profesores dominicanos: dimensionalidad, fiabilidad y validez
ABSTRACT Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the on…
Multilevel Models in the Explanation of the Relationship between Safety Climate and Safe Behavior
AbstractThis study examines the relationships between components of organizational safety climate, including employee attitudes to organizational safety issues; perceptions of the physical working environment, and evaluations of worker engagement with safety issues; and relates these to self-reported levels of safety behavior. It attempts to explore the relationships between these variables in 1189 workers across 78 work groups in a large transportation organization. Evaluations of safety climate, the working environment and worker engagement, as well as safe behaviors, were collected using a self report questionnaire. The multilevel analysis showed that both levels of evaluation (the work …
Rosenberg's self‐esteem scale: Two factors or method effects
Self‐esteem is one of the most studied constructs in psychology. It has been measured with a variety of methods and instruments. Although Rosenberg's (1965) self‐report scale is one of the most widely used, empirical evidence on factor validity of this scale is somewhat contradictory, with either 1 or 2 factors. The results of this study suggest the existence of a global self‐esteem factor underlying responses to the scale, although the inclusion of method effects is needed to achieve a good model fit.
Erratum: Pérez-Belmonte, S., et al. Subtypes of Depression: Latent Class Analysis in Spanish Old People with Depressive Symptoms. Life 2020, 10, 70
The authors wish to make the following erratum to this paper [...]
Validation of the University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (version 3) in Spanish older population: An application of exploratory structural equation modelling
Loneliness is a subjective and unpleasant experience associated to a variety of physical and mental health problems. Older people face an elevated risk of loneliness. It is measured through self‐re...
Influencia del clima motivacional en educación física sobre las metas de logro y la satisfacción con la vida de los adolescentes (Influence of motivational climate in physical education on achievement goals and adolescents’ life satisfaction)
En el marco de la Teoría de las Metas de Logro y haciendo alusión a la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, el objetivo principal de este trabajo ha consistido en predecir la satisfacción con la vida de los alumnos de educación física (EF) a partir de la percepción del clima motivacional de la clase y actuando como mediadora la orientación de metas de logro. Para cumplir este objetivo, 608 alumnos españoles de Educación Secundaria y 1º de Bachillerato, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años (M = 14.51, DT = 1.46; 55.3% hombres y 44.7% mujeres) completaron una escala de clima motivacional en EF, una escala de orientación de metas de logro 2 x 2, y una escala de satisfacción con la vid…
Development and Validation of the Questionnaire of Academic Stress in Secondary Education: Structure, Reliability and Nomological Validity
This study presents the validation process of the Questionnaire on Academic Stress in Secondary Education (QASSE) designed to assess the wide variety of school sources and situations related to academic stress in adolescence, and their relationship with students&rsquo
Psychological and physical dimensions explaining life satisfaction among the elderly: A structural model examination
The aim of the present paper is to analyze the effects of psychological well-being, physical functioning and socio-demographic factors on life satisfaction. Both a bivariate and a multivariate level of analyses have been used. Finally, a structural model explaining life satisfaction has been developed and validated. With respect to bivariate relations, there was evidence of significant positive relations between psychological well-being dimensions and life satisfaction and between physical conditions and life satisfaction as well. Also, as age increased there was a slow decrease in life satisfaction. Educational level was positively related to life satisfaction. A structural model gave valu…
Envejecimiento y bienestar: Avances en investigación
Los importantes cambios demograficos del ultimo siglo han provocado un aumento de la longevidad y, por tanto, del numero de adultos mayores, lo cual ha un incremento en la investigacion con este grupo de edad y mas concretamente en relacion con el bienestar. Asi, se ha podido constatar que en el envejecimiento, el bienestar subjetivo, compuesto por un componente cognitivo y otro afectivo tanto negativo como positivo, parece mantenerse estable y poco sujeto a cambiar con el tiempo. Por otra parte, en relacion con el bienestar psicologico, estudiado a partir de las escalas de bienestar de Ryff, se ha observado, en diferentes trabajos, que las dimensiones crecimiento personal y proposito en la…
Autonomy Support, Psychological Needs Satisfaction, School Engagement and Academic Success: A Mediation Model
School engagement is a construct of relevance in education and educational psychology, as it has been related to multiple educational constructs and outcomes: school drop-out, satisfaction with school, disruptive behavior, motivational climate, teacher-student relationships, or academic progress and achievement. The current research surveyed 2034 Angolan students and 2302 Dominican Republic students in order to predict academic achievement. The model tested was supported by the data in both samples, and the chain of explicative effects hold again in both samples. School engagement was a powerful mediator among needs satisfaction and academic success. Results are discussed in light of existi…
Correlates of victim-blaming attitudes regarding partner violence against women among the Spanish general population.
This article analyzes correlates of victim-blaming attitudes regarding partner violence against women (PVAW) among the Spanish general population ( N = 1,006). Results showed that victim-blaming attitudes were more common among respondents who were older, less educated, and who placed themselves at the bottom of the social scale. Furthermore, the odds of expressing victim-blaming attitudes were higher among respondents who thought that PVAW was common in society, considered it more acceptable, and knew women victims of partner violence in their circle of friends and family. Implications for public education are discussed.
The role of perceived autonomy support in predicting university students’ academic success mediated by academic self-efficacy and school engagement
This research analysed relationships between perceived teachers’ autonomy support and academic success, with self-efficacy and school engagement acting as mediators. This was a survey of 870 studen...
Effect of Motor-Cognitive (Dual Task) Rehabilitation Program on Gait Biomechanics in Parkinson’s Disease: Case Study
In some pathologies with impaired control gait, the dual task execution even worse these gait alterations, as in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) occurs. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of a rehabilitation program that integrates dual tasks in gait rehabilitation and prepare patients to move functionally in complex environments in a person with PD. 3D photogrammetry system and two force platform were used for the registering of kinematic and kinetic parameters, respectively. The main variables that have improved after the proposed program are: speed gait (54.87 %), step length (52.01 %), stride length (43.48 %), double support time (37.36 %), flexo-extension hip range of motion (36.…
Explaining Method Effects Associated With Negatively Worded Items in Trait and State Global and Domain-Specific Self-Esteem Scales
Several investigators have interpreted method effects associated with negatively worded items in a substantive way. This research extends those studies in different ways: (a) it establishes the presence of methods effects in further populations and particular scales, and (b) it examines the possible relations between a method factor associated with negatively worded items and several covariates. Two samples were assessed: 592 high school students from Valencia (Spain), and 285 batterers from the same city. The self-esteem scales used were Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, the State Self-Esteem Scale, and Self-Esteem 17. Anxiety was also assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and gend…
Exploring relations among mindfulness facets and various meditation practices: Do they work in different ways?
Several meditation practices are associated with mindfulness-based interventions but little is known about their specific effects on the development of different mindfulness facets. This study aimed to assess the relations among different practice variables, types of meditation, and mindfulness facets. The final sample was composed of 185 participants who completed an on-line survey, including information on the frequency and duration of each meditation practice, lifetime practice, and the Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes structural model was specified, estimated, and tested. Results showed that the Model's overall fit was adequate: chi(2) (1045) =…
Subjective well-being key elements of Successful Aging: A study with Lifelong Learners older adults from Costa Rica and Spain.
Abstract Subjective well-being is a major psychological construct in the research tradition. Along with literature, authors have distinguished between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. The aim of this study is to determine the role of some psychosocial variables plays in the perceived well-being is conceived from a hedonic or a eudaimonic perspective. The sample consisted of 1016 people of 55 years and older in a Spanish sample and 277 people of 55 years old or older from a Costa Rican sample. Both samples were part of the Longitudinal Older Learners (LOL) study. A structural model with latent variables was estimated with Mplus. The results point out that, the traditional variables include…
Autocuidado: nueva evidencia sobre su medida en adultos mayores
Resumen Introduccion Un desafio importante en la sociedad actual es conseguir que las personas mayores no solo vivan mas anos, sino que los vivan mejor, que logren un envejecimiento exitoso. En este sentido, un constructo que se ha mostrado relevante en la literatura especializada ha sido el autocuidado, en relacion con la salud fisica, psicologica y social. Por ello, este trabajo se ha propuesto ofrecer evidencia de las propiedades psicometricas de una escala destinada a evaluar el autocuidado en personas mayores. Material y metodos Han participado 443 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 80 anos (M = 66,11; DT = 4,72), participantes en un programa formativo. De ellas, el 64,2% eran …
Dimensions underlying frailty indicators in the Kihon Checklist.
Aim Frailty has become a current topic of debate in recent years among researchers as a key concept of clinical care in old age. One of the scales developed for its measurement is the Kihon Checklist (KCL). However, the dimensionality of the KCL has not been tested yet, and therefore the aim of the present study was to validate its dimensional structure. Methods This was a cross-sectional study carried out between March and September 2018 in Valencia province (Spain). Participation in the study was voluntary. A total of 251 participants were sampled. They answered sociodemographic and medical indicators, as well as five frailty scales, including the KCL. Results Five confirmatory models wit…
Effects of Dual-Task Group Training on Gait, Cognitive Executive Function, and Quality of Life in People With Parkinson Disease: Results of Randomized Controlled DUALGAIT Trial.
The aims of this study were to analyze the effects of a dual-task group program, to compare it with the effects of a single-task group program, and to analyze the effects of functional secondary tasks.Single-blind randomized controlled trial.University laboratory and a rehabilitation gym at a health center.Patients (N=40) with a diagnosis of Parkinson disease (mean age, 66.72y; age range, 44-79y) with Hoehn and Yahr stage I to III who were on medication were randomized to either a group with dual-task training or a group with single-task training (only gait).Both interventions involved 20 sessions lasting 1 hour each and conducted twice a week. Dual-task training included walking exercises …
Modelling Employee Attitudes to Safety
This paper describes the modeling of employee attitudes to safety in three industrial sectors operating in the UK. Gauging employee attitudes to safety has become an increasingly important method of appraising human factors issues in many organizations. This study is based on data collected from a large survey (n = 2429) of employee attitudes to safety. It attempts to describe the subjective architectures, or explicative model, of employee attitudes to safety in these sectors by relating these attitudes to their appraisals of commitment to safety in their organization. A comparison of models across sector models is also made. The data support the claim that the architecture of attitudes to…
Validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey on a Representative Sample of Dominican Teachers: Normative Data
AbstractBurnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment (Bakke, Demerouti, & Sanz-Vergel, 2014). Several instruments for its measurement exist, but the most widely used scale for measuring its dimensions, by far, is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in its different versions. Among the available versions of the scale, the MBI-General Survey was developed to measure three dimensions of burnout (cynicism, personal accomplishment, and emotional exhaustion) regardless of the type of work. The aim of this research is to offer evidence on the psychometric properties of the MBI-GS for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbea…
Resilience and coping as predictors of general well-being in the elderly: A structural equation modeling approach
The aims of this article are: (a) to test for the validity of the three constructs involved in the structural model; (b) to test for the effects of both coping strategies and resilient coping on well-being in a sample of elderly, by means of a structural model with latent variables; (c) to empirically study whether a brief scale of resilient coping could predict well-being over and above that predicted by the coping resources.The research is a survey design. The sample consisted of 225 non-institutionalized elderly people living in the city of Valencia (Spain). The three constructs measured were: well-being, resilient coping, and coping strategies.The analyses consist of a series of alterna…
Loneliness and social support: Differential predictive power on depression and satisfaction in senior citizens
The lack of social support and the feelings of loneliness among older adults are associated with physical and mental health negative outcomes. This study attempts to test for their differential predictive power on depression and satisfaction in seniors. Data were drawn from a sample of 335 older adults ranging from 55 to 80 years old, with a mean age of 63.97 years (standard deviation = 5.56) attending a learning program at the University of Valencia during the academic year 2014-2015. In addition to health and wellbeing outcomes, we used the Functional Social Support Questionnaire DUKE-UNC, and two scales of loneliness, the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale and the University of California…
Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para predecir el bienestar y la dependencia funcional en adultos mayores de la República Dominicana
OBJETIVO: Generar un modelo estructural multifactorial que explique la dependencia funcional y el bienestar a partir de algunas caracteristicas sociodemograficas asociadas con esos dominios, en adultos mayores de la Republica Dominicana. METODOS: Estudio transversal mediante encuesta en una muestra de 1397 personas de 65 anos o mas representativa de la poblacion de adultos mayores de la Republica Dominicana. Se recabo informacion sociodemografica de los entrevistados (sexo, edad, nivel de estudios, si realizaba alguna actividad remunerada y nivel de ingresos) y los datos necesarios para calcular el indice de Barthel y las respuestas a las preguntas de las escalas del bienestar psicologico d…
A Successful Aging Model Based on Personal Resources, Self-Care, and Life Satisfaction
The most internationally studied models of successful aging defend that there are several pillars for a good aging: absence of disease, good cognitive and physical function, a high commitment and social activity, social capital, personal resources, life satisfaction, and spirituality. This study examines the relationships between personal resources, perceived social support, hope, spirituality, self-care and subjective well-being variables, as bases for a successful aging. One thousand and sixteen community-dwelling Spanish adults, aged 55-92 years, participated in the study. Information on variables assessed was collected using self-reported questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analyses and…
Testing a Proactive Model of Successful Aging Among Older Adults in Costa Rica and Spain.
The purpose of this study is to examine successful aging among Spanish-speaking older adults in Costa Rica and in Spain using the proactive framework proposed by Kahana et al. (2014). More specifically, we hypothesized that older adults’ life satisfaction would be positively associated with the frequency and perceived level of social support, spirituality/having purpose in life, and the use of proactive physical, cognitive, and social self-care behaviors. Our results confirmed these hypotheses, not only for the overall group of participants, but also separately for older adults in Costa Rica and in Spain. The present study contributes to the literature of successful aging among older adults…
Predicción del bienestar hedónico y eudaimónico en envejecimiento con éxito
El bienestar psicológico es un constructo de la máxima importancia en psicología, siendo el equivalente a la salud en términos médicos. Es un concepto multifacético. Que ha dado lugar a dos tradiciones, la hedónica y la eudaimónica. Por otro lado, un marco teórico útil en el que enmarcar un envejecimiento óptimo es el paradigma del envejecimiento con éxito. Rowe y Kahn (1998) articularon este paradigma proponiendo un modelo con tres características principales: salud física, función cognitiva y estar activo en términos de actividades productivas y relaciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un modelo predictivo del bienestar, tanto hedónico como eudaimónico, empleando para e…
Relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept and satisfaction with life: a longitudinal study.
Abstract In this study, we examined the relationships between intrinsic motivation, physical self-concept, and satisfaction with life using cross-lagged panel models analysed via structural equation models. The sample consisted of 293 participants (148 men, 145 women) aged 18–70 years who performed diverse types of physical exercise. Three alternative models were tested. The data were better represented by a model in which physical self-concept mediates the relationships between intrinsic motivation and satisfaction with life. Specifically, the direct effects of intrinsic motivation on physical self-concept, and of physical self-concept on satisfaction with life were significant, with the a…
sj-pdf-1-prx-10.1177_00332941211037601 - Supplemental material for Is It Possible to Measure the Role of the Bystander and the Victim of Bullying in Children? Construct Validity of Two Brief Pictorial Scales With IRT and CFA Models
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-prx-10.1177_00332941211037601 for Is It Possible to Measure the Role of the Bystander and the Victim of Bullying in Children? Construct Validity of Two Brief Pictorial Scales With IRT and CFA Models by Lindsey W. Vilca, Rocio E. Herrera, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, José M. Tomás and Mauricio Herrera-López in Psychological Reports
Factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity of the Sheehan Disability Scale in a Spanish primary care sample
Rationale, aims and objectives The Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) is a three-item instrument that measures disability in three inter-related domains: work, family life/home responsibilities and social/leisure activities. The main objective of the present study was to examine the factor structure, reliability and construct validity of the SDS in a wide Spanish sample of primary care (PC) patients. Methods One phase cross-sectional survey.Atotal of 3815 patients, aged 18 years or older attending PC for a medical visit, were interviewed between October 2005 and March 2006. The interviews included the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IVAxis I Disorders for depressive and anxiety disorders,…
Perception of quality of life in an elderly Angolan sample / Percepción de calidad de vida en una muestra de ancianos angoleños
AbstractIncreased life expectancy and the ageing of the population have made it particularly important to distinguish between the old (usually 60–79 years, or the ‘young old’) and the oldest old (80 years or more, or the ‘fourth age’). This study explores the effects of age, gender and institutionalization on perceived health and life satisfaction in 1003 elderly people from Luanda, Angola. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was estimated to test for these effects. Results provide evidence of lower scores on life satisfaction and perceived health for the oldest old and the institutionalized. However, the higher life satisfaction among the non-institutionalized disappeared when the…
Functional and Clinical Characteristics for Predicting Sarcopenia in Institutionalised Older Adults: Identifying Tools for Clinical Screening
Background: Recently, the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP2) has updated the sarcopenia definition based on objective evaluation of muscle strength, mass and physical performance. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between sarcopenia and clinical aspects such as functionality, comorbidity, polypharmacy, hospitalisations and falls in order to support sarcopenia screening in institutionalised older adults, as well as to estimate the prevalence of sarcopenia in this population using the EWGSOP2 new algorithm. Methods: A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted on institutionalised older adults (n = 132, 77.7% female, mean age 82 years). App…
Safety Culture: The Prediction of Commitment to Safety in the Manufacturing Industry
This paper reports one aspect of a large-scale study of safety culture in 13 companies operating in the manufacturing sector in the UK. The study is based on data collected from three different domains of measurement relevant to the description of safety culture: workplace assessments, a survey of employee attitudes to safety – including questionnaire and interview data – and company accident records. The data described in this paper concern the prediction of perceived commitment to safety from employees' attitudes to safety as reported in a self-administered questionnaire. Commitment to safety was used as a marker of the strength of the organization's safety culture. The data showed that e…
Measuring School Engagement: Validation and Measurement Equivalence of the Student Engagement Scale on Angolan Male and Female Adolescents
School engagement is defined primarily in relation to the participation of the student in academic achievement, and it is viewed as a multidimensional and integrative construct, or macroconstruct made up of several dimensions. The most repeated typology recognizes three specific dimensions: Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affective). Recently, a fourth new dimension, personal agency, has been proposed, which reflects students’ constructive engagement with the academic instructions. F. Veiga has been the first to present a self-report instrument, in Portuguese, to measure these four components, the Student Engagement Scale-4 dimensions (SES-4DS). This research has studied the validity …
The Schoolwork Engagement Inventory: Factorial Structure, Measurement Invariance by Gender and Educational Level, and Convergent Validity in Secondary Education (12-18 Years)
This study analyzes the dimensionality, reliability, metric invariance, and convergent validity of the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory (SEI) in secondary education. Participants in the study were 679 students in compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education in a large city in Eastern Spain during the 2014-2015 academic year. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that the one-factor model of the SEI is superior to the other alternative models considered, providing an overall schoolwork engagement score in this educational stage. Reliability was also adequate and the instrument was found to be invariant by gender and educational level. Latent mean comparisons revealed a significant …
The architecture of employee attitudes to safety in the manufacturing sector
This study examines the relationships between components of organisational safety climate, including: employee attitudes to organisational and individual safety issues; perceptions of the physical work environment and perceptions of workplace hazards; and relates these to self‐reported levels of safety activity. It also attempts to replicate the explicative model derived by Cheyne et al. in a similar study within the manufacturing sector. Data were collected from a large manufacturing organisation using a questionnaire. A total of 708 valid questionnaires were returned and formed the basis for the subsequent analyses. These data showed that a common structure of attitudes to safety issues a…
Factors in Assessing Recidivism Risk in Young Offenders
The research aims to identify if the accumulation of protective and/or risk factors might predict the risk of recidivism in juvenile delinquents and determine the relative weight of both types of factors in the predictions themselves. The risk of criminal recidivism was assessed with the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth&mdash
Systematic review and critical appraisal of Childhood Trauma Questionnaire - Short Form (CTQ-SF).
Abstract Background Child maltreatment is a complex and multidimensional construct that encompasses a great number of risk factors. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire — Short Form, one of the most widely used and validated instruments to assess childhood maltreatment in the past ten years, is a retrospective instrument that assesses several types of childhood abuse and maltreatment which is divided into five dimensions. Objective The objectives of this systematic review are to critically appraise, compare, and summarize the methodological quality and psychometric properties of published research articles validating the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire — Short Form utilizing the COSMIN checkli…
Method effects associated with negatively and positively worded items on the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12): results from a cross-sectional survey with a representative sample of Catalonian workers
This study focused on the examination of the latent structure underlying the responses to the GHQ-12, considering the role of method effects associated with both, PW and NW items, and using two alternative parameterisations of the CFA measurement models. What should first be noted is that the studies that have included method effects in the measurement model of the GHQ-12 have been more the exception than the rule in previous research into the factor structure of this questionnaire. According to the results of the present study, we conclude that the GHQ-12 factor structure is best characterised by introducing latent method factors that capture both the method effects associated with NW and …
Modelling safety climate in the prediction of levels of safety activity
Abstract This study examined the architecture of the relationships between components of organizational safety climate, including employee attitudes to safety issues and perceptions of the work environment, and related this to self-reported levels of safety activity. Data were collected from a large multinational manufacturing organization by questionnaire. A total of 915 valid questionnaires were returned and formed the basis for structural equation modelling and subsequent analyses. These data showed that a common structure, or architecture, of attitudes to safety issues and perceptions of the work environment could be constructed that explained levels of safety activity. The strength of …
The Association between a MAOB Variable Number Tandem Repeat Polymorphism and Cocaine and Opiate Addictions in Polyconsumers
Genetic analysis of the association between alcohol, cocaine, and opiate addiction and variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms in monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) and serotonergic 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B and 2C (HTR1B 21 and HTR2C) pathway genes was performed in a sample of 302 polyconsumers. Our genetic association analysis revealed a significant association between a 184 base pair (bp) VNTR polymorphism in the MAOB gene and addiction to cocaine and opiates. This work highlights new genetic marker associations in cocaine and opiate polyconsumer addictions. These data help to clarify and quantify the complex role of genetics in addictive disorders, as well as their …
Adaptation and Initial Validation of the BRCS in an Elderly Spanish Sample
Resilience is understood as a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of adversity. This study examined the validity of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), a 4-item measure designed to capture tendencies to cope with stress in a highly adaptive manner, in an elderly Spanish population. A total of 133 elderly people from an association of retired persons in Valencia (Spain) provided the responses for the validation study. The factorial validity of the scale was tested using confirmatory factor analysis, with a single dimension of resilience with adequate fit indexes emerging from this analysis. The BRCS has adequate internal consistency both at the scale and…
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Dominican Teachers: Dimensionality, Reliability, and Validity
Work engagement is described by dedication, vigor, and absorption. The most widely used measure of engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), intended to measure engagement for any occupational group. This research aims to study psychometric properties of the UWES for its use in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries. The Composite Reliability Index (CRI) as well as alphas were calculated, indicating good internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to test its dimensionality. Both tested models showed extremely good fit to the data, which called for model comparison. The three-factor solution was retained as the one showing…
Factorial Validity of the General Health Questionnaire 12 in an Angolan Sample
Abstract. Most evidence available has found multidimensional solutions for the General Health Questionnaire’s (GHQ12) structure, contrary to the authors’ original one-factor solution. Recently, the study of method effects associated to negatively worded items has been included in the study of GHQ12’s factor structure, and the most common conclusion has been that the best-fitting structure is a single factor confounded by response bias. Current study analyzes the factor structure of the Portuguese version of the GHQ12. The sample consisted of 1,332 young Angolan adults. Previously-reported structures, including one-factor and multidimensional substantive ones, as well as bifactor structures…
Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale, TSLS): Un estudio en mayores que acuden a programas universitarios
Para la operacionalización del bienestar se han desarrollado un gran número de medidas, destacando la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS). Para paliar algunos de sus problemas, se desarrolló la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (TSLS). El objetivo de este estudio es la presentación y primera validación de la TSLS en su versión española, en una muestra de personas mayores que acuden a programas universitarios. La muestra estaba formada por 737 personas mayores. Además de la TSLS, se empleó un indicador de satisfacción general con la vida y la SF-8. Los análisis incluyeron estudio de la validez factorial, estimaciones de la fiabilidad y de validez externa. Los resultados del a…
Delincuencia violenta, abuso y no consumo de drogas en adolescentes con riesgo de reincidencia
espanolPresentamos un estudio original sobre consumo/abstinencia de drogas en adolescentes y su asociacion con el riesgo de reincidencia violenta. A una muestra de 192 sujetos se le aplico el cuestionario SAVRY –Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth–, con el objetivo de analizar la asociacion entre el riesgo de reincidencia en delitos violentos y el consumo y abstinencia de drogas. Los resultados mostraron que: el no consumo se asocia al riesgo de reincidencia en delitos violentos intrafamiliares, el consumo de cocaina a robo con violencia e intimidacion, y el policonsumo de drogas al riesgo de reincidencia en diferentes delitos, siendo comun el ataque contra las personas. Las con…
Descripción de los resultados y costes de una intervención preventiva a nivel respiratorio en el anciano institucionalizado: estudio controlado aleatorizado
Resumen Introduccion En el anciano institucionalizado con limitacion funcional se evidencia una mayor reduccion de la funcionalidad de la musculatura respiratoria (MR). Los objetivos de este estudio son evaluar los resultados y costes de una intervencion de entrenamiento de la MR mediante Pranayama en poblacion anciana institucionalizada con limitacion funcional. Material y metodos Estudio controlado aleatorizado desarrollado en ancianos institucionalizados con limitacion para la deambulacion (n = 54). La intervencion consistio en el entrenamiento de la MR mediante Pranayama, durante 6 semanas (5 sesiones/semana). Los resultados se midieron en relacion con la funcion de la MR mediante las p…
Revista de psicodidáctica
Título, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglés Resumen basado en el de la publicación Existen evidencias de que el apoyo social de la familia, los iguales y el profesorado influye sobre la implicación escolar del alumnado, su éxito académico y satisfacción con la escuela. Se busca probar, mediante ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del apoyo académico percibido y la implicación escolar sobre la satisfacción con la escuela. Se administra una batería de instrumentos a 2028 estudiantes de origen angoleño, con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 22 años (M = 17.4; DT = 2.3). Los resultados muestran la influencia que ejerce el apoyo académico percibido del profesorado, la familia y los ig…
Evidencia de la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular distal en la recuperación del paciente tras ictus: una revisión sistemática
Resumen Objetivo La estimulacion electrica neuromuscular (EENM) es una herramienta propuesta en la recuperacion del miembro superior tras ictus, pero se necesitan datos mas solidos sobre su aplicacion. Por tanto, nos planteamos valorar su efectividad, conocer los protocolos y las caracteristicas muestrales. Estrategia de busqueda Estudios publicados entre 1998 y 2013, en MEDLINE, PubMed, PEDro y CINAHL. Seleccion de estudios: se seleccionaron 35 ensayos clinicos aleatorizados, donde se aplico EENM distal tras ictus. Se evaluo su calidad metodologica mediante la escala PEDro. Sintesis de resultados Se analizaron las muestras y los protocolos de estimulacion, se valoro su efectividad frente a…
Impacto del estatus de fragilidad sobre la salud y calidad de vida en personas mayores españolas
Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en evaluar la capacidad predictiva de una medida latente de fragilidad basada en los indicadores físicos propuestos para la Encuesta de Salud, Envejecimiento y Jubilación en Europa (SHARE) sobre la calidad de vida y la salud general percibida de una muestra representativa de personas mayores españolas. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Emplazamiento: España. Participantes: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 4.498 personas mayores de 60 años que residían en la comunidad cuyos datos se obtuvieron de la sexta ola de la encuesta SHARE. Mediciones principales: Se empleó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para definir el factor de fr…