Melchor Gutiérrez
ESE. Estudios sobre educación
El objetivo es analizar la influencia del compromiso académico sobre la satisfacción de los estudiantes universitarios con su facultad, a partir del apoyo a la autonomía por el profesorado. Se administran escalas de Apoyo a la Autonomía, Compromiso Académico y Satisfacción con la Facultad, a 870 estudiantes universitarios dominicanos (50.6% hombres, 49.4% mujeres). Se aplican Análisis Factoriales Confirmatorios y Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Los resultados reflejan la influencia del apoyo a la autonomía por los profesores sobre la satisfacción con la facultad a través del compromiso académico, así como el efecto directo de la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía por los profesores sob…
The Influence of Parents on Achievement Orientation and Motivation for Sport of Adolescent Athletes with and without Disabilities
The purpose was three-fold. First, to analyze the psychometric properties of scales used. Second, to test the relationship among athletes’ perceptions of parents’ goal orientation and their own goal orientation and intrinsic motivation. Third, to compare athletes with and without disabilities with respect to the influence of parents on athletes’ achievement orientation and motivation for sport. Participants were 173 amateur athletes (80 with disabilities, 93 without disabilities). Structural equation models revealed that for the athletes with disabilities, task orientation and the perceptions of parents’ task orientation were related to athletes’ interestenjoyment and effort-importance. For…
Clima motivacional en clase, motivación y éxito académico en estudiantes universitarios
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio es predecir el exito academico a partir del clima motivacional de la clase, mediado por la motivacion del estudiantado universitario. Los participantes son 758 estudiantes universitarios de Republica Dominicana, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 50 anos (21.1% hombres y 78.9% mujeres). Se administra una bateria de instrumentos para medir las variables senaladas y se aplica un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales completo para predecir el exito academico. De los resultados destaca el efecto directo del apoyo a la autonomia de los estudiantes sobre su satisfaccion con el centro educativo, y el efecto de la satisfaccion de las necesidades basicas tanto sobre …
Predicting life satisfaction in Angolan elderly: the moderating effect of gender
Existe abundante investigación que ha estudiado la satisfacción vital en personas mayores y ha encontrado evidencia empírica de sus mejores predictores. Cuando se estudia la satisfacción con la vida de las personas mayores y sus predictores se hallan diferencias en función del género incluyendo, por ejemplo, las interacciones con la viudedad. En este contexto, el presente estudio se ha centrado en los siguientes objetivos: (1) poner a prueba la invarianza en función del género de una medida de satisfacción con la vida, (2) predecir la satisfacción vital usando varias variables relacionadas con el proceso de envejecimiento y (3) poner a prueba el potencial efecto moderador del género en esta…
The effects of self‐efficacy, hope, and engagement on the academic achievement of secondary education in the Dominican Republic
Effect of attitudes toward Physical Education on motives to sport practice outside school hours
[Resumen] La literatura especializada destaca la relación entre la participación de los adolescentes en actividades físicas y diversos beneficios físicos y psicosociales. Sin embargo, la actividad física de los adolescentes está por debajo de lo necesario para disfrutar de una buena salud física y psicológica. Existe consenso en que la Educación Física puede ayudar a los adolescentes a implicarse en actividades físicas y promover estilos de vida saludables. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la relación entre las actitudes hacia la Educación Física y los motivos para la práctica deportiva fuera del horario escolar. Han participado 428 alumnos de Educación Secundaria y 1º…
La predicción de la satisfacción con la vida en personas mayores de Angola: el efecto moderador del género
ResumenExiste abundante investigación que ha estudiado la satisfacción vital en personas mayores y ha encontrado evidencia empírica de sus mejores predictores. Cuando se estudia la satisfacción con la vida de las personas mayores y sus predictores se hallan diferencias en función del género incluyendo, por ejemplo, las interacciones con la viudedad. En este contexto, el presente estudio se ha centrado en los siguientes objetivos: (1) poner a prueba la invarianza en función del género de una medida de satisfacción con la vida, (2) predecir la satisfacción vital usando varias variables relacionadas con el proceso de envejecimiento y (3) poner a prueba el potencial efecto moderador del género …
Predicting perceived health in Angolan elderly: The moderator effect of being oldest old
The objective of this study was to test the predicting effects of variables measuring social support, dependence/active perceptions, and generativity, on this facet of well-being when controlled for socio-demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and institutionalization). The research tries to extend previous literature by assessing them in a multivariate context, studying differential effects of these variables in young old and oldest old, and offering evidence of the scarcely studied population of Angola. The sample was formed by 737 young old and 266 oldest old. It was built a hierarchical regression, in which, among the different predictors, interactions effects between age a…
Consecuencias del desempleo en la salud mental de una muestra de jóvenes angoleños
espanolEntre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresion y perdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estres sobre la salud mental en desempleados jovenes angolenos mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser economicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angolenos con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 anos. El modelo se estimo en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. E…
Apoyo social de familia, profesorado y amigos, ajuste escolar y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes peruanos
espanolIntroduccion: La psicologia positiva ha senalado la importancia del bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes, por ser un precursor del desarrollo positivo de los jovenes. La investigacion resalta la importancia del apoyo social percibido y el ajuste escolar como determinantes del bienestar adolescente. Por ello, este articulo tiene como finalidad analizar las relaciones de la percepcion de apoyo social (de familia, profesorado, amigos) con el bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes, mediado por su ajuste escolar. Metodo: Participaron 1035 estudiantes peruanos de educacion secundaria, con edades entre 12 y 16 anos. Se probaron dos modelos teoricos con variables latentes, uno con mediac…
Influencia del clima motivacional en clase sobre el compromiso escolar de los adolescentes y su logro académico
The scientific literature provides empirical evidence on the relationship between school engagement and numerous important variables of the adolescents’ educational context. The school engagement has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of both teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom. Because of it, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between perceived motivational class climate and students’ academic achievement, with school engagement acting as a mediator. A sample of 2028 teenagers completed various instruments to measure the percept…
Family relations, parents’ educational practices, and Angolan adolescents’ values
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido triple. Primero, analizar las propiedades psicométricas los instrumentos utilizados para evaluar la percepción de las Relaciones familiares, la Socialización familiar y los Valores de los adolescentes angoleños. Segundo, predecir los Valores de los adolescentes a partir de las Relaciones familiares y la Socialización familiar. Tercero, analizar las diferencias de valores de los adolescentes según el sexo. Para ello, 917 adolescentes (384 varones, 533 mujeres) de 14 a 17 años (M = 15.68; DT = 1.06) completaron versiones portuguesas de los instrumentos antes señalados. Una vez analizadas las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos, se desarro…
Socio-Demographic Variables and Successful Aging of the Angolan Elderly
The proportion of elderly people is growing faster than any other age group. Amongst them, the group of oldest old is indeed the segment of the elderly population with the fastest growth rate. The increase in the proportion of elderly in the Angolan population makes research on this area badly needed. Within the theoretical framework of successful aging, the study aims to test for sociodemographic group differences in perceived health, life satisfaction, and social relations in Angolan elderly. The dependent variables are three of the components of what has been called successful aging. Data came from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in Luanda. 1003 Angolan elderly were sur…
Contributions of Psychosocial Factors and Physical Activity to Successful Aging
AbstractThe aim of this study was twofold: (a) To validate a successful aging model in a Spanish older adult’s sample, and (b) to predict successful aging from psychosocial factors and physical activity. Participants were 725 Spanish older people, of whom 478 were women and 247 men, aged between 55 and 100 years. Of these, 501 were physically active and 197 persons did not practice physical activity. The sample was collected in three areas: Sport centers, day centers and public areas of several Spanish towns. Factorial validity of the Successful Aging Inventory was studied by confirmatory factor analysis, and four multiple regressions to predict each of the dimensions of successful aging (f…
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS): A study on elderly attending to university programs
Several measures have been developed for the operalization of well-being, standing out the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). To cope with some of its problems the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS) was developed. The aim of this study is to present and validate the Spanish version of the TSLS, in a sample elderly attending to University programs. The sample was composed of 737 elderly. Together with the TSLS, an indicator of general life satisfaction and the SF-8 Health Scale were used. Analyses included the study of factorial validity, estimations of reliability and external validity. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis were adequate: χ2(87)=454.593 (p<.001), CFI=.9…
Application of Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model in physical education to improve self-efficacy for adolescents at risk of dropping-out of school.
This study evaluated improvement in self-efficacy and personal and social responsibility among at-risk of dropping-out of school adolescents participating in a program in which Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model was applied in physical education classes during the course of an academic year. Thirty at-risk adolescents aged 13-14 years old (23 boys, 7 girls) were assigned to an intervention group (12 boys and 3 girls) or a comparison group (11 boys, 4 girls), the latter of which did not participate in the program. Quantitative results showed a significant improvement in the students' self-efficacy for enlisting social resources and in self-efficacy for self-regulate…
Perceptions of Motivational Climate and Teachers' Strategies to Sustain Discipline as Predictors of Intrinsic Motivation in Physical Education
This study examined the relationship among pupils' perceptions of the motivational climate, pupils' perceptions of teachers' strategies to maintain discipline and pupils' intrinsic motivation in physical education. A sample of 2189 Spanish adolescents, ages 13 to 17 years, completed Spanish versions of the EPCM, SSDS, and IMI. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to confirm the factorial validity of the scales. Then, the relationship among the variables was explored through Structural Equation Modelling. The most important predictors of pupils' intrinsic motivation were the perceived mastery climate, and perceived teachers' emphasis on intrinsic reasons to maintain discipline. Perc…
Implementation Fidelity of a Program Designed to Promote Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Education
The purpose of this qualitative comparative case study was to examine the implementation fidelity of a program designed to deliver the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model (Hellison, 2003) through physical education and its relationship with short-term outcomes for elementary school students. The research questions were: (a) was the program implemented with fidelity, and (b) did better fidelity yield better student outcomes. Thus, we conducted a study on the implementation process used by two teachers who delivered the same program in two physical education classes in two different elementary schools in Spain. Data sources included observations and interviews with teache…
The adolescents’ school engagement: Assessment of its dimensions
A topic that in the last years is getting relevance in school and students research is school engagement. This topic has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom, students-teachers relationships, and life satisfaction of the students. School engagement may be defined as the participation of the student in academic achievements, and it is understood as a multidimensional construct. The most repeated typology of dimensions recognizes three specific and overlapping dimensions: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affe…
Perceived Motivational Climate, Sportsmanship, and Students' Attitudes toward Physical Education Classes and Teachers
The purpose of this study was to examine the relations among students' perceptions of motivational climate, sportsmanship attitudes, and attitudes toward content and teachers in physical education. 910 secondary school students ages 13 to 16 years ( M = 14.3, SD =1.1) completed Spanish translations of L'Echelle de Perception du Climat Motivational by Biddle, et al., the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale by Vallerand, et al., and the Student Attitudes toward Teacher and Program in Physical Education by Luke and Cope. Structural Equation Modeling showed that perceived mastery climate is a predictor of students' attitudes toward teacher and content and positive sportsmanshi…
Predicting life satisfaction of the Angolan elderly: A structural model
Satisfaction with life is of particular interest in the study of old age well-being because it has arisen as an important component of old age. A considerable amount of research has been done to explain life satisfaction in the elderly, and there is growing empirical evidence on best predictors of life satisfaction. This research evaluates the predictive power of some aging process variables, on Angolan elderly people's life satisfaction, while including perceived health into the model. Data for this research come from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in the capital of Angola, Luanda. A total of 1003 Angolan elderly were surveyed on socio-demographic information, perceived …
Validation of an explicative model of the successful aging process with psychological, physical, relational, and leisure variables
Increasingly, research on the aging process tends to adopt a dual perspective emic (specific to a culture) and etic (universal), requiring further studies to address this cross-cultural approach. The aim is to obtain an empirical answer to the question of whether a model of successful aging raised from a different context such as the Taiwanese context, is suitable to represent this process in our elders. The sample consisted of 737 elderly. Socio-demographic-data and different scales to assess life satisfaction, leisure, health, and social support were collected. A structural equation model taken from Lee et al. (2011), in which leisure, health and social support predicted life satisfaction…
Motives to practice exercise in old age and successful aging: A latent class analysis.
Abstract Purpose The aim was to classify motives for exercising trying to find sets of related cases that share common motivations, and to relate these latent classes to markers of successful aging. Methods 725 old adult aged 55 to 97 years were sampled in several Spanish towns. Instruments: Successful Aging Inventory (SAI), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Health Survey SF-8, Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and motives to practice exercise, were used. Latent Class Analyses (LCAs) were estimated. The classes obtained were compared on markers of successful aging. Results Three latent classes were deemed optimal. Significant differences for several markers of success…
Aportaciones de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la predicción de la satisfacción escolar en estudiantes universitarios
La literatura especializada ofrece evidencias de que en todo el mundo las tasas de deserción universitaria son elevadas, generando inconvenientes para los propios estudiantes, para la institución a la que pertenecen y para la sociedad en general. Los determinantes del abandono de los estudios son diversos, considerando uno de los más importantes la satisfacción de los estudiantes con su entorno educativo. La satisfacción académica de los estudiantes depende en gran medida del clima motivacional del aula y de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, fundamento de la teoría de la autodeterminación. En el marco teórico de la motivación autodeterminada y de la psicología positiv…
Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) by gender and age in Angola
Abstract Subjective well-being is a research arena that has grown almost exponentially: over the last 20 years, the number of publications on subjective well-being has increased approximately 16-fold (Diener, 2009). The cognitive aspect of subjective well-being or life satisfaction is referred to a conscious cognitive judgment of life (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin 1985), in which person’s quality of life is globally assessed (Shin & Johnson, 1978). The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS, Diener et al., 1985) is the most widely used instrument for its measurement. A reliable, valid and invariant measurement is critical for meaningful comparisons. The aim of this study is to examine the …
Consequences of unemployment on the mental health of a sample of Angolan youth
Entre los efectos del desempleo en la salud mental, destacan problemas de confianza, depresión y pérdida de recursos psicosociales. El objetivo es investigar las variables atenuantes del estrés sobre la salud mental en desempleados jóvenes angoleños mediante un modelo estructural con variables latentes. Se probaron los efectos del apoyo social, la resiliencia y las estrategias de afrontamiento sobre la salud mental, controlando por los efectos de ser económicamente suficiente. Para poner a prueba este modelo se ha contado con una muestra de 283 angoleños con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 años. El modelo se estimó en EQS 5.7. Los resultados indican un ajuste adecuado del modelo. Estos re…
Perceived Social Support, School Engagement and Satisfaction with School
Abstract There is evidence that social support from families, peers and teachers has an influence on student engagement, academic success, and satisfaction with school. The aim of this work is to use structural equations to analyze the effects of the perceived academic support and the school engagement on the satisfaction with school. A battery of measurement tools was administered to 2028 Angolan students aged between 14 and 22 years (mean = 17.4; SD = 2.3). The results show the influence of the perceived academic support of teachers, family, and peers on the satisfaction with school using the school engagement as mediating variable. The perception of peer support does not show a predicti…
Motivación, comportamiento de los alumnos y rendimiento académico
ResumenEn este trabajo se han analizado las relaciones entre el clima motivational, la motivacion intrinseca, el comportamiento de los alumnos y su rendimiento academico en educacion fisica. Para ello, 2189 adolescentes espanoles de 13 a 17 anos cumplimentaron cuestionarios sobre clima motivational de la clase, motivacion intrinseca y disciplina. Sus profesores valoraron el comportamiento de los alumnos y su rendimiento academico. Un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales ha mostrado que el clima de aprendizaje, el interes/diversion y el esfuerzo/importancia predicen la disciplina; el clima de comparacion, la percepcion de competencia y la tension/presion predicen la indisciplina; el interes/di…
Influencia del clima motivacional en educación física sobre las metas de logro y la satisfacción con la vida de los adolescentes (Influence of motivational climate in physical education on achievement goals and adolescents’ life satisfaction)
En el marco de la Teoría de las Metas de Logro y haciendo alusión a la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, el objetivo principal de este trabajo ha consistido en predecir la satisfacción con la vida de los alumnos de educación física (EF) a partir de la percepción del clima motivacional de la clase y actuando como mediadora la orientación de metas de logro. Para cumplir este objetivo, 608 alumnos españoles de Educación Secundaria y 1º de Bachillerato, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años (M = 14.51, DT = 1.46; 55.3% hombres y 44.7% mujeres) completaron una escala de clima motivacional en EF, una escala de orientación de metas de logro 2 x 2, y una escala de satisfacción con la vid…
Motivational Class Climate, Motivation and Academic Success in University Students
Abstract The aim of this study is to predict academic success based on the motivational class climate, mediated by the university students’ motivation. The participants are 758 university students from the Dominican Republic, aged between 18 and 50 years (21.1% men and 78.9% women). A battery of instruments was administered to measure the indicated variables and a full structural equations model was applied to predict academic success. The results highlight the direct effect of student perceptions of autonomy support on their satisfaction with the educational center, and the effect of satisfying basic psychological needs, both on satisfaction with the center and on academic performance. Per…
Autonomy Support, Psychological Needs Satisfaction, School Engagement and Academic Success: A Mediation Model
School engagement is a construct of relevance in education and educational psychology, as it has been related to multiple educational constructs and outcomes: school drop-out, satisfaction with school, disruptive behavior, motivational climate, teacher-student relationships, or academic progress and achievement. The current research surveyed 2034 Angolan students and 2302 Dominican Republic students in order to predict academic achievement. The model tested was supported by the data in both samples, and the chain of explicative effects hold again in both samples. School engagement was a powerful mediator among needs satisfaction and academic success. Results are discussed in light of existi…
The role of perceived autonomy support in predicting university students’ academic success mediated by academic self-efficacy and school engagement
This research analysed relationships between perceived teachers’ autonomy support and academic success, with self-efficacy and school engagement acting as mediators. This was a survey of 870 studen...
Autocuidado: nueva evidencia sobre su medida en adultos mayores
Resumen Introduccion Un desafio importante en la sociedad actual es conseguir que las personas mayores no solo vivan mas anos, sino que los vivan mejor, que logren un envejecimiento exitoso. En este sentido, un constructo que se ha mostrado relevante en la literatura especializada ha sido el autocuidado, en relacion con la salud fisica, psicologica y social. Por ello, este trabajo se ha propuesto ofrecer evidencia de las propiedades psicometricas de una escala destinada a evaluar el autocuidado en personas mayores. Material y metodos Han participado 443 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 80 anos (M = 66,11; DT = 4,72), participantes en un programa formativo. De ellas, el 64,2% eran …
A Successful Aging Model Based on Personal Resources, Self-Care, and Life Satisfaction
The most internationally studied models of successful aging defend that there are several pillars for a good aging: absence of disease, good cognitive and physical function, a high commitment and social activity, social capital, personal resources, life satisfaction, and spirituality. This study examines the relationships between personal resources, perceived social support, hope, spirituality, self-care and subjective well-being variables, as bases for a successful aging. One thousand and sixteen community-dwelling Spanish adults, aged 55-92 years, participated in the study. Information on variables assessed was collected using self-reported questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analyses and…
Predicción del bienestar hedónico y eudaimónico en envejecimiento con éxito
El bienestar psicológico es un constructo de la máxima importancia en psicología, siendo el equivalente a la salud en términos médicos. Es un concepto multifacético. Que ha dado lugar a dos tradiciones, la hedónica y la eudaimónica. Por otro lado, un marco teórico útil en el que enmarcar un envejecimiento óptimo es el paradigma del envejecimiento con éxito. Rowe y Kahn (1998) articularon este paradigma proponiendo un modelo con tres características principales: salud física, función cognitiva y estar activo en términos de actividades productivas y relaciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un modelo predictivo del bienestar, tanto hedónico como eudaimónico, empleando para e…
Perception of quality of life in an elderly Angolan sample / Percepción de calidad de vida en una muestra de ancianos angoleños
AbstractIncreased life expectancy and the ageing of the population have made it particularly important to distinguish between the old (usually 60–79 years, or the ‘young old’) and the oldest old (80 years or more, or the ‘fourth age’). This study explores the effects of age, gender and institutionalization on perceived health and life satisfaction in 1003 elderly people from Luanda, Angola. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was estimated to test for these effects. Results provide evidence of lower scores on life satisfaction and perceived health for the oldest old and the institutionalized. However, the higher life satisfaction among the non-institutionalized disappeared when the…
Measuring School Engagement: Validation and Measurement Equivalence of the Student Engagement Scale on Angolan Male and Female Adolescents
School engagement is defined primarily in relation to the participation of the student in academic achievement, and it is viewed as a multidimensional and integrative construct, or macroconstruct made up of several dimensions. The most repeated typology recognizes three specific dimensions: Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affective). Recently, a fourth new dimension, personal agency, has been proposed, which reflects students’ constructive engagement with the academic instructions. F. Veiga has been the first to present a self-report instrument, in Portuguese, to measure these four components, the Student Engagement Scale-4 dimensions (SES-4DS). This research has studied the validity …
Influence of the motivational climate in physical education on the intention to practice physical activity or sport
This study is based on the achievement goal theory and intended to verify the effects of the motivational climate of the physical education (PE) on students' motivation, interest, and intention to practice physical activity or sport. In order to meet these objectives, 975 participants, from 13 to 18 years of age, completed the following instruments: PECCS, TEOSQ, IMI, Satisfaction Scale, and the Intention to Practice Physical Activity or Sport. The data were analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results confirmed that the mastery dimension of motivational climate has an influence, directly or indirectly, on task orientation, the three dimensions of intrinsic motivatio…
Percepción del entorno deportivo juvenil por deportistas, padres, entrenadores y gestores
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Fortalezas, dificultades y aspectos susceptibles de mejora en la aplicación de un Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social en Educación Física. Una evaluación a partir de las percepciones de sus implementadores
ResumenEste articulo se centra en la implementation del Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social (PRPS) a traves de las clases de Educacion Fisica (EF) en cinco centros de Educacion Primaria. Se ha realizado una utilization-focused evaluation dirigida a evaluar sus fortalezas, limitaciones y aspectos susceptibles de mejora. La obtencion de datos se llevo a cabo mediante la realizacion de una doble entrevista semiestructurada y un grupo de discusion con los profesores que implementaron el PRPS. El trabajo concluye que los principales puntos fuertes del PRPS son su aplicabilidad al contexto escolar y la capacidad de promover su desarrollo profesional. Entre las limitaciones se senala la …
Factorial Validity of the General Health Questionnaire 12 in an Angolan Sample
Abstract. Most evidence available has found multidimensional solutions for the General Health Questionnaire’s (GHQ12) structure, contrary to the authors’ original one-factor solution. Recently, the study of method effects associated to negatively worded items has been included in the study of GHQ12’s factor structure, and the most common conclusion has been that the best-fitting structure is a single factor confounded by response bias. Current study analyzes the factor structure of the Portuguese version of the GHQ12. The sample consisted of 1,332 young Angolan adults. Previously-reported structures, including one-factor and multidimensional substantive ones, as well as bifactor structures…
Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale, TSLS): Un estudio en mayores que acuden a programas universitarios
Para la operacionalización del bienestar se han desarrollado un gran número de medidas, destacando la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS). Para paliar algunos de sus problemas, se desarrolló la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (TSLS). El objetivo de este estudio es la presentación y primera validación de la TSLS en su versión española, en una muestra de personas mayores que acuden a programas universitarios. La muestra estaba formada por 737 personas mayores. Además de la TSLS, se empleó un indicador de satisfacción general con la vida y la SF-8. Los análisis incluyeron estudio de la validez factorial, estimaciones de la fiabilidad y de validez externa. Los resultados del a…
Clima motivacional, satisfacción, compromiso y éxito académico en estudiantes angoleños y dominicanos
Resumen El objetivo fue triple: validar las versiones portuguesa y española de la Escala de Orientación y Clima Motivacional (MOC), evaluar la invarianza métrica en muestras de estudiantes dominicanos y angoleños, y estudiar las relaciones de las orientaciones y climas motivacionales con aspectos educativos relevantes. Participaron 2302 estudiantes dominicanos y 2028 angoleños de 14 a 18 años. Mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio se comprobó que las cuatro dimensiones hipotetizadas del MOC se ajustaban bien a los datos de ambas muestras. Los resultados más relevantes mostraron que las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el clima de maestría se relacionaron positivamente con el compro…
Revista de psicodidáctica
Título, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglés Resumen basado en el de la publicación Existen evidencias de que el apoyo social de la familia, los iguales y el profesorado influye sobre la implicación escolar del alumnado, su éxito académico y satisfacción con la escuela. Se busca probar, mediante ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del apoyo académico percibido y la implicación escolar sobre la satisfacción con la escuela. Se administra una batería de instrumentos a 2028 estudiantes de origen angoleño, con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 22 años (M = 17.4; DT = 2.3). Los resultados muestran la influencia que ejerce el apoyo académico percibido del profesorado, la familia y los ig…
Motivational climate, satisfaction, engagement, and academic success in Angolan and Dominican students
Abstract The aim was threefold: to validate the Portuguese and Spanish versions of the Motivational Orientation and Climate Scale (MOC), to test for measurement invariance across large Dominican and Angolan students’ samples, and to study the relationships of motivational orientations and climates with relevant educational outcomes. Participants were 2302 Dominican and 2028 Angolan students from 14 to 18 years old. Confirmatory Factor Analyses were used to study factorial structure of the MOC. Main results showed that the hypothesized four dimensions fitted the data from both samples well. Regarding the relationships analyzed, the most relevant results shown that students’ perceptions of ma…