Andris Ambainis

Enumerable classes of total recursive functions: Complexity of inductive inference

This paper includes some results on complexity of inductive inference for enumerable classes of total recursive functions, where enumeration is considered in more general meaning than usual recursive enumeration. The complexity is measured as the worst-case mindchange (error) number for the first n functions of the given class. Three generalizations are considered.

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Probabilities to Accept Languages by Quantum Finite Automata

We construct a hierarchy of regular languages such that the current language in the hierarchy can be accepted by 1-way quantum finite automata with a probability smaller than the corresponding probability for the preceding language in the hierarchy. These probabilities converge to 1/2.

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Quantum algorithm for tree size estimation, with applications to backtracking and 2-player games

We study quantum algorithms on search trees of unknown structure, in a model where the tree can be discovered by local exploration. That is, we are given the root of the tree and access to a black box which, given a vertex $v$, outputs the children of $v$. We construct a quantum algorithm which, given such access to a search tree of depth at most $n$, estimates the size of the tree $T$ within a factor of $1\pm \delta$ in $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{nT})$ steps. More generally, the same algorithm can be used to estimate size of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in a similar model. We then show two applications of this result: a) We show how to transform a classical backtracking search algorithm which exam…

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Algebraic Results on Quantum Automata

We use tools from the algebraic theory of automata to investigate the class of languages recognized by two models of Quantum Finite Automata (QFA): Brodsky and Pippenger’s end-decisive model, and a new QFA model whose definition is motivated by implementations of quantum computers using nucleo-magnetic resonance (NMR). In particular, we are interested in the new model since nucleo-magnetic resonance was used to construct the most powerful physical quantum machine to date. We give a complete characterization of the languages recognized by the new model and by Boolean combinations of the Brodsky-Pippenger model. Our results show a striking similarity in the class of languages recognized by th…

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Worst Case Analysis of Non-local Games

Non-local games are studied in quantum information because they provide a simple way for proving the difference between the classical world and the quantum world. A non-local game is a cooperative game played by 2 or more players against a referee. The players cannot communicate but may share common random bits or a common quantum state. A referee sends an input x i to the i th player who then responds by sending an answer a i to the referee. The players win if the answers a i satisfy a condition that may depend on the inputs x i .

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New separation between $s(f)$ and $bs(f)$

In this note we give a new separation between sensitivity and block sensitivity of Boolean functions: $bs(f)=(2/3)s(f)^2-(1/3)s(f)$.

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A Tight Lower Bound on Certificate Complexity in Terms of Block Sensitivity and Sensitivity

Sensitivity, certificate complexity and block sensitivity are widely used Boolean function complexity measures. A longstanding open problem, proposed by Nisan and Szegedy, is whether sensitivity and block sensitivity are polynomially related. Motivated by the constructions of functions which achieve the largest known separations, we study the relation between 1-certificate complexity and 0-sensitivity and 0-block sensitivity. Previously the best known lower bound was $C_1(f)\geq \frac{bs_0(f)}{2 s_0(f)}$, achieved by Kenyon and Kutin. We improve this to $C_1(f)\geq \frac{3 bs_0(f)}{2 s_0(f)}$. While this improvement is only by a constant factor, this is quite important, as it precludes achi…

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Advantage of Quantum Strategies in Random Symmetric XOR Games

Non-local games are known as a simple but useful model which is widely used for displaying nonlocal properties of quantum mechanics. In this paper we concentrate on a simple subset of non-local games: multiplayer XOR games with 1-bit inputs and 1-bit outputs which are symmetric w.r.t. permutations of players.

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Quadratic speedup for finding marked vertices by quantum walks

A quantum walk algorithm can detect the presence of a marked vertex on a graph quadratically faster than the corresponding random walk algorithm (Szegedy, FOCS 2004). However, quantum algorithms that actually find a marked element quadratically faster than a classical random walk were only known for the special case when the marked set consists of just a single vertex, or in the case of some specific graphs. We present a new quantum algorithm for finding a marked vertex in any graph, with any set of marked vertices, that is (up to a log factor) quadratically faster than the corresponding classical random walk.

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Understanding Quantum Algorithms via Query Complexity

Query complexity is a model of computation in which we have to compute a function $f(x_1, \ldots, x_N)$ of variables $x_i$ which can be accessed via queries. The complexity of an algorithm is measured by the number of queries that it makes. Query complexity is widely used for studying quantum algorithms, for two reasons. First, it includes many of the known quantum algorithms (including Grover's quantum search and a key subroutine of Shor's factoring algorithm). Second, one can prove lower bounds on the query complexity, bounding the possible quantum advantage. In the last few years, there have been major advances on several longstanding problems in the query complexity. In this talk, we su…

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Quantum algorithms for search with wildcards and combinatorial group testing

We consider two combinatorial problems. The first we call "search with wildcards": given an unknown n-bit string x, and the ability to check whether any subset of the bits of x is equal to a provided query string, the goal is to output x. We give a nearly optimal O(sqrt(n) log n) quantum query algorithm for search with wildcards, beating the classical lower bound of Omega(n) queries. Rather than using amplitude amplification or a quantum walk, our algorithm is ultimately based on the solution to a state discrimination problem. The second problem we consider is combinatorial group testing, which is the task of identifying a subset of at most k special items out of a set of n items, given the…

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Quantum Walks with Multiple or Moving Marked Locations

We study some properties of quantum walks on the plane. First, we discuss the behavior of quantum walks when moving marked locations are introduced. Second, we present an exceptional case, when quantum walk fails to find any of the marked locations.

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Sensitivity Versus Certificate Complexity of Boolean Functions

Sensitivity, block sensitivity and certificate complexity are basic complexity measures of Boolean functions. The famous sensitivity conjecture claims that sensitivity is polynomially related to block sensitivity. However, it has been notoriously hard to obtain even exponential bounds. Since block sensitivity is known to be polynomially related to certificate complexity, an equivalent of proving this conjecture would be showing that the certificate complexity is polynomially related to sensitivity. Previously, it has been shown that $$bsf \le Cf \le 2^{sf-1} sf - sf-1$$. In this work, we give a better upper bound of $$bsf \le Cf \le \max \left 2^{sf-1}\left sf-\frac{1}{3}\right , sf\right $…

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Optimal Classical Random Access Codes Using Single d-level Systems

Recently, in the letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 114}, 170502 (2015)], Tavakoli et al. derived interesting results by studying classical and quantum random access codes (RACs) in which the parties communicate higher-dimensional systems. They construct quantum RACs with a bigger advantage over classical RACs compared to previously considered RACs with binary alphabet. However, these results crucially hinge upon an unproven assertion that the classical strategy "majority-encoding-identity-decoding" leads to the maximum average success probability achievable for classical RACs; in this article we provide a proof of this intuition. We characterize all optimal classical RACs and show that indeed "…

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Quantum Search with Multiple Walk Steps per Oracle Query

We identify a key difference between quantum search by discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks: a discrete-time walk typically performs one walk step per oracle query, whereas a continuous-time walk can effectively perform multiple walk steps per query while only counting query time. As a result, we show that continuous-time quantum walks can outperform their discrete-time counterparts, even though both achieve quadratic speedups over their corresponding classical random walks. To provide greater equity, we allow the discrete-time quantum walk to also take multiple walk steps per oracle query while only counting queries. Then it matches the continuous-time algorithm's runtime, but such …

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Symmetry-assisted adversaries for quantum state generation

We introduce a new quantum adversary method to prove lower bounds on the query complexity of the quantum state generation problem. This problem encompasses both, the computation of partial or total functions and the preparation of target quantum states. There has been hope for quite some time that quantum state generation might be a route to tackle the $backslash$sc Graph Isomorphism problem. We show that for the related problem of $backslash$sc Index Erasure our method leads to a lower bound of $backslash Omega(backslash sqrt N)$ which matches an upper bound obtained via reduction to quantum search on $N$ elements. This closes an open problem first raised by Shi [FOCS'02]. Our approach is …

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Application of kolmogorov complexity to inductive inference with limited memory

A b s t r a c t . We consider inductive inference with limited memory[l]. We show that there exists a set U of total recursive functions such that U can be learned with linear long-term memory (and no short-term memory); U can be learned with logarithmic long-term memory (and some amount of short-term memory); if U is learned with sublinear long-term memory, then the short-term memory exceeds arbitrary recursive function. Thus an open problem posed by Freivalds, Kinber and Smith[l] is solved. To prove our result, we use Kolmogorov complexity.

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Weak and strong recognition by 2-way randomized automata

Languages weakly recognized by a Monte Carlo 2-way finite automaton with n states are proved to be strongly recognized by a Monte Carlo 2-way finite automaton with no(n) states. This improves dramatically over the previously known result by M.Karpinski and R.Verbeek [10] which is also nontrivial since these languages can be nonregular [5]. For tally languages the increase in the number of states is proved to be only polynomial, and these languages are regular.

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Nonlocal Quantum XOR Games for Large Number of Players

Nonlocal games are used to display differences between classical and quantum world In this paper, we study nonlocal games with a large number of players We give simple methods for calculating the classical and the quantum values for symmetric XOR games with one-bit input per player, a subclass of nonlocal games We illustrate those methods on the example of the N-player game (due to Ardehali [Ard92]) that provides the maximum quantum-over-classical advantage.

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New separation between $s(f)$ and $bs(f)$

In this note we give a new separation between sensitivity and block sensitivity of Boolean functions: $bs(f)=(2/3)s(f)^2-(1/3)s(f)$.

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The power of procrastination in inductive inference: How it depends on used ordinal notations

We consider inductive inference with procrastination. Usually it is defined using constructive ordinals. For constructive ordinals there exist many different systems of notations. In this paper we study how the power of inductive inference depends on used system of notations.

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Distributed construction of quantum fingerprints

Quantum fingerprints are useful quantum encodings introduced by Buhrman, Cleve, Watrous, and de Wolf (Physical Review Letters, Volume 87, Number 16, Article 167902, 2001; quant-ph/0102001) in obtaining an efficient quantum communication protocol. We design a protocol for constructing the fingerprint in a distributed scenario. As an application, this protocol gives rise to a communication protocol more efficient than the best known classical protocol for a communication problem.

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Quantum property testing for bounded-degree graphs

We study quantum algorithms for testing bipartiteness and expansion of bounded-degree graphs. We give quantum algorithms that solve these problems in time O(N^(1/3)), beating the Omega(sqrt(N)) classical lower bound. For testing expansion, we also prove an Omega(N^(1/4)) quantum query lower bound, thus ruling out the possibility of an exponential quantum speedup. Our quantum algorithms follow from a combination of classical property testing techniques due to Goldreich and Ron, derandomization, and the quantum algorithm for element distinctness. The quantum lower bound is obtained by the polynomial method, using novel algebraic techniques and combinatorial analysis to accommodate the graph s…

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Random Tensor Theory: Extending Random Matrix Theory to Mixtures of Random Product States

We consider a problem in random matrix theory that is inspired by quantum information theory: determining the largest eigenvalue of a sum of p random product states in $${(\mathbb {C}^d)^{\otimes k}}$$ , where k and p/d k are fixed while d → ∞. When k = 1, the Marcenko-Pastur law determines (up to small corrections) not only the largest eigenvalue ( $${(1+\sqrt{p/d^k})^2}$$ ) but the smallest eigenvalue $${(\min(0,1-\sqrt{p/d^k})^2)}$$ and the spectral density in between. We use the method of moments to show that for k > 1 the largest eigenvalue is still approximately $${(1+\sqrt{p/d^k})^2}$$ and the spectral density approaches that of the Marcenko-Pastur law, generalizing the random matrix…

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Tighter Relations between Sensitivity and Other Complexity Measures

The sensitivity conjecture of Nisan and Szegedy [12] asks whether the maximum sensitivity of a Boolean function is polynomially related to the other major complexity measures of Boolean functions. Despite major advances in analysis of Boolean functions in the past decade, the problem remains wide open with no positive result toward the conjecture since the work of Kenyon and Kutin from 2004 [11].

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Is there a general theorem that tells us when we can hope for exponential speedups from quantum algorithms, and when we cannot? In this paper, we make two advances toward such a theorem, in the black-box model where most quantum algorithms operate. First, we show that for any problem that is invariant under permuting inputs and outputs (like the collision or the element distinctness problems), the quantum query complexity is at least the 9 th root of the classical randomized query complexity. This resolves a conjecture of Watrous from 2002. Second, inspired by recent work of O’Donnell et al. and Dinur et al., we conjecture that every bounded low-degree polynomial has a “highly influential” …

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Optimal one-shot quantum algorithm for EQUALITY and AND

We study the computation complexity of Boolean functions in the quantum black box model. In this model our task is to compute a function $f:\{0,1\}\to\{0,1\}$ on an input $x\in\{0,1\}^n$ that can be accessed by querying the black box. Quantum algorithms are inherently probabilistic; we are interested in the lowest possible probability that the algorithm outputs incorrect answer (the error probability) for a fixed number of queries. We show that the lowest possible error probability for $AND_n$ and $EQUALITY_{n+1}$ is $1/2-n/(n^2+1)$.

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Quantum Strategies Are Better Than Classical in Almost Any XOR Game

We initiate a study of random instances of nonlocal games. We show that quantum strategies are better than classical for almost any 2-player XOR game. More precisely, for large n, the entangled value of a random 2-player XOR game with n questions to every player is at least 1.21... times the classical value, for 1−o(1) fraction of all 2-player XOR games.

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Exact quantum query complexity of $\rm{EXACT}_{k,l}^n$

In the exact quantum query model a successful algorithm must always output the correct function value. We investigate the function that is true if exactly $k$ or $l$ of the $n$ input bits given by an oracle are 1. We find an optimal algorithm (for some cases), and a nontrivial general lower and upper bound on the minimum number of queries to the black box.

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Probabilistic and team PFIN-type learning: General properties

We consider the probability hierarchy for Popperian FINite learning and study the general properties of this hierarchy. We prove that the probability hierarchy is decidable, i.e. there exists an algorithm that receives p_1 and p_2 and answers whether PFIN-type learning with the probability of success p_1 is equivalent to PFIN-type learning with the probability of success p_2. To prove our result, we analyze the topological structure of the probability hierarchy. We prove that it is well-ordered in descending ordering and order-equivalent to ordinal epsilon_0. This shows that the structure of the hierarchy is very complicated. Using similar methods, we also prove that, for PFIN-type learning…

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A random-walk benchmark for single-electron circuits

Mesoscopic integrated circuits aim for precise control over elementary quantum systems. However, as fidelities improve, the increasingly rare errors and component crosstalk pose a challenge for validating error models and quantifying accuracy of circuit performance. Here we propose and implement a circuit-level benchmark that models fidelity as a random walk of an error syndrome, detected by an accumulating probe. Additionally, contributions of correlated noise, induced environmentally or by memory, are revealed as limits of achievable fidelity by statistical consistency analysis of the full distribution of error counts. Applying this methodology to a high-fidelity implementation of on-dema…

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Fast Matrix Multiplication

Until a few years ago, the fastest known matrix multiplication algorithm, due to Coppersmith and Winograd (1990), ran in time O(n2.3755). Recently, a surge of activity by Stothers, Vassilevska-Williams, and Le~Gall has led to an improved algorithm running in time O(n2.3729). These algorithms are obtained by analyzing higher and higher tensor powers of a certain identity of Coppersmith and Winograd. We show that this exact approach cannot result in an algorithm with running time O(n2.3725), and identify a wide class of variants of this approach which cannot result in an algorithm with running time $O(n^{2.3078}); in particular, this approach cannot prove the conjecture that for every e > 0, …

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On Physical Problems that are Slightly More Difficult than QMA

We study the complexity of computational problems from quantum physics. Typically, they are studied using the complexity class QMA (quantum counterpart of NP) but some natural computational problems appear to be slightly harder than QMA. We introduce new complexity classes consisting of problems that are solvable with a small number of queries to a QMA oracle and use these complexity classes to quantify the complexity of several natural computational problems (for example, the complexity of estimating the spectral gap of a Hamiltonian).

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Variable time amplitude amplification and quantum algorithms for linear algebra problems

Quantum amplitude amplification is a method of increasing a success probability of an algorithm from a small epsilon>0 to Theta(1) with less repetitions than classically. In this paper, we generalize quantum amplitude amplification to the case when parts of the algorithm that is being amplified stop at different times. We then apply the new variable time amplitude amplification to give two new quantum algorithms for linear algebra problems. Our first algorithm is an improvement of Harrow et al. algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. We improve the running time of the algorithm from O(k^2 log N) to O(k log^3 k log N) where k is the condition number of the system of equations. …

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Sensitivity versus Certificate Complexity of Boolean Functions

Sensitivity, block sensitivity and certificate complexity are basic complexity measures of Boolean functions. The famous sensitivity conjecture claims that sensitivity is polynomially related to block sensitivity. However, it has been notoriously hard to obtain even exponential bounds. Since block sensitivity is known to be polynomially related to certificate complexity, an equivalent of proving this conjecture would be showing that certificate complexity is polynomially related to sensitivity. Previously, it has been shown that $bs(f) \leq C(f) \leq 2^{s(f)-1} s(f) - (s(f)-1)$. In this work, we give a better upper bound of $bs(f) \leq C(f) \leq \max\left(2^{s(f)-1}\left(s(f)-\frac 1 3\righ…

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Average/Worst-Case Gap of Quantum Query Complexities by On-Set Size

This paper considers the query complexity of the functions in the family F_{N,M} of N-variable Boolean functions with onset size M, i.e., the number of inputs for which the function value is 1, where 1<= M <= 2^{N}/2 is assumed without loss of generality because of the symmetry of function values, 0 and 1. Our main results are as follows: (1) There is a super-linear gap between the average-case and worst-case quantum query complexities over F_{N,M} for a certain range of M. (2) There is no super-linear gap between the average-case and worst-case randomized query complexities over F_{N,M} for every M. (3) For every M bounded by a polynomial in N, any function in F_{N,M} has quantum que…

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Optimization problem in inductive inference

Algorithms recognizing to which of n classes some total function belongs are constructed (n > 2). In this construction strategies determining to which of two classes the function belongs are used as subroutines. Upper and lower bounds for number of necessary strategies are obtained in several models: FIN- and EX-identification and EX-identification with limited number of mindchanges. It is proved that in EX-identification it is necessary to use n(n−1)/2 strategies. In FIN-identification [3n/2 − 2] strategies are necessary and sufficient, in EX-identification with one mindchange- n log2n+o(n log2n) strategies.

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Limits on entropic uncertainty relations for 3 and more MUBs

We consider entropic uncertainty relations for outcomes of the measurements of a quantum state in 3 or more mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), chosen from the standard construction of MUBs in prime dimension. We show that, for any choice of 3 MUBs and at least one choice of a larger number of MUBs, the best possible entropic uncertainty relation can be only marginally better than the one that trivially follows from the relation by Maassen and Uffink (PRL, 1987) for 2 bases.

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Fast Matrix Multiplication: Limitations of the Laser Method

Until a few years ago, the fastest known matrix multiplication algorithm, due to Coppersmith and Winograd (1990), ran in time $O(n^{2.3755})$. Recently, a surge of activity by Stothers, Vassilevska-Williams, and Le Gall has led to an improved algorithm running in time $O(n^{2.3729})$. These algorithms are obtained by analyzing higher and higher tensor powers of a certain identity of Coppersmith and Winograd. We show that this exact approach cannot result in an algorithm with running time $O(n^{2.3725})$, and identify a wide class of variants of this approach which cannot result in an algorithm with running time $O(n^{2.3078})$; in particular, this approach cannot prove the conjecture that f…

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Coins Make Quantum Walks Faster

We show how to search N items arranged on a $\sqrt{N}\times\sqrt{N}$ grid in time $O(\sqrt N \log N)$, using a discrete time quantum walk. This result for the first time exhibits a significant difference between discrete time and continuous time walks without coin degrees of freedom, since it has been shown recently that such a continuous time walk needs time $\Omega(N)$ to perform the same task. Our result furthermore improves on a previous bound for quantum local search by Aaronson and Ambainis. We generalize our result to 3 and more dimensions where the walk yields the optimal performance of $O(\sqrt{N})$ and give several extensions of quantum walk search algorithms for general graphs. T…

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On the class of languages recognizable by 1-way quantum finite automata

It is an open problem to characterize the class of languages recognized by quantum finite automata (QFA). We examine some necessary and some sufficient conditions for a (regular) language to be recognizable by a QFA. For a subclass of regular languages we get a condition which is necessary and sufficient. Also, we prove that the class of languages recognizable by a QFA is not closed under union or any other binary Boolean operation where both arguments are significant.

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Quantum finite multitape automata

Quantum finite automata were introduced by C.Moore, J.P. Crutchfield, and by A.Kondacs and J.Watrous. This notion is not a generalization of the deterministic finite automata. Moreover, it was proved that not all regular languages can be recognized by quantum finite automata. A.Ambainis and R.Freivalds proved that for some languages quantum finite automata may be exponentially more concise rather than both deterministic and probabilistic finite automata. In this paper we introduce the notion of quantum finite multitape automata and prove that there is a language recognized by a quantum finite automaton but not by a deterministic or probabilistic finite automata. This is the first result on …

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On Block Sensitivity and Fractional Block Sensitivity

We investigate the relation between the block sensitivity bs(f) and fractional block sensitivity fbs(f) complexity measures of Boolean functions. While it is known that fbs(f) = O(bs(f)2), the best known separation achieves $${\rm{fbs}}\left( f \right) = \left( {{{\left( {3\sqrt 2 } \right)}^{ - 1}} + o\left( 1 \right)} \right){\rm{bs}}{\left( f \right)^{3/2}}$$ . We improve the constant factor and show a family of functions that give fbs(f) = (6−1/2 − o(1)) bs(f)3/2.

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Parsimony hierarchies for inductive inference

AbstractFreivalds defined an acceptable programming system independent criterion for learning programs for functions in which the final programs were required to be both correct and “nearly” minimal size. i.e.. within a computable function of being purely minimal size. Kinber showed that this parsimony requirement on final programs limits learning power. However, in scientific inference, parsimony is considered highly desirable. Alim-computable functionis (by definition) one calculable by a total procedure allowed to change its mind finitely many times about its output. Investigated is the possibility of assuaging somewhat the limitation on learning power resulting from requiring parsimonio…

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The Need for Structure in Quantum Speedups

Is there a general theorem that tells us when we can hope for exponential speedups from quantum algorithms, and when we cannot? In this paper, we make two advances toward such a theorem, in the black-box model where most quantum algorithms operate. First, we show that for any problem that is invariant under permuting inputs and outputs (like the collision or the element distinctness problems), the quantum query complexity is at least the 7th root of the classical randomized query complexity. (An earlier version of this paper gave the 9th root.) This resolves a conjecture of Watrous from 2002. Second, inspired by recent work of O'Donnell et al. (2005) and Dinur et al. (2006), we conjecture t…

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On symmetric nonlocal games

Abstract Nonlocal games are used to display differences between the classical and quantum world. In this paper, we study symmetric XOR games, which form an important subset of nonlocal games. We give simple methods for calculating the classical and the quantum values for symmetric XOR games with one-bit input per player. We illustrate those methods with two examples. One example is an N -player game (due to Ardehali (1992) [3] ) that provides the maximum quantum-over-classical advantage. The second example comes from generalization of CHSH game by letting the referee to choose arbitrary symmetric distribution of players’ inputs.

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General inductive inference types based on linearly-ordered sets

In this paper, we reconsider the definitions of procrastinating learning machines. In the original definition of Freivalds and Smith [FS93], constructive ordinals are used to bound mindchanges. We investigate the possibility of using arbitrary linearly ordered sets to bound mindchanges in a similar way. It turns out that using certain ordered sets it is possible to define inductive inference types more general than the previously known ones. We investigate properties of the new inductive inference types and compare them to other types.

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Quantum Speedups for Exponential-Time Dynamic Programming Algorithms

In this paper we study quantum algorithms for NP-complete problems whose best classical algorithm is an exponential time application of dynamic programming. We introduce the path in the hypercube problem that models many of these dynamic programming algorithms. In this problem we are asked whether there is a path from $0^n$ to $1^n$ in a given subgraph of the Boolean hypercube, where the edges are all directed from smaller to larger Hamming weight. We give a quantum algorithm that solves path in the hypercube in time $O^*(1.817^n)$. The technique combines Grover's search with computing a partial dynamic programming table. We use this approach to solve a variety of vertex ordering problems o…

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Strong supremacy of quantum systems as communication resource

We investigate the task of $d$-level random access codes ($d$-RACs) and consider the possibility of encoding classical strings of $d$-level symbols (dits) into a quantum system of dimension $d'$ strictly less than $d$. We show that the average success probability of recovering one (randomly chosen) dit from the encoded string can be larger than that obtained in the best classical protocol for the task. Our result is intriguing as we know from Holevo's theorem (and more recently from Frenkel-Weiner's result [Commun. Math. Phys. 340, 563 (2015)]) that there exist communication scenarios wherein quantum resources prove to be of no advantage over classical resources. A distinguishing feature of…

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Weak Parity

We study the query complexity of Weak Parity: the problem of computing the parity of an n-bit input string, where one only has to succeed on a 1/2 + ε fraction of input strings, but must do so with high probability on those inputs where one does succeed. It is well-known that n randomized queries and n/2 quantum queries are needed to compute parity on all inputs. But surprisingly, we give a randomized algorithm for Weak Parity that makes only O(n/log[superscript 0.246](1/ε)) queries, as well as a quantum algorithm that makes O(n/√log(1/ε)) queries. We also prove a lower bound of Ω(n/log(1/ε)) in both cases, as well as lower bounds of Ω(logn) in the randomized case and Ω(√logn) in the quantu…

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New Developments in Quantum Algorithms

In this survey, we describe two recent developments in quantum algorithms. The first new development is a quantum algorithm for evaluating a Boolean formula consisting of AND and OR gates of size N in time O(\sqrt{N}). This provides quantum speedups for any problem that can be expressed via Boolean formulas. This result can be also extended to span problems, a generalization of Boolean formulas. This provides an optimal quantum algorithm for any Boolean function in the black-box query model. The second new development is a quantum algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. In contrast with traditional algorithms that run in time O(N^{2.37...}) where N is the size of the system, the …

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Parity Oblivious d-Level Random Access Codes and Class of Noncontextuality Inequalities

One of the fundamental results in quantum foundations is the Kochen-Specker no-go theorem. For the quantum theory, the no-go theorem excludes the possibility of a class of hidden variable models where value attribution is context independent. Recently, the notion of contextuality has been generalized for different operational procedures and it has been shown that preparation contextuality of mixed quantum states can be a useful resource in an information-processing task called parity-oblivious multiplexing. Here, we introduce a new class of information processing tasks, namely d-level parity oblivious random access codes and obtain bounds on the success probabilities of performing such task…

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All Classical Adversary Methods Are Equivalent for Total Functions

We show that all known classical adversary lower bounds on randomized query complexity are equivalent for total functions and are equal to the fractional block sensitivity fbs( f ). That includes the Kolmogorov complexity bound of Laplante and Magniez and the earlier relational adversary bound of Aaronson. This equivalence also implies that for total functions, the relational adversary is equivalent to a simpler lower bound, which we call rank-1 relational adversary. For partial functions, we show unbounded separations between fbs( f ) and other adversary bounds, as well as between the adversary bounds themselves. We also show that, for partial functions, fractional block sensitivity canno…

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Quantum Security Proofs Using Semi-classical Oracles

We present an improved version of the one-way to hiding (O2H) Theorem by Unruh, J ACM 2015. Our new O2H Theorem gives higher flexibility (arbitrary joint distributions of oracles and inputs, multiple reprogrammed points) as well as tighter bounds (removing square-root factors, taking parallelism into account). The improved O2H Theorem makes use of a new variant of quantum oracles, semi-classical oracles, where queries are partially measured. The new O2H Theorem allows us to get better security bounds in several public-key encryption schemes.

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Quantum search of spatial regions

Can Grover's algorithm speed up search of a physical region - for example a 2-D grid of size sqrt(n) by sqrt(n)? The problem is that sqrt(n) time seems to be needed for each query, just to move amplitude across the grid. Here we show that this problem can be surmounted, refuting a claim to the contrary by Benioff. In particular, we show how to search a d-dimensional hypercube in time O(sqrt n) for d at least 3, or O((sqrt n)(log n)^(3/2)) for d=2. More generally, we introduce a model of quantum query complexity on graphs, motivated by fundamental physical limits on information storage, particularly the holographic principle from black hole thermodynamics. Our results in this model include a…

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Inductive Inference with Procrastination: Back to Definitions

In this paper, we reconsider the definition of procrastinating learning machines. In the original definition of Freivalds and Smith [FS93], constructive ordinals are used to bound mindchanges. We investigate possibility of using arbitrary linearly ordered sets to bound mindchanges in similar way. It turns out that using certain ordered sets it is possible to define inductive inference types different from the previously known ones. We investigate properties of the new inductive inference types and compare them to other types.

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Variable time amplitude amplification and a faster quantum algorithm for solving systems of linear equations

We present two new quantum algorithms. Our first algorithm is a generalization of amplitude amplification to the case when parts of the quantum algorithm that is being amplified stop at different times. Our second algorithm uses the first algorithm to improve the running time of Harrow et al. algorithm for solving systems of linear equations from O(kappa^2 log N) to O(kappa log^3 kappa log N) where \kappa is the condition number of the system of equations.

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Quantum Random Access Codes with Shared Randomness

We consider a communication method, where the sender encodes n classical bits into 1 qubit and sends it to the receiver who performs a certain measurement depending on which of the initial bits must be recovered. This procedure is called (n,1,p) quantum random access code (QRAC) where p > 1/2 is its success probability. It is known that (2,1,0.85) and (3,1,0.79) QRACs (with no classical counterparts) exist and that (4,1,p) QRAC with p > 1/2 is not possible. We extend this model with shared randomness (SR) that is accessible to both parties. Then (n,1,p) QRAC with SR and p > 1/2 exists for any n > 0. We give an upper bound on its success probability (the known (2,1,0.85) and (3,1…

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Separations in Query Complexity Based on Pointer Functions

In 1986, Saks and Wigderson conjectured that the largest separation between deterministic and zero-error randomized query complexity for a total boolean function is given by the function $f$ on $n=2^k$ bits defined by a complete binary tree of NAND gates of depth $k$, which achieves $R_0(f) = O(D(f)^{0.7537\ldots})$. We show this is false by giving an example of a total boolean function $f$ on $n$ bits whose deterministic query complexity is $\Omega(n/\log(n))$ while its zero-error randomized query complexity is $\tilde O(\sqrt{n})$. We further show that the quantum query complexity of the same function is $\tilde O(n^{1/4})$, giving the first example of a total function with a super-quadra…

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Upper bound on the communication complexity of private information retrieval

We construct a scheme for private information retrieval with k databases and communication complexity O(n 1/(2k−1) ).

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Any AND-OR Formula of Size N Can Be Evaluated in Time $N^{1/2+o(1)}$ on a Quantum Computer

Consider the problem of evaluating an AND-OR formula on an $N$-bit black-box input. We present a bounded-error quantum algorithm that solves this problem in time $N^{1/2+o(1)}$. In particular, approximately balanced formulas can be evaluated in $O(\sqrt{N})$ queries, which is optimal. The idea of the algorithm is to apply phase estimation to a discrete-time quantum walk on a weighted tree whose spectrum encodes the value of the formula.

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Quantum Random Walks – New Method for Designing Quantum Algorithms

Quantum walks are quantum counterparts of random walks. In the last 5 years, they have become one of main methods of designing quantum algorithms. Quantum walk based algorithms include element distinctness, spatial search, quantum speedup of Markov chains, evaluation of Boolean formulas and search on "glued trees" graph. In this talk, I will describe the quantum walk method for designing search algorithms and show several of its applications.

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Effects of Kolmogorov complexity present in inductive inference as well

For all complexity measures in Kolmogorov complexity the effect discovered by P. Martin-Lof holds. For every infinite binary sequence there is a wide gap between the supremum and the infimum of the complexity of initial fragments of the sequence. It is assumed that that this inevitable gap is characteristic of Kolmogorov complexity, and it is caused by the highly abstract nature of the unrestricted Kolmogorov complexity.

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Limited preparation contextuality in quantum theory and its relation to the Cirel'son bound

Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem lies at the heart of the foundations of quantum mechanics. It establishes impossibility of explaining predictions of quantum theory by any noncontextual ontological model. Spekkens generalized the notion of KS contextuality in [Phys. Rev. A 71, 052108 (2005)] for arbitrary experimental procedures (preparation, measurement, and transformation procedure). Interestingly, later on it was shown that preparation contextuality powers parity-oblivious multiplexing [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 010401 (2009)], a two party information theoretic game. Thus, using resources of a given operational theory, the maximum success probability achievable in such a game suffices as a \emph{…

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Exact results for accepting probabilities of quantum automata

One of the properties of Kondacs-Watrous model of quantum finite automata (QFA) is that the probability of the correct answer for a QFA cannot be amplified arbitrarily. In this paper, we determine the maximum probabilities achieved by QFAs for several languages. In particular, we show that any language that is not recognized by an RFA (reversible finite automaton) can be recognized by a QFA with probability at most 0.7726...

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Grover’s Algorithm with Errors

Grover’s algorithm is a quantum search algorithm solving the unstructured search problem of size n in \(O(\sqrt{n})\) queries, while any classical algorithm needs O(n) queries [3].

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Provable Advantage for Quantum Strategies in Random Symmetric XOR Games

Non-local games are widely studied as a model to investigate the properties of quantum mechanics as opposed to classical mechanics. In this paper, we consider a subset of non-local games: symmetric XOR games of $n$ players with 0-1 valued questions. For this class of games, each player receives an input bit and responds with an output bit without communicating to the other players. The winning condition only depends on XOR of output bits and is constant w.r.t. permutation of players. We prove that for almost any $n$-player symmetric XOR game the entangled value of the game is $\Theta (\frac{\sqrt{\ln{n}}}{n^{1/4}})$ adapting an old result by Salem and Zygmund on the asymptotics of random tr…

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Limits on entropic uncertainty relations

We consider entropic uncertainty relations for outcomes of the measurements of a quantum state in 3 or more mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), chosen from the standard construction of MUBs in prime dimension. We show that, for any choice of 3 MUBs and at least one choice of a larger number of MUBs, the best possible entropic uncertainty relation can be only marginally better than the one that trivially follows from the relation by Maassen and Uffink for 2 bases.

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Search by quantum walks on two-dimensional grid without amplitude amplification

We study search by quantum walk on a finite two dimensional grid. The algorithm of Ambainis, Kempe, Rivosh (quant-ph/0402107) takes O(\sqrt{N log N}) steps and finds a marked location with probability O(1/log N) for grid of size \sqrt{N} * \sqrt{N}. This probability is small, thus amplitude amplification is needed to achieve \Theta(1) success probability. The amplitude amplification adds an additional O(\sqrt{log N}) factor to the number of steps, making it O(\sqrt{N} log N). In this paper, we show that despite a small probability to find a marked location, the probability to be within an O(\sqrt{N}) neighbourhood (at an O(\sqrt[4]{N}) distance) of the marked location is \Theta(1). This all…

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On the Class of Languages Recognizable by 1-Way Quantum Finite Automata

It is an open problem to characterize the class of languages recognized by quantum finite automata (QFA). We examine some necessary and some sufficient conditions for a (regular) language to be recognizable by a QFA. For a subclass of regular languages we get a condition which is necessary and sufficient. Also, we prove that the class of languages recognizable by a QFA is not closed under union or any other binary Boolean operation where both arguments are significant.

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Recent Developments in Quantum Algorithms and Complexity

We survey several recent developments in quantum algorithms and complexity: Reichardt’s characterization of quantum query algorithms via span programs [15]; New bounds on the number of queries that are necessary for simulating a quantum algorithm that makes a very small number of queries [2]; Exact quantum algorithms with superlinear advantage over the best classical algorithm [4].

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Ordinal mind change complexity of language identification

The approach of ordinal mind change complexity, introduced by Freivalds and Smith, uses constructive ordinals to bound the number of mind changes made by a learning machine. This approach provides a measure of the extent to which a learning machine has to keep revising its estimate of the number of mind changes it will make before converging to a correct hypothesis for languages in the class being learned. Recently, this measure, which also suggests the difficulty of learning a class of languages, has been used to analyze the learnability of rich classes of languages. Jain and Sharma have shown that the ordinal mind change complexity for identification from positive data of languages formed…

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Lower Bounds and Hierarchies for Quantum Memoryless Communication Protocols and Quantum Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams with Repeated Test

We explore multi-round quantum memoryless communication protocols. These are restricted version of multi-round quantum communication protocols. The “memoryless” term means that players forget history from previous rounds, and their behavior is obtained only by input and message from the opposite player. The model is interesting because this allows us to get lower bounds for models like automata, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and streaming algorithms. At the same time, we can prove stronger results with this restriction. We present a lower bound for quantum memoryless protocols. Additionally, we show a lower bound for Disjointness function for this model. As an application of communicatio…

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Superlinear advantage for exact quantum algorithms

A quantum algorithm is exact if, on any input data, it outputs the correct answer with certainty (probability 1). A key question is: how big is the advantage of exact quantum algorithms over their classical counterparts: deterministic algorithms. For total Boolean functions in the query model, the biggest known gap was just a factor of 2: PARITY of N inputs bits requires $N$ queries classically but can be computed with N/2 queries by an exact quantum algorithm. We present the first example of a Boolean function f(x_1, ..., x_N) for which exact quantum algorithms have superlinear advantage over the deterministic algorithms. Any deterministic algorithm that computes our function must use N qu…

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Quantum Attacks on Classical Proof Systems - The Hardness of Quantum Rewinding

Quantum zero-knowledge proofs and quantum proofs of knowledge are inherently difficult to analyze because their security analysis uses rewinding. Certain cases of quantum rewinding are handled by the results by Watrous (SIAM J Comput, 2009) and Unruh (Eurocrypt 2012), yet in general the problem remains elusive. We show that this is not only due to a lack of proof techniques: relative to an oracle, we show that classically secure proofs and proofs of knowledge are insecure in the quantum setting. More specifically, sigma-protocols, the Fiat-Shamir construction, and Fischlin's proof system are quantum insecure under assumptions that are sufficient for classical security. Additionally, we show…

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Superiority of exact quantum automata for promise problems

In this note, we present an infinite family of promise problems which can be solved exactly by just tuning transition amplitudes of a two-state quantum finite automata operating in realtime mode, whereas the size of the corresponding classical automata grow without bound.

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Quantum Identification of Boolean Oracles

The oracle identification problem (OIP) is, given a set S of M Boolean oracles out of 2 N ones, to determine which oracle in S is the current black-box oracle. We can exploit the information that candidates of the current oracle is restricted to S. The OIP contains several concrete problems such as the original Grover search and the Bernstein-Vazirani problem. Our interest is in the quantum query complexity, for which we present several upper bounds. They are quite general and mostly optimal: (i) The query complexity of OIP is \(O(\sqrt{N {\rm log} M {\rm log} N}{\rm log log} M)\) for anyS such that M = |S| > N, which is better than the obvious bound N if M \(< 2^{N/log^3 N}\). (ii) It is \…

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Random tensor theory: extending random matrix theory to random product states

We consider a problem in random matrix theory that is inspired by quantum information theory: determining the largest eigenvalue of a sum of p random product states in (C^d)^{otimes k}, where k and p/d^k are fixed while d grows. When k=1, the Marcenko-Pastur law determines (up to small corrections) not only the largest eigenvalue ((1+sqrt{p/d^k})^2) but the smallest eigenvalue (min(0,1-sqrt{p/d^k})^2) and the spectral density in between. We use the method of moments to show that for k&gt;1 the largest eigenvalue is still approximately (1+sqrt{p/d^k})^2 and the spectral density approaches that of the Marcenko-Pastur law, generalizing the random matrix theory result to the random tensor case.…

research product

Spatial Search by Quantum Walk is Optimal for Almost all Graphs.

The problem of finding a marked node in a graph can be solved by the spatial search algorithm based on continuous-time quantum walks (CTQW). However, this algorithm is known to run in optimal time only for a handful of graphs. In this work, we prove that for Erd\"os-Renyi random graphs, i.e.\ graphs of $n$ vertices where each edge exists with probability $p$, search by CTQW is \textit{almost surely} optimal as long as $p\geq \log^{3/2}(n)/n$. Consequently, we show that quantum spatial search is in fact optimal for \emph{almost all} graphs, meaning that the fraction of graphs of $n$ vertices for which this optimality holds tends to one in the asymptotic limit. We obtain this result by provin…

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Quantum Finite Multitape Automata

Quantum finite automata were introduced by C. Moore, J. P. Crutchfield [4], and by A. Kondacs and J. Watrous [3]. This notion is not a generalization of the deterministic finite automata. Moreover, in [3] it was proved that not all regular languages can be recognized by quantum finite automata. A. Ambainis and R. Freivalds [1] proved that for some languages quantum finite automata may be exponentially more concise rather than both deterministic and probabilistic finite automata. In this paper we introduce the notion of quantum finite multitape automata and prove that there is a language recognized by a quantum finite automaton but not by deterministic or probabilistic finite automata. This …

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Spatial Search on Grids with Minimum Memory

We study quantum algorithms for spatial search on finite dimensional grids. Patel et al. and Falk have proposed algorithms based on a quantum walk without a coin, with different operators applied at even and odd steps. Until now, such algorithms have been studied only using numerical simulations. In this paper, we present the first rigorous analysis for an algorithm of this type, showing that the optimal number of steps is $O(\sqrt{N\log N})$ and the success probability is $O(1/\log N)$, where $N$ is the number of vertices. This matches the performance achieved by algorithms that use other forms of quantum walks.

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How Low Can Approximate Degree and Quantum Query Complexity Be for Total Boolean Functions?

It has long been known that any Boolean function that depends on n input variables has both degree and exact quantum query complexity of Omega(log n), and that this bound is achieved for some functions. In this paper we study the case of approximate degree and bounded-error quantum query complexity. We show that for these measures the correct lower bound is Omega(log n / loglog n), and we exhibit quantum algorithms for two functions where this bound is achieved.

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Quantum Property Testing for Bounded-Degree Graphs

We study quantum algorithms for testing bipartiteness and expansion of bounded-degree graphs. We give quantum algorithms that solve these problems in time O(N^(1/3)), beating the Omega(sqrt(N)) classical lower bound. For testing expansion, we also prove an Omega(N^(1/4)) quantum query lower bound, thus ruling out the possibility of an exponential quantum speedup. Our quantum algorithms follow from a combination of classical property testing techniques due to Goldreich and Ron, derandomization, and the quantum algorithm for element distinctness. The quantum lower bound is obtained by the polynomial method, using novel algebraic techniques and combinatorial analysis to accommodate the graph s…

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Lower Bounds and Hierarchies for Quantum Memoryless Communication Protocols and Quantum Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams with Repeated Test

We explore multi-round quantum memoryless communication protocols. These are restricted version of multi-round quantum communication protocols. The "memoryless" term means that players forget history from previous rounds, and their behavior is obtained only by input and message from the opposite player. The model is interesting because this allows us to get lower bounds for models like automata, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and streaming algorithms. At the same time, we can prove stronger results with this restriction. We present a lower bound for quantum memoryless protocols. Additionally, we show a lower bound for Disjointness function for this model. % As an application of communicat…

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Tighter Relations Between Sensitivity and Other Complexity Measures

Sensitivity conjecture is a longstanding and fundamental open problem in the area of complexity measures of Boolean functions and decision tree complexity. The conjecture postulates that the maximum sensitivity of a Boolean function is polynomially related to other major complexity measures. Despite much attention to the problem and major advances in analysis of Boolean functions in the past decade, the problem remains wide open with no positive result toward the conjecture since the work of Kenyon and Kutin from 2004. In this work, we present new upper bounds for various complexity measures in terms of sensitivity improving the bounds provided by Kenyon and Kutin. Specifically, we show tha…

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Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Functions with Small On-Sets

The main objective of this paper is to show that the quantum query complexity Q(f) of an N-bit Boolean function f is bounded by a function of a simple and natural parameter, i.e., M = |{x|f(x) = 1}| or the size of f's on-set. We prove that: (i) For $poly(N)\le M\le 2^{N^d}$ for some constant 0 < d < 1, the upper bound of Q(f) is $O(\sqrt{N\log M / \log N})$. This bound is tight, namely there is a Boolean function f such that $Q(f) = \Omega(\sqrt{N\log M / \log N})$. (ii) For the same range of M, the (also tight) lower bound of Q(f) is $\Omega(\sqrt{N})$. (iii) The average value of Q(f) is bounded from above and below by $Q(f) = O(\log M +\sqrt{N})$ and $Q(f) = \Omega (\log M/\log N+ \sqrt{N…

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Parameterized Quantum Query Complexity of Graph Collision

We present three new quantum algorithms in the quantum query model for \textsc{graph-collision} problem: \begin{itemize} \item an algorithm based on tree decomposition that uses $O\left(\sqrt{n}t^{\sfrac{1}{6}}\right)$ queries where $t$ is the treewidth of the graph; \item an algorithm constructed on a span program that improves a result by Gavinsky and Ito. The algorithm uses $O(\sqrt{n}+\sqrt{\alpha^{**}})$ queries, where $\alpha^{**}(G)$ is a graph parameter defined by \[\alpha^{**}(G):=\min_{VC\text{-- vertex cover of}G}{\max_{\substack{I\subseteq VC\\I\text{-- independent set}}}{\sum_{v\in I}{\deg{v}}}};\] \item an algorithm for a subclass of circulant graphs that uses $O(\sqrt{n})$ qu…

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Quantum algorithms for formula evaluation

We survey the recent sequence of algorithms for evaluating Boolean formulas consisting of NAND gates.

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Size of Sets with Small Sensitivity: A Generalization of Simon’s Lemma

We study the structure of sets \(S\subseteq \{0, 1\}^n\) with small sensitivity. The well-known Simon’s lemma says that any \(S\subseteq \{0, 1\}^n\) of sensitivity \(s\) must be of size at least \(2^{n-s}\). This result has been useful for proving lower bounds on the sensitivity of Boolean functions, with applications to the theory of parallel computing and the “sensitivity vs. block sensitivity” conjecture.

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Size of Sets with Small Sensitivity: a Generalization of Simon's Lemma

We study the structure of sets $S\subseteq\{0, 1\}^n$ with small sensitivity. The well-known Simon's lemma says that any $S\subseteq\{0, 1\}^n$ of sensitivity $s$ must be of size at least $2^{n-s}$. This result has been useful for proving lower bounds on sensitivity of Boolean functions, with applications to the theory of parallel computing and the "sensitivity vs. block sensitivity" conjecture. In this paper, we take a deeper look at the size of such sets and their structure. We show an unexpected "gap theorem": if $S\subseteq\{0, 1\}^n$ has sensitivity $s$, then we either have $|S|=2^{n-s}$ or $|S|\geq \frac{3}{2} 2^{n-s}$. This is shown via classifying such sets into sets that can be con…

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Team learning as a game

A machine FIN-learning machine M receives successive values of the function f it is learning; at some point M outputs conjecture which should be a correct index of f. When n machines simultaneously learn the same function f and at least k of these machines outut correct indices of f, we have team learning [k,n]FIN. Papers [DKV92, DK96] show that sometimes a team or a robabilistic learner can simulate another one, if its probability p (or team success ratio k/n) is close enough. On the other hand, there are critical ratios which mae simulation o FIN(p2) by FIN(p1) imossible whenever p2 _< r < p1 or some critical ratio r. Accordingly to [DKV92] the critical ratio closest to 1/2 rom the let is…

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We achieve essentially the largest possible separation between quantum and classical query complexities. We do so using a property-testing problem called Forrelation, where one needs to decide whether one Boolean function is highly correlated with the Fourier transform of a second function. This problem can be solved using 1 quantum query, yet we show that any randomized algorithm needs Ω(√(N)log(N)) queries (improving an Ω(N[superscript 1/4]) lower bound of Aaronson). Conversely, we show that this 1 versus Ω(√(N)) separation is optimal: indeed, any t-query quantum algorithm whatsoever can be simulated by an O(N[superscript 1-1/2t])-query randomized algorithm. Thus, resolving an open questi…

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Transformations that preserve learnability

We consider transformations (performed by general recursive operators) mapping recursive functions into recursive functions. These transformations can be considered as mapping sets of recursive functions into sets of recursive functions. A transformation is said to be preserving the identification type I, if the transformation always maps I-identifiable sets into I-identifiable sets.

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Communication complexity in a 3-computer model

It is proved that the probabilistic communication complexity of the identity function in a 3-computer model isO(√n).

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Improved Constructions of Quantum Automata

We present a simple construction of quantum automata which achieve an exponential advantage over classical finite automata. Our automata use $\frac{4}{\epsilon} \log 2p + O(1)$ states to recognize a language that requires p states classically. The construction is both substantially simpler and achieves a better constant in the front of logp than the previously known construction of [2]. Similarly to [2], our construction is by a probabilistic argument. We consider the possibility to derandomize it and present some preliminary results in this direction.

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The quantum query complexity of certification

We study the quantum query complexity of finding a certificate for a d-regular, k-level balanced NAND formula. Up to logarithmic factors, we show that the query complexity is Theta(d^{(k+1)/2}) for 0-certificates, and Theta(d^{k/2}) for 1-certificates. In particular, this shows that the zero-error quantum query complexity of evaluating such formulas is O(d^{(k+1)/2}) (again neglecting a logarithmic factor). Our lower bound relies on the fact that the quantum adversary method obeys a direct sum theorem.

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Almost Tight Bound for the Union of Fat Tetrahedra in Three Dimensions

For any AND-OR formula of size N, there exists a bounded-error N1/2+o(1)-time quantum algorithm, based on a discrete-time quantum walk, that evaluates this formula on a black-box input. Balanced, or "approximately balanced," formulas can be evaluated in O(radicN) queries, which is optimal. It follows that the (2-o(1))th power of the quantum query complexity is a lower bound on the formula size, almost solving in the positive an open problem posed by Laplante, Lee and Szegedy.

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The complexity of probabilistic versus deterministic finite automata

We show that there exists probabilistic finite automata with an isolated cutpoint and n states such that the smallest equivalent deterministic finite automaton contains \(\Omega \left( {2^{n\tfrac{{\log \log n}}{{\log n}}} } \right)\) states.

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Hierarchies of probabilistic and team FIN-learning

AbstractA FIN-learning machine M receives successive values of the function f it is learning and at some moment outputs a conjecture which should be a correct index of f. FIN learning has two extensions: (1) If M flips fair coins and learns a function with certain probability p, we have FIN〈p〉-learning. (2) When n machines simultaneously try to learn the same function f and at least k of these machines output correct indices of f, we have learning by a [k,n]FIN team. Sometimes a team or a probabilistic learner can simulate another one, if their probabilities p1,p2 (or team success ratios k1/n1,k2/n2) are close enough (Daley et al., in: Valiant, Waranth (Eds.), Proc. 5th Annual Workshop on C…

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Worst case analysis of non-local games

Non-local games are studied in quantum information because they provide a simple way for proving the difference between the classical world and the quantum world. A non-local game is a cooperative game played by 2 or more players against a referee. The players cannot communicate but may share common random bits or a common quantum state. A referee sends an input $x_i$ to the $i^{th}$ player who then responds by sending an answer $a_i$ to the referee. The players win if the answers $a_i$ satisfy a condition that may depend on the inputs $x_i$. Typically, non-local games are studied in a framework where the referee picks the inputs from a known probability distribution. We initiate the study …

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Correcting for Potential Barriers in Quantum Walk Search

A randomly walking quantum particle searches in Grover's $\Theta(\sqrt{N})$ iterations for a marked vertex on the complete graph of $N$ vertices by repeatedly querying an oracle that flips the amplitude at the marked vertex, scattering by a "coin" flip, and hopping. Physically, however, potential energy barriers can hinder the hop and cause the search to fail, even when the amplitude of not hopping decreases with $N$. We correct for these errors by interpreting the quantum walk search as an amplitude amplification algorithm and modifying the phases applied by the coin flip and oracle such that the amplification recovers the $\Theta(\sqrt{N})$ runtime.

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Search by Quantum Walks on Two-Dimensional Grid without Amplitude Amplification

We study search by quantum walk on a finite two dimensional grid. The algorithm of Ambainis, Kempe, Rivosh [AKR05] uses \(O(\sqrt{N \log{N}})\) steps and finds a marked location with probability O(1 / logN) for grid of size \(\sqrt{N} \times \sqrt{N}\). This probability is small, thus [AKR05] needs amplitude amplification to get Θ(1) probability. The amplitude amplification adds an additional \(O(\sqrt{\log{N}})\) factor to the number of steps, making it \(O(\sqrt{N} \log{N})\).

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Nonmalleable encryption of quantum information

We introduce the notion of "non-malleability" of a quantum state encryption scheme (in dimension d): in addition to the requirement that an adversary cannot learn information about the state, here we demand that no controlled modification of the encrypted state can be effected. We show that such a scheme is equivalent to a "unitary 2-design" [Dankert et al.], as opposed to normal encryption which is a unitary 1-design. Our other main results include a new proof of the lower bound of (d^2-1)^2+1 on the number of unitaries in a 2-design [Gross et al.], which lends itself to a generalization to approximate 2-design. Furthermore, while in prime power dimension there is a unitary 2-design with =…

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A Quantum Lovasz Local Lemma

The Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL) is a powerful tool in probability theory to show the existence of combinatorial objects meeting a prescribed collection of "weakly dependent" criteria. We show that the LLL extends to a much more general geometric setting, where events are replaced with subspaces and probability is replaced with relative dimension, which allows to lower bound the dimension of the intersection of vector spaces under certain independence conditions. Our result immediately applies to the k-QSAT problem: For instance we show that any collection of rank 1 projectors with the property that each qubit appears in at most $2^k/(e \cdot k)$ of them, has a joint satisfiable state. We then …

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Exact quantum algorithms have advantage for almost all Boolean functions

It has been proved that almost all $n$-bit Boolean functions have exact classical query complexity $n$. However, the situation seemed to be very different when we deal with exact quantum query complexity. In this paper, we prove that almost all $n$-bit Boolean functions can be computed by an exact quantum algorithm with less than $n$ queries. More exactly, we prove that ${AND}_n$ is the only $n$-bit Boolean function, up to isomorphism, that requires $n$ queries.

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Exact Quantum Query Complexity of $$\text {EXACT}_{k,l}^n$$

In the exact quantum query model a successful algorithm must always output the correct function value. We investigate the function that is true if exactly k or l of the n input bits given by an oracle are 1. We find an optimal algorithm (for some cases), and a nontrivial general lower and upper bound on the minimum number of queries to the black box.

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Upper bounds on multiparty communication complexity of shifts

We consider some communication complexity problems which arise when proving lower bounds on the complexity of Boolean functions. In particular, we prove an \(O(\frac{n}{{2\sqrt {\log n} }}\log ^{1/4} n)\)upper bound on 3-party communication complexity of shifts, an O(n e ) upper bound on the multiparty communication complexity of shifts for a polylogarithmic number of parties. These bounds are all significant improvements over ones recently considered “unexpected” by Pudlak [5].

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Improved constructions of quantum automata

We present a simple construction of quantum automata which achieve an exponential advantage over classical finite automata. Our automata use \frac{4}{\epsilon} \log 2p + O(1) states to recognize a language that requires p states classically. The construction is both substantially simpler and achieves a better constant in the front of \log p than the previously known construction of Ambainis and Freivalds (quant-ph/9802062). Similarly to Ambainis and Freivalds, our construction is by a probabilistic argument. We consider the possibility to derandomize it and present some results in this direction.

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Automata and Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new model of computation, based on quantum physics. Quantum computers can be exponentially faster than conventional computers for problems such as factoring. Besides full-scale quantum computers, more restricted models such as quantum versions of finite automata have been studied. In this paper, we survey various models of quantum finite automata and their properties. We also provide some open questions and new directions for researchers. Keywords: quantum finite automata, probabilistic finite automata, nondeterminism, bounded error, unbounded error, state complexity, decidability and undecidability, computational complexity

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New Developments in Quantum Algorithms

In this survey, we describe two recent developments in quantum algorithms. The first new development is a quantum algorithm for evaluating a Boolean formula consisting of AND and OR gates of size N in time O(\sqrt{N}). This provides quantum speedups for any problem that can be expressed via Boolean formulas. This result can be also extended to span problems, a generalization of Boolean formulas. This provides an optimal quantum algorithm for any Boolean function in the black-box query model. The second new development is a quantum algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. In contrast with traditional algorithms that run in time O(N^{2.37...}) where N is the size of the system, the …

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A Tight Lower Bound on Certificate Complexity in Terms of Block Sensitivity and Sensitivity

Sensitivity, certificate complexity and block sensitivity are widely used Boolean function complexity measures. A longstanding open problem, proposed by Nisan and Szegedy [7], is whether sensitivity and block sensitivity are polynomially related. Motivated by the constructions of functions which achieve the largest known separations, we study the relation between 1-certificate complexity and 0-sensitivity and 0-block sensitivity.

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Oscillatory Localization of Quantum Walks Analyzed by Classical Electric Circuits

We examine an unexplored quantum phenomenon we call oscillatory localization, where a discrete-time quantum walk with Grover's diffusion coin jumps back and forth between two vertices. We then connect it to the power dissipation of a related electric network. Namely, we show that there are only two kinds of oscillating states, called uniform states and flip states, and that the projection of an arbitrary state onto a flip state is bounded by the power dissipation of an electric circuit. By applying this framework to states along a single edge of a graph, we show that low effective resistance implies oscillatory localization of the quantum walk. This reveals that oscillatory localization occ…

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Quantum strategies are better than classical in almost any XOR game

We initiate a study of random instances of nonlocal games. We show that quantum strategies are better than classical for almost any 2-player XOR game. More precisely, for large n, the entangled value of a random 2-player XOR game with n questions to every player is at least 1.21... times the classical value, for 1-o(1) fraction of all 2-player XOR games.

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Full Characterization of Oscillatory Localization of Quantum Walks

Discrete-time quantum walks are well-known for exhibiting localization, a quantum phenomenon where the walker remains at its initial location with high probability. In companion with a joint Letter, we introduce oscillatory localization, where the walker alternates between two states. The walk is given by the flip-flop shift, which is easily defined on non-lattice graphs, and the Grover coin. Extremely simple examples of the localization exist, such as a walker jumping back and forth between two vertices of the complete graph. We show that only two kinds of states, called flip states and uniform states, exhibit exact oscillatory localization. So the projection of an arbitrary state onto the…

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