Gaëlle Arvisenet

Sensory acceptability of cassava snacks nutritionally enriched on Moringa oleifera leaf powder among children from low-income households in Madagascar

National audience; Ninety two percent of Malagasy population lives with less than two dollars per day. This situation contributes to undernourishment, particularly among children from low-income households: 48% of children under the age of five have stunting problem. Yet, Madagascar possesses natural food resources with high nutritional value, like leaves of Moringa oleifera (M.o.), rich on protein and different oligoelements. These natural food resources should be valorised by incorporating them into children diet, in order to help improving the balance of the diet and thus fight against malnutrition. In this study, M.o. leaf powder was added to cassava roots, which are consumed as a “secu…

research product

Evaluation of the impact of different odour notes on typicality of caramel aroma by recombination studies

Poster (1 page); International audience; Aroma is one of the main factors that contribute to the consumer acceptability of a food product. Gas Chromatography/Olfactometry (GC/O) followed by accurate quantitation and recombination studies are usually carried out to evaluate key aroma compounds. The aim of this study is to develop a new approach taking into account odor qualities and to evaluate their impact on the typicality of caramel aroma. First, 58 aroma compounds, previously identified by GC/O analyses, were sorted into 8 odorant categories: animal, caramel, sour, vegetal, roasted, floral, fruity and nutty according to GC/O descriptors. For each category, a blend of compounds was prepar…

research product

Studying the nutritional beliefs and food practices of Malagasy school children parents. A contribution to the understanding of malnutrition in Madagascar

Madagascar is severely affected by the problem of children malnutrition. The present study aimed at exploring school children Malagasy parents' food practices and beliefs structures about the nutritional value of foods, to better understand the causes of this malnutrition. A combination of Focus Groups (72 participants), and questionnaires (1000 interviewees) was used to evaluate the food beliefs and the nutritional habits of low income parents of school age children in urban and rural areas of Antananarivo and Antsiranana. The respondents' beliefs were shown to focus not only on the nutrient and energetic composition of food, but also to involve more general relations between food and heal…

research product

Bread aroma

: This chapter will review the different synthetic pathways of bread volatiles in conventional white bread. The influence of traditional and innovative raw materials and breadmaking processes on the formation of volatiles will then be discussed. Next, extraction and analytical methods used to identify volatiles that participate in bread aroma will be presented. Volatiles that have been identified in freshly baked white bread will be listed and the ones that are potent odorants highlighted. Finally, the techniques employed by the baking industry to enhance bread aroma will be described.

research product

Reducing the environmental impact of consumers' food choices: what is the effectiveness of a cross-category environmental label?

research product

Evaluating nudging strategies towards pulses: how a virtual setting combining eye-tracking and explicit measures can help to understand consumer behavior?

International audience

research product

Les attitudes et représentations des professionnels de l'alimentation envers les légumes secs et leurs perceptions des mangeurs français

National audience; La consommation de légumes secs constitue une pratique alimentaire écologique, durable avec un potentiel nutritionnel et de santé éminent, or celle-ci reste moindre en France avec une consommation de 1.7Kg/an par personne en moyenne. Pour comprendre les leviers et les freins à la consommation de légumes secs en France, il est primordial de s'intéresser aux attitudes et représentations des professionnels envers ces aliments. Les vecteurs principaux de la communication vers les mangeurs sont les professionnels du domaine de l'alimentation. Les interactions sociales construisent les représentations qui vont guider les pratiques. Or les propres attitudes et représentations de…

research product

Les protéines végétales vues par le consommateur : quelles représentations ?

research product

"Ce que je dis n'est pas nécessairement ce que je fais" : consommation des légumes secs par les adultes français

National audience

research product

Impact of volatile odorants and high molecular weight compounds on the caramel aroma perception

Poster (1 page); International audience

research product

Caramel odor: Contribution of volatile compounds according to their odor qualities to caramel typicality

Abstract Odor of food constitutes one of the main drivers of the consumers' acceptance. Its characterization thus represents a main challenge for the food industry. Gas chromatography/olfactometry (GC/O) constitutes an intersection between physico-chemical and sensory studies by using the human nose as a detector to evaluate the odor properties of volatile compounds. As GC/O does not make possible the evaluation of mixture of odorants, we propose an original approach to evaluate the impact of compounds on the typicality of caramel aroma by considering their odor qualities in mixtures. Indeed, the present study relies on the main hypothesis that the qualitative properties are as important as…

research product

Caramel odour: identification of volatile compounds and contribution of their odour qualities to caramel typicality

research product

Utilización de la prueba CATA para estudiar las representaciones, actitudes y creencias de los consumidores franceses hacia las legumbres, según su nivel de transformación

International audience

research product

Influence of Physicochemical Interactions between Amylose and Aroma Compounds on the Retention of Aroma in Food-like Matrices

In food matrices, where starch is often used as a gelling or texturing agent, the occurrence of amylose-aroma complexes and their effect on the release of aroma compounds are difficult to determine. Indeed, thick or gelled systems are known to reduce the diffusion rate of flavor molecules, resulting in an increase of retention. Moreover, interactions between aroma compounds and matrix components might increase the retention of aroma compounds. The complexing behavior of three aroma compounds with amylose was studied by DSC and X-ray diffraction to determine the relative importance of these two factors. Their interaction properties were different: two of them formed complexes, and the third …

research product

Emballage bois et contact alimentaire. Nature du bois et humidité, deux facteurs influençant la migration de composés du bois vers l’aliment

International audience; La migration de composés volatils à partir de différents matériaux d’emballage (bois, verre) vers un aliment modèle (gels d’agar- agar) en contact direct a été étudiée. Les transferts des composés volatils issus du Pin maritime brut et du Peuplier brut, à deux taux d’humidité (20% et 40%), vers l’aliment modèle ont été comparés. Le verre, en tant que matériau inerte, a été choisi comme témoin. La diffusion la plus importante a été relevée pour le Pin à 40% d’humidité. En revanche, concernant le Peuplier, le taux d’humidité n’influence pas la diffusion de composés volatils vers l’aliment modèle. Les tests sensoriels réalisés sur les gels ont permis de distinguer ceux …

research product

Une étude exploratoire en supermarché virtuel pour encourager les consommateurs à choisir des produits alimentaires à base de légumes secs : quel impact de scenarios et de nudges ?

International audience

research product

Effet d'un affichage environnemental sur les choix alimentaires des consommateurs : essai contrôlé randomisé dans un supermarché en réalité virtuelle

National audience

research product

How to use local resources to fight malnutrition in Madagascar? A study combining a survey and a consumer test

This study aimed to understand consumers' habits and belief structures concerning local food products and to develop a new snack as a way to fight against children malnutrition in Madagascar. A large variety of natural food resources grow in Madagascar, like Moringa oleifera (MO) which leaves are rich in nutrients but not consumed. First, a survey conducted in four areas of Madagascar revealed that MO leaves are known for their health benefits but infrequently consumed, probably because of their low satiating power and strong odor. In the studied areas, different levels of consumption were observed, which may be linked to varying levels of familiarity with MO by the local populations, this …

research product

Using sensory evaluation to fight malnutrition in Madagascar: formulation of a snack rich in essential nutrients

International audience; The aim of this study was to formulate a snack which consumption would contribute to fight against essential nutrientsdeficiencies in Malagasy children. We identified the principal characteristics that would make a food adopted by the Malagasypopulation, using focus groups and questionnaires. Based on households’ food beliefs and practices, specifications were definedto formulate products associating cassava roots and MO leaf powder that would be accepted by the consumers. Four cassavabased snacks were proposed, which varied in MO and sucrose quantities. Hedonic and choice tests were performed with children,which showed that children preferred the sweet product with …

research product

Protéines végétales, ces mal-aimées

Dans une autre expérience, les chercheurs de l’Inra ont demandé à 120 participants adultes d’imaginer des repas à partir d’images de différents produits. Ils devaient ainsi proposer un menu pour diverses occasions : un repas à la maison, un repas au restaurant, un repas chic, un repas pour un invité végétarien... Les scientifiques ont alors remarqué que la viande était le premier produit alimentaire choisi, ce qui indique que la construction du repas par des consommateurs non-végétariens se fait autour de cet aliment. Le choix le plus commun était l’association viande, féculents, légumes. Les légumes secs étaient très rarement choisis et lorsqu’ils l’étaient, c’était le plus souvent associé…

research product

A new front-of-pack environmental label triggers more environmentally friendly choices: a randomized controlled trial in a virtual reality supermarket

research product

La valise du chercheur : les légumes secs autour du monde. La Nuit européenne des chercheurs

research product

Understanding consumer behavior and evaluating nudge strategies to increase food choice of pulses: how virtual reality combined with eye-tracking and explicit measures can help?

International audience

research product

Représentations sur les légumineuses chez les consommateurs français et les professionnels de la filière. Evaluation des freins à la consommation et perspectives de réappropriation

research product

Pois, fèverole, lupin, soja pour l’alimentation humaine : quelle place dans la littérature scientifique mondiale ?

Malgré un élan positif mondial favorisant la consommation des légumineuses, le contexte français restecompliqué avec une crise de la production et une fermeture de marchés historiques, bien qu’opportunistes,en alimentation humaine. L’interprofession Terres Univia a souhaité mieux caractériser les connaissancesscientifiques mondiales concernant le débouché alimentation humaine pour ces graines.Terres Univia a donc mené le projet BIPROL en collaboration avec l’INRA et Orchidali dans le but d’évaluerles niveaux de connaissance et d’identifier les sujets investis et émergeants sur le pois, le lupin, la fèverole etle soja, légumineuses les plus cultivées en France, pour une utilisation en alimen…

research product

What I say is not necessary what I do: pulses consumption in French adults

International audience; The consumption of pulses in the human diet is considered to have several advantages: from a nutritional point of view, pulses are rich in dietary fibers, complex carbohydrate, minerals/vitamins and an important source of vegetal proteins. They are considered essential to insure food security and support environmental sustainability. Despite these benefits, the consumption of pulses in France has declined over the past decades, dropping from 7.2 kg in 1920 to 1.7 kg/ person per year in 2016. The aim of this study is to understand the representation of pulses among French non-vegetarian consumers, using a direct method (questionnaire) and an indirect method (scenario …

research product

Les légumes secs. Bien les connaître pour les mettre dans son assiette. Rapport de synthèse sur la thèse de Juliana Melendrez-Ruiz

La thèse a été réalisée au Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation à Dijon et financée par l'Institut Carnot Qualiment. Elle avait comme objectif de comprendre les barrières à la consommation de légumes secs chez des consommateurs français non végétariens. L'ensemble des études réalisées dans ce travail combine plusieurs méthodologies, directes et indirectes, issues de la psychologie cognitive, sociale, et des sciences du consommateur. Ce document présente les principaux freins et leviers à la consommation de légumes secs identifiés dans le cadre du travail de thèse de JULIANA MELENDREZ-RUIZ (2017-2020).

research product

Bilingual panels: a tool to evaluate the role of language in descriptive tasks

Cross cultural studies relating sensory profiles established in different countries suggest that part of the observed cultural differences might be due to language. Indeed, participants in cross cultural studies often have different food experiences as well as different languages and so the effects of language and cultures cannot be easily separated. A way to separate these effects is to work with bilingual assessors. Madagascar is a good candidate to perform such a study as two languages coexist in this country: Malagasy and French. Four flash profiles were performed to evaluate six samples of Moringa oleifera leaf powders: two in French and two in Malagasy. The descriptors generated by the…

research product

Effect of composition information on the perception of innovative beverages mixing animal and plant ingredients by consumers

We studied the reaction of consumers and non-consumers of plant-based alternatives towards beverages mixing cow milk with soy juice or oat juice. We focused on the liking of these products and on the perceived nutritional and environmental quality. We compared the results obtained by presenting the products with or without composition information, with two types of composition information (plant-based or mixed) and between consumers and non-consumers of plant-based alternatives. We found that the plant-based composition information increased the appreciation of products containing oat. Both composition information had a similar impact on the perceived nutritional quality. The mixed composit…

research product

Physico-chemical interactions between starch and aroma compounds and their effects on aroma retention in food like matrices

International audience

research product

Les consommateurs français et les professionnels ont-ils les mêmes représentations sociales des légumes secs ?

International audience

research product

Retention of aroma compounds in starch matrices: competitions between aroma compounds toward amylose and amylopectin

International audience; The retention of three aroma compounds-isoamyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, and linalool--from starch-containing model food matrices was measured by headspace analysis, under equilibrium conditions. We studied systems containing standard or waxy corn starch with one or two aroma compounds. The three studied aroma compounds interact differently: ethyl hexanoate and linalool form complexes with amylose, and isoamyl acetate cannot. However, in systems containing one aroma compound, we observed with both starches a significant retention of the three molecules. These results indicate that amylopectin could play a role in the retention of aroma. In systems containing two arom…

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Tests descriptifs traditionnels

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Role of Languages in Consumers' Food Description: Contrasting Malagasy and French Descriptors of M oringa oleifera Leaf Powder

research product

Physico-chemical and perceptual origins of taste-aroma interaction

research product

“You look at it, but will you choose it”: Is there a link between the foods consumers look at and what they ultimately choose in a virtual supermarket?

Most of the studies that showed a link between gaze allocation and consumer's food choices were performed on food products belonging to a same category. However, consumers usually make food choices in more complex environments, between many different products, and different factors can influence their choices. Therefore, our study aimed to understand the link between gaze behavior and food choices in a complex and realistic situation of choice. Participants (n=99) performed a food choice task in a virtual supermarket. They had to choose three food products to create a dish in four scenarios evoking different motivations (focus on health, environment, food pleasure, and daily scenario as con…

research product

Instrumental and sensory evaluation of the retention of aroma compounds, alone or in blends, by starchy products

National audience

research product