Carolina Moliner
Justice Perceptions as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction: The Impact of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice1
This article attempts to extend prior research by testing the effects of justice components (distributive, procedural, and interactional) on customer satisfaction beyond the expectancy disconfirmation paradigm. To this end, two separate field survey studies were conducted. A total of 568 customers were surveyed in 38 hotels and 40 restaurants. The results showed that distributive justice was critical in predicting customer satisfaction, while the influence of procedural and interactional justice was secondary. Justice concepts were also robust against the simultaneous inclusion of disconfirmation and performance in the satisfaction equation. The article concludes with theoretical and manage…
Organizational Cooperation and Knowledge Management in Research and Development Organizations
Organizational Cooperation (OC) is a current concept that responds to the growing interdependence among individuals and teams. Likewise, Knowledge Management (KM) accompanies specialization in all sectors of human activity. Most KM processes are cooperation-intensive, and the way both constructs relate to each other is relevant in understanding organizations and promoting performance. The present paper focuses on that relationship. The Organizational Cooperation Questionnaire (ORCOQ) and the Short form of the Knowledge Management Questionnaire (KMQ-SF) were applied to 639 members of research and development (R&D) organizations (Universities and Research Institutes). Descriptive, correla…
El Trabajo Emocional desde una perspectiva clarificadora, tras treinta años de investigación
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis del concepto del Trabajo Emocional. Específicamente, a través de un enfoque integrador, se pretende clarificar a qué hace referencia el Trabajo Emocional y diferenciarlo de conceptos con los que comúnmente se relaciona en la literatura existente. Además, se analiza una de las últimas propuestas sobre cómo se podría producir el Trabajo Emocional aplicado al contexto de las organizaciones de servicios. Por último, se analizan los antecedentes que la literatura señala como aspectos potenciales para la aparición del trabajo emocional y las consecuencias que éste puede ocasionar en los resultados organizacionales, como es la calidad de servicio…
Participation in collaborative projects as a precursor of trust in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability
The present study focuses on organizations delivering services to individuals with intellectual disability, where trust relations between professionals and family members are required. More specifically, we examine the existence of significant differences in the degree to which family members and professionals trust each other. We also propose that their joint participation in collaborative teams (VI) will improve trust (VD). Specifically, our teams (experimental condition) designed and implemented collaborative projects with the participation of professionals and family members. Participants in the control condition did not participate in the collaborative projects. Our results confirmed t…
Linking functional and relational service quality to customer satisfaction and loyalty: differences between men and women.
This study assessed differences between men and women in the association of perceptions of service quality with customer evaluations. Functional (efficiency with which the service is delivered) and relational (customers' emotional benefits, beyond the core performance, related to the social interaction of customers with employees) dimensions of service quality were measured as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. The sample of 277 customers (191 men, 86 women), surveyed in 29 Mexican hotels, had a mean age of 38.1 yr. ( SD = 9.7) for men and 34.5 yr. ( SD = 11.0) for women. To be eligible for survey, customers had to have spent at least one night in the hotel in question. Analysis in…
Voice and Culture: A Prospect Theory Approach
The present study examines the congruence of individuals' minimum preferred amounts of voice with the prospect theory value function across nine countries. Accounting for previously ignored minimum preferred amounts of voice and actual voice amounts integral to testing the steepness of gain and loss functions explicated in prospect theory, we use curve fitting to show that ratings of procedural justice fit prospect theory's value function specifically. Further, we investigate the form of this function across nine countries that range in power distance. Results suggest that the form of the value function is congruent with prospect theory, showing an S-shaped curve that is steeper in the loss…
Dialogue between workers and family members is related to their attitudes towards self-determination of individuals with intellectual disability
Background: This study focused on attitudes of workers and family members towards self-determination of individuals with intellectual disability. First, we compare their self-determination attitude...
Este trabajo revisa los avances en la línea de investigación sobre Organizaciones de Servicios desarrollada por el IDOCAL (Instituto de Investigación en Psicología de los RRHH, Desarrollo Organizacional y Calidad de Vida Laboral, Universidad de Valencia), y la incardinación de la misma con la investigación internacional. La investigación realizada tiene como objetivo general el hacer compatible el bienestar del trabajador y su desempeño en términos de calidad de servicio ofrecida al usuario, ello en consonancia con la estrategia de la Unión Europea para salir de la crisis. Las grandes temáticas que se tratan son: la calidad de servicio, el clima de servicio, el bienestar y la justicia organ…
Validación de una medida de Clima de Servicio en las organizaciones
Service climate is critical for organizations pertaining to the service sector. It reflects the importance organizations attribute to service quality and efforts to please customers. Using previous work of Schneider, White, and Paul (1998) as starting point, this research validates a measure of service climate in the Spanish language. Data from two survey study projects were brought together. A total of 120 hotels, located in Spain, participated in the research. The sample consisted of 508 frontline hotel employees distributed in 152 work-units. Our results confirmed that construct and predictive validity are satisfactory, with four factors describing the facets of service climate: Global S…
Validation of a measure of Service Climate in organizations
El Clima de Servicio resulta crítico en organizaciones del sector servicios. Refleja la importanciaque las organizaciones atribuyen a la calidad del servicio así como los esfuerzos para complacer a los clientes. Considerando el trabajo de Schneider, White y Paul (1998) como punto de partida, este trabajo valida una medida del clima de servicio en español. Para ello se han desarrollado dos estudios de campo. Un total de 120 hoteles, ubicados en España, participaron en la investigación. La muestra estuvo conformada por 508 empleados de hoteles distribuidos en 152 unidades de trabajo. Nuestros resultados confirmaron que la validez de constructo y predictiva son satisfactorias, con cuatro facto…
Survey feedback improves service quality perceptions among employees of an NGO: an organizational-level positive intervention
ABSTRACTThe goal of this research study is to examine whether employees’ service quality perceptions improve after they participate in survey-feedback sessions. We tested an organizational-level positive intervention with the participation of 49 small organizations pertaining to an NGO for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Data were collected from employees (n = 430) and family members (n = 625), then informing employees about service quality perceptions. We hypothesized that, compared to family members, employees would underestimate the service quality they deliver, and that survey-feedback sessions would help to improve employees’ perceptions. We conducted a randomized controlle…
Service Climate and Display of Employees’ Positive Emotions: The Mediating Role of Burnout and Engagement in Services
This article aims to test a model linking service climate to the frequency of expression of positive emotions by frontline employees. We propose that burnout and engagement at work mediate the relationship between service climate and the expression of positive emotions. Service climate impacts negatively on burnout and positively on engagement; in turn, burnout and engagement are significantly related to the frequency of expression of positive emotions. This model was tested both at the individual and work-unit levels. In addition, it was compared with a direct model that proposes an additional direct link from service climate to frontline employees’ positive emotions. Models were tested th…
Under-over benefitting perceptions and evaluation of services
Purpose– In the context of service exchanges, the purpose of this paper is to examine the form of the link from under-benefitting (customers receive less than they invest) vs over-benefitting (customers receive more than they invest) perceptions to customer service evaluations. The authors assess three competing hypotheses: maximization, fairness, and the asymmetric hypotheses.Design/methodology/approach– Linear and nonlinear relationships between under-over benefitting perceptions and service evaluations are examined following a test-retest approach. These relationships are investigated in four samples from two survey studies: hotels (Time 1,n=591; Time 2,n=512) and restaurants (Time 1,n=5…
Organizational performance focused on users' quality of life: The role of service climate and "contribution-to-others" wellbeing beliefs.
The investigation of organizational factors as precursors of the quality of life (QoL) of service users in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability has been relatively neglected.With this in mind, this study tests the mediation of service climate between employee's "contribution-to-others" wellbeing beliefs (COWBs) and organizational performance focused on the QoL of individuals with intellectual disability. A total of 104 organizations participated in the study. Data were collected from 885 employees and 809 family members of individuals with intellectual disability. The results of the multilevel mediation model supported the hypotheses. When employees believe that their …
El afrontamiento de los síntomas de burnout a través del significado de la tarea en profesionales que trabajan con personas con discapacidad intelectual
This study examined an intervention that links task significance (one’s job has a positive impact on other people) to burnout symptoms of professionals working in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the experimental condition participated in teams designed to enhance the positive impact of their work on others (task significance). To do so, teams focused on a task to improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the control condition did not participate in these teams, and they continued with their usual work. All the participating professionals answered a questionnaire about burnout…
Validación de una Medida de Clima de Servicio en las Organizaciones
Service climate is critical for organizations pertaining to the service sector. It reflects the importance organizations attribute to service quality and efforts to please customers. Using previous work of Schneider, White, and Paul (1998) as starting point, this research validates a measure of service climate in the Spanish language. Data from two survey study projects were brought together. A total of 120 hotels, located in Spain, participated in the research. The sample consisted of 508 frontline hotel employees distributed in 152 work-units. Our results confirmed that construct and predictive validity are satisfactory, with four factors describing the facets of service climate: Global S…
From service quality in organisations to self-determination at home
Background In our proposed model, family members' perceptions of service quality in organisations improve communication about self-determination. In turn, family perceptions of communication openness have a positive relationship with self-determination attitudes of family members. Finally, these attitudes predict self-determination behaviours of individuals with intellectual disability, as reported by family members. Method We tested this model with a sample of 625 family members (196 using ‘day care services’ and 429 using ‘occupational services’). Results Multi-sample structural equation modelling (SEM) supported the model. Communication and attitudes fully mediated the link from service …
La validación del clima de justicia y de la justicia entre compañeros en un entorno real de trabajo
Abstract In this study we tested the validity of justice climate and peer justice, measured as second-order constructs, in a real work setting. First, we investigated the appropriateness of aggregating first-order facets of justice climate and peer justice to work-unit level of analysis. Second, we examined the construct validity of justice climate and peer justice as two different factor structures. Third, we tested the hierarchical structure of justice climate and peer justice as second-order factors. Finally, we examined the predictive validity of second-order factors justice climate and peer justice within a nomological network composed of reciprocity with the supervisor and reciprocity…
Relaciones de la disonancia emocional y del clima de servicio con el bienestar en el trabajo: un estudio multinivel
Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entre disonancia emocional y clima de servicio con bienestar en el trabajo, en dos vias. Se realizo un diseno transnivel en el que se analizan variables en diferentes niveles (disonancia emocional individual y clima de servicio work-unit), como predictores de burnout y engagement. En el estudio participo una muestra de 512 empleados pertenecientes a 152 unidades de trabajo. Los analisis multinivel confirmaron la existencia de un modelo donde el clima de servicio esta directamente relacionado con los niveles de burnout y engagement de los trabajadores, una vez controlado su nivel de disonancia emocional. La investigacion concluye con la discusion de los re…
Unit-level fairness and quality within the health care industry: A justice–quality model
We test a justice–quality model in which peer justice and justice climate are related to the service quality provided by the work unit. Based on the effort–reward imbalance model, we propose that units perceiving fair treatment provide better delivery of the core service (functional service quality) and better relational service beyond the core service (relational service quality). We also test whether the cross-level relationship of high service quality delivered by work units translates into high customer ratings of the service quality they receive. Furthermore, we propose that high service quality increases the work unit’s influence on their customers’ quality of life (QoL). We test thes…
Effects of a Justice-Based Partnership Between Employees and Families in Creating Services and Supports to Enhance Quality of Life Outcomes
Abstract We propose a justice-based partnership between employees and family members as a means to create services and support systems for people with intellectual disability, enhancing quality of life indicators. More specifically, we examine the links from mutual intergroup justice to three outcomes reported by family members: satisfaction with the center, service quality delivered by employees, and performance focused on the quality of life of people with intellectual disability. We used data from 111 centers. In each center, a group of family members (n = 845) and a group of employees (n = 914) participated. Multilevel modeling revealed that mutual intergroup justice (between employees …
An Integrated International Learning Model for Internationalizing I/O Psychology Programs
Today’s companies that employ industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists typically have international linkages, whether the company is itself multinational or the company has international partners, vendors, or consumers. These companies would benefit from having I/O psychology (IOP) professionals who are knowledgeable about IOP practices that transcend national boundaries or constrained by them. Therefore, it behooves IOP graduate programs to prepare their students to provide services that benefit an international workforce. In this chapter, we present the integrated international learning (IIL) model. This model forwards different ways of designing international IOP programs by combini…
Why do people spend money to help vulnerable people?
Prosocial spending has been linked to positive benefits for individuals and societies. However, little is known about the precursors of prosocial spending directed to vulnerable people. We experimentally tested the effect of a first exposure to a prosocial donation decision on subsequent prosocial spending. We also examined the direct links from eudaimonic well-being beliefs (contribution-to-others and self-development) to prosocial spending, as well as the interaction between these beliefs and autonomy in predicting the money given. A total of 200 individuals participated in the study. Results showed that, compared to two control groups ("totally self-focused" and "no first-exposure"), an …
Linking Organizational Justice to Burnout: Are Men and Women Different?
This study tested the links from organizational justice with burnout and the moderating role of sex in these relationships. A total of 279 contact employees (149 men and 130 women) were surveyed in 59 hotels. A questionnaire was used to measure distributive, procedural, and interactional justice as well as employees' burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and efficacy). Hierarchical regression models, calculated to test the hypothesized effects, indicated the predominance of procedural justice over distributive and interpersonal with regard to the direct relationships between organizational justice and burnout. Analysis also showed that links from interactional justice with exhaustion and cynicism…
Validating justice climate and peer justice in a real work setting
In this study we tested the validity of justice climate and peer justice, measured as second-order constructs, in a real work setting. First, we investigated the appropriateness of aggregating first-order facets of justice climate and peer justice to work-unit level of analysis. Second, we examined the construct validity of justice climate and peer justice as two different factor structures. Third, we tested the hierarchical structure of justice climate and peer justice as second-order factors. Finally, we examined the predictive validity of second-order factors justice climate and peer justice within a nomological network composed of reciprocity with the supervisor and reciprocity with cow…
Surface acting and exhaustion: The moderating role of eudaimonia
Surface acting (faking emotions) is one of the stressors experienced by contact employees during service interactions with customers, and it has implications for workers' exhaustion. One challenge of research and practice is to identify moderators that help to better understand the positive relationships between surface acting and exhaustion. The present study proposes the two dimensions of eudaimonia beliefs about well-being (self-development and contribution-to-others beliefs) as moderators between surface acting and exhaustion. We performed regression analyses with 817 contact employees working in 118 health-care organizations providing services to people with intellectual disability. Re…
Linking Employees’ Extra-Role Efforts to Customer Satisfaction
Abstract. Our main goal was to test the moderating role of customer complaints (“presence” vs. “absence”) in the links from extra-role customer service (ERCS) to customer satisfaction. To this end, we conducted two independent survey studies in two service settings: hotels and service-centers for individuals with intellectual disability. A total of 571 hotel customers and 876 legal guardians of individuals with intellectual disability participated in the studies. We found that the magnitude of the relationship between ERCS and customer satisfaction was higher for presence of complaints than for absence in both service settings. Results are discussed in terms of compensation-seeking, recipr…
Ethical Leaders Promote Quality of Life Through Fair and Trust-based Relationships
Ethical leadership has become an important field of research. This article examines the impact of ethical leadership within the context of healthcare organizations. Based on social learning theory, we examine the relationship between ethical leadership and quality of life, mediated by peer justice and moderated by trust in the leader. Participants in this study consisted of 388 professionals from 59 centers affiliated with “Plena Inclusión”, an NGO whose mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual disabilities in Spain. Results showed a significant relationship between ethical leadership and quality of life, through a partial mediation of overall peer justice.…
The Moderating Role of Performance in the Link From Interactional Justice Climate to Mutual Trust Between Managers and Team Members.
The main goal of this study was to examine the interaction between team members’ performance and interactional justice climate in predicting mutual trust between managers and team members. A total of 93 small centers devoted to the attention of people with intellectual disability participated in the study. In each center, the manager ( N = 93) and a group of team members ( N = 746) were surveyed. On average, team members were 36.2 years old ( SD = 9.3), whereas managers were 41.2 years old ( SD = 8.8). The interaction between interactional justice climate and performance was statistically significant. Team members’ performance strengthened the link from interactional justice climate to mut…
Organizational justice and extrarole customer service: The mediating role of well-being at work
The purpose of this article is to propose and test a model of extrarole customer service (ERCS). We propose that organizational justice (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational) promotes well-being at work (low burnout and high engagement). Well-being at work, in turn, engenders more effective ERCS. Thus, well-being at work is considered a mediator of the relationships from organizational justice to ERCS. This fully mediated model was compared to an alternative fully direct model. The sample consisted of 317 contact employees who were working in the Spanish service sector. The results of structural equation modelling supported the importance of the mediating role of the p…
¿Somos racionales las personas tras un conflicto intergrupal? El papel civilizador del grupo
Los seres humanos parecen tener dificultades para tomar decisiones cooperativas y racionales, en beneficio propio y de los demás, después de haber experimentado un conflicto intergrupal. Tras el conflicto, los miembros del otro grupo despiertan emociones negativas en los miembros del propio grupo, que dificultan dicha racionalidad, algo que es congruente con las teorías sobre el razonamiento y la toma de decisiones más aceptadas actualmente. Sin embargo, la racionalidad cooperativa se puede estimular involucrando a las personas en discusiones grupales donde se pueda deliberar de manera más pausada acerca de las decisiones a tomar.
Relaciones de la disonancia emocional y del clima de servicio con el bienestar en el trabajo: un estudio transnivel
In this study, emotional dissonance and service climate are related to well-being at work through two independent corridors. To consider emotional dissonance and service climate, we designed a cross-level model where multilevel predictors (individual emotional dissonance and work-unit service climate) were related to individual levels of burnout and engagement. Using a sample of 512 employees working in 152 work-units, we confirmed the existence of a model where service climate is significantly related to burnout and engagement, beyond the role of emotional dissonance. The research concludes with a discussion of these results and future implications. Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entr…
Perceived Reciprocity and Well-Being at Work in Non-Professional Employees: Fairness or Self-Interest?
This article assesses the links between non-professional employees' perceptions of reciprocity in their relationships with their supervisors and the positive and negative sides of employees' well-being at work: burnout and engagement. Two hypotheses were explored. First, the fairness hypothesis assumes a curvilinear relationship where balanced reciprocity (when the person perceives that there is equilibrium between his/her efforts and the benefits he/she receives) presents the highest level of well-being. Second, the self-interest hypothesis proposes a linear pattern where over-benefitted situations for employees (when the person perceives that he/she is receiving more than he/she deserves)…
Coping with Burnout Symptoms through Task Significance in Professionals Working with Individuals with Intellectual Disability
ABSTRACT This study examined an intervention that links task significance (one’s job has a positive impact on other people) to burnout symptoms of professionals working in organizations for individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the experimental condition participated in teams designed to enhance the positive impact of their work on others (task significance). To do so, teams focused on a task to improve the quality of life of individuals with intellectual disability. Professionals assigned to the control condition did not participate in these teams, and they continued with their usual work. All the participating professionals answered a questionnaire abou…
Relationships Between Organizational Justice and Burnout at the Work-Unit Level.
Relationships between organizational justice and well-being are traditionally investigated at the individual level. This article extends previous efforts by testing such relationships at the work-unit level. Three corridors of influence were examined. First, the level (work units’ average scores) of justice is related to the level of burnout. Second, justice climate strength (level of agreement among work-unit members) moderates the predictability of the level of burnout. Third, justice strength is related to burnout strength. The authors interviewed 324 contact employees from 108 work units in 59 service organizations. Findings showed the predominance of interactional justice over distribu…
Intergroup conflict and rational decision making.
The literature has been relatively silent about post-conflict processes. However, understanding the way humans deal with post-conflict situations is a challenge in our societies. With this in mind, we focus the present study on the rationality of cooperative decision making after an intergroup conflict, i.e., the extent to which groups take advantage of post-conflict situations to obtain benefits from collaborating with the other group involved in the conflict. Based on dual-process theories of thinking and affect heuristic, we propose that intergroup conflict hinders the rationality of cooperative decision making. We also hypothesize that this rationality improves when groups are involved …