Laura Galiana

Patients Suffering from a Chronic, Irreversible Illness: A Novel Study on the Psychological Intervention out of the Hospital

Objective: Patients with chronic, untreatable diseases have emotional needs that are often unaddressed by conventional care services within the healthcare systems. The situation of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is paradigmatic as there are few, if any, studies focusing on psychological interventions for these patients. This chapter describes a study that identifies and quantifies emotional distress, quality of life, spirituality, and key dimensions of health-related well-being after brief psychotherapy treatments at an outpatient clinic.

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Development and validation of the Short Professional Quality of Life Scale based on versions IV and V of the Professional Quality of Life Scale

Background This research presents a short version of the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) scale, one of the most frequently used questionnaires in the arena of applied healthcare investigation. It measures burnout (BO), compassion fatigue (CF), and compassion satisfaction (CS). Methods A 9-item version of the ProQOL was developed. In Study 1, this short version, which used items from version IV of the ProQOL, was administered to 817 palliative care professionals from Spain, Argentina, and Brazil. In Study 2, the same nine items, but this time from version V of the ProQOL, were administered to 296 Spanish palliative care professionals. Results Study 1: The Short ProQOL showed an adequat…

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An adaptation of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale in Spanish youth

Abstract Background Enhancing students’ critical thinking (CT) is an essential goal of higher education. Although there are many instruments to assess its cognitive dimension, this is not so in the case of dispositional thinking. Our aim is to examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (CTDS; Sosu, 2013). Method Data come from 1064 students in their final years at high school and university in Spain. We report validity evidence based on its internal structure by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and an estimation of reliability and measurement invariance by gender. Additionally, nomological validity study with a multiple-indicator …

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Espiritualidad en atención paliativa: Evidencias sobre la intervención con counselling

ResumenLas necesidades espirituales, cuando son elaboradas de forma efectiva, ayudarán a la persona al final de la vida a encontrar significado, mantener la esperanza y aceptar la muerte. El counselling es una de las terapias más utilizadas para mejorar estas necesidades. El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer evidencia sobre la eficacia de esta terapia para la mejora de la espiritualidad de los pacientes atendidos en diversos dispositivos de salud. Para conseguirlo, se llevó a cabo una intervención de tres semanas en 131 pacientes de atención domiciliaria y hospitalizados. Tenían una edad media de 70.61 años (DT = 11.17). El 51.1% eran hombres. Se evaluó la espiritualidad de los pacie…

research product

Espiritualidad en atención paliativa: evidencias sobre la intervención con counselling

Las necesidades espirituales, cuando son elaboradas de forma efectiva, ayudarán a la persona al final de la vida a encontrar significado, mantener la esperanza y aceptar la muerte. El counselling es una de las terapias más utilizadas para mejorar estas necesidades. El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer evidencia sobre la eficacia de esta terapia para la mejora de la espiritualidad de los pacientes atendidos en diversos dispositivos de salud. Para conseguirlo, se llevó a cabo una intervención de tres semanas en 131 pacientes de atención domiciliaria y hospitalizados. Tenían una edad media de 70.61 años (DT = 11.17). El 51.1% eran hombres. Se evaluó la espiritualidad de los pacientes an…

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More on the Dimensionality of the GHQ-12: Competitive Confirmatory Models

The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) was designed to measure minor psychiatric morbidity by assessing normal ‘healthy’ functioning and the appearance of new, distressing symptoms. Among its versions, the 12-item is one of the most used. GHQ-12’s validity and reliability have been extensively tested in samples from different populations. In the Spanish version, studies have come to different conclusions, of one, two, and three-factor structures. This research aims to present additional evidence on the factorial validity of the Spanish version of the GHQ-12, using competitive confirmatory models. Three samples of workers (N= 525, 414 and 540) were used to test a set of substantive models pr…

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Espiritualidad, esperanza y dependencia como predictores de la satisfacción vital y la percepción de salud: efecto moderador de ser muy mayor

Objetivo: analizar algunos predictores de la calidad de vida en personas mayores, diferenciando entre mayores jóvenes o muy mayores. Esto es, se estudia un potencial efecto moderador debido a ser muy mayor, dado que este sector de la población está en rápido crecimiento en todo el mundo. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico de encuesta a 224 personas mayores, en dos grupos diferenciales, menores de 75 años y 75 años o más, que viven en la ciudad de Valencia (España). Resultados: se ajustó un modelo estructural multimuestra donde las dimensiones de espiritualidad y la esperanza predicen dos indicadores de calidad de vida en personas mayores: satisfacción vital y percepción de …

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Actitudes de emprendimiento y los "Cinco Grandes": una compa-ración intercultural entre España y Estados Unidos.

Culture may interact with personality to facilitate or inhibit en-trepreneurial behaviors. 296 undergraduates in the United States and 257 in Spain completed the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Entrepreneur-ial Attitudes Scale for Students (Mean age = 20.16 years; SD = 3.39). We hypothesized that across cultures, conscientiousness and openness would predict greater risk taking whereas neuroticism and agreeableness would be a negative correlate. Personality variables explained a larger proportion of the variance in entrepreneurial attitudes in the U.S. data. The associations between the personality dimensions and entrepreneurship varied consider-ably by country and gender. Significant…

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Predicting life satisfaction in Angolan elderly: the moderating effect of gender

Existe abundante investigación que ha estudiado la satisfacción vital en personas mayores y ha encontrado evidencia empírica de sus mejores predictores. Cuando se estudia la satisfacción con la vida de las personas mayores y sus predictores se hallan diferencias en función del género incluyendo, por ejemplo, las interacciones con la viudedad. En este contexto, el presente estudio se ha centrado en los siguientes objetivos: (1) poner a prueba la invarianza en función del género de una medida de satisfacción con la vida, (2) predecir la satisfacción vital usando varias variables relacionadas con el proceso de envejecimiento y (3) poner a prueba el potencial efecto moderador del género en esta…

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Nueva evidencia sobre la Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS)

Title: New evidence on the Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS). Abstract: As anxiety is negatively related to academic performance, and it is broadly known the existence of both anxiety towards statistics and nega- tive statistics results, statistical anxiety may play a role of mediating negative outcomes in this subject. In this context, the Statistical Anxiety Scale (Vigil- Colet, Lorenzo-Seva, & Condon, 2008) aims to be a useful tool in the comparison of the predictive power of specific and general measures of statistics performance. In order to achieve this goal, the scale is based on three dimensions of anxiety, referred to three specific issues: regarding the exam, when asking for help or…

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Contextual Factors Related to Alcohol Abuse Among Intimate Partner Violence Offenders.

The association between alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence (IPV) has been reiterated in numerous studies. Some authors have found higher levels of risk factors in intimate partner violence offenders (IPVOs) with alcohol problems than in IPVOs without such problems.The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of contextual variables with harmful alcohol use in a sample of IPVOs.This cross-sectional research analyzes data from 231 IPVOs. In addition to demographic data, information was collected on alcohol use, ethnicity, accumulation of stressful life events and perceived social support and rejection. The sample was divided into hazardous and nonhazardous alcohol users…

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Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout in Spain and Brazil: ProQOL Validation and Cross-cultural Diagnosis

Abstract Context Palliative care professionals' quality of life has emerged as a growing issue of interest in health care literature, centered on concerns about professionals' compassion within a context of work characterized by pain and death. Objectives The aim of this study was threefold: 1) to study the psychometric properties of both the Spanish and the Portuguese versions of the ProQOL scale, by means of confirmatory factor analyses; 2) to offer a diagnosis of compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue levels of Spanish and Brazilian palliative care professionals; and 3) to compare levels in ProQOL between countries. Methods Two surveys with a cross-sectional design were carried o…

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A new measure of home care patients' dignity at the end of life: The Palliative Patients' Dignity Scale (PPDS).

ABSTRACTObjective:This study aimed to develop a new and brief instrument to be employed in dignity measurement, one based on the perceptions of patients, relatives, and professionals about dignity.Method:Surveys of patients receiving palliative care, family caregivers, and palliative care professionals were first carried out (sample 1). In the second step, palliative care patients were surveyed with a pilot questionnaire (sample 2). Finally, a survey design was used to assess patients admitted into a home care unit (sample 3). Sample 1 included 78 subjects, including patients, family caregivers, and professionals. Some 20 additional palliative patients participated in sample 2. Finally, 70 …

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Intervenciones psicológicas en espiritualidad en cuidados paliativos: una revisión sistemática

Resumen Contexto La espiritualidad puede entenderse como una condicion fundamental del sentido de la persona. Se incluye dentro de los objetivos fundamentales de trabajo de los cuidados paliativos, considerandose que la calidad de vida del paciente no puede favorecerse en su conjunto si no se aborda la dimension espiritual. Objetivo El objetivo de esta revision sistematica es sintetizar la evidencia cientifica mas reciente en espiritualidad en pacientes paliativos con enfermedad avanzada, atendiendo sobre todo a que tipo de intervencion que contemple la dimension espiritual se ha llevado a cabo con ellos. Se recogen datos sobre el tipo de estudio y resultados estadisticos encontrados en cua…

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A first experience with Problem-based learning in a course of Psychometrics

The aim of this study was to to describe students’ perceptions on problem-based learning (PBL) when applied in a course of Psychometrics. 34 students participated in the course. Activities were conducted in groups of three students during two sessions of two hours each, and included the traditional steps in the PBL tutorial process. Participants were surveyed on their perceptions on PBL, acquisition of competences in PBL vs Traditional learning, and will to use PBL methodology in the future. Results pointed that students’ perceived PBL could help them to improve group work and problem resolution. Students preferred PBL methodology to acquire responsibility for learning, work with groups and…

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Validación del Autoconcepto Forma 5 en Universitarios Peruanos: Una Herramienta para la Psicología Positiva

ResumenEl autoconcepto, aunque central en la psicología tradicional, ha cobrado importancia recientemente en el contexto de la psicología positiva. El Autoconcepto Forma 5 (AF5) es una medida muy utilizada en el contexto hispanohablante. Sin embargo, no existen estudios sobre sus propiedades psicométricas más allá de la fiabilidad en población peruana. El objetivo es presentar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala multidimensional AF5 en universitarios peruanos. Se recogió una muestra de 527 estudiantes universitarios. La encuesta incluyó, además del AF5, medidas de esperanza disposicional y satisfacción con la vida. Se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial confirmatorio para evaluar la v…

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Evaluación de las estrategias de aprendizaje con las escalas ACRA y ACRA-Breve: Modelos competitivos, invarianza de medida, y predicción del rendimiento académico en estudiantes de secundaria de la República Dominicana

Resumen Las estrategias de aprendizaje han sido ampliamente estudiadas, y relacionadas con el exito academico en diversos estudios. Entre las medidas desarrolladas, la version de 44 items de la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje (ACRA) es, de lejos, una de las mas utilizadas en el contexto de habla hispana. Recientemente, este instrumento ha sido reducido a una version de 17 items. Ni la version de 44 items ni la de 17 han sido puestas a prueba en la Republica Dominicana. La muestra se compone de 1712 estudiantes dominicanos de secundaria. Ambas estructuras del ACRA se evaluan mediante AFC; se calcula alfa y el indice CRI para valorar la consistencia interna; y, para obtener evidencia de …

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Psychometric Evaluation of Nursing Professionals Involved in Palliative Care

12 páginas Objetivos: Validar las escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff en enfermería y relacionarlas con variables clave en calidad de vida laboral. Materiales y método: participaron por encuesta electrónica autoadministrada anónima 433 profesionales, 33.1% profesionales de enfermería (n=123) en quienes nos centramos. Además de sociodemográficos, se recogió información sobre bienestar psicológico, atención consciente, afrontamiento de la muerte y calidad de vida. La validez de constructo fue evaluada con análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se estimó fiabilidad y se recogieron evidencias de validez externa. Resultados: El modelo mostró ajuste adecuado: c2(362) = 438.59 (p = .01), CFI = .98…

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La predicción de la satisfacción con la vida en personas mayores de Angola: el efecto moderador del género

ResumenExiste abundante investigación que ha estudiado la satisfacción vital en personas mayores y ha encontrado evidencia empírica de sus mejores predictores. Cuando se estudia la satisfacción con la vida de las personas mayores y sus predictores se hallan diferencias en función del género incluyendo, por ejemplo, las interacciones con la viudedad. En este contexto, el presente estudio se ha centrado en los siguientes objetivos: (1) poner a prueba la invarianza en función del género de una medida de satisfacción con la vida, (2) predecir la satisfacción vital usando varias variables relacionadas con el proceso de envejecimiento y (3) poner a prueba el potencial efecto moderador del género …

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Measuring self-esteem in Spanish adolescents: Equivalence across gender and educational levels

Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (RSES) has been applied in many areas of psychology, highlighting the interest in the study of gender differences and educational level. At the same time, there was a methodological debate on its psychometric properties. Evidence points at a scale measuring a single trait confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine RSES differences due to gender and educational level at the factor level, while controlling for the presence of method effects, in Spanish students. A completely a priori model was separately tested in four subsamples: college men and women, and high school men and women, and an invariance r…

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Predicting perceived health in Angolan elderly: The moderator effect of being oldest old

The objective of this study was to test the predicting effects of variables measuring social support, dependence/active perceptions, and generativity, on this facet of well-being when controlled for socio-demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and institutionalization). The research tries to extend previous literature by assessing them in a multivariate context, studying differential effects of these variables in young old and oldest old, and offering evidence of the scarcely studied population of Angola. The sample was formed by 737 young old and 266 oldest old. It was built a hierarchical regression, in which, among the different predictors, interactions effects between age a…

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Panorama de la Calidad de Vida Laboral entre Trabajadores que Prestan Cuidados Paliativos en Brasil

Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo oferecer um primeiro diagnóstico sobre os níveis de qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores brasileiros que prestam cuidados paliativos. Foram aplicadas escalas de medidas de qualidade de vida profissional, en-frentamento ante a morte, autocuidado profissional e autoconsciência em 161 profissionais. As análises de dados incluíram estatísticas descritivas, comparação dos níveis em função de sexo, idade e outras características sociodemográficas, e estudo da relação entre as variáveis mencionadas. Foram encontrados níveis adequados tanto nas variáveis de proteção da qualidade de vida profissional como na qualidade de vida em si. As comparações em função de dado…

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Validación de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y su relación con las dimensiones del Autoconcepto en universitarios peruanos

Life satisfaction has been the object of several studies, mostly assessed with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Recently, interest has been shown in the relationship between life satisfaction and self-concept, because life satisfaction seems to depend on the cultural context. The purpose of this research was to study the properties of the SWLS in a sample of Peruvian students, and to analyze the relationship between life satisfaction and self-concept in the Peruvian context. The study population consisted of 527 university students from Lima, Peru. Firstly, a confirmatory factor analysis was estimated and assessed, and reliability estimates of the scale and its items were calculated…

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The Spanish Version of the State Self-Compassion Scale–Long Form (SSCS–L): A Study of Its Validity and Reliability in a Sample of Nursing Students

Background: In nurses, self-compassion mitigates the effects of stress, burnout and compassion fatigue, and enhances empathy, compassion and well-being and quality of life. The Self-Compassion Scale is the most-used instrument. The aim of this study is to validate the Spanish version of the new developed State Self-Compassion Scale–Long (SSCS–L). Methods: Students of the first year of the Nursing Degree were surveyed online. Together with the SSCS–L, their levels of positive and negative affect was reported. Analyses included descriptive statistics, competitive confirmatory factor analysis, evidence on criterion-related validity and estimates of reliability. Results: The b…

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Demoralization Scale in Spanish-Speaking Palliative Care Patients.

Abstract Context Among the approaches to the demoralization syndrome, the one proposed by Kissane et al. is prevalent in the literature. These authors developed the Demoralization Scale (DS) to assess emotional distress, conceived as demoralization. Objectives To present the Spanish adaptation of the Demoralization Scale in palliative care patients, with a new and more comprehensive approach to its factorial structure. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in 226 Spanish palliative care patients in three different settings: hospital, home care unit, and continued care unit. Outcome measures included the DS and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Analyses comprised confirmat…

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Method Effects and Gender Invariance of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: A Study on Adolescents

AbstractRosenberg's self-esteem scale has been extensively used in all areas of psychology to assess global self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965, 1979). Its construct validity, and specifically its factor structure, has almost from the beginning been under debate. More than four decades after its creation the cumulated evidence points that the scale measures a single trait (self-esteem) but confounded by a method factor associated to negatively worded items. The aim of the study is to examine the measurement invariance of the RSES by gender and test potential gender differences at the latent (trait and method) variable level, while controlling for method effects, in a sample of Spanish students. A …

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Cuestionarios de atención espiritual en cuidados paliativos: revisión de la evidencia para su aplicación clínica

Objetivo: Revisar los cuestionarios de evaluación de necesidades y recursos espirituales en cuidados paliativos más recientes y evaluar su aplicabilidad clínica en nuestro entorno.Método: Revisión sistemática, siguiendo las guías PRISMA de las publicaciones realizadas durante 2015-2016 de trabajos sobre espiritualidad. Los artículos debían estar centrados en el cuidado espiritual o la evaluación de la espiritualidad, basados en población de cuidados paliativos; y sometidos a revisión por pares.Resultado: de los 42 artículos identificados, tras evaluación independiente de dos observadores, 15 cumplieron criterios de selección. Estos se analizan respecto sus características, propiedades psico…

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Family relations, parents’ educational practices, and Angolan adolescents’ values

Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido triple. Primero, analizar las propiedades psicométricas los instrumentos utilizados para evaluar la percepción de las Relaciones familiares, la Socialización familiar y los Valores de los adolescentes angoleños. Segundo, predecir los Valores de los adolescentes a partir de las Relaciones familiares y la Socialización familiar. Tercero, analizar las diferencias de valores de los adolescentes según el sexo. Para ello, 917 adolescentes (384 varones, 533 mujeres) de 14 a 17 años (M = 15.68; DT = 1.06) completaron versiones portuguesas de los instrumentos antes señalados. Una vez analizadas las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos, se desarro…

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Socio-Demographic Variables and Successful Aging of the Angolan Elderly

The proportion of elderly people is growing faster than any other age group. Amongst them, the group of oldest old is indeed the segment of the elderly population with the fastest growth rate. The increase in the proportion of elderly in the Angolan population makes research on this area badly needed. Within the theoretical framework of successful aging, the study aims to test for sociodemographic group differences in perceived health, life satisfaction, and social relations in Angolan elderly. The dependent variables are three of the components of what has been called successful aging. Data came from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in Luanda. 1003 Angolan elderly were sur…

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The impact of strict and forced confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic on positive functioning variables, emotional distress, and posttraumatic growth in a Spanish sample

ABSTRACT Background: The adverse consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health have been widely studied in recent months. However, few studies have examined the protective psychological factors that may explain how individuals are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and its forced confinements. Objective: This study analyzes the impact of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic on positive functioning variables (resilience, meaning of life, gratitude, compassion, life satisfaction), emotional distress (depression, anxiety, perceived stress, affect), and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The impact was measured during and after the first month of strict and obligatory confinement in Spain.…

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Assessment of learning strategies with the ACRA and the Brief-ACRA scales: Competitive models, measurement invariance, and prediction of academic achievement in secondary elementary students from the Dominican Republic

Abstract Learning strategies have been widely studied, and they have been related to academic achievement in several studies. Among the measurement instruments developed, the 44-item version of the Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) is, by far, one of the most widely used questionnaires in the Spanish speaking context. This instrument has been recently shortened to a 17-item version. Neither the 44-item nor the 17-item version have been tested in the Dominican Republic. The aim of this study is to study the psychometric properties of the 44-item and 17-item versions of the ACRA. Participants were 1712 Dominican secondary school students. Both structures of the ACRA were tested via CFA; alpha …

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The SF-8 Spanish Version for Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment: Psychometric Study with IRT and CFA Models.

AbstractThe aim of current research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SF–8, overcoming previous shortcomings. A double line of analyses was used: competitivestructural equations modelsto establish factorial validity, andItem Response theoryto analyze item psychometric characteristics and information. 593 people aged 60 years or older, attending long life learning programs at the University were surveyed. Their age ranged from 60 to 92 years old. 67.6% were women. The survey included scales on personality dimensions, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors related to aging. Competitive confirmatory models pointed out two-factors (physical and mental health…

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Calidad de vida laboral y autocuidado en enfermeras asistenciales con alta demanda emocional

Resumen Objetivo Explorar las variables relacionadas con la calidad de vida laboral y el autocuidado de profesionales de enfermeria en situaciones estresantes y con alta demanda emocional. Metodo Cualitativo, segun el paradigma constructivista, combinando el metodo fenomenologico-hermeneutico/interpretativo mediante el uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas. La informacion fue analizada con Maxqda 11. Las entrevistas se realizaron a profesionales de centros sanitarios y servicios de Valencia con perfiles caracteristicos de enfermeria en unidades medico-quirurgicas, urgencias, oncologia, atencion domiciliaria, y de ayuda humanitaria. Resultados Los factores organizativos se expresaron como bar…

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Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS): A study on elderly attending to university programs

Several measures have been developed for the operalization of well-being, standing out the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). To cope with some of its problems the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSLS) was developed. The aim of this study is to present and validate the Spanish version of the TSLS, in a sample elderly attending to University programs. The sample was composed of 737 elderly. Together with the TSLS, an indicator of general life satisfaction and the SF-8 Health Scale were used. Analyses included the study of factorial validity, estimations of reliability and external validity. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis were adequate: χ2(87)=454.593 (p<.001), CFI=.9…

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Palliative Care Professionals' Inner Lives: Cross-Cultural Application of the Awareness Model of Self-Care

Compassionate professional qualities traditionally have not received the most attention in either critical or end of life care. Constant exposure to death, time pressure and workload, inadequate coping with personal emotions, grieving, and depression urge the development of an inner curricula of competences to promote professional quality of life and compassionate care. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the universality of these problems and the need to equip ourselves with rigorously validated measurement and monitoring approaches that allow for unbiased comparisons. The main objective of this study was to offer evidence on the generalizability of the awareness model of self-care across thr…

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Differential Effects of Two Contemplative Practice-based Programs for Health Care Professionals

The aim of the study was testing the differential effectiveness of two interventions to improve Majorcan primary care professionals' quality of life: Mindful-Based Stress Reduction Training (MBSRT) and Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT). 50 professionals participated in the study; 81% were women. We evaluated mindfulness, empathy, self-compassion, and professional quality of life. Results showed statistically significant effects of the programs on the improvement of mindfulness, self-compassion, and professional quality of life, and differential effects on two dimensions of mindfulness, acting with awareness and non-reacting to inner experience, and on the dimension of burnout of the pro…

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Palliative Care Professionals' Inner Life: Exploring the Relationships Among Awareness, Self-Care, and Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue, Burnout, and Coping With Death

Context. Professionals working in the landscape of death and dying frequently are exposed to existential issues, psychological challenges, and emotional distress associated with care at the end of life. Identifying factors that help professionals cope with frequent exposure to issues related to mortality could enhance palliative care providers' and patients' quality of life. Objectives. To improve our understanding of the factors associated with professionals' inner life, through the assessment of an adapted version of Kearney and Kearney's awareness model of self-care. The main assumptions of the study were that competence in coping with death and awareness would be positively related to c…

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Propiedades psicométricas del CEVEAPEU: Validación en población peruana

Researchers’ interest in the learning process at university context, and in its evaluation, has increased in recent years. Great deals of papers have studied this process and the role that learning strategies play in it and how to measure them in an objective and reliable way. Following this trend, the aim of this study is to validate the Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Estrategias de Aprendizaje de los Estudiantes Universitarios (CEVEAPEU) in a sample of 238 Peruvian university students. Results examined factorial validity, reliability and validity evidence of the questionnaire. In order to test factorial validity of the affective, support and control strategies and information process s…

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Diagnóstico y políticas de promoción del emprendimiento en estudiantes

La cada vez más saliente necesidad de contar con medidas tanto socio-económicas como educativas para desarrollar una cultura del emprendimiento hace imprescindible contar con una definición detallada del constructo, así como con una medida que permita disponer de una línea base del emprendimiento en estudiantes que facilitaría la evaluación de las intervenciones que desde el marco europeo y el gobierno estatal se propongan. El objetivo del estudio es proporcionar un conocimiento de las actitudes emprendedoras en el contexto educativo español, a partir del cual podrán realizarse implementaciones y evaluaciones de programas dedicados al fomento de la cultura y la educación emprendedora. 524 e…

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Subtypes of Depression: Latent Class Analysis in Spanish Old People with Depressive Symptoms

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most disabling disorders and the one that most contributes to disability. When it occurs in older people, it is an additional burden to their potential physical and cognitive deficiencies, making MDD an important public health problem that supposes a large investment in health. There is a clear lack of consistency between the subtypes of depression found in the literature, ranging from two to seven classes, with three being the most commonly found non-melancholic, melancholic and psychotic, or putative psychotics. The aim of this research is to add knowledge to the profiles of depressive symptoms in a representative sample of older Spanish peopl…

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The impact of a mindfulness‐based intervention on the quality of life of Spanish national police officers

Purpose Police officers belong to a profession with a high risk of stress, burnout and compassion fatigue. Incorporating mindfulness practices into the health and occupational-risk prevention programs run by the national police forces in Spain could provide a new approach to reducing stress and enhancing the psychological and emotional balance of these officers. Methods A 7-week mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) was conducted in a group of 20 national police officers in Mallorca (Spain). Mindfulness, self-compassion, burnout, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and perceived stress were measured and compared before and after the intervention. Results We identified significant dif…

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Responding to the Spiritual Needs of Palliative Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of the Kibo Therapeutic Interview

Context The WHO recognizes the need to attend to patients' spiritual needs as being fundamental to comprehensive and high-quality end-of-life care. Spiritual needs must be attended since the resolution of biological and psychosocial issues is insufficient to reduce patients' suffering. Associations have been found between spiritual needs and other variables of importance for patients in palliative care. Despite the consensus that exists regarding the importance of assessing and attending to spiritual needs, professionals encounter many difficulties in attempting to do so. Objectives Our study aims to demonstrate the benefits that the KIBO therapeutic interview in palliative care patients ca…

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Development and Validation of a New Tool for the Assessment and Spiritual Care of Palliative Care Patients

Context. Spiritual assessment tools and interventions based on holistic approaches are needed to promote healing. Such tools must be adapted to the wide cultural backgrounds of contemporary Western society. Objectives. To develop and validate a new brief measure, simultaneously featuring clinical applicability and adequate psychometric properties. The tool uses six initial questions to establish a climate of trust with patients before they complete an eight-item, five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire is based on a model of spirituality generated by the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (SECPAL) Task Force on Spiritual Care (Grupo de Espiritualidad de la SECPAL), which aims to recogniz…

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Predicting life satisfaction of the Angolan elderly: A structural model

Satisfaction with life is of particular interest in the study of old age well-being because it has arisen as an important component of old age. A considerable amount of research has been done to explain life satisfaction in the elderly, and there is growing empirical evidence on best predictors of life satisfaction. This research evaluates the predictive power of some aging process variables, on Angolan elderly people's life satisfaction, while including perceived health into the model. Data for this research come from a cross-sectional survey of elderly people living in the capital of Angola, Luanda. A total of 1003 Angolan elderly were surveyed on socio-demographic information, perceived …

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Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies

Objectives: This study aims to give a wider view on the role of coping strategies on elderly’s well-being, by means of literature-based competitive structural equation models (SEM). Methods: 857 older adults were surveyed with Ryff’s scales of Psychological Well-being and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Competitive full SEMs were tested. Results: The best fitting model was the one in which the religious coping dimension was removed, leaving the remaining dimensions defined by problem- and emotion-focused coping, which explained both psychological and subjective well-being factors (χ2(46)=165.910, p<.001; CFI=.906; GFI=.957; RMSEA=.058 [.048, .067]). Discussion: Results pointed the rele…

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Validation of an explicative model of the successful aging process with psychological, physical, relational, and leisure variables

Increasingly, research on the aging process tends to adopt a dual perspective emic (specific to a culture) and etic (universal), requiring further studies to address this cross-cultural approach. The aim is to obtain an empirical answer to the question of whether a model of successful aging raised from a different context such as the Taiwanese context, is suitable to represent this process in our elders. The sample consisted of 737 elderly. Socio-demographic-data and different scales to assess life satisfaction, leisure, health, and social support were collected. A structural equation model taken from Lee et al. (2011), in which leisure, health and social support predicted life satisfaction…

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Envejecimiento y espiritualidad: estructura factorial y fiabilidad de dos escalas

Resumen Introduccion En el area de la gerontologia, el estudio de la mejora de la salud y calidad de vida —como envejecer «con exito»—, la espiritualidad juega un papel clave y constituye uno de los topicos de la investigacion actual. Sin embargo, su incorporacion en la literatura cientifica esta resultando ardua y lenta, hecho en parte debido a la ausencia de medidas desarrolladas y validadas especialmente para su uso en el ambito hispanohablante. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer evidencia de las propiedades psicometricas de dos instrumentos de medida de la espiritualidad: la Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp) y el Cuestionario Grupo de…

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Corrigendum: Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies

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Evaluación de una Intervención Mindfulness en Equipos de Cuidados Paliativos

Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los resultados de un programa breve de entrenamiento en mindfulness sobre la atención plena, la autocompasión y la calidad de vida profesional en equipos de cuidados paliativos. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio preexperimental pre-post. Participaron 36 profesionales de equipos de cuidados paliativos de Madrid (España). Se midió mindfulness, autocompasión y calidad de vida profesional. Las mediciones se realizaron al inicio y a las dos semanas de finalizada la intervención, que duró seis semanas. Los resultados de aplicación del programa se evaluaron mediante análisis de varianza multivariados (MANOVA). Tras la intervención se observó una m…

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Mindful Attention Awareness in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals

Abstract. Mindfulness is conceived as a state in which the individual pays full attention to everything that is happening around him or her. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) is the most popular instrument for assessing mindfulness. Studies on its structure have shown some conflicting results. This study aims to offer new evidence on the dimensionality and reliability of the MAAS, handling both SEM and IRT procedures, in palliative professionals. The sample was composed of 385 professionals from a national online survey. First, two Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFAs) were specified, estimated, and tested, with one- and two-factor structures, respectively. Second, the Graded Resp…

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The Short Demoralization Scale (SDS): A new tool to appraise demoralization in palliative care patients.

ABSTRACTObjective:The Demoralization Scale (DS) is the most widely used measure for assessing demoralization. Following the recent clamor for brief assessment tools, and taking into account that demoralization has proved to be a symptom that needs to be controlled and treated in the palliative care setting, a shorter scale is needed. The aim of the present research is to introduce and evaluate the Short Demoralization Scale (SDS).Method:We employed a cross-sectional design that included a survey of 226 Spanish palliative care patients from the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. We employed the SDS, the DS, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results:The confirmator…

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Erratum: Pérez-Belmonte, S., et al. Subtypes of Depression: Latent Class Analysis in Spanish Old People with Depressive Symptoms. Life 2020, 10, 70

The authors wish to make the following erratum to this paper [...]

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Palliative Care Professionals’ Inner Life: Exploring the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Prediction of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Wellbeing

Context. Palliative care professionals are exposed to suffering on a daily basis. Working in such an environment frequently raises existential issues, psychological challenges, and emotional distress, that can detract from compassionate care. Identifying factors that help professionals cope with frequent exposure to issues related to mortality, such as compassion, could enhance palliative care providers’ and patients’ quality of life and wellbeing. Objectives. To improve our understanding of the factors associated with professionals’ inner life studying the role of self-compassion as a mediating variable between self-care and awareness and professionals’ quality of life, and quantifying the…

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Cuestionarios de evaluación e intervención espiritual en cuidados paliativos: una revisión crítica

Resumen Objetivo El presente estudio tiene 2 objetivos. El primero, ofrecer una revision de las herramientas de medida de espiritualidad en el contexto espanol de los cuidados paliativos. El segundo, comparar el constructo de los instrumentos revisados desde la perspectiva antropologica del modelo de espiritualidad propuesto por el Grupo de Espiritualidad de la Sociedad Espanola de Cuidados Paliativos. Metodo La revision sigue 5 pasos: 1. identificar las medidas de espiritualidad que se han utilizado en estudios relevantes; 2. conocer aquellos instrumentos con propiedades psicometricas adecuadas; 3. clasificar las medidas en funcion del tipo de instrumento; 4. identificar los instrumentos d…

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Bullying in Students Who Stutter: The Role of the Quality of the Student–Teacher Relationship and Student’s Social Status in the Peer Group

Children who stutter are at risk of being excluded, rejected, or bullied at school because of their impairment. The aim of the current research is to assess the relationship between students and te...

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The Intimate Partner Violence Responsibility Attribution Scale (IPVRAS)

The aim of this study is to present a psychometrically sound instrument to assess intimate partner violence offenders’ responsibility attributions: the Intimate Partner Violence Responsibility Attribution Scale. The scale was administrated to 423 adult male intimate partner violence offenders court-mandated to a community-based intervention program. A three factor structure (responsibility attribution to the legal system, responsibility attribution to the victim, and responsibility attribution to the offender personal context) was supported using confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability of the scales in this study was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha, ρ and greatest lower bound. The Intima…

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New evidence on the Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS)

Las asignaturas relacionadas con la estadística suelen tener problemas de rendimiento académico. La ansiedad se relaciona de forma negativa con el rendimiento y en particular, la ansiedad estadística puede ser un constructo clave en la mejora de la enseñanza de esta materia y afines. La Statistical Anxiety Scale (Vigil-Colet, Lorenzo-Seva y Condon, 2008) se creó con la pretensión de ser útil para predecir el rendimiento académico en estadística. Se fundamenta en tres dimensiones de ansiedad referidas a tres aspectos específicos: respecto al examen, cuando se pide ayuda en la comprensión de estadística y en el proceso de interpretación de resultados. Esta estructura de tres factores fue hall…

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The Binge Eating Scale: Structural Equation Competitive Models, Invariance Measurement Between Sexes, and Relationships With Food Addiction, Impulsivity, Binge Drinking, and Body Mass Index

Introduction: The Binge Eating Scale (BES) is a widely used self-report questionnaire to identify compulsive eaters. However, research on the dimensions and psychometric properties of the BES is limited. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the properties of the Spanish version of the BES. Methods: Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFAs) were carried out to verify the BES factor structure in a sample of Spanish college students (N = 428, 75.7% women; age range = 18–30). An invariance measurement routine was carried out across sexes, the latent means were compared, and estimates of reliability and convergent and discriminant validity were presented. Results: A one-factor model fit the…

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Entrepreneurship attitudes and the Big Five: a cross-cultural comparison between Spain and the United States

Abstract Culture may interact with personality to facilitate or inhibit entrepreneurial behaviors. 296 undergraduates in the United States and 257 in Spain completed the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Entrepreneurial Attitudes Scale for Students (Mean age = 20.16 years; SD = 3.39). We hypothesized that across cultures, conscientiousness and openness would predict greater risk taking whereas neuroticism and agreeableness would be a negative correlate. Personality variables explained a larger proportion of the variance in entrepreneurial attitudes in the U.S. data. The associations between the personality dimensions and entrepreneurship varied considerably by country and gender. Signi…

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Autonomy Support, Psychological Needs Satisfaction, School Engagement and Academic Success: A Mediation Model

School engagement is a construct of relevance in education and educational psychology, as it has been related to multiple educational constructs and outcomes: school drop-out, satisfaction with school, disruptive behavior, motivational climate, teacher-student relationships, or academic progress and achievement. The current research surveyed 2034 Angolan students and 2302 Dominican Republic students in order to predict academic achievement. The model tested was supported by the data in both samples, and the chain of explicative effects hold again in both samples. School engagement was a powerful mediator among needs satisfaction and academic success. Results are discussed in light of existi…

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Development and Validation of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREM) in Home Respiratory Therapies: Oxygen Therapy, CPAP Treatment, Mechanical Ventilation, and Aerosol Therapy

Introduction: Home respiratory therapies (HRT) are treatments aimed at diseases that are generally chronic and that have a significant impact on the biopsychosocial aspects of patients’ lives. No validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) and patient-reported experience measures (PREM) are available to assess the impact of these treatments on quality of life (QoL) in HRT. The objective of this work was to identify and validate PROMs and PREMs in HRT. Methods: The process was divided into 5 stages: review of the literature, patient interviews, qualitative validation workshops, cognitive validation, and psychometric validation. For the identification of PROM and PREM, consensus techni…

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A Brief Measure for the Assessment of Competence in Coping With Death: The Coping With Death Scale Short Version.

Context. The coping with death competence is of great importance for palliative care professionals, who face daily exposure to death. It can keep them from suffering compassion fatigue and burnout, thus enhancing the quality of the care provided. Despite its relevance, there are only two measures of professionals’ ability to cope with death. Specifically, the Coping with Death Scale (CDS) has repeatedly shown psychometric problems with some of its items. Objective. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a short version of the CDS. Methods. Nine items from the original CDS were chosen for the short version. Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted in Spanish (N ¼ 385) and Argent…

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Explaining Method Effects Associated With Negatively Worded Items in Trait and State Global and Domain-Specific Self-Esteem Scales

Several investigators have interpreted method effects associated with negatively worded items in a substantive way. This research extends those studies in different ways: (a) it establishes the presence of methods effects in further populations and particular scales, and (b) it examines the possible relations between a method factor associated with negatively worded items and several covariates. Two samples were assessed: 592 high school students from Valencia (Spain), and 285 batterers from the same city. The self-esteem scales used were Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, the State Self-Esteem Scale, and Self-Esteem 17. Anxiety was also assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and gend…

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Exploring relations among mindfulness facets and various meditation practices: Do they work in different ways?

Several meditation practices are associated with mindfulness-based interventions but little is known about their specific effects on the development of different mindfulness facets. This study aimed to assess the relations among different practice variables, types of meditation, and mindfulness facets. The final sample was composed of 185 participants who completed an on-line survey, including information on the frequency and duration of each meditation practice, lifetime practice, and the Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes structural model was specified, estimated, and tested. Results showed that the Model's overall fit was adequate: chi(2) (1045) =…

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Development and Psychometric Validation of the Brief Nurses' Practice Environment Scale and Its Relation to Burnout Syndrome and Job Satisfaction: A Study in Spanish Nurses

Introduction: Nursing environment is a vast concept that traditionally has included a wide range of job characteristics and has been related to burnout and job satisfaction. For its measurement, the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PESNWI) stands out. However, shorter instruments are needed. The purpose of the study is to develop and test the Brief Nurses' Practice Environment (BNPE) Scale.Methods: The BNPE Scale was developed and tested in a sample of 210 Spanish nurses (data collection 2018).Results: Cronbach's alpha was 0.702. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), with an excellent fit, offered evidence of internal validity. Regarding validity, the BNPE Scale predi…

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Autocuidado: nueva evidencia sobre su medida en adultos mayores

Resumen Introduccion Un desafio importante en la sociedad actual es conseguir que las personas mayores no solo vivan mas anos, sino que los vivan mejor, que logren un envejecimiento exitoso. En este sentido, un constructo que se ha mostrado relevante en la literatura especializada ha sido el autocuidado, en relacion con la salud fisica, psicologica y social. Por ello, este trabajo se ha propuesto ofrecer evidencia de las propiedades psicometricas de una escala destinada a evaluar el autocuidado en personas mayores. Material y metodos Han participado 443 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 80 anos (M = 66,11; DT = 4,72), participantes en un programa formativo. De ellas, el 64,2% eran …

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Virtual Reality as a Medium to Elicit Empathy: A Meta-Analysis.

The current meta-analysis aims to investigate and clarify existing research on virtual reality (VR) as a medium to elicit empathy. An exhaustive literature search (updated to February 29, 2020) enabled us to locate seven published articles, yielding a total of nine independent samples. The results reveal statistically significant positive changes in perspective-taking outcomes after VR exposure (

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Evaluation tools for spiritual support in end of life care: increasing evidence for their clinical application.

Purpose of review To summarize current evidence on evaluation tools for spiritual care, paying special attention to recent validations and new instruments, systematic reviews, recent consensus on spiritual care and its measurement, plus other emergent topics. Recent findings The systematic review resulted in 45 identified studies, 14 of which were considered: five works addressed the need for development and validation of spiritual tools; three studies reviewed tools for spirituality assessment, interventions, or related concepts; three more covered the efforts to define guidelines and priorities for spiritual care and its measurement. Other topics such as pediatric spiritual care, the use …

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Spirituality in patients with advanced illness: The role of symptom control, resilience and social network.

In this study, we analyzed the relationships among clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of patients with advanced illness. It was a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 108 patients in an advanced illness situation attended by palliative care teams. Statistically significant correlations were found between some dimensions of spirituality and poor symptomatic control, resiliency, and social support. In the structural model, three variables predicted spirituality: having physical symptoms as the main source of discomfort, resiliency, and social support. This work highlights the relevance of the relationships among spirituality and other aspects of the patient at the end o…

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Síndrome de desmoralización como alternativa diagnóstica al estado de ánimo deprimido en pacientes paliativos

The emotional state of palliative patients is one of the main aims in their professional attention. Several authors have approach this matter using depression definitions as defined for the general population. There are also many expert professional opinions and research data pointing to the need for adequate research at the patient’s end of life situation. Perhaps one of the most interesting ideas is that one initia­lly expressed by Frank and developed by Kis­sanne et al., suggesting differentiation between depression and demoralization. Following this line of thought, demoralization would more accurately reflect the situation observed in these patients, allows a better differential diagno…

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Predicción del bienestar hedónico y eudaimónico en envejecimiento con éxito

El bienestar psicológico es un constructo de la máxima importancia en psicología, siendo el equivalente a la salud en términos médicos. Es un concepto multifacético. Que ha dado lugar a dos tradiciones, la hedónica y la eudaimónica. Por otro lado, un marco teórico útil en el que enmarcar un envejecimiento óptimo es el paradigma del envejecimiento con éxito. Rowe y Kahn (1998) articularon este paradigma proponiendo un modelo con tres características principales: salud física, función cognitiva y estar activo en términos de actividades productivas y relaciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un modelo predictivo del bienestar, tanto hedónico como eudaimónico, empleando para e…

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The Personal Wellbeing Index in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study of Wellbeing

Health professionals are especially exposed to stress, with consequences on professionals’ health and wellbeing. However, palliative care professionals’ wellbeing has been the subject of very little research. The aim of this work is to study the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) in a sample of Spanish palliative care professionals, as well as to study their levels of wellbeing and the relationships of wellbeing with variables such as gender, age, marital status, profession, and professional quality of life. A cross-sectional survey of Spanish palliative care professionals was conducted. The Spanish version of the PWI and the Short version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale were used. He…

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Perception of quality of life in an elderly Angolan sample / Percepción de calidad de vida en una muestra de ancianos angoleños

AbstractIncreased life expectancy and the ageing of the population have made it particularly important to distinguish between the old (usually 60–79 years, or the ‘young old’) and the oldest old (80 years or more, or the ‘fourth age’). This study explores the effects of age, gender and institutionalization on perceived health and life satisfaction in 1003 elderly people from Luanda, Angola. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was estimated to test for these effects. Results provide evidence of lower scores on life satisfaction and perceived health for the oldest old and the institutionalized. However, the higher life satisfaction among the non-institutionalized disappeared when the…

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Development and Validation of the OSA-CPAP Perceived Competence Evaluation Interview

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is one of the most common therapies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). We present a brief, patient-reported outcome measure used to assess patients' levels of adherence with CPAP treatment.A questionnaire was developed based on academic literature. We qualitatively tested a pool of 18 items. It was tested in a sample of 174 patients from the Hospital La Princesa. Next, 1021 patients from Catalonia were evaluated.5 items were removed. Nominal groups referred to three areas: general knowledge about OSA and its risks; CPAP treatment information and expectations; CPAP use, monitoring, and confidence with its use. The 13 retained items maintained the sa…

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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on ICU Healthcare Professionals: A Mixed Methods Study

The large numbers of patients admitted to intensive care units due to COVID-19 has had a major impact on healthcare professionals. The incidence of mental health disorders among these professionals has increased considerably and their professional quality of life has suffered during the pandemic. This study aims to explore the impact of the provision of COVID-19 patient care on ICU healthcare professionals. A mixed methods study with an exploratory concurrent design was conducted between June and November 2020 in the Balearic Islands, Spain. Data were collected using a self-report online survey (n = 122) based on three validated questionnaires, and individual semi-structured in-depth online…

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Quality of work life and self-care in nursing staff with high emotional demand

Abstract Objective To explore the variables related to the quality of work life and the self-care of nursing professionals working with high emotional demand. Method Qualitative, according to the constructivist paradigm. It combines the phenomenological-hermeneutic/interpretative method with the use of semi-structured interviews. Information was analysed with Maxqda 11. Interviews included professionals from the Valencian healthcare system, with typical profiles of nurses working in surgical units, emergencies, oncology, home care, and cooperation. Results Organisational factors were reported as a barrier to self-care, affecting healthcare activity. Working with patients was highlighted as …

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Bienestar emocional y espiritualidad al final de la vida

Resumen Objetivo La atencion al conjunto de las necesidades fisicas, sociales, psicologicas y espirituales de los pacientes es un elemento clave para la disminucion del sufrimiento en el marco de los cuidados paliativos. Material y metodos Desde el modelo antropologico planteado por el Grupo de Espiritualidad de la SECPAL y mediante un nuevo cuestionario desarrollado para evaluar la espiritualidad en 3 niveles: intrapersonal (sentido), interpersonal (armonia) y transpersonal (pertenencia), se han estudiado los recursos y las necesidades espirituales, asi como las relaciones entre espiritualidad y funcionamiento emocional, atendiendo a aspectos como ansiedad, depresion y resiliencia. Esta in…

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Validación confirmatoria de la Escala de Afrontamiento de la Muerte en profesionales de cuidados paliativos

Resumen Objetivo Este estudio tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, estudiar las propiedades psicometricas de la Escala de Afrontamiento de la Muerte en una muestra nacional de profesionales de cuidados paliativos. En segundo lugar, comparar esta competencia de los profesionales frente a otros colectivos en los que se ha evaluado el afrontamiento de la muerte previamente. Metodo Diseno y emplazamiento: Mediante una encuesta on-line se invito a participar a profesionales de cuidados paliativos de toda Espana. Participantes: 433 respondieron y 385 de estos cumplieron los criterios de inclusion. Mediciones principales: Se evaluo la competencia en afrontamiento de la muerte, autoconciencia,…

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Estudio comparativo de la eficacia del counselling y de la terapia de la dignidad en pacientes paliativos

Resumen Objetivo Existen multiples trabajos que contemplan el conjunto de las necesidades de los pacientes al final de la vida, contando con propuestas de modelos integrales para una intervencion terapeutica paliativa. La metodologia mas comun que aborda estas necesidades es la intervencion de counselling, aunque recientemente tambien ha crecido el uso internacional de la «terapia de la dignidad». Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar y cuantificar diferencias en terminos de distres emocional, calidad de vida y preservacion de la dignidad tras el tratamiento con estos 2 tipos de intervenciones. Metodo Diseno cuasi-experimental en la Unidad de Hospitalizacion a Domicilio (UHD) del Hos…

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Understanding the Influence of Eating Patterns on Binge Drinking: A Mediation Model

Background: Binge drinking is an important health problem, and it has been related to binge eating and fat intake in animal models, but this relationship has not been tested in humans. The first objective of this study was to analyze whether binge eating and fat intake are related to binge drinking in a youth sample. The second objective was to analyze whether binge eating and fat intake mediate the relationship between individual factors associated with binge eating and fat intake (sex, body mass index (BMI), drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, eating styles, impulsivity, and food addiction) and binge drinking. Methods: A sample of 428 undergraduate students filled out several questi…

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Development and Validation of the Escala de Actitudes Emprendedoras para Estudiantes (EAEE).

AbstractDuring the last few years, entrepreneurship has gained an important role in many economic and social policies, with the consequent growth of entrepreneurial research in many social areas. However, in the Spanish psychometric context, there is not an updated scale including recent contributions to entrepreneurship attitudes literature. The aim of this study is to present and validate a new scale named Escala de Actitudes Emprendedoras para Estudiantes-EAEE, (Entrepreneurial Attitudes Scale for Students, EASS), in two samples of high school and university Spanish students. Data comes from a cross-sectional survey of 524 high school and undergraduate students, from Valencia (Spain). Tw…

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Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale, TSLS): Un estudio en mayores que acuden a programas universitarios

Para la operacionalización del bienestar se han desarrollado un gran número de medidas, destacando la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS). Para paliar algunos de sus problemas, se desarrolló la Escala Temporal de Satisfacción con la Vida (TSLS). El objetivo de este estudio es la presentación y primera validación de la TSLS en su versión española, en una muestra de personas mayores que acuden a programas universitarios. La muestra estaba formada por 737 personas mayores. Además de la TSLS, se empleó un indicador de satisfacción general con la vida y la SF-8. Los análisis incluyeron estudio de la validez factorial, estimaciones de la fiabilidad y de validez externa. Los resultados del a…

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Descripción de los resultados y costes de una intervención preventiva a nivel respiratorio en el anciano institucionalizado: estudio controlado aleatorizado

Resumen Introduccion En el anciano institucionalizado con limitacion funcional se evidencia una mayor reduccion de la funcionalidad de la musculatura respiratoria (MR). Los objetivos de este estudio son evaluar los resultados y costes de una intervencion de entrenamiento de la MR mediante Pranayama en poblacion anciana institucionalizada con limitacion funcional. Material y metodos Estudio controlado aleatorizado desarrollado en ancianos institucionalizados con limitacion para la deambulacion (n = 54). La intervencion consistio en el entrenamiento de la MR mediante Pranayama, durante 6 semanas (5 sesiones/semana). Los resultados se midieron en relacion con la funcion de la MR mediante las p…

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Comparing counseling and dignity therapies in home care patients: A pilot study

AbstractObjective:Several studies have successfully tested psychosocial interventions in palliative care patients. Counseling is the technique most often employed. Dignity therapy (DT) has recently emerged as a tool that can be utilized to address patients' needs at the end of life. The aims of our study were to examine the effects of DT and counseling and to offer useful information that could be put into practice to better meet patients' needs.Method:We developed a pilot randomized controlled trial at the Home Care Unit of the General University Hospital of Valencia (Spain). Some 70 patients were assigned to two therapy groups. The measurement instruments employed included the Patient Dig…

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Validation of a New Instrument for Self-care in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals Nationwide.

AbstractSelf-care is a cornerstone issue for those who deal with stressful events, as it is the case of palliative care professionals. It has been related to awareness, coping with death and quality of life, among others, but no measurement instruments have been used in palliative care professionals. This research presents and validates a brief new measure with clinical and psychometric good properties, called Professional Self-Care Scale (PSCS). The PSCS assesses professionals’ self-care in three areas: physical self-care, inner self-care, and social self-care. Data come from a cross-sectional survey in a sample of 385 professionals of palliative care. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale…

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An integrative model of the subjective well-being of staff working in intellectual disability services

Abstract Background The detrimental effects of caregiving have been well documented. In order to compensate for the disadvantages of caring, research has also tried to identify factors associated to caregivers’ subjective well-being (SWB). Aims We aim at presenting an integrative model of SWB. Methods and procedures Sample consisted of 228 staff working with people with intellectual disabilities. Measures employed included three different components of self-care (social, internal and physical), mental and physical health, conscientiousness, hope, and life satisfaction. The model aimed to explain SWB, measured by life satisfaction, by several variables (self-care, mental and physical health,…

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Predicting Professional Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction in Spanish Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Dealing with suffering, grief, and death on a daily basis, together with the particular working conditions, may produce high levels of burnout in nurses, and hinder their well-being. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of self-care and self-compassion on nurses&rsquo

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