David Fofi

Étude d'un système de stéréo-vision hybride

National audience; On considère dans ce travail un système de vision hybride fixe composé d'une caméra fisheye et d'une caméra PTZ dans un environnement rigide. Nous souhaitons être en mesure d'orienter la caméra mécanisée sur une cible visible depuis l'image omnidirectionnelle de manière à obtenir une image de bonne définition de l'objet d'intérêt à partir de la caméra PTZ. Nous proposons dans cet article d'utiliser la modélisation sphérique des images ainsi que les propriétés de la géométrie épipolaire afin d'initialiser la localisation de la cible dans la caméra PTZ.

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A New Set of Quartic Trivariate Polynomial Equations for Stratified Camera Self-calibration under Zero-Skew and Constant Parameters Assumptions

This paper deals with the problem of self-calibrating a moving camera with constant parameters. We propose a new set of quartic trivariate polynomial equations in the unknown coordinates of the plane at infinity derived under the no-skew assumption. Our new equations allow to further enforce the constancy of the principal point across all images while retrieving the plane at infinity. Six such polynomials, four of which are independent, are obtained for each triplet of images. The proposed equations can be solved along with the so-called modulus constraints and allow to improve the performance of existing methods.

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Detection of surfaces for projection of texture

Augmented reality is used to improve color segmentation on human's body or on precious no touch artefacts. We propose a technique based on structured light to project texture on a real object without any contact with it. Such techniques can be apply on medical application, archeology, industrial inspection and augmented prototyping. Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision which allows shape acquisition. By projecting a light pattern onto the surface of an object and capturing images with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be found and 3D points can be reconstructed by means of triangulation.

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Special Section on Quality Control by Artificial Vision

This PDF file contains the editorial “Editorial: Special Section on Quality Control by Artificial Vision” for JEI Vol. 17 Issue 03

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Self-calibration of a PTZ Camera Using New LMI Constraints

In this paper, we propose a very reliable and flexible method for self-calibrating rotating and zooming cameras - generally referred to as PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) cameras. The proposed method employs a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) resolution approach and allows extra tunable constraints on the intrinsic parameters to be taken into account during the process of estimating these parameters. Furthermore, the considered constraints are simultaneously enforced in all views rather than in a single reference view. The results of our experiments show that the proposed approach allows for significant improvement in terms of accuracy and robustness when compared against state of the art methods.

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Mirror-based matching of catadioptric images

International audience

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Incomplete 3D motion trajectory segmentation and 2D-to-3D label transfer for dynamic scene analysis

International audience; The knowledge of the static scene parts and the moving objects in a dynamic scene plays a vital role for scene modelling, understanding, and landmark-based robot navigation. The key information for these tasks lies on semantic labels of the scene parts and the motion trajectories of the dynamic objects. In this work, we propose a method that segments the 3D feature trajectories based on their motion behaviours, and assigns them semantic labels using 2D-to-3D label transfer. These feature trajectories are constructed by using the proposed trajectory recovery algorithm which takes the loss of feature tracking into account. We introduce a complete framework for static-m…

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From medical data to simple virtual mock-up of scapulo-humeral joint

The surgical operations of shoulder joint are guided by various principles: osteosynthesis in the case of fracture, osteotomy in order to correct a deformation or to modify the functioning of the joint, or implementation of articular prosthesis. At the end of the twentieth century, many innovations in the domains of biomechanics and orthopedic surgery have been performed. Nevertheless, theoretical and practical problems may appear during the operation (visual field of surgeon is very limited, quality and shape of the bone is variable depending on the patient). Biomechanical criteria of success are defined for each intervention. For example, the installation with success of prosthetic implan…

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Evaluation Metric for Rate of Background Detection

International audience; This paper proposes an evaluation metric which derive the effectiveness of background modeling algorithms. Background modeling is a key process on developing visual surveillance systems. The requirement of adapting to dynamic environments has motivated researchers to modify existing background modeling algorithms and develop new algorithms with better adaptability. Having the algorithms developed, credentials of each of the algorithms have to be assessed to exploit their effectiveness. Various evaluation metrics have been used for evaluating the rate of foreground extraction, foreground detection, and overall accuracy. However, the rate of background detection has no…

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An efficient method for fully automatic 3D digitization of unknown objects

Our goal is to develop a complete and automatic scanning strategy with minimum prior information about the object shape. We aim to establish a methodology for the automation of the 3D digitization process. The paper presents a novel approach to determine the Next Best View (NBV) for an efficient reconstruction of highly accurate 3D models. Our method is based on the classification of the acquired surfaces into Well Visible and Barely Visible combined with a best view selection algorithm based on mean shift, which avoids unreachable positions. Our approach is applicable to all kinds of range sensors. To prove the efficiency and the robustness of our method, test objects are first scanned man…

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Novel view synthesis for projective texture mapping on real 3D objects

Industrial reproduction, as stereography or lithography, have a lack in texture information, as they only deal with 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we provide a new technique to map texture on real 3D objects, by synthesizing a novel view from two camera images to a projector frame, considered as a camera acting in reverse. No prior information on the pose or the shape of the 3D object is necessary, however hard calibration of the complete system is needed.

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A 3D Scanner for Transparent Glass

Many practical tasks in industry, such as automatic inspection or robot vision, often require the scanning of three-dimensional shapes by use of non-contact techniques. However, few methods have been proposed to measure three-dimensional shapes of transparent objects because of the difficulty of dealing with transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper presents a 3D scanner for transparent glass objects based on Scanning From Heating (SFH), a new method that makes use of local surface heating and thermal imaging.

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2D virtual texture on 3D real object with coded structured light

Augmented reality is used to improve color segmentation on human body or on precious no touch artifacts. We propose a technique to project a synthesized texture on real object without contact. Our technique can be used in medical or archaeological application. By projecting a suitable set of light patterns onto the surface of a 3D real object and by capturing images with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be found and the 3D points can be reconstructed. We aim to determine these points of correspondence between cameras and projector from a scene without explicit points and normals. We then project an adjusted texture onto the real object surface. We propose a global and automat…

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Design and Calibration of an Omni-RGB plus D Camera

International audience; In this paper, we present the design of a new camera combining both predator-like and prey-like vision features. This setup provides both a spherical RGB-view and a directional depth-view of the environment. The model and calibration of the full set-up are described. A few examples will be given to demonstrate the interest and the versatility of such camera for robotics and video surveillance at the oral presentation.

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Trois algorithmes intelligents pour la numérisation 3D automatique d'objets inconnus

National audience; Ce papier propose trois approches itératives et intelligentes de planification de vue pour la numérisation 3D d'objets sans connaissance a priori de leurs formes. La première méthode est une approche simple et naïve basée sur la génération d'un ensemble de points de vues par échantillonnage régulier de l'enveloppe englobante des données acquises. La deuxième méthode est basée sur une analyse de l'orientation des différentes parties acquises. La troisième méthode vise à explorer les parties de l'objet qui figurent dans la limite du champ de visibilité et est basée sur un couplage de la visibilité angulaire avec la visibilité réelle par lancer de rayons. Les résultats de nu…

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Tracking Moving Objects With a Catadioptric Sensor Using Particle Filter

International audience; Visual tracking in video sequences is a widely developed topic in computer vision applications. However, the emergence of panoramic vision using catadioptric sensors has created the need for new approaches in order to track an object in this type of images. Indeed the non-linear resolution and the geometric distortions due to the insertion of the mirror, make tracking in catadioptric images a very challenging task. This paper describes particle filter for tracking moving object over time using a catadioptric sensor. In this work different problems due to the specificities of the catadioptric systems such as geometry are considered. The obtained results demonstrate an…

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Adapted processing of catadioptric images using polarization imaging

A non parametric method that defines a pixel neighborhood within catadioptric images is presented in this paper. It is based on an accurate modeling of the mirror shape by using polarization imaging. Unlike the most of current processing methods in the literature, this method is non-parametric and can deal with the deformation of catadioptric images. This paper demonstrates how an appropriate neighborhood can be derived from the polarization parameters by estimation of the degree of polarization and the angle of polarization which in return directly provide an adapted neighborhood of each pixel that can be used to perform image derivation, edge detection, interest point detection and namely…

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Contributions à la Vision par Ordinateur pour les Systèmes en Lumière Structurée et les Systèmes Catadioptriques

Mes travaux de recherche concernent essentiellement la vision par ordinateur, ou vision artificielle. Basiquement, je me suis efforcé d'imaginer des dispositifs, d'étudier des algorithmes, d'intégrer des méthodes et techniques connues dans des méthodologies nouvelles, de développer çà et là des aspects théoriques originaux. Je me suis beaucoup intéressé à des systèmes de vision alternatifs comme les systèmes en lumière structurée ou catadioptriques. Ces systèmes permettent d'étudier les techniques usuelles de vision par ordinateur sous un éclairage différent, ils nous obligent à ajuster le problème aux caractéristiques qui leur sont propres ; ils permettent, en quelq…

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“Scanning from Heating” and “Shape from Fluorescence”

3D surface acquisition is a subject which has been studied to a large extent. A significant number of techniques for acquiring shape have been proposed, and a wide range of commercial solutions are available. Nevertheless, today’s systems still have difficulties when digitizing objects with non-Lambertian surfaces in the visible light spectrum, as is the case of transparent, semi-transparent or highly reflective materials (e.g. glass, crystals, some plastics and shiny metals). In this chapter, some of the issues of traditional scanning systems are addressed by considering various approaches using the radioactive properties of materials, the polarization information of the reflected light as…

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Short baseline line matching for central imaging systems

We develop a generic line matching method especially applicable to omnidirectional images taken from constructed scenes with short baseline motion where the motion of the imaging system between two views is mainly an arbitrary rotation and the translation of the camera between two views with respect to its distance to the imaged scene is negligible. We start by studying the relationship between images of lines on unitary sphere followed by proposing a simple algorithm for simultaneously matching vanishing points and lines. The developed algorithm is very simple, yet it works on images captured by all types of central imaging systems, including perspective, fish-eye and catadioptric images. …

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Visual tracking with omnidirectional cameras: an efficient approach

International audience; An effective technique for applying visual tracking algorithms to omni- directional image sequences is presented. The method is based on a spherical image representation which allows taking into account the distortions and nonlinear resolution of omnidirectional images. Experimental results show that both deterministic and probabilistic tracking methods can effectively be adapted in order to robustly track an object with an omnidirectional camera.

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Corrigendum to “Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner” [Pattern Recognition 41 (6) 2055–2067]

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Measurement of three-dimensional mirror parameters by polarization imaging applied to catadioptric camera calibration

International audience; We present a new efficient method for calibration of cata- dioptric sensors. The method is based on an accurate measurement of the three-dimensional parameters of the mirror through polariza- tion imaging. While inserting a rotating polarizer between the cam- era and the mirror, the system is automatically calibrated without any calibration patterns. Moreover, this method permits most of the constraints related to the calibration of catadioptric systems to be relaxed. We show that, contrary to our system, the traditional meth- ods of calibration are very sensitive to misalignment of the camera axis and the symmetry axis of the mirror. From the measurement of three-di…

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From Nowhere to Everywhere

International audience; This paper presents a synthetic view of a variety of projects built upon an Erasmuss Mundus Master Course. It highlights double degree programs, European credits transfer, joint PhDs, research collaborations as well as few other related European projects going from Thematic Networks to another Erasmus Mundus Course.

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Reconstruction 3D de scènes dynamiques par segmentation au sens du mouvement

National audience; L'objectif de ce travail est de reconstruire les parties sta-tiques et dynamiques d'une scène 3D à l'aide d'un robot mobile équipé d'un capteur 3D. Cette reconstruction né-cessite la classification des points 3D acquis au cours du temps en point fixe et point mobile indépendamment du dé-placement du robot. Notre méthode de segmentation utilise directement les données 3D et étudie les mouvements des objets dans la scène sans hypothèse préalable. Nous déve-loppons un algorithme complet reconstruisant les parties fixes de la scène à chaque acquisition à l'aide d'un RAN-SAC qui ne requiert que 3 points pour recaler les nuages de points. La méthode a été expérimentée sur de la…

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Registration of Surfaces Minimizing Error Propagation for a One-Shot Multi-Slit Hand-Held Scanner

We propose an algorithm for the on-line automatic registration of multiple 3D surfaces acquired in a sequence by a new hand-held laser scanner. The laser emitter is coupled with an optical lens that spreads the light forming 19 parallel slits that are projected to the scene and acquired with subpixel accuracy by a camera. Splines are used to interpolate the acquired profiles to increase the sample of points and Delaunay triangulation is used to obtain the normal vectors at every point. A point-to-plane pair-wise registration method is proposed to align the surfaces in pairs while they are acquired, conforming paths and eventually cycles that are minimized once detected. The algorithm is spe…

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Procede de commande de pulverisation, dispositif et programme correspondant

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Multimodal 2D Image to 3D Model Registration via a Mutual Alignment of Sparse and Dense Visual Features

International audience; Many fields of application could benefit from an accurate registration of measurements of different modalities over a known 3D model. However, aligning a 2D image to a 3D model is a challenging task and is even more complex when the two have a different modality. Most of the 2D/3D registration methods are based on either geometric or dense visual features. Both have their own advantages and their own drawbacks. We propose, in this paper, to mutually exploit the advantages of one feature type to reduce the drawbacks of the other one. For this, an hybrid registration framework has been designed to mutually align geometrical and dense visual features in order to obtain …

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Real-time Multispectral Image Processing and Registration on 3D Point Cloud for Vineyard Analysis

International audience; Nowadays, precision agriculture and precision viticulture are under strong development. In order to accomplish effective actions, robots require robust perception of the culture and the surrounding environment. Computer vision systems have to identify plant parts (branches, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc.) and their respective health status. Moreover, they must merge various plant information, to measure agronomic indices, to classify them and finally to extract data to enable the agriculturist or expert to make a relevant decision. We propose a real-time method to acquire, process and register multispectral images fused to 3D. The sensors system, co…

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Academic and Administrative Tandems in European Projects

International audience; Building and maintaining the sustainability of European projects requires advanced communication and team investment, shared working methods, common decisions and symbiosis in key items such as selection requirement and process, terms of mobility between consortium members or teaching content. It requires jointness in various perspectives, aspects and scales, with their own conditions and challenges. This abstract describes this prerequisite of jointness through the local campus of Le Creusot (University of Burgundy) for our International Programme in Computer Vision and Robotics (VIBOT). The main challenge can be summarized in one single question: How to maintain an…

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A refined range image registration technique for multi-stripe laser scanner

Nowadays, visual inspection is very important in the quality control for many industrial applications. However, the complexity of most 3D objects constrains the registration of range images; a complete surface is required to compare the acquired surface to the model. Range finders are very used to digitalize free form shape objects with large resolutions. Moreover, one single view is not enough to reconstruct the whole surface due to occlusions, shadows, etc. In these situations, the motion between reconstructed partial views are required to integrate all surfaces in a single model. However, the use of positioning systems is not always available or adequate due mainly to the size of the obj…

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Static and Dynamic Objects Analysis as a 3D Vector Field

International audience; In the context of scene modelling, understanding, and landmark-based robot navigation, the knowledge of static scene parts and moving objects with their motion behaviours plays a vital role. We present a complete framework to detect and extract the moving objects to reconstruct a high quality static map. For a moving 3D camera setup, we propose a novel 3D Flow Field Analysis approach which accurately detects the moving objects using only 3D point cloud information. Further, we introduce a Sparse Flow Clustering approach to effectively and robustly group the motion flow vectors. Experiments show that the proposed Flow Field Analysis algorithm and Sparse Flow Clusterin…

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Video-Based Heartbeat Rate Measuring Method Using Ballistocardiography

International audience; Video-based heartbeat rate measurement is a rapidly growing application in remote health monitoring. Video-based heartbeat rate measuring methods operate mainly by estimating photoplethysmography or ballistocardiography signals. These methods operate by estimating the microscopic color change in the face or by estimating the microscopic rigid motion of the head/facial skin. However, the robustness to motion artifacts caused by illumination variance and motion variance of the subject poses main challenge. We present a video-based heartbeat rate measuring framework to overcome these problems by using the principle of ballistocardiography. In this paper, we proposed a b…

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Stereo calibration of non-overlapping field of view heterogeneous cameras for calibrating surgicalmicroscope with external tracking camera

International audience

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Une approche performante de suivi visuel pour les caméras catadioptriques

Session "Posters"; National audience; Dans cet article, nous proposons une méthode performante permettant d'appliquer des algorithmes de suivi visuel à des images catadioptriques. Cette méthode est basée sur une représentation sphérique de l'image qui permet de prendre en compte les distorsions et la résolution non-uniforme des images catadioptriques. Les résultats expérimentaux proposés démontrent que les méthodes probabilistes et déterministes peuvent être adaptées de manière à suivre un objet avec précision dans une séquence d'images catadioptriques

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Efficient Pruning LMI Conditions for Branch-and-Prune Rank and Chirality-Constrained Estimation of the Dual Absolute Quadric

International audience; We present a new globally optimal algorithm for self- calibrating a moving camera with constant parameters. Our method aims at estimating the Dual Absolute Quadric (DAQ) under the rank-3 and, optionally, camera centers chirality constraints. We employ the Branch-and-Prune paradigm and explore the space of only 5 parameters. Pruning in our method relies on solving Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) feasibility and Generalized Eigenvalue (GEV) problems that solely depend upon the entries of the DAQ. These LMI and GEV problems are used to rule out branches in the search tree in which a quadric not satisfy- ing the rank and chirality conditions on camera centers is guarantee…

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Uncalibrated Reconstruction: An Adaptation to Structured Light Vision

Abstract Euclidean reconstruction from two uncalibrated stereoscopic views is achievable from the knowledge of geometrical constraints about the environment. Unfortunately, these constraints may be quite difficult to obtain. In this paper, we propose an approach based on structured lighting, which has the advantage of providing geometrical constraints independent of the scene geometry. Moreover, the use of structured light provides a unique solution to the tricky correspondence problem present in stereovision. The projection matrices are first computed by using a canonical representation, and a projective reconstruction is performed. Then, several constraints are generated from the image an…

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Registration of moving surfaces by means of one-shot laser projection

The acquisition of three-dimensional models of a given surface is a very interesting subject in computer vision. Most of techniques are based on the use of laser range finders coupled to a mechanical system that scans the surface. These techniques lacks of accuracy in the presence of vibrations or non-controlled surface motion because of the misalignments between the acquired images. In this paper, we propose a new one-shot pattern which benefits from the use of registration techniques to recover a whole surface in the presence of non-controlled motion.

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A Generic Method of Line Matching for Central Imaging Systems under Short-Baseline Motion

Line matching across images taken by a central imaging system (perspective or catadioptric) with focus on short baseline motion of the system is proposed. The relationship between images of lines on unitary sphere is studied and a simple algorithm for matching lines are proposed assuming the rotation of the system is known apriori or it can be estimated from some correspondences in two views. Two methods are discussed for retrieving R in the case it is not known apriori. Experimental results on both synthetic and real images are also presented.

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(Omni-)Pola-Catadioptric Vision: Ideas and Experiments

International audience

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A Review of Recent Range Image Registration Methods with Accuracy Evaluation

International audience; The three-dimensional reconstruction of real objects is an important topic in computer vision. Most of the acquisition systems are limited to reconstruct a partial view of the object obtaining in blind areas and occlusions, while in most applications a full reconstruction is required. Many authors have proposed techniques to fuse 3D surfaces by determining the motion between the different views. The first problem is related to obtaining a rough registration when such motion is not available. The second one is focused on obtaining a fine registration from an initial approximation. In this paper, a survey of the most common techniques is presented. Furthermore, a sampl…

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Bi-objective Framework for Sensor Fusion in RGB-D Multi-View Systems: Applications in Calibration

Complete and textured 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes has been facilitated by mapped RGB and depth information acquired by RGB-D cameras based multi-view systems. One of the most critical steps in such multi-view systems is to determine the relative poses of all cameras via a process known as extrinsic calibration. In this work, we propose a sensor fusion framework based on a weighted bi-objective optimization for refinement of extrinsic calibration tailored for RGB-D multi-view systems. The weighted bi-objective cost function, which makes use of 2D information from RGB images and 3D information from depth images, is analytically derived via the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method. The weigh…

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Polarization-based Robot Orientation and Navigation

From insects in your garden to creatures in the sea, inspiration can be drawn from nature to design a whole new class of smart robotic devices. These smart machines may move like living creatures. They can be launched toward a specific target for a pre-defined task. Bio-inspiration is developing to meet the needs of many challenges particularly in machine vision. Some species in the animal kingdom like cephalopods, crustaceans and insects are distinguished with their visual capabilities which are strongly improved by means of polarization. This work surveys the most recent research in the area of bio-inspired polarization based robot orientation and navigation. Firstly, the authors will bri…

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Structure from motion using a hybrid stereo-vision system

International audience; This paper is dedicated to robotic navigation using an original hybrid-vision setup combining the advantages offered by two different types of camera. This couple of cameras is composed of one perspective camera associated with one fisheye camera. This kind of configuration , is also known under the name of foveated vision system since it is inspired by the human vision system and allows both a wide field of view and a detail front view of the scene. Here, we propose a generic and robust approach for SFM, which is compatible with a very broad spectrum of multi-camera vision systems, suitable for perspective and om-nidirectional cameras, with or without overlapping fi…

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Visual Behaviour Based Bio-Inspired Polarization Techniques in Computer Vision and Robotics

For long time, it was thought that the sensing of polarization by animals is invariably related to their behavior, such as navigation and orientation. Recently, it was found that polarization can be part of a high-level visual perception, permitting a wide area of vision applications. Polarization vision can be used for most tasks of color vision including object recognition, contrast enhancement, camouflage breaking, and signal detection and discrimination. The polarization based visual behavior found in the animal kingdom is briefly covered. Then, the authors go in depth with the bio-inspired applications based on polarization in computer vision and robotics. The aim is to have a comprehe…

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Scanning From Heating: 3D Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects from Local Surface Heating

International audience

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Line based motion estimation and reconstruction of piece-wise planar scenes

We present an algorithm for reconstruction of piece-wise planar scenes from only two views and based on minimum line correspondences. We first recover camera rotation by matching vanishing points based on the methods already exist in the literature and then recover the camera translation by searching among a family of hypothesized planes passing through one line. Unlike algorithms based on line segments, the presented algorithm does not require an overlap between two line segments or more that one line correspondence across more than two views to recover the translation and achieves the goal by exploiting photometric constraints of the surface around the line. Experimental results on real i…

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Promotion et Développement d'un Master Erasmus Mundus - L'Exemple du VIBOT

Cet article decrit l’offre de formation a l’internationale proposee au Centre Universitaire Condorcet du Creusot (Universite de Bourgogne) dans le domaine de la vision par ordinateur et de la robotique. Il presente l’organisation particuliere de ces formations et les actions de support mises en place pour en assurer la perennite.

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Design and calibration of an omni-RGB+D camera

International audience; In this paper, we present the design of a new camera combining both predator-like and prey-like vision features. This setup provides both a spherical RGB-view and a directional depth-view of the environment. The model and calibration of the full setup are described. A few examples will be given to demonstrate the interest and the versatility of such camera for robotics and video surveillance at the oral presentation.

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Design and Calibration of a Specialized Polydioptric Camera Rig

International audience; It has been observed in the nature that all creatures have evolved highly exclusive sensory organs depending on their habitat and the form of resources availability for their survival. In this project, a novel omnidirectional camera rig, inspired from natural vision sensors, is proposed. It is exclusively designed to operate for highly specified tasks in the field of mobile robotics. Navigation problems on uneven terrains and detection of the moving objects while the robot is itself in motion are the core problems that omnidirectional systems tackle. The proposed omnidirectional system is a compact and a rigid vision system with dioptric cameras that provide a 360° f…

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Fast Earth Mover's Distance Computation for Catadioptric Image Sequences

International audience; Earth mover's distance is one of the most effective metric for comparing histograms in various image retrieval applications. The main drawback is its computational complexity which hinders its usage in various comparison tasks. We propose fast earth mover's distance computation by providing better initialization to the transportation simplex algorithm. The new approach enables faster EMD computation in Visual Memory (VM) compared to the state of the art methods. The new proposed strategy computes earth mover distance without compromising its accuracy.

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Line Segment Based Structure and Motion from Two Views: a Practical Issue

International audience

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Effect of Motion Artifact on Digital Camera Based Heart Rate Measurement

International audience; Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders, burdening many people world-wide. A system with the potential of serving as a decision support system is proposed, based on novel features extracted from facial expression geometry and speech, by interpreting non-verbal manifestations of depression. The proposed system has been tested both in gender independent and gender based modes, and with different fusion methods. The algorithms were evaluated for several combinations of parameters and classification schemes, on the dataset provided by the Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge of 2013 and 2014. The proposed framework achieved a precision of 94.8% for detecting p…

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View planning algorithms for fully automatic 3D acquisition of unknown objects

International audience; This paper addresses the view planning problem for the digitization of 3D objects without prior knowledge on their shape and presents a novel method called Orientation, Angle and Covering (OAC). The proposed method is based on a combination of two concepts: the Mass Vector Chains (MVC) and the Measurability Matrix. The MVC allows to define the global orientation of the scanned part. All of the view points are sorted using an orientation criterion to define a first set of candidates for the Next Best View (NBV). The Measurability Matrix allows to determine the coverage rate for each candidate. The covering criterion leads to reduce the number of view points of the fir…

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Scanning from heating: 3D shape estimation of transparent objects from local surface heating.

Today, with quality becoming increasingly important, each product requires three-dimensional in-line quality control. On the other hand, the 3D reconstruction of transparent objects is a very difficult problem in computer vision due to transparency and specularity of the surface. This paper proposes a new method, called Scanning From Heating (SFH), to determine the surface shape of transparent objects using laser surface heating and thermal imaging. Furthermore, the application to transparent glass is discussed and results on different surface shapes are presented.

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Bio-Inspired Polarization Vision Techniques for Robotics Applications

Researchers have been inspired by nature to build the next generation of smart robots. Based on the mechanisms adopted by the animal kingdom, research teams have developed solutions to common problems that autonomous robots faced while performing basic tasks. Polarization-based behaviour is one of the most distinctive features of some species of the animal kingdom. Light polarization parameters significantly expand visual capabilities of autonomous robots. Polarization vision can be used for most tasks of color vision, like object recognition, contrast enhancement, camouflage breaking, and signal detection and discrimination. In this chapter, the authors briefly cover polarization-based vis…

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Two View Line-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Planar Scenes

We present an algorithm for reconstruction of piece-wise planar scenes from only two views and based on minimum line correspondences. We first recover camera rotation by matching vanishing points based on the methods already exist in the literature and then recover the camera translation by searching among a family of hypothesized planes passing through one line. Unlike algorithms based on line segments, the presented algorithm does not require an overlap between two line segments or more that one line correspon- dence across more than two views to recover the translation and achieves the goal by exploiting photometric constraints of the surface around the line. Experimental results on real…

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Optimal Source Selection for Image Photoplethysmography

International audience; This paper presents an optimal selection on the region of interest (ROI) and color spaces to extract photoplethysmography signals from facial videos. The study is carried out under two sections; ROI selection and color space selection. We compared five different ROI selection for different regions of the face. We also investigated three color spectrums namely additive, perceptual and orthogonal color spaces. The study experimented on the publicly available human-computer interaction (HCI) database. When evaluated on 30 subjects, the results showed that the ROI selection on the forehead and the green spectrum of the additive color space to provides higher accuracy for…

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SHARP 2020: The 1st Shape Recovery from Partial Textured 3D Scans Challenge Results

The SHApe Recovery from Partial textured 3D scans challenge, SHARP 2020, is the first edition of a challenge fostering and benchmarking methods for recovering complete textured 3D scans from raw incomplete data. SHARP 2020 is organised as a workshop in conjunction with ECCV 2020. There are two complementary challenges, the first one on 3D human scans, and the second one on generic objects. Challenge 1 is further split into two tracks, focusing, first, on large body and clothing regions, and, second, on fine body details. A novel evaluation metric is proposed to quantify jointly the shape reconstruction, the texture reconstruction and the amount of completed data. Additionally, two unique da…

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Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction and Enhancement

International audience; In this paper, we present a 3D reconstruction and enhancement approach for high quality dynamic city scene reconstructions. We first detect and segment the moving objects using 3D Motion Segmenta-tion approach by exploiting the feature trajectories' behaviours. Getting the segmentations of both the dynamic scene parts and the static scene parts, we propose an efficient point cloud registration approach which takes the advantages of 3-point RANSAC and Iterative Closest Points algorithms to produce precise point cloud alignment. Furthermore, we proposed a point cloud smoothing and texture mapping framework to enhance the results of reconstructions for both the static a…

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3D reconstruction of transparent objects exploiting surface fluorescence caused by UV irradiation

In this paper, we present a novel approach exploiting fluorescence imaging to estimate the shape of transparent objects. Classical inspection systems require users to coat transparent objects with some powder before measurement. Methods suggested in literature through non contact measurement do not effectively deal with the refraction problem, thus, providing inaccuracies. The proposed method handles the scanning of transparent objects without using any powder and solving the refraction problem using UV environment. A classical triangulation method based on stereovision scheme using fixed stereoscopic visible range cameras with a fixed UV (Ultra Violet) laser source is implemented. Transpar…

research product

Robotics Studies in Europe

This paper describes the organization and teaching methodologies for mechanics and robotics related subjects in the European Erasmus Mundus master programmes EMARO (European master in Advanced Robotics), and VIBOT (master courses in VIsion & roBOTics). The structure of these masters is overviewed, the experience in designing and managing them is outlined and we point out the common effort for a global reach of these programmes and to build a transnational teaching architecture.

research product

View Planning Approach for Automatic 3D Digitization of Unknown Objects

International audience; This paper addresses the view planning problem for the digitization of 3D objects without prior knowledge on their shape and presents a novel surface approach for the Next Best View (NBV) computation. The proposed method uses the concept of Mass Vector Chains (MVC) to define the global orientation of the scanned part. All of the viewpoints satisfying an orientation constraint are clustered using the Mean Shift technique to construct a first set of candidates for the NBV. Then, a weight is assigned to each mode according to the elementary orientations of its different descriptors. The NBV is chosen among the modes with the highest weights and which comply with the rob…

research product

Sub-optimal waypoints, UAV path planning and mosaicing application

International audience; Create a complete system of video surveillance using camera mounted on a robot like UAV to maintain optimized vast area coverage and reconstruct an image by using mosaicing techniques. This paper demonstrated the efficiency of using one UAV to cover vast area using optimized positions.

research product