

Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP

Alessandra De RosaPhil UttleyLijun GouYuan LiuCosimo BambiDidier BarretTomaso BelloniEmanuele BertiStefano BianchiIlaria CaiazzoPiergiorgio CasellaMarco FerociValeria FerrariLeonardo GualtieriJeremy HeylAdam IngramVladimir KarasFangjun LuBin LuoGiorgio MattSara MottaJoseph NeilsenPaolo PaniAndrea SantangeloXinwen ShuJunfeng WangJian-min WangYongquan XueYupeng XuWeimin YuanYefei YuanShuang-nan ZhangShu ZhangIvan AgudoLorenzo AmatiNils AnderssonCristina BaglioPavel BakalaAltan BaykalSudip BhattacharyyaIgnazio BombaciNiccolò BucciantiniFiamma CapitanioRiccardo CiolfiWei K. CuiFilippo D'ammandoThomas DauserMelania Del SantoBarbara De MarcoTiziana Di SalvoChris DoneMichal DovčiakAndrew C. FabianMaurizio FalangaAngelo Francesco GambinoBruce GendreVictoria GrinbergAlexander HegerJeroen HomanRosario IariaJiachen JiangChichuan JinElmar KoerdingManu LinaresZhu LiuThomas J. MaccaroneJulien MalzacAntonios ManousakisFrédéric MarinAndrea MarinucciMissagh MehdipourMariano MéndezSimone MigliariCole MillerGiovanni MiniuttiEmanuele NardiniPaul T. O'brienJulian P. OsbornePierre Olivier PetrucciAndrea PossentiAlessandro RiggioJerome RodriguezAndrea SannaLijing ShaoMalgosia SobolewskaEva SramkovaAbigail L. StevensHolger StieleGiulia StrattaZdenek StuchlikJiri SvobodaFabrizio TamburiniThomas M. TaurisFrancesco TombesiGabriel TörökMartin UrbanecFrederic VincentQingwen WuFeng YuanJean J. M. In't ZandAndrzej A. ZdziarskiXinlin ZhouAlessandra De RosaWei CuiFilippo D’ammandoAndrew FabianThomas MaccaronePaul O’brienJulian OsborneAbigail StevensThomas TaurisJean In’ T ZandAndrzej Zdziarski


ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEIAccretionaccretion; black holes physics; X-ray; Physics and Astronomy (all)black holes physicAstronomyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaBlack holes physicsPolarimetryFOS: Physical sciencesBLACK-HOLE SPINGeneral Physics and AstronomyStrong fieldAstrophysicsAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics01 natural sciencesX-rayPhysics and Astronomy (all)ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONSettore FIS/05 - Astronomia e Astrofisicablack holes physicsaccretion0103 physical sciencesAstrophysics::Solar and Stellar Astrophysics010306 general physics010303 astronomy & astrophysicsAstrophysics::Galaxy AstrophysicsHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)XMM-NEWTONPhysicsLENS-THIRRING PRECESSION[SDU.ASTR]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]QUASI-PERIODIC OSCILLATIONS[SDU.ASTR.HE]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]IRON KAccretion (astrophysics)X ray[SDU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]ULTRA-FAST OUTFLOWSAstrophysics::Earth and Planetary AstrophysicsSPECTRAL FEATURESAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]X-RAY BINARIES


In this paper we describe the potential of the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission for studies related to accretion flows in the strong field gravity regime around both stellar-mass and supermassive black-holes. eXTP has the unique capability of using advanced 'spectral-timing-polarimetry' techniques to analyze the rapid variations with three orthogonal diagnostics of the flow and its geometry, yielding unprecedented insight into the inner accreting regions, the effects of strong field gravity on the material within them and the powerful outflows which are driven by the accretion process.
