showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Traumatologie der Gelenke
Gelenke sind mechanische Funktionseinheiten mit charakteristischem Aufbau und typischen Strukturen (Abb. 109).
Mathematical models for the processing of data from binding radioassays; transformations and approximations
Valencia y la peste de Marsella de 1720
Проблемы научного управления социалистическим обществом. Выпуск 3
В сборнике освещаются актуальные проблемы совершенствования научного управления производственными объединениями, материально-техническим обеспечением производства, социальным развитием и социальным планированием коллективов, процессами развития социалистического образа жизни. Ряд статей посвящен вопросам роли классификации и функционирования тех или иных видов социальной информации в управлении социалистическим обществом, информационного обеспечения АСУ.
Alcoy: la crisis textil de 1965 y sus repercusiones
Multiple Choice-Fragen
Chirurgie der Sehnen
Die Sehnen gehoren, wie z.B. Cornea, Linse, Bander, Faszien und Menisken zum bradytrophen Bindegewebe, d.h. sie unterliegen einem besonderen Stoffwechsel. Die Versorgung erfolgt zu 1/3 durch den zugehorigen Muskel, zu 1/3 durch das Periost an der Insertionsstelle und zu 1/3 durch den Lymphstrom zwischen Peritenon und Sehne. Histologisch handelt es sich um kollagenes Bindegewebe, welches nur in einer Richtung auf Zug beansprucht wird; deshalb ist der Faserverlauf parallel.
Unfallchirurgie im Kindesalter
Unfallverletzungen im Kindesalter weisen in mehrerer Hinsicht Besonderheiten auf. Der Bewegungs- und Erforschungsdrang in diesem Lebensabschnitt steht in umgekehrtem Verhaltnis zur Erfahrung und Vorsicht. Dies fuhrt zu einer erheblichen Unfallgefahrdung. So sind bis zum 15. Lebensjahr 30 bis 50% aller Todesfalle auf diese Ursache zuruckzufuhren, davon allein die Halfte auf den Strasenverkehr, 1/5 bis 1/10 auf Ertrinken. Die absolute Zahl zum Tode fuhrender Unfalle bei Kindern betragt zur Zeit in der Bundesrepublik ca. 3600/Jahr, d.h. 10 Falle taglich. Fur die Gesamtzahl der Verletzungen in diesem Alter ergeben grose Statistiken pro todlichen Unfall noch: 2 Unfalle mit bleibenden Restschaden…
Sudrabaino mākoņu novērojumu žurnāls, 1976: Sigulda
Digitalizēts mezosfēras mākoņu 1976. gada SIGULDAS novērojumu žurnāls: novērojumu sezonas naktis, novērotāji, MK identifikācija, meteoroloģiskā situācija, informācija par uzņemtajām fotogrāfijām. --//-- Mesospheric cloud observation data in Sigulda, 1976, digitized observation log: observation season nights, observers, MC identification, meteorological situation, information about the photos taken.
35. zinātniskās konferences programma un ielūgums (konference veltīta PSKP 25. kongresam)
“Se une toda la oposición democrática española”. Anuncia José Vidal-Beneyto, Coordinador Exterior de la Junta Democrática de España.
El área de influencia de Xàtiva
Применение математических методов в экономических исследованиях. Выпуск 1
Moratín y la crisis del Antiguo Régimen
Imidazolsynthesen, 7. Mitt.: Imidazole aus Iminoestern, α-Amino- oder α-Acylaminoketonen und flüssigem Ammoniak
Substituierte Imidazole 4 lassen sich aus Iminoestern 1 und α-Amino-2 oder α-Acylaminoketonen 3 in flussigem Ammoniak unter Druck darstellen.
The Permocarboniferous Basin and Range Province of Europe. An Application op Plate Tectonics
Distribution and development of European late Hercynian intermontane troughs and associated volcanicity are related to an upper mantle diapir which formed above two subduction zones during the Hercynian cycle of orogenesis. Lateral spreading of the diapir caused regional extension of the previously folded crust and enabled tholeiitic magmas from the upper mantle and rhyolitic magmas from the lower crust to reach the surface.
Zusammenfassung der Diskussion zum Thema:„Spezielle Notfälle aus der Sicht der Fachgebiete“
Special Neuropathology — Morphology and Biology of the Space-Occupying and Atrophic Processes with Their Related Neuroradiological Changes
Site and expansion of the space-occupying and atrophic processes are to a certain degree type-specific. The neuroradiologist must therefore familiarize himself with the various kinds of disease processes.
‘Ags. wlanc: alcune annotazioni’
Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on local strong and Coulomb potentials in the three-nucleon system. Attempts to use local potentials in three-nucleon calculations with the Faddeev equations are impeded by the fact that for increasing energies contributions from higher and higher subsystem, angular momentum states become important, which quickly make the system of coupled equations unwieldy. However, if long-range interactions such as the Coulomb potential were added, such a procedure would not be useful at all. Several approaches exist that deal with the problems arising from the infinite range of the latter. In the work of Noble and Bencze, the Faddeev equations are modified so that…
Polimeryzacja mieszaniny etylenu z solą wapniową kwasu akrylowego na katalizatorach metaloorganicznych
Zbadano proces polimeryzacji mieszaniny etylenu z akrylanem wapnia na trzech wybranych kompleksach metaloorganicznych. Stwierdzono możliwość kopolimeryzacji soli akrylowych na katalizatorach Zieglera-Natty.
Abstract The novel ionic complexes [(C6H5)4As]2 [(CH3)3PtX3](X = Cl− and Br−) and [(CH3)3Pt(bipy)L]+[B(C6H5)4]− (bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, L = aliphatic and aromatic isocyanide) have been prepared. The structure of the complex ions has been inferred from Laser-Raman and infrared spectra in the solid state and 1H NMR in solution. These data are consistent with a facial configuration of the organometallic moiety. Trends in vibrational frequencies ν(Pt-C) and ν(Pt-X) indicate a “trans” influence sequence for the ligands, which in the case of (CH3)3PtX2- 3 is related with that found for (CH3)2AuX− 2 ions.
Estimadores lineales mínimo sesgo-mínima varianza (BLIMBE's) : una aproximación libre de coordenadas
Chain conformation and structure in amorphous polymers as revealed by X-ray, neutron, light and electron diffraction
Abstract The physical structure of the melt, the supercooled melt, and the glassy state of amorphous polymers can be characterized by the chain conformation, the local order, and the morphology. The conformation was studied by small-angle neutron scattering. The local order was characterized by pair distribution functions which were derived from electron scattering curves. In addition, model calculations were used to gain information about short-range order. The morphology was studied by means of light scattering (density and anisotropy fluctuations), small-angle X-ray scattering (density fluctuations), and magnetic birefringence measurements (orientational order). Experiments were performe…
Madrid, villa y corte, ante la Peste de Valencia de 1647-1648
Peer reviewed
Dues àpoques de moriscs a l'Arxiu de Cullera
La obstinación de los hechos
El ducado de Gandía en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII: estudio especial de los gremios
Furs de València, A cura de G. COLÓN i A. GARCÍA, Volumen II, [Reseña] Editorial Barcino, Barcelona, 1974, 274 págs.
Reseña de Furs de València, A cura de G. COLÓN i A. GARCÍA.
La democracia-ficción
Se desconoce si la versión original del artículo fue publicada en alguna revista política de su tiempo. En cualquier caso, el texto puede consultarse en: Vidal-Beneyto, José (1977). Del Franquismo a una democracia de clase (pp. 59-67). Torrejón de Ardoz: Akal.
Determination of radioactivity-labelled derivatives of [8-14C]-6-mercaptopurine in homogenates of L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells using high-pressure liq…
Corneal Oxygen Supply Conditions
Pronounced cornea hypoxia induces swelling and a loss of transparency. Hypoxia of longer duration causes necrosis, particularly of the corneal endothelium. These findings were observed after ligation of the cilial arteries and the arteria carotis interna, after reduction of oxygen tension on the anterior corneal surface as well as after prolonged wearing of ill-fitted contact lenses (11, 15, 18, 22, 23). Because the normal function of the corneal endothelium plays a central role in maintaining transparency, an insufficient endothelial oxygen supply can directly influence vision (3, 17).
Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) y el nacimiento de la medicina legal contemporánea
El nacimiento de la medicina legal contemporánea y Cesare Lombroso
Profesors Artūrs Liede: personālais literatūras rādītājs
Saturs: Priekšvārds. Juridisko zinātņu doktors profesors Artūrs Liede / K. Torgāns, E. Meļķisis, A. Reigase /Profesora A. Liedes publicētie darbi. (1938.-1975.) Profesora A. Liedes rediģētie darbi. Raksti par profesoru A. Liedi. Profesora A. Liedes darbu alfabētiskais rādītājs.
The Role of Tissue Pressure and Bulk Flow in the Formation and Resolution of Cold-Induced Edema
The mechanisms responsible for the dynamics of cold-induced edema, its spread and resolution, were examined. The findings indicate that bulk flow and not diffusion should be considered as the main mechanism for the edema spreading through the extracellular spaces of the white matter.