showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Investigaciones arqueológicas en Cova de la Recambra, Gandía (Valencia)


Materiales líticosNeolíticoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaRestos humanosCerámicaEneolíticoExcavación:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

Coûts et avantages de l'éducation


International audience

Coût de l'éducationFinancement de l'éducationThéorie du capital humain[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationEnseignement secondaireRendement de l'éducationComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEnseignement supérieurEnseignement primaire

Cerebral Oxygen Supply in Brain Edema and During Ventriculo-Cisternal Perfusion


Numerous brain injuries and brain tumors lead to edema in brain tissue which can have consequences for the oxygen supply to the damaged tissue as well as to adjacent tissue areas. In studies made of the blood flow and oxygen supply in perifocal edematous tissue of brain tumors and lesions in patients undergoing various brain operations a direct relationship between the regional blood flow and the water content could be demonstrated (3). As the water content of the tissue increased, the blood flow through it diminished. In many cases, the reduction of the blood flow in the brain tissue induced an insufficient oxygen supply. In the tissue samples under investigation, the CrP and ATP concentra…

Pathologymedicine.medical_specialtyVentriculo cisternal perfusionbusiness.industryBrain edemaBlood flowCerebral blood flowEdemaMedicineIn patientCerebral perfusion pressuremedicine.symptomCerebral oxygenbusiness

Les fibules de Bibracte, chronologie et typologie


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Instrumente zur Endoskopie des Analkanals und Rectums


In der Besprechung des endoskopischen Instrumentariums und der Zusatzgerate wird auf allgemeine Merkmale und die wesentlichen Prinzipien eingegangen, weil die Instrumente von Firma zu Firma leicht variieren und uberdies standig modifiziert werden. Einzelheiten konnen aus Firmenprospekten entnommen werden (Wolf/Knittlingen ; Storz/Tuttlingen).

Fisteln (recto-vaginale, -vesicale)


Klinisch manifeste Fisteln — Stuhl aus der Vagina, Luft aus der Hanrohre — sind endoskopisch oftmals nur schwer nachzuweisen, weil der Fistelgang in odematos geschwollener Schleimhaut verborgen liegt. Grosere Defekte finden sich besonders nach Bestrahlungen und bei Morbus Crohn.

Side-Effects of High-Dose Dicloxacillin Therapy


The limiting toxic factor in high-dose penicillin therapy seems to be the effect on the central nervous system. In comparison with other semisynthetic penicillins dicloxacillin is the most neurotoxic in rabbits, as previous studies have shown (11). In rabbits neurotoxic serum levels also produce hemolysis. Cloxacillin, oxacillin and carbenicillin showed to be less neurotoxic and did not induce hemolysis. The present study was undertaken to determine whether in high-dose dicloxacillin therapy hemolysis is likely in man and is, therefore, of clinical importance.

business.industryInterstitial nephritisCentral nervous systemPharmacologyCarbenicillinmedicine.diseaseDicloxacillinHemolysisPenicillinchemistry.chemical_compoundmedicine.anatomical_structureCloxacillinchemistrypolycyclic compoundsmedicineUric acidbusinessmedicine.drug

En torno a las staseis atenienses del siglo VI A. C.


Grupos políticosOrganizaciones políticasUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaSemántica:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

On a peculiar metabasite in hercynian phyllites (sicily)


On the basis of a mineralogical, petrological and chemical study of a “greenstone” complex intercalated in a phyllitic formation in the Western Peloritani Mountains, two main rock types can be distinguished: amphibole-chlorite metabasite (with traces of an old generation of glaucophane), and albite metabasite. The two rock types show considerable differences in composition, a consequence of sodium metasomatism. The study indicates that the greenstone complex is a metaspilite.

AlbiteGeophysicsGeochemistry and PetrologyGlaucophaneengineeringGeochemistryRock typesengineering.materialMetasomatismGeologyTMPM Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen

Statistics of Urolithiasis


The data of 1000 stone patients, (1) in fig.1, acauired through the questionnaire “Harnstein-Statistik” (2), see (1), were transferred to three computer cards per patient. The questionnaire comprises 147 items relevant to urolith pathogenesis. A computer program makes the correlation of these 8 parameters possible: male, female, flexible age groups, stone components, stone types, diagnoses, electrolytes, and infections. Under stone specific data (I) the distribution of the 22 stone components which were considered (see table 1) is listed according to sex, the kind of stone release, stone localisation, and various frequency distributions (4). The correlation of stone components with 6 stone …

Urinary infectionStone patientAge groupsbusiness.industryDentistryMedicinebusiness

Zusammenfassung der Diskussion zum Thema: „Pathologische und pathophysiologische Grundlagen respiratorischer Störungen“



La inmigración en castellón de la Plana durante los siglos XV, XVI y XVII


UNESCO::HISTORIAGeografíaGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

HGH secretion after oral application of l-Dopa and l-Carbiodopa


The stimulatory effect of L-Dopa and L-Carbidopa (Nacom) on HGH secretion was determined in 12 children of normal height aged from 6 to 14 years. Each child received a standard dose of 250 mg L-Dopa and 25 mg L-Carbidopa p.o. HGH concentration in the serum was determined at standard intervals. All subjects showed a sufficient increase of HGH. The mean value was 19.6 ng/ml. According to the maximum values of the HGH concentration the sample can be divided into two groups; the first group reached the highest values after 20--40 min, the second one after 60--90 min. On evaluation of the curve of the mean values it appears that 2 blood samples taken 40 and 90 min after the ingestion of L-Dopa a…

endocrine systemmedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryMean valueStimulationGeneral MedicineGrowth hormoneEndocrinologyInternal medicineCarbidopaPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthMedicineIngestionRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingSecretionOral applicationbusinesshormones hormone substitutes and hormone antagonistsmedicine.drugEuropean Journal of Pediatrics

Reforma de estudios en la Universidad de Valencia. el plan de estudios del rector Blasco en 1786



Historia de las universidadesUniversitat de València

'Gli enigmi del Codice Exoniense: una ricerca bibliografica'



La méthode hypothético-déductive et les raisonnements en termes de 'comme si' en économique: illustration par la théorie moderne du marché financier"


International audience

comme siFriedmanréalisme des hypothèses[ SHS.ECO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economies and finances[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceméthodologieComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSPopper

Tratamiento estadistico de precipitacion aplicado al Pais Valenciano


PrecipitacionesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaClimas:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Análisis estadístico

Estudio factorial de las escalas clínicas del MMPI en neuróticos


UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaTests de personalidadNeurosis:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Análisis factorial

Una solución católica al problema de la regeneración del hombre español: Miguel Fenollera (Valencia 1880-1941)


Konkordija Zelmenis 50 gados, 1924-1974: darbam, zinātnei, godam, Tēvzemei


Latviešu studentu organizācijas ārvalstīsStudentu organizācijas Latvijas UniversitātēHistory of the University of LatviaLatvijas UniversitāteKonkordija ZelmenisStudent organizations at the University of Latvia:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education [Research Subject Categories]Latvijas Universitātes vēstureAkadēmiskā biedrība Zelmenis

Spain. 1975. Democracy-Fiction


DemocraciaPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónFranquismo

CORRADO VIVANTI, Lotta politica e pace religiosa in Francia fra Cinque e Seicento, Torino, Giulio Einaudi editore, 1974.


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Топологические пространства и отображения в них. Выпуск 2


Attēlojumi (matemātika)Lineārās sistēmasTopoloģiskās telpasMatemātika

Zur Stereochemie der Oxidation chiraler, tertiärer Phosphine mit Dimethylsulfoxid


Es wird uber den sterischen Verlauf der Oxidation der optisch aktiven, tertiaren Phosphine 3 and 4 mit Dimethylsulfoxid berichtet. Diese Umsetzung verlauft nur in Gegenwart elektrophiler Katalysatoren (Tabelle 1). Je nach Art and Menge des Katalysators zeigt die Stereochemie der Reaktion entweder uberwiegende Inversion oder Retention der Konfiguration am Phosphor an (Tabellen 2, 3); in einigen Fallen wird jedoch fast vollstandige Racemisierung beobachtet (Tabelle3). Auf der Grundlage dieser stereochemischen Resultate werden mogliche Mechanismen fur diese Umsetzung diskutiert. The Sterochemistry of the Oxidation of Chiral Tertiary Phosphines by Means of Dimethyl Sulfoxide The steric course o…

Steric effectsReaction mechanismDimethyl sulfoxideStereochemistryOrganic ChemistryOptically activeCatalysislaw.inventionchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistrylawElectrophilePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryWalden inversionPhosphineJustus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie

H2-Antihistaminica, 1. Mitt.: 2-Substituierte 4-[[2-(N′-Methyl-thioureido)-äthylmercapto]-methyl]-imidazole


Es wird die Synthese der 2-substituierten 4-[[2-(N′-Methylthioureido)-athylmercapto]-methyl]-imidazole 5a–f als potentielle H2-Antihistaminica beschrieben. Ausgehend von den Imidazol-4-carbinolen 3a–f lassen sich die 2-substituierten 4-[(2-Amino-athylmercapto)-methyl]-imidazole 4a–f durch saurekatalysierte Reaktion mit Cysteamin darstellen und mit Methylisothiocyanat in die entsprechenden Thioharnstoffderivate 5 uberfuhren. 2-Substituted 4-[[2-(N′-Methyl-thioureido)-ethylmercapto]-methyl]-imidazoles The synthesis of 2-substituted 4-[[2-(Ns′-methyl-thioureido)-ethylmercapto]-methyl]-imidazoles 5a–f, as potential H2-antihistaminics, is described. The acid catalyzed reaction of the imidazole-4…

chemistry.chemical_compoundMethyl isothiocyanatechemistryThioureaStereochemistryAcid catalyzedDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical ScienceImidazoleCysteamineArchiv der Pharmazie

Las relaciones comerciales de la Corona de Aragón con los alemanes y saboyanos. 'Dret alemà y saboyà' (1420-1694)


DocumentosImpuestosUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Comercio

Elämää Suomen sotaväessä Kaarle X Kustaan aikana


Derecho y propiedad en la España liberal


Tránsito de la propiedad feudal hacia la propiedad liberal desde el punto de vista de la doctrina o ciencia jurídica.


El litoral valenciano y el avituallamiento triguero de Madrid: Hombres de 1754 y 1766


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Summary of the Discussion on the Theme “Recommendations for Parenteral Nutrition in Clinical Practice”


Clinical Practicemedicine.medical_specialtyOxalate formationParenteral nutritionbusiness.industryParenteral alimentationmedicineIntensive care medicinebusinessTheme (narrative)

Las excavaciones del Grau Vell y el puerto de la ciudad de Arse-Saguntum


Existe una tradición erudita que sitúa el puerto de la antigua ciudad de Sagunto (Valencia) en Els Estanys de Almenara (Castellón). Vamos a analizar brevemente esta tradición para demostrar que se basa en una documentación dudosa y para ver hasta qué punto pesan sobre nuestros conocimientos los aportes de la historiografía del siglo pasado, que fue elaborada con planteamientos hoy superados y que el arqueólogo tiene la obligación de contrastar críticamente.


Therapeutic properties of haemodialysis and blood exchange transfusion in organophosphate poisoning


Human blood was contaminated with nitrostigmine, dimethoate and demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide. It was then dialysed, concentrations of organophosphates were determined and dialysance values calculated. The influence of blood exchange transfusion on poison elimination as well as on the cholinesterase activity of blood, brain and muscle was studied in rats poisoned with nitrostigmine. Haemodialysis was found to be quite an effective method for eliminating demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide and dimethoate, dialysance values of 52.98 ml/min and 59.07 ml/min being found for demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide and dimethoate respectively. Nitrostigmine could not be removed by haemodialysis. These findings suggest th…

Blood transfusionmedicine.medical_treatmentCritical Care and Intensive Care MedicineOrganophosphate poisoning03 medical and health scienceschemistry.chemical_compoundOrganophosphate PoisoningOrganophosphorus Compounds0302 clinical medicineRenal DialysisAnimalsMedicineBlood Transfusion030212 general & internal medicineCholinesteraseParathionbiologyHuman bloodbusiness.industryPoisoningBlood exchange transfusionGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseAcetylcholinesteraseRats3. Good healthParathionchemistrySulfoxidesAnesthesiaAcetylcholinesterasebiology.proteinbusinessDimethoate030217 neurology & neurosurgeryEuropean Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

?Molekulare Sonden? zum Studium der elektrochemischen Doppelschicht


General MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsDie Naturwissenschaften

Changes in Cerebral Amino Acid Transport During Development


The transport of metabolites to and from the central nervous system is of considerable interest. To a greater extent than most other tissues, central nervous system tissue invitro takes up amino acids to well above their concentrations in the incubation medium. Presumably the transport systems responsible for this uptake and for efflux invitro are also those responsible for transport between brain cells in living animals2.

Citric acid cyclechemistry.chemical_classificationmedicine.anatomical_structureSlice preparationBiochemistryChemistryCentral nervous systemmedicineEffluxIncubationIn vitroFetal brainAmino acid

Microrheology of erythrocytes and platelets: physiological basis and consequences for the design and the operation of extracorporeal circulatory devi…


Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the physiological basis and consequences for the design and the operation of extracorporeal circulatory devices. The microrheological response of erythrocytes and thrombocytes can be observed microscopically under simplified flow conditions in the rheoscope. In this device, cells are observed at high magnifications while being subjected to quantifiable shear stresses. Despite the unphysiological environment, the use of this method allowed an important extrapolation to well-established in vivo flow properties and a clear distinction between the primarily passive microrheological properties of the erythrocytes and the microrheological features of throm…

MicrorheologyGas transferCirculatory systemRheoscopeBiophysicsPlateletBiologyFlow propertiesBiomedical engineering

Projet de recherche: Analyse d’un système idéologique à partir d’un corpus de textes. Possibilités et limites d’un modèle prédictif de comportement c…


Vidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAGonzalo Fernández de la MoraPOLÍTICAInvestigacionesIdeologíaFranquismoSociología