showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Inhibition of T cell activityin vivo: a test model for quantitative evaluation


A test model is presented which, in comparison with the conventional models of skin transplantation or graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction in mice, permits a more sensitive quantitative evaluation of T cell inhibition in vivo. Prospective donors (type AA) are immunized with prospective recipient material (type AB); the resulting T cell reaction of A versus B is inhibited by consecutive treatment. Extent of inhibition can be evaluated after transfer of the pretreated AA material onto AB recipients by calculation of remaining GvH reactivity, if compared to adequate control tranfers. In this model the target animal for T cell reactivity (the AB recipient) remains untouched from immunosuppressive …

C57BL/6T-LymphocytesT cellImmunologyGraft vs Host ReactionMice Inbred StrainsSpleenThymus GlandBiologyPharmacologyModels BiologicalGraft vs Host ReactionMiceIn vivoMethodsmedicineAnimalsImmunology and AllergyBioassayReactivity (chemistry)biology.organism_classificationSkin transplantationmedicine.anatomical_structureLiverImmunologySpleenEuropean Journal of Immunology

Kommentar zu der Arbeit von Hans Craubner: „Lösefraktionierapparatur für makromolekulare Stoffe”


Colloid and Surface ChemistryPolymers and PlasticsPolymer sciencePhilosophyPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryHumanitiesDie Makromolekulare Chemie

A study on 3‐deoxy‐D‐arabino‐heptulosonic Acid 7‐Phospate Synthase in Higher Plants. The existence of three isoenzymes in Pisum sativum


SativumbiologyBiochemistryATP synthaseChemistryBotanybiology.proteinPlant Sciencebiology.organism_classificationIsozymeEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsPisumBerichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft



chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistryPolymerizationPolymer chemistryOrganic chemistryPolymerDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Man's strategy in domestication - a synthesis of new research trends.


The minimum brain size possible in the relevant wild species and certain colour types which, because of alterations in the neurotransmitter system caused by the respective colour genes, are related to behavioural traits diverging from the wild animal's norm appear to be first-rate bases for domestication either separately or in combination.

Wild speciesLitter SizeZoologyBiologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceDogsPregnancyAnimalsAnimal HusbandryDomesticationMolecular BiologyGeneArtiodactylaPharmacologyBehavior AnimalBody WeightBrainCell BiologyOrgan SizeBiological EvolutionRatsAnimals DomesticBrain sizeCatsMolecular MedicineFemaleExperientia

A raman spectroscopic determination of the interlamellar forces in crystalline n-alkanes and of the limiting elastic modulus Ec of polyethylene


A simple treatment based on continuum mechanics shows that weak interlamellar forces in crystalline n-alkanes should result in a characteristic upward shift of the frequencies of the longitudinal acoustical (LA) modes, which is independent of the chain length and decreases inversely with the mode order. A raman spectroscopic determination of the LA mode frequencies of a series of different n-alkanes confirms the theoretical conclusion and permits a derivation of a force constant characteristic of the interlamellar forces. The discussion results in a new formula valid for the LA mode frequencies of the orthorhombic n-alkanes in the acoustical limit and yields a new determination of the limit…

Force constantN alkanesMaterials scienceContinuum mechanicsGeneral EngineeringThermodynamicsLimitingPolyethylenesymbols.namesakechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistrysymbolsOrthorhombic crystal systemRaman spectroscopyElastic modulusJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition

Die Wachstumskonstanten der anionischen Polymerisation von α-Methylstyrol in Tetrahydrofuran bei −78°C mit Lithium und Kalium als Gegenion


ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Ultracentrifugation studies on the native form of the first component of human complement (C1)


Dose-Response Relationship DrugChemistryBiophysicsCell BiologyComplement System ProteinsBiochemistryComplement (complexity)SolutionsStructure-Activity RelationshipBiochemistryStructural BiologyComplement C1Component (UML)GeneticsHumansUltracentrifugeMolecular BiologyUltracentrifugationFEBS Letters

Absorption of drugs from the bladder and intravesical chemotherapy


medicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryUrologyUrinary BladderUrologyAntineoplastic AgentsPharmaceutical PreparationsUrinary Bladder NeoplasmsInjections IntravenousAnimalsHumansMedicineRabbitsIntravesical chemotherapybusinessAbsorption (electromagnetic radiation)ThiotepaUrological Research

Permeability of the bladder mucosa to thiotepa, adriamycin, and daunomycin in men and rabbits.


The permeability of the bladder mucosa to thiotepa and to the anthraquinonic antibiotics, adriamycin and daunomycin, was investigated both in humans and in experimental animals. Instillations in rabbits were performed either in intact males or in animals with ligated ureters. Absorption of thiotepa was significantly higher than that of the antibiotics both in men and in rabbits. Furthermore, a qualitative difference was observed in rabbits in relation to time and with regard to fixation to vesical tissues. In man, absorption was highest after transurethral surgery. It was also increased in cases with extensive anaplastic tumours or in the presence of acute inflammatory reactions.

NephrologyMalemedicine.medical_specialtyCancer chemotherapymedicine.drug_classUrologyAntibioticsUrinary BladderUrologyThioTEPAPharmacologyPermeabilityTransurethral surgeryInternal medicinemedicineAnimalsHumansQualitative differenceMucous MembraneChemistryBladder MucosaDaunorubicinDoxorubicinRabbitsThiotepamedicine.drugUrological research



The phenomenon of “true cosolvency”, which has only recently been observed in the system acetone/diethyl ether/polystyrene (AC/DEE/PS), is investigated with regard to its pressure dependence and compared with the thermodynamic behaviour of the corresponding binary sub-systems. For the determination of the limits of complete solubility, a pressure apparatus was used which had been constructed, in order to measure the turbidity of fluids in the temperature range of −70 to +500°Cand in the pressure range of 1 to 4000 bar (105 to 4·108 Nm−2). The critical line observed for the system DEE/PS (MPS=20400) looks similar to that reported for AC/PS in the literature, i.e. the upper critical solution …

Pressure rangechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryHomogeneousPolymer chemistryAcetonePolystyrenePressure dependenceSolubilityBar (unit)Die Makromolekulare Chemie

Zur deutung der sogenannten a-orientierung in polyäthylenterephthalat


Bei der Kristallisation von schwach orientierten Polyathylenterephthalat-Folien erhalt man eine Struktur, fur die in der Rontgenweitwinkelstreuung der 100-Reflex am Meridian und der 010-Reflex am Aquator liegt. Die Rontgenkleinwinkelstreuung zeigt ein Intensitatsmaximum am Meridian. Man kann diese Befunde mit einem Modell aus tordierten Lamellen erklaren, deren Torsionsachsen bevorzugt senkrecht zur Verstreckrichtung liegen. In einer solchen tordierten Lamelle liegen die (001)-Ebenen der Kristallite parallel zur Lamellenoberflache und die b-Achsen in Richtung der Torsionsachse. Die bei dieser Struktur auftretende negative Doppelbrechung kann mit diesem Modell ebenfalls erklart werden. By cr…

CrystallographyLamella (surface anatomy)ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

A large proportional drift chamber with two-dimensional read-out


Abstract The construction and performance of a large drift chamber are described, which has a sensitive area of 5 m2 and an average chamber thickness of 0.55 × 10−3 radiation lengths. Simultaneous sense wire- and high voltage read-out gives a good time correlation with ajitter of 2.0 ns fwhm. Measurements with a collimated radioactive α-sources resulted in a time resolution of 4.3 ns fwhm corresponding to a space resolution of 0.20 mm fwhm at the sense wire. The space resolution at the high voltage plane is about 25 mm fwhm.

PhysicsFull width at half maximumOpticsbusiness.industryPlane (geometry)High voltageTime resolutionGeneral MedicineSense (electronics)RadiationbusinessCollimated lightTime correlationNuclear Instruments and Methods

Dyskephalie-Katarakt-Hypotrichose-Syndrom (Synonyma: DCH; Ullrich-Fremerey-Dohna; Hallermann-Streiff; Francois)


In a 43-year-old man dyscephalia, cataracta congenita, and hypotrichosis were the outstanding features. These signs were first described in 1953 by Ullrich and Fremerey-Dohna as a clinical entity. Since 1958 the DCH syndrome was published under the synonyms of “Francois syndrome” and of “Hallermann-Streiff syndrome”. However, as these authors did not add any essential details relevant for the classification of the syndrome we prefer to retain the term “Ullrich-Fremerey-Dohna syndrome”. In our case in addition to the above mentioned and well known manifestations, extrapyramidal hyperkinesia of the choreoanthetotic type and servere mental deficiency accompanied by mild cerebral atrophy (revea…

Cerebral atrophyPediatricsmedicine.medical_specialtyFrancois syndromebusiness.industrymedicine.diseaseMental deficiencyNeurologymedicineHypotrichosisNeurology (clinical)medicine.symptombusinessPsychiatryHyperkinesiaJournal of Neurology

Enquête auprès des personnes du 3è âge dans l'agglomération dijonnaise : conditions de vie et besoins : synthèse


référence interne : 76013

SantéEnquête[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationCondition de vieDijon[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPersonne âgéeBourgogneFranceLogementVie relationnelleÉvaluation des besoins

Localization and Activity of a Carboxypeptidase in Germinating Seeds of Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris


Extracts prepared from the endosperm of germinating seeds of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L., hydrolysed two typical carboxypeptidase substrates, Z-Phe-Ala and Z-Phe-Phe, with pH optima at 4.2 and 5.0. The activities were completely destroyed by diisopropylfluorophosphate. Identical heat inactivation curves and elution patterns in gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200 suggest that the two activities are due to a single enzyme. In resting seeds very low carboxypeptidase activity was present in both the endosperm and the embryo. During germination on agar gel at 20°C in the dark the activities, expressed as enzyme units per seed, increased in the seedling and particularly in the endosperm up t…

chemistry.chemical_classificationPhysiologydigestive oral and skin physiologyfungiScots pinefood and beveragesCell BiologyPlant ScienceGeneral MedicineBiologybiology.organism_classificationCarboxypeptidaseEndospermCarboxypeptidase activitychemistryGerminationSeedlingSephadexBotanyGeneticsbiology.proteinStorage proteinPhysiologia Plantarum

Fractionated precipitation of acid macropolyanions by dialysis, a simple method for the estimation of DNA in complex biological samples.


Abstract After efficient extraction by para-aminosalicylate, (hopping, grinding and eventual sonication, the macropolyanions are transformed into their cetyltrimethylammonium salts. These have differing solubilities, strongly depending on ionic strength. The cationic detergent-macropolyanionic salts are solubilized by high salt concentration. Salt is then dialysed out, rendering the polyanions highly insoluble in a sequential fashion. The insolubilized components are determined quantitatively by monitoring turbidity, which in case of DNA is strictly proportionate to its concentration. This relation is not affected by other components. This makes DNA determination possible even in crude aque…

chemistry.chemical_classificationAnionsChromatographyAqueous solutionPrecipitation (chemistry)TroutSonicationExtraction (chemistry)Osmolar ConcentrationSalt (chemistry)DNASaccharomyces cerevisiaeBiologyGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologySoilActivated sludgechemistryIonic strengthCetrimonium CompoundsMethodsAnimalsChemical PrecipitationTurbidityDialysisZeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section C, Biosciences

Enquête auprès des personnes du 3è âge dans l'agglomération dijonnaise : conditions de vie et besoins : graphiques


référence interne : 76014

SantéEnquête[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationCondition de vieDijon[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPersonne âgéeBourgogneFranceLogementVie relationnelleÉvaluation des besoins

Note sur la "mesure" de la productivité marginale du travail


International audience

[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationMesureTravailComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSProductivité

Experimenteller nachweis des molekulardispersen charakters der mischung von zwei polymeren und bestimmung des chemischen potentials in diesen mischun…


Mit Hilfe der Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung wird der molekulardisperse Charakter einer glasklaren Mischung von zwei Polymeren bei Abwesenheit eines niedermolekularen Losungsmittels in einem Fall nachgewiesen, im anderen widerlegt. Falls eine molekulardisperse Mischung vorliegt, konnen das chemische Potential und die Knaueldimensionen bestimmt werden. Polymethylmethacrylat und Styrol-Acrylnitril-Copolymere bilden fur gewisse Zusammensetzungen des Copolymeren molekulardisperse Mischungen. Sie sind exotherm, besitzen eine negative Exzesentropie und die Molekulknauel sind gegenuber den ungestorten Knaueldimensionen expandiert. Die Theorie der Loslichkeitsparameter von Hildebrand und Scott ermogl…

Hildebrand solubility parameterVirial coefficientChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Conductance of potassium lodide in mixed solvents


The conductance of potassium iodide has been measured in the solvents ethylene carbonate, water, methyl ethyl ketone, and pairwise mixtures of these solvents at 40°C; and ethylene carbonate-water, tetramethylene sulfone-water, dimethyl sulfoxide-water, tetrahydrofuran-water, ethylene carbonate-tetramethylene sulfone-water, ethylene carbonate-tetramethylene sulfone, and tetrahydrofuran-dimethyl sulfoxide at 25°C. For dielectric constants greater than about 60, the pairing constants KA are in the range 0.3–2.0; no correlation between KA and solvent properties could be established. For lower dielectric constants, KA increases exponentially with decreasing dielectric constant. Addition of a pro…

EthyleneChemistryPotassiumInorganic chemistryBiophysicsConductancechemistry.chemical_elementSulfoxideDielectricIon-associationBiochemistrySolventchemistry.chemical_compoundPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular BiologyEthylene carbonateJournal of Solution Chemistry

Absolutes Molekulargewicht der nativen Cellulose der Alge Valonia


Der Polymerisationsgrad der nativen Cellulose der Alge Valonia wurde bei dem unfraktionierten Material zu Pw≈26500 und bei dem durch Fallungsfraktionierung isolierten hochmolekularen Anteil der Molekulargewichtsverteilung zu Pw≈44000 ermittelt. Diese letzte Grose legt die Dimension fest, die die synthetisierende Matrize geometrisch erfullen mus. Sie durfte um einen Faktor von ca. 3 groser sein als die bei der Baumwollcellulose mit Pw≈14000. In Verbindung mit anderen Untersuchungen wird eine Biosynthese des Cellulosemolekuls als sehr wahrscheinlich angesehen, die direkt auf einer flachenformigen Matrize zu einer gefalteten Kette fuhrt. Da die thermodynamisch kontrollierte Faltungslange zu me…

chemistry.chemical_compoundChain structureColloid and Surface ChemistrybiologyPolymers and PlasticsPolymer scienceChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryCelluloseValoniaPhysical and Theoretical Chemistrybiology.organism_classificationColloid and Polymer Science

Untersuchungen zu den orientierungs- und dichtefluktuationen in amorphen polymeren mit hilfe der lichtstreuung


Es wurden mit einem Lichtstreuphotometer die Orientierungs- und Dichtefluktuationen in den amorphen Polymeren «Polycarbonat» (Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,4-phenylenisopropyliden-1,4-phenylen)) und Polystyrol in Abhangigkeit von der Temperatur untersucht. Ferner fuhrten wir erganzende Messungen an Oligomeren des Polystyrols und an der flussig-kristallinen Verbindung 4-Butyl-N-(p-methoxybenzyliden)anilin (MBBA) in der isotropen Phase durch. Aus der Hohe der depolarisierten Lichtstreuung ergab sich, das eine Orientierungskorrelation, wie sie fur einige Bundelmodelle vorgeschlagen wurde, nicht auftritt. Besonders detaillierte Aussagen konnten fur Polystyrol gemacht werden. Die depolarisierte Lichtstr…

MBBAchemistry.chemical_compoundAngular rangeMonomerchemistryPolymer chemistryPolystyreneRandom coilLight scatteringDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Finding condensed descriptions for multi-dimensional data.


Abstract We describe two programs that may be used to find condensed descriptions for data available in a contingency table or in a covariance matrix in the case that these data follow a multinomial or a multivariate normal distribution, respectively. The programs perform a stepwise model search among multiplicative models by computing appropriate likelihood-ratio test statistics.

Contingency tableCovariance matrixComputersMultiplicative functionStatisticsMedicine (miscellaneous)Multinomial distributionMultivariate normal distributionModels TheoreticalMulti dimensional dataStatistical hypothesis testingMathematicsComputer programs in biomedicine

Synthesis and low-frequency vibrational spectra of some halo- and pseudohalo-diphenylantimonates(V)


Abstract The syntheses of diphenylantimonates(V) of the type M(I) [PH 2 XbX 4 ] (M(I) = PH 4 As; X = F, Cl, Br, N 3 , NCS; X 4 = Cl 3 Br, Cl 3 N 3 ) are described. Far-Ir spectra of these compounds and of previously synthesized M(I) [Ph 2 SbCl 3 X] species (M(I) = Me 4 N; X = Cl, Br, N 3 ; M(I) = Ph 4 As; X = NCS) are reported. Raman spectra of tetrafluoro and tetrachloro salts are also given. Vibrational data are interpreted in terms of the presence of solid of trans -Ph 2 SbX 4 - species and assignments of skeletal modes are suggested.

ChemistryStereochemistryOrganic ChemistryLow frequencyBiochemistrySpectral lineInorganic ChemistryCrystallographysymbols.namesakeMaterials ChemistrysymbolsHaloPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryRaman spectroscopyVibrational spectraJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Die bestimmung des chemischen potentials und des expansionskoeffizienten in mischungen von polydimethylsiloxanen unterschiedlichen molekulargewichts


Wird ein Polymermolekul in einer Polymerschmelze von gleicher chemischer Art aber anderem Molekulargewicht gelost, so ist das geloste Polymermolekul im allgemeinen relativ zum ungestorten statistischen Knauel expandiert. Der Expansionskoeffizient und der zweite osmotische Virialkoeffizient hangen von den Molekulargewichten der beiden Polymeren ab. Die experimentellen Befunde werden durch die Gittertheorie fur athermische Losungen von Polymeren richtig beschrieben. If a polymer molecule is solved within a polymer melt of the same chemical nature but of different molecular weight, the solved polymer molecule in general is expanded as compared with the unperturbed statistical coil. The expansi…

chemistry.chemical_classificationVirial coefficientChemistryPolymer chemistryMoleculePolymerPolymer meltDie Makromolekulare Chemie

UV-photometrisch bestimmte relative molare massen von anionisch erzeugten polyäthylenoxiden mit unterschiedlichen endgruppen


Athylenoxid wurde mit Kalium-4-(phenylazo)benzylalkoholat (1f) polymerisiert, die gereinigten Produkte fraktioniert und anschliesend acyliert. Die UV-photometrische Bestimmung der Endgruppen ergab, das HO-Endgruppen, verglichen mit den Starterendgruppen, in grosem Uberschus vorhanden waren. Aus den Endgruppenwerten liesen sich Zahlenmittel des Molekulargewichts (Mn) ableiten. Sie wurden mit osmotisch bestimmten Mn-Werten und Viskositatsmittel (Mη)-verglichen und bestatigten die angenommene Struktur der Polyathylenoxide. Ethylene oxide was polymerized with potassium 4-(phenylazo)benzylalcoholate (1f). The purified and fractionated products were acylated. The ultra-violet measurement of the e…

Polymers and PlasticsEthylene oxideMolecular massPotassiumchemistry.chemical_elementPolyethylene oxideViscositychemistry.chemical_compoundColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymerizationchemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Inhibitoren der Korrosion 19 (1). Autoxidationsstudien an Fe2+-Trimethylen-1,3-bis-phosphonat als Modell einer die Korrosion inhibierenden Deckschicht


Die Autoxidationsgeschwindigkeit der Fe2+. Salze ist stark abhangig vom pH und ist bei pH 2 praktisch gleich Null, bei pH 5–7 sehr hoch. Durch Zusatz von Trimethylen-1,3-bis-phosphonsaure wird die Autoxidation etwas verlangsamt und der Sauerstoffverbrauch starker erhoht als es der Stochiometrie der Fe2+-Oxidation entspricht. Dieser Umstand erklart sich durch den oxidativen Abbau der Trimethylen-1,3-bis-phosphonsaure zu Phosphorsaure, wobei Salze des dreiwertigen Eisens als Niederschlag ausfallen. Diese Fe3+-bis-phosphonate sind dreidimensional vernetzt; das Fe:P-Verhaltnis liegt zwischen 0.5 und 0.9 und wird mit abnehmendem pH-Wert geringer. Inhibitors of corrosion 19 (1). Autoxidation stud…

AutoxidationChemistryMechanical EngineeringMetals and Alloyschemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicineMedicinal chemistryOxygenSurfaces Coatings and Filmschemistry.chemical_compoundMechanics of MaterialsPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryEnvironmental ChemistryPhosphoric acidStoichiometryMaterials and Corrosion/Werkstoffe und Korrosion

III. Darstellung und molekülstruktur von triazoboracyclooctanen


Abstract The aminoboration of phenylisocyanate or phenylisothiocyanate with 2-phenyl-1,3,2-diazabora-cyclohexane yields under ring expansion the eight-membered BNC-heterocycles 2,3-diphenyl-1,3,5-triaza-2-bora-cyclooctane-4-one or 2,3-diphenyl-1,3,5-triaza-2-bora-cyclooctane-4-thione, respectively. Isomeric structures, which can appear in the insertion reaction, are discussed on the basis of spectroscopic data.

Inorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryInsertion reactionComputational chemistryOrganic ChemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryRing (chemistry)BiochemistryPhenylisocyanateJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Streufunktionen polymolekularer Substanzen bei der inelastischen Lichtstreuung


Das Verhalten polymolekularer Substanzen bei der inelastischen Lichtstreuung wird theoretisch untersucht. Fur das dabei auftretende uber einen Photomultiplier erhaltene Spektrum und die dazugehorige Autokorrelationsfunktion werden normierte Beziehungen aufgestellt. Hierin treten z-Mittel der Summen von Produkten aus den Streufunktionen mit Lorentzfunktionen bzw. mit Exponentialfunktionen auf. Beispiele von Polymeren mit Schulz-Verteilungen des Molekulargewichts werden berechnet und dabei auch der Einflus der Relaxationszeit bestimmt. Fur die umgekehrte Aufgabe, uber die Streuexperimente die Molekulargewichtsverteilung zu erfassen, werden verschiedene analytische und numerische Losungsmoglic…

PhysicsColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymers and PlasticsChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical chemistryFood sciencePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryColloid and Polymer Science

Les nucléotides du vin. Séparation, concentration et analyse par chromatographie sur échangeur d'anions


<p style="text-align: justify;">La fraction de l'azote « nucléique » du vin est mal connue, non seulement du point de vue de sa composition, mais encore à cause de l'ignorance actuelle de son importance oenologique. Cette étude propose une technique permettant d'isoler et de purifier la fraction nucléotidique de l'azote libre qui est ensuite analysée oar chromatographie sur échangeur d'ions.</p>

lcsh:Agriculturelcsh:Botanylcsh:SHorticultureFood Sciencelcsh:QK1-989OENO One

Response of membrane-bound ATPase of Micrococcus luteus to heat and ultraviolet light.


It is shown that the properties of ATPase (EC of Micrococcus luteus depend only to some extent on the state of the membrane to which it is attached. Its interaction with the membrane appears to be largely controlled by polar forces. It is shown, however, that the UV-sensitivity of the membrane-bound ATPase is also significantly influenced by the state of membrane lipids.

Adenosine TriphosphatasesRadiationHot TemperatureMembranesbiologyChemistryMembrane boundUltraviolet RaysMembrane lipidsATPaseBiophysicsMicrococcusDose-Response Relationship RadiationPhospholipasebiology.organism_classificationMicrococcusRadiation EffectsMembraneBiochemistryPhospholipasesUltraviolet lightbiology.proteinMicrococcus luteusGeneral Environmental ScienceRadiation and environmental biophysics

Circular dichroism studies on the interaction of sulfonylureas with insulin


The interaction of 5 sulfonylurea derivatives with insuline was investigated by means of circular dichroism measurements. It was found that all sulfonylureas investigated decrease the ellipticity band of insulin at 208 nm, whereas the band at 222 nm remains unaffected. It is suggested that these observations are due to a change of the insulin conformation, provoked by the interaction of the drugs with insulin. It is assumed that such an effect on the insulin conformation can influence the binding properties of insulin, e.g. in respect to the insulin aggregation, to the binding to insulin antibodies and to a bound, inactive form of insulin in the plasma. Some other drugs have similar, but mo…

PharmacologyCircular dichroismmedicine.medical_specialtyBinding SitesProtein ConformationSwinemedicine.drug_classChemistryCircular DichroismInsulinmedicine.medical_treatmentBinding propertiesPharmacology toxicologyGeneral MedicineInsulin AntibodySulfonylureaSulfonylurea CompoundsEndocrinologyProtein structureInternal medicinemedicineAnimalsInsulinBinding siteNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

Pharmakologisch aktive polymere, 9. Synthese und untersuchung makromolekularer derivate des 1-adamantanamins


Es wurden zwei Methacrylatmonomere (3 und 6) dargestellt, welche die 1-Adamantylamino-Gruppe mit verschiedenen Spacergruppen enthalten. Die neuen Monomeren wurden mit 2-Methylsulfinylathylmethacrylat zu wasserloslichen Produkten copolymerisiert. Die Copolymeren mit 1-Adamantylamino-Gruppen sowie eine Modellsubstanz ohne Adamantyl-Gruppe wurden in vitro und in vivo auf ihre Wirkung gegen InfluenzaViren untersucht. Two methacrylate monomers (3 and 6) containing 1-adamantylamino groups with different spacer groups were prepared. The new monomers were copolymerized with 2-methylsulfinylethyl methacrylate to yield water soluble products. The copolymers containing the 1-adamantylamino group and a…

ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Über Phosphor‐haltige Heterocyclen, II: Molekül‐ und Kristallstruktur von 1,2,3,4,5‐Pentaphenyl‐1λ 5 ‐phosphol‐1‐on


Die Struktur der Titelsubstanz wurde rontgenographisch aus Diffraktometer-Einkristalldaten bestimmt und bis zu einem konventionellen R von 0.076 verfeinert. Der 5-ring besitzt „envelope”-Konformation. Fehlende Planaritat und Bindungslangenverteilung schliesen eine Elektronendelokalisation im λ5-Phospholsystem aus. Das Propellersystem der Phenylsubstituenten bildet eine Cs-symmetrische Doppelschneckenschraube. Die Struktur besteht aus 14-fach koordinierten Molekulen. On Heterocyclic Systems Containing Phosphorus, II: Molecular and Crystal Structure of 1,2,3,4,5-Pentaphenyl-1 λ5-phosphol-1-one The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined from single crystal X-ray data and r…

Inorganic ChemistryBond lengthStereochemistryChemistryElectron delocalizationMoleculeCrystal structureRing (chemistry)Single crystalChemische Berichte

Zur Gaschromatographie einiger Bis(di�thyldithiocarbamato)chelate


ChemistryGeneral MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsDie Naturwissenschaften