showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Derecho de asociación y elecciones: Las condiciones de la oposición


DemocraciaVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónEntrevistasFranquismo

Иностранные языки в высшей школе. Выпуск 4: Лингвистика, психология и методика обучения иностранным языкам


Статьи настоящего сборника представляют собой результаты исследований по лингвистическому обоснованию, психологии и методике обучения иностранным языкам в неязыковом вузе.

SvešvalodasSastatāmā valodniecībaValodniecībaValodu mācību metodikaLanguage teaching:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguistics [Research Subject Categories]ЯзыкознаниеСопоставительное языкознаниеСопоставительное изучение языковContrastive linguistics

Vidal Beneyto: autonomía e independencia de los pueblos del Estado español


AutonomíasEstado españolVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICAEntrevistasInterdependencia

Équipements scolaires et universitaires dans la région dijonnaise : étude prospective : horizons 1985 et 2010


Référence interne : 75003

Équipement scolaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDijon[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationBourgogneRégionFranceÉquipement universitaireAnalyse prospective

Sobre mercaderes extrapeninsulares en la Valencia del siglo XV


ExtranjerosUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Comerciantes

Jaakko Haavio uskonnollisena runoilijana


Haavio Jaakko



A radical mechanism is proposed for the formation of the 1,2-polymer 2 in the “spontaneous” polymerization of 4-vinylpyridinium salts 4-VP.HX (X=NO3, ClO4, HSO4, I) in aqueous solution on the basis of strong inhibition by oxygen and other radical inhibitors. Quantitative investigation of the influence of oxygen on the formation of the 1,2-polymer allowed the derivation of a formal kinetic scheme for the initiation and polymerization steps which is consistent with a free radical mechanism. Dependence of the average molecular weight of 2 on monomer concentration is in agreement with this model. Dependence of the inhibition time on the oxygen concentration as well as an acceleration of the fin…

chemistry.chemical_compoundAqueous solutionMonomerchemistryPolymerizationKineticsPolymer chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementMolar mass distributionLimiting oxygen concentrationOxygenPeroxideDie Makromolekulare Chemie

The history of Star paper 1875-1960


Общественно-политическая активность студенческой молодежи


Публикуемый сборник статей посвящен проблеме коммунистического воспитания учащихся высшей школы - общественно-политической активности студенческой молодежи.

Общественная деятельностьKomunistiskā audzināšanaКоммунистическое воспитаниеСтуденческие отряды:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education [Research Subject Categories]Политическое воспитаниеОбщественно-политическая активностьЛичность студента

Германия и Прибалтика. Выпуск 4


Baltija (vēsture)Vācija (vēsture)Sociāldemokrātija

Lärm als Umweltproblem


Noise as an Environmental Problem. Anatomical structure and physiological function of the human ear are described. It is shown that constant noise stress leads to damage of certain parts of the inner ear. These damages proceed characteristically and may be diagnosed relatively early by means of audiometric tests. VDI-instructions 2058 (sheet 2) prescribes screening-tests for an earliest possible detection of incipient noise damage. In addition to ear-damaging effects of noise there have also been recorded physiological reactions under noise influence. Such disturbances, however, cannot as yet be described as an “Extraaural disease”. On the other hand, the fact that high sound intensities of…

PhysicsPhysiological functionHuman earAcousticsOrganic ChemistryImpulse noiseNoiseHuman healthNoise exposuremedicine.anatomical_structureotorhinolaryngologic diseasesmedicineInner earConstant noiseFood ScienceStarch - Stärke

Oznaczanie zawartości soli akrylowej w kopolimerze z etylenem za pomocą spektrofotometrii w poczerwieni


Oznaczenia składu kopolimeru etylenu z akrylanem wapnia metodą spektrofotometryczną przeprowadzano na próbkach sprasowanej folii, przyjmując pasmo analityczne 1560 cm-1, którego intensywność wzrasta ze zwiększeniem stężenia soli akrylowej. Jako wzorzec stosowano mieszaniny homopolimerów o znanym składzie, ponieważ nie stwierdzono różnic spektralnych między kopolimerami i odpowiednimi mieszaninami homopolimerów.


Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bei Histaminanaloga, 13. Mitt.: 5(4)-Cyclisch substituierte Histamine und Nα-Methyl-histamine


Es wird die Darstellung von 5(4)-cyclisch substituierten Histaminen und Nα-Methyl-histaminen durch Cyclisierung von 1-aryl-substituierten 2-Brom-4-phthalimido-butan-1-onen mit Formamid oder Benzamidin und anschliesende Hydrolyse bzw. Reduktion der Zwischenprodukte beschrieben. C-5(4) Cyclic Substituted Histamines and Nα-Methylhistamines The preparation of C-5(4) cyclic substituted histamines and Nα-methylhistamines by cyclisation of 1-aryl-2-bromo-4-phthalimidobutan-1-ones with formamide or benzamidine, followed by hydrolysis or reduction of the intermediates, is described.

Formamidechemistry.chemical_compoundHydrolysisChemistryDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical ScienceOxidation reductionMedicinal chemistryHistamineBenzamidineArchiv der Pharmazie

Las audiencias borbónicas de la Corona de Aragón: aportación a su estudio


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Anarquistas españoles en Argentina a finales del siglo XIX


AnarquismoEspañolesMovimiento obreroUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaEmigración:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Anarquistas

The Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles as Functions of the Relative Humidity at Thermodynamic Equilibrium with the Surrounding Moist Air


Publisher Summary The chapter addresses the problems in aerosol measuring techniques and selection of sampling and measuring methods. Theoretic evaluation of mass, size, mean density, and mean refractive index as functions of the relative humidity is discussed. The chapter also discusses techniques for measuring the mass as a function of the relative humidity; determination of the mean density; and measuring the mean complex index of refraction. Results of the measurements, discussion of the results, coefficients of mass increase, mean densities and real parts of the mean complex index of refractions, and applicability of the results are also described. Finally, the chapter then reviews the…

Thermodynamic equilibriumEnvironmental scienceThermodynamicsSampling (statistics)Relative humidityFunction (mathematics)MechanicsKöhler theoryRefractive indexhumanitiesAerosol

Intracranial Pressure and Mass Displacements of the Intracranial Contents


The brain is completely surrounded by the bony skull and its closely adherent, tough, dural inner lining. This converts the enclosed space into a watertight chamber with the exception of the small, basally situated foramen magnum. In adults, these factors combine to prevent the skull from expanding. Consequently, the intracranial volume cannot fluctuate. In addition, the intracranial contents — blood, brain, and spinal fluid — are essentially noncompressible.

Foramen magnumbusiness.industryAnatomyVentricular systemCorpus callosumSkullmedicine.anatomical_structurePosterior cranial fossaIntracranial volumeotorhinolaryngologic diseasesmedicineSubarachnoid spacebusinessIntracranial pressure

Les études de lettres et sciences humaines à l'université de Dijon


International audience

Filière lettres et sciences humainesRéussite universitaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDéroulement de la scolarité[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationÉtudes universitairesBourgognePopulation universitaireFranceAccès à l'enseignement supérieurComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEnseignement supérieurUniversité de Bourgogne

NMR-Spektroskopie an Heterocyclen, 3. Mitt.: Homologe, vinyloge und kernalkylierte Nicethamidanaloge


Von homologen, vinylogen und kernalkylierten Nicethamidanalogen wurden die 13C-NMR-Shiftwerte ermittelt und mit Hilfe der 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie durch Koaleszenzbestimmung die Energiebarriere bei der gehinderten Rotation der Amidgruppe bestimmt. Homologous, Vinylogous, and Ring Alkylated Nicethamide Analogs The 13C-NMR shifts were determined for homologous, vinylogous and ring alkylated nicethamide analogs and the energy barrier of the hindered rotation of the amide group was evaluated by means of coalescence measurements with 1H-NMR.

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryStereochemistryNicethamideAmideDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical ScienceAlkylationRing (chemistry)Archiv der Pharmazie

Adduct formation by sub-coordinated metal complexes—VI. Synthesis and pyridine adducts of some nickel(II) chelates formally tri-coordinated


Polymers and Plasticschemistry.chemical_elementAdductMetalchemistry.chemical_compoundNickelchemistryvisual_artPyridinePolymer chemistryMaterials Chemistryvisual_art.visual_art_mediumOrganic chemistryChelationJournal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry

El censo de 1510 y la población valenciana de la primera mitad del siglo XVI


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaDinámica de la poblaciónGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo BEstructura social:HISTORIA [UNESCO]CensosPoblación:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

The Role of Monoamines in the Development of Cold-Induced Edema


Our results show that even the experimentally induced high concentrations of exogenous 5-HT in the brain tissue during the early phase of edema formation are not able to increase the amount of fluid accumulation in the normal and injured brain tissue. The changes of the endogenous 5-HT levels in the blood and the brain tissue result in similar hemispheric water and RISA differences between the injured and uninjured half of the brain. Moreover, 5-HT concentrations elevated by 100% failed to produce detectable edema in the normal brain tissue of the rat.

medicine.medical_specialtyChemistryBrain edemaEndogenyBrain tissueMonoamine neurotransmitterEndocrinologyInternal medicineEdemamedicineFluid accumulationEdema formationmedicine.symptomEarly phase

Quantitativer immunologischer Schnelltest zum Nachweis von Kreatinkinase-MB im Serum beim Myokardinfarkt


Chromatographymedicine.diagnostic_testChemistryImmunoassayClinical BiochemistrymedicineGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineBiochemistryAnalytical ChemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift f�r Analytische Chemie

El clero ante la peste de Valencia de 1647-1648


Actitud del clero en torno a los sucesos de la peste bubónica en Valencia.

A System of <m:math display='block'><m:mrow><m:mi>P</m:mi><m:msub><m:mi>a</m:mi><m:mrow><m:msub&gt…


A newly developed system of \(P{a_{{O_2}}}\)-controlled automatic ventilation is reported on. \({P_{{O_2}}}\) microelectrodes (Beckman, IBC) are used to measure arterial \({P_{{O_2}}}\) continuously. In a feedback control system the inspiratory O2 concentration of a respirator is adjusted as long as the set point and actual value of the arterial \({P_{{O_2}}}\) correspond. The functional behavior of the feedback control system is described.

PhysicsFeedback controlCatheter electrodeAnalytical chemistryControlled ventilationSet point

Paura simulata in Plauto


Sottolineo non solo gli elementi stilistici fonici e lessicali che hanno l'importante funzione di evidenziare particolari non sempre avvertibili a prima vista, ma anche i gesti che si possono immaginare particolarmente espressivi.


España y el Eurocomunismo


Se trata de la versión española del texto en alemán ""Gelernt aus der Geschichte"" (Dokumente, pp. 301-305, septiembre 1976. Bonn, Alemania)."

Publicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAEurocomunismoPOLÍTICAPolítica españolaPCIPCEPCF

Long-range potentials and electromagnetic polarizabilities


The long-range spin and velocity independent forces of electromagnetic origin which act between any two systems are studied for those cases in which no forces of this type exist to order e 2 . It is shown that they are uniquely determined by the charge, magnetic moment, and polarizabilities of both systems, not only to the dominant order r − n , but also to the next one r −( n +1) . These potentials provide the link between Compton scattering polarizabilities (response to real photons) and classically defined polarizabilities (response to static electromagnetic field). The two definitions are shown to be equivalent for neutral spinless systems; the problems arising for a neutral particle wi…

Electromagnetic fieldPhysicsPhotonMagnetic momentUnitarityGeneral Physics and AstronomyFísicaCharge (physics)Magnetic fieldQuantum electrodynamicsQuantum mechanicsNeutral particleParticle Physics - PhenomenologySpin-½

Low-energy elastic neutrino-nucleon and nuclear scattering and its relevance for supernovae


Low-energy (E/sub v/10, spin- (if any) and isospin-dependent effects are comfortably below 10% of the coherent scattering. In the case of the neutron, the cross-section for momentum transfer, when compared to that of the isoscalar current, is: i) more than one order of magnitude larger in model I; ii) about twice larger in model II. It is noted that the vector model gives more dramatic effects in the supernova 'strategy' both lowering the cross-section in the inner core and increasing it in the outer region. (16 refs).

Astrophysics and AstronomyNuclear TheoryFísica

Estudio estructural del sintagma condicional con la prótasis en indicativo


SintaxisNexosUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaPrótasisFilología latinaOración condicional:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]LatínModo indicativoAnálisis estructural

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1976, Pavasaris (71) - 1976/77, Ziema (74)


KosmonautikaObservatorijasTeleskopiPlanētasZvaigznes:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics [Research Subject Categories]MiglājiAstrofizikaAstronomijaGalaktikasKvazāriSauleAstronomijas vēstureRadioastrofizika

Вопросы теории познания диалектического материализма. Выпуск 2


В сборнике научных трудов помещены статьи, посвященные вопросам теории познания и методологии научного исследования, в том числе философскому наследию И.Канта и его значению для разработки марксистской гносеологии.

Марксистская философияМетодология научного исследованияKant ImmanuelDialektiskais materiālismsТеория познания:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::Philosophy subjects::Theoretical philosophy [Research Subject Categories]Диалектический материализмМатерия (философия)

IRADIEL MURUGARREN, P.: "Evolución de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organización y costes de la prod…


Reseña de Evolución de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organización y costes de la producción manufacturera en Cuenca.

Zum Begriff ?Situation? in der Psychopathologie


In Weiterfuhrung fruherer Arbeiten bemuht sich die vorliegende Untersuchung um eine Darstellung des Situationsbegriffs aus der Sicht einer interaktionalen Psychopathologie. Hervorgehoben werden drei Aspekte von Situation, der impressive, der expressive und der dynamische. Einige Typen psychopathologisch bedeutsamen Situationswandels werden beispielhaft beschrieben.

Psychiatry and Mental healthPharmacology (medical)General MedicineBiological PsychiatryArchiv f�r Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten Vereinigt mit Zeitschrift f�r die Gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie

Вопросы электродинамики и механики сплошных сред. Выпуск 2


Nepārtrauktās vides mehānikaElektromagnētiskais lauksElektrodinamika

Zooloģijas muzeja raksti, Nr. 14 Invertebrata


ЗоологияInsectaLatvijas faunaZooloģijaStrands Embriks (1876-1947)НасекомыеLatvijas Universitātes profesoriKukaiņiZoology:NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Organism biology::Animal physiology [Research Subject Categories]