showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Erste Hilfe am Unfallort und auf dem Transport
Die Tatigkeit der Unfallchirurgie beginnt am Unfallort und endet bei der moglichst weitgehenden Wiederherstellung des Patienten. Da nur in den seltensten Fallen ein in Notfallmedizin voll ausgebildeter Arzt auf dem Unfallplatz anwesend sein wird, ist es die Pflicht jedes Arztes, Medizinstudenten und des medizinischen Pflegepersonals uber die Moglichkeiten der ersten Hilfe genau Bescheid zu wissen. Es ist zudem die Aufgabe der Fachleute, dieses Wissen an einen moglichst breiten Personenkreis zu vermitteln, sterben doch taglich Menschen durch unsachgemase Behandlung am Unfallort oder auf dem Transport in die Klinik. Trotz der Durchfuhrung von Sonderkursen sollen hier die wichtigsten Punkte st…
COS-B Observations of Long Term Variability and Absorption Phenomena in the X-ray Emission from Cen X-3
The COS-B satellite has observed the X-ray source Cen X-3 in the energy range 2 to 12 keV
Pathophysiological Aspects of Glucose Uptake by the Tumor Tissue under Various Conditions of Oxygen and Glucose Supply
Earlier examinations of the glucose uptake in neoplastic tissue by isolated DS- Carcinosarcoma implanted into the rat kidney had the results as follows (VAUPEL, 1974): 1. An increase of the tumor mass from 3 to 13 g wet weight caused an exponential decrease of the glucose consumption by the tumor tissue from 44.4 to 6.7/umoles per 100 g/min; very young tumors of 3 – 4 g bad uptake rates from 27.8 to 44.4/umoles/100 g/min. 2. Simultaneous measurements of the mean actual glucose concentrations in the tumor tissue showed that in the very young tumors the concentration still ranged from 1.75 to 2.25/umoles/g wet weight, whereas those in old tumors drop as low as 0 to 0.17/umoles/g.
The ultrastructure of the thread-hairs on the cerci of the cockroach Periplaneta americana L.: The intermoult phase
The structure of the thread-hairs on the cerci of the cockroach Periplaneta american during the intermoult phase has been investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The present study demonstrates that to each thread-hair belong one sensory cell, two glial cells, and three enveloping cells. The data indicate that: (a) the inner glial cells, which may have a trophic function, sends fingerlike processes into the cytoplasm of the senory cell body; (b) the internal enveloping cell forms the dendritic sheath; (c) the middle enveloping cell corresponds to the trichogen cell and the external enveloping cell to the tormogen cell; (d) the outer dendritic segment terminates in a ca…
Latvijas Valsts Universitātes Zinātniskie Raksti. 259. sējums. Valodas sistēma
Anales de la Universidad de Valencia, 1976, 1
Revista editada por la Universitat de València
Vidal Beneyto: autonomía e independencia de los pueblos del Estado español
Archivo de arte valenciano, 1976, año 47
Revista editada por Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos
“Se une toda la oposición democrática española”. Anuncia José Vidal-Beneyto, Coordinador Exterior de la Junta Democrática de España
Derecho de asociación y elecciones: Las condiciones de la oposición
Abstract The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined from single crystal X-ray data and refined to a conventional R factor of 0.046. The coordination of the As atom is tetrahedral with a mean As—C distance of 1.92 A. The six-membered heterocycle has chair conformation with two equatorial methyl and one equatorial and one axial phenyl substituent. The transannular 1,4-As⋯O distance is 3.11 A, interactions are discussed. The connection of the structure is more van der Waals than ionic type. Some unspecific gaps are statistically occupied by one molecule of crystal water.
Climate associated variations in the human serum albumin level.
Quantitative determinations of the human serum albumin level showed significantly higher values in tropical (Negroes 46.98 mg/ml, Indians 54.30 mg/ml) than in non-tropical populations (Germans 44.41 mg/ml). These observations are in agreement with those of several other authors. It is assumed that these variations in the serum albumin level are related to climate, and that they may indicate some biological advantage of higher albumin levels under the climatic conditions of tropical biotops. This hypothesis is discussed considering several aspects.
A simple apparatus for deaerating and handling VAN SLYKE reagents for micro gasometers
Blood circulation of long bones in trained growing rats and mice
The effect of physical training on the blood circulation of long bones was studied in growing rats and mice of NMRI-strain. The animals to be trained and their controls were about 2 weeks old at the beginning of the training. The training took place on a 5 degree inclined treadmill 5 days a week for 3 weeks in experiment I and 7 weeks in experiments II and III. The duration of the daily exercise was progressively increased over 3 weeks. The final exercise bouts were 80 min for moderate and 180 min for intensive training programs. The circulating red cell volume (ml/100 g bone) of the humeral, femoral and tibial bones of the trained animals was lower compared to the controls in all three exp…
Enzyme activities in muscle and connective tissue of M. vastus lateralis in habitually training and sedentary 33 to 70-year-old men
A cross-sectional study was carried out to examine the activities of certain enzymes representing aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism as well as the biosynthesis of collagen of M. vastus lateralis in 23 male endurance athletes in habitual training, aged 33 to 70 years. 23 sedentary healthy men of corresponding ages were selected for the control group. The mean maximal oxygen uptake of the trained subjects was 53.6 ml · kg−1 · min−1 and that of the control subjects 36.3 ml · kg−1 · min−1. As compared to the control group the trained subjects had significantly higher values in the muscle malate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and prolyl hydroxylase activities, whereas the opposite …
Biologie et differenciations taxonomique d'une mauvaise herbe Echinochloa crus galli (L) P.B.
National audience
Maximum probability estimators in the case of exponential distribution
In 1966–1969L. Weiss andJ. Wolfowitz developed the theory of „maximum probability” estimators (m.p.e.'s). M.p.e.'s have the property of minimizing the limiting value of the risk (see (2.10).) In the present paper, therfore, after a short description of the new method, a fundamental loss function is introduced, for which—in the so-called regular case—the optimality property of the maximum probability estimators yields the classical result ofR.A. Fisher on the asymptotic efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator. Thereby it turns out that the m.p.e.'s possess still another important optimality property for this loss function. For the latter the parameters of the exponential distribution—…
132. Spezielle biomechanische Aspekte des H�ftgelenkersatzes und daraus resultierendes neues Prinzip der Prothesenverankerung
Veranlast durch die bekannten Komplikationen der Prothesenlockerung und des Prothesenschaftbruches wird nach eingehenden theoretischen Analysen und experimentellen Untersuchungen der Biomechanik ein neues Prinzip der Pro thesenverankerung entwickelt. Die Forderungen an eine physiologische Kraftuberleitung zwischen Knochen und Prothese werden durch folgende Konstruktionsmerkmale der neuen Zuggurtungsprothese erfullt: Breiter Kragen mit einem Schaft-Kragen-Winkel von 65° zur Ubertragung axialer Belastungen; spezielle, am lateralen Kragenrand und der stabilen lateralen Schaftcorticalis befestigte Zuggurtung zur Ubernahme der Biegezugkrafte; kurzer Schaft mit breiter medialer Auflageflache. Obe…
Kinetics of the reactive cell clones after immunosuppression and induction of tolerance: (1) Inhibition of 19 S and 7 S plaque-forming cells in the p…
The kinetics of the reactive cell clones after primary and secondary immunization with SRBC1) modified by cyclophosphamide and a newly synthesized cyclophosphamide analogue 036.5122 (Asta), have been studied. After primary immunization, both substances caused a severe and dose dependent depletion of 19 S PFC2). The 7 S PFC in the late primary response were only slightly inhibited by cyclophosphamide in low dose ranges, indicating, that sensitization could not be prevented by this substance. In contrast, 0.36.5122 was fully able to suppress 7 S PFC. Thus, treatment with 0.36.5122 after primary immunization can fully prevent the expression of the specific response. Experiments dealing with in…
Zu notwendigen Resonanzkriterien im station�ren Einkanal-Fall
First will be exhibited, for the stationary case, a connection between the probability, to find a particle in the region of interaction, and the derivative of the scattering phase shift for the momentum. From the idea, that in stationary scattering a resonance is linked with an appreciable increase of this probability, one obtains new and quantitative criteria for the behavior ofδl(k). For instance, the nonresonant behavior can be characterised by the condition 2kdδl(k)/dk<1. The maximum of probability for the particle to be in the region of interaction, is considered in accordance with the criterium of maximal change of the phase shift, as a function ofk. This characterises the location of…
Modelle für die Durchdringung von Knäuelmolekülen aus Lichtstreuungsmessungen
13C NMR spectroscopy of four tertiary methyl norbornenols and norbornanols
Carbon chemical shifts and direct 13C1H coupling constants of 2-endo-methyl-5-norbornen-2-exo-ol, 2-exo-methyl-5-norbornen-2-endo-ol, 2-endo-methylnorbornan-2-exo-ol and 2-exo-methylnorbornan-2-endo-ol have been measured from single samples using a dual probe pulse Fourier transform method.
Zur Kiefer- und Gebißentwicklung beim Exomphalos-Makroglossie-Gigantismus-Syndrom
Ein von Geburt an uber 6 Jahre beobachteter Fall von Exomphalos-Makroglossie-Gigantismus-Syndrom wird vorgestellt. Dabei wird der Gebisentwicklung und dem Kieferwachstum besondere Beachtung geschenkt.
Musterspezifischer visueller Wettstreit
119. Zur Problematik der Verletzungen des Harntraktes bei Beckenfrakturen
Infolge Zunahme der Verletzungen der Harnwege im Rahmen von Beckenfrakturen sollte die urologische Diagnostik in den Untersuchungsgang mit einbezogen werden. Leitsymptome weisen auf eine Harnrohren- oder Harnblasenverlet zung hin. Anzustreben ist in jedem Falle die Durchfuhrung eines Infusionsurogrammes. Bei Harnrohrenverletzungen sollte zusatzlich durch ein Urethrocystogramm eine genaue Lokalisation der Rupturstelle ermoglicht werden. Mit der operativen Versorgung der urologischen Verletzungen sollte gleichzeitig eine Stabilisierung des vorderen Beckenringes erfolgen.
Non-adiabatic treatment of fission mass distribution
The influence of dynamical corrections to fission mass yields has been studied within the frame work of the macroscopic-microscopic approach and solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the asymmetry degree of freedom, treating the fragment separation classically. The results indicate that the actual motion lies in between the adiabatic and sudden approximations. In particular the dynamic effects tend to increase considerably the probability for symmetric fission as compared to the static case.
Disproportionierung und Kombination als Abbruchsmechanismen bei der radikalischen Polymerisation von Styrol, 2. Analyse der temperaturabhängigkeiten
Styrol wurde in Substanz mit 14C-markiertem 2,2′-Azoisobutyronitril im Temperatur-bereich von 30 bis 80°C polymerisiert. Aus der Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeit und der Anzahl der radioaktiven Endgruppen im Polymeren wurden die Effektivitat des Starters f und die Verhaltnisse der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten fur Wachstum, Abbruch und Start k/ka und ka, PR/(kwkst) berechnet. Die Bestimmung der Molekulargewichtsverteilungen mit Hilfe der Gelpermeationschromatographie ermoglichte es, die Ubertragungskonstante CM und das Verhaltnis ka, disp/ka, comb zu berechnen. Die Temperaturabhangigkeiten der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten erwiesen sich als physikalisch sinnvoll. Styrene was bulk polymerised by ini…
Orientation of199mHg by optical pumping detected by ?-radiation anisotropy
199mHg was produced and mass separated at the ISOLDE facility (CERN). Nuclear orientation achieved by optical pumping via the resonance line 6s21S0→6s6p3P1,λ=2537A was monitored by means of the anisotropy of theγ-radiation emitted in the cascade199mHg(I=13/2+) $${}^{199m}Hg(I = 13/2^ + )\xrightarrow[{M4}]{}{}^{199*}Hg(I = 5/2^ - )\xrightarrow[{E2}]{}{}^{199}Hg(I = 1/2^ - ).$$ 199*Hg(I=5/2−)199Hg(I=1/2−).
Determination of spin, magnetic moment and isotopic shift of neutron rich205Hg by optical pumping
Neutron rich205Hg (T 1/2=5.2 min) was produced and on-line mass separated at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The polarization achieved by optical pumping via the atomic line (6s 21 S 0↔6s6p 3 P 1,λ=2 537A) was monitored by theβ decay asymmetry. Hyperfine structure and isotopic shift of the205Hg absorption line was determined by Zeeman scanning. In addition a magnetic resonance was performed on the polarized205Hg nuclei in the atomic ground state. The results are: $$I(^{205} Hg) = \tfrac{1}{2}$$ (confirmed);μ I (205Hg)=0.5915 (1)μ N (uncorrected for diamagnetism); isotopic shiftδv204/205=v(205Hg)-v(204Hg)=−1.8 (1) GHz.μ I and IS are discussed briefly in the frame of current literature.
A swept-current magnetic lens plus Si(Li) electron spectrometer with simultaneous momentum and energy selection
Abstract A combined swept-current magnetic lens plus Si(Li) electron spectrometer with simultaneous momentum and energy selection is presented. The spectrometer is intended for in-beam measurements of conversion electron lines up to several MeV in energy and for nanosecond lifetime determinations, as well as for off-beam studies of continuous beta-ray spectra and conversion lines from short-lived activities. The sweeping of the lens current is automatized and the energy selection, synchronously with the momentum, is performed using a simple digital window arrangement. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated in conversion electron and continuous spectrum measurements. Different v…
Characterization of Different Deoxyribonucleases in Human Lymphocytes
Abstract Deoxyribonucleases, Disc Electrophoresis, Lymphocytes Four groups of deoxyribonuclease activities from human lymphocytes have been characterized by deoxyribonuclease assay in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels following their separation by disc-electrophoresis. All activities hydrolyse DNA endonucleolytically. One neutral deoxyribo nuclease found in the cytoplasmic fraction prefers native or UV-irradiated DNA over denatured DNA as substrate and is a 5′-monoester former. Two groups of acid deoxyribonuclease activities are detectable in the nuclear fraction. Both are 3′-monoester formers. One is as well active with denatured DNA as with native DNA, the other one shows the same activ…
Investigation of small-volume gaseous discharge ion sources for isotope separation on-line
Abstract Two small-volume oscillating electron ion sources are described with circular end extraction from a heated hollw cathode, anti-cathode respectively.
Kartesische Produkte von Gruppen
Acute leukemia following anticancer treatment
Secondary cytotoxic allograft responsein vitro. I. Antigenic requirements
The antigenic requirementsfor in vitro induction of secondary murine cytotoxic allograft responses were tested. The proliferative responses were assayed by the [3H]thymidine uptake technique; the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was tested in a 51Cr-cytotoxicity assay. Spleen cells from normal or alloantigen preimmunized CBA mice (H-2k) were used as responder cells. Allogeneic x-irradiated splenic lymphocytes (normal stimulator cells) were UV light treated, heat treated or glutaradehyde fixed and subsequently tested for their capacity to induce CTL in a primary or secondary mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC). In addition allogeneic fibroblasts were tested as stimulator cells. The res…
Gastric control of duodenal electric activity--the function of the gastroduodenal junction.
An investigation was made into the links between electric activity of antral and of duodeno-jejunal musculature in different functional conditions. The function of the gastroduodenal junction in this linking mechanism was analysed. The following observations were made: (a) in the absence of gastric stimulation, the slow electric activities of stomach and duodenum appear to be completely independent; (b) the gastroduodenal junction evidences no electric activity of its own but is affected by that of the two adjacent structures; (c) chemical stimulation of the gastric mucosa causes activation of the electric and mechanical activity of the stomach and analogous activation of duodenal musculatu…