showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents



SUMMARY The influence of M-locus dependent T cell proliferation on the induction of anti H-2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was tested in an in vitro murine cytotoxic allograft model. BALB/c (or CBA/H) derived responder cells (H-2d or H-2k) were cultured together with either C57BL derived fibroblasts or C57BL derived (H-2b), U.V. light irradiated, splenic lymphocytes. These stimulator cells lack functionally active lymphocyte activating determinants (LADs), but display serologically defined (SD) H-2 antigenic specificities. The cytotoxic anti SD-activity obtained was weak. Under certain experimental conditions, the addition of stimulator cells which are H-2 identical to the responder cells b…

biologyLymphocyteT cellImmunologybiology.organism_classificationMolecular biologyIn vitroBALB/cCTL*medicine.anatomical_structureAntigenMHC class IImmunologyGeneticsmedicinebiology.proteinCytotoxic T cellEuropean Journal of Immunogenetics

The transformation of aromatic molecules into the subspace of their double bonds


A model of new submolecules is presented. As an application some absorptions of aromatic radicals are interpreted in UV and visible spectra. Extension of the model to biological systems is prejudged.

chemistry.chemical_classificationDouble bondchemistryComputational chemistryRadicalMoleculeChiropracticsPhysical and Theoretical ChemistrySubspace topologyTransformation (music)Spectral lineTheoretica Chimica Acta

Kinetics of the reactive cell clones after immunosuppression and induction of tolerance. II. Different recovery of 19 S and 7 S plaque-forming cells …


By the aid of two alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide (CP) and 036.5122, (Asta), applied after a single dose of antigen, tolerance to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), has been induced in NMRI mice. Duration and characteristics of recovery were followed by a second antigenic challenge at various time intervals and by determination of 19 S and 7 S plaque-forming cells (PFC) 4 days later. During recovery from the tolerant state two phases of responsiveness could be differentiated: an early phase with no or markedly reduced numbers of total PFC, all of them being of the IgM type; a later phase with a steady increase in total PFC up to normal values, paralleled by an increase in the proportion of 7…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyErythrocytesCyclophosphamideT cellmedicine.medical_treatmentPeriod (gene)ImmunologyCellBiologyMiceAntigenInternal medicineImmune TolerancemedicineAnimalsImmunology and AllergyPotencyAntigensAntibody-Producing CellsCyclophosphamideB cellB-LymphocytesSheepImmunosuppressionKineticsmedicine.anatomical_structureEndocrinologyImmunoglobulin MImmunologyFemaleImmunologic MemoryImmunosuppressive Agentsmedicine.drugEuropean Journal of Immunology

Tamaño optimo de una muestra: Solucion Bayesiana


Statistics and ProbabilityComputer scienceStatistics Probability and UncertaintyTrabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa

A study on the effect of the inhibition of polyadenylylation on the production of giant cytoplasmic RNA in sea urchin embryos.


It is suggested that inhibition of RNA polyadenylylation in sea urchin mesenchyme blastulae causes a disturbance of the transport of all the size classes of newly synthesized RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.

animal structuresbiologyurogenital systemChemistrySea urchin skeletogenesisMesenchymeRNASea urchin embryoCell biologymedicine.anatomical_structureCytoplasmbiology.animalembryonic structuresBotanyGeneticsmedicineNucleusSea urchinDevelopmental biologyDevelopmental BiologyWilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology

Procesos Markovianos de cooperacion y valoracion de un juego


En un intento de evitar la dicotomizacion del proceso conflictivo, que esta en el origen de todo concepto de valor—Shapley, Selten, Harsany y Miyasawa—, proponemos, en la primera parte del trabajo un metodo de valoracion basado en una “funcion de particion (Thrall)” que llamamos deHarsany. Para una particular clase de juegos este procedimiento conduce, sorprendentemente, al valor de Shapley!. Este hecho pone en evidencia la dificultad de salirnos de los moldes clasicos, construidos sobre la hipotesis de la libertad irrestringida para la cooperacion (von Neumann-Morgestern). Ello nos lleva, en la segunda parte, a flexibilizar nuestro modelo a traves de la consideracion de unacadena de Markov…

Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics Probability and UncertaintyTrabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa

Auswirkungen parenteraler Glycerinzufuhr auf die Glycerokinase-Aktivität und den Adenosintriphosphatspiegel in der Niere von Ratten


Dauerinfusionen mit Glycerin an Ratten fuhren bei Dosierungen oberhalb der durchschnittlichen maximalen Umsatzkapazitat (0,74−1.h−1) zu Veranderungen an den Nieren in Form einer Gewichtszunahme bei gleichzeitiger Proteinverarmung und eines Aktivitatsverlustes an Glycerokinase bei deren gleichzeitigem Auftreten im Harn. Bei Dosierungen von 0,6−1.h−1 und mehr kommt es zu einem ATP-Abfall in den Nieren. Im Gegensatz dazu sind Veranderungen in der Leber uneinheitlicb und in ahnlicher Form nur bei Dosierungsraten oberhalb der maximalen Umsatzkapazitat zu finden. Die auftretenden Veranderungen werden im Zusammenhang biokinetischer Daten und des Begriffs der osmotischen Nephrose diskutie…

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryKinaseON-glycerolGlycerolGeneral MedicineMolecular biologyParenteral infusionResearch in Experimental Medicine

Kinetik der Bromierung von Phenolen und phenolischen Mehrkernverbindungen, 1. Mechanismus und meßmethode


Die Bromierung von 2-(2-Hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-4,6-dimethylphenol (1) und 2-[2-Hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl)-5-methylbenzyl]-4,6-dimethylphenol (2a) wurde in Eisessig bei 22°C untersucht. Die Reaktion last sich fur [Br2]0 = 1,4·10−3 bis 6,0·10−3 mol dm + und Konzentrationen der phenolischen Verbindungen [P]0 zwischen 1,1·10−3 und 5,5·10−3mol dm−3 durch das folgende Geschwindigkeitsgesetz beschreiben: Wahrend die gebildete Bromverbindung keinen Einflus auf die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit hat, verlangsamt der entstehende Bromwasserstoff die Reaktion. Die Bromierung ist trotzdem zur Bestimmung der Reaktionsfahigkeit von Phenolen und phenolischen Mehrkernverbindungen gut geeignet, da die R…

Reaction ratechemistry.chemical_compoundAcetic acidReaction rate constantBromineChemistryHydrogen bromidePolymer chemistryHalogenationchemistry.chemical_elementReactivity (chemistry)PhenolsDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Enquête auprès des personnes du 3è âge dans l'agglomération dijonnaise : conditions de vie et besoins


référence interne : 75011

SantéEnquête[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationCondition de vieDijon[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPersonne âgéeBourgogneFranceLogementVie relationnelleÉvaluation des besoins

Mononuclear isoheterocyclic rearrangements. Note I. Interconversion of 3-benzoylamino-5-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole and 3-acetylamino-5-phenyl-1,2,4-oxad…


The first example of mononuclear isoheterocyclic rearrangement is reported. The 3-benzoylamino-5-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole (5) furnishes through a reversible process (slowly at room temperature in methanol, acetone or dioxane, fast in DMSO or in methanol in the presence of strong bases) a mixture of 5 and 3-acethylamino-5-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole (6). The equilibrium process can be achieved also by heating 5 at 181° and the same reaction mixture can be obtained using 6 as the starting material. 3-Trichloroacetylamino-5-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole (7) was unaffected by similar treatment. The results obtained are discussed.

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryOrganic ChemistryAcetoneOxadiazoleOrganic chemistryReversible processMethanolMedicinal chemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

Es usted… ¿Ortodoxo o Bayesiano?


Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics Probability and UncertaintyMathematicsTrabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa

Conservative parotidectomy in infancy and childhood


Summary The indication for operations of benign tumours of the salivary glands in infancy and childhood is taken with great caution and is only partially recommended as the therapy of choice. This applies especially to hemangiomas, since spontaneous retrogression has been observed and there is the danger of damage to the facial nerve during surgery. Knowing unsatisfactory late cases of hemangiomas the author recommends conservative parotidectomy in cases of fast-growing hemangiomas. The anatomic structures in infancy, as well as the lack of pneumatisation of the mastoid process and the fragility of the cartilagineous auditory meatus should be taken into consideration during surgical explora…

Mastoid processmedicine.medical_specialtyMeatusbusiness.industryInfantGeneral MedicineParotidectomyFacial nerveBenign tumoursParotid NeoplasmsParotid glandSurgeryFacial Nervemedicine.anatomical_structureChild PreschoolmedicineHumansParotid GlandSurgeryChildHemangiomabusinessJournal of Maxillofacial Surgery

Akustische Differenzierung verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen in derParus (Periparus)-Gruppe nach Untersuchungen im Nepal-Himalaya


Die funf Formen der UntergattungParus (Periparus) des sudlichen Zentral-Asien(rufonuchalis, rubidiventris, beavani, melanolophus, aemodius) werden morphologisch, biologisch-okologisch und vor allem akustisch differenziert. Die Spezifitat der Gesange gilt als wesentliches Art-Kriterium; sie wird mit Attrappen-Versuchen getestet.

Animal Science and ZoologyBiologyHumanitiesJournal für Ornithologie

A tensiostatic study of the anodic behaviour of tungsten in acid solutions


Abstract Tensiostatic anodization of tungsten has been studied in 1 N solutions of H 2 SO 4 , HClO 42 , HNH 2 SO 3 and HCl at 25 °C. For several voltage values, the curves of current vs . time and open-circuit voltage vs . time have been obtained. All results indicate that the oxide films produced during the polarization are slowly dissolved in the acid solutions. The HCl, and to a lesser extent the HNH 2 SO 3 solutions, show a more aggressive behaviour. For values of the applied voltage above about 50 V, gas evolution begins. In the case of HCl solutions, the gas is Cl 2 and the electrode is rapidly corroded.

Materials scienceAqueous solutionGas evolution reactionInorganic chemistryGeneral EngineeringOxidechemistry.chemical_elementSulfuric acidHydrochloric acidTungstenchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryElectrodePerchloric acidJournal of the Less Common Metals

Isotopic Differences in the Charge Distribution of Even Molybdenum Isotopes from Elastic Electron Scattering


Elastic-electron-scattering cross sections for $^{92,94,96,98,100}\mathrm{Mo}$ in an effective momentum transfer range of 0.6-2.1 ${\mathrm{fm}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ are analyzed in a practically model-independent way, using a Fourier-Bessel expansion for the charge distribution. The ratios of cross sections of neighboring isotopes yield differences of charge distributions, which exhibit pronounced shell effects.

PhysicsRange (particle radiation)IsotopechemistryMolybdenumScatteringYield (chemistry)Momentum transferGeneral Physics and Astronomychemistry.chemical_elementCharge densityCharge (physics)Atomic physicsPhysical Review Letters



Als potentiell analeptisch wirksame Substanzen mit partiell fixierter funktioneller Gruppe werden strukturanaloge Amide, Imide und Lactame des 2-Methyl-nicethamids synthetisiert. Synthesis of 2-Methyl-Nicethamide Analogues. As potentially analeptically active substances with partially fixed functional groups, structural analogues of 2-methyl-nicethamide, in the form of amides, imides and lactams, are synthesized.

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryStereochemistryAmideGeneral MedicineImideChemischer Informationsdienst

Biological age, health, and health-risk indicators among 25-57-year-old men in two parts of Finland.


Biological age, health and health-risk indicators were examined among 460 systematically chosen men, aged 25–57 years, in two parts of Finland. Morbidity rates and the prevalence of some health-risk indicators were higher and the standard of living lower in North Karelia than in South-West Finland. The index of biological age (IBA) did not show significant differences between the districts and did not correlate with health-risk indicators. People working in physically hard occupations (industrial and mining workers) were found to have more diseases and had higher IBA values than had workers in lighter occupations. The results suggest that both ageing and morbidity are regulated by occupati…

GerontologyAdultMaleRiskRural PopulationAgingSocial conditionIndex (economics)Urban PopulationOccupational prestigeBiological ageStandard of livingEnvironmental healthMedicineHealth Status IndicatorsHumansHealth riskOccupationsFinlandbusiness.industryPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthMiddle AgedSocioeconomic FactorsAgeingMorbiditybusinessScandinavian journal of social medicine

Consistencies of psychomotor styles in interpersonal tasks


Abstract.— Interpersonal behaviour of individuals in five tasks (individual performance, two dyadic tasks, two small-group tasks) was videotaped and coded on 11 psychomotor categories concerning (a) movements regulating interaction, (b) indications of tension, and (c) temperamental acts. The individual consistencies were examined on the basis of correlational analyses and task similarities. The consistency of individual psychomotor behaviour across all the tasks was highest in the number of selfinitiated acts (psychomotor activeness). Consistency was also found in the total tension score and the utilization of large/narrow space, while the effect of the particular tasks was clearly demonstr…

Psychomotor learningTask (computing)Consistency (negotiation)Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Developmental and Educational PsychologyGeneral MedicineInterpersonal communicationDispositionPsychologyGeneral PsychologyDevelopmental psychologyStyle (sociolinguistics)Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

Mass spectrometric investigation of polymers: Thermal degradation of truxillic and truxinic polyamides


The thermal degradation mechanism of four isomeric truxillic and truxinic polyamides were investigated by direct pyrolysis in the ion source of a mass spectrometer. Thermal degradation reactions were followed directly by this method by detecting the thermal and electron impact-induced fragments. The results obtained have shown that the thermal degradation products are sensibly different for the head-to-head (hh) and head-to-tail (ht) polymers and that the predominant pyrolytic process is the cyclobutane ring cleavage. In the hh isomers, both symmetrical and asymmetrical cyclobutane ring cleavage was detected, while in the ht isomers only symmetrical cleavage occurs; this explains the notice…

chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryThermal stabilityPyrolytic carbonPolymerRing (chemistry)Cleavage (embryo)PhotochemistryMass spectrometryPyrolysisCyclobutaneJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition

Spontaneous lymphokine synthesis by human blood mononuclear cells


LYMPHOCYTES, after antigenic stimulation, may synthesise and release biologically active soluble factors other than antibodies. These mediators were termed lymphokines by Dumonde1, and the most extensively studied and best characterised are migration inhibitory factors which can inhibit the migration of macrophages or leukocytes: this is the property used for their in vitro bioassay. Apart from antigens, various other stimuli may trigger lymphokine synthesis by lymphocytes, for example, polyclonal mitogens2, anti-immunoglobulin or membrane Fc or C3-receptor reactions3,4. Furthermore, migration inhibitory activity has been found in the long term culture supernatants of some established lymph…

CellPeripheral blood mononuclear cellMonocytesAntigenmedicineHumansLymphocytesMacrophage Migration-Inhibitory FactorsLymphokinesMultidisciplinarybiologyChemistryLymphokineBiological activityIn vitroCell biologyCold TemperatureBloodmedicine.anatomical_structurePolyclonal antibodiesDepression ChemicalProtein BiosynthesisImmunologybiology.proteinPuromycinAntibodyNature

Zur konstruktion der reellen Szpiegelungsgruppe 331-1331-1331-1


General MathematicsHumanitiesMathematicsActa Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Erythrocyte agglutinins in the blood of certain Ascidians


Plasma from Ciona intestinalis, Phallusia mamillata and Ascidia malaca possess hemagglutinin for a variety of erythrocytes. Results obtained by physical and chemical treatments suggest that hemagglutinin for Phallusia mamillata and Ascidia malaca may be a protein or a protein-like substance.

PharmacologyPhallusiaErythrocytesSheepbiologyA proteinCell BiologyHemagglutininbiology.organism_classificationPepsin ACiona intestinalisRatsMicrobiologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceHemagglutininsAgglutininsAnimalsHumansMolecular MedicineRabbitsUrochordataMolecular BiologyMercaptoethanolExperientia

Determination in situ of the size distribution of the atmospheric aerosol


Abstract The aim of the present study was the investigation of the in situ number/size distribution of the atmospheric aerosol in the size range between 0·05 and 2 μm radius. The experimental system consisted of a 4-channel integrating nephelometer, a 2-channel optical particle counter and a condensation nucleus counter. With a new inversion method, which had been tested previously by model computations and by measurements with artificial aerosols, the in situ size distribution was computed from the data of the experimental system.

Fluid Flow and Transfer ProcessesIn situAtmospheric ScienceEnvironmental EngineeringNephelometerChemistryMechanical EngineeringAnalytical chemistryInverse transform samplingRadiusAtmospheric sciencesPollutionAerosolRange (statistics)Cloud condensation nucleiParticle counterPhysics::Atmospheric and Oceanic PhysicsJournal of Aerosol Science

Zunge und pharyngealer Raum bei operativer Rückverlagerung des Unterkiefers


Anhand von Fernrontgenseitenbildern werden die Auswirkungen der operativen Ruckverlagerung des Unterkiefers bei Progenie auf die Zungenlage und den pharyngealen Luftweg untersucht. Es zeigt sich, das der pharyngeale Raum durch die Operation und die dadurch bedingte Ruckverlagerung der Zunge eingeengt wird. Uber langere Zeit werden durch Anpassungsvorgange die ursprunglichen raumlichen Beziehungen annahernd wieder hergestellt.

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industrymedicineOrthodonticsGeneral MedicineOral SurgerybusinessFortschritte der Kieferorthopädie

On the geographical distribution of pseudocholinesterase variants.


The incidence of pseudocholinesterase (PCHE equals E.C. variants in samples of 8 different population (total of 2218 individuals) is reported. Together with previously mentioned data from the literature, a general survey on the geographical distribution of PCHE isoenzymes is given. Possible reasons for present-day heterogeneity of their distribution are also discussed. Concerning the incidence of the C5 variant, it is pointed out that the validity of applying population genetic models depends upon the accuracy of the genetic basis.

AsiaNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderGenotypePopulationDistribution (economics)IndiaBiologyGene FrequencyGenetic modelStatisticsGenetic variationCholinesterasesHumansAlleleeducationBulgariaAllele frequencyMolecular BiologyAlleleseducation.field_of_studybusiness.industryIncidence (epidemiology)Racial GroupsGermany WestGenetic VariationGeneral MedicineEuropeGenetics PopulationButyrylcholinesteraseAfricaAmericasbusinessHumangenetik

Individual versus provided constructs, cognitive complexity and extremity of ratings in person perception.


.— Bruner & Tagiuri's (1954) concept of implicit personality theory, and Kelly's (1955) theory of personal constructs were used as a basis for a hypothesis that an individual's own constructs mediate more differentiated perceptions of other people than constructs provided by the experimenter. The hypothesis was tested by using four indices of cognitive complexity and one index of extremity of ratings to measure differentiation. The individual constructs were derived by using Reptest. The provided constructs were Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. Two experimenters were employed to control experimenter effects. The data did no…

MalePersonality InventorySocial perceptionmedia_common.quotation_subjectCognitive complexityContrast (statistics)CognitionGeneral MedicineSemantic DifferentialCognitionArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Social PerceptionPerceptionDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyPersonalityHumansFemaleSemantic differentialPsychologySocial psychologyGeneral Psychologymedia_commonCognitive psychologyImplicit personality theoryPersonalityScandinavian journal of psychology

Ballon occlusion of the renal artery in tumor nephrectomy.


AbstractA method of preoperative intraluminal occlusion of the renal artery in cases of kidney tumors using a 5F Swan-Ganz balloon catheter is presented. The procedure was used in 26 tumor nephrectomies without complications and resulted in marked facilitation of the operation in 70 per cent of the cases.

Adultmedicine.medical_specialtyTime FactorsUrologymedicine.medical_treatmentHemorrhageAdenocarcinomaNephrectomyCatheterizationNeoplasm SeedingRenal Arterymedicine.arteryOcclusionmedicineHumansRenal arteryAgedKidneybusiness.industryCarcinomaBalloon catheterSarcomaMiddle AgedNephrectomyKidney NeoplasmsSurgerymedicine.anatomical_structureBalloon occlusionRadiologybusinessThe Journal of urology

Generalization of mental health across life sectors


.— Questionnaire data on mental health in three life areas (work, family, and leisure) were analysed by ANOVA together with estimation of the magnitudes of different effects. The Ss were 60 employed women with varied marital status. About 55% of mental health variation was explained by the generalization model and 4% by the person by life area interaction. It was suggested that analysis of variance components is useful in comparing corresponding effects in different groups of subjects. Some limitations of cross-sectional research strategy were discussed, stressing the need for other strategies in research on the relation between mental health in different life areas.

AdultSelf-AssessmentPoison controlSuicide preventionOccupational safety and healthDevelopmental psychologyLeisure ActivitiesArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Surveys and QuestionnairesEnvironmental healthGeneralization (learning)Injury preventionDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyHumansFamilyOccupationsLife StyleGeneral PsychologyAnalysis of VarianceHuman factors and ergonomicsGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedMental healthMental HealthMarital statusFemalePsychologyScandinavian Journal of Psychology

Spin-echo-untersuchungen an paraffinen und polyäthylen im schmelzzustand


Die Spin-Echo-Einhullende von geschmolzenem Polyathylen kann in vier exponentiell abfallende Komponenten zerlegt werden, die verschiedenen Relaxationszeiten T2 entsprechen. Die relativen Intensitaten dieser Komponenten in nichtfraktionierten und fraktionierten Polyathylenen verschiedenen Molekulargewichts sowie in Mischungen aus Polyathylen und Paraffin wurden bestimmt. Aufgrund der erhaltenen Ergebnisse wird die folgende Zuordnung vorgeschlagen: Die Komponente K1 mit der kurzesten Relaxationszeit stammt von Ketten innerhalb von kleinen, fluktuierenden Bundeln; die Komponente K2 mit der zweitkurzesten Relaxationszeit ruhrt von langen Ketten auserhalb der Bundel her: die Komponente K4 mit de…

ChemistryPolymer chemistryStufeDie Makromolekulare Chemie

The convergent validity of four indices of congnitive complexity in person perception. A multi-index multimethod and factor analytical approach.


.— An application of the Campbell and Fiske multimethod-multitrait analysis and factor analysis was used to study the convergent validity of the following indices of cognitive complexity: Bieri's Index, Vannoy's Interaction Variance Measure, Number of Factors, and First Factor Percentage. In the analysis the individual constructs elicited by Reptest were contrasted with two sets of provided constructs, namely Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. The results indicated that the convergent validity of the indices over construct type was low and that the construct type had an effect upon the intercorrelations of different indices o…

MalePersonality Inventorymedia_common.quotation_subjectSemantic DifferentialCognitionArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Developmental and Educational PsychologyPersonalityHumansGeneral Psychologymedia_commonSocial perceptionCognitive complexityMultitrait-multimethod matrixGeneral MedicineVariance (accounting)Convergent validitySocial PerceptionFemaleSemantic differentialConstruct (philosophy)PsychologyFactor Analysis StatisticalSocial psychologyCognitive psychologyPersonalityScandinavian journal of psychology

Determination of the isotope shift of115m Cd by a Zeeman scanning method


We have used an optical pumping-Zeeman scanning technique in order to determine the isotope shift in the 3,261 A resonance line of 43-day, spin-11/2115mCd. A sample of ≈5×1012 atoms was aligned in the1S0 diamagnetic ground state by optically pumping the sample with one selected Zeeman-scanned component of the3P1−3,261 A resonance line from a114Cd lamp. The alignment was detected through the modulation of the pumping beam at the nuclear resonance frequency. Thus by Zeeman scanning theF = 9/2 component of the3P1 level and using previously determinedA- andB-values, we findδ5v(114–115m (9/2))= −4,234(48) MHz and114Cd-115mCd isotope shift = 87(48) MHz. We calculate a staggering parameterγ(115mCd…

Nuclear and High Energy Physicssymbols.namesakeZeeman effectMaterials scienceIsotopeModulationsymbolsNuclear fusionDiamagnetismAtomic physicsGround stateBeam (structure)Effective nuclear chargeZeitschrift f�r Physik A: Atoms and Nuclei

Decay of the 4.2-min152Pm into levels of152Sm


After bombardments of enriched152Sm with 14-MeV neutrons, three isomers of125Pm reaction, have been observed with half-lives of 4.2±0.2 min, 7.5±0.2 min and 15.0±1.0 min. Sources of pure 4.2-min152Pm were obtained by separating the promethium from its parent 11-min152Nd produced by thermal-neutron induced fission of235U. The beta and gamma radiations of the 4.2-min152Pm have been investigated using semiconductor and scintillation spectrometers. Most of theγ-ray transitions could be placed in a level scheme for 152Sm. Especially interesting is a level at 1083 keV for which the assignmentI π=0+ is proposed. In a 4πβγ experiment, the ground state feeding of152Sm in theβ −-decay of the 4.2-min1…

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsScintillationSpectrometerbusiness.industryFissionAnalytical chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementPromethiumSemiconductorchemistryNuclear fusionNeutronAtomic physicsbusinessGround stateZeitschrift f�r Physik A Atoms and Nuclei

The mechanism of hydrolysis of beta-glycerophosphate by kidney alkaline phosphatase.


1. To identify the functional groups that are involved in the conversion of β-glycerophosphate by alkaline phosphatase (EC from pig kidney, the kinetics of alkaline phosphatase were investigated in the pH range 6.6-10.3 at substrate concentrations of 3 μM-30 mM. From the plots of log ṼH+ against pH and log ṼH+/KH+m against pH one functional group with pK = 7.0 and two functional groups with pK = 9.1 were identified. These groups are involved in substrate binding. Another group with pK = 8.8 was found, which in its unprotonated form catalyses substrate conversion. 2. GSH inhibits the alkaline phosphatase reversibly and non-competitively by attacking the bound Zn(II). 3. The influenc…

StereochemistrySwineKidneyBiochemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundHydrolysisAnimalsMagnesiumBinding siteMolecular Biologychemistry.chemical_classificationBinding SitesHydrolysisSubstrate (chemistry)Cell BiologyGlutathioneHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationPhosphateAlkaline PhosphataseGlutathioneKineticsZincEnzymechemistryModels ChemicalGlycerophosphatesFunctional groupAlkaline phosphataseResearch ArticleThe Biochemical journal

Einige Bemerkungen zur Dualität in der konvexen Optimierung


Die allgemeine Rockafellarsche Dualitatstheorie wird auf eine Reihe konvexer Optimierungsprobleme angewandt, um Dualitats-, Existenz-und Charakterisierungssatze fur Optimallosungen zu erhalten. Unter anderem werden auf diesem Wege einige schon bekannte Ergebnisse in sehr einfacher Weise wiedergewonnen.

Computational MathematicsNumerical AnalysisComputational Theory and MathematicsPhilosophyHumanitiesComputer communication networksSoftwareComputer Science ApplicationsTheoretical Computer ScienceComputing

Influence of agents that act on DNA and RNA synthesis on the activity of poly(ADP-Rib) polymerase


The activity of poly(ADP-Rib) polymerase is enhanced in the presence of spermine and spermidine. Among the adenosine-like antibiotics tested, only formycin B and showdomycin cause an inhibition of the enzyme, which is competitive to NAD. The activity of poly(ADP-Rib) polymerase is not reduced by rifamycin, alpha-amanitin and 2-phenylethanol.

SpermidineShowdomycinSpermineCoturnixOviductsShowdomycinCellular and Molecular Neurosciencechemistry.chemical_compoundNAD+ NucleosidaseEthidiumpolycyclic compoundsAnimalsN-Glycosyl HydrolasesMolecular BiologyPolymeraseCell NucleusPharmacologychemistry.chemical_classificationbiologyAdenineRifamycinDNATemplates GeneticCell BiologyMolecular biologySpermidineKineticsEnzymechemistryBiochemistrybiology.proteinRNAMolecular MedicineFemaleSpermineNAD+ kinaseFormycinsDNAExperientia

Evaporation d'un liquide sous pression contrôlée de sa vapeur, présentation d'un modèle d'échange thermique à l'interface (Actes)


International audience

[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics][SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics][SPI.GPROC] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Chemical and Process Engineering[SPI.FLUID]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Reactive fluid environment[CHIM] Chemical Sciences[CHIM]Chemical Sciences[SPI.GPROC]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Chemical and Process Engineering[SPI.FLUID] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Reactive fluid environmentComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS