showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Methodical aspects of perceived exertion rating and its relation to pedalling rate and rotating mass.


Methodical aspects of the relationship between pedalling rate and rotating mass and perceived exertion rating (PER; Borg, 1962) were studied in trained, untrained, and ill subjects in bicycle ergometry. Pedalling rate varied between 40 and 100 rpm, work load steps were 5, 10, 15 and 20 mkp/sec in the healthy subjects, and 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 mkp/sec in the patients. PER decreased with increasing pedalling rate in all healthy subjects. In the patients, PER increased moderately at work load of 2.5 mkp/sec, but decreased at higher work loads up to 80 rpm, followed by a slight increase at 100 rpm. Higher mass of the flywheel, studied in 6 trained subjects, lowered the PER insignificantly. In the…

AdultLung Diseasesmedicine.medical_specialtyWorkPhysiologyPhysical ExertionPerceived exertionPhysical medicine and rehabilitationHeart RatePhysiology (medical)medicineHumansOrthopedics and Sports MedicineIn patientTrained subjectsMathematicsReproducibilityPhysical Education and TrainingWork (physics)Public Health Environmental and Occupational HealthHealthy subjectsGeneral MedicineHuman physiologyMiddle Agedbody regionsPerceptionBicycle ergometerhuman activitiesEuropean journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology

Effect of diazoxide on left ventricular performance in hypertension.


The effect of diazoxide on left ventricular performance during rest and isometric exercise (handgrip) was examined in 16 unselected hypertensive patients, 6 of whom had been pretreated with the beta-adrenergic blocking agent pindolol. Diazoxide regularly and promptly produced a fall in left ventricular systolic and end diastolic pressures, and an increase in heart rate and left ventricular dp/dtmax. Haemodynamic changes were maximal 2 minutes after injection of the drug and decreased little over the next 8 minutes. After beta-adrenergic blockade, diazoxide caused a more pronounced reduction in left ventricular systolic pressure and a less marked fall in end-diastolic pressure, whilst the di…

InotropeAdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyPhysical ExertionDiastoleHemodynamicsBlood PressureIsometric exerciseHeart RateInternal medicineHeart rateDiazoxideMedicineHumansPharmacology (medical)Drug InteractionsPharmacologybusiness.industryDiazoxideHemodynamicsGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedMyocardial ContractionBlood pressureAnesthesiaPindololHypertensionInjections Intravenouscardiovascular systemVentricular pressureCardiologyFemalebusinessmedicine.drugEuropean journal of clinical pharmacology

Small-signal analysis of the encoder mechanism in the lobster stretch receptor and the frog and cat muscle spindle.


Ausgehend von der Leitwert-Potential-Beziehung als Bedingung fur die Impulsauslosung an erregbaren Membranen (Chaplain, 1974) wird eine Kleinsignal-Analyse des Kodierungsvorganges in Mechanorezeptoren beschrieben. Hierbei wird die Theorie der Systeme mit zeitvariablen Parametern angewendet. Das beschriebene mathematische Modell erlaubt quantitative Aussagen fur den Frequenzgang unabhangig davon ob die Momentafrequenz oder die Impulsdichte als Ausgangssignal betrachtet wird. Die Approximation experimenteller Daten gelingt sowohl fur die Ansteuerung des Kodierers bei intrazellularer Stromstimulierung im Fall des Dehnungsrezeptors wie auch durch Leitwertanderungen als Folge des mechano-elektri…

PhysicsGeneral Computer ScienceModels NeurologicalCatsAction PotentialsAnimalsAnuraMolecular biologyMechanoreceptorsMuscle SpindlesBiotechnologyNephropidaeBiological cybernetics

The internal auditory artery: (embryology, anatomy, angiography, pathology).


A review of the literature on the embryology, anatomy and angiography of the internal auditory artery has shown that there may be considerable variation as to the origin and number of internal auditory arteries. The present study, based on serial magnification angiographies of the internal auditory artery, has demonstrated 7 variants of the origin of this artery although in 45.4% of cases the internal auditory artery arose from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. For the diagnosis of pathological processes in the cerebellopontine angle (tumors, sudden deafness, vascular abnormalities) magnification angiography is of special importance. Acoustic neurinomas in particular can be diagnosed…

AdultPathologymedicine.medical_specialtyNeurologyeducationMagnificationCerebellopontine AngleDeafnessInternal Auditory Arterymedicine.arteryCerebellummedicineHumansCerebellar NeoplasmsNeuroradiologymedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryAngiographyIntracranial AneurysmAnatomyArteriesMiddle AgedCerebellopontine angleAnterior inferior cerebellar arterymedicine.anatomical_structureNeurologyBasilar ArteryEar InnerAngiographyFemaleNeurology (clinical)RadiologybusinessArteryJournal of neurology

Fragmentation of accelerated 2.1 GeV/nucleon12C,14N and16O Ions in nuclear emulsion


The inelastic-interaction mean free path and fragmentation parameters in nuclear emulsion of accelerated 2.1 GeV/nucleon12C,14N and16O have been determined. The discrimination of the targets has been achieved with a new method. The global results obtained for the three ions have been compared with theM-group of the cosmic radiation.

Nuclear physicsPhysicsFragmentation (mass spectrometry)Mean free pathAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentCosmic rayNuclear emulsionNuclear ExperimentIonIl Nuovo Cimento A



The density of crystals of poly(ethylene terephthalate), (PETP), Qc is checked by X-ray diffraction assuming a triclinic unit cell and the indices of reflections as found by Bunn. The following unit cell dimensions are found: a = 4,48A, b = 5,85A, c = 10,75 A, α = 99,5°, β = 118,4°, and γ = 111,2°. This gives the density Qc as 1,515g/cm3 which is about 4% higher than that reported by Bunn. Negligible differences in spacings for samples annealed at different temperatures (120°C–260°C) have been found. Only for an annealing temperature of 100°C the higher d-values lead to Qc = 1,484g/cm3. For undrawn PETP films annealed at 250°C the same value of Qc as for drawn PETP was obtained on the basis…

Diffractionchemistry.chemical_compoundEthylenechemistryAnnealing (metallurgy)ComonomerPolymer chemistryDiethylene glycolTriclinic crystal systemMole fractionPoly ethyleneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

T cell proliferation in the mixed lymphocyte culture does not necessarily result in the generation of cytotoxic T effector cells.


It was tested whether T lymphocytes, when stimulated in vitro by M locus-coded lymphocyte activating determinants (LAD), are able to mediate cytotoxic effector functions. The assay for cytotoxicity included both the use of purified appropriate target cells (i.e. purified lipopolysaccharide blasts) as well as the use of phytohemagglutinin dependent cytolysis as a model for detecting cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Although strong proliferative responses were obtained in the mixed lymphocyte culture, the T cell blast generated did not display any detectable cytotoxic effector function. Thus, it is concluded that LAD, at least in the M locus-dependenet system, do have the capacity to induce T c…

LipopolysaccharidesIsoantigensT cellT-LymphocytesImmunologyBiologyLymphocyte ActivationTissue cultureMiceHistocompatibility AntigensLectinsmedicineConcanavalin AImmunology and AllergyCytotoxic T cellAnimalsCytotoxicityImmunity CellularEffectorCytotoxicity Tests ImmunologicMolecular biologyIn vitroCytolysisCTL*medicine.anatomical_structureImmunologyFemaleLymphocyte Culture Test MixedEuropean journal of immunology

Darstellung eines neuen achtgliedrigen BNC-heteroringes


Abstract 2-Phenyl-1,3,2-diazaboracyclohexane reacts with phenylisocyanate by an insertion reaction leading to an eight-membered BNC-heterocycle.

Inorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryInsertion reactionOrganic ChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryBiochemistryPhenylisocyanateJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Alteration of Esophageal Peristalsis by Pentagastrin in Patients with Diffuse Esophageal Spasm


Although it has been shown that gastrin and gastric alkalinization affect the lower esophageal sphincter, in vivo studies have not demonstrated a measurable effect of pentagastrin on esophageal peristalsis. In 9 patients with diffuse esophageal spam and in 10 control subjects esophageal peristalsis was recorded before and after pentagastrin infections. Subcutaneous pentagastrin increased peak amplitude significantly more in patients, 31.2 +/- 8.1 mm Hg (mean +/- S.E.M.), than in controls, 12.1 +/- 5.1 mm Hg (P less than 0.02). Max. duration of contraction waves in patients showed a rise of 11.3 +/- 2.7 sec as compared to controls, 1.9 +/- 0.9 sec (P less than 0.01). The effect of pentagastr…

medicine.medical_specialtyContraction (grammar)business.industrydigestive oral and skin physiologyGastroenterologyGastroenterologyDenervation supersensitivityPentagastrinIn vivoInternal medicinemedicineIn patientEsophageal spasmEsophageal peristalsisbusinessGastrinmedicine.drugScandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology

Some comments on the n + p --> d + 2 gamma anomaly


Abstract It is shown that the only theoretical contribution to the doubly radiative emission, not included in the two-step transition radiations, is given by charge-bremsstrahlung from the single-photon emission. Due to the pole structure of the amplitude, the experimental energy spectrum is reproduced, but the rate is short of the measured value by more than six orders of magnitude.

PhysicsOrders of magnitude (entropy)Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsAmplitudeAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaEnergy spectrumRadiative transferFísicaAtomic physicsAnomaly (physics)

Revista de educación


Cuando se habla de desigualdad de oportunidades en materia de educación puede aludirse a dos cosas: desigualdades ante la escuela y desigualdad a causa de la escuela. La primera es el resultado de múltiples causas, la mayor de las cuales no son económicas y ha permitido una aproximación entre diversas disciplinas. La segunda si son económicas o relacionadas con ellas. Pero viendo que las funciones que no incluían más que la educación como factor deteminante del nivel de beneficios no daban resultados claros cuando se trabajaba con datos individuales, los defensores de la teoría del capital humano han probado a introducir otras variables a su modelo inicial y son: edad;el sexo y la raza; la …

EffetThéorie de la segmentationnivel de cualificación[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationrelación empleo-formaciónsalarioRéussite professionnelleEducationdesarrollo económicoThéorie du capital humainéxito profesionaldesarrollo de la educaciónteoríaComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

A reexamination of the equilibrium conditions in the theory of water drop nucleation


The thermodynamic equations necessary to describe the conditions for equilibrium between a highly curved surface of a liquid and its vapour are re-examined. The complete equilibrium behaviour is reduced to one single differential equation for each component in an arbitrary c -component system. It is shown that this general formulation can be specialized to describe the conditions for equilibrium between water vapour and a pure water drop, the drop carrying an electric charge, containing a water soluble substance and/or containing a water insoluble nucleus. In the light of the present formulation, some incorrect physical statements of treatments by various authors reported in literature are …

Atmospheric ScienceMaterials science010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesDifferential equationEquilibrium conditionsDrop (liquid)NucleationThermodynamicsGeneral MedicineWater insolubleThermodynamic equationsOceanographyElectric charge01 natural sciencesWater vapor0105 earth and related environmental sciencesTellus A

On the reactions between ethyl benzoylacetate and anisidines


4-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-3-[(m-methoxyphenylimino)-phenylmethyl]-2-quinolone (6) was a by-product of the condensation of ethyl benzoylacetate and m-anisidine; no corresponding products were obtained from p- and o-anisidine. From o-anisidine, 2-phenyl-8-methoxy-4-quinolone (1c) was isolated and characterized; the same reaction also gave 2-phenyl-4-o-anisidyl-1-8-methoxy-quinoline (11) and the Schiff base (14) as by-products; the crotonamide (15) also isolated, is a possible intermediate of the cyclization. The direct condensation of anisidines with ethyl benzoylacetate in diphenyl ether and the transformations of some intermediates were studied.

chemistry.chemical_compoundSchiff basechemistryOrganic ChemistryDiphenyl etherCondensationOrganic chemistryMedicinal chemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

A Classical Synthesis of the Collagen-like Peptides with the Sequence Z(GlyProPro)nOBut and their characterization with circular dichroism and ultrac…


Oligopeptides with the sequence Z(GlyProPro)nOBut (n = 3–7) were synthesized along a clasical pathway. Generally long fragments were condensed in order to allow an easy separation of the products from the reactants. It is established by molecular weight determination and measurements of circular dichroism that the peptides form the collagen-like triple helix in methanol and that they assume the random coil conformation in dilute acetic acid. The circular dichroism spectra agree reasonably well with the corresponding spectra for (ProProGly)10 which was obtained by solid phase synthesis in another laboratory.

Circular dichroismCircular DichroismOrganic ChemistrySequence (biology)BiochemistryCatalysisRandom coilSpectral lineInorganic ChemistryAcetic acidchemistry.chemical_compoundCrystallographySolid-phase synthesischemistryDrug DiscoveryAmino Acid SequenceCollagenUltracentrifugePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryOligopeptidesUltracentrifugationTriple helixHelvetica Chimica Acta



In the polymerization of isobutene catalyzed by aluminium tribromide and in the polymerization of styrene catalyzed by trifluoromethanesulphonic acid it is supposed that an inactive catalyst monomer complex is formed which is in equilibrium with other active species. The monomer complexation of the catalyst explains the S-shaped conversion curves and the complex kinetics of the polymerization. The value of the equilibrium constant Km (complexation constant) expresses what part of the catalyst may take part in the polymerization process as an active initiating species. For the system isobutene/AlBr3, Km was found to be 0,62 1/mol. In the system styrene/CF3SO3H, the high value of the complexa…

chemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerPolymerizationChemistryPolymer chemistryCationic polymerizationFriedel–Crafts reactionTribromideEquilibrium constantCatalysisStyreneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Kreislaufreaktionen bei Patienten mit prim�rem Aldosteronismus


1. Bei 7 Patienten mit arterieller Hypertonie, Aldosteronismus und niedrigem Plasmarenin (6 Patienten mit solitarem Nebennierenrindenadenom, 1 Patient mit mikronodularer Nebennierenrindenhyperplasie) wurden die Kreislaufreaktionen auf den Valsalva-Versuch, auf passive Orthostase und auf den Eiswasserversuch gepruft. Daruber hinaus wurde die Reaktion des Blutdruckes auf Tyramin und Noradrenalin bestimmt. Als Vergleichsgruppe dienten 10 Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie. 2. Bei 4 der 7 Patienten mit primarem Aldosteronismus war kein overshoot nach Valsalva-Versuch nachweisbar. Im Durchschnitt war das Ausmas des postpressorischen overshoot bei Patienten mit primarem Aldosteronismus signifi…

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryDrug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineMedicineGeneral MedicinebusinessGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

A single hologram technique for the determination of absolute retardations in holographic photoelasticity


A method for the determination of the absolute retardations families in photoelasticity. The method, which use real-time holographic interferometry, requires only one hologram for the observation of the absolute retardations over the whole model. This is achieved by viewing in the reconstruction process the loaded model through a polarizer. Where the polarization direction is parallel to one of the principal stresses, only the corresponding family of absolute retardations is observed. As an example of application the absolute retardations and stresses in a deep beam centrally loaded are determined.

PhysicsPhotoelasticitybusiness.industryHolographyOptical polarizationPolarizerPolarization (waves)Holographic interferometrylaw.inventionOpticslawDeep beambusinessCircular polarizationJournal of Strain Analysis

Pharmakologisch aktive polymere, 8.Poly[2-(methylsulfinyl)äthylacrylat]e und ihre vermittelnde wirkung auf die transkutane resorption von pharmaka


Poly[2-(methylsulfinyl)athylacrylat] (2a) und Poly[2-(methylsulfinyl)athylmethacrylat] (2b) wurden synthetisiert und auf ihre vermittelnde Wirkung bei transkutaner Resorption einiger Pharmaka untersucht. 2b verbesserte die Resorption der Phosphorsaureester Dimethoat® und Paraoxon® und der p-Aminohippursaure und war etwa mit der Wirksamkeit von DMSO vergleichbar. Ein geringer penetrationsfordernder Effekt ergab sich fur Dinitrochlorbenzol. Nicht beeinflust wurde die dermale Resorption von Isoprenalinsulfat. Die beiden Polymeren zeigten eine gute Lokalvertraglichkeit und 2b auch keine akute Allgemeintoxizitat bei systematischer Anwendung. Der fur DMSO charakteristische knoblauchartige Geruch …

chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPhosphoric Acid EstersPolymer chemistryEthyl acrylateResorptionDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation Caused by Estrogen Treatment in Patients with Carcinoma of the Prostate


Platelet aggregation is increased in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with estrogens. Hence, these patients have a high incidence of cardiovascular and thromboembolic diseases. Platelet aggregation has been tested with the platelet aggregation test. It was inhibited by administration of 500 mg. acetylsalicylic acid twice daily. An aggregation inhibiting effect has been found in all 38 patients. To reduce the excess hazards of cardiovascular complications of estrogens in treating carcinoma of the prostate acetylsalicylic acid is recommended as an adjunct therapy.Estrogen therapy for prostatic carcinoma may lead to the development of cardiovascular complications, such as thromb…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyPlatelet Aggregationmedicine.drug_classUrologyPopulationPharmacologyPlatelet AdhesivenessProstateInternal medicineCarcinomaHumansEndocrine systemMedicineCastrationeducationDiethylstilbestroleducation.field_of_studyAspirinEstradiolbusiness.industryGenitourinary systemProstatic NeoplasmsCancerEstrogensmedicine.diseaseEndocrinologymedicine.anatomical_structureEstrogenbusinessHormoneJournal of Urology

A high-precision Ferrite-induction beam-current monitoring system


Abstract The construction and performance of a Ferrite-induction current monitoring system for charged-particle beams with pulse lengths less than 3 μs and pulse repetition rates up to 1 kHz is described. An absolute accuracy of better than 0.2% has been achieved for average currents between 0.01 and 30 μA and a pulse repetition rate of 100 Hz. Particular emphasis has been placed on a detailed analysis of the design parameters, which limit the ultimate accuracy of the current monitoring system.

OpticsMaterials sciencebusiness.industryAbsolute accuracyFerrite (magnet)Monitoring systemGeneral MedicinebusinessBeam (structure)Nuclear Instruments and Methods

Attempt to Construct a Scale for the Measurement of the Effect of Suggestion on Perception1


A scale based on experimental methods has been prepared for measuring the effects of indirect suggestion upon perception. Three categories are included: (1) distorting the interpretation of presented stimuli, (2) inducing sense-impressions in the absence of adequate stimuli, and (3) producing insensitivity to stimuli that are objectively present. Test situations were designed for tactual, auditory, and visual perception. The scale was tested on a sample of 112 students from the 11th and 12th grades of a large city high school (58 girls and 54 boys). Most of the item intercorrelations were positive and many significantly so. Eliminating the 9 lowest items of 21 left 12 for a reduced matrix,…

Visual perceptionScale (ratio)Item analysisApplied Mathematicsmedia_common.quotation_subjectSample (material)05 social sciences050401 social sciences methodsEducationDevelopmental psychologyTest (assessment)Stimulus modality0504 sociologyPerceptionDevelopmental and Educational Psychology0501 psychology and cognitive sciences050102 behavioral science & comparative psychologyPsychologyApplied PsychologyReliability (statistics)Cognitive psychologymedia_commonEducational and Psychological Measurement

Stoff, Thema, Motiv Zur Problematik des Transfers von Begriffsbestimmungen zwischen der englischen und deutschen Literaturwissenschaft


Linguistics and LanguagePhilologyLiterature and Literary TheoryComparative literaturePhilosophyHistorical linguisticsComparative linguisticsSyntaxLinguisticsNeophilologus

Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei der Anwendung von kolloidalen Vollblutersatzmitteln


Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industrymedicineHematologyGeneral MedicinebusinessBlut Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Blutforschung

Solvent effects of pyridine on the NMR spectra of carboxylic acids. I—study of the acrylic,trans-crotonic and 3-butenoic acids


Proton magnetic resonance spectral parameters of acrylic, trans-crotonic and 3-butenoic acids, their methyl esters and the corresponding alcohols (COOH substituted by CH2OH) have been measured for 5% (w/v) solutions in carbon tetrachloride and in pyridine-d5 at 33·5 °C. The total solvent effect of pyridine on the shifts of the skeleton protons of the acid was found to consist of three different effects independently measured from the reference samples.

NMR spectra databasechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPyridinePolymer chemistryCarbon tetrachlorideOrganic chemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral ChemistrySolvent effectsProton magnetic resonanceOrganic Magnetic Resonance

Plasma glycosphingolipids in diabetics and normals


In diabetic patients with hyperlipoproteinemia type IV the monohexosyl ceramide concentration in blood plasma is significantly elevated. This augmentation can be attributed to an increased monohexosyl ceramide content of the BLDL plasma fraction. In contrast, the di-, tri-, the tetrahexosyl ceramide levels remain within normal limits. In normolipidemic diabetics of comparable age, sex, and weight classes and of comparable metabolic control no elevations of glycolipid fractions could be found. However, patients with primary hyperlipoproteinemia type IV show an increase of monohexosyl ceramide concentrations in blood plasma. Therefore, the augmentation of monohexosyl ceramide levels in plasma…

Blood GlucoseMalemedicine.medical_specialtyCeramideVery low-density lipoproteinHyperlipidemiasLipoproteins VLDLCeramidesGlycosphingolipidsDiabetes Complicationschemistry.chemical_compoundGlycolipidInternal medicineDiabetes mellitusDrug DiscoveryBlood plasmaDiabetes MellitusmedicineHumansObesityTriglyceridesGenetics (clinical)HexosesChemistrynutritional and metabolic diseasesGeneral MedicineMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseMolecular medicineNormal limitEndocrinologyMetabolic control analysisMolecular MedicineFemaleGlycolipidsKlinische Wochenschrift

d-Alanyl-d-Alanine Carboxypeptidase in the Bacterial Form and L-Form of Proteus mirabilis


Membranes of the bacterial form and the stable and unstable L-forms of Proteus mirabilis contain LD and DD-carboxypeptidase. The DD-carboxypeptidase is inhibited non-competitively by penicillin G. The enzyme of the bacterial form is highly penicillin-sensitive (Ki - 4 X 10(-9) M penicillin G). Inhibition is only partly reversible by treatment with penicillinase or by dialysis against buffer. In contrast, the DD-carboxypeptidase of the unstable L-form, grown in the presence of penicillin, is 175-fold less penicillin-sensitive (Ki = 7 X 10(7) M penicillin G). Inhibition is completely reversed by penicillinase or dialysis. After inhibition by penicillin and subsequent reactivation the penicill…

D-Amino-Acid OxidaseDetergentsPenicillin sensitivityL FormsCarboxypeptidasesSpheroplastsBiochemistryDD PeptidaseCell wallpolycyclic compoundsmedicineProteus mirabilischemistry.chemical_classificationAlaninebiologyProtoplastsCell MembranePenicillin GHydrogen-Ion Concentrationbiology.organism_classificationProteus mirabilisPenicillinKineticsMembraneEnzymechemistryBiochemistryPenicillin VPenicillin bindingmedicine.drugEuropean Journal of Biochemistry

Disproportionierung und kombination als abbruchmechanismen bei der radikalischen polymerisation von styrol, 1.Versuche mit 14C-markierten 2,2′-azoiso…


Die Substanzpolymerisation von Styrol mit 14C-markiertem 2,2′-Azoisobutyronitril (AIBN) wurde bei 52°C experimentell untersucht. Die Polymerisation wurde dilatometrisch verfolgt, die Molekulargewichte der entstandenen Polymeren viskosimetrisch ermit-telt, der Gewichtsbruch der einkettigen Molekule gelchromatographisch bestimmt und die Anzahl der markierten Endgruppen ausgezahlt. Die eingehende kinetische Analyse erhartet die neueren Erkenntnisse uber den Abbruchmechanismus. Danach liegt bei der Polymerisation von Styrol neben der Kombination auch Disproportionierung vor. Bulk polymerisation of styrene initiated by 14C-labelled 2,2′-azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) was studied at 52°C. The polymer…

Gel permeation chromatographychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryKinetic analysisPolymer chemistryStyreneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Der Einfluß von Zwischenzuständen bei der Konformationsänderung von Kettenmolekülen auf das zweite Moment des Kernresonanzsignals


Es wurde das zweite Moment des Kernresonanzsignals von Polyathylenketten mit festliegenden Enden als Funktion des relativen Fadenendenabstandesh/ho berechner. Dabei wurden verschiedene Mechanismen fur die innere Beweglichkeit zugrunde gelegt. Als erstes wurden nur Konformationsanderungen angenommen. Im Unterschied zu fruheren Untersuchungen wurde aber vorausgesetzt, das der Ubergang von einer Konformation in eine andere eine endliche Zeit beansprucht. Bei grosen Fadenendenabstanden fuhrt die Berucksichtigung der endlichen ubergangszeit im wesentlichen zu einer Erniedrigung des zweiten Momentes, bei kleinen dagegen zu einer Erhohung. Des weiteren wurden auch Kettenrotationen und Schwingungen…

PhysicsColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymers and PlasticsMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryHumanitiesColloid and Polymer Science

Polyreaktionen in orientierten systemen, 6.Mizellare assoziationen in 4-vinylpyridiniumsalzlösungen


Kritische Mizellkonzentrationen (cmc) aus Oberflachenspannungsmessungen und durch Farbstoffsolubilisierung werden von 4-Vinylpyridinium- bzw. 4-Athylpyridinium-Salzlosungen bestimmt. Erhohung der Gegenionen-Konzentration erniedrigt die cmc; gleichzeitig damit andert sich auch die Zusammensetzung der Polymerisationsprodukte der spontanen Polymerisation in Wasser. Mogliche Erklarungen hierfur werden diskutiert. Critical micell concentrations (cmc) of 4-vinylpyridinium or 4-ethylpyridinium salt solutions are determined from surface tension measurements and solubilisation of a dyestuff. Increase of the concentration of the gegenions decreases the cmc; at the same time, the composition of the po…

PolymerizationChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Angiotensin II-Stoffwechsel bei Angiotensininfusion und bei Kochsalzentzug


1. Bei funf normotonen Probanden wurde im arteriellen und venosen Plasma des Unterarms vor und nach diatetischem Salzentzug sowie vor und wahrend Infusion von Angiotensin II-amid Angiotensin II (A II) und der Angiotensinmetabolit Angiotensin (3–8)-Hexapeptid (H) nach dunnschichtchromatographischer Trennung radioimmunologisch bestimmt.

medicine.medical_specialtyChemistryRadioimmunoassayGeneral MedicineMetabolismMolecular medicineAngiotensin IIEndocrinologyInternal medicineDrug DiscoveryRenin–angiotensin systemmedicineMolecular MedicineGenetics (clinical)SODIUM DEPLETIONKlinische Wochenschrift

Influence of different histologic preparation methods on preservation of tissue antigens in the immunofluorescent antibody technique.


Pathologymedicine.medical_specialtyGuinea PigsFluorescent Antibody TechniqueKidneyGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyAntibodiesPreparation methodFreeze-dryingMiceHistory and Philosophy of ScienceAntigenFreezingmedicineAnimalsHumansAntigensTissue antigensKidneybiologyTissue PreservationChemistryGeneral NeuroscienceStomachMusclesStomachMolecular biologyMitochondriaRatsmedicine.anatomical_structureFreeze DryingLiverbiology.proteinTissue PreservationAntibodyAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Cerebral toxicity of penicillins in relation to their hydrophobic character


The neurotoxic effects of ticarcillin, methicillin, phenthicillin, oxacillin, cloxacillin and dicloxacillin were studied in the conscious rabbit. During and after intravenous administration of 1.2 and 2.4 g/kg, resp., over 50 min the blood concentrations of the drugs were determined and the neurotoxicity assessed by continuous recording of the electroencephalogram. The hydrophobia of the penicillins was characterized by determination of their partition coefficients between isobutanol and buffer solution pH 7.4. The penicillins showed quite different neurotoxic properties. A close correlation (r = 0.928) was found between the neurotoxic potency of the penicillins and their partition coeffici…

Time FactorsHydrophobiaPenicillinsPharmacologyDicloxacillinMethicillinStructure-Activity RelationshipCloxacillinpolycyclic compoundsmedicineAnimalsTicarcillinPotencyDicloxacillinInfusions ParenteralcvgOxacillinPharmacologyChromatographyChemistrycvg.computer_videogameNeurotoxicityBrainElectroencephalographyGeneral Medicinebiochemical phenomena metabolism and nutritionmedicine.diseasePartition coefficientPenicillinKineticsTicarcillinPenicillin VFemaleRabbitsCloxacillinmedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

Effets structurels dans la distribution des revenus en France


International audience; Dans ce texte, à partir des données publiées de l'enquête Formation- qualification professionnelle, nous avons retrouvé les estimations quelque peu classiques du modèle de capital humain mettant en rapport le niveau de revenus avec le diplôme de l'individu ainsi que son âge. Toutefois, ces variables ont un pouvoir "explicatif" relativement faible ( 40 %) et il ne nous a pas été possible d'aller au-delà dans la décomposition de la variance. Toutefois, la deuxième partie du texte qui se concentre sur l'inégalité de la distribution des revenus montre que la distribution tient d'une part à celle du capital humain mais aussi d'autre part (pour une fraction non négligeable…

Distribution des revenus[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFranceEffet structurel

Liens entre éducation et carrière professionnelle : essai de synthèse


International audience

[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFranceComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSCarrière professionnelleEducation

Aminoendgruppenhaltige polymere durch anionische polymerisation von vinylverbindungen mit 3-Dimethylaminopropyllithium als initiator


α-Methylstyrol (in THF) sowie Styrol bzw. Butadien (in Benzol) wurden mit 3-Dimethyl-aminopropyllithium (1) als Initiator homopolymerisiert; dabei wurden aufgrund des Einflusses der tertiaren Aminogruppe bei der Polymerisation in apolarem Medium, verglichen mit der Initiierung durch Butyllithium, Veranderungen der Mikrostruktur der Polymeren beodachtet. Die Molekulargewichte der Polymeren sind hoher, als sich nach dem eingesetzten Monomer/Initiator-Verhatnis berechnete. Der Aminoendgruppengehalt der Polymeren wurde elementaranalytisch sowie NMR-spektroskopisch quantitative bestimmt; die tertiaren Aminoendgruppen konnten mit Methylijodid quantitativ zum quartaren Salz umgesetz werden, mit Br…

chemistry.chemical_classificationEnd-groupchemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerPolymerizationchemistryPolymer chemistryButyllithiumPolymerBenzeneStyreneMethyl iodideDie Makromolekulare Chemie

�ber die Reduktion von Permutationsmoduln


General MathematicsHumanitiesMathematicsMathematische Zeitschrift