showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Kinetik der bromierung von phenolen und phenolischen mehrkernverbindungen, 2. Die reaktionsfähigkeit isomerer zweikernverbindungen


Die Geschwindigkeit der Bromierung von 6 isomeren Zweikernverbindungen mit jeweils einer reaktionsfahigen Stelle (Hydroxydimethylbenzyl-methylphenole 1, 2 und 3) wurde in Eisessig bei 22°C UV-spektroskopisch bestimmt. Fur die Reaktion in ortho-Stellung zur phenolischen Hydroxy-Gruppe ergibt sich eine Verminderung der Geschwindigkeit um den Faktor 3–3,5 wenn zwischen den Hydroxy-Gruppen der beiden Phenolbausteine eine intramolekulare Wasserstoffbrucke sterisch moglich ist (1a). In den anderen Fallen (1b, 2a, 2b) verlauft die Bromierung ungefahr ebenso schnell wie bei 2,4-Dimethylphenol. Die schneller verlaufende Reaktion in para-Stellung (3a, 3b) wird durch eine Wasserstoffbrucke um den Fakt…

chemistry.chemical_compoundOxygen atomReaction rate constantchemistryHydroxy groupPolymer chemistryHydrogen bridgeMedicinal chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Gleichseitige Oberschenkelfraktur nach alloplastischem Gelenkersatz von Hüft- oder Kniegelenk


medicine.medical_specialtySports medicinebusiness.industryGeneral surgeryMedicineSurgerybusinessUnfallchirurgie

Verletzungsmöglichkeiten durch den Sicherheitsgurt


Der Dreipunktsicherheitsgurt stellt unter den handelsublichen Ruckhaltesystemen zur Zeit den besten Schutz vor Verletzungen dar. Die Tatsache, das ein Fahrzeuginsasse angeschnallt war, bedeutet jedoch nicht, das er unverletzt ist. Die Kenntnis gurtspezifischer Verletzungen ist besonders im Hinblick auf die gesetzliche Anschnallpflicht in vielen europaischen Landern wichtig.


Neurotropism in newborn hamsters of plaque purified measles virus clones


Three plaque purified measles virus clones displayed a different neurotropism in newborn hamsters.

medicine.medical_specialtyMesocricetusVirulencebiologyvirusesNeurotropismBrainGenetic VariationGeneral MedicineVirus Replicationbiology.organism_classificationVirologyCell LineMeasles virusMedical microbiologyAnimals NewbornCytopathogenic Effect ViralMeasles virusViral releaseInfectious disease (medical specialty)CricetinaeVirologymedicineAnimalsArchives of Virology

Mode of interaction of different polyanions with the first (), the second (C2) and the fourth (C4) component of complement—II


Abstract Dextran sulfate, polyvinyl sulfate, liquoid, heparin and Sp 54, ∗ (a pentosanpoly-sulfoester) prevented the uptake of C2 by EAC4b. In contrast to EAC 4 b 2 a , treatment of EAC4b2 with polyanions led to dissociation into EAC4b and C2. The inhibition of C2 uptake by polyanions could be reduced by increasing magnesium concentration to levels which are normally inhibitory, suggesting that Mg ++ ions are sequestered by these sulfated polyanions.

Complement component 2StereochemistryChemistryMagnesiumRehabilitationtechnology industry and agriculturechemistry.chemical_elementPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and Rehabilitationmacromolecular substancesGeneral MedicineHeparinMedicinal chemistryDissociation (chemistry)SulfationDextran sulfatePolyvinyl sulfatemedicinemedicine.drugImmunochemistry

Poly(N-vinylhalogenocarbazole). II. On the synthesis of some 1,3,6,8-tetrahalogenovinylcarbazoles


This paper presents results of a research program in which several vinyl carbazole polymers containing chlorine and bromine atoms in their molecules were polymerized and characterized by IR spectroscopy and thermoanalysis. The compounds were synthesized by reacting 2-chloroethanol benzenesulfonate with the appropriate halogenocarbazoles (Clemo-Perkin method) obtaining in this way some halogen derivatives of 9-(2-chloroethyl)carbazole; these derivatives following dehydrochlorination produced relevant vinyl derivatives. Results are evaluated in terms of reaction mechanisms and molecular structures of polymers synthesized.

CHLORINE COMPOUNDS - PolymerizationChemistryGeneral EngineeringPOLYMERS - ChemistryGeneral Materials ScienceJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters Edition

Studies on a measles virus variant inducing persistent infections in cultured cells


Attempts were made to characterized by a plaque assay two variants of the Edmonston strain of measles virus and to obtain plaque purified virus populations. The UP non-cytocidal variant, in all the examined cell systems, mainly produced small but also large plaques; the DP cytocidal variant always large plaques. Three clones, UP-SP4, UP-LP4 and DP-LP4, were derived by plaque purfication respectively of the UP small plaque, UP large plaque and DP large plaque forming particles. The virus populations of the clones could be distinguished by some other biological and physical characters: cytopathic effect in roller tube cultures, growth potential in HeLa cells, thermal stability at 45 degrees C…

medicine.medical_specialtyHot TemperaturevirusesViral Plaque AssayVirus Replicationcomplex mixturesVirusCell LineMeasles virusMedical microbiologyVirologyViral InterferencemedicineAnimalsCytopathic effectVirus quantificationStrain (chemistry)biologyDefective VirusesGenetic Variationvirus diseasesHaplorhiniGeneral MedicineIsolation (microbiology)biology.organism_classificationVirologyMeasles virusHeLa CellsArchives of Virology

Investigation of gaseous discharge ion sources for isotope separation on-line


Abstract Gaseous discharge ion sources with circular end extraction have been investigated with the aim of meeting the special requirements of on-line isotope separation. The studies represent an attempt to increase lifetime, temperature and ionization efficiency of the ion source under stable discharge conditions and to reduce the ion current density of usually 1–100 mA/cm2 of low intensity separator sources. The detailed investigation of a modified Nielsen Ion Source is described. The source yields in oscillating electron are operation reproducible ionization efficiencies of 32% for krypton and 45% for xenon. It was found that minor variations of geometry and potentials in a Nielsen-type …

Materials scienceKryptonchemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicineIon sourceIonIsotope separationlaw.inventionXenonchemistrylawIonizationTorrMass spectrumAtomic physicsNuclear Instruments and Methods

Meßmethoden bei elektrooptischen Untersuchungen


Es werden als Kernprobleme, wie sie bei optischen Untersuchungen an Molekulen in elektrischen Feldern auftreten, die relative und die absolute Mesgenauigkeit getrennt diskutiert. Mit einfachen Uberlegungen werden zur Optimierung der experimentellen Anordnung auf ihre relative Mesgenauigkeit hin Forderungen aus der Photonenstatistik abgeleitet. Die absolute Mesgenauigkeit wird als Problem der Bestimmung der mittleren Feldstarken in einer praktisch verwirklichbaren Meszelle behandelt, und eine geeignete Eichzelle wird beschrieben. The main problem of all optical research on molecules in electric fields is that of relative and absolute accuracy. From simple photon statistics, a procedure for o…

General Chemical EngineeringBerichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie

On optimal estimates for the solutions of linear difference equations on the circle


A linear difference equation arising in the proof of Moser's twist mapping theorem is solved and optimal estimates for the solution are established.

Computational MathematicsSpace and Planetary ScienceApplied MathematicsModeling and SimulationAutomotive EngineeringMathematical analysisAstronomy and AstrophysicsTwistLinear difference equationMathematical PhysicsMathematicsCelestial Mechanics

Quantitative study of muscle fibre atrophy and restitution after nerve grafts.


Our comparative experimental studies on rabbits using clinical, electromyographical, and quantitative histological examinations of long autologous and homologous nerve grafts in 35 rabbits, paying special attention to quantitative histological changes in the gastrocnemius muscles, allow the statement that, compared to the short homografts, the long homografts showed worse results. Moreover, it became obvious that the regeneration rate of autografts was not influenced by increasing the lengths of the grafts. The answer to the question of how far even longer grafts may influence the quality of regeneration will need further investigations.

medicine.medical_specialtyPathologyMuscle fibre atrophyTime Factorsbusiness.industryRegeneration (biology)Musclesmedicine.diseaseTransplantation AutologousSurgeryRestitutionTransplantationsurgical procedures operativeAtrophyPostoperative ComplicationsmedicineAnimalsTransplantation HomologousSurgeryNeurology (clinical)Peripheral NervesRabbitsAtrophybusinessActa neurochirurgica

Workhardening adaptation of rigid-plastic structures


The paper considers discrete rigid-plastic structures which are subjected to the action of loads varying quasi-statically within given limits. It studies the conditions for workhoardening adaptation, that is the conditions to ensure that the structure, after an initial rigid-plastic phase, shows a purely rigid behavior. The safety factor against the workhardening inadaptation is defined by two dual optimization problems. Some characteristic features of the yielding surface at failure are pointed out, using also a proper geometric description. Static and kinematic theorems, which are similar to those of shakedown theory, are given. A simple application concludes the paper.

Surface (mathematics)Mathematical optimizationSafety factorOptimization problembusiness.industryMechanical EngineeringStructure (category theory)Structural engineeringKinematicsCondensed Matter PhysicsAction (physics)ShakedownSimple (abstract algebra)Mechanics of MaterialsbusinessMathematicsMeccanica

Kinetik der bromierung von phenolen und phenolischen mehrkernverbindungen, 3. Die reaktionsfähigkeit isomerer dreikernverbindungen und einer homologe…


Die Geschwindigkeit der Bromierung von drei isomeren Dreikernverbindungen und einer homologen Reihe von Mehrkernverbindungen mit bis zu sechs Methylphenolbausteinen pro Molekul wurde in Eisessig bei 22°C UV-spektroskopisch gemessen. Alle Verbindungen waren so gewahlt, das sie nur eine reaktionsfahige ortho-Stellung in bezug auf die Hydroxy-Gruppe besasen. Es zeigte sich, das die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit im wesentlichen dadurch bestimmt wird, ob zwischen den phenolischen Hydroxy-Gruppen des reagierenden Endbausteins und des unmittelbar benachbarten Bausteins eine intramolekulare Wasserstoffbrucke moglich ist. Ist dies nicht der Fall, so sind die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten zweiter und dritter…

Ortho positionchemistry.chemical_compoundReaction rate constantChemistryPolymer chemistryHydroxy groupHydrogen bridgeMedicinal chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

A ten-fold divided total absorption Ge(Li) gamma-ray detector


Abstract We have constructed a split-crystal total absorption Ge(Li) gamma-ray spectrometer and special logic electronics for rejecting Compton continuum in spectra. A 10 cm3 planar detector was divided into ten electrically separated detectors by grinding nine parallel slots on the n-surface of the detector. In operation both the n- and p-contacts are isolated from the ground. Using capacitive sharing, most of the released electrical charge is taken from the p-contact into an ordinary pulse amplifier line and analyzed. A small fraction of the charge collected at the n-strips is observed with voltage-sensitive FET-preamplifiers. The following logic electronics provides a gate pulse for the …

PhysicsSpectrum analyzerSpectrometerPhysics::Instrumentation and Detectorsbusiness.industryAmplifierDetectorCompton scatteringGeneral MedicineElectric chargeSpectral lineNuclear physicsOpticsPhase detector characteristicbusinessNuclear Instruments and Methods

Investigations on organoantimony compounds


Abstract Diorganoantimony(V) complexes of the type R 2 SbClTrid (R = Me, Ph) containing dianionic, potentially tridentate Schiff-base ligands with ONO donor atoms (Trid 2− ) have been prepared and characterized. IR and NMR data suggest an octahedral coordination environment for the antimony atom with meridional arrangement of the ONO ligand atoms and a linear CSbC skeleton.

StereochemistryLigandOrganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementZonal and meridionalBiochemistryNmr dataInorganic ChemistryCrystallographyOctahedronAntimonychemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

On a new proof of Moser's twist mapping theorem


Based on a new idea of the author, a new proof of J. Moser's twist mapping theorem is presented.

Applied MathematicsMathematical analysisMathematics::Analysis of PDEsAstronomy and AstrophysicsAlgebraComputational MathematicsTheoryofComputation_MATHEMATICALLOGICANDFORMALLANGUAGESNonlinear Sciences::Exactly Solvable and Integrable SystemsSpace and Planetary ScienceModeling and SimulationComputingMethodologies_SYMBOLICANDALGEBRAICMANIPULATIONAutomotive EngineeringTwistMathematical PhysicsComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICSMathematicsCelestial Mechanics

Dissociation-constants of metat-ion-complexes with alkaline phosphatase from pig kidney.


Using metal-ion buffers it was possible to remove Zn2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions of pig kidney alkaline phosphatase reversibly. The dissociation constants obtained are KEMg: 4 X 10(-7) M, KEMn: 4 X 10(-8) M and KEZn: 8 X 10(-13) M (22 degrees C, pH: 9.6, mu: 0.07).

inorganic chemicalsPharmacologyManganeseChemistryCations DivalentSwinePig kidneyIronInorganic chemistryCell BiologyAlkaline PhosphataseKidneyIonDissociation constantCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceKineticsZincMolecular MedicineAlkaline phosphataseAnimalsCalciumMagnesiumMolecular BiologyExperientia

Some aspects of the genesis and development of German dermatology.


medicine.medical_specialtyEducation Medicalbusiness.industrySexually Transmitted DiseasesHistory 19th CenturyDermatologyHistory 20th CenturyDermatologylanguage.human_languageHistory MedievalGermanHistory 17th CenturyHistory 16th CenturyGermanymedicinelanguageHumansCurriculumbusinessSchools MedicalThe British journal of dermatology

Pathogenicity factors of mycoplasmas


The pathogenicity of mycoplasmas is caused by several factors, e.g. exotoxin, toxic properties of membrane components, exoenzymes, peroxide, and immunological factors. The absence of a rigid cell wall and the small genome tend to influence the interactions between mycoplasmas and host tissue. Mycoplasmas do not have a cell wass and are therefore resistant to the action of the host's lysozymes. They appear in some patients to be immunologically inconspicuous and in other patients they have been reported to have an immuno-suppressive effect. Recently there have been reports of central nervous system disorders due to mycoplasma. The pathogenic factors involved in these reactions have not been …

Microbiology (medical)Mycoplasma pneumoniaeHost (biology)CellPathogenicity FactorsGeneral MedicineMycoplasmaBiologymedicine.disease_causeGenomeVirologyMicrobiologyCell wallMycoplasmaInfectious Diseasesmedicine.anatomical_structuremedicineAnimalsHumansExotoxinToxins BiologicalInfection

The use of high-pressure liquid cation-exchange chromatography for determination of the 5-methylcytosine content of DNA.


MaleChromatographyTroutHydrophilic interaction chromatographyOrganic ChemistryIon chromatographyFishesGeneral MedicineDNAPlantsChromatography Ion ExchangeBiochemistryHigh-performance liquid chromatographySpermatozoaAnalytical Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compound5-MethylcytosineCytosinechemistrySpecies SpecificityHigh pressureMethodsAnimalsDNAChromatography High Pressure LiquidJournal of chromatography

Analysis of neuronal networks in the visual system of the cat using statistical signals


If the input signals of the visual system in the cat are statistical patterns in space and time, a complete system analysis can be carried out. What counts here as a system are the neuronal networks between retina and recording site. In the case of linearity, one obtains the temporal impulse response functions at every point in the receptive field with the aid of correlation methods. The measuring time is about one minute. Some aspects of the procedure are explained in terms of examples. The method of measurement also makes it possible to determine the characteristic function of the system in time and space between different recording sites within the cortex. It is possible to specialize th…

Characteristic function (convex analysis)Systems AnalysisGeneral Computer ScienceModels NeurologicalStatistics as TopicComplex systemLinearityNonlinear systemSimple (abstract algebra)Receptive fieldCatsElectronic engineeringAnimalsVisual PathwaysPoint (geometry)AlgorithmImpulse responseBiotechnologyMathematicsBiological Cybernetics

Large-photon-number limit and the essential singularity in finite quantum electrodynamics


It is shown that the essential singularity in finite quantum electrodynamics can be located by considering only those diagrams with a large number of photons exchanged in the single-fermion loop, without photons emitted and absorbed on a fermion line. (AIP)

Essential singularityPhysicsQuantum opticsOpen quantum systemPhotonHigh Energy Physics::LatticeQuantum mechanicsQuantum electrodynamicsStochastic electrodynamicsCavity quantum electrodynamicsGauge theoryQuantum field theoryPhysical Review D

Massenspektrometrischer Nachweis des cyclischen Trimeren im Polyäthylenterephthalat


Beim direkten Abbau von kommerziellem Polyathylenterephthalat im Massenspektrometer last sich bei Temperaturen unterhalb des einsetzenden thermischen Abbaus des Polymeren das zu etwa 1% enthaltene cyclische trimere Athylenterephthalat ohne vorherige Isolierung nachweisen und durch Vergleich mit den EI- und FD-Massenspektren eines authentischen Trimeren identifizieren. By direct pyrolysis of commercial polyethyleneterephthalate in the mass spectrometer a content of about 1% of the cyclic trimer ethyleneterephthalate is indicated at temperatures below thermal degradation of the polymer. The comparison with EI- and FD-mass spectra of the authentic cyclic trimer allows its identification withou…

ChemistryGeneral Materials ScienceTrimerMedicinal chemistryAngewandte Makromolekulare Chemie

Opsonizing activities of IgG, IgM antibodies and the C3b inactivator-cleaved third component of complement in macrophage phagocytosis


Phagocytosis of SRBC by guinea-pig peritoneal macrophages is enhanced by opsonizing IgG antibody alone. IgM antibody requires the presence of bound C3. Treatment of C3b coated SRBC with purified C3b inactivator (yielding EAIgM C1423d) does not reduce attachment to, and phagocytosis by, peritoneal macrophages. This finding suggests the existence of a C3d receptor on peritoneal macrophages. EC43b intermediates which have been produced by removing IgM antibody by mercaptoethanol treatment and by subsequent removal of C1 and C2, are phagocytosed despite the absence of IgM antibody. Furthermore, treatment of EC43b with C3b inactivator does not change phagocytosis. Thus, IgM antibody does not app…

Igm antibodyReceptors DrugPhagocytosisGuinea PigsImmunologychemical and pharmacologic phenomenaStimulationToxicologyMicrobiologyMacrophage phagocytosisPhagocytosisOpsonin ProteinsC3b inactivatorAnimalsPharmacology (medical)ReceptorPharmacologybiologyChemistryMacrophagesCell MembraneComplement C3Complement System ProteinsOpsonin ProteinsImmunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin GImmunologybiology.proteinAntibodyAgents and Actions

Kinetics of alkaline phosphatase from pig kidney. Influence of complexing agents on stability and activity


Metal ion-complexing agents, like KCN, EDTA etc., inactivate alkaline phosphatase of pig kidney. This inactivation is reversible at low concentrations of the complexing agents and irreversible at high concentrations. The reversible inhibition is probably due to removal of Zn2+ ions from the active site, where they are necessary for catalytic action, whereas the irreversible inhibition results from the removal of Zn2+ ions necessary for preservation of the structure. The inactivation is pseudo-first order. It depends on the concentration, size and charge of the complexing agents. β-Glycerophosphate and Mg2+ ions protect the enzyme from inactivation by complexing agents. Quantitative examinat…

chemistry.chemical_classificationbiologyDimerInorganic chemistryAllosteric regulationKineticsSubstrate (chemistry)Active siteCell BiologyCombinatorial chemistryBiochemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundEnzymechemistrybiology.proteinAlkaline phosphataseChelationMolecular BiologyBiochemical Journal

Fixpunktmengen von halbeinfachen Automorphismen in halbeinfachen Lie-Algebren


Let g be a semisimple Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. The set of fixed points of a semisimple inner automorphism of g is a regular reductive subalgebra of maximal rank [1], so it is defined by a subsystem of the root system Φ of g relative to a suitable Cartan subalgebra. The main theorem of the article characterizes the corresponding subsystems of Φ. The second part of the article shows how to compute the fixed point algebras of semisimple outer automorphisms of g. A complete list of all fixed point algebras is then easily obtainable. The results are applied to bounded symmetric domains. References

Pure mathematicsGeneral MathematicsSubalgebraCartan subalgebra510 MathematikFixed pointAutomorphism510 MathematicsInner automorphismMathematics::Quantum AlgebraBounded functionAlgebraically closed fieldMathematics::Representation TheorySemisimple Lie algebraMathematics

A semi-empirical extrapolation technique for atomic and molecular properties derived from correlated wavefunctions


Abstract A semi-empirical extrapolation technique is suggested for recovering the correlation defect remaining in atomic and molecular properties calculated from highly correlated wavefunctions. These procedures are applied to PNO-CEPA and PNO-IPPA calculations on F, F + , F − , and HF in order to obtain “exact” estimates of the ionization potential, electron affinity, and dissociation energy.

ChemistryElectron affinityExtrapolationGeneral Physics and AstronomyPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryAtomic physicsIonization energyWave functionBond-dissociation energyChemical Physics Letters

Retinol and retinyl esters in pigment epithelium of rats with inherited retinal degeneration


A comparative study of the retinol and retinyl ester concentrations was performed in the retinal pigment epithelium of the normal and affected rats. Our findings indicate that in dystrophic rat retinol content increases, whereas the amount of retinyl esters is always lower than normal. An hypothesis can be made on the deficiency of enzymic activities which regulate retinol retinol and retinyl esters levels in the pigment epithelium.

Retinal degenerationgenetic structuresRetinyl estersCellular and Molecular NeurosciencePigmentchemistry.chemical_compoundmedicineAnimalsPigment Epithelium of EyeVitamin AMolecular BiologyPharmacologyRetinal pigment epitheliumChemistryRetinal DegenerationAge FactorsRetinolCell Biologymedicine.diseaseEpitheliumRatsmedicine.anatomical_structureBiochemistryvisual_artvisual_art.visual_art_mediumMolecular MedicineExperientia

Los Teoremas de Alternativa y su relacion con la Teoria de Juegos y las propiedades topologico-algebraicas de Rn


Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics Probability and UncertaintyMathematicsTrabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa

Chlorinated hydrocarbons and total mercury in the prey of the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) in the quarken straits of the gulf of both…


Samples of the white-tailed eagle population and its prey were collected from the Quarken straits area of the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland, and were analyzed for DDT, DDD, PCBs, aldrin, lindane, and mercury. Mercury, PCB, and DDE were detected in all animals studied. It was concluded that one of the most important reasons for the poor breeding results of the white-tained eagle (especially hatchability) are the combined effects of the studied pollutants originating for the most part from the fish-eating species in its prey (mergansers and great crested grebes). (JTE)

EagleHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisPopulationchemistry.chemical_elementToxicologyPredationBirdschemistry.chemical_compoundbiology.animalHydrocarbons ChlorinatedAnimalsAldrineducationFinlandMammalseducation.field_of_studybiologyHaliaeetus albicillaFishesfood and beveragesMercuryGeneral MedicinePesticidePollutionMercury (element)FisheryDuckschemistryEnvironmental chemistryLindaneBulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Signal Characteristics of EMG at Different Levels of Muscle Tension


Electromyographic activity of m. rectus femoris at submaximal and maximal voluntary contractions was quantified by conventional integration technique and also be a more "qualitative" procedure of automated motor unit averaging and frequency spectrum analysis. By relating the EMG parameters to produced muscle tension it was observed that the integrated EMG increased in a slightly nonlinear fashion with the increase in muscle force. The other EMG variables also showed clear changes as a function of muscle tension. The averaged motor unit potential (AMUP) and its specific parameters (number of spikes, amplitude, rise time and amplitude-rise time ratio) showed such changes with muscle tension t…

Adolescentmedicine.diagnostic_testElectromyographyPhysiologyAnatomyElectromyographySignalMotor unitMuscle TonusRise timeMuscle tensionMotor unit recruitmentmedicineHumansFemalemedicine.symptomMuscle ContractionBiomedical engineeringMuscle forceMathematicsMuscle contractionActa Physiologica Scandinavica

Induction of secondary cytotoxic T-lymphocytes in vitro does not require cell proliferation.


SummaryUsing a mouse in vitro allograft model, evidence has been obtained that, in contrast to the accepted view, the generation of cytotoxic effector function in T-lymphocytes does not necessarily require cell division.

Cell divisionCell growthEffectorT-LymphocytesMice Inbred StrainsBiologymedicine.diseaseCytotoxicity Tests ImmunologicGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyIn vitroMitomycinsTissue cultureMiceHistocompatibility AntigensImmunologyCancer researchmedicineNeoplasmCytotoxic T cellAnimalsImmunologic MemoryFunction (biology)Cell DivisionProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Eine Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von N. Kuiper


CombinatoricsGeneral MathematicsMathematicsMathematische Annalen

Estimating norms inC*-algebras of discrete groups


LetG be a discrete group, letK be a finite subset ofG and let χ K be the characteristic function ofK. Then χ K acts by convolution as a bounded operator onL2(G). We will prove that the norm |||χ K ||| of this operator always satisfies the following estimate: $$|||\chi _{\rm K} |||^2 \leqq k + 2\sqrt {w\left( {k - 1} \right)\left( {k - w} \right)} + \left( {k - 2} \right)\left( {k - w} \right)$$ . Here .

CombinatoricsDiscrete mathematicsCharacteristic function (probability theory)Discrete groupGeneral MathematicsOperator (physics)ConvolutionBounded operatorMathematicsMathematische Annalen

Enquête longitudinale 1, les "premières inscriptions"


International audience

Enquête longitudinale[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSInscriptionEnseignement supérieur

Tagesprofile von Plasmaaldosteron,-Cortisol, -Renin, -Angiotensinogen und -Angiotensinasen bei Normalpersonen


Plasma cortisol and renin were estimated in 1 h intervals, plasma aldosterone, angiotensinogen and angiotensinases in 3 h intervals over periods of 24 h in six normal volunteers (age 20-26) under control conditions and subsequently under suppression of ACTH release by dexamethasone. Highest cortisol levels were found around 7 a.m., minimum levels between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Dexamethasone reduced cortisol to constantly low concentrations. Aldosterone was highest around 4 a.m. under control conditions and under dexamethasone, and showed lowest concentrations between 4 and 10 p.m. There were no significant differences between mean aldosterone concentrations at corresponding time points of the co…

medicine.medical_specialtyAldosteroneGeneral MedicineAdrenocorticotropic hormonechemistry.chemical_compoundEndocrinologychemistryInternal medicineDrug DiscoveryRenin–angiotensin systemmedicineMolecular MedicineCircadian rhythmCortisoneCortisol levelGenetics (clinical)DexamethasoneVolume concentrationmedicine.drugKlinische Wochenschrift