showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Variations of plas14a benin activity and aldostehone levels in the rat after administration of saline, chrystalloid and colloid solutions
Abstract The data reported in the present paper refer to quantitative variations of plasma renin activity (PRA.) and of plasma aldosterone levels in rats after adiministration of saline, chrystalloid and colloid solutions. In our experimental conditions PRA and plasma aldosterone levels were shown to increase significantly after administration of distilled water and glucose solution. Variations of PRA and plasma aldosterone levels were only slight when plasma volume was made to increase due to administration of polyvinylpirrolidone solution. PRA, instead, was significantly lower in rats having received saline salution.
Arabinose nucleoside triphosphates are no inhibitors for DNA-dependent RNA polymerases.
1-Beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine-5' -triphosphate and 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenosine-5' -triphosphate were found to have no inhibitory potency for both mammalian DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II and E. coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
Eine Kennzeichnung der PSL (2,7) durch ihre Untergruppenstruktur
Effect of prolactin and the anti-prolactin bromocriptin on the testosterone uptake and metabolism in androgen-sensitive and insensitive canine organs
Prolactin promotes the growth and function of the prostate in low doses, whereas high doses or previous castration reduce this effect. The antiprolactin bromocriptin should reverse the prolactin action. In the castrated dog the highest accumulation of H3-testosterone given i.v. occurred in the prostate as compared with muscle, urethra, penis, liver and kidney. Prolactin pretreatment increased the radiosteroid uptake only in the liver. Converseley, bromocriptin suppressed the tracer incorporation into the liver, but increased prostatic accumulation. The highest testerone reduction occurred in the prostate of the untreated castrated dogs as compared with other organs. Prolactin suppressed 5 a…
Postpleistocene evolution of the brain?
The number of extraneurons (Nc) has been calculated with the formulae of Jerison ('63) for prehistoric population samples to check the hypothesis that Nc may not only increase by increasing of cranial capacity but also by decreasing of body-weight (gracilisation). Body weight of skeletal populations has been estimated by the formula of Debetz ('67). Samples from the Western part of Europe and Egypt support the hypothesis, but Eastern europoid samples display opposite relations: Nc increases with robusticity. It seems (as Jerison already suggested) that Nc is no measurement of the level of behavior in the populations of H. sapiens; but it may point towards allometric differences between West…
Model analysis of uniaxial and biaxial stretching of polymer melts
The biaxial extension results byDenson et al. are compared with the predictions of a model of non-linear viscoelasticity. Date of uniaxial extension on the same material (a commercial polyisobutylene) are taken for extending the comparison. The model used seems to adequately describe both types of elongational flow with the same value of the single adjustable parameter.
Investigations of the sensory blockade effect of perineurally injected ethanol on the tail nerve of the mouse.
The effect of an alcohol block on the conduction of sensory stimuli in the tail nerve of the mouse was investigated using the perineural injection of solutions of ethanol (35, 40 and 45%). One hundred and fifty white mice of either sex were given 2 X 0.03 ml of the relevant alcohol solution into both sides of the tail. Before and after the injections repeated sensory conduction measurements were made using the rat tail method. Using 35% ethanol a temporary block of pain conduction could be achieved in both sexes. By increasing the concentration to 40 or 45%, a prolongation of the blocking effect and an increase in the accompanying increase of the pain threshold was observed in some animals.…
Activation of complement by the alternative pathway as a factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease.
Dental plaque and a bacterium, Actinomyces viscosus, isolated from plaque that can reproduce periodontal disease in germ-free rats, are activators of complement by the alternative pathway. It is suggested that this process is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease.
Physical training and connective tissues in young mice. Biochemistry of skin.
The effect of physical training on some connective tissue components of the skin was studied in male mice of NMRI-strain. The mice to be trained and their controls were about 2-weeks-old at the beginning of the training, which took place on a 5 degree inclined treadmill 5 days a week for 3-22 weeks progressively. The final exercise bouts were 50 and 80 min for moderate programmes and 180 min for the intensive programme at a speed of 30 cm/s. At the end of each experiment skin samples from trained and control animals were taken for the analyses. We found increased concentrations of nitrogen, hexosamines and hydroxyproline in the skin of the trained mice compared to the controls. The unchange…
The induction of hepatic microsomal metabolism in rats following acute administration of a mixture of polybrominated biphenyls.
Abstract Firemaster BP6, a mixture of polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), was administered to female Sprague-Dawley rats (170–180 g) as a single ip injection at 25 and 150 mg/kg. Other animals received phenobarbital (PB), 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC), or PB and 3MC together. Animals were killed at intervals of 12, 24, 48, 192, and 336 hr after treatment with PBBs, or 24 hr after PB, MC, or PB-MC, and various hepatic microsomal parameters were measured. After 150 mg/kg of PBBs, cytochrome P450 concentrations reached a maximum by 48 hr (225% of control), then remained elevated through 336 hr. A similar pattern of induction was observed for epoxide hydratase and aniline hydroxylase activities. In c…
Bilan hydrique d'une culture de ble d'hiver pendant la secheresse exceptionnelle de 1976. Importance des remontees capillaires
Les applications de la méthode neutronique en agronomie et en hydrogéologie; National audience
Reflux reactions for chromatography
Reactions under pressure are mainly used to prepare derivatives before chromatographic analysis because of the lack of microequipment. A ml-refluxer has been designed to allow reactions under atmospheric pressure for volumes from 0.2 to 5 cm3. The reaction temperature is determined by the boiling point of the solvent thus derivatives of heat sensitive compounds can be made in the micro scale. With the aid of the ml-refluxer large series of derivatisations can be carried out and hence the reaction parameters can be optimized. This is shown at the example of the alkylation of barbituric acids for gas chromatography, where thus only N,N′-derivatives were obtained. The reliability of the appara…
Note on sums containing small divisors
Endoribonuclease IV. A poly(A)-specific ribonuclease from chick oviduct. 1. Purification of the enzyme.
A new endoribonuclease, termed endoribonuclease IV, has been described. This enzyme has been isolated from chick oviducts and purified 15 000-fold in a 25% yield nearly to homogeneity. The nuclease, which specifically degrades poly(A), forms oligonucleotides of an average chain length of 10. These (A)-10 fragments are terminated by 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-phosphate groups. The enzyme has a pH optimum at 8.7, requires Mn2+ or Mg2+ as a cofactor, and has a molecular weight of about 45 000.
Der 2‐(Methylthio)äthoxycarbonyl‐Rest als Zweistufen‐Schutzgruppe für die Aminofunktion in Aminosäuren und Peptiden
Die 2-(Methylthio)athoxycarbonyl(Mtc)-Gruppe wird als neue Amino-Schutzgruppe fur Aminosauren und Peptide beschrieben. Zu ihrer Einfuhrung eignen sich sowohl das Mtc-p-Nitrophenolat als auch das Mtc-Phenolat. Die Mtc-Schutzgruppe ist in Masig alkalischem oder saurem Medium bestandig. Durch zwei unterschiedliche und einfache Reaktionen kann die unempfindliche Mtc-Gruppe in gegenuber Basen sehr empfindliche Schutzgruppen umgewandelt werden und wird deshalb als Zweistufen-Schutzgruppe bezeichnet. Die Methylierung zur 2-(Dimethylsulfonio)-athoxycarbonyl-Schutzgruppe verlauft nicht immer befriedigend, erbringt jedoch oft N-geschutzte Verbindungen, die sehr gut in Wasser loslich sind. Nahezu quan…
Measurement of photon showers in lead produced by electrons of 150 MeV
Abstract The photon energy spectra induced by 150 MeV electrons in lead were measured in the energy range from 40 MeV up to the primary electron energy. The target thickness was varied between 0.1 and 2.5 radiation lengths X 0 . The photons were analyzed by use of a technique based on deuteron photodisintegration. Differential and integral shower spectra are presented and compared with Monte Carlo calculations of Nagel and Messel et al., both interpolated to our primary energy of 150 MeV. The measured spectra show good agreement with these Monte Carlo calculations for the thickest target of 2.5 X 0 and with calculated bremsstrahlung spectra for the thinnest target of 0.1 X 0 . Considerable …
Les coûts de la recherche universitaire
référence interne : 76004
1H NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Strukturaufklärung von Oligo(hydroxy-5-nitro-1,3-phenylen)methylen Verbindungen
Die 1H NMR-Spektren von 51 Oligo(hydroxy-5-nitro-1,3-phenylen)methylen Verbindungen (17 Zwei-, 18 Drei-, 14 Vier- und 2 Funfkernverbindungen) wurden in Pyridin als Losungsmittel aufgenommen. Bei Verbindungen mit ortho-Nitrophenolbausteinen zeigten die Signale fur die Protonen der Methyl- bzw. Methylengruppen in allen Fallen charakteristische chemische Verschiebungen δ, so das eine eindeutige Unterscheidung zwischen Methylgruppen in para- (δ=2,09−2,15 p.p.m.) und ortho-Stellung (δ=2,22−2,28 p.p.m.) zur phenolischen Hydroxyl-Gruppe, sowie zwischen para-para- (δ=3,77−3,97 p.p.m.), ortho-para- (δ=4,02−4,12 p.p.m.) und ortho-ortho-Methylenbrucken (δ=4,21−4,32 p.p.m.) moglich war. Bei Verbindunge…
Enquête longitudinale 2, la première année d'études, la réussite, l'abandon, l'échec
International audience
5-Methoxyuridine, a new modified constituent in tRNAs of Bacillaceae.
Projektiv darstellbare stark planare Geometrien vom Rang 4
Time sequence and site of fluid accumulation in experimental neurogenic pulmonary edema.
The initial phase of pulmonary edema development following intracranial pressure elevation was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. Using perfusion fixation and application of a blood tracer (HRP horseradish peroxidase) the time sequence and site of fluid leakage out of pulmonary vessels was demonstrated: - passage of edema fluid through intercellular clefts of alveolar capillary endothelium - edema accumulation in alveolar interstitial tissue - draining of edema fluid from the alveolar septum to the interstitium of terminal bronchioli and to lymphatic vessels. An early interepithelial fluid leakage out of the alveolar wall remains questionable.
Lack of linkage between gene(s) controlling the synthesis of the seventh component of complement and the HLA region on chromosome No. 6 in man.
The family of an individual was studied who lacks the seventh component of complement in his serum (C7 homozygous deficiency). Both parents are C7 heterozygousdeficient. In this investigation, the following parameters were determined: complement components in functional and immunochemical tests; HLA-A,B antigens, HLA-D (MLC) determinants; the Bf system; glyoxalase I and B cell antigens. No evidence for linkage between the immunogenetic linkage group on chromosome 6 and gene(s) controlling the synthesis of the seventh component of complement was obtained. This is in accordance with the assumption that only genes controlling components of the initiating rather than the membrane attack unit of…
Prevention of benzo(a)pyrene-induced mutagenicity by homogeneous epoxide hydratase
Benzo(a)pyrene and benz(a)anthrancene which, in contrast to the K-region epoxides benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide and benz(a)anthracene 5,6-oxide, are not mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium TA 1537 in the absence of mammalian enzyme preparations, were activated by liver microsomes from C3H mice, which had not received any pretreatment, to mutagens reverting this tester strain to histidine prototrophy. Addition of epoxide hydratase inhibitors greatly increased this mutagenicity and addition of pure epoxide hydratase reduced it by more than 95% down to the range of spontaneous mutations as observed in absence of any added mutagen. This demonstrates that the metabolic pathway responsible for the mut…
Some pharmacological properties of the false cholinergic transmitter acetylpyrrolidinecholine and its precursor pyrrolidinecholine
The acetylchline analogue acetylpyrrolidinecholine as well as the choline analogue pyrrolidinecholine were synthesized and the cholinergic properties of both substances were investigated on the guinea-pig ileum, rat blood pressure and frog rectus abdominis muscle. Acetylpyrrolidinecholine was 3-5 times less potent than acetylcholine on the three preparations tested. The dose-response curves to acetylpyrrolidinecholine were shifted to the right in a parallel manner by atropine and (+)-tubocurarine. The dissociation constants for atropine and (+)-tubocurarine obtained with acetylpyrrolidinecholine as agonist were not different from those obtained with acetylcholine. This indicates that acetyl…
Umwandlung von 2-Bromäthoxycarbonyl-Schutzgruppen in 2-Phosphonioäthoxycarbonyl-Schutzgruppen für Aminosäuren1)
Die Bromide 2 von 2-Phosphonioathoxycarbonylaminosauren (Peoc-Aminosauren) werden durch Umsetzung von 2-Bromathoxycarbonylaminosauren (Beoc-Aminosauren) mit tertiaren Phosphinen erhalten. Hierbei entstehen durch Reaktion mit Methyl(diphenyl)phosphin die mit der modifizierten Peoc-Gruppe geschutzten Verbindungen 2e - h in besonders guten Ausbeuten. Diese eignen sich zur Peptidsynthese nach dem Carbodiimid-Verfahren und sind besser in Wasser loslich als die entsprechenden Triphenylphosphonium-Derivate. Die Abspaltung der Me(Ph2)Peoc-Gruppe gelingt mit 0.01 N NaOH in Methanol/Wasser. Modification of 2-Brornoethoxycarbonyl Protective Groups to 2-Phosphonioethoxycarbonyl Protective Functions of …
A course of coordinated sciences: The structure of matter
Notizen: Unterschiedliche Desoxyribonuclease-Aktivitäten im Seminalplasma von Bullen/Different Deoxyribonuclease-Activities in Bull Seminal Plasma
By means of the in situ assay of deoxyribonucleases in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels after separation by micro-disc-electrophoresis different deoxyribonucleases are detectable in bull seminal plasma. There are two groups of acid deoxyribonuclease-activities with a pH optimum at pH 5.0, one with a pH optimum at pH 7.4 and an additional one with a pH optimum at pH 8.5.
Correction to ?partial spreads in finite projective spaces and partial designs?
The determination of the DNA base composition in 19 species of adriatic sponges with high-pressure liquid cation-exchange chromatography.
Abstract The (adenine + thymine)/(guanine + cytosine) base ratios of 19 species of adriatic sponges have been determined by high-pressure liquid cation-exchange chromatography. The base ratios vary from 1.49 (Mycale massa) to 0.63 (Hippospongia communis) according to an (A+T) content of 59.7 and 38.6 mol%, respectively. The DNAs of sponges of the order Keratosa showed marked differences in their (A +T) contents (39.5 to 58.8 mol%) whereas those of Tetractinellida and Halichondrina were nearly identical (39.3 to 40.8 and 49.5 to 49.8 mol%, respectively). The 5-methylcytosine (5MC) content was determined in 8 sponge DNAs by a semiquantitative method. The values differed from 0.8 to 2.2 mol% o…
The design of a cascaded 800 MeV normal conducting C.W. race track microtron
Abstract A c.w. electron accelerator of 820 MeV maximum output energy at 100 μ A beam current is proposed to make possible a large variety of coincidence experiments with energy electrons and photons as a future possibility of new, interesting experiments. It consists of a preaccelerator and 3 cascaded race track microtons using normal conducting rf structures. The design of this accelerator, based on detailed computational investigations of its beam dynamics and some experimental studies, is communicated and partly discussed in this paper.
On the Accuracy of the Backward Hemispheric Integrating Nephelometer
Abstract Modified integrating nephelometers are used to measure backward hemispheric scattering coefficients together with total scattering coefficients. These parameters yield information about the chemical nature of the aerosol particles in certain situations involving relatively pure compounds. They are also used as input parameters in climatic models. In this study the effects of the three angular truncations in the modified integrating nephelometers are investigated. We provide a quantitative base to be used with these instruments to determine hemispheric backscatter of aerosol particles and its relationship to the total scattering coefficient.
Quasi-sinusoidal oscillations in negative resistance devices with piece-wise analytical characteristics
The second-order approximated solution of a negative resistance oscillator whose active device has a piece-wise analytical characteristic is presented. The frequency and the harmonic content of the oscillation waveform are obtained as functions of the circuit parameters and of the device bias.
The Effect of Thermic Stress on the Somatic Reaction of Rage and on Rapid Circling Turns, in the cat
An investigation was made of the effect of thermic stress on the somatic rage reaction and on rapid circling turns in cats awake and free to move in a behavioural cage. An increase in room temperature had a two-phase effect on the excitability of the nervous structures stimulated that is able to evoke the somatic rage reaction and rapid circling turns. The first phase, at room temperature 25 degrees-30 degrees C, was characterized by hypoexcitability; the second phase, appearing after longer periods of exposure and at temperatures above 30 degrees C, was characterized by the onset panting, hyperexcitability of the nervous structures stimulated and then by lowering of the somatic rage reacti…
An isocratic high-pressure liquid chromatographic purification method for radioactively labeled deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates.
Abstract A method is described for the rapid purification of radioactively labeled deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates from their spontaneously emerging hydrolysis products deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate, deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate, and deoxyribonucleoside. The separations which are finished within 3 min or less are carried out on a 0.1X5 cm column filled with LiChrosorb-NH2 , using isocratic elution with 0.025 м potassium phosphate, pH 6 .8 , in a high-pressure liquid chromatograph at room temperature and a flow rate of 30 ml · h-1(flow velocity 63.7 cm·min-1).
The Concept of Story and Theological Discourse
Biblical scholars and theologians have sometimes suggested that the concept of story or narration may be used to avoid or even resolve certain long-standing problems in theology. The context of such a suggestion appears to be not only the gradual filtering of ideas from the social sciences into theological awareness but also a much improved understanding of the nature and transmission of the biblical traditions. For instance, literary criticism had tried to tell the story of the making of the Bible as a story of writing and editing. With its analytic interest, form criticism penetrated deeper, concentrating on the crucial role of oral tradition and on the power of communities to shape certa…