showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Plastic deformation of selenium single crystals ina glide and X-ray observation of the induced substructure
In the plastic deformation of trigonal selenium, a glide in the prismatic planes {1010} is found to be thermally activated, as in tellurium. The activation parameters are determined and a value for the maximum activation energy ΔGmax ≈ (0.6 ± 0.1) eV is obtained. The elastic limit increases up to σ ≈ 100 N mm−2 at low temperatures while it is only σ ≈ 1 N mm−2 at room temperature, i.e. in the athermal region. The deformation induced dislocation substructure is studied by X-ray reflection topography at different temperatures from 77 to 300 K in melt-grown single crystals. It is found that glide polygonization occurs forming rough tilt subgrain boundaries in the prismatic planes. In the ather…
Physical training and connective tissues in young mice-heart
The effect of physical training on the chemical properties of the heart tissues was studied in male mice of NMRI-strain. The mice to be trained and their controls were about 2 weeks old at the beginning of the training, which took place on 5 degrees inclined treadmill 5 days a week for 3-22 weeks. The duration of daily exercise was progressively increased over the first 3 weeks. The final daily exercise bouts were 50 and 80 min for moderate programs and 180 min for the intensive program at a speed of 30 cm/s. The whole heart or the ventricles were used for the analyses. We found no significant changes related to training in the concentrations of nitrogen, hexosamines, and hydroxyproline bot…
Purification and identification of a cytokinin from moss callus cells.
A cytokinin was isolated from the culture medium of callus cells of the moss hybridFunaria hygrometrica (L.) Sibth xPhyscomitrium piriforme Brid. The purification procedure included ethyl-acetate extraction, silver-salt precipitation, crystallization as picrate, and ion exchange chromatography. The structure of the cytokinin was confirmed as N(6)-(Δ(2)-isopentenyl)adenine by means of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The concentration of the compound in the culture medium was determined at ca. 10(-6) M.
Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP may play opposing roles in influencing force of contraction in mammalian myocardium.
CYCLIC AMP and cyclic GMP have been suggested to play opposing regulatory roles in several biological systems1. Supporting evidence for the yin yang hypothesis of opposing biological regulation has been obtained in sympathetic ganglia2,3 and pyramidal neurones in the rat cerebral cortex4. In the mammalian heart, the role of cyclic AMP in mediating the positive inotropic response to catecholamines was advanced by the observation that the inotropic effect was preceded by an increase in cyclic AMP levels5. On the other hand, the levels of cyclic GMP were found to be increased after cholinergic stimulation6. In frog, oscillations of cyclic AMP7 and cyclic changes in the levels of cyclic AMP and…
Comparison of the immunosuppressive efficacy of 6-mercaptopurine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and 036.5122 (Asta) on the primary and secondary imm…
Two alkylating (cyclophosphamide and 036.5122 Asta) and two antiproliferative agents (6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine) have been compared for their immuno-suppressive potency on the primary and secondary humoral immune response of mice. If equitoxic dosages of the respective drugs are compared, the alkylating agents proved to be of much higher immunosuppressive potency than the antiproliferative agents. In non toxic dosages alkylating agents were able to completely inhibit a primary or secondary immune response, whilst a similar effect with antiproliferative drugs could not be obtained even within toxic dose ranges. Induction of immunological tolerance was possible only by use of the alky…
Accidenti Gravi Da Urografia Endovenosa E Riflessi Medico-Legali
Systematics of nuclear charge distributions in Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn deduced from muonic x-ray measurements
The results of precise measurements of the energies of the $2{p}_{\frac{3}{2}}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}1{s}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ and $2{p}_{\frac{1}{2}}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}1{s}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ muonic x-ray transitions of $^{54}\mathrm{Fe}$, $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}$, $^{57}\mathrm{Fe}$, $^{58}\mathrm{Fe}$, $^{59}\mathrm{Co}$, $^{58}\mathrm{Ni}$, $^{60}\mathrm{Ni}$, $^{61}\mathrm{Ni}$, $^{62}\mathrm{Ni}$, $^{64}\mathrm{Ni}$, $^{63}\mathrm{Cu}$, $^{65}\mathrm{Cu}$, $^{64}\mathrm{Zn}$, $^{66}\mathrm{Zn}$, $^{68}\mathrm{Zn}$, and $^{70}\mathrm{Zn}$, are reported. Using a highly linear digitally stabilized Ge(Li) spectrometer system, the absolute energies and energy shifts between nuclei were measured with…
Der 2‐(Triphenylphosphonio)äthoxycarbonyl‐Rest als Schutzgruppe für die Aminofunktion in Aminosäuren und Peptiden
Die-2(Triphenylphosphonio)athoxycarbonyl-(Peoc)-Gruppe wird als neue Amino-Schutzgruppe fur Aminosauren und Peptide beschrieben. Sie ist unter milden, basischen Bedingungen abspaltbar und zeichnet sich andererseits durch besondere Bestandigkeit gegenuber starken Sauren aus. Mit der Peoc-Gruppe geschutzte Aminosauren, Peptide oder deren Derivate besitzen eine erhohte, teilweise sehr gute Loslichkeit in Wasser. Durch Variation des Phosphoniumzentrums kann die Basenempfindlichkeit der Peoc-Gruppe in weiten Bereichen verandert werden. The 2-(Triphenylphosphonio)ethoxycarbonyl Group as an Amino Protective Function in Peptide Chemistry A new amino protective function in amino acids and peptides, …
Der Verteilungsraum von physikalisch gelöstem Sauerstoff in wäßrigen Lösungen organischer Substanzen / The Distribution Space of Physically Dissolved…
Abstract In order to evaluate the distribution of molecular oxygen in biological systems, the oxygen solubility (ml/ml atm) at 37 °C in aqueous solutions of thirty organic substances with different concentrations was measured by the classical Van Slyke principle. The oxygen solubility always (with the exception of hemoglobin) decreases exponentially with increasing concentration of the respective substance. In all cases this behavior is described highly significant by a simple empiric exponential function, when the substance concentration as well as the oxygen solubility of pure water is given. The influence of one substance on oxygen solubility contributes additively to the over-all solubi…
Left ventricular pressure (LVP), left ventricular pressure derivative (LV dp/dtmax), coronary vascular resistance (CVR) and myocardial oxygen consumption (Qo2) were measured simultaneously in isolated, electrically driven hearts of guinea-pigs at constant perfusion rate. 2 LVP, LV dp/dtmax, CVR and Qo2 were greatly decreased by either the addition of prostaglandin E2 (50 ng/ml) to the perfusion fluid or pretreatment of the animals with reserpine. 3 Isoprenaline (0.5 nM to 100 nM) induced increases in LVP, LV dp/dtmax and Qo2. In the presence of prostaglandin E2, there was a parallel shift of the isoprenaline concentration-response curve for LVP and LV dp/dtmax. This effect was not seen, aft…
Structure and function of prothoracic glands and oenocytes in embryos and last larval instars of Oncopeltus fasciatus Dallas (Insecta, Heteroptera).
1. Active prothoracic glands and oenocytes of last larval stage are both characteristized by well-developed smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Prothoracic glands also show plasma membrane infoldings, but not oenocytes which contain a large number of pleomorphic vesicles. 2. The fine structure of embryonic oenocytes corresponds after blastokinesis with that of active larval and adult cells. Thus, an activity in the late embryo can be assumed. Embryonic prothoracic glands reveal no signs of activity: smooth and rough ER are absent. The subcellular structure resembles that of organ anlagen, i.e. not yet fully differentiated tissue. Hormone synthesis is not likely. 3. Ecdysone titer w…
Eine einfache, vollstäundige Veresterung von Oligo[(2-hydroxy-1,3-phenylen)methylen]en mit Methacryloylchlorid
Die Darstellung phenolischer Methacrylsaureester verlauft glatt und mit Reinausbeuten bis zu 95%, wenn die in gekuhltem Benzol (5—10°C) in Gegenwart von Triathylamin gelosten phenolischen Verbindungen mit Methacryloylchlorid umgesetzt werden. So wurden neben drei einfachen Phenylmethacrylaten zehn vollstandig veresterte Oligo[(2-hydroxy-1,3-phenylen)methylen]e erhalten. Phenyl methacrylates can easily be prepared with yields of pure esters up to 95% by reaction of the phenolic compounds with methacryloyl chloride in cooled benzene (5—10°C) in the presence of triethylamine. Three simple phenyl methacrylates and ten oligo[(2-hydroxy-1,3-phenylene)methylene]s completely esterified by methacryl…
Pharmakologisch aktive Polymere, 12. Depotformen von Chlorambucil durch kovalente Bindung an Polymere
A window amplitude discriminator with adjustable upper and lower thresholds
An amplitude window discriminator is described which permits selection of spikes from a multi-unit recording, provided the signal-to-noise ratio is high enough. The device can be built at relatively low cost and time. The circuitry permits analysis of the positive or the negative deflections of the recorded signals. In Part One of the circuitry, the signals are pre-amplified and may be inverted in polarity. In Part Two, the pulses are compared to a variable lower threshold voltage, and low amplitude noise is eliminated. Part Three depicts a logic circuit for elimination of disturbing high-amplitude signals, whose output delivers digital pulses, each corresponding to an original signal (e.g.…
Einfluß des Verstreckens und Temperns auf das Dehnungs- und Bruchverhalten von Polyäthylenterephthalat
Die Zug-Dehnungsdiagramme von unverstrecktem sowie verstrecktem Polyathylenterephthalat wurden sowohl bei Raumtemperatur als auch oberhalb der Einfriertemperatur untersucht. Die unverstreckten Proben waren zuvor bei verschiedenen Temperaturen kristallisiert worden. Die verstreckten Proben waren zuvor im unverstreckten Zustand kristallisiert, dann bei verschiedenen Temperaturen verstreckt und anschliesend erneut kristallisiert worden. Von besonderem Interesse war der Einflus der Kristallisations-sowie der Verstreckungs-temperatur auf den Elastizitatsmodul, die Bruchspannung und die Bruchdehnung. Die bei Raumtemperatur gemessene Bruchdehnung geht als Funktion der Kristallisationstemperatur du…
Über die Stabilität Von Copolymeren aus 1,3,5-Trioxan mit verschiedenen Lactonen
Der thermische Abbau von Copolymeren aus 1,3,5-Trioxan und den Lactonen β-Propiolacton (3-Propanolid), Pivalolacton (2,2-Dimethyl-3-propanolid) und e-Caprolacton (6-Hexanolid) wurde untersucht. Der langsame und vollstandige Abbau der Copolymeren wird zuruckgefuhrt auf 1 eine statistische acidolytische Kettenspaltung durch Carboxyl-Endgruppen, 2 die Abspaltung von Acrylsaure an den sauren Endgruppen, 3 die statistische Kettenspaltung durch Pyrolyse von Esterbindungen vor allem in Sequenzen aus mehreren β-Propiolactonbausteinen. Die Teilreaktionen (1) und (2) konnen durch Zusatz von Butandiol-Diglycidylather-(1,4-Bis(2,3-epoxypropoxy)butan) oder N-(2-Naphthyl)anilin oder von Epoxiden stark ve…
Strukturuntersuchung von polyestern durch direkten abbau im massenspektrometer, 2. Aliphatische polyester
Die Abbaureaktionen von Polyestern aus Adipinsaure und Athylenglykol 1a, Tetradeuteroathylenglykol 1b, 1,3-Propandiol 1c und 2,2′-Oxydiathanol 1d sowie aus Bernsteinsaure und Athylenglykol 2a, 1,4-Butandiol 2b und 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-propandiol 2c wurden im Massenspektrometer untersucht. Die Polymeren wurden direkt in der Ionenquelle des Massenspektrometers pyrolysiert und die entstehenden thermischen Bruchstukke durch Elektronenstos ionisiert und fragmentiert. Die Pyrolyse- und Fragmentierungsreaktionen lassen sich nebeneinander nachweisen. Die Kenntnis der Mechanismen beider Abbauschritte ermoglicht es, strukturisomere Polyester zu unterscheiden. The degradation reactions of polyesters of ad…
Intramolekulare Wasserstoffbrückenketten in Oligo(2-hydroxy-1,3-phenylen)methylenen und ihre Bedeutung für die Dissoziationskonstante des Endbausteins
Formation of Hercynian subplates, possible causes and consequences
WITH the exception of the microplate models of Badham and Halls1 and Riding2 models of Hercynian plate tectonics3–7 have assumed the existence of only one plate, that is, South Europe, between Africa and the Tethys in the south and North America–Europe and the Mid-European Ocean in the north. The South European plate has generally been considered as a stable unit. Studies of the Alpine system8, however, suggest that such an assumption may not be valid. I assume here that during the Carboniferous, South Europe was originally an elongated plate with nearly straight margins and internal structures. Collision with the irregular continental margins of the bounding plates North America–Europe and…
Decay properties of neutron-rich niobium isotopes
The decay of neutron-rich niobium isotopes in the mass region $A\ensuremath{\simeq}100$ has been investigated by $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray singles and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence measurements. The isotopes were produced by thermal-neutron induced fission of $^{235}\mathrm{U}$, $^{239}\mathrm{Pu}$, and $^{249}\mathrm{Cf}$, and niobium was separated from fission-product mixtures with an automated chemical procedure. Isomerism was found in the even-mass niobium isotopes with the following half-lives: 1.5 and 3.1 sec for $^{100}\mathrm{Nb}$, 1.3 and 4.3 sec for $^{102}\mathrm{Nb}$, and 0.8 and 4.8 sec for $^{104}\mathrm{Nb}$. Half-lives and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays…
Topics in atomic hyperfine structure and isotope shift
Recent developments in atomic hyperfine structure and isotope shift are discussed under the following aspects: (i) Precise evaluation of nuclear moments and isotopic change of nuclear charge radii by quantitative computation of atomic structure or by calibration of the atomic constants through results from electronic and mesic X-ray spectroscopy. (ii) How to apply spectroscopic methods to nuclei far off stability. (iii) What can be learned from a systematic investigation of long isotopic chains.
Holographic photoelasticity: Determination of absolute retardations by a single hologram
In this paper, real-time holographic interferometry is applied to determine the absolute-retardation fringes in the photoelastic analysis of plane models. The method requires only one hologram recorded with the model unloaded. In the reconstruction process, the mcdel is loaded and the polarizers on the reference and object beams are rotated through the same angle. At the points of the model where the polarization direction is parallel to one of the principal stresses, only the corresponding family of absolute retardations is obtained. The technique is demonstrated experimentally using a deep beam centrally loaded.
Active contractility of the lymphangion and coordination of lymphangion chains
Strukturuntersuchung von polyestern durch direkten abbau im massenspektrometer, 1. Polyester der terephthalsäure
Die Abbaureaktionen von Poly(athylenterephthalat) (1a), Poly(tetradeuteroathylenterephthalat) (1b), Poly(trimethylenterephthalat) (1c) und Poly(tetramethylenterephthalat) (1d) im Massenspektrometer wurden untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Polymeren direkt in der Ionenquelle des Massenspektrometers pyrolysiert und die entstehenden thermischen Bruchstucke durch Elektronenstos ionisiert und fragmentiert. Die thermisch- und elektronenstosinduzierten Abbaureaktionen lassen sich nebeneinander nachweisen. Die untersuchten polymeren Terephthalate 1a–d folgen in beiden Abbauschritten den gleichen Mechanismen und konnen anhand ihrer Pyrolyse-Massenspektren unterschieden werden. The degradation reactions …
The mucopolysaccharidoses: Inborn errors of glycosaminoglycan catabolism
The mucopolysaccharidoses are genetic disorders of glycosaminoglycan metabolism. Patients with these diseases accumulate within the lysosomes of most tissues excessive amounts of dermatan and/or heparan sulfates, or of keratan sulfate. The clinical consequences of such glycosaminoglycan storage range from skeletal abnormalities to cardiovascular problems, and to motor and mental retardation. In all mucopolysaccharidoses, except Morquio disease, an excessive accumulation of sulfate-labeled glycosaminoglycans has been demonstrated in fibroblasts cultured from the patient's skin. It was subsequently shown that this was due to the deficiency of specific proteins which were named "corrective fac…
The effects of methacholine and calcium deprivation on the release of the false transmitter, ?-methyladrenaline, from the isolated rabbit heart
1. Anaesthetized rabbits were infused for 20 min with 85 μg · kg−1 · min−1 (±)-α-methyladrenaline. The hearts dissected 15 min after the infusion contained 1.49 μg/g α-methyladrenaline; the endogenous noradrenaline content was correspondingly decreased. 2. Hearts from α-methyladrenaline-infused animals were isolated with the right sympathetic nerves intact and perfused. Ventricular rate, right atrial and right ventricular tensions were recorded using the transverse method. 3. Electrical stimulation (10 Hz, 1 ms, 1 min) of sympathetic nerves, perfusion with the nicotinic drug, p-aminophenethyltrimethylammonium (PAPETA) or perfusion with 54 mM KCl (high K+) solution evoked an output of both α…
Model predictions of the ionic mechanisms underlying the beating and bursting pacemaker characteristics of molluscan neurons
The general properties of the excitable membrane on molluscan pacemaker neurons can be described on the basis of a fair amount of experimental evidence available in the literature. The neuronal membrane exhibits under voltage clamp an initial inward current carried by both Na+ and Ca2+ ions, the time- and voltage-dependent characteristics of which are similar to that of other excitable structures. The conductance mechanism for the two ion species and the transport kinetics appear to be closely similar. The time course and amplitude of the delayed outward current carried by K+ ions shows a marked dependence on the membrane potential. Characteristic for the molluscan neurons is the existence …
Premiers résultats de l'enquête longitudinale sur les conditions de la réussite, de l'échec et de l'abandon à l'université de Dijon
International audience
Prenatal diagnosis of mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease)
A pregnancy at risk for mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease) was monitored in which an affected fetus was predicted on the basis of the analyses of lysosomal hydrolases in amniotic fluid and cultured amniotic fluid cells, and by the demonstration of an excessive accumulation of [35S] sulfate-labeled glycosaminoglycans in cultured amniotic cells. This diagnosis was confirmed by performing enzyme assays and [35S] sulfate incorporation studies on material derived from the aborted fetus.
Probable progress in the therapy of organophosphate poisoning
Whether or not extracorporeal hemodialysis or hemoperfusion with coated activated charcoal might be used in eliminating organophosphates following poisoning with nitrostigmine, demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide, or dimethoate was here examined. Nitrostigmine could not be hemodialysed. The other two organophosphates, on the other hand could be well eliminated from the blood by hemodialysis. The clearance rates for demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide and dimethoate were 52.98 ml/min and 59.07 ml/min respectively, at a blood flow rate of 100 ml/min. The clearance values for hemoperfusion with coated activated charcoal were higher under the same trial conditions, the values being 83.70 ml/min for demeton-S-met…
Humoral immune reactions on the hepatocellular plasma membrane in the experimental chronic active hepatitis in rabbits
Zur Induktion einer experimentellen chronisch aktiven Hepatitis (CAH) wurden Kaninchen mit humanem leberspezifischem Protein plus komplettem Freundschen Adjuvans langzeitimmunisiert. Nach 23wochiger Versuchsdauer waren im Serum Antikorper gegen allogene hepatocellulare Membranantigene mit Hilfe isolierter normaler Kaninchenhepatocyten bzw. in der passiven Hamagglutination mit leberspezifischem Membranprotein als Antigen nachweisbar. Gleichzeitig zeigten isolierte Hepatocyten dieser Tiere in vivo-fixiertes IgG an den Plasmamembranen in Form eines gemischt linear-granularen Fluoreszenzmusters. Mit der Raji-Zell-Technik wurden im Serum der Tiere Immunkomplexe gefunden. Eine chronisch aktive He…
Zur alkalischen hydrolyse benzylgruppenhaltiger optisch aktiver tertïrer phosphinoxide und phosphinsulfide
Chondrodysplasia punctata — Rhizomelic form
Pathologic, ultrastructural and radiologic studies are described on 3 infants with the rhizomelic form of chondrodysplasia punctata. Radiologic criteria in the young infant include radiolucent coronal clefts dividing all or most of the thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies, short humeri with flared metaphyses and punctate calcifications commonly present adjacent to the ossified ischial and pubic bones and less commonly in other locations. In late infancy and childhood the radiologic criteria include demineralization in all bones with slow maturation, flat vertebral bodies, short humeri and femora, metaphyseal flaring, especially in the distal humerus, proximal femur and proximal tibia, immat…
Zur Begründung eines Variationsprinzipes für zerfallende Systeme
Taking into account the circumstance that the decay of an unstable microscopic system into two fragments is established by the counting of one of the decay products in a detector, the observed exponential decay law then asserts only knowledge of the spatiotemporal behaviour of the probability density (and therewith knowledge of the decaying state) at a large finite distance from the site of decay. We therefore formulate a variational principle, of which stationary functions show this decay behaviour. In addition to the resonant wave functions there are also solutions of the variational principle, which decrease exponentially with increasing distance, i.e., functions which could be used to d…
Histokompatibilitäts-(HLA) Antigene bei Patienten mit HBsAg-positiver und -negativer chronisch aktiver Hepatitis und gesunden Trägern von HBsAg und A…
Eine Analyse der Literatur und eigene Befunde uber die Haufigkeit von 23 HLA-Antigenen bei Patienten mit Hepatitis-Oberflachen-Antigen (HBsAg)-positiver und -negativer chronisch aktiver Hepatitis (CAH) und gesunden Tragern von HBsAg und Antikorpern gegen HBsAg (Anti-HBs) erlauben die folgenden Schlusfolgerungen: 1. Bei Patienten mit CAH und HBsAg-Persistenz findet sich eine normale Haufigkeit von HLA-B8 (und -A1). 2. Auch bei Patienten mit HBsAg-negativen Formen einer CAH ohne Autoimmunphanomene (AutoAk) ist die HLA-B8-Haufigkeit normal. 3. Nur Patienten mit HBsAg-negativer CAH mit AutoAk haben eine statistisch signifikant grosere Haufigkeit von HLA-B8 (und -A1) (p < 0,01 nach Korrektion fu…