showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Zur Ökologie Abwasserbelasteter Altrheine


The backwaters of the Upper Rhine can be divided into two types, namely the Sondernheim type and the Leimersheim type. The first one obtains its water mainly from small tributaries of the Rhine, the latter one by the Rhine itself. Both of them are polluted to nearly the same extent by organic matter. In the Sondernheim type biological decomposition starts intensively. It leads to mass-production of a few animal species in the upper, to less production of a large number of animal species in the lower part of its flow. In the Leimersheim type neither biological decomposition, nor mass-production nor a high species-diversity are to be observed. The possible causes of this difference are under …

chemistry.chemical_classificationHydrologygeographygeography.geographical_feature_categorychemistryTributaryEnvironmental scienceOrganic matterAnimal speciesDecomposition

Demografia de los inmigrados


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

En torno a un Grafito Ibérico de Fuenvich (Requena)


[ES] Se trata de un grafito realizado en caracteres del tipo «levantino» de uso común desde La Contestania a la Galia Narbonense. Consta de un solo letrero que hay que juzgar como ibérico. Ha sido escrito sobre una pátera. El grafito podría ser un nombre personal. Por haber aparecido en un asentamiento ibero-romano, hay que considerarlo dentro del proceso de romanización (siglo I a. C, fecha en que se data el grafito).


Contra el imperialismo cultural


Reseña en español de la ""I Conferencia internacional sobre el Imperialismo Cultural"". Argel, Argelia, 11-15 de octubre de 1977."

Derechos HumanosPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónConferenciaCulturaVidal-Beneyto JoséSOCIOLOGÍAImperialismo cultural

Untersuchung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Blei, Cadmium, Quecksilber, Arsen und Tellur in Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe der Röntgenfluorescenzanalyse


Der Aufschlus von Nahrungsmitteln tierischen Ursprungs mit Salpetersaure-Schwefelsaure in einer Polyathylenflasche bei 60° C und mit Salpetersaure in einem Bombengefas bei 150° C wurde untersucht. Beide Verfahren liefern befriedigende Ergebnisse. Im zweiten Fall besteht wegen kleinerer Reagensmengen jedoch eine geringere Gefahr des Einschleppens von Blindwerten. Blei, Cadmium und Quecksilber konnen aus der Aufschluslosung durch Adsorption an dem Austauscherharz Chelex 100 oder durch Fallung mit Ammonium-pyrrolidindithiocarbamat unter Zusatz von Kupfer als Trager abgetrennt werden. Arsen und Tellur lassen sich anschliesend zusammen mit Kupfertrager durch Schwefelwasserstoff ausfallen. Die Au…

ChemistryClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineAnalytical ChemistryNuclear chemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie

K Cell Activity of Normal and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Lymphocytes: Association with Lymphocytes bearing Receptors for Human C3b


Surface properties of effector cells in antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) are at present under intensive investigation. Among these cells a lymphocyte population (K cells) has been described with receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (4), receptors for complement (11) and lacking receptors for sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and surface immunoglobulin (13). The purpose of the present study was to investigate more thoroughly the relationship between K cell activity in ADCC and cells bearing receptors for C3b and C3d.

Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicityeducation.field_of_studyLymphocytic leukaemiaSurface ImmunoglobulinEffectorChemistryLymphocytePopulationchemical and pharmacologic phenomenak-cellMolecular biologymedicine.anatomical_structuremedicineReceptoreducation

Vidal-Beneyto y García Trevijano. Un cierto desencanto


DemocraciaOposiciónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑADesencantoPOLÍTICAAlternativa democráticaEntrevistasFranquismo

Sobre l'avenir de les nostres escoles


El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. Traducció del castellà al català del text de F. Nietzsche "Sobre el porvenir de nuestras escuelas", segons l'edició de 1977 de l'editorial Tusquets.

UNESCO::FILOSOFÍAFilosofíaPensament Filosòfic ContemporaniNietzschePedagogíaUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA

Archivo de arte valenciano, 1977, año 48


Revista editada por Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos


Metabolic epoxidation of trans-4-acetylaminostilbene: A protective mechanism against its activation to a mutagen


Abstract Trans -4-acetylaminostilbene is activated by liver preparations to mutagens for Salmonella typhimurium . Since this compound is metabolized to the trans -α,β-epoxide and since many epoxides are ultimate mutagens, this epoxide was tested for direct mutagenicity. It was, however, found to be non-mutagenic, and, in contrast to the parent compound, the epoxide was no longer activated by liver preparations to mutagens. The same was found for the β-ketone and for the threo -α,β-dihydrodiol, which are formed metabolically from trans -4-acetylaminostilbene and from its α,β-epoxide. 4-Acetylaminobibenzyl showed a very weak mutagenic activity in the presence of the liver preparation. Thus, i…

MaleSalmonella typhimuriumendocrine systemStereochemistryBiophysicsEpoxideMutagenmedicine.disease_causeBiochemistryMicechemistry.chemical_compoundStilbenesmedicineAnimalsMolecular BiologyMolecular Structurefungifood and beveragesCell BiologyTrans-4-acetylaminostilbeneLiverchemistryBiochemistryEpoxy CompoundsLiver preparationMutagensBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Presence of muscarinic inhibitory and absence of nicotinic excitatory receptors at the terminal sympathetic nerves of chicken hearts.


Nicotine (2 X 10(-4) M) or acetylcholine (5.5 X 10(-4) M) in the presence of 3 X 10(-6) M atropine did not increase the rate or amplitude of contraction in isolated atria or ventricular strips of the chicken heart; both drugs also did not cause an output of noradrenaline or adrenaline and did not evoke antidromic discharges in the right sympathetic nerves of isolated perfused chicken hearts. In contrast, "high K+-solutions" evoked an output of noradrenaline and adrenaline and caused a burst of antidromic discharges. Dimethylphenylpiperazine (DMPP; 3.1 X 10(-4) M), by a tyramine-like action, elicited a small output of noradrenaline and increased rate and amplitude of contraction" but did not…

medicine.medical_specialtyNicotineSympathetic Nervous SystemEpinephrineTyramineStimulationIn Vitro TechniquesReceptors NicotinicInhibitory postsynaptic potentialNorepinephrineHeart RateInternal medicineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptormedicineAnimalsReceptors CholinergicEvoked PotentialsPharmacologyChemistryMyocardiumHeartGeneral MedicineMyocardial ContractionReceptors MuscarinicAcetylcholineAntidromicAtropineNicotinic agonistEndocrinologyExcitatory postsynaptic potentialCatsPotassiumDimethylphenylpiperazinium IodideChickensAcetylcholinemedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

Über den thermischen Abbau von alternierenden Copolyamiden im Massenspektrometer


ChemistryGeneral Materials ScienceMedicinal chemistryAngewandte Makromolekulare Chemie

Primary perireticulin amyloidosis in a 14-year-old girl.


A primary perireticulin amyloidosis is reported in a 14-year-old girl, which showed the symptoms of a steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. The diagnosis was established by biopsies of kidney and rectum. Occurrence of amyloidosis in childhood and the clinical picture are discussed and references to clinical trials carried out are given.

medicine.medical_specialtyPathologyNephrotic SyndromeAdolescentmedia_common.quotation_subjectBiopsyRectumKidneymedicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingGirlmedia_commonbusiness.industryAmyloidosisRectumGeneral MedicineAmyloidosismedicine.diseaseDermatologySteroid-resistant nephrotic syndromeClinical trialmedicine.anatomical_structurePediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthFemalebusinessNephrotic syndromeEuropean journal of pediatrics

Evolution of a Quantum System: Lifetime of a Determinant


A measure of the ''dependency'' of a many-particle system is defined and its time dependence is evaluated for systems initially described by a single Slater determinant. An uncertainty product between the energy spread of the initial determinant and the lifetime of a system's independence is established. Numerical estimates of some lifetimes are given. They are not so long as to be reassuring for nuclear time-dependent Hartree--Fock calculations. Each separate case ought to be checked. 1 table.

Many-body problemPhysicsUncertainty principleQuantum mechanicsProduct (mathematics)Quantum systemHartree–Fock methodGeneral Physics and AstronomySlater determinantStatistical physicsWave functionMeasure (mathematics)Physical Review Letters

Coulomb Corrections in Proton-Deuteron Scattering


We present the first calculations of differential cross sections for elastic proton-deuteron scattering using a three-body formalism which correctly takes into account the Coulomb repulsion between the two protons.

Scattering amplitudeNuclear physicsElastic scatteringPhysicsCoulomb's constantProtonScatteringNuclear TheoryCoulombGeneral Physics and AstronomyCoulomb barrierMott scatteringNuclear ExperimentPhysical Review Letters

Eine Kennzeichnung der endlichen desarguesschen Hjelmslev-Ebenen


Pure mathematicsGeneral MathematicsMathematicsArchiv der Mathematik

Zur Gleichartigkeit der reduktiven Spaltung einiger Substrate durch elektrochemisch und mit Natrium erzeugte Radikal-Anionen


General MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsThe Science of Nature

X-ray topographic study of solid-state polymerized poly-[1,2-bis-(p tolylsulphonyloxymethylene)-1-butene-3-inylene]


Local extinction contrast effects have been observed in macroscopic polymer crystals, using Berg-Barrett X-ray topography. Results from as-polymerized crystals indicate that the crystals are perfect enough for defect regions to be imaged. As-polymerized crystals exhibited apparent defects lying along [021]. [010] slip traces in the (100) surface of a crystal were imaged; the slip system here appears to be consistent with (h01) [¯10h], forh, l ≠ 0 and [010] the chain direction.

chemistry.chemical_classificationMaterials scienceMechanical EngineeringX-raySolid-state1-ButenePolymerSlip (materials science)Crystalchemistry.chemical_compoundCrystallographychemistryPolymerizationMechanics of MaterialsGeneral Materials SciencePolymer crystalsJournal of Materials Science

Blood Pressure Response to Physical Activity in Hypertensive Subjects at Different Times of the Day


1. Active orthostasis causes a fall of systolic blood pressure in the morning; this fall was more extensive in severe arterial hypertension. 2. Everyday physical activity produces a marked rise of systolic blood pressure, which is higher at noon and in the evening than in the morning; the hypertensive response is somewhat greater in WHO II and III, than in WHO I, grades of hypertension. 3. In studies on blood pressure behaviour in hypertensive subjects the circadian variability not only of the blood pressure at rest but also of the blood pressure response to various stimuli has to be considered.

AdultMaleAmbulatory blood pressureEveningbusiness.industryPhysical ExertionPhysical activityBlood PressureGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedPrehypertensionCircadian RhythmBlood pressureAnesthesiaHypertensionHumansMedicineFemaleCircadian rhythmbusinessAgedMorningClinical Science

Verschiedenartige Additionsreaktionen von 2-Cyano-2-propylradikalen an p-Tolylmethacrylat und 4-Cyclohexylphenylmethacrylat


Durch Umsetzung von p-Tolylmethacrylat oder 4-Cyclohexylphenylmethacrylat in stark verdunnter, siedender Benzollosung mit einem sehr grosen Uberschus an 2,2′-Azoisobutyronitril wurden die erwarteten Additionsprodukte mit 2-Cyano-2-propylradikalen (1) erhalten, namlich p-Tolyl- bzw. 4-Cyclohexylphenyl-[4-cyano-2-(2-cyano-2-propyl)-2,4-dimethyl]valerianat (3a bzw. 3b) mit rund 50% Ausbeute. Daneben wurden p-Tolyl- bzw. 4-Cyclohexylphenyl-(4-cyano-4-methyl-2-methylen)valerianat (4a bzw. 4b), p-Tolyl- bzw. 4-Cyclohexylphenyl-[4-cyano-2(2-cyano-2-methyl-1-propyl)-4-methyl]valerianat (5a bzw. 5b), p-Tolyl- bzw. 4-Cyclohexylphenyl-(4-cyano-2,4-dimethyl)valerianat (6a bzw. 6b) und p-Tolyl- bzw. 4-C…

Addition reactionUv spectraChemistryPolymer chemistryDisproportionationMass spectrometricDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Constant-potential electrolysis: determination of diffusion coefficients of thallium by using a hanging mercury drop electrode.


The technique of constant-potential electrolysis at a stationary spherical electrode (hanging mercury drop) was investigated for the determination of the diffusion coefficient of Tl(I) in sodium citrate-sodium hydroxide medium and of Tl in mercury. Current-time curves, at controlled potential, were obtained, covering periods from 1 to 25 sec after the start of the electrolysis. The influence of applied potential, time of electrolysis, convection and shielding of the electrode was studied.

PolarographyElectrolysisDrop (liquid)Inorganic chemistryAnalytical chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementDropping mercury electrodeAnalytical ChemistryMercury (element)law.inventionchemistrylawHanging mercury drop electrodeSaturated calomel electrodeElectrodeTalanta

Trismus resulting from central nervous system lesion.


Three cases of unusual trismus are reported, occurring in patients with lesions of the central nervous system. On the basis of the clinical and electromyographical findings and observation of the course of the trismus this is interpreted as a symptom of a lesion of the brain stem, causing a dis-synergism of the masticatory muscles.

AdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyPathologyCentral nervous systemElectromyographyTrismusLesionMedicineHumansIn patientmedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryElectromyographyAccidents TrafficCranial NervesGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedSurgeryMasticatory forcemedicine.anatomical_structureBrain InjuriesMasticatory MusclesSurgeryFemaleTrismusCentral nervous system lesionmedicine.symptombusinessBrain StemJournal of maxillofacial surgery



Materials scienceSpin statesMössbauer spectroscopyGeneral EngineeringPhysical chemistryEmission spectrumLe Journal de Physique Colloques

�ber Charaktere mehrfach transitiver Gruppen


General MathematicsTheologyMathematicsArchiv der Mathematik

Pharmakologisch aktive Polymere, 14. Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung der Abspaltung niedermolekularer Komponenten von polymeren Pharmaka


ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie



Acrylatechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPolymer chemistryCopolymerStyreneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Operator mixing and scaling deviations in asymptotically free field theories


Predictions of asymptotically free field theories for scaling deviations of the structure functions are compared with recent SLAC and Fermilab data on deep-inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. Contributions of nonsinglet as well as singlet Wilson operators are taken into account. The latter contributions are found to be non-negligible; specifically it is observed, in agreement with neutrino data, that about 60% of the proton's momentum is due to gluons. The expected quantitative pattern of scaling violations is given for a large range of and Q/sup 2/. (AIP)

MomentumPhysicsRenormalizationParticle physicsQuantum electrodynamicsOperator (physics)High Energy Physics::PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrinoScale invarianceDeep inelastic scatteringScalingGluonPhysical Review D



chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistry.chemical_compoundProtonDeuteriumChemistrySimple (abstract algebra)Polymer chemistryPolystyrenePolymerDie Makromolekulare Chemie



A number of papers have appeared in which the temperature dependence of the quadrupole splitting has been treated, whereby covalency effects have been considered by introducing the orbital reduction factor k, with k ranging from 1.-0.7. There are, however, two problems : (1) k is unisotropic if the symmetry is lower than cubic, (2) the spin orbit coupling of the ligand electrons are usually neglected. These two problems have been treated here by using SCCEHMO [1] calculations on two examples, [Fe(H2O)6]SiF6 and KFeCl3, which have been previously delt with by other authors using ligand field theory [2, 3]. For both compounds the differences between the measured and the calculated quadrupole …

Ligand field theoryCoupling constantCondensed matter physicsChemistryExcited stateQuadrupoleGeneral EngineeringMolecular orbitalSpin–orbit interactionQuadrupole splittingElectronAtomic physicsLe Journal de Physique Colloques

Sedimentation und Tektonik im mittleren Abschnitt des Rio Toro in der Ostkordillere NW-Argentiniens


Die bis 5000 m machtigen jungkanozoischen Sedimente im Hangenden der Grupo Salta wurden im Mittelabschnitt der Quebrada del Toro auskartiert und gegliedert, wobei ein vorwiegend aus Vulkanitkomponenten bestehendes Konglomerat als Leithorizont diente. Auf diese Sedimente sind von West und Ost altere Gesteine aufgeschoben, so das sie heute nur noch in dem Rio Toro-Keilgraben erhalten sind. Anhand der wechselnden Gerollfuhrung und lokaler Diskordanzen last sich nachweisen, das durch die Hebung der westlichen und ostlichen Randschollen der kontinentale Sedimentationsraum zunehmend eingeengt wurde. Die terrestrischen Sedimente im Rio ToroKeilgraben wurden erst zu einem relativ spaten Zeitpunkt d…

General Earth and Planetary SciencesArchaeologyGeologyGeologische Rundschau

The decay of 31 sec98Zr, 2.9 sec98Nb and 51 min98Nb


TheΒ- andγ-radiations of98Zr and98m, g Nb have been investigated employing scintillation and semiconductor spectrometers and coincidence techniques. Sources of98Nb were produced by the98Mo(n, p)98Nb reaction, sources of98Zr by fission of235U with thermal neutrons applying chemical separations. For98Zr, a half-life of 30.7±0.4 sec and aQ β-value of 2.3±0.2 MeV were obtained, for the98Nb isomers, half-lives of 2.86±0.06 sec and 51.3±0.4 min, andQ β-values of 4.8±0.2 MeV and 4.5±0.2 MeV, respectively. Noγ-rays were observed in the decay of98Zr. The decay of 2.9 sec98Nb was found to involve 11γ-ray transitions. In the decay of 51 min98Nb, 54γ-transitions were detected. Spin and parity of 1+ and…

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsScintillationDecay schemeFissionbusiness.industryAnalytical chemistryElementary particleNeutron temperatureChemical separationSemiconductorNuclear fusionAtomic physicsbusinessZeitschrift f�r Physik A Atoms and Nuclei

Rapid small-angle and wide-angle x-ray studies of crystallization behavior in polymers


Small-angle and wide-angle x-ray scattering measurements, using a position-sensitive detector, were made during melt-crystallization of linear polyethylenes and PEO–PS–PEO triblock copolymer. The scattering measurements indicated that the triblock copolymer grew by the enlargement of regions in which lamellae are regularly stacked. During primary crystallization at higher temperatures similar behavior is observed in two linear polyethylenes. At lower temperatures, changes in the shape of small-angle scattering curves during the primary stage of crystallization indicate that amorphous gaps within the lamellar stacking become filled in. During secondary crystallization at higher temperatures …

chemistry.chemical_classificationMaterials scienceScatteringGeneral EngineeringPolymerSpherulite (polymer physics)Amorphous solidlaw.inventionCrystallographychemistrylawCopolymerLamellar structureCrystalliteComposite materialCrystallizationJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition

Testosterone metabolism in benign prostatic hypertrophy: in vivo studies of gestonorone caproate and cyproterone acetate.


Summary 18 patients with obstructive benign prostatic hypertrophy were studied. A 5-day treatment with gestonorone caproate (200 mg daily and 200 mg on alternate days) and cyproterone acetate (300 mg daily) suppressed the plasma LH and serum LH levels. Subsequently, H3-testosterone was injected intravenously and its elimination from plasma and uptake and metabolism in the BPH tissue studied. The elimination of total radioactivity and H3-testosterone from plasma was not altered after the 3 treatment regimens as compared to the control group. The uptake of total radioactivity into BPH tissue and its intraprostatic metabolism particularly to dihydrotestosterone was significantly suppressed in …

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyUrologyProstatic HyperplasiaMuscle hypertrophychemistry.chemical_compoundIn vivoInternal medicinemedicineHumansTestosteroneCyproteroneTestosteroneGestonorone caproateAgedClinical Trials as TopicTreatment regimenbusiness.industryProstateCyproterone acetateMetabolismLuteinizing HormoneMiddle AgedEndocrinologychemistryDihydrotestosteronebusinessGestonorone Caproatemedicine.drugBritish journal of urology



chemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryGroup (periodic table)Organic ChemistryHalogenOrganic chemistryPhenolsOrganic Preparations and Procedures International

Efficiency of an on-line isotope separator system employing cooled and NaCl-loaded He-jet methods


Abstract A pure helium-jet at liquid nitrogen temperature coupled to a Nielsen type ion source, and a NaCl-loaded helium-jet coupled to a hollow-cathode ion source have been investigated as means to connect a cyclotron target chamber on-line to a mass separator. Technical details and performances of some critical parts of the system are described. Total separation efficiencies measured under various experimental conditions for several nuclides vary between 0.01 and 1.0%.

Materials scienceIsotope010308 nuclear & particles physicsCyclotronAnalytical chemistrySeparator (oil production)General MedicineLiquid nitrogen7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesIon sourcelaw.inventionPhysics::Plasma Physicslaw0103 physical sciencesNuclide010306 general physicsNuclear Instruments and Methods



CrystalMössbauer effectChemistryGeneral EngineeringMineralogyPhysical chemistrySolvent effectsSpin-½DilutionLe Journal de Physique Colloques