showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

The influence of dopamine on hemodynamics, microcirculation and renal function in patients with hypnotic drug intoxication


The effect of dopamine on hemodynamics (CO, AoPm, TPR, SV, SW, CVP, PAPm, PAEDP), microcirculation (MBF, PS-product) and renal function (VU, CKI, CNa, CK, Cosm, TcH2O) was studied in 8 patients with hypnotic drug poisoning. With increasing doses of dopamine, cardiac output and heart rate increased and the peripheral resistance decreased. An augmentation of stroke volume and left ventricular stroke work was observed in the low dose range only (200--400 mug/min). With increasing doses, central venous pressure as well as mean pulmonary artery pressure and enddiastolic pulmonary artery pressure decreased. No vasoconstriction was found in muscle tissue vessels even with large doses of dopamine. …

medicine.medical_specialtyCardiac outputbusiness.industryCentral venous pressureHemodynamicsGeneral MedicineStroke volumeNorepinephrine (medication)Blood pressureDopamineShock (circulatory)Internal medicineDrug DiscoveryCardiologyMolecular MedicineMedicinemedicine.symptombusinessGenetics (clinical)medicine.drugKlinische Wochenschrift

Polymere ester von säuren des phosphors, 4. Polymerisation des 2-äthoxy-2-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorins


Die ringoffnende Polymerisation des 2-Athoxy-2-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorins (1) mit Alkoholaten als Initiatoren, ist durch folgende Merkmale gekennzeichnet: (a) Zur Polymerisation sind Temperaturen von uber 100°C und Reaktionszeiten von vielen Tagen erforderlich. (b) Es stellt sich ein Polymerisations-Depolymerisations-Gleichgewicht ein. Fur 125°C liegt der maximale Umsatz bei der Polymerisation in Substanz bei 70%. (c) Die Polymerisationsenthalpie hat den Wert 0±12,6 kJ mol—1 (0±3 kcal mol—1). (d) Es werden nur Oligomere gebildet. Die Ausbeute an Substanz mit Pn > 5 liegt um 3%. Die Oligomeren mit Pn = 1 bis 5 werden durch Dunnschichtchromatographie getrennt und durch Massenspekt…

Bulk polymerizationPolymerizationChemistryPolymer chemistryThin-layer chromatographyDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Quantitative contributions of IgG, IgM and C3 to erythrophagocytosis and rosette formation by peritoneal macrophages, and anti-opsonin activity of de…


In vitro phagocytosis by guinea pig peritoneal macrophages of immune complexes (EA) was shown to be dependent on IgG antibody in a dose-dependent fashion. C3b enhanced phagocytosis of EA at limited IgG antibody concentrations only. When IgM antibody was used for sensitization of sheep red blood cells (SRBC), phagocytosis and rosette formation did not occur in the absence of bound C3. The polyanion, dextran sulfate 500 (DS), was shown to depress both rosette formation and phagocytosis of EAIgG, C1423 and EAIgMC1423, as well as immune adherence of human group 0 erythrocytes and hemolytic activity of C3. This effect of DS was seen only when it was actually present in the incubation medium.

ErythrocytesPhagocytosisImmunologyGuinea PigsDose-Response Relationship ImmunologicHemolysisMicrobiologyGuinea pigImmune systemPhagocytosismedicineCell AdhesionImmunology and AllergyAnimalsIncubationSensitizationbiologyMacrophagesImmune adherenceDextransComplement C3Complement System ProteinsOpsonin ProteinsIn vitroImmune Adherence Reactionmedicine.anatomical_structureImmunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin Gbiology.proteinAntibodyEuropean journal of immunology

Structure and properties of polyethyleneterephthalate crystallized by annealing in the highly oriented state


The structure of polyethyleneterephthalate bristles drawn about five times in the amorphous state and subsequently crystallized at temperatures between 100 and 260‡ C has been studied by means of small-angle X-ray scattering. In addition density, heat of fusion and wide-angle scattering behaviour were measured. For comparison, similar experiments were carried out with undrawn samples. The results showed that the degree of crystallinity of PET cannot be calculated from density data on the basis of a simple two-phase model, since the effective densitiesρc* andρa* of the crystalline and amorphous regions depend strongly on crystallization and drawing conditions. With rising crystallization tem…

Materials scienceAnnealing (metallurgy)ScatteringMechanical EngineeringEnthalpy of fusionAnalytical chemistryAmorphous solidlaw.inventionCrystallographyCrystallinityMechanics of MaterialslawLattice (order)Volume fractionGeneral Materials ScienceCrystallizationJournal of Materials Science

Alteration of poly (ADP-Rib) synthesis during progesterone- caused gene expression in oviducts of quails.


Summary The biological model of the selective induction of RNA synthesis in oviducts of estrogen stimulated immature quails by progesterone has been used to clarify whether poly (ADP-Rib) is involved in DNA transcription. The chromatin-bound as well as the soluble poly (ADP-Rib) polymerase has been isolated from oviducts and the optimal reaction conditions have been determined. The activities, as measured by the incorporation rates of NAD + into poly (ADP-Rib), of both, chromatin-bound « endogenouspolymerase (in the absence of « exogenousDNA and histones) and soluble enzyme (native DNA - lysine-rich histone ratio: 4.3) from progesterone treated quail oviducts, have been determined to be onl…

Poly Adenosine Diphosphate Riboseanimal structuresTime FactorsMuscle ProteinsCoturnixOviductsBiochemistryHistoneschemistry.chemical_compoundNAD+ NucleosidaseGene expressionAnimalsDiethylstilbestrolPolymeraseProgesteronechemistry.chemical_classificationCell NucleusbiologyNucleoside Diphosphate SugarsGeneral MedicineAvidinMolecular biologyEnzyme assayKineticsEnzymeHistonechemistrybiology.proteinOviductFemaleNAD+ kinaseDNABiochimie

Die vielfältigen additionsprodukte von phenylen-, naphthylen-, biphenylylen- und methylendiphenylendimethacrylaten mit radikalen aus 2,2'-azoisobutyr…


Die Reaktionen von Phenylen-, Naphthylen-, Biphenylylen- und Methylendiphenylendimethacrylaten (1–4) wurden teils mit 2,2'-Azoisobutyronitril (AIBN) in Substanz oder anionisch in Losung mit Butyllithium oder Natriumdihydronaphthylid (Naphthalinnatrium), teils mit grosem Uberschus an AIBN stark verdunnt in siedendem Benzol durchgefuhrt. Neben unloslichen (vernetzten) Polymeren wurden losliche erhalten, darunter Cyclopolymere vom Typ 9, wie die Ergebnisse der Hydrolyse und anschliesende Umsetzung mit Diazomethan zu Poly(methacrylsaure-methylester)n zeigten. Die Verdunnungsreaktion ergab die Produkte 5 der unterdruckten Polymerisation, der innermolekularen Addition mit Kopf/Schwanz- und Schwan…

Polymers and PlasticsChemistryDiazomethaneMedicinal chemistrySolventchemistry.chemical_compoundHydrolysisColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymerizationMethacrylic acidPhenylenePolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryButyllithiumPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMethyl methacrylateDie Makromolekulare Chemie



tert-Butoxy radicals were generated by decomposing di-tert-butyl hyponitrite. The relative reactivities of substrates were measured from the ratio of tert-butanol and acetone formed. Polystyrene was found to be less reactive than model compounds. Activation parameters for the hydrogen abstraction reaction for cumene, 3-phenylpentane, and 2,4-diphenylpentane are reported and show small differences for the enthalpy of activation; large negative values for the entropy of activation demonstrate the importance of steric hindrance in the hydrogen abstracting step. 2,3-Diphenylbutane as model compound for head to head links in polystyrene exhibits low reactivity, whereas 2,5-diphenylhexane, a mode…

Steric effectsCumenechemistry.chemical_compoundHyponitriteChemistryDimerRadicalPolymer chemistryReactivity (chemistry)PolystyreneHydrogen atom abstractionDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Observability of the sign of wave functions


A change of the phase factor of -1 in the wave function of a molecular quantum system leads to observable consequences in transition probabilities between molecular quantum states in accordance with quantum-mechanical calculations.

Quantum phase transitionPhysicsQuantum discordQuantum stateQuantum mechanicsQuantum electrodynamicsQuantum processQuantum systemQuantum phasesWave function collapseWave functionPhysical Review D



Polyoctenylenes and polydodecenylenes prepared by the methathesis reaction exhibit a bimodal molecular weight distribution. The low molecular weight fraction consists of cyclic oligomers, the high molecular weight fraction is assumed to contain linear polymers. The distribution of cyclic oligomers together with the polymer material indicates a ring-chain equilibrium. The slope of the plot log Kx (molar cyclization equilibrium constant) vs. log x (degree of polymerization) is close to −2,5 as predicted by the Jacobson and Stockmayer theory for unstrained macrocycles. Polyoctenylene und Polydodecenylene, dargestellt mit Hilfe der Metathese-Reaktion, weisen eine bimodale Molekulargewichtsverte…

chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistryChain (algebraic topology)Linear polymerPolymer chemistrySalt metathesis reactionMolar mass distributionPolymerDegree of polymerizationRing (chemistry)Equilibrium constantDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Development of cytoplasmically incompatible and integrated (translocated incompatible) strains ofCulex pipiens fatigans for use in genetic control


Crosses were made between strains of the Culex pipiens complex to select and develop strains with suitable cytoplasmic incompatibility properties for use in field experiments in genetic control of Culex pipiens fatigans near Delhi, India.

GeneticsCulex pipiens fatigansvirusesparasitic diseasesfungiBotanyGeneticsvirus diseasesCulex pipiens complexBiologygeographic locationsCytoplasmic incompatibilityJournal of Genetics

Klinische und experimentelle Aspekte zur Differentialdiagnostik der Hüftpfannen- und Femurkopfkalotten-frakturen


Infolge der Zunahme schwerer Arbeits- und Verkehrsunfalle werden immer haufiger Kombinationsverletzungen der unteren Extremitaten mit Beteiligung der Huftgelenke beobachtet. Bei den verschiedenen Luxationsformen kann es gleichzeitig zu knochernen Absprengungen im Bereich der Huftgelenke kommen. Im Vordergrund stehen die Pfannendachfrakturen. Selten sind die Femurkopfkalottenbruche mit oder ohne Pfannendachaussprengung. Ihre Differenzierung durch unterschiedliche rontgenologische Einstellungen ermoglicht eine Aussage uber Lokalisation, Herkunft und Grose der Fragmente. Dies wurde demonstriert durch experimentell an einem Bekkenpraparat erzeugte Frakturen und einigen charakteristischen klinis…


Differentiation of isomeric cyclic diamides by electron impact mass spectra


The behaviour under electron impact of two series of isomeric cyclopentane- and cyclohexane-1, 2- and -1, 3-dicarboxylic acid dipiperidides was studied. Diagnostic fragmentation pathways were found to differentiate the isomeric diamides. Additional evidence was obtained from the metastable transitions.

chemistry.chemical_compoundFragmentation (mass spectrometry)chemistryComputational chemistryMetastabilityMass spectrumAnalytical chemistryMolecular MedicineCyclopentaneInstrumentationBiochemistrySpectroscopyElectron ionizationOrganic Mass Spectrometry

Untersuchungen über die pH-Abhängigkeit, Hemmbarkeit und Reaktivierbarkeit von Angiotensin II-amid-spaltenden Aminopeptidasen menschlicher Erythrozyt…


In menschlichen Erythrozytenfraktionen (hamoglobinfreie Erythrozytenmembranen; membranfreies Hamolysat; durch DEAE-Cellulose von Hamoglobin befreite Enzym-Protein-Fraktion) wurde mit Hilfe eines NADH-abhangigen optischen Tests mit Asparaginyl1-Angiotensin II-amid als Substrat die Aminopeptidaseaktivitat untersucht.

General MedicineResearch in Experimental Medicine

Die Charakterisierung des klinisch gesunden Hepatitis-B-Antigen (HBsAg)-Trägers


Wir haben 129 Blutspender, bei denen bei Routineuntersuchungen HBsAg im Serum festgestellt wurde, zur diagnostischen Klarung einer moglichen Lebererkrankung untersucht. Zwolf hatten, als sie zur klinischen und leberbioptischen Untersuchung aufgenommen wurden, schon kein HBsAg mehr im Serum. Keiner von diesen hatte klinisch oder histologisch Anhalt fur eine entzundliche Lebererkrankung. Zwei der 129 Patienten hatten eine milde, ikterische Hepatitis, verloren das Antigen wahrend des Verlaufes und wurden anti-HBs-positiv. Die ubrigen 115 Patienten, die klinisch gesund erschienen und keine fruhere ikterische Leberkrankheit hatten, blieben HBsAg-positiv wahrend des bisherigen Verlaufes von im Mi…

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryDrug DiscoverymedicineMolecular MedicineGeneral MedicinebusinessGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

The Single-Scattering Albedo of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles as a Function of Relative Humidity


Atmospheric ScienceMaterials scienceSingle-scattering albedoRelative humidityFunction (mathematics)AlbedoAtmospheric sciencesSea salt aerosolAerosolJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences

In vitro synthesis of factor B of the alternative pathway of complement activation by mouse peritoneal macrophages


Factor B of the alternative pathway of complement activation was shown to be synthesized and secreted by unstimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages. The activity of B in the culture supernatants from macrophage monolayers was detected by consumption of C3 in reaction mixtures containing supernatant and guinea pig factors C3, D and insoluble C3b. Using a monospecific antiserum, factor B in concentrated culture supernatants was shown by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis to be identical to factor B in mouse plasma and to form a characteristic complex with cobra venom factor in the presence of D. A steady rate of factor B secretion was observed for 4 days providing the medium was changed…

Guinea PigsImmunologyImmunoelectrophoresisCycloheximideBiologyComplement factor BMicechemistry.chemical_compoundmedicineAnimalsAscitic FluidImmunology and AllergyCycloheximideCells CulturedGlycoproteinsAntiserumProperdinmedicine.diagnostic_testMacrophagesComplement C3Complement System ProteinsMolecular biologyIn vitroComplement systemImmunodiffusionKineticschemistryBiochemistryAlternative complement pathwayEuropean Journal of Immunology

A Unified Phenomenological Description of Quadrupole Excitations in Even-Even Nuclei


A phenomenological model is developed for the collective quadrupole properties of all even-even nuclei. Rotational. vibrational and transitional nuclei are included in the model on an equal footing. A Bohr-type intrinsic Hamiltonian for harmonic quadrupole vibrations about an axially deformed shape is solved exactly. States of good angular momentum are projected out of the intrinsic states, and they are made orthogonal by a Schmidt scheme. The angular-momentum and phonon-number composition of the states is analyzed at various stages; states with K = 1 are found spurious. Excitation energies for the ground, β, and γ bands are calculated as expectation values of a radically simplified nuclear…

PhysicsAngular momentum010308 nuclear & particles physicsPhononCondensed Matter Physics01 natural sciencesAtomic and Molecular Physics and Opticssymbols.namesakeQuantum mechanics0103 physical sciencesPhenomenological modelQuadrupolesymbols010306 general physicsHamiltonian (quantum mechanics)AnisotropyAxial symmetryMathematical PhysicsExcitationPhysica Scripta

H�moperfusion durch verkapselte Aktivkohle zur Therapie exogener und endogener Intoxikationen


Die von Chang entwickelte Methode, artefizielle Zellen — in Kollodium und Albumin verkapselte Aktivkohle — zur Hamoperfusion einzusetzen, wurde in vitro studiert. Gepruft wurde die Kapazitat zur Adsorption von schlecht wie gut dialysablen Substanzen (Barbiturate, Diazepam, Parathion) und einem endogen toxischen Metaboliten (p-Hydroxyphenylessigsaure). — Mit der Adsorptions-Einheit lassen sich in 90 min 80–90% der Ausgangskonzentrationen von Barbiturat, Diazepam und p-Hydroxyphenylacetat eliminieren, von Parathion etwa 50%, Bromid und Ammoniak werden nicht adsorbiert. Versuche, durch den Einbau von Heparin in die Hulle der Kohlegranula die regionale Heparinisierung unnotig zu machen, waren e…

Drug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineGeneral MedicineGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

Zur operativen Behandlung verschiedener Dysgnathien


In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Uberblick uber die operative Behandlung verschiedener Dysgnathien mit ihren Ergebnissen gegeben und die eigenen Erfahrungen dargelegt. Es werden eine Reihe standardisierter Operationsverfahren zur Korrektur typischer Anomalien besprochen. Besondere Erwahnung finden die verschiedenen Formen des progenen Formenkreises, die Oberkieferprotrusion mit Distalbis, der offene Bis und die komplexen Gesichtsschadelasymmetrien. Es wird beton, das optimale Resultate nur durch eine sorgfaltige Operationstechnik, eine eingehende praoperative Diagnostik und richtige Indikationsstellung zu erzielen sind.

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryMedicineOrthodonticsGeneral MedicineOral SurgerybusinessFortschritte der Kieferorthopädie

Autologe Knochentransplantationen bei solitären Fersenbeincysten


Calcaneuscysten sind relativ seltene Veranderungen im Bereich des Fersenbeins. Aufgrund ihrer Lokalisation in einer trabekelarmen sogenannten Ruhezone im Zentrum des sie umgebenden Trajektoriensystems sind sie gewohnlich nicht frakturgefahrdet. Als Entstehungsursache wird u. a. eine Abflusblockade der interstitiellen Flussigkeit mit daraus folgender Druckatrophie der Spongiosa diskutiert. Da ein Teil der Patienten uber unspezifische Fusbeschwerden klagt und in der Literatur uber das Vorkommen von malignen Tumoren im Bereich des Calcaneus berichtet wird, ist unserer Meinung nach die operative Entfernung und anschliesende Auffullung mit Corticospongiosa bei sorgfaltiger histologischer Untersu…




A number of acryl and methacryl derivatives of different sulfanilamides (1a—I) were prepared and polymerized. The fixation of the sulfonamide to the polymerizable group was carried out directly, using the acryl- and methacrylamides, and by means of spacer groups, to favour the enzymatic or hydrolytic release of the drug moiety. Selected sulfonamide types of different pKA values were used, and the pH-dependant solubility of the corresponding polymers was studied. The monomeric acryloyl and methacryloyl sulfonamides were homopolymerized radically by AIBN. For distribution studies polysulfadiazineacrylamide, 14C-labelled in the main chain (2e'), was synthesized. Copolymerization with 2-methyls…

chemistry.chemical_classificationSulfanilamideMethacrylateBiodegradable polymerSulfonamidechemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerAnionic addition polymerizationchemistryPolymer chemistrymedicineCopolymerMoietymedicine.drugDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Die Synthese reiner Oligo[hydroxy-5-nitro1,3-phenylen)-methylen]e, Verbindungen mit mehreren ortho- bzw. para-Nitrophenolbausteinen im Molekül


Zur Synthese der Oligo[(hydroxy-5-nitro-1,3-phenylen)methylen]e dienten chlormethylierte Nitrophenole sowie mono- und bischlormethylierte Bis- und Tris[(hydroxy-5-nitro-1,3-phenylen)methylen]e. Die Chlormethylierung erfolgte durch Umsetzung mit Chlormethylmethylather in Gegenwart von Zinkchlorid. Die Synthese der Oligomeren gelang mit guten Ausbeuten, wenn die chlormethylierten Verbindungen mit stark uberschussigem Nitrophenol und Zinkchlorid als Katalysator kondensiert wurden. Reaktionsbedingungen und unterschiedliche Reaktionsfahigkeiten werden mitgeteilt. Einige Verbindungen wurden in ihrer Struktur bestatigt, indem sie auf zwei voneinander unabhangigen Wegen dargestellt wurden. Damit wa…

Reaction conditionsTrisPolymers and PlasticsChemistrychemistry.chemical_elementZincMedicinal chemistryCatalysischemistry.chemical_compoundNitrophenolColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryMethylenePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryChloromethyl methyl etherColloid and Polymer Science

Konzentration und Verteilung der Plasmaglycosphingolipide bei verschiedenen Hyperlipoproteinämien


Bei Patienten mit Hyperlipoproteinamien (HLP) Typ IIa (n=10), Typ IIb (n=9), Typ IV (n=24) und Typ V (n=11) sind die vier neutralen Glycosphingolipide im Plasma gegenuber einem gesunden Kontrollkollektiv (n=23) erhoht. Die Erhohung der Monohexosylceramide ist bei allen HLP-Typen am starksten und in der Varianzanalyse statistisch signifikant (p<1%). Die Tri- und Tetrahexosylceramide zeigen nur bei einzelnen Typen statistisch auffallige Anstiege, die Zunahme der Dihexosylceramidspiegel ist nicht signifikant. Die prozentuale Verteilung aller Glycosphingolipidfraktionen steigt deutlich an in den VLDL bei HLP Typ IV und Typ IIb, in den LDL bei HLP Typ IIa. Es besteht eine Parallelitat zu dem ver…

ChemistryDrug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineGeneral MedicineMolecular biologyGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

Health situation and related social conditions among 66-year-old Finnish men.


Health situation and related social conditions among 66-year-old Finnish men. Heikkinen, E., Käyhty-Seppänen, B. and Pohjolainen, P. (Dept. of Public Health, University of jyväskylä, Finland). The aims of the study were to reveal the extent of physical activity, nutritional habits, smoking and alcohol consumption and the relation of these to previous occupation among recently retired men. The number of men belonging to various health risk groups was estimated on the basis of the results. About 10% had inadequate nutritional habits as judged from their food expenses and number of daily hot meals and about 20% practised physical exercise in the way which is considered necessary for the impro…

MaleRiskSocial conditionAlcohol DrinkingPhysical activity050109 social psychologyPhysical exerciseGroup living03 medical and health sciencesNursingMedicineDaily livingHumans0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesNutritional Physiological PhenomenaHealth riskOccupationsLife StyleFinlandAgedRetirement030505 public healthbusiness.industry05 social sciencesSmokingPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthVO2 maxFeeding BehaviorHealth SurveysSocial Conditions0305 other medical sciencebusinessAlcohol consumptionDemographySportsScandinavian journal of social medicine

Biokinetisches Verhalten und Stoffwechselwirkungen von Fructose bei hochdosierter Dauerinfusion an der Ratte


The steady-state blood level of fructose during 24 hours intravenous infusion in response to different doses follows saturation kinetics. Even after toxic doses of 1.5 g/kg/h no depletion of liver adenine nucleotides can be observed after 24 hours. In the kidneys, however, ATP, ADP and total adenine nucleotides were decreased after a dose of 1.5 g/kg/h of fructose. The blood glucose increased continuously at infusion rates of 1.5 g/kg/h. Inorganic phosphate in the blood increased at doses of 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg/h. The weight of the kidneys increased, presumably through water uptake. Urinary secretion was drastically reduced at doses above 1.0 g/kg/h. An appreciable activity of ketohexokinase c…

Adenosine monophosphatemedicine.medical_specialtyKidneyUrinary systemMedicine (miscellaneous)FructoseBiochemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundAdenosine diphosphateEndocrinologymedicine.anatomical_structurechemistryAdenine nucleotideInternal medicineWater uptakemedicineAdenosine triphosphateFood ScienceZeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft

Photochemically induced cross-links between DNA and alcohol dehydrogenase or salmine, respectively


Model experiments with two structurally different proteins (alcohol dehydrogenase and salmine) show that glycine, alanine, and tyrosine are by far more frequently involved in photochemically induced cross-link formations with DNA than is cysteine. The yields for cross-link formation of thymidine with salmine (cysteine-free) are about as high as those with alcohol dehydrogenase (a thiol protein).

PhotochemistryBiophysicsAlcoholSalminechemistry.chemical_compoundPolydeoxyribonucleotidesCysteineProtaminesTyrosineGeneral Environmental ScienceAlcohol dehydrogenaseAlaninechemistry.chemical_classificationRadiationbiologyDNAGlutathioneAlcohol OxidoreductaseschemistryBiochemistryGlycineThiolbiology.proteinThymidineThymineThymidineCysteineRadiation and Environmental Biophysics

Metabolism and fate of triazophos in rats


The excretion patterns and tissue residues were determined after single and repeated oral dosing of rats with triazophos-14C Within 4 days after a single oral dose 76.3 % of the 14C was excreted in the urine and 21.0% in the faeces. After daily application for 12 days 69.5–83.4% of the label was eliminated in urine and 30.9–18.1 % in the faeces. Following prolonged application, however, elimination is distinctly slower. Distribution of radioactive residues in organs and tissue in both test series showed no appreciable or critical concentrations of radioactivity, with the exception of the gastrointestinal tract (contents and walls). Unchanged triazophos and l-phenyl-1,2,4-triazol-3-ol-3-14C …

ExcretionSingle oral doseGastrointestinal tractchemistry.chemical_compoundTest seriesChromatographychemistryMetabolismUrineGlucuronic acidApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyFecesPesticide Science

Studien zum Vorgang der Wasserstoffübertragung, 38. Selektive katalytische Hydrierungen mit Palladium-Trägerkatalysatoren auf der Basis von ‘Aminoaer…


Es wird die Darstellung neuer Palladium-Trager-Katalysatoren auf modifizierten Siliciumdioxidtragern insbesondere ‘Aminoaerosil’ beschrieben. Die Oberflachenaminogruppen der Palladium-Trager-Katalysatoren bewirken durch Salzbildung eine bevorzugte katalytische Hydrierung von Olefincarbonsauren in Gegenwart ihrer Athylester. Durch Variation der Struktur der Substrate, des Palladiumgehalts und der Reduktionsweise des Katalysators, der chemischen Veranderung der Oberflachengruppe des Tragers sowie des Losungsmittels, wird versucht, Einblick in die Vorgange an der Kontaktoberflache zu gewinnen. Studies on the Occurrence of Hydrogen Transfer, 38. — Selective Catalytic Hydrogenations with Palladi…

SolventReaction conditionschemistryOrganic ChemistryPolymer chemistryHydrogen transferSubstrate (chemistry)chemistry.chemical_elementPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryEthyl esterSalt formationPalladiumCatalysisJustus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie

Studien zum Vorgang der Wasserstoffübertragung, 39. Langlebige Hydrierkatalysatoren durch kovalente Verknüpfung von Phosphin-Rhodium-Komplexen an Aer…


Homogene Phosphin-Rhodium-Katalysatoren werden durch kovalente Bindung an ‘Aminoaerosil’ heterogenisiert. Die Abhangigkeit der Hydriergeschwindigkeit von der Entfernung der aktiven Zentren zur Oberflache, von der Temperatur, vom Losungsmittel und von der Struktur der eingesetzten Olefine wird untersucht. Studies on the Occurrence of Hydrogen Transfer, 39. — Long-Lived Hydrogenation Catalyst by Covalent Fixation of Phosphine-Rhodium-Complexes on the Surface of Aerosil 200 The covalent binding of hitherto homogeneous phosphine-rhodium catalysts to “Amino-aerosil” is described. The dependence of the rate of catalysed hydrogenation upon the distance between the reaction centre and the silica su…

Reaction centreSolventOlefin fiberCovalent bondHomogeneousChemistryOrganic ChemistryPolymer chemistryCovalent bindingHydrogen transferPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryCatalysisJustus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie

Immunological investigations in two brothers with ataxia telangiectasia Louis-Bar


Two of three brothers with the classical signs of ataxia telangiectasia were investigated for their immunological disorders at the ages of 13 and 16 years, respectively. The elder brother also suffers from autoimmune hemolytic anemia, a complication which has not yet been described in the course of ataxia telangiectasia. Immunological investigations made in both brothers showed a reduction in the number and function of T lymphocytes. The number of B lymphocytes was normal, among which there were cells staining for IgA, although serum IgA was absent. It seems possible that this phenomenon is caused by a disturbance in the process of maturation of lymphoid cells with a lack of differentiation…

MaleB-Lymphocytescongenital hereditary and neonatal diseases and abnormalitiesAdolescentbusiness.industryT-LymphocytesPlasma CellsGeneral MedicineSerum igamedicine.diseaseImmunoglobulin AAtaxia TelangiectasiaIMMUNE DEFICIENCY DISEASEPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthImmunologyAtaxia-telangiectasiamedicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingAnemia Hemolytic AutoimmuneAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaComplicationbusinessEuropean Journal of Pediatrics

Cytology of Thamnidium elegans Link. II. Distribution and behaviour of nuclei in hyphae, sporangiophores and sporangiospores.


The resting nuclei in hyphae, sporangiophores and sporangiospores of sporangia and sporangiola of Thamnidium elegans consist of a large centrals nucleolus and a shell of chromatin surrounding the nucleolus. Division of the nucleus in hyphae and sporangiospores is achieved by elongation and constriction.

Cell NucleusHyphaNucleolusSporangiumFungiGeneral MedicineThamnidium elegansBiologySpores FungalBiochemistryMicrobiologyCell biologyNuclear divisionmedicine.anatomical_structureCytologyGeneticsmedicineMucoralesMolecular BiologyNucleusCell DivisionArchives of microbiology

Indirect Quantitative Determination of Organolithium Compounds by Gas Chromatography


ChromatographyChemistryOrganolithium compoundsGeneral MedicineGas chromatographyQuantitative determinationAnalytical ChemistryJournal of Chromatographic Science

Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause epidemic disease in the milkweed bug,Oncopeltus fasciatus dallas (Insecta, Heteroptera)


Pseudomonas aeruginosa was recognized as the causative organism of an epidemic disease occurring in a laboratory breed ofOncopeltus fasciatus. The infection probably occurs peroral and is favoured by high temperature and humidity.Pseudomonas aeruginosa destroys the fat body of the bug.

PharmacologyFat bodybiologyPseudomonas aeruginosaHeteropteraCell Biologybiology.organism_classificationmedicine.disease_causeBreedMicrobiologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceCausative organismmedicineMolecular MedicineEpidemic diseaseMolecular BiologyExperientia

Possible role of cyclic AMP in the relaxation process of mammalian heart: effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline on potassium contractures …


The effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DB-c-AMP; 3 X 10(-4)-3 X 10(-3) M) on electrically induced twitch and high potassium (142.4 mM KCl)-induced contracture tension was studied in papillary muscles from normal and reserpinized cats ([Ca]0 1.8 mM; 25 degrees C; pH 7.4). In both groups of preparations, the increase in twitch tension evoked by DB-c-AMP was accompanied by an abbreviation of the time to peak force and of relaxation time. In the same preparations, the high potassium contracture was markedly depressed by DB-c-AMP in a concentration-dependent manner. Similar results were obtained with the N6-monobutyryl derivative of cyclic AMP. The relaxing effects of the cyclic nucleotides on KCl …

medicine.medical_specialtyReserpinePotassiumchemistry.chemical_elementBiological Transport ActiveStimulationCalciumchemistry.chemical_compoundNorepinephrineTheophyllineInternal medicinemedicineCyclic AMPAnimalsTheophyllinePharmacologyChemistryEndoplasmic reticulumSodium butyrateGeneral MedicinePapillary MusclesAdenosineMyocardial ContractionSarcoplasmic ReticulumEndocrinologyBucladesineCatsPotassiumCalciumContracturemedicine.symptommedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

Macrocyclic peptides in anionic polymers of amino acid N-carboxylic anhydrides.


chemistry.chemical_classificationChemistryChemical PhenomenaChemistryPolymersPolymer chemistryAnionic polymersGeneral MedicinePeptides CyclicAmino acidAnhydridesAngewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)

Makrocyclische Peptide in anionischen Polymerisaten von Aminosäure-N-carbonsäureanhydriden


ChemistryGeneral MedicineAngewandte Chemie