showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Effect of percentual water content in tissues and liquids on the diffusion coefficients of O2, CO2, N2, and H2.


HydrogenPhysiologyNitrogenDiffusionClinical Biochemistrychemistry.chemical_elementWaterHuman physiologyCarbon DioxideNitrogenOxygenDiffusionOxygenchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryChemical engineeringPhysiology (medical)Carbon dioxideGasesWater contentHydrogenPflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology

Light and drug induced changes of epiphysial synaptic ribbons.


In the present investigation experiments were carried out to determine whether the functionally obscure synaptic rebbons of mammalian pinealocytes can be affected by acute changes in environmental lighting and which chemical processes may be involved in their regulation. Experiments carried out in male guinea-pigs have shown that the amounts of synaptic ribbons are immediately affected by changes in the lighting pattern. Extension of the light period reduced the normally occurring increase, whereas extension of the dark period inhibited the normally occurring decrease in the amount of synaptic ribbons. Results following injections of a number of drugs known to influence pineal function (nor…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyHistologyEnvironmental lightingReserpineSympathetic Nervous SystemLightPeriod (gene)Guinea PigsPropranololBiologyPineal GlandPathology and Forensic MedicinePinealocyteLevodopaPineal glandNorepinephrineInternal medicinemedicineAnimalsFenclonineCell BiologyReserpineDark periodPropranololβ receptormedicine.anatomical_structureEndocrinologySynapsesBiophysicssense organsmedicine.drugCell and tissue research

Low angle neutron scattering of ferritin studied by contrast variation.


Ferritins containing different amounts of iron have been studied by neutron small angle scattering in H 2 O/D 2 O mixtures. Apoferritin has also been studied in solutions of small organic molecules. There is a larger contrast variation in the solutions of small organic molecules than in the corresponding H 2 O/D 2 O experiments from which it may be calculated that I g of apoferritin contains 0·3 g of H 2 O. The solvent composition at zero contrast varies regularly with the iron content of the protein: there is evidence for polydispersity in the iron content of the ferritin used. From analysis of the scattering curves it is concluded that the iron is probably not homogeneously distributed in…

NeutronsCrystallographybiologyScatteringChemistryProtein ConformationDispersityAnalytical chemistrySpherical harmonicsWaterNeutron scatteringDeuteriumFerritinCrystallographyStructural BiologyApoferritinsFerritinsbiology.proteinParticleScattering RadiationNeutronSmall-angle scatteringMolecular BiologyMathematicsJournal of molecular biology

Charge Distribution ofPb208and the Difference inρ(r)for Pb and Tl Investigated by by Elastic Electron Scattering


Elastic electron-scattering cross sections from $^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$ have been measured for $0.5 {\mathrm{fm}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}lql2.24 {\mathrm{fm}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$. The charge distribution for this nucleus is determined by a "model-independent" method; it exhibits a bump in the center of the nucleus which is also a characteristic feature of Hartree-Fock calculations. The influence of the $3s$ protons on $\ensuremath{\rho}(r)$ has been investigated by a difference measurement between lead and thallium isotones.

PhysicsScatteringNuclear TheoryCenter (category theory)Hartree–Fock methodGeneral Physics and Astronomychemistry.chemical_elementCharge densityElastic electronNuclear physicschemistryThalliumAtomic physicsNuclear ExperimentPhysical Review Letters

Species-specific aggregation factor in sponges V. Influence on programmed syntheses


Isolated cells from the siliceous sponge Geodia cydonium as well as small primary aggregates (diameter: 70 mum) consisting of them show no increase in rates of programmed syntheses and mitotic activity with time. After addition of a highly purified aggregation factor to a culture with primary aggregates which subsequently form secondary aggregates (diameter: larger than 1000 mum), a dramatic increase of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis occurs. Together with this increase, the cells show a high mitotic activity. The values for the mitotic coefficient reach a first maximum 8 h after the beginning of the secondary aggregation process. The stimulation of the mitotic activity of cells during the a…

Time FactorsCellPopulationStimulationBiologyModels BiologicalBiochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)Bleomycinchemistry.chemical_compoundSpecies SpecificitymedicineProtein biosynthesisAnimalseducationMitosisCell Aggregationeducation.field_of_studyDNA synthesisRNADNAPoriferamedicine.anatomical_structurechemistryBiochemistryProtein BiosynthesisDactinomycinBiophysicsRNAPuromycinColchicineCell DivisionDNABiochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Is massless quantum electrodynamics a free-field theory?


It is shown that if the photon wave-function renormalization constant is finite, then in the limit of zero fermion mass, quantum electrodynamics is a free- field theory.

RenormalizationPhysicsHigh Energy Physics::LatticeQuantum mechanicsQuantum electrodynamicsStochastic electrodynamicsCavity quantum electrodynamicsQuantum gravityGauge theoryQuantum field theoryRenormalization groupUltraviolet fixed pointPhysical Review D

Free and sulfoconjugated dehydroepiandrosterone, cyclic adenosine-3′,5′-monophosphate, and free estriol in maternal and cord blood


When free DHEA, its sulfatide, and sulfate were assayed in maternal plasma as well as in umbilical cord arterial and venous plasma, rather high concentrations were found in either fraction from cord arterial plasma, reflecting the fetal contribution not only of free DHEA and DHEA sulfate, but also of the lipophile steroid sulfatide. Since high DHEA levels were associated with elevated c-AMP concentrations, a certain interrelationship of both parameters is indicated. In the course of delivery, a rapid decrease of free estriol in maternal plasma was observed. Higher concentration of free estriol in umbilical venous plasma pointed at its placental biosynthesis from fetal precursors.

medicine.medical_specialtyCordmedicine.medical_treatmentDehydroepiandrosteroneUmbilical cordSteroidCellular and Molecular NeurosciencePregnancyInternal medicineCyclic AMPpolycyclic compoundsmedicineHumansMolecular BiologyPharmacologyFetusLabor ObstetricSulfoglycosphingolipidsEstriolSulfatesChemistryVenous PlasmaEstriolDehydroepiandrosteroneCell BiologyFetal BloodEndocrinologymedicine.anatomical_structureCord bloodMolecular MedicineFemalehormones hormone substitutes and hormone antagonistsExperientia

Effect of theophylline on calcium exchangeability in ventricular myocardium.


The effects of theophylline on contractile force and myocardial calcium exchangeability were studied in isolated, electrically driven Langendorff perfused guinea-pig hearts. Following a 30-min exposure to 45Ca, total cellular calcium and 45Ca activity were measured in right ventricular samples. "Nontoxic" theophylline concentrations (5 x 10(-5) -10(-3) g/ml) which augmented contractile force without producing arrhythmias or contractures had no effect on total tissue calcium and did not alter the size of the fraction of cellular calcium exchangeable under steady-state conditions. A "toxic" concentration of theophylline (2 x 10(-3) g/ml) induced contractures and increased the amount of exchan…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyHeart VentriclesPharmacology toxicologyGuinea Pigschemistry.chemical_elementCalciumIn Vitro TechniquesVentricular myocardiumTheophyllineInternal medicineCoronary CirculationmedicineAnimalsTheophyllineMyocardial calciumTotal TissuePharmacologyMyocardiumBiological TransportGeneral MedicineMyocardial ContractionElectric StimulationStimulation ChemicalCell calciumEndocrinologychemistryCalciumFemaleTotal calciumExtracellular Spacemedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

Studies of malformation syndromes of man XIB: the cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome of zellweger: Comparative pathology


A study of 11 autopsied cases of the cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome of Zellweger (ZS) is reported. All cases had severe, persistent congenital hypotonia, hepatic lobular disarray, renal cortical cysts and pulmonary hypoplasia. Many had cardiovascular malformations, hepatomegaly, cerebral cortical gyral maldevelopment and pancreatic islet hyperplasia. Additional, less frequent findings are delineated. Results of iron content studies of hepatic and renal tissues are related to age of survival and possible development of fibrosis.

Heart Defects CongenitalLiver CirrhosisMalePathologymedicine.medical_specialtySiderosisCirrhosisRenal cortical cystsPancreatic islet hyperplasiaIronKidneyNeurologic ManifestationsPulmonary hypoplasiaMaldevelopmentFibrosisHumansMedicineAbnormalities MultipleRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingbusiness.industryInfant NewbornBrainInfantGeneral MedicineKidney Diseases Cysticmedicine.diseaseBile Ducts IntrahepaticNeonatal hypotoniaLiverConnective TissuePediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthFemaleHepatic fibrosisbusinessHepatomegalyEuropean Journal of Pediatrics

Gelernt aus der Geschichte


Publicaciones: Obra académico-científica: Artículos en revistas científicasVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAEurocomunismoPOLÍTICAPolítica españolaPCIPCEPCF

Structural and bonding aspects in phosphorus chemistry-inorganic derivatives of oxohaloqeno phosphoric acids


Metal chloridechemistryPhosphorusInorganic chemistryOrganic chemistryInfrared spectroscopychemistry.chemical_elementHydrogen bridge

La democracia-ficción


DemocraciaPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Artículos en revistas políticasVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónFranquismo

Tratamiento estadístico de precipitaciones aplicado al País Valenciano


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

Seasonal and annual changes in physical performance capacity of elite athletes


Seasonal and annual changes in physical performance characteristics of 10 female and 28 male cross-country skiers, 5 male nordic combination skiers and 7 male skijumpers were studied. Following parameters were investigated on most of the athletes: maximal oxygen uptake (maxVo₂) in leg and arm work, vertical running velocity (Vv), total isometric leg force (TLF), percentage of slow twitch muscle fibers (%ST fibers) and succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) in m. vastus lateralis. The measurements were made between the spring of 1973 and winter of 1976. The yearly measurement times were spring (the beginning of the basic training period), autumn (a change from the basic training period to sp…

Gelernt aus der Geschichte


Publicaciones: Obra académico-científica: Artículos en revistas científicasVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAEurocomunismoPOLÍTICAPolítica españolaPCIPCEPCF

Consideracions sobre la "Lògica Moderna" d'Andreu Piquer


L 'objecte d'aquesta comunicació és analitzar la significació de la "Lógica Moderna o arte de hallar la verdad y perficionar la razón", del metge Andreu Piquer i Arrufat, dins de l'evolució de la Filosofia científica a l'edat moderna.

teoria del coneixementUNESCO::FILOSOFÍAfilosofia científica:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]epistemologialògica

Relativistic corrections to the elastic electron scattering fromPb208


In the present work we have calculated the differential cross sections for the elastic electron scattering from $sup 208$Pb using the charge distributions resulting from various corrections. The point proton and neutron mass distributions have been calculated from the spherical wave functions for $sup 208$Pb obtained by Kolb et al. The relativistic correction to the nuclear charge distribution coming from the electromagnetic structure of the nucleon has been accomplished by assuming a linear superposition of Gaussian shapes for the proton and the neutron charge form factor. Results of this calculation are quite similar to an earlier calculation by Bertozzi et al., who have used a different …

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsProtonScatteringNuclear TheoryForm factor (quantum field theory)Charge densityNeutronNuclear cross sectionAtomic physicsNuclear ExperimentNucleonEffective nuclear chargePhysical Review C

Indikation zur proktologischen Untersuchung und Endoskopie


Klagen uber Misempfindungen im Analbereich sollten eine proktologische Untersuchung nach sich ziehen und nicht durch die Verordnung von „Hamorrhoiden-Zapfchen“ ubergangen werden.

Zusammenfassung der Diskussion


Im Anhang sind Ubersichten und Zusammenstellungen zu den Kohlenhydraten, Fettemulsionen und zur Uberwachung zusammengefast. Vor allem fur die Kohlenhydrate sind die Probleme und Nebenwirkungen, die sich aus Kohlenhydratintoleranzen ergeben, und die sich daraus ergebenden Schlusfolgerungen ausfuhrlich dargestellt.

Libro del Bien y del Mal



Situación actual de la propiedad agraria en la provincia de Castellón


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

Summary of the Discussion on the Theme: “Basic Concepts and Requirements during Intravenous Alimentation”


Operations researchComputer scienceEngineering ethicsHepatic comaTheme (narrative)

Mariano Peset, Anales Valentinos. Revista de Filosofía y Teología [Reseña]


Reseña de Anales Valentinos. Revista de Filosofía y Teología.

La laguna de Salinas (Alicante) y su desecación


InundacionesGeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIASal marinaUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaGeociencias. Medio ambiente:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]SalinasProyectosDesecaciónIndustria extractivaGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

Algorithms for Rational Discrete Least Squares Approximation Part I: Unconstrained Optimization


In this paper a modification of L. Wittmeyer’s method ([1], [14]) for rational discrete least squares approximation is given which corrects for its failure to converge to a non-optimal point in general. The modification makes necessary very little additional computing effort only. It is analysed thoroughly with respect to its conditions for convergence and its numerical properties. A suitable implementation is shown to be benign in the sense of F. L. Bauer [2]. The algorithm has proven successful even in adverse situations.

Mathematical optimizationComputer scienceNon-linear least squaresDiscrete optimizationConvergence (routing)Point (geometry)Quadratic unconstrained binary optimizationUnconstrained optimizationTotal least squaresAlgorithmLeast squares

Démocratie-fiction en Espagne


DemocraciaPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Columnas y artículos de opiniónVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónFranquismo

Ученые записки Латвийского государственного университета. Том 248. Фонетика и лексикология английского языка


Angļu valoda (fonētika)Latviešu valodaValodniecībaSonantiIdiomas (angļu valoda)LeksikoloģijaFiloloģijaFrazeoloģijaZilbju intonācijas (angļu valoda)Sufiksālie lietvārdi

Digital-rectale Untersuchung


Beim Hantieren in der Analregion und vor der rectalen Untersuchung last sich die untersuchende Hand durch einen Plastikhandschuh schutzen. Es sind Plastikhandschuhe von verschiedener Starke fur den Einmalgebrauch auf dem Markt. Zusatzlich empfiehlt es sich, einen Fingerling uber den Zeigefinger zu ziehen, der nach der Untersuchung abgestreift wird. Die Untersuchung kann auch nur mit einem Fingerling erfolgen; man bohrt den Zeigefinger durch ein Stuck Zellstoff, der die ubrige Hand schutzt.

NMR-Spektroskopie an Heterocyclen, 2. Mitt. Kernalkylierte und isomere Nicethamidderivate


Von kernalkylierten und isomeren Nicethamidderivaten wurden die 13C-NMR-Shiftwerte ermittelt und mit Hilfe der 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie die Energiebarriere bei der gehinderten Rotation der Amidgruppe bestimmt. Ringalkylated and Isomeric Nicethamide Derivatives The 13C-n.m.r. shifts were determined for ringalkylated and isomeric nicethamide derivatives and the energy barrier of the hindered rotation of the amide group was evaluated by means of 1H-n.m.r.

chemistry.chemical_compoundChemistryNicethamideAmideDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical ScienceMedicinal chemistryRotation (mathematics)Archiv der Pharmazie

Zusammenfassung der Diskussion zum Thema: „Vorbereitung zur Narkose und Operation — Respiratorisches Risiko bei der Narkose“



Instrumentelle Analytik: Technologische Spielerei oder Hilfswissenschaft f�r Naturwissenschaften und Medizin


Die Instrumentelle Analytik ist ein moderner Zweig der Analytischen Chemie und Hilfswissenschaft fur Chemie, Biologie, Geologie, Mineralogie, Archaologie, Kunstwissenschaften, Klinische Chemie und Medizin.

PhilosophyClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineBiochemistryHumanitiesAnalytical ChemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift f�r Analytische Chemie

Ražošanas efektivitātes paaugstināšana Latvijas PSR rūpniecībā


Visi krājumā ietilpstošie raksti vērtējami kā ieguldījums ekonomiskajā literatūrā par Latvijas PSR rūpnieciskās ražošanas ekonomiskās efektivitātes paaugstināšanas jautājumiem.

Промышленность ЛатвииRūpniecība LatvijāAutomatizētā vadības sistēma:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics [Research Subject Categories]Darba ražīgumsЭффективность производстваSaimnieciskais aprēķins

Estructura electrónica y actividad química de beta-carbolinas aromáticas



Los Sofistas


Como dice Fernando Montero Moliner en la Introducción al libro: “Los Sofistas y Sócrates representan un período ilustrado que centró su atención en las cuestiones antropológicas, llevando hasta ellas una crítica racional que hasta entonces había quedado restringida a los problemas cosmológicos y teológicos” (p. 11). Se ponen de relieve en este capítulo del libro, las dificultades interpretativas por la fragmentación de las fuentes, a pesar de ello se intenta dar una información suficiente sobre los Sofistas y una “lectura” particular sobre esos fragmentos de sus obras . De acuerdo con ello, la autora se centra en destacar: La antítesis entre physis y nomos; la crítica a la religión; la rela…


Red Cell Interactions with the Microcirculation


We have measured RBC velocity profiles for mammalian arterioles and venules from high-speed cinematographic motion pictures. Measurements were made at 320× and 400× optical magnification over an averaging time period of 10 ms. In vivo profiles are uniformly nonsymmetrical, the RBCs exhibit rotation, and they frequently deviate sidewise from the overall axial direction of motion. In general, this is more pronounced on the venous side. Since all of the profiles are time variant and the average values are synchronous with the midstream velocity, individual RBC velocities will vary about the average. Profiles become more blunted in vessels with smaller diameters. In vessels below 16 μm diameter…

Shear rateMaterials scienceRed CellIncreased hematocritmedicine.diagnostic_testShear stressmedicineMagnificationHematocritRotationBiomedical engineeringMicrocirculation

Imidazolsynthesen, 8. Mitt.: N-Substituierte Imidazole nach Weidenhagen


Die Weidenhagen-Synthese N-unsubstituierter Imidazole aus α-substituierten Carbonylverbindungen 1, Aldehyden 3, wasrigem Ammoniak (4) und Kupfer(II)-salzen als Oxidationsmittel ist in Gegenwart primarer Amine 5 auch zur Darstellung N-substituierter Imidazole 6 geeignet. Weidenhagen Synthesis of N-Substituted Imidazoles The Weidenhagen synthesis of N-unsubstituted imidazoles from α-substituted carbonyl compounds 1, aldehydes 3, and aqueous ammonia (4) with copper (II) salts as oxidizing agents is also usable for the synthesis of N-substituted imidazoles 6 through the addition of primary amines 5.

Ammoniachemistry.chemical_compoundAqueous solutionchemistryDrug DiscoveryOxidizing agentPharmaceutical ScienceOrganic chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementImidazoleAmine gas treatingMedicinal chemistryCopperArchiv der Pharmazie