showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Occurrence of non-basic metabolites in Amaryllidaceae
Abstract Narciclasine and margetine, previously extracted from many species of the genus Narcissus , are also present in the genera Galanthus , Haemanthus , Leucojum , Pancratium , Sprekelia , Sternbergia and Vallota . In the genus Hymenocallis only margetine was detected, but not narciclasine. Both products are absent in the genera Amaryllis , Clivia , Crinum and Nerine .
Verteilungsungleichmäßigkeiten von $$\dot V_A /\dot Q$$ und $$D_L /\dot Q$$
Über die Wirkung von Phosphodiesterase-Hemmstoffen am Herzen
DNS-Synthesemuster bei einem K�fer w�hrend eines H�utungszyklus
Some photochemical transformations of polymers
Abstract Several light-induced reactions of polymers are described. The light-sensitive groups are part of the macromolecules. Photoisomerization of polyvinylbutyral produces a polymer with vinylbutyrate-groups. At exposure to light, furan and benzofuran are added to the carbonyl-groups of polyvinylbenzophenone. Polymers with azido-groups are prepared, which eliminate nitrogen at irradiation. Light-sensitive films can be cast from polymers with o-quinonediazide-groups.
Zunahme der Promazin-Albumin-Bindung, bedingt durch andere Pharmaka
Über einen durch Nicotinreceptoren vermittelten Block an der postganglionären sympathischen Nervenfaser
Influence of intracellular sodium concentration on calcium influx in isolated guinea pig auricles.
Die Ausscheidung von Katecholaminen und Aminmetaboliten von α-Methyldopa in den Harn zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach der letzten verabreichten Dosis
Das Verhalten eines spontan aktiven glatten Gefäßmuskels in vitro unter dem Einfluß verschiedener Kationen und Pharmaka
Über den Einfluß von Mn++-Ionen auf die positiv inotrope Wirkung einiger Pharmaka an isolierten Meerschweinchenvorhöfen
The Function of the Caudate Nucleus in the Control of Some Paroxystic Activities in the Neuraxis
(1969). The Function of the Caudate Nucleus in the Control of Some Paroxystic Activities in the Neuraxis. Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie: Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 465-484.
Über die Wirkung von Calcium- und Natriumionen auf die Kaliumkontraktur des Warmblüterherzens
Distribution of oxygen partial pressure in a two-dimensional tissue supplied by capillary meshes and concurrent and countercurrent systems
Abstract For the calculations of oxygen partial pressure in a two-dimensional tissue model supplied by a capillary network (inhomogeneously perfused tissue), two differential equations are given that describe the process in the tissue and capillaries. The differential equations are coupled by the boundary conditions. Results obtained by using the method of successive displacements are given for the two-dimensional problem. This method exhibits a satisfactory convergence. The accuracy of the results is about ±5% based on the initial concentration. The results for the network model are compared with those for equivalent concurrent and countercurrent systems. Equivalence means in this connecti…
Über die Darstellung und Polymerisation von 4-Vinyldiphenyl, 11-Vinyl-p-terphenyl und 1 2-Vinyl-p-terphenyl
Fur die Darstellung von 4-Vinyldiphenyl und 11-Vinyl-p-terphenyl wurden einfache, verallgemeinerungsfahige Synthesen ausgearbeitet. Durch Umsetzung entsprechender Carbinole mit Methansulfonsaurechlorid in Pyridin gelang die Darstellung der Vinylverbindungen in einer einstufigen Reaktion. Die Untersuchung der radikalischen Copolymerization der Monomeren mit Styrol ergab bei 4-Vinyldiphenyl und 12-Vinyl-p-terphenyl einen bevorzugten Einbau in die Polymerketten, wahrend 11-Vinyl-p-terphenyl nur in untergeordnetem Mase in Polystyrolketten eingebaut wurde. The synthesis of 4-vinylbiphenyl and 11-vinyl-p-terphenyl was performed by a simple synthetic route. By reaction of the corresponding alcohol…
Die Reversibilität der Wirkung von Digitoxin, Strophanthidin und Strophanthidin-3-bromazetat am Papillarmuskel und einer mikrosomalen Na+-K+-aktivier…
The reversibility of the inhibitory action of strophanthidin, strophanthidin-3-bromoacetate, and digitoxin on the Na+-K+-ATPase activity (microsomal fraction, guinea-pig brain) was compared with the rate of decline of their positive inotropic effects (papillary muscle, guinea-pig heart) after exposure to drug-free solution. The actions of strophanthidin and digitoxin were easily reduced on both systems. Strophanthidin-3-bromoacetate, however, was found to have an irreversible blocking effect on the transport ATPase, whereas its inotropic action could be rapidly abolished.
Hochdruck und Aldosteronismus bei solitären Adenomen und bei nodulärer Hyperplasie der Nebennierenrinde
1. Es wird uber 10 Patienten mit Hypertonie und vermehrter Aldosteronbildung berichtet, bei denen unter dem Verdacht eines hypobzw. normokaliamischen primaren Aldosteronismus eine chirurgische Exploration der Nebennieren vorgenommen wurde. Bei der Operation fanden sich nur in 5 Fallen (4 Frauen, 1 Mann) solitare bzw. maximal 2 Nebennierenrindenadenome, bei den ubrigen Patienten (4 Manner, 1 Frau) wurde eine nodulare Nebennierenrindenhyperplasie festgestellt. 2. Fur die differentialdiagnostische Entscheidung, ob der Aldosteronismus durch ein solitares Adenom oder durch eine nodulare Hyperplasie der Nebennierenrinden verursacht wurde, erwies sich die Bestimmung der Plasmareninkonzentration al…
Intranukleäre virusähnliche Partikeln in einem Mammakarzinom
By electron microscopic examination of a solid, chiefly scirrhous mammary cancer, 3 kinds of unusual nuclear inclusions were found: (a) Electron dense particles of a 54–80 nm diameter, whose outlines appear mainly hexagonal, which points at an icosahedral structure, (b) Clusters of granules with a diameter of 200–300a, respectively 300–400a, at whose circumference the larger particles appear, (c) Bundles of filaments in close association and continuous with the granules. In all 3 nuclear inclusions there are subunits of 40–45a. The comparison between these results and experiments published suggest that these nuclear inclusions are (a) virus particles, (b) virus at an early stage of developm…
Struktur�nderungen bei der reversiblen Denaturierung von Glukoseoxidase ausAspergillus niger
Complexes of organometallic compounds.XXIII. Aryllead(IV)—thiocyanate complex systems
Regional distribution of blood flow in the renal cortex
Es wird ein autoradiographisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der regionalen Durchblutungsverteilung in differenziert strukturierten Organen beschrieben. Mit dieser neuen Methode wird die Durchblutung der Nierenrinde untersucht. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass die Durchblutungs- bzw. Widerstandsverteilung innerhalb der Rinde nicht einheitlich ist, sondern dass sich drei verschieden durchblutete, anatomisch voneinander abgrenzbare Teile unterscheiden lassen.
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Na+-, Ca2+- und K+-Einflüssen auf Dynamik und Kontraktilität des Myokards
Autoradiographic technique to assess distribution of blood flow within organs
A method is described for assessing the distribution of blood flow within organs. Microspheres, 5–50 μ in diameter, labelled with a beta-emitting isotope were injected into the left ventricle of experimental animals. The distribution of the indicator within the tissues, which is assumed to represent the regional distribution of flow, was visualized and measured quantitatively by autoradiography. Local flow rates in areas of about 1,2 mm in diameter could be determined. Application of the technique for the study of regional myocardial and renal circulation is demonstrated.
Aspartate aminotransferase and carbohydrate metabolism of rat brain
E stato determinato il rapporto tra forma «piridossalica» e forma «piridossaminica» dell'aspartato aminotransferasi nell'encefalo totale di ratti albini durante l'ipoglicemia da insulina e l'iperglicemia da allossana. Il rapporto tra le due forme catalitiche dell'enzima e stato considerato un indice dell'efficienza del ciclo degli acidi tricarbossilici, ed e stata prospettata la possibilita che l'aspartato aminotransferasi abbia una funzione regolativa nei riguardi del ciclo.
Self-consistency conditions for localized magnetic moments in a free electron gas
The self-consistent conditions for a localized magnetic moment in a metal are studied in the case where the density of states of the host metal is free electron like. A method is outlined which in principle allows to determine self-consistently in the Hartree-Fock approximation the relevant parameters of the magnetic ground state of the system. A numerical example is approximately worked out to show how the theory gives reasonable answers in spite of the crudeness of some of the approximations used.
On the formation of lamellae during annealing of extended chain crystals of radiation-polymerized trioxane
Abstract The structure changes of radiation-polymerized trioxane taking place during annealing have been studied by means of electron microscopy, X-ray small- and wide-angle scattering, and differential thermal analysis. The original fibrillar crystals, supposedly consisting of extended chains, change into lamellar crystals due to annealing at temperatures between 150° and 190°C. Lamella formation can be connected with the appearance of a long period of about 200A which is not observed in the unannealed sample. During annealing within the same temperature range the X-ray reflections due to the twin structure of the original polytrioxane disappear, whereas the orientation of the fraction wit…
Zum Nachweis der Sorbit-Dehydrogenase in menschlichen Erythrocyten
In menschlichen Erythrocyten konnte das Vorkommen der Sorbit-Dehydrogenase nachgewiesen werden. Unter Berucksichtigung von pH-Optimum sowie optimaler Substrat- und Coferment-Konzentration wurde eine entsprechende Bestimmungsvorschrift ausgearbeitet.
Single giant larvae ofAscidia malaca from double eggs
E stata operata la fusione due a due di uova vergini diAscidia malaca. Le uova giganti cosi ottenute, sono state successivamente fecondate e il loro sviluppo e stato seguito. Da esse sono state ottenute in numerosi casi delle larve giganti che mostravano unicita in tutti i loro organi. L'osservazione dell'uovo gigante, dopo fecondazione, permette di asserire che le larve giganti sono triploidi.
Riesenzellbildung und virusspezifische antigene bei herpesvirus hominis: Informationsflu� von der eltern-DNS
Es wird uber den Einflus von Cytosin-Arabinosid, Hydroxy-Urea und von Mitomycin C auf die Entstehung membranstandiger oder extrahierbarer Antigene, auf die Riesenzellbildung sowie auf die Herpesvirus-bedingte Hemmung der Zell-RNS-Synthese berichtet. Durch die Verabreichung der drei Substanzen wird die Reduplikation der DNS des eingedrungenen Virus vollig blockiert. Trotzdem lassen sich die Phanomene der Riesenzellbildung, der Virus-Antigen-Synthese und der Synthesehemmung der Zell-RNS in vollem Umfange nachweisen.
Levels in208Pb populated in the decay of208Tl(ThC″)
Gamma rays in the disintegration of208Tl(ThC″) have been studied with Ge(Li)-Na I(Tl) anti-Compton and coincidence spectrometers. Several new transitions are reported most of which are placed in a decay scheme incorporating excited states in208Pb at 2,614.5, 3,197.6, 3,475.0, 3,708.3, 3,919.8, 3,960.9, 3,998.5, 4,125.3, 4,180.4, 4,296.1 and 4,480.0 keV. According to the present data, the recently reported intensity of 4.5±1.5% of beta groups feeding levels near 4.3 MeV is far too large.
Formulas for the thermodynamic properties of dense nitrogen.
Der Behandlungsplan bei Nichtanlage seitlicher Schneidezähne
The significance of plasma kinins in intestinal obstruction and peritonitis
The present concept of plasmakinin action suggests that they may also play an important role in the pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction and peritonitis. Since the assay of the kinins is still something of a problem, and since the percursor kallikrein can be determined by a standardized method, we studied the titers of kallikrein in the peripheral and portal circulation in dogs with experimental intestinal obstruction and in patients with these disorders. Significantly higher levels of kallikrein were found in intestinal obstruction, particularly in obstruction with strangulation (Fig. 1).
Cerebral blood flow and cerebral death
At present the diagnosis of cerebral death is based on the absence of manifestations of cerebral function (deep coma, wide pupils, absence of reflexes and spontaneous respiration, isoelectric EEG, etc.) during a variable period of time. However, the absence of vital signs of an organ, even for prolonged periods, is no proof of its death. The death of an organ can only be considered as proved by the demonstration that this organ has remained completely deprived of its blood flow during a period of time that surpasses its ability to survive circulatory arrest. In the case of the brain, the permanent absence of clearance of a radioactive tracer deposed within the brain is considered to demonst…
Über die depolymerisation von polyoxymethylendiolen, katalysiert durch carbonsäuren. 38. Mitt. Über polyoxymethylene1
Nach einem Uberblick uber bisherige Arbeiten uber den Mechanismus des sauer katalysierten Abbaus von Polyoxymethylendiolen wird der Abbau in 1-proz. Losung in Nitrobenzol bei 135°C unter dem Einflus verschiedener Carbonsauren untersucht. Phenylessigsare verursacht keine nennenswerte Kettenspaltung, sondern katalysiert lediglich die Depolymerisation an den halbacetalischen Kettenenden. Die Depolymerisationsgeschwindigkeit ist etwa proportional der Saurekonzentration und umgekehrt proportional dem Polymerisationsgrad. Wahrend des Abbaus andert sich der durchschnittliche Polymerisationsgrad nicht wesentlich. Diese Befunde lassen sich mit keinem der diskutierten Reaktionsmechanismen widerspruch…
Partielle spezifische volumina von m.m′-ditolyl und seinen oligomeren
Das partielle spezifische Volumen von m.m′-Ditolyl in Toluol wurde durch Dichtemessungen uber den gesamten Konzentrationsbereich bei 25°C bestimmt. Das hieraus berechnete molare Uberschusvolumen betragt −0,21 cm3/Mol bei einem Volumenbruch von 0,5. Die partiellen spezifischen Volumina von Oligomeren des m.m′-Ditolyls wurden in einem niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich in Toluol, Benzol und Trichlorathylen bei 25°C bestimmt. Sie sind in erster Naherung dem Molekulargewicht umgekehrt proportional. The partial specific volume of m.m′-ditolyl in toluene was determined by means of density measurement over the entire range of concentrations at 25°C. The molar excess volume computed hereof turns out t…