Marta Di Carlo

Mediterranean diet and longevity: an example of nutraceuticals?

The Mediterranean diet (Mediet) is an eating pattern characterizing a lifestyle and culture that has been reported to contribute to better health and quality of life. The Mediet reflects food patterns typical of Mediterranean regions, where olive oil plays an essential role in the food pyramid. Olive oil is located in the middle and it is considered the principal source of dietary fat because of its high nutritional quality (particularly extra virgin olive oil). Several studies have shown the effect of the Mediet on healthy status by lowering the rates of coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and some other age-related chronic diseases. Although the scientific literature regarding diet a…

research product

Data concerning the proteolytic resistance and oxidative stress in LAN5 cells after treatment with BSA hydrogels

AbstractProteolytic resistance is a relevant aspect to be tested in the formulation of new nanoscale biomaterials. The action of proteolytic enzymes is a very fast process occurring in the range of few minutes. Here, we report data concerning the proteolytic resistance of a heat-set BSA hydrogel obtained after 20-hour incubation at 60°C prepared at the pH value of 3.9, pH at which the hydrogel presents the highest elastic character with respect to gel formed at pH 5.9 and 7.4 “Heat-and pH-induced BSA conformational changes, hydrogel formation and application as 3D cell scaffold” (G. Navarra, C. Peres, M. Contardi, P. Picone, P.L. San Biagio, M. Di Carlo, D. Giacomazza, V. Militello, 2016) […

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Nose-to-brain delivery of insulin enhanced by radiation-engineered nanogels

Recent evidences suggest thet insulin delivery to the brain can be an important pharmacological therapy for some neurodegenerative pathologies, including Alzheimer disease (AD)

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Systemic Immune Responses in Alzheimer's Disease: In Vitro Mononuclear Cell Activation and Cytokine Production

To investigate the systemic signs of immune-inflammatory responses in Alzheimer's disease (AD), in the present study we have analyzed blood lymphocyte subsets and the expression of activation markers on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from AD patients and age-matched healthy controls (HC) activated in vitro by recombinant amyloid-beta peptide (rAbeta42). Our study of AD lymphocyte subpopulations confirms the already described decrease of the absolute number and percentage of B cells when compared to HC lymphocytes, whereas the other subsets are not significantly different in patients and controls. We report the increased expression of the activation marker CD69 and of the chemoki…

research product

Data concerning the protein absorption and retention properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film

In wound dressing applications, exudate absorption and retention are important properties. The data presented here assess the ability of the crosslinked xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel films (XG-PVA), described in "Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for wound dressing: Structure-property relationships" (Ajovalasit et al., 2018) [1] and "Biocompatibility, hemocompatibility and antimicrobial properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film for wound healing application" (Picone et al., 2019), to absorb and retain proteins. These properties were investigated by Comassie blue staining and electrophoresis of Fetal Serum Proteins. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open …

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Insulin resistance as common molecular denominator linking obesity to Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an aging-related multi-factorial disorder to which metabolic factors contribute at what has canonically been considered a centrally mediated process. Although the exact underlying mechanisms are still unknown, obesity is recognized as a risk factor for AD and the condition of insulin resistance seems to be the link between the two pathologies. Using mice with high fat diet (HFD) obesity we dissected the molecular mechanisms shared by the two disorders. Brains of HFD fed mice showed elevated levels of APP and Aβ 40 /Aβ 42 together with BACE, GSK3β and Tau proteins involved in APP processing and Aβ accumulation. Immunofluorescence, Thioflavin T staining experiments…

research product

Xyloglucan-based hydrogel film for wound dressing: Structure and biological properties relationships

Crosslinked xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogel films have been synthetized and characterized for wound healing applications. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and glycerol (Gro) were added to have an optimal combination of softness, conformability and resilience. Physical hydrogel have been transformed into permanent covalent hydrogels by reaction with glutaraldehyde (GA). Chemical and physical properties of the films have been analyzed by different technique. Moreover, biocompatibility of a selected formulation was assessed in vitro by investigating different aspects, such as cell viability, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and specific stress biomarkers. Partial adhesiveness w…

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Spatial distribution of two maternal messengers encoding two sea urchin cell surface proteins

We have localized, byin situ hybridization, two messengers, called bepl and bep4 (butanol extracted proteins), coding for cell surface proteins, involved in cell interaction, in sections of eggs of the sea urchinP. lividus. These maternal RNAs are spatially distributed in a gradient with a maximum at one pole of the egg. These results represent the first demonstration of the existence of a gradient of informational molecules in the sea urchin egg,i.e., the biological material for which the gradient theory was first proposed.

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Aβ Oligomers and Fibrillar Aggregates Induce Different Apoptotic Pathways in LAN5 Neuroblastoma Cell Cultures

Fibril deposit formation of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Increasing evidence suggests that toxicity is linked to diffusible Abeta oligomers, which have been found in soluble brain extracts of AD patients, rather than to insoluble fibers. Here we report a study of the toxicity of two distinct forms of recombinant Abeta small oligomers and fibrillar aggregates to simulate the action of diffusible Abeta oligomers and amyloid plaques on neuronal cells. Different techniques, including dynamic light scattering, fluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy, have been used to characterize the two forms of Abeta. Under similar conditions and …

research product

NAFLD and Atherosclerosis Are Prevented by a Natural Dietary Supplement Containing Curcumin, Silymarin, Guggul, Chlorogenic Acid and Inulin in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) confers an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. NAFDL is associated with atherogenic dyslipidemia, inflammation and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) imbalance, which in turn lead to atherosclerotic lesions. In the present study, the impact of a natural dietary supplement (NDS) containing Curcuma longa, silymarin, guggul, chlorogenic acid and inulin on NAFLD and atherosclerosis was evaluated, and the mechanism of action was examined. C57BL/6 mice were fed an HFD for 16 weeks; half of the mice were simultaneously treated with a daily oral administration (os) of the NDS. NAFLD and atherogenic lesions in aorta and carotid artery (histological analys…

research product

Altered insulin pathway compromises mitochondrial function and quality control both in in vitro and in vivo model systems.

Abstract Altered insulin signaling and insulin resistance are considered the link between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and metabolic syndrome. Here, by using an in vitro and an in vivo model, we investigated the relationship between these disorders focusing on neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction and mitophagy. In vitro Aβ insult induced the opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) loss, and apoptosis while insulin addition ameliorated these dysfunctions. The same alterations were detected in a 16 weeks of age mouse model of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. In addition, we detected an increase of fission related proteins and …

research product

Anti-inflammatory and cognitive effects of interferon-β1a (IFNβ1a) in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Aβ 1-42 peptide abnormal production is associated with the development and maintenance of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in brains from Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. Suppression of neuroinflammation may then represent a suitable therapeutic target in AD. We evaluated the efficacy of IFNβ1a in attenuating cognitive impairment and inflammation in an animal model of AD. Methods: A rat model of AD was obtained by intra-hippocampal injection of Aβ 1-42 peptide (23 μg/2 μl). After 6 days, 3.6 μg of IFNβ1a was given subcutaneously (s.c.) for 12 days. Using the novel object recognition (NOR) test, we evaluated changes in cognitive function. Measurement of pro-inflammatory or …

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Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for the design of "smart" bandages

A chronic wound is a wound that does not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount of time the way most wounds do. Chronic wounds mostly affect people over the age of 60, but a significant proportion is becoming radiation induced chronic wounds caused by cancer radiotherapy. Hydrogels are often used as dressings in the management of a variety of wounds. These materials can help to maintain a moist wound environment, promote natural debridement, hydrate necrotic tissue, absorb slough and exudates.We are developing hydrogel dressings that can enable constant monitoring of selected key parameters through embedded radio-sensors, providing information on the progress of the re…

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Postnatal development of the dopaminergic signaling involved in the modulation of intestinal motility in mice

Background:Since antidopaminergic drugs are pharmacological agents employed in the management of gastrointestinal motor disorders at all ages, we investigated whether the enteric dopaminergic system may undergo developmental changes after birth.Methods:Intestinal mechanical activity was examined in vitro as changes in isometric tension.Results:In 2-d-old (P2) mice, dopamine induced a contractile effect, decreasing in intensity with age, replaced, at the weaning (day 20), by a relaxant response. Both responses were tetrodotoxin (TTX)-insensitive. In P2, dopaminergic contraction was inhibited by D1-like receptor antagonist and mimicked by D1-like receptor agonist. In 90-d-old (P90) mice, the …

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AphaMax®, an Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae Aqueous Extract, Exerts Intestinal Protective Effects in Experimental Colitis in Rats

Background: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is a unicellular cyanobacterium considered to be a &ldquo

research product

A Natural Dietary Supplement with a Combination of Nutrients Prevents Neurodegeneration Induced by a High Fat Diet in Mice

Obesity and metabolic disorders can be risk factors for the onset and development of neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of the present study was to investigate the protective effects of a natural dietary supplement (NDS), containing Curcuma longa, silymarin, guggul, chlorogenic acid and inulin, on dysmetabolism and neurodegeneration in the brains of high fat diet (HFD)-fed mice. Decrease in the expression of FACL-4, CerS-1, CerS-4, cholesterol concentration and increase in the insulin receptor expression and insulin signaling activation, were found in brains of NDS-treated HFD brains in comparison with HFD untreated-mice, suggesting that NDS is able to prevent brain lipid accumulation and …

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PD123319, angiotensin II type II receptor antagonist, inhibits oxidative stress and inflammation in 2, 4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis in rat and ameliorates colonic contractility

Angiotensin II, the main effector of renin angiotensin system, plays an important role in the inflammatory process and most of its effects are mediated through the AT1 receptor activation. However, the knowledge about the AT2 receptor involvement in this process is still evolving. We previously found that in an experimental model of colitis, AT2 receptor activation can contribute to the impairment of the muscle contractility in vitro in the course of inflammation. Here, we investigated the potential alleviating effects of the in vivo treatment of PD123319 (1-[[4-(Dimethylamino)-3-methylphenyl]methyl]-5-(diphenylacetyl)-4,5,6,7- tetrahydro-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridine-6-carboxylic acid ditriflu…

research product

Obesità e resistenza all'insulina: due fattori di rischio per l'insorgenza della malattia di Alzheimer

research product

Metformin increases APP expression and processing via oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and NF-κB activation: Use of insulin to attenuate metformin's effect

AbstractClinical and experimental biomedical studies have shown Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to be a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study demonstrates the effect of metformin, a therapeutic biguanide administered for T2DM therapy, on β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism in in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models. Furthermore, the protective role of insulin against metformin is also demonstrated. In LAN5 neuroblastoma cells, metformin increases APP and presenilin levels, proteins involved in AD. Overexpression of APP and presenilin 1 (Pres 1) increases APP cleavage and intracellular accumulation of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), which, in turn, promotes ag…

research product

A Shotgun Proteomics Approach Reveals a New Toxic Role for Alzheimer's Disease Aβ Peptide: Spliceosome Impairment.

Proteomic changes have been described in many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the early events in the onset of the pathology are yet to be fully elucidated. A cell model system in which LAN5 neuroblastoma cells were incubated for a short time with a recombinant form of Aβ42 was utilized. Proteins extracted from these cells were subjected to shotgun proteomics analysis by LTQ-Orbitrap-MS followed by label-free quantitation. By bioinformatics tools we found that the most significant of those found to be up-regulated were related to cytoskeletal dynamics (Rho related) and membrane-related processes. The most significant of the down-regulated proteins we…

research product

Nose-to-brain delivery of insulin enhanced by a nanogel carrier.

Recent evidences suggest that insulin delivery to the brain can be an important pharmacological therapy for some neurodegenerative pathologies, including Alzheimer disease (AD). Due to the presence of the Blood Brain Barrier, a suitable carrier and an appropriate route of administration are required to increase the efficacy and safety of the treatment. Here, poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)-based nanogels (NG), synthetized by e-beam irradiation, alone and with covalently attached insulin (NG-In) were characterized for biocompatibility and brain delivery features in a mouse model. Preliminarily, the biodistribution of the "empty" nanocarrier after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection was investigated b…

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Biological and biophysics aspects of metformin-induced effects: cortex mitochondrial dysfunction and promotion of toxic amyloid pre-fibrillar aggregates

The onset of Alzheimer disease (AD) is influenced by several risk factors comprising diabetes. Within this context, antidiabetic drugs, including metformin, are investigated for their effect on AD. We report that in the C57B6/J mice, metformin is delivered to the brain where activates AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), its molecular target. This drug affects the levels of β- secretase (BACE1) and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP), promoting processing and aggregation of β-amyloid (Aβ), mainly in the cortex region. Moreover, metformin induces mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death by affecting the level and conformation of Translocase of the Outer Membrane 40 (TOM40), voltage-dependent anion-sel…

research product

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) activation in the rat hippocampus

AbstractRecently we found that acute treatment with Oxotremorine (Oxo), a non-selective mAChRs agonist, up-regulates heat shock proteins and activates their transcription factor heat shock factor 1 in the rat hippocampus. Here we aimed to investigate: a) if acute treatment with Oxo may regulate pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in the rat hippocampus; b) if chronic restraint stress (CRS) induces inflammatory or oxidative alterations in the hippocampus and whether such alterations may be affected by chronic treatment with Oxo. In the acute experiment, rats were injected with single dose of Oxo (0.4 mg/kg) and sacrificed at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. In the CRS ex…

research product

Concanavalin A aggregation and toxicity on cell cultures

A number of neurodegenerative diseases are known to involve protein aggregation. Common mechanisms and structural properties of amyloids are thought to be involved in aggregation-related cytotoxicity. In this context we propose an experimental study on Concanavalin A (Con A) aggregation and use it as a model to study the relationship between cell toxicity and aggregation processes. Depending on solution conditions, Con A aggregation has been monitored by static and dynamic light scattering, Thioflavin T emission, and FTIR absorption. The morphology of different aggregate species was verified by means of Atomic Force Microscopy and Confocal Microscopy. During the aggregation pathway the nati…

research product

Heat- and pH-induced BSA conformational changes, hydrogel formation and application as 3D cell scaffold

Aggregation and gelation of globular proteins can be an advantage to generate new forms of nanoscale biomaterials based on the fibrillar architecture. Here, we report results obtained by exploiting the proteins' natural tendency to self-organize in 3D network, for the production of new material based on BSA for medical application. In particular, at five different pH values the conformational and structural changes of the BSA during all the steps of the thermal aggregation and gelation have been analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. The macroscopic mechanical properties of these hydrogels have been obtained by rheological measurements. The microscopic structure of the gels have been studied by AFM…

research product

Regular Intake of Pistachio Mitigates the Deleterious Effects of a High Fat-Diet in the Brain of Obese Mice

Obesity has been associated with neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunctions. Recent data showed that pistachio consumption is able to prevent and ameliorate dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis, systemic and adipose tissue inflammation in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD). The present study investigated the neuroprotective effects of pistachio intake in HFD mice. Three groups of mice were fed a standard diet (STD), HFD, or HFD supplemented with pistachio (HFD-P) for 16 weeks. Metabolic parameters (oxidative stress, apoptosis, and mitochondrial dysfunction) were analyzed by using specific assays and biomarkers. The pistachio diet significantly reduced the serum levels of triglycerides and choleste…

research product

Preventive effects of guanosine on intestinal inflammation in 2, 4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)-induced colitis in rats

Background: Guanosine, a guanine-based purine, is an extracellular signaling molecule exerting anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects in several in vivo and in vitro injury models. We aimed to investigate its protective effects on 2, 4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)-induced colitis in rat. Methods: Rats were divided into five groups and colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of DNBS (15 mg/rat). Guanosine (4 or 8 mg/kg) was administered for 6 days i.p. starting the day of the colitis induction. Body weight loss, stool consistency, colon weight/length, histological analysis, myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels were assessed. Immunoblotting …

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Sequence of a sea urchin hsp70 gene and its 5' flanking region.

We report the nucleotide sequence of a 4470-bp fragment derived from a sea urchin genomic clone containing part of a heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70)-encoding gene. This fragment, named hsp70 gene II, contains 1271 bp of the flanking region and 3299 bp of structural gene sequence interrupted by five introns and encoding the N-terminal 371 amino acids (aa) of the protein. The 5' flanking region contains a putative TATA element, two CCAAT boxes, four heat-shock consensus sequence elements (hse) and one consensus sequence for binding of Sp1. Remarkable homologies were observed for deduced aa sequence and intron-exon organization between hsp70 gene II and rat hsc73 gene.

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Ionizing radiation-engineered nanogels as insulin nanocarriers for the development of a new strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

A growing body of evidence shows the protective role of insulin in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A nanogel system (NG) to deliver insulin to the brain, as a tool for the development of a new therapy for Alzheimer's Disease (AD), is designed and synthetized. A carboxyl-functionalized poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogel system produced by ionizing radiation is chosen as substrate for the covalent attachment of insulin or fluorescent molecules relevant for its characterization. Biocompatibility and hemocompatibility of the naked carrier is demonstrated. The insulin conjugated to the NG (NG-In) is protected by protease degradation and able to bind to insulin receptor (IR), as demonstrated by immunofl…

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Gene transfer represents an important advance in the treatment of both genetic and acquired diseases. In this article, the suitability of cationically modified solid-lipid nanoparticles (SLN) as a nonviral vector for gene delivery was investigated, in order to obtain stable materials able to condense RNA. Cationic SLN were produced by microemulsion using Compritol ATO 888 as matrix lipid, Pluronic F68 as tenside, and dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDAB) as cationic lipid. The resulting particles were approximately 100 nm in size and showed a highly positive surface charge (+41 mV) in water. Size and shape were further characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. M…

research product

Glucagon-like peptide-2 reduces the obesity-associated inflammation in the brain.

Growing evidence suggests a link between obesity and neurodegeneration. The purpose of the present study was to explore the neuroprotective potential of glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) in the brain of high fat diet (HFD)-fed mice. Markers of inflammation and oxidative stress were analysed in the brains of obese mice chronically treated with [Gly2]-GLP-2 (teduglutide), the stable analogue of the GLP-2, and they were compared to age-matched untreated obese and lean animals. Neurodegeneration was examined by TUNEL assay. HFD feeding increased the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators (NF-kB, IL-8, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), index of gliosis and neurodege…

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Inflammatory mediators as biomarkers in brain disorders.

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Huntington are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive death of the neurons. The definite diagnosis of a neurodegenerative disorder is disadvantaged by the difficulty in obtaining biopsies and thereby to validate the clinical diagnosis with pathological results. Biomarkers are valuable indicators for detecting different phases of a disease such as prevention, early onset, treatment, progression, and monitoring the effect of pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention. Inflammation occurs in neurodegenerative diseases, and identification and validation of molecules…

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Ferulic Acid-Loaded Lipid Nanostructures as Drug Delivery Systems for Alzheimers Disease: Preparation, Characterization and Cytotoxicity Studies

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Synaptosomes: new vesicles for neuronal mitochondrial transplantation

Abstract Background Mitochondrial dysfunction is a critical factor in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, mitochondrial transplantation has been advised as an innovative and attractive strategy to transfer and replace damaged mitochondria. Here we propose, for the first time, to use rat brain extracted synaptosomes, a subcellular fraction of isolated synaptic terminal that contains mitochondria, as mitochondrial delivery systems. Results Synaptosome preparation was validated by the presence of Synaptophysin and PSD95. Synaptosomes were characterized in terms of dimension, zeta potential, polydispersity index and number of particles/ml. Nile Red or CTX-FITCH la…

research product

Identification of an Antigen Related to the Sea Urchin RNA-Binding Protein LP54 in Mammalian Central Nervous System

LP54 is an RNA-binding protein involved in localization of maternal messengers in sea urchin egg and embryos. Using a polyclonal antibody directed against Paracentrotus lividus LP54 we detected a 66-kDa cross-reacting antigen in undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. After treatment of undifferentiated cells with detergent, the 66-kDa antigen was found to be enriched in the cytoskeletal fraction. By Western blot the expression of this antigen was also analyzed in regions of the CNS and in tissues of the adult rat and its exclusive presence in the hippocampus and thalamus was revealed. The immunoreactivity with P. lividus antibody against LP54 in hippocampal l…

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Idrogeli a base di xyloglucano per la produzione di medicazioni avanzate nel trattamento delle ferite

In questo lavoro sono stati preparati film sottili di idrogelo (reticolati fisicamente o chimicamente) a base di xyloglucano (XG) e XG/polivinilalcol (PVA), a cui si è aggiunto glicerolo come plasticizzante. Lo xyloglucano è un polisaccaride di origine vegetale, caratterizzato da una catena principale di (1,4)--Dglucosio con ramificazioni laterali di (1-6)-α-xilosio, parzialmente sostituite con (1-2)–β galattosio. E’ stata indagata la possibilità di modulare la densità di reticolazione dell’idrogelo per ottenere il miglior compromesso tra resistenza meccanica e flessibilità, l’integrità strutturale nel tempo e la capacità di assorbire fluidi biologici o trattenere l’umidità. Inoltre, ne è …

research product

Insulin-activated Akt rescues Aβ oxidative stress-induced cell death by orchestrating molecular trafficking

Increasing evidence indicates that Alzheimer's disease, one of the most diffused aging pathologies, and diabetes may be related. Here, we demonstrate that insulin signalling protects LAN5 cells by amyloid-β42 (Aβ)-induced toxicity. Aβ affects both activation of insulin receptors and the levels of phospho-Akt, a critical signalling molecule in this pathway. In contrast, oxidative stress induced by Aβ can be antagonized by active Akt that, in turn, inhibits Foxo3a, a pro-apoptotic transcription factor activated by reactive oxygen species generation. Insulin cascade protects against mitochondrial damage caused by Aβ treatment, restoring the mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover, we show t…

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Centrifugation does not alter spatial distribution of `BEP4' mRNA in paracentrotus lividus EGG

AbstractParacentrotus lividus unfertilized eggs were centrifuged in a sucrose gradient, so to split each into two parts: a nucleated light fragment and an anucleated heavy fragment. Northern blot analyses utilizing a bep4 probe as animal marker and H2A histone gene and 12S-mit RNA as controls indicate that the eggs are elongated along the animal-vegetal axis during centrifugation and thereafter split into an animal and a vegetal half. Treatment of the eggs with colchicine before centrifugation abolishes the animal localization of bep4 mRNA.

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“BEP” RNAs and Proteins Are Situated in the Animal Side of Sea Urchin Unfertilized Egg, Which Can Be Recognized by Female Pronuclear Localization

Microsurgery experiments demonstrate that the animal side of the unfertilized sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus egg coincides with the side of the egg pronucleus location. It is demonstrated by means of in situ hybridization and immunostaining of whole mounts of animal or vegetal halves that the previously identified bep 1 and bep4 RNAs and their proteins are located in the animal part of the unfertilized egg and much less in the vegetal part. The addition of Fabs against BEP1 and BEP4 causes exogastrulation.

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Biocompatibility, hemocompatibility and antimicrobial properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film for wound healing application.

Crosslinked xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogel films are interesting materials for wound healing applications. This work focuses on the hydrolytic degradation and consequent morphological modification of a XG-PVA film and on its interaction with cells, blood, bacteria. Biocompatibility of the film was assessed in vitro by investigating different aspects, such as cell viability, oxidative stress level, mitochondrial dysfunction and specific stress biomarkers. Partial adhesiveness was demonstrated by performing different attaching assays and phalloidin staining. Hemocompatibility of XG-PVA film after interaction with blood was evaluated by using a multi-parametric approach, includi…

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Characterization of bep1 and bep4 antigens involved in cell interactions during Paracentrotus lividus development

Abstract We have identified and partially characterised two antigens, extracted with 3% butanol, from Paracentrotus lividus embryos dissociated at the blastula stage, and encoded by the cDNA clones previously described as bep1 and bep4 (bep-butanol extracted proteins). The cDNA fragments containing the specific central portions of bep1 and bep4 were expressed as MS2 polymerase fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. These two fusion proteins, called 1C1 (bep1) and 4A1 (bep4), were injected subcutaneously into rabbits and the corresponding polyclonal antibodies generated. Western blot analysis of proteins, extracted with 3% butanol, from sea urchin embryos at the blastula stage (b.e.p.), establ…

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EGFR signalling is required for Paracentrotus lividus endomesoderm specification

The EGFR pathway is critical for cell fate specification throughout the development of several organisms. Here we identified in sea urchin an EGFR-related antigen maternally expressed and showing a dynamic pattern of localization during development. To investigate the role played by the EGFR in Paracentrotus lividus development we blocked its activity by using the EGFR kinase inhibitor AG1478. This treatment produces decrease of EGFR phosphorylation, and embryos with various defects especially in the endomesoderm territory until to obtain an animalized phenotype. These effects are rescued by the addition of TGF-alpha, an EGFR ligand. The role played by EGFR-like along the animal/vegetal axi…

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Heat-Shock Proteins in Sea Urchin Embryos

The production of heat-shock proteins in sea urchin embryos is accompanied by the appearance at the polysomal level of their relative mRNAs, as shown by their translation in a cell-free system; thus suggesting that the regulation of their production occurs at a transcriptional level. The mechanism for the inhibition of the bulk protein synthesis and for its reversal on the other hand should be looked for at a posttranscriptional level, since both these phenomena occur also in the presence of actinomycin D. The heat-shock proteins produced as early as at the mesenchyme blastula stage persist within the embryo at least till the pluteus stage.

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Biodistribution of Insulin-Nanogels in Mouse: A Preliminary Study for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

A growing body of evidence shows that Insulin, Insulin Receptor (IR) and IR signaling are involved in brain cognitive functions and their dysfunction is implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) neurodegeneration. Thus, administration of insulin could be a strategy for AD treatment. For this aim we have designed, synthesized and characterized a nanogel system (NG) that has been conjugated to insulin molecules (NG-In) to deliver the protein into the brain, as a tool for the development of a new therapy against AD. In our preclinical study in mice, intraperitoneal injection of fluorescent-labeled NG has allowed to determine the biodistribution of NG vs time in the whole body and its clearance th…

research product

Insulin-nanogels: preliminary study in mouse for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

A growing body of evidence shows that Insulin, Insulin Receptor (IR) and IR signalling are involved in brain cognitive functions and their dysfunction is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Thus, administration of insulin could be a strategy for AD treatment. For this aim we have designed, synthesized and characterized a nanogel system (NG) that has been conjugated to insulin molecules (NG-In) (1) as new therapeutic approach against AD. In our preclinical studies in mice, intraperitoneal injection of fluorescent-labeled NG has allowed to determine the biodistribution of NG vs time in the whole body and its clearance through the kidneys and bladder. Furthermore, we have observed that mic…

research product

Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for wound dressing: Structure-property relationships

Thin xyloglucan-based hydrogel films have been synthetized and characterized in the prospect of producing wound dressings. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and glycerol (Gro) were added to have an optimal combination of softness, conformability and resilience. Physical hydrogels have been transformed into permanent covalent hydrogels by reaction with glutaraldehyde (GA). Network structure-process-property relationships are discussed on the account of the results of several complementary characterizations: FTIR, rheology, thermal analysis, morphological analysis, moisture retention and swelling measurements. Selected formulations were also subjected to preliminary in vitro cytotoxicity tests. The phy…

research product

Mediterranean diet and healthy ageing: a Sicilian perspective.

Traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is a common dietary pattern characterizing a lifestyle and culture proven to contribute to better health and quality of life in Mediterranean countries. By analyzing the diet of centenarians from the Sicani Mountains and eating habits of inhabitants of Palermo, it is reported that a close adherence to MedDiet is observed in the countryside, whereas in big towns this adherence is not so close. This has an effect on the rates of mortality at old age (and reciprocally longevity) that are lower in the countryside than in big towns. Concerning the health effects of the diet, the low content of animal protein and the low glycaemic index of the Sicilian Med…

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Oxidative stress and dysfunctional mitochondria are among the earliest events in AD, triggering neurodegeneration. The use of natural antioxidants could be a neuroprotective strategy for blocking cell death. Here, the antioxidant action of ferulic acid (FA) on different paths leading to degeneration of recombinant beta-amyloid peptide (rAbeta42) treated cells was investigated. Further, to improve its delivery, a novel drug delivery system (DDS) was used. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), empty or containing ferulic acid (FA-SNL), were developed as DDS. The resulting particles had small colloidal size and highly negative surface charge in water. Using neuroblastoma cells and rAbeta42 oligome…

research product

Neuroprotective and Antioxidant Role of Oxotremorine-M, a Non-selective Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Agonist, in a Cellular Model of Alzheimer Disease.

AbstractAlzheimer disease (AD) is a multifactorial and age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder, whose pathogenesis, classically associated with the formation of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, is also dependent on oxidative stress and neuroinflammation chronicization. Currently, the standard symptomatic therapy, based on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, showed a limited therapeutic potential, whereas disease-modifying treatment strategies are still under extensive research. Previous studies have demonstrated that Oxotremorine-M (Oxo), a non-selective muscarinic acetylcholine receptors agonist, exerts neurotrophic functions in primary neurons, and modulates oxidative stress and …

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Accumulating evidences indicate that inflammatory and oxidative stress play an essential role in the pathogenesis and progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In IBD the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen metabolites contribute to tissue injury and could have also a profound impact on gut functions, including motility. We characterised the inflammatory and oxidative condition and the impact on colon motility in an experimental rat model of colitis, the 2, 4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)- induced colitis, and we evaluated if oral treatment with a nat- ural extract of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) AphaMax®, containing concentrated quantity of AFA…

research product

Guanosine prevents nuclear factor-κB nuclear translocation ameliorating experimental colitis in rats

Background inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are prevalent and debilitating health problems worldwide. Due to the adverse effects of classical treatment for IBD, therapeutic options and approaches for these diseases continue to evolve. Guanosine, a guanine-based purine, is an extracellular signalling molecule that seems to exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects in several in vivo and in vitro injury models. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether exogenous guanosine may have protective effects on 2,4-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)-induced Colitis in rat. Methods Experimental Colitis was induced by …

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Additional file 1 of Synaptosomes: new vesicles for neuronal mitochondrial transplantation

Additional file 1: Figure S1. A) Morphological analysis of LAN5 cells incubated with different doses (5-10 and 20 µl, which correspond to concentration of 2.5 × 107; 5.1 × 107; 10.2 × 107 particles/100µl respectively) of synaptosomes (Synap). B) Nuclear staining by fluorescence probe Hoechst 3341 of LAN5 cells incubated with different doses (5-10 and 20 µl) of synaptosomes (Synap).

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