Vicente Bertomeu-gonzalez


Effect of insulin on readmission for heart failure following a hospitalization for acute heart failure

AIMS: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is common in patients with heart failure (HF) and is related with worse outcomes. Insulin treatment is associated with sodium and water retention, weight gain, and hypoglycaemia-all pathophysiological mechanisms related to HF decompensation. This study aimed to evaluate the association between insulin treatment and the risk of 1year readmission for HF in patients discharged for acute HF.; METHODS AND RESULTS: We prospectively included 2895 consecutive patients discharged after an episode of acute HF in a single tertiary hospital. Multivariable Cox regression, adapted for competing events, was used to assess the association between insulin treatment and …

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Multicenter and all-comers validation of a score to select patients for manual thrombectomy, the DDTA score.

Background Routine manual thrombectomy (MT) is not recommended in primary percutaneous coronary intervention (P-PCI) but it is performed in many procedures. The objective of our study was validating the DDTA score, designed for selecting patients who benefit most from MT. Methods Observational and multicenter study of all consecutive patients undergoing P-PCI in five institutions. Results were compared with the design cohort and the performance of the DDTA was analyzed in all patients. Primary end-point of the analyses was TIMI 3 after MT; secondary endpoints were final TIMI 3, no-reflow incidence, in-hospital mortality and in-hospital major cardiovascular events (MACE). In-hospital prognos…

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Predictive Value of Pro-BNP for Heart Failure Readmission after an Acute Coronary Syndrome

Background: N-terminal pro-brain natural peptide (NT-pro-BNP) is a well-established biomarker of tissue congestion and has prognostic value in patients with heart failure (HF). Nonetheless, there is scarce evidence on its predictive capacity for HF re-admission after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We performed a prospective, single-center study in all patients discharged after an ACS. HF re-admission was analyzed by competing risk regression, taking all-cause mortality as a competing event. Results are presented as sub-hazard ratios (sHR). Recurrent hospitalizations were tested by negative binomial regression, and results are presented as incidence risk ratio (IRR). Results: Of the 2133 …

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Mortality associated with cardiovascular disease in patients with COVID-19

Introducción y objetivos: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) se han identificado como un factor de riesgo de mal pronóstico en pacientes con infección por COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un metanálisis de estudios actualmente disponibles con la prevalencia de ECV en supervivientes frente a no supervivientes en pacientes con infección por COVID-19 hasta el 16 de julio de 2020. Los análisis se realizaron mediante un modelo de efectos aleatorios y sensibilidad. Se realizaron análisis para identificar posibles fuentes de heterogeneidad o evaluar los efectos de los estudios pequeños. Resultados: Se incluyó a 307.596 pacientes de 16 estudios, de los que 46.321 (15,1%) tenían ECV. La tasa de mo…

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Síndrome cardiorrenal en la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda: revisando paradigmas

Resumen El sindrome cardiorrenal se ha definido como la disfuncion simultanea de corazon y rinon. El empeoramiento de la funcion renal en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda se ha clasificado como sindrome cardiorrenal tipo 1. En este contexto, el empeoramiento de la funcion renal es un hecho frecuente y se produce como resultado de procesos fisiopatologicos complejos, multifactoriales y no del todo conocidos, que incluyen factores hemodinamicos (hipoperfusion arterial renal y congestion venosa renal) y no hemodinamicos. Tradicionalmente, el empeoramiento de la funcion renal se ha asociado a peor pronostico; sin embargo, algunas observaciones han puesto de manifiesto unos resultados …

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Inspiratory Muscle Training and Functional Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The TRAINING-HF Trial

Introduction and objectives: Despite the prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), there is currently no evidence-based effective therapy for this disease. This study sought to evaluate whether inspiratory muscle training (IMT), functional electrical stimulation (FES), or a combination of both (IMT + FES) improves 12- and 24-week exercise capacity as well as left ventricular diastolic function, biomarker profile, and quality of life in HFpEF. Methods: A total of 61 stable symptomatic patients (New York Heart Association II-III) with HFpEF were randomized (1:1:1:1) to receive a 12-week program of IMT, FES, or IMT + FES vs usual care. The primary endpoint of the st…

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Sex differences in the management of patients with acute coronary syndrome: A population-based ecological cross-sectional study in Spain

Abstract Introduction and objectives Despite evidence of a reduction in the incidence and mortality of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), some studies have highlighted differences in outcomes between men and women. We aimed to explore sex differences in the management and treatment of patients with ACS in Spain. Methods This ecological cross-sectional study combined ACS data from 10 Spanish registries (54 centres). Meta-regression analysis was performed using aggregated data of baseline characteristics, interventional procedures, treatments, and events that occurred during hospitalization and one-year follow-up. Results Aggregated data from 34 605 patients (75.1% men) was included. ST-segment e…

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Usefulness of delta troponin for diagnosis and prognosis assessment of non-ST-segment elevation acute chest pain.

The additional diagnostic and prognostic information provided by delta high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-cTnT) in patients with acute chest pain and hs-cTnT elevation remains unclear.The study group consisted of 601 patients presenting at the emergency department with non-ST-segment elevation acute chest pain and hs-cTnT elevation after two determinations (admission and within the first six hours). Maximum hs-cTnT and delta hs-cTnT (absolute or percentage change between the two measurements) were considered. Cutoff values were optimized using the quartile distribution for the endpoints. The endpoints were diagnostic (significant stenosis in the coronary angiogram) and prognostic (death or rec…

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International Normalized Ratio and Mortality Risk in Acute Heart Failure and Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients Receiving Vitamin K Antagonists

Introduction and objectives: Heart failure patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) on treatment with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) often have suboptimal international normalized ratio (INR) values. Our aim was to evaluate the association between INR values at admission due to acute heart failure and mortality risk during follow-up. Methods: In this observational study, we retrospectively assessed INR on admission in 1137 consecutive patients with acute heart failure and NVAF who were receiving VKA treatment. INR was categorized into optimal values (INR = 2-3, n = 210), subtherapeutic (INR 3, n = 267). Because INR did not meet the proportional hazards assumption for mortality, res…

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Antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide serial measurements for risk stratification following an episode of acute heart failure.

Abstract Background The prognostic utility of combining serial measurements of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) is largely unknown. The aim of this work is to assess the prognostic utility of serial measurements of BNP, CA125, and their optimal combination for predicting long-term mortality, following a hospitalization for acute heart failure (AHF). Methods and results We analyzed 293 consecutive patients admitted with AHF where CA125 and BNP were measured at discharge (T1) and at the first ambulatory visit (T2: median 31days after discharge). Biomarkers were evaluated as snapshot determinations or as serial changes in absolute, relative or categorical ch…

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Twenty-four-hour ambulatory heart rate and organ damage in primary hypertension.

The relationship between basal heart rate (HR) and the occurrence of myocardial ischemia, sudden death, cardiovascular mortality have been described. Therefore, further studies are warranted to evaluate the behaviour of heart rate in different scenarios. We sought to determine whether ambulatory heart rate is associated with the presence of target organ damage (TOD) in hypertensive patients.Crossectional study of essential hypertensive patients in whom a twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed. The relationship between TOD and 24 hour ambulatory heart rate (HR) was analyzed.Five hundred and sixty-six patients with arterial hypertension were included (55.8%…

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Lipid profile, cardiovascular disease and mortality in a Mediterranean high-risk population: The ESCARVAL-RISK study

Introduction The potential impact of targeting different components of an adverse lipid profile in populations with multiple cardiovascular risk factors is not completely clear. This study aims to assess the association between different components of the standard lipid profile with allcause mortality and hospitalization due to cardiovascular events in a high-risk population. Methods This prospective registry included high risk adults over 30 years old free of cardiovascular disease (2008-2012). Diagnosis of hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes mellitus was inclusion criterion. Lipid biomarkers were evaluated. Primary endpoints were all-cause mortality and hospital admission due to corona…

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Efecto pronóstico de una estrategia terapéutica guiada por los valores del antígeno carbohidrato 125 (CHANCE-HF). Diseño del estudio

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La morbilidad y la mortalidad despues de un ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda siguen siendo extremadamente elevadas. En este contexto, se ha demostrado que las concentraciones plasmaticas del antigeno carbohidrato 125 muestran correlacion con la gravedad de la sobrecarga hidrica y el riesgo de muerte y reingreso. Los datos preliminares indican un posible papel del antigeno carbohidrato 125 como guia para el tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto pronostico de una estrategia de tratamiento guiada por el antigeno carbohidrato 125 comparada con el tratamiento estandar en pacientes dados de alta recientemente tras un ingreso por ins…

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Benefit of primary percutaneous coronary interventions in the elderly with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

Objective Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (P-PCI) has demonstrated its efficacy in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, patients with STEMI >= 75 years receive less P-PCI than younger patients despite their higher in-hospital morbimortality. The objective of this analysis was to determine the effectiveness of P-PCI in patients with STEMI >= 75 years. Methods We included 979 patients with STEMI >= 75 years, from the ATencion HOspitalaria del Sindrome coronario study, a registry of 8142 consecutive patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted at 31 Spanish hospitals in 2014-2016. We calculated a propensity score (PS) for the indication of P-P…

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Improvement in risk stratification with the combination of the tumour marker antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide in patients with acute heart failure.

Aim Elevated brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and tumour marker antigen carbohydrate 125 (CA125) levels have shown to be associated with higher risk for adverse outcomes in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). Nevertheless, no attempt has been made to explore the utility of combining these two biomarkers. We sought to assess whether CA125 adds prognostic value to BNP in predicting 6-month all-cause mortality in patients with AHF. Methods and results We analysed 1111 consecutive patients admitted for AHF. Antigen carbohydrate 125 (U/mL) and BNP (pg/mL) were measured at a median of 72 ± 12 h after instauration of treatment. Antigen carbohydrate 125 and BNP were dichotomized based on propos…

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Choice of New Oral Anticoagulant Agents Versus Vitamin K Antagonists in Atrial Fibrillation: FANTASIIA Study.

Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events. Many patients with AF receive chronic anticoagulation, either with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) or with non-VKA oral anticoagulants (NOACs). We sought to analyze variables associated with prescription of NOAC. Methods: Patients with AF under anticoagulation treatment were prospectively recruited in this observational registry. The sample comprised 1290 patients under chronic anticoagulation for AF, 994 received VKA (77.1%) and 296 NOAC (22.9%). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify variables associated with use of NOAC. Results: Mean age was 73.8 ± 9.4 years, and 4…

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Carbohydrate Antigen-125–Guided Therapy in Acute Heart Failure

Abstract Objectives This study sought to evaluate the prognostic effect of carbohydrate antigen-125 (CA125)–guided therapy (CA125 strategy) versus standard of care (SOC) after a hospitalization for acute heart failure (AHF). Background CA125 has emerged as a surrogate of fluid overload and inflammatory status in AHF. After an episode of AHF admission, elevated values of this marker at baseline as well as its longitudinal profile relate to adverse outcomes, making it a potential tool for treatment guiding. Methods In a prospective multicenter randomized trial, 380 patients discharged for AHF and high CA125 were randomly assigned to the CA125 strategy (n = 187) or SOC (n = 193). The aim in th…

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Prognostic Value of Geriatric Conditions Beyond Age After Acute Coronary Syndrome

The aim of the present study was to investigate the prognostic value of geriatric conditions beyond age after acute coronary syndrome. This was a prospective cohort design including 342 patients (from October 1, 2010, to February 1, 2012) hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome, older than 65 years, in whom 5 geriatric conditions were evaluated at discharge: frailty (Fried and Green scales), comorbidity (Charlson and simple comorbidity indexes), cognitive impairment (Pfeiffer test), physical disability (Barthel index), and instrumental disability (Lawton-Brody scale). The primary end point was all-cause mortality. The median follow-up for the entire population was 4.7 years (range, 3-2178 …

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Efecto pronóstico diferencial de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en mujeres y varones con insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección conservada

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una comorbilidad comun en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) con fraccion de eyeccion conservada (ICFEP). Estudios anteriores han demostrado que las mujeres diabeticas tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar insuficiencia cardiaca que los hombres. Sin embargo, el pronostico a largo plazo de los pacientes diabeticos con insuficiencia cardiaca en funcion del sexo no se ha explorado ampliamente. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue evaluar el impacto diferencial de la DM2 en la mortalidad por todas las causas en hombres frente a mujeres con ICFEP tras un ingreso por IC aguda. Metodos Se incluyeron prospectivamente 1.019 p…

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Frailty and other geriatric conditions for risk stratification of older patients with acute coronary syndrome

Background Geriatric conditions may predict outcomes beyond age and standard risk factors. Our aim was to investigate a wide spectrum of geriatric conditions in survivors after an acute coronary syndrome. Methods A total of 342 patients older than 65 years were included. At hospital discharge, 5 geriatric conditions were evaluated: frailty (Fried and Green scores), physical disability (Barthel index), instrumental disability (Lawton-Brody scale), cognitive impairment (Pfeiffer questionnaire), and comorbidity (Charlson and simple comorbidity indexes). The outcomes were postdischarge mortality and the composite of death/myocardial infarction during a 30-month median follow-up. Results Seventy…

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Diuretic Strategies in Acute Heart Failure and Renal Dysfunction: Conventional vs Carbohydrate Antigen 125-guided Strategy. Clinical Trial Design

Abstract Introduction and objectives The optimal treatment of patients with acute heart failure (AHF) and cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (CRS-1) is far from being well-defined. Arterial hypoperfusion in concert with venous congestion plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of CRS-I. Plasma carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) has emerged as a surrogate of fluid overload in AHF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of CA125 for tailoring the intensity of diuretic therapy in patients with CRS-1. Methods Multicenter, open-label, parallel clinical trial, in which patients with AHF and serum creatinine ≥ 1.4 mg/dL on admission will be randomized to: a) standard diuretic str…

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Differential prognostic effect of systolic blood pressure on mortality according to left-ventricular function in patients with acute heart failure.

Aims To evaluate the relationship between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and long-term mortality in patients with acute heart failure (AHF) stratified by ejection fraction (LVEF): reduced (≤40%) vs. preserved (≥50%). Methods and results We studied 1049 consecutive patients admitted with AHF. Systolic blood pressure was determined in the emergency department. Left-ventricular ejection fraction was categorized as ≤40% (n = 288), 41–49% (n = 174), or ≥50% (n = 587). Cox regression analysis was used for multivariable analysis. Mean age and SBP were 73 ± 11 years and 150 ± 36 mmHg, respectively. During a median follow-up of 18 months, 290 deaths (33.1%) were identified. Higher SBP was associated …

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Prognostic effect of carbohydrate antigen 125-guided therapy in patients recently discharged for acute heart failure (CHANCE-HF). Study design.

Abstract Introduction and objectives Morbidity and mortality after admission for acute heart failure remain prohibitively high. In that setting, plasma levels of antigen carbohydrate 125 have shown to correlate with the severity of fluid overload and the risk of mortality and readmission. Preliminary data suggests a potential role of antigen carbohydrate 125 to guide therapy. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prognostic effect of an antigen carbohydrate 125-guided management strategy vs standard therapy in patients recently discharged for acute heart failure. Methods This is a multicenter, randomized, single-blind, efficacy trial study of patients recently discharged from acute…

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Entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria y la electroestimulación muscular funcional en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca con función sistólica conservada: estudio TRAINING-HF

SEC 2017: Congreso de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Introducción y objetivos No se dispone de tratamientos farmacológicos que demuestren reducir la morbimortalidad asociada en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y función sistólica conservada (IC-FEc). El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar si en pacientes con IC-FEc, el entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria (EMI), la electroestimulación muscular funcional (EMF) o la combinación de ambas (EMI + EMF) puede mejorar la capacidad funcional, calidad de vida, parámetros de disfunción diastólica o biomarcadores a las 12 y 24 semanas. Métodos Un total de 61 pacientes estables con IC-FEc (clase funcional de la New York Heart Associ…

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Razón internacional normalizada y mortalidad de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y fibrilación auricular tratados con antagonistas de la vitamina K

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca en tratamiento con antagonistas de la vitamina K (AVK) por fibrilacion auricular no valvular (FANV) a menudo presentan valores alterados de la razon internacional normalizada (INR). El objetivo es evaluar la asociacion entre la INR al ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca y el riesgo de mortalidad en el seguimiento. Metodos Estudio observacional retrospectivo en el que se evaluo la INR al ingreso de 1.137 pacientes consecutivos con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda en tratamiento con AVK por FANV. Esta se categorizo en: INR en rango optimo (INR = 2-3, n = 210), infraterapeutica (INR 3, n = 267). La asociacion independiente en…

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Quality of Anticoagulation With Vitamin K Antagonists

Background Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) have a narrow therapeutic range, and literature analysis reveals poor quality of anticoagulation control. We sought to assess the prevalence of poor anticoagulant control in patients under VKA treatment in the prevention of stroke for atrial fibrillation (AF). Hypothesis Control of anticoagulation with VKA is inadequate in a high percentage of patients with AF. Methods Patients with AF under VKA treatment were prospectively recruited in this observational registry. The sample comprised 948 patients. The estimated time spent in the therapeutic range (TTR) was calculated, and variables related with a TTR >65% were analyzed. Results Mean age was 73.8 ± 9.…

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A practical approach with outcome for the prognostic assessment of non-ST-segment elevation chest pain and normal troponin.

Patients with non-ST-elevation chest pain constitute a heterogeneous population. Our aim is to compare the outcome of patients with chest pain, non-ST-segment deviation, and normal troponin, categorized using a risk score, with that of patients with ST depression or troponin increase. A total of 1,449 patients with non-ST-elevation chest pain were evaluated. A validated risk score (using pain characteristics and risk factors) was applied to patients without ST depression or troponin increase. Accordingly, 4 risk categories were defined: group 1, no troponin increase, no ST depression, and risk score3 points (n = 633); group 2, no troponin increase, no ST depression, but risk scoreor = 3 poi…

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Differential mortality association of loop diuretic dosage according to blood urea nitrogen and carbohydrate antigen 125 following a hospitalization for acute heart failure.

Recent observations in chronic stable heart failure suggest that high-dose loop diuretics (HDLDs) have detrimental prognostic effects in patients with high blood urea nitrogen (BUN), but recent findings have also indicated that diure- tics may improve renal function. Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) has been shown to be a surrogate of systemic congestion. We sought to explore whether BUN and CA125 modulate the mortality risk associated with HDLDs following a hospitalization for acute heart failure (AHF). Methods and results We analysed 1389 consecutive patients discharged for AHF. CA125 and BUN were measured at a mean of 72+12 h after admission. HDLDs (≥120 mg/day in furosemide equivalent d…

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Predictive validity of the risk SCORE model in a Mediterranean population with dyslipidemia.

Background and aims: Cholesterol treatment for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is based on cardiovascular risk, as assessed by the SCORE (Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation) scale. This study aimed to assess the predictive value and clinical utility of the SCORE scale for preventing cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in people with dyslipidemia and no lipid-lowering treatment. Methods: Patients with dyslipidemia and no lipid-lowering treatment were included from the ESCARVAL-RISK cohort. Cardiovascular risk was calculated by means of the SCORE scale. All deaths and cardiovascular events were recorded for up to five years of follow-up. We calculated sensitivity, …

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Estrategias diuréticas en insuficiencia cardiaca aguda con disfunción renal: terapia convencional frente a guiada por el antígeno carbohidrato 125. Diseño de ensayo clínico

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El tratamiento optimo de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA) y sindrome cardiorrenal tipo 1 (SCR-1) no esta bien definido. La hipoperfusion arterial y la congestion venosa tienen un papel fundamental en la fisiopatologia del SCR-1. El antigeno carbohidrato 125 (CA125) ha emergido como marcador indirecto de sobrecarga de volumen en la ICA. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la utilidad del CA125 para el ajuste del tratamiento diuretico de pacientes con SCR-1. Metodos Ensayo clinico multicentrico, abierto y paralelo, que incluye a pacientes con ICA y creatinina ≥ 1,4 mg/dl al ingreso, aleatorizados a: a)  estrategia convencional: titulacion ba…

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Limitaciones del blush miocárdico para el análisis de la perfusión miocárdica en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio y flujo TIMI 3

Introduccion y objetivos Analizamos la variabilidad en la medicion del indice angiografico de blush entre un hospital universitario y un laboratorio central independiente, asi como su correlacion con la perfusion analizada mediante ecocardiografia miocardica con contraste intracoronario (EMC) y con la funcion ventricular a los 6 meses Metodos Se incluyo en el estudio a 40 pacientes con un primer infarto agudo de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST, enfermedad de un vaso y arteria relacionada con el infarto abierta. La perfusion se cuantifico por angiografia (mediana quinto dia, rango de 3-7) mediante el blush miocardico en nuestro laboratorio y en un laboratorio central independiente. S…

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A new risk score to assess atrial fibrillation risk in hypertensive patients (ESCARVAL-RISK Project.

AbstractThis study aimed to assess atrial fibrillation (AF) incidence and predictive factors in hypertensive patients and to formulate an AF risk assessment score that can be used to identify the patients most likely to develop AF. This was a cohort study of patients recruited in primary healthcare centers. Patients aged 40 years or older with hypertension, free of AF and with no previous cardiovascular events were included. Patients attended annual visits according to clinical practice until the end of study or onset of AF. The association between AF incidence and explanatory variables (age, sex, body mass index, medical history and other) was analyzed. Finally, 12,206 patients were includ…

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Beneficios del tratamiento con estatinas según los valores plasmáticos del antígeno carbohidrato 125 tras un ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda

Introduccion y objetivos La utilidad de las estatinas en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca es motivo de controversia. Bajo la hipotesis de que el tratamiento con estatinas seria util en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y mayor actividad inmunoinflamatoria, pretendimos conocer si la elevacion del antigeno carbohidrato 125, un biomarcador asociado a la congestion sistemica y actividad inflamatoria, identificaria a los que se beneficiarian, en cuanto a mortalidad, del tratamiento con estatinas tras un ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda. Metodos Analizamos a 1.222 pacientes consecutivos ingresados por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda. El antigeno carbohidrato 125 se determino duran…

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Heart rate in acute heart failure, lower is not always better.

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Los desafíos del profesorado clínico en la educación médica

Resumen: Antecedentes: La enseñanza clínica en la educación médica tiene una particularidad única: el contexto clínico. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las principales barreras de la enseñanza clínica en una facultad joven de Medicina de España. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal descriptivo en el que se solicitó a todos los profesores clínicos (todos ellos profesores asociados) de una facultad joven de Medicina que respondieran a un cuestionario en línea, anónimo y voluntario sobre aspectos de carga asistencial, promoción de la investigación clínica y reconocimiento de sus carreras profesionales. Resultados: Sesenta y un profesores (42%) respondieron al cuestionario. Los…

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Prognostic differences between routine invasive and conservative strategies for the management of high-risk, non-ST segment acute coronary syndromes: Experience from two consecutive periods in a single center

Abstract Background The optimal revascularization strategy for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) remains controversial, especially in a real world context. The objective of this work was to assess differences at 1 year in all-cause mortality and the composite endpoint of mortality or acute myocardial infarction (MI) between two management strategies for NSTE-ACS: a conservative strategy (CS) versus a routine invasive strategy (RIS). Methods Of 799 consecutive patients admitted to our institution, 369 were treated with CS (from January 2001 to October 2002); 430 patients admitted with the same diagnosis were treated with RIS (from November 2002 to November 2004). A propens…

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Differential prognostic impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women and men with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Introduction and objectives Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a common comorbidity in patients with heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Previous studies have shown that diabetic women are at higher risk of developing HF than men. However, the long-term prognosis of diabetic HFpEF patients by sex has not been extensively explored. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the differential impact of DM2 on all-cause mortality in men vs women with HFpEF after admission for acute HF. Methods We prospectively included 1019 consecutive HFpEF patients discharged after admission for acute HF in a single tertiary referral hospital. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to …

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Anticoagulation prescription in atrial fibrillation.

We seek to assess the factors associated with the anticoagulation prescription in a cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) collected from out-patient clinics.A total of 1524 patients with a history of AF were collected from out-patients clinics. CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and HAS-BLED scores were calculated in every patient. Variables associated with anticoagulant treatment prescription were analyzed in univariant and multivariant models.Most patients received either anticoagulant (62%) or antiplatelet treatment (37%). Anticoagulation rates increased among higher CHADS(2) and CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc score values. A logistic regression model was performed to assess the variables associate…

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Lipid profile, cardiovascular disease and mortality in a Mediterranean high-risk population: The ESCARVAL-RISK study

Introduction The potential impact of targeting different components of an adverse lipid profile in populations with multiple cardiovascular risk factors is not completely clear. This study aims to assess the association between different components of the standard lipid profile with all-cause mortality and hospitalization due to cardiovascular events in a high-risk population. Methods This prospective registry included high risk adults over 30 years old free of cardiovascular disease (2008–2012). Diagnosis of hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes mellitus was inclusion criterion. Lipid biomarkers were evaluated. Primary endpoints were all-cause mortality and hospital admission due to coron…

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Hemorrhage in patients under oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation. The other side of the coin

Abstract Introduction and objectives Oral anticoagulation therapy is prescribed to most patients with atrial fibrillation. The main limitation of anticoagulant treatment is the occurrence of bleeding episodes. We sought to assess the type of hemorrhages and mortality in patients anticoagulated for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Methods Observational retrospective study analyzing 2 081 138 hospitalization reports from 2014 corresponding to 151 hospitals of the Spanish National Health System. Patients were selected with the diagnosis of hemorrhage, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, and oral anticoagulation. Results A total of 5783 hospitalizations were analyzed. Most hemorrhages were digesti…

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New Risk Score for Patients With Acute Chest Pain, Non-ST-Segment Deviation, and Normal Troponin Concentrations

Objectives The purpose of this research was to develop a risk score for patients with chest pain, non-ST-segment deviation electrocardiogram (ECG), and normal troponin levels. Background Prognosis assessment in this population remains a challenge. Methods A total of 646 consecutive patients were evaluated by clinical history (risk factors and chest pain score according to pain characteristics), ECG, and early exercise testing. ST-segment deviation and troponin elevation were exclusion criteria. The primary end point was mortality or myocardial infarction at one year. The secondary end point was mortality, myocardial infarction, or urgent revascularization at 14 days (similar to the Thrombol…

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CA125-Guided Diuretic Treatment Versus Usual Care in Patients With Acute Heart Failure and Renal Dysfunction

BACKGROUND: The optimal diuretic treatment strategy for patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction remains unclear. Plasma carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) is a surrogate of fluid overload and a potentially valuable tool for guiding decongestion therapy. The aim of this study was to determine if a CA125-guided diuretic strategy is superior to usual care in terms of short-term renal function in patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction at presentation. METHODS: This multicenter, open-label study randomized 160 patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction into 2 groups (1:1). Loop diuretics doses were established according to CA125 levels in the CA125-gui…

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Cardiorenal Syndrome in Acute Heart Failure: Revisiting Paradigms

A B S T R A C T Cardiorenal syndrome has been defined as the simultaneous dysfunction of both the heart and the kidney. Worsening renal function that occurs in patients with acute heart failure has been classified as cardiorenal syndrome type 1. In this setting, worsening renal function is a common finding and is due to complex, multifactorial, and not fully understood processes involving hemodynamic (renal arterial hypoperfusion and renal venous congestion) and nonhemodynamic factors. Traditionally, worsening renal function has been associated with worse outcomes, but recent findings have revealed mixed and heterogeneous results, perhaps suggesting that the same phenotype represents a dive…

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