Martina G. Gallarza
Value dimensions in consumers’ experience: Combining the intra- and inter-variable approaches in the hospitality sector
Within the deep and extensive research on value, two main areas of discussion emerge: multidimensionality (intra-variable approach) and interrelationships with other constructs (inter-variable approach). Independently, the two areas have produced relevant knowledge; however, when studying them jointly, the results are inconsistent. The paper aims first to build four self-oriented value scales for a hospitality experience (efficiency, quality, play, and aesthetics), and second to test them in a SEM model with overall perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, upon a sample of 585 hotel consumers in Sardinia (Italy). The results show both unexpected (for the intra-variable …
Resumen: El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es …
Emotions and visitors’ satisfaction at a museum
Purpose – This research aims to investigate whether emotions can be considered as a suitable variable to segment visitors at a museum. Furthermore, it seeks to analyse whether emotions influence visitor satisfaction and whether this depends on objective variables (such as age, gender and level of education) or not. Design/methodology/approach – A structured questionnaire was developed and data were collected at the National Museum of Archaeology “G.A. Sanna” in Sardinia (Italy) via 410 face-to-face interviews. Hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analyses and a series of chi-squared tests were run for the purpose of the study. Findings – Two segments were identified. The cluster with …
Social causes and consequences of clients’ satisfaction with hotels
Con el objeto de evidenciar la dimensión social del proceso de satisfacción, proponemos un modelo causal donde la satisfacción y el valor son constructos centrales, con dos antecedentes (calidad de servicio y valor social) y dos consecuencias en forma de lealtad (boca-oreja electrónico y boca-oreja global). El modelo es contrastado entre 386 huéspedes de hoteles españoles confirmándose el peso que tienen en el proceso lealtad las variables de carácter social: valor social y boca-oreja. Se presentan importantes implicaciones para la gestión y futuros avances para la investigación académica. ABSTRACT In order to make evidence the social dimension of satisfaction process, we propose a causal m…
La motivación de compra de productos de comercio justo: propuesta de un índice de medición por diferencias sociodemográficas
Entre los diferentes campos de estudio del comercio justo, el basado en el análisis de las características del consumidor es de los más ricos e interesantes. El objetivo del texto es contribuir a dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre las motivaciones que llevan a los consumidores a comprar productos de comercio justo. Para ello, se analizan el concepto de comercio justo y la dimensionalidad de las motivaciones de compra de este tipo de producto. El trabajo explora sobre la base de un índice construido a partir de las puntuaciones de la motivación de compra en tiendas de comercio justo. Dicho índice permite describir diferencias de comportamiento por sexo, edad, nivel de estudios y nivel de ingr…
Rasgos definitorios del consumo experiencial del turista: Definiciones y caracterizadores
El presente estudio busca aportar una revision teorica del consumo experiencial en el ambito del turismo, con el objetivo de aportar un mejor entendimiento del comportamiento del consumidor turistico. La experiencia turistica es un proceso complejo, cambiante en tiempos y espacios y que implica mas elementos que los propios turistas; asi, el enfoque del consumo experiencial se postula como ideal para una comprension completa del comportamiento del consumidor en el contexto turistico. Bajo este enfoque, este trabajo plantea una revision de las definiciones de la nocion de “experiencia” propias del ambito de estudio del comportamiento del consumidor general y turistico, con el objeto de ident…
Introspección reflexiva del estudiante sobre su experiencia en másteres internacionales
El estudiante universitario juega hoy un papel activo no solo como cliente, sino como co-creador de valor. Con una tecnica de investigacion cualitativa como la autorreflexion personal, se puede lograr su participacion y co-creacion mediante una introspeccion subjetiva. Este trabajo explora el valor percibido de la experiencia universitaria a traves de 30 introspecciones reflexivas de estudiantes de Masteres internacionales con el apoyo de un CAQDAS. Los resultados, explicados en relacion con los beneficios y costes, y con las dimensiones de valor percibido de la experiencia (funcional, emocional y social), muestran la utilidad de la introspeccion para la comprension de la experiencia univer…
Value, satisfaction and loyalty in volunteerism. Application to a religious megaevent
This paper presents a study of the volunteer as an essential agent in the success of any event, and offers recommendations for improving management of megaevents. To achieve this goal we propose a structural model that analyses the multidimensionality of the value concept as antecedent of perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty. The study sample consists of volunteers who participated in the World Youth Day held in Madrid in 2011,obtaining a total number of 1427 cases. The results support all the hypotheses presented in the proposed model. Thus, it confirms that the multidimensionality of the value (spirituality, social value, play and efficiency) is an antecedent of perceived value while…
Factors and information sources influencing students' consumer behaviour: a case study at an Italian public university
This article examines the factors and the preferred sources of information that influence prospective Italian students' choice of a Department of Business and Economics at a public university. Results, based on quantitative survey data, show that both future undergraduate and future postgraduate students value the reputation of the university, the guidance services offered by the institution and the degree of specialisation as important factors that drive their choice, and peers' suggestions are the most relevant information source for both groups. The paper provides insights on how traditional elements are combined with more contemporary ones in domestic Students' Consumer Behaviour. Findi…
The “Sun and Beach” tourism destination image: An application to the case of Cuba from the Spanish tourist‐origin market
The research steam on tourism destination image, begun in the late 1960s, has been essentially operational in its approach, and only occasionally strategic. Aspects relating to the image of tourism destinations still constitute a relatively unexplored line of research. This paper, first establishes specific conceptual and methodological approaches, to enable us to rigorously study and evaluate the image of what we understand as a tourism destination characterized by “sun and beach”. It then applies this methodological proposition to a number of destinations in the Caribbean, focusing on the case of Cuba from an important tourist‐origin market for this destination, Spain.
Destination image
Abstract This paper presents a review and discussion of the concept and measurement of destination image, within an intradisciplinary marketing perspective. Both theoretical and methodological aspects of this concept and measurement are treated. Based on the existence of three dimensions of object, subject and attributes, previous studies are analyzed. A taxonomy of the methodological and statistical procedures for measuring the image of the destinations is also proposed in order to help researchers to capture and measure the image construct. The paper proposes a conceptual model featuring its complex, multiple, relativistic and dynamic nature as a more comprehensive framework of destinatio…
Experiential tourist shopping value: Adding causality to value dimensions and testing their subjectivity
Previous literature on consumer behavior has tackled the experiential approach in retailing services in depth; however, most of the previous studies have concentrated on the simultaneous but not concatenated effects of value dimensions on satisfaction and/or loyalty. Furthermore, tourists' shopping behavior remains an underdeveloped area of study from the experiential perspective. This work explores experiential tourist shopping value, aiming to (a) explain tourists' loyalty to retailers by adding causality to experiential dimensions and (b) prove the subjectivity of these values. After a diachronic and synchronic review of the literature on experiential shopping value, a structural model w…
Evaluating Dance Consumption through the Experiential Value Approach
Purpose – The experiential paradigm has been confirmed as a valuable means to explore and understand people’s consumption of cultural services, thus drawing an increasing interest in the marketing and consumer behavior literature. In this context, consumers’ behavioral decisions are considered not as merely functional but also strongly influenced by emotional dimensions and intrinsic aspects. As consumption of arts is strongly associated with feelings, the experiential approach is a valuable lens for exploring and understanding individuals who consume cultural services. This paper therefore adopts the experiential approach to assess dance as a consumption experience, which is meant to be in…
In Which Type of Healthcare Do Patients Show Greater Loyalty? (Public Sector Management vs. Public-Private Partnership)
Introduction: The present study analyses the patients behavior in a setting with different management types: public sector management and public-private partnership. More specifically, the objective is to establish in which healthcare type (hospitalization, ambulatory surgery, emergencies, outpatients consultation) do the patients show a loyal behavior when they are in different management scenarios. Material and methods: A descriptive analysis based on secondary data collected from an internal database of the Conselleria de Sanidad of the Valencian Community in Spain, a scenario with two different healthcare management types (public sector management and public-private partnership) was con…
Participar como voluntario en eventos especiales: comparación entre el valor esperado y percibido
El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es consisten…
The value of volunteering in special events: A longitudinal study
Abstract Volunteering has important insights for tourism, especially in the context of special events. In this paper, volunteering is studied in a religious event from a consumer value-based approach. A longitudinal study is conducted on 711 volunteers, three months before and one month after the event. The value-based approach is reliable and valid over time. The results of the value dimensions (spirituality as altruism, social value, play, efficiency, and effort spent) suggest volunteering is a highly emotional experience, although functional aspects showed higher expectations than perceptions. Value conceptualisation as a trade-off is consistent with the approach to volunteering as a “gi…
The Value Trade-off in Higher Education Service: a Qualitative Intercultural Approach to Students
Purpose: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have become a highly competitive market, where consumers (i.e. students) are highly involved in their choices, and managers need to focus on competitive edges. This paper aims to understand the factors that influence international Master students' choice behaviour and fulfil student expectations of customer value in HEIs. Design/methodology: With qualitative information (five focus groups) collected from international students (of 12 different nationalities) of several universities in Spain, UK and China, the paper investigates the formation of customer value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. This qualitative approach aims first at asse…
The quality‐value‐satisfaction‐loyalty chain: relationships and impacts
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the classical topics of services literature in a tourism experience with a means‐end‐model on the quality‐value‐satisfaction‐loyalty chain. Within this wide stream of research, this work has a particular interest on value antecedents and on the sense of the link between value and satisfaction.Design/methodology/approachAn overall tourism experience with positive and negative antecedents (benefits and sacrifices experienced) and classical evaluations (perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty as behavioral intention) is analyzed through two competing structural models measured with partial least squares on a sample of 274 students traveling in g…
Measuring destination image an approach by an attribute‐based analysis
Product image formation process is a valuable insight for correct understanding of consumer behaviour. When product is a tourism destination, image formation is even more important due to the inability of pretest the tourist product. This framework gives place to the present research on tourism destination image. The paper starts with a litterature review on the meaning and measurement of destination image divided into two main approaches: the conceptual and the methodological. Secondly, the results of an empirical investigation are reported: it deals with the assessment of attribute‐based destination image of sun and beach resorts on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The aim and contributio…
Service-Dominant Logic and Value in Tourism Management: A Qualitative Study within Spanish Hotels Managers
<p><em>With the award-winning article of Vargo and Lusch (2004), a new concept was introduced, called Service-Dominant logic (S-D logic). This paper aims to apply S-D logic to the tourism sector by determining </em><em>if this new approach, by means of the importance of value co-creation, can affect the perceptions of value in the mind of the consumer and, thus, be used as a source of competitive advantage if adopted by tourism service providers. In this paper a conceptual framework is established through a literature review on both S-D logic and value in tourism. After a review of both topics, links between them are conceptually explored. With empirical research met…
Special Issue - Past, present and future challenges on customer experience: Digging knowledge across sectors
Collaborative Policy Making and Stakeholder Engagement: A Resident–Based Perspective
This study analyses residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism and community engagement with tourism planning. Overall, residents think that the positive effects of tourism development outweigh the negative impacts. Despite this, they express concerns regarding the economic future of their area and that the tourism development in their area is mostly exogenously driven. Further, they do not feel involved in tourism planning but, quite surprisingly, they do not seems to be convinced that local authorities should encourage community participation in tourism decision making. Exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis were therefore conducted. F…
Active and Reactive Value Dimensions: A Dynamic-Based Perspective in the Hotel Sector
Despite the wide acknowledgment of consumer value as a dynamic concept in marketing and tourism literature, few studies have addressed its dynamicity. This article provides an approach to the dynamic nature of value in a hotel experience by proposing a conceptual framework that seeks to explain the influence of value types on customer satisfaction and loyalty as being concatenated rather than simultaneous effects, as more usually described. The concatenation of effects is based on the distinction between active versus reactive values and is tested in a structural model consisting of eight types of value (Efficiency, Service Quality, Status, Esteem, Entertainment, Aesthetics, Ethics, and Es…
A New Multiblock PLS Based Method to Estimate Causal Models: Application to the Post-Consumption Behavior in Tourism
This study presents a new algorithm for estimating causal models based on multiblock PLS method. This new algorithm is tested in a particular post-consumption behavior with the aim of validating a complex system of relations between antecedents of value, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty. The results are compared with the classical LVPLS method: both methods support the proposed structural relations, but the explained variance is slightly higher with the new algorithm.
What Erasmus students do expect from their abroad experience? A multidimensional scale tested for the case of Spain
PurposeSince universities adopted a “Student as Customer” approach, student consumer behavior is a field of study which has become crucial. In the European higher education area, more understanding is needed on International students, and more precisely on Erasmus students. The purpose of this paper is to validate a multidimensional scale to assess Erasmus students’ value expectations (i.e. expected value) on the basis of costs and benefits in their choices as consumers of an academic experience abroad.Design/methodology/approachA survey conducted on a sample of 192 students from 50 universities show the role of functional, social and emotional values along with costs of time and effort in …
Tourism and fashion: factors affecting trip length
Tourism and shopping are closely related, and the influence of fashion shopping on a tourist's decision to travel is especially significant. The concept of cognitive and hedonic involvement enables us to relate the importance given to shopping by consumers of fashion products and of tourism services. This research analyses whether tourist involvement in fashion shopping has an impact on the length of their stay in a destination. In addition, it examines whether trip length is conditioned by traditional factors, such as demographic indicators (age, gender and income bracket), as well as by cognitive and affective involvement, and shopping motivations (service quality, product quality and sho…
Encuentro de servicio, valor percibido y satisfacción del cliente en la relación entre empresas
Irene.Gil@uv.es Gloria.Berenguer@uv.es La literatura en marketing de servicios ha argumentado que el proceso de servicio puede ser el antecedente más importante de la evaluacióm del cliente sobre el resultado del servicio y que en ese juicio evaluativo último, el valor del servicio adquiere un papel esencial. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de este proceso de formación no ha sido extensamente estudiada, especialmente, en un contexto de relación interorganizativa. El presente estudio intenta contribuir al conocimiento de cómo el encuentro de servicio y el valor del servicio, contribuyen a aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. El trabajo explora la relación entre ambos, analizando el caso de una o…
A Textual and Visual Analysis of the Intrinsic Value Dimensions of Romania: Towards a Sustainable Destination Brand
This work examines the projected image of Romania as an emerging tourism destination. Computed content-analysis was applied to the photos, text and video materials promoted online in Romania&rsquo
Análisis y evaluación del servicio de formación universitaria: implicaciones para el marketing estratégico de las universidades
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el de realizar un análisis descriptivo que ilustre la particularidad del servicio de formación universitaria, tanto en lo que respecta a su evaluación como a su elección por los consumidores. Para ello, en la exposición del marco teórico se abordará el servicio de formación universitaria tanto desde la perspectiva de estudio que ofrece la investigación del comportamiento del consumidor, como desde una perspectiva de análisis estratégico. A continuación se exponen los resultados de un estudio empírico exploratorio realizado a estudiantes valencianos de la rama de empresa sobre la evaluación de los diferentes paraservicios, así como de su nivel general…
El valor percibido, un modelo en el ámbito de la experiencia turística
Perceptions of Healthcare Service End Users
The main objective of this study was to compare users’ perception and evaluation of both public and private healthcare services, distinguishing between primary and specialty care, with a cross-cultural approach in two Mediterranean countries: Italy and Spain. Within an exploratory approach and following a descriptive aim, we have conducted a quantitative methodology: after a literature review about health marketing and health management, we have developed a questionnaire and collected end users’ perceptions in both countries. Results highlight different aspects shaping the multidimensional healthcare service, such as the waiting lists, their experienced sensations, word-of-mouth (WOM) rele…
Value dimensions, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty: an investigation of university students’ travel behaviour
Abstract Both marketing practitioners and academic researchers have traditionally recognised the major influence that perceived value has on consumer behaviour. Tourism and hospitality research have recently shown an interest in value; especially, when investigated with quality and/or satisfaction. The present study has two primary objectives. First, to investigate the dimensionality of consumer value in a travel-related context (students’ travel behaviour), adopting Holbrook's typology, and combining it with negative inputs of value. Second, to explore the relations between consumer perceptual constructs such as perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty. This dual objective is undertaken b…
La satisfacción del cliente como indicador de calidad en neurorehabilitación
This paper tries to determine customer satisfaction degree from two perspectives: outsider customer (primary in patient and secondary in relatives) and insider customer (employee), being all of them indicators of quality of care in a neurorehabilitation centre. Results support clinician tendency of introducing patient satisfaction degree as an indicator, like effectiveness or efficiency, in order to value success treatment. This tendency allows to coordinate all actions in health care design in a such way that integrates professionals, patients and, in the case of a neurorehabilitation service, relatives perspectives.
Identificación de diagnósticos y especialidades con mayor lealtad del paciente como fuente de ventaja competitiva
Objetivo: En un escenario de financiación capitativa y facturación intercentros, guiado por el lema de “el dinero sigue al paciente”, su lealtad, manifestada a través de la libre elección de centro, adquiere un carácter estratégico para la gestión sanitaria. En este entorno, resulta de especial relevancia conocer en qué diagnósticos y en qué especialidades médicas y quirúrgicas el paciente muestra una mayor lealtad.
 Metodología: En el presente trabajo daremos respuesta al objetivo empleando como metodología un análisis confirmatorio y considerando, como datos secundarios, las asistencias de hospitalización y cirugía sin ingreso realizadas a pacientes de la Comunidad Valenciana en el a…
The value of value: Further excursions on the meaning and role of customer value
Grounded on fundamental marketing principles, the concept of customer value has been revisited and refined by academicians and practitioners for the last 30 years. However, research devoted to achieving a consistent theoretical and conceptual development of valuerelated concepts has proceeded apace without ever reaching full closure. The present essay seeks reasons behind remaining deficiencies in value-related research and offers a review intended to move our understanding of customer value toward what promises to become a more enlightened future. The topic of value is approached by theoretical analysis and conceptual development. First, ‘‘the challenge’’ of value research is presented: th…
A multiblock PLS-based algorithm applied to a causal model in marketing
Trading off benefits and costs in higher education: A qualitative research with international incoming students
Abstract Globalization has brought new challenges to Higher Education Institutions such as international exchange programs. In this context, the purpose of this work is to analyse students’ value trade-off in their terms abroad. Specifically, a multidimensional framework on value as trade-off is applied: two negative dimensions of sacrifice: monetary (price) and non-monetary (time and efforts), and three groups of benefits: functional (location, facilities, infrastructure, timetables, etc.), social (relationships with instructors, with other students, networks, etc.), and emotional (having fun while being a student). For that purpose, an exploratory research was undertaken using qualitative…
Social Value Co-Creation
Societal demands and consumer patterns have changed: there is a need of elaborating on new concepts and mindsets in understanding stakeholder engagement in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a way that can challenge the traditional ways of thinking and provide a basis for benefits to all stakeholders. Theoretically, this chapter provides a unique and fresh perspective to the concept of CSR, as it aims at applying, within the Service-Dominant (S-D) logic mindset, the value co-creation happening within a social setting. It adds backing through an empirical study taken mixed qualitative approach in effort to establish a concrete foundation for the interpretation of insights t…
La gestión de megaeventos desde la perspectiva de distintos stakeholders: un análisis exploratorio sobre voluntarios
Asistimos a un creciente interés académico en el estudio de los eventos. Sin embargo esos estudios se centran principalmente en el análisis de eventos deportivos o culturales y en menor medida en eventos religiosos, a pesar de su potencial de estudio para la gestión y la investigación. Con el presente trabajo buscamos mejorar el conocimiento de los eventos y profundizar en las particularidades de la gestión de voluntarios, stakeholder clave en megaeventos religiosos. Para ello utilizamos una doble metodología cualitativa: entrevistas en profundidad con gestores, combinadas con dinámicas de grupo con voluntarios; todos ellos stakeholders de la XXIV Jornada Mundial de la Juventud celebrada e…
Customer value in tourism and hospitality: Broadening dimensions and stretching the value-satisfaction-loyalty chain
Abstract Customer value research consists of two main streams, with broad recognition in tourism literature: value dimensions (intra-variable perspective) and relationships among value, satisfaction and loyalty (inter-variable perspective). The conceptual framework reviews and categorizes graphically both streams, evidencing the need of research combining both perspectives. The empirical study uses PLS to validate among a sample of 340 hotel guests, a comprehensive causal model with a high number (eight) of value dimensions -functional (efficiency and excellence), social (status and esteem), hedonic (aesthetic and entertainment) and altruistic (ethics and escapism). Moreover, the model adds…
Consumer behavior in a religious event experience: an empirical assessment of value dimensionality among volunteers
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present volunteering in tourism events as a sort of spontaneous community participation that has far‐reaching consequences for destination management. It chooses the concept of value to explore volunteering experience in an international religious mega‐event, using Holbrook's value typology (efficiency, social value, play, spirituality).Design/methodology/approachThe authors undertake this objective by means of testing psychometric properties of the four value scales, as well as providing a causal model of relationships among value dimensions and overall perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty or commitment to volunteering in a special event tested w…
Managers’ Perceptions of Delivered Value in the Hospitality Industry
Although management literature has deeply reported the importance of assessing customers’ value perceptions, little attention has been paid to managers’ value perceptions (delivered value). This article presents a conceptual model of relationships between delivered value and customer orientation, service culture, and managers’ perception of customer satisfaction, tested with mulitblock PLS among 200 hospitality managers. Additionally, we present an index on a multidimensional scale of delivered value built with multitable analysis. Results support the proposed conceptual model and show increasing intensities of both the links in the model and the index by different hotel categories. The res…
Volunteering in Religious Events
Religious event volunteering is a contemporary form of religious tourism that has interest for both scholars and practitioners: for the former, it is a social behavior that can be analyzed through many disciplines, consumer behavior being the one chosen here; for the latter, religious events do contribute to destinations development, although their impact is difficult to measure. This chapter explores (conceptually) the common origins of religion and volunteering and reviews briefly the event marketing to better understand the second part, which (empirically) reflects the results of two surveys undertaken with volunteers in two Catholic mega-events held in Spain. Findings show appropriatene…
Investigación inter e intra-variable del valor percibido: un modelo causal de segundo orden y satisfacción cognitiva y afectiva
El valor percibido es axiomática y epistemológicamente clave para el Marketing. Su investigación es rica y profunda respecto a su dimensionalidad (análisis intra-variable) y a su relación con satisfacción y lealtad (inter-variable). Como contribución a la abundante literatura sobre medición del valor percibido en servicios turísticos, este trabajo propone un modelo causal que abarca las perspectivas inter e intra-variable, y propone el valor percibido como segundo orden y la cadena valor-satisfacción-lealtad, con una bifurcación de la satisfacción en afectiva y cognitiva. El modelo es testado con PLS sobre una muestra de 340 huéspedes de hotel en la Comunidad Valenciana, hallando contribuci…
Host community perceptions of cruise tourism in a homeport: A cluster analysis
Abstract This study applies a factor-cluster analysis to a sample of 321 residents in the city of Valencia based on their perceptions of the impacts of cruises on their city. Three clusters of residents were identified, namely 'pessimists', 'cautious supporters' and 'optimists'. Overall, the findings reveal that most respondents doubt the magnitude of positive impact in terms of welfare, social, economic and heritage aspects. Furthermore, there are significant differences between the three clusters, based on age and geographical proximity to the tourist area and port. No significant differences were found based on gender, level of education, numbers of members in household, occupation, leng…
Stretching the value-satisfaction-loyalty chain by adding value dimensions and cognitive and affective satisfactions
Purpose– Consensus on how value dimensions are drivers of overall perceived value is a widespread reality in consumer behaviour literature. But scanty research has been done on which of these value dimensions best predict customer loyalty. The purpose of this paper is to propose a causal model that examines how PERVAL dimensions of value affect customers’ loyalty, through both cognitive and affective satisfaction.Design/methodology/approach– The model is tested on a sample of 820 Spanish retail customers and the findings suggest that product quality and value for money (cognitive) impact customer loyalty through emotional and social value (affective), with significant direct and indirect ef…
Integrando marketing experiencial y service dominant logic: creación de un índice de co-creación de valor interactivo y contextual
El Valor Percibido es crucial para dos aproximaciones claves en Marketing: el Marketing Experiencial y el Service Dominant Logic (SDL), Sin embargo, la segunda no parece haber integrado toda la riqueza de la primera. Por ello, este trabajo, tras revisar la aproximación al Valor Experiencial (en general, y según Holbrook) y el SDL y la noción de co-creación de Valor, propone ejes argumentales de relación y un modelo conceptual integrador de sendas propuestas. El estudio empírico plantea un índice de co-creación de Valor, soportado por un modelo estructural de orden jerárquico. que es testado con PLS en 240 huéspedes de hotel. Los resultados permiten refrendar que la co-creación de Valor es a…
Replicating consumer value scales: A comparative study of EVS and PERVAL at a cultural heritage site
Abstract PERVAL (PERceived VALue) scale has been frequently replicated and adapted in tourism to measure consumer value; however, EVS (Experiential Value Scale) better reflects the experiential nature of tourism consumption. Focusing on a famous cultural heritage site in France (Chambord castle), this research compares PERVAL and EVS by replicating them as concisely as possible. The results of a quantitative survey of 402 visitors show the similarities and dissimilarities between these two scales regarding their psychometric properties, predictive ability, practicality, and actionability. In contrast to a literature review (favoring PERVAL scale for tourism), this research underlines the co…
Patient Segmentation Based on Patient Loyalty
The present study aims to perform a segmentation of patients based on their loyalty behaviour. The analysis focuses on Valencia, a region in Spain that features a capitated financing and free-elective framework; such a framework is particularly suitable for this type of study because patient loyalty directly affects the system’s budget and economic viability. Using secondary data from the regional health council, the study focuses on relationships of influence and latent segmentation in answering seven research questions. The two-pronged statistical analysis is designed to analyse relationships of influence, on the one hand, and latent segmentation, on the other. Significant differences we…
Different levels of loyalty towards the higher education service: evidence from a small university in Spain
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operate in a competitive environment in which the universities must address issues of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This process requires that educational institutions carefully analyse the key factors contributing to student loyalty in all its dimensions and develop strategies accordingly. Customer loyalty is a consistent commitment deeply held by customers to re-purchasing and/or recommending the product or service. This paper aims at understanding the different levels of student loyalty towards HEIs through an empirical study run with 705 graduate students from a small University. According to the students' personal and situational characteristic…
The concept of value and its dimensions: a tool for analysing tourism experiences
PurposeThis work aims to introduce the usefulness of the concept of value for tourism research both conceptually and empirically. Destination and tourism services can be better understood if analysed through the multidimensionality of value, as the tourist can simultaneously experience several factors: affective and cognitive, social and personal, active and reactive.Design/methodology/approachFrom literature review, Holbrook's conceptual framework (definition and typology) is chosen to investigate the dimensionality of consumer value in a travel‐related context (students' tourism behaviour). An empirical investigation on one of his conceptual axes – the relativistic character of consumer v…
Value co-creation and satisfaction in b2b context: a triadic study in the furniture industry
Research on Value co-Creation (VcC) has been more extensive in B2C (business-to-consumer) than in B2B (business-to-business) and mainly for service contexts, under dyadic approaches (supplier&ndash
Conceptualización y medición del valor percibido: consensos y controversias
[ES] Estudiar el concepto Valor resulta ser necesario y útil en Marketing por ser un concepto endémico para la disciplina y relevante para la profesión. Sin embargo, a pesar de décadas de investigación, la doctrina se lamenta de un cierto círculo vicioso sobre las dificultades conceptuales y de medición del Valor. Este trabajo revisa estas dificultades y las categoriza en torno a acuerdos y controversias, evidenciando sus efectos en la compleja red nomológica construida a lo largo de los años en torno al Valor. Además, explora empíricamente tres modelos causales de relaciones entre dimensiones de Valor, Satisfacción y Lealtad, testados con PLS sobre una muestra de 340 clientes de hotel. Los…
El efecto de la cultura en las metodologías educativas: una aproximación al trabajo en grupo de estudiantes internacionales
The effect of culture on educational methodologies in international business programs: an application to the iMBA program
As the world becomes global, there are growing needs and opportunities for intercultural exchanges in learning processes. In the context of the Spanish University Strategy for 2015, one of the most important objectives is to increase internationalisation through international postgraduate courses (Spanish Ministry of Education, 2010). Intercultural teaching capabilities are now becoming necessary for better achieving perceived service quality among international students. In the area of business studies, research on pedagogical issues is needed in order to provide recommendations and group management implications. For instance, a challenge for international business programs is dealing with…