Fabio Bagarello

Damping in quantum love affairs

In a series of recent papers we have used an operatorial technique to describe stock markets and, in a different context, {\em love affairs} and their time evolutions. The strategy proposed so far does not allow any dumping effect. In this short note we show how, within the same framework, a strictly non periodic or quasi-periodic effect can be introduced in the model by describing in some details a linear Alice-Bob love relation with damping.

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Deformed Canonical (anti-)commutation relations and non-self-adjoint hamiltonians

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Damping and pseudo-fermions

After a short abstract introduction on the time evolution driven by non self-adjoint hamiltonians, we show how the recently introduced concept of {\em pseudo-fermion} can be used in the description of damping in finite dimensional quantum systems, and we compare the results deduced adopting the Schr\"odinger and the Heisenberg representations.

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Some analytical considerations on two-scale relations

Scaling functions that generate a multiresolution analysis (MRA) satisfy, among other conditions, the so-called «two-scale relation» (TSR). In this paper we discuss a number of properties that follow from the TSR alone, independently of any MRA: position of zeros (mainly for continuous scaling functions), existence theorems (using fixed point and eigenvalue arguments) and orthogonality relation between integer translates. © 1994 Società Italiana di Fisica.

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Pseudo-bosons and Riesz Bi-coherent States

After a brief review on D-pseudo-bosons we introduce what we call Riesz bi-coherent states, which are pairs of states sharing with ordinary coherent states most of their features. In particular, they produce a resolution of the identity and they are eigenstates of two different annihilation operators which obey pseudo-bosonic commutation rules.

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From pseudo-bosons to pseudo-Hermiticity via multiple generalized Bogoliubov transformations

We consider the special type of pseudo-bosonic systems that can be mapped to standard bosons by means of generalized Bogoliubov transformation and demonstrate that a pseudo-Hermitian systems can be obtained from them by means of a second subsequent Bogoliubov transformation. We employ these operators in a simple model and study three different types of scenarios for the constraints on the model parameters giving rise to a Hermitian system, a pseudo-Hermitian system in which the second the Bogoliubov transformations is equivalent to the associated Dyson map and one in which we obtain D-quasi bases.

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Multi-resolution analysis in arbitrary Hilbert spaces

We discuss the possibility of introducing a multi-resolution in a Hilbert space which is not necessarily a space of functions. We investigate which of the classical properties can be translated to this more general framework and the way in which this can be done. We comment on the procedure proposed by means of many examples.

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Topological Decompositions of the Pauli Group and their Influence on Dynamical Systems

In the present paper we show that it is possible to obtain the well known Pauli group $P=\langle X,Y,Z \ | \ X^2=Y^2=Z^2=1, (YZ)^4=(ZX)^4=(XY)^4=1 \rangle $ of order $16$ as an appropriate quotient group of two distinct spaces of orbits of the three dimensional sphere $S^3$. The first of these spaces of orbits is realized via an action of the quaternion group $Q_8$ on $S^3$; the second one via an action of the cyclic group of order four $\mathbb{Z}(4)$ on $S^3$. We deduce a result of decomposition of $P$ of topological nature and then we find, in connection with the theory of pseudo-fermions, a possible physical interpretation of this decomposition.

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Tridiagonality, supersymmetry and non self-adjoint Hamiltonians

In this paper we consider some aspects of tridiagonal, non self-adjoint, Hamiltonians and of their supersymmetric counterparts. In particular, the problem of factorization is discussed, and it is shown how the analysis of the eigenstates of these Hamiltonians produce interesting recursion formulas giving rise to biorthogonal families of vectors. Some examples are proposed, and a connection with bi-squeezed states is analyzed.

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Induced and reduced unbounded operator algebras

The induction and reduction precesses of an O*-vector space \({{\mathfrak M}}\) obtained by means of a projection taken, respectively, in \({{\mathfrak M}}\) itself or in its weak bounded commutant \({{\mathfrak M}^\prime_{\rm w}}\) are studied. In the case where \({{\mathfrak M}}\) is a partial GW*-algebra, sufficient conditions are given for the induced and the reduced spaces to be partial GW*-algebras again.

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A note on modified Gabor frames

In this paper we generalize a procedure, originally proposed by Kaiser, which produces a family of (A, B)-frames in ℒ2(R), starting from a given Gabor (A, B)-frame. The procedure is applied to several examples. © Società Italiana di Fisica.

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Multiplication of Distributions in One Dimension: Possible Approaches and Applications to δ-Function and Its Derivatives

We introduce a new class of multiplications of distributions in one dimension merging two different regularizations of distributions. Some of the features of these multiplications are discussed in detail. We use our theory to study a number of examples, involving products between Dirac delta functions and its successive derivatives. © 1995 Academic Press. All rights reserved.

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Relations between multi-resolution analysis and quantum mechanics

We discuss a procedure to construct multiresolution analyses (MRA) of L2 (R) starting from a given seed function h (s) which should satisfy some conditions. Our method, originally related to the quantum mechanical Hamiltonian of the fractional quantum Hall effect, is shown to be model independent. The role of a canonical map between certain canonically conjugate operators is discussed. This clarifies our previous procedure and makes much easier most of the original formulas, producing a convenient framework to produce examples of MRA. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.

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Appearances of pseudo-bosons from Black-Scholes equation

It is a well known fact that the Black-Scholes equation admits an alternative representation as a Schr\"odinger equation expressed in terms of a non self-adjoint hamiltonian. We show how {\em pseudo-bosons}, linear or not, naturally arise in this context, and how they can be used in the computation of the pricing kernel.

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Some remarks on few recent results on the damped quantum harmonic oscillator

Abstract In a recent paper, Deguchi et al. (2019), the authors proposed an analysis of the damped quantum harmonic oscillator in terms of ladder operators. This approach was shown to be partly incorrect in Bagarello et al. (2019), via a simple no-go theorem. More recently, (Deguchi and Fujiwara, 2019), Deguchi and Fujiwara claimed that our results in Bagarello et al. (2019) are wrong, and compute what they claim is the square integrable vacuum of their annihilation operators. In this brief note, we show that their vacuum is indeed not a vacuum, and we try to explain what is behind their mistakes in Deguchi et al. (2019) and Deguchi and Fujiwara (2019). We also propose a very simple example …

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Biorthogonal vectors, sesquilinear forms, and some physical operators

Continuing the analysis undertaken in previous articles, we discuss some features of non-self-adjoint operators and sesquilinear forms which are defined starting from two biorthogonal families of vectors, like the so-called generalized Riesz systems, enjoying certain properties. In particular we discuss what happens when they forms two $\D$-quasi bases.

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The stochastic limit in the analysis of some modified open BCS models

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Nonstandard variational calculus with applications to classical mechanics. 2. The inverse problem and more

In this paper we continue analyzing the possible applications of nonstandard analysis to variational problems, with particular interest in classical mechanics. In particular, we adapt various techniques of numerical analysis to solve the nonstandard version of the Euler-Lagrange equation for both one-and multidimensional systems. We also start an introductory analysis of the inverse problem of the calculus of variation, identifying a class of nonstandard difference equations for which a first-order Lagrangian can be obtained.

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Completely positive invariant conjugate-bilinear maps on partial *-algebras

The notion of completely positive invariant conjugate-bilinear map in a partial *-algebra is introduced and a generalized Stinespring theorem is proven. Applications to the existence of integrable extensions of *-representations of commutative, locally convex quasi*-algebras are also discussed.

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Mathematical aspects of intertwining operators: the role of Riesz bases

In this paper we continue our analysis of intertwining relations for both self-adjoint and not self-adjoint operators. In particular, in this last situation, we discuss the connection with pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics and the role of Riesz bases.

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On non-self-adjoint operators defined by Riesz bases in Hilbert and rigged Hilbert spaces

In this paper we discuss some results on non self-adjoint Hamiltonians with real discrete simple spectrum under the assumption that their eigenvectors form Riesz bases of a certain Hilbert space. Also, we exhibit a generalization of those results to the case of rigged Hilbert spaces, and we also consider the problem of the factorization of the aforementioned Hamiltonians in terms of generalized lowering and raising operators.

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The Dynamical Problem for a Non Self-adjoint Hamiltonian

After a compact overview of the standard mathematical presentations of the formalism of quantum mechanics using the language of C*- algebras and/or the language of Hilbert spaces we turn attention to the possible use of the language of Krein spaces.I n the context of the so-called three-Hilbert-space scenario involving the so-called PT-symmetric or quasi- Hermitian quantum models a few recent results are reviewed from this point of view, with particular focus on the quantum dynamics in the Schrodinger and Heisenberg representations.

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Stock markets and quantum dynamics: A second quantized description

In this paper we continue our description of stock markets in terms of some non-abelian operators which are used to describe the portfolio of the various traders and other observable quantities. After a first prototype model with only two traders, we discuss a more realistic model of market involving an arbitrary number of traders. For both models we find approximated solutions for the time evolution of the portfolio of each trader. In particular, for the more realistic model, we use the stochastic limit approach and a fixed point like approximation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

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One-directional quantum mechanical dynamics and an application to decision making

In recent works we have used quantum tools in the analysis of the time evolution of several macroscopic systems. The main ingredient in our approach is the self-adjoint Hamiltonian $H$ of the system $\Sc$. This Hamiltonian quite often, and in particular for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom, gives rise to reversible and oscillatory dynamics. Sometimes this is not what physical reasons suggest. We discuss here how to use non self-adjoint Hamiltonians to overcome this difficulty: the time evolution we obtain out of them show a preferable arrow of time, and it is not reversible. Several applications are constructed, in particular in connection to information dynamics.

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Pseudobosons, Riesz bases, and coherent states

In a recent paper, Trifonov suggested a possible explicit model of a PT-symmetric system based on a modification of the canonical commutation relation. Although being rather intriguing, in his treatment many mathematical aspects of the model have just been neglected, making most of the results of that paper purely formal. For this reason we are re-considering the same model and we repeat and extend the same construction paying particular attention to all the subtle mathematical points. From our analysis the crucial role of Riesz bases clearly emerges. We also consider coherent states associated to the model.

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Modeling epidemics through ladder operators

Highlights • We propose an operatorial model to describe epidemics. • The model describes well the asymptotic numbers of the epidemics. • Ladder operators are used to model exchanges between the “actors” of the system.

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Locally Convex *-Algebras and the Thermodynamical Limit of Quantum Models

We show that the thermodynamical limit of several physical models is naturally obtained within the framework of topological quasi *-algebras. In particular, the relevance of the algebra L + (D) is shown explicitly by concrete examples.

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Some perturbation results for quasi-bases and other sequences of vectors

We discuss some perturbation results concerning certain pairs of sequences of vectors in a Hilbert space $\Hil$ and producing new sequences which share, with the original ones, { reconstruction formulas on a dense subspace of $\Hil$ or on the whole space}. We also propose some preliminary results on the same issue, but in a distributional settings.

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Non-hermitian operator modelling of basic cancer cell dynamics

We propose a dynamical system of tumor cells proliferation based on operatorial methods. The approach we propose is quantum-like: we use ladder and number operators to describe healthy and tumor cells birth and death, and the evolution is ruled by a non-hermitian Hamiltonian which includes, in a non reversible way, the basic biological mechanisms we consider for the system. We show that this approach is rather efficient in describing some processes of the cells. We further add some medical treatment, described by adding a suitable term in the Hamiltonian, which controls and limits the growth of tumor cells, and we propose an optimal approach to stop, and reverse, this growth.

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Migration and Interaction Between Species

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Vector coherent states and intertwining operators

In this paper we discuss a general strategy to construct vector coherent states of the Gazeau-Klauder type and we use them to built up examples of isospectral hamiltonians. For that we use a general strategy recently proposed by the author and which extends well known facts on intertwining operators. We also discuss the possibility of constructing non-isospectral hamiltonians with related eigenstates.

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Lp-Spaces as Quasi *-Algebras

Abstract The Banach space L p ( X , μ), for X a compact Hausdorff measure space, is considered as a special kind of quasi *-algebra (called CQ*-algebra) over the C*-algebra C ( X ) of continuous functions on X . It is shown that, for p ≥2, ( L p ( X , μ),  C ( X )) is *-semisimple (in a generalized sense). Some consequences of this fact are derived.

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Models with an External Field

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Multiplication of distributions in any dimension: Applications to δ-function and its derivatives

In two previous papers the author introduced a multiplication of distributions in one dimension and he proved that two one-dimensional Dirac delta functions and their derivatives can be multiplied, at least under certain conditions. Here, mainly motivated by some engineering applications in the analysis of the structures, we propose a different definition of multiplication of distributions which can be easily extended to any spatial dimension. In particular we prove that with this new definition delta functions and their derivatives can still be multiplied.

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Generation of Frames

It is well known that, given a generic frame, there exists a unique frame operator which satisfies, together with its adjoint, a double operator inequality. In this paper we start considering the inverse problem, that is how to associate a frame to certain operators satisfying the same kind of inequality. The main motivation of our analysis is the possibility of using frame theory in the discussion of some aspects of the quantum time evolution, both for open and for closed physical systems.

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Modular Structures on Trace Class Operators and Applications to Landau Levels

The energy levels, generally known as the Landau levels, which characterize the motion of an electron in a constant magnetic field, are those of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, with each level being infinitely degenerate. We show in this paper how the associated von Neumann algebra of observables displays a modular structure in the sense of the Tomita–Takesaki theory, with the algebra and its commutant referring to the two orientations of the magnetic field. A Kubo–Martin–Schwinger state can be built which, in fact, is the Gibbs state for an ensemble of harmonic oscillators. Mathematically, the modular structure is shown to arise as the natural modular structure associated with the…

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Spreading of Competing Information in a Network

We propose a simple approach to investigate the spreading of news in a network. In more detail, we consider two different versions of a single type of information, one of which is close to the essence of the information (and we call it good news), and another of which is somehow modified from some biased agent of the system (fake news, in our language). Good and fake news move around some agents, getting the original information and returning their own version of it to other agents of the network. Our main interest is to deduce the dynamics for such spreading, and to analyze if and under which conditions good news wins against fake news. The methodology is based on the use of ladder fermion…

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We adopt the so-called number representation, originally used in quantum me- chanics and recently considered in the description of stock markets, in the analysis of the dynamics of love relation. We present a simple model, involv- ing two actors (Alice and Bob), and we consider either a linear model or a nonlinear model.

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Locally convex quasi $C^*$-normed algebras

Abstract If A 0 [ ‖ ⋅ ‖ 0 ] is a C ∗ -normed algebra and τ a locally convex topology on A 0 making its multiplication separately continuous, then A 0 ˜ [ τ ] (completion of A 0 [ τ ] ) is a locally convex quasi ∗-algebra over A 0 , but it is not necessarily a locally convex quasi ∗-algebra over the C ∗ -algebra A 0 ˜ [ ‖ ⋅ ‖ 0 ] (completion of A 0 [ ‖ ⋅ ‖ 0 ] ). In this article, stimulated by physical examples, we introduce the notion of a locally convex quasi C ∗ -normed algebra, aiming at the investigation of A 0 ˜ [ τ ] ; in particular, we study its structure, ∗-representation theory and functional calculus.

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Extended SUSY quantum mechanics, intertwining operators and coherent states

Abstract We propose an extension of supersymmetric quantum mechanics which produces a family of isospectral Hamiltonians. Our procedure slightly extends the idea of intertwining operators. Several examples of the construction are given. Further, we show how to build up vector coherent states of the Gazeau–Klauder type associated to our Hamiltonians.

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Fisica Matematica

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We discuss some of the mathematical properties of the fractional derivative defined by means of Fourier transforms. We first consider its action on the set of test functions $\Sc(\mathbb R)$, and then we extend it to its dual set, $\Sc'(\mathbb R)$, the set of tempered distributions, provided they satisfy some mild conditions. We discuss some examples, and we show how our definition can be used in a quantum mechanical context.

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An operator-like description of love affairs

We adopt the so--called \emph{occupation number representation}, originally used in quantum mechanics and recently considered in the description of stock markets, in the analysis of the dynamics of love relations. We start with a simple model, involving two actors (Alice and Bob): in the linear case we obtain periodic dynamics, whereas in the nonlinear regime either periodic or quasiperiodic solutions are found. Then we extend the model to a love triangle involving Alice, Bob and a third actress, Carla. Interesting features appear, and in particular we find analytical conditions for the linear model of love triangle to have periodic or quasiperiodic solutions. Numerical solutions are exhibi…

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Deformed quons and bi-coherent states

We discuss how a q-mutation relation can be deformed replacing a pair of conjugate operators with two other and unrelated operators, as it is done in the construction of pseudo-fermions, pseudo-bosons and truncated pseudo-bosons. This deformation involves interesting mathematical problems and suggests possible applications to pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics. We construct bi-coherent states associated to $\D$-pseudo-quons, and we show that they share many of their properties with ordinary coherent states. In particular, we find conditions for these states to exist, to be eigenstates of suitable annihilation operators and to give rise to a resolution of the identity. Two examples are discu…

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The Stochastic Limit of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian: Relations with the Quantum Hall Effect

We propose a model of an approximatively two-dimensional electron gas in a uniform electric and magnetic field and interacting with a positive background through the Fröhlich Hamiltonian. We consider the stochastic limit of this model and we find the quantum Langevin equation and the generator of the master equation. This allows us to calculate the explicit form of the conductivity and the resistivity tensors and to deduce a fine tuning condition (FTC) between the electric and the magnetic fields. This condition shows that the x-component of the current is zero unless a certain quotient, involving the physical parameters, takes values in a finite set of physically meaningful rational number…

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Why a Quantum Tool in Classical Contexts?

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Supersymmetric associated vector coherent states and generalized Landau levels arising from two-dimensional supersymmetry

We describe a method for constructing vector coherent states for quantum supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians. The method is then applied to such partner Hamiltonians arising from a generalization of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Explicit examples are worked out.

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Quantum mechanical settings inspired by RLC circuits

In some recent papers several authors used electronic circuits to construct loss and gain systems. This is particularly interesting in the context of PT-quantum mechanics, where this kind of effects appears quite naturally. The electronic circuits used so far are simple, but not so much. Surprisingly enough, a rather trivial RLC circuit can be analyzed with the same perspective and it produces a variety of unexpected results, both from a mathematical and on a physical side. In this paper we show that this circuit produces two biorthogonal bases associated to the Liouville matrix $\Lc$ used in the treatment of its dynamics, with a biorthogonality which is linked to the value of the parameter…

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Multi-Resolution Analysis and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: an Equivalence Result

In this paper we prove that any multi-resolution analysis of $\Lc^2(\R)$ produces, for some values of the filling factor, a single-electron wave function of the lowest Landau level (LLL) which, together with its (magnetic) translated, gives rise to an orthonormal set in the LLL. We also give the inverse construction. Moreover, we extend this procedure to the higher Landau levels and we discuss the analogies and the differences between this procedure and the one previously proposed by J.-P. Antoine and the author.

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We adopt an operatorial method based on the so-called creation, annihilation and number operators in the description of different systems in which two populations interact and move in a two-dimensional region. In particular, we discuss diffusion processes modeled by a quadratic hamiltonian. This general procedure will be adopted, in particular, in the description of migration phenomena. With respect to our previous analogous results, we use here fermionic operators since they automatically implement an upper bound for the population densities.

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Unbounded C$^*$-seminorms and $*$-Representations of Partial *-Algebras

The main purpose of this paper is to construct *-representations from unbounded C*-seminorms on partial *-algebras and to investigate their *-representations. © Heldermann Verlag.

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The Heisenberg dynamics of spin systems: A quasi*‐algebras approach

The problem of the existence of the thermodynamical limit of the algebraic dynamics for a class of spin systems is considered in the framework of a generalized algebraic approach in terms of a special class of quasi*-algebras, called CQ*-algebras. Physical applications to (almost) mean-field models and to bubble models are discussed. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.

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Pseudo-Bosons from Landau Levels

We construct examples of pseudo-bosons in two dimensions arising from the Hamiltonian for the Landau levels. We also prove a no-go result showing that non-linear combinations of bosonic creation and annihilation operators cannot give rise to pseudo-bosons.

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𝒟 $\mathcal {D}$ -Deformed Harmonic Oscillators

We analyze systematically several deformations arising from two-dimensional harmonic oscillators which can be described in terms of $\cal{D}$-pseudo bosons. They all give rise to exactly solvable models, described by non self-adjoint hamiltonians whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be found adopting the quite general framework of the so-called $\cal{D}$-pseudo bosons. In particular, we show that several models previously introduced in the literature perfectly fit into this scheme.

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A non self-adjoint model on a two dimensional noncommutative space with unbound metric

We demonstrate that a non self-adjoint Hamiltonian of harmonic oscillator type defined on a two-dimensional noncommutative space can be diagonalized exactly by making use of pseudo-bosonic operators. The model admits an antilinear symmetry and is of the type studied in the context of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics. Its eigenvalues are computed to be real for the entire range of the coupling constants and the biorthogonal sets of eigenstates for the Hamiltonian and its adjoint are explicitly constructed. We show that despite the fact that these sets are complete and biorthogonal, they involve an unbounded metric operator and therefore do not constitute (Riesz) bases for the Hilbert space $\L…

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Coupled Susy, pseudo-bosons and a deformed su(1, 1) Lie algebra

Abstract In a recent paper a pair of operators a and b satisfying the equations a † a = bb † + γ 1 and aa † = b † b + δ 1 , has been considered, and their nature of ladder operators has been deduced and analyzed. Here, motivated by the spreading interest in non self-adjoint operators in quantum mechanics, we extend this situation to a set of four operators, c, d, r and s, satisfying dc = rs + γ 1 and cd = sr + δ 1 , and we show that they are also ladder operators. We show their connection with biorthogonal families of vectors and with the so-called D -pseudo bosons. Some examples are discussed.

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Quantum like modelling of decision making: quantifying uncertainty with the aid of the Heisenberg-Robertson inequality

This paper contributes to quantum-like modeling of decision making (DM) under uncertainty through application of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (in the form of the Robertson inequality). In this paper we apply this instrument to quantify uncertainty in DM performed by quantum-like agents. As an example, we apply the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to the determination of mutual interrelation of uncertainties for “incompatible questions” used to be asked in political opinion pools. We also consider the problem of representation of decision problems, e.g., in the form of questions, by Hermitian operators, commuting and noncommuting, corresponding to compatible and incompatible questions …

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An invariant analytic orthonormalization procedure with applications

We apply the orthonormalization procedure previously introduced by two of us and adopted in connection with coherent states to Gabor frames and other examples. For instance, for Gabor frames we show how to construct $g(x)\in L^2(\Bbb{R})$ in such a way the functions $g_{\underline n}(x)=e^{ian_1x}g(x+an_2)$, $\underline n\in\Bbb{Z}^2$ and $a$ some positive real number, are mutually orthogonal. We discuss in some details the role of the lattice naturally associated to the procedure in this analysis.

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Representations and derivations of quasi ∗-algebras induced by local modifications of states

Abstract The relationship between the GNS representations associated to states on a quasi ∗-algebra, which are local modifications of each other (in a sense which we will discuss) is examined. The role of local modifications on the spatiality of the corresponding induced derivations describing the dynamics of a given quantum system with infinite degrees of freedom is discussed.

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Susy for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, with a view to coherent states

We propose an extended version of supersymmetric quantum mechanics which can be useful if the Hamiltonian of the physical system under investigation is not Hermitian. The method is based on the use of two, in general different, superpotentials. Bi-coherent states of the Gazeau-Klauder type are constructed and their properties are analyzed. Some examples are also discussed, including an application to the Black-Scholes equation, one of the most important equations in Finance.

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Dynamics of mean-field spin models from basic results in abstract differential equations

The infinite-volume limit of the dynamics of (generalized) mean-field spin models is obtained through a direct analysis of the equations of motion, in a large class of representations of the spin algebra. The resulting dynamics fits into a general framework for systems with long-range interaction: variables at infinity appear in the time evolution of local variables and spontaneous symmetry breaking with an energy gap follows from this mechanism. The independence of the construction of the approximation scheme in finite volume is proven. © 1992 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

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Exponentiating derivations of quasi∗-algebras: possible approaches and applications

The problem of exponentiating derivations of quasi∗-algebras is considered in view of applying it to the determination of the time evolution of a physical system. The particular case where observables constitute a properCQ∗-algebra is analyzed.

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A Swanson-like Hamiltonian and the inverted harmonic oscillator

We deduce the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a parameter-dependent Hamiltonian $H_\theta$ which is closely related to the Swanson Hamiltonian, and we construct bi-coherent states for it. After that, we show how and in which sense the eigensystem of the Hamiltonian $H$ of the inverted quantum harmonic oscillator can be deduced from that of $H_\theta$. We show that there is no need to introduce a different scalar product using some ad hoc metric operator, as suggested by other authors. Indeed we prove that a distributional approach is sufficient to deal with the Hamiltonian $H$ of the inverted oscillator.

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Derivations of quasi *-algebras

The spatiality of derivations of quasi*-algebras is investigated by means of representation theory. Moreover, in view of physical applications, the spatiality of the limit of a family of spatial derivations is considered.

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Coordinate representation for non Hermitian position and momentum operators

In this paper we undertake an analysis of the eigenstates of two non self-adjoint operators $\hat q$ and $\hat p$ similar, in a suitable sense, to the self-adjoint position and momentum operators $\hat q_0$ and $\hat p_0$ usually adopted in ordinary quantum mechanics. In particular we discuss conditions for these eigenstates to be {\em biorthogonal distributions}, and we discuss few of their properties. We illustrate our results with two examples, one in which the similarity map between the self-adjoint and the non self-adjoint is bounded, with bounded inverse, and the other in which this is not true. We also briefly propose an alternative strategy to deal with $\hat q$ and $\hat p$, based …

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Weak commutation relations of unbounded operators: Nonlinear extensions

We continue our analysis of the consequences of the commutation relation $[S,T]=\Id$, where $S$ and $T$ are two closable unbounded operators. The {\em weak} sense of this commutator is given in terms of the inner product of the Hilbert space $\H$ where the operators act. {We also consider what we call, adopting a physical terminology}, a {\em nonlinear} extension of the above commutation relations.

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The completion of a C*-algebra with a locally convex topology

There are examples of C*-algebras A that accept a locally convex *-topology t coarser than the given one, such that Ae[t] (the completion of A with respect to t) is a GB*-algebra. The multiplication of A[t] may be or not be jointly continuous. In the second case, Ae[t] may fail being a locally convex *-algebra, but it is a partial *-algebra. In both cases the structure and the representation theory of Ae[t] are investigated. If A[t+] denotes the t-closure of the positive cone A+ of the given C*-algebra A, then the property A[t]+ \cap (−A[t]+) = {0} is decisive for the existence of certain faithful *-representations of the corresponding *-algebra Ae[t].

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An invariant analytic orthonormalization procedure with an application to coherent states

We discuss a general strategy which produces an orthonormal set of vectors, stable under the action of a given set of unitary operators Aj, j=1,2,n, starting from a fixed normalized vector in H and from a set of unitary operators. We discuss several examples of this procedure and, in particular, we show how a set of coherentlike vectors can be produced and in which condition over the lattice spacing this can be done. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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Morphisms of certain banach C*-modules

Morphisms and representations of a class of Banach C*-modules, called CQ*algebras, are considered. Together with a general method for constructing CQ*-algebras, two different ways of extending the GNS-representation are presented.

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Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity. II: The case of unbounded operators

Parallels between the notions of nonlinear pseudobosons and of an apparent non-Hermiticity of observables as shown in paper I (arXiv: 1109.0605) are demonstrated to survive the transition to the quantum models based on the use of unbounded metric in the Hilbert space of states.

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Bi-squeezed states arising from pseudo-bosons

Extending our previous analysis on bi-coherent states, we introduce here a new class of quantum mechanical vectors, the \emph{bi-squeezed states}, and we deduce their main mathematical properties. We relate bi-squeezed states to the so-called regular and non regular pseudo-bosons. We show that these two cases are different, from a mathematical point of view. Some physical examples are considered.

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All‐in‐One Models

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From self-adjoint to non self-adjoint harmonic oscillators: physical consequences and mathematical pitfalls

Using as a prototype example the harmonic oscillator we show how losing self-adjointness of the hamiltonian $H$ changes drastically the related functional structure. In particular, we show that even a small deviation from strict self-adjointness of $H$ produces two deep consequences, not well understood in the literature: first of all, the original orthonormal basis of $H$ splits into two families of biorthogonal vectors. These two families are complete but, contrarily to what often claimed for similar systems, none of them is a basis for the Hilbert space $\Hil$. Secondly, the so-called metric operator is unbounded, as well as its inverse. In the second part of the paper, after an extensio…

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Bicommutants of reduced unbounded operator algebras

The unbounded bicommutant $(\mathfrak M_{E'})''$ of the {\em reduction} of an O*-algebra $\MM$ via a given projection $E'$ weakly commuting with $\mathfrak M$ is studied, with the aim of finding conditions under which the reduction of a GW*-algebra is a GW*-algebra itself. The obtained results are applied to the problem of the existence of conditional expectations on O*-algebras.

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Finite-dimensional pseudo-bosons: a non-Hermitian version of the truncated harmonic oscillator

We propose a deformed version of the commutation rule introduced in 1967 by Buchdahl to describe a particular model of the truncated harmonic oscillator. The rule we consider is defined on a $N$-dimensional Hilbert space $\Hil_N$, and produces two biorhogonal bases of $\Hil_N$ which are eigenstates of the Hamiltonians $h=\frac{1}{2}(q^2+p^2)$, and of its adjoint $h^\dagger$. Here $q$ and $p$ are non-Hermitian operators obeying $[q,p]=i(\1-Nk)$, where $k$ is a suitable orthogonal projection operator. These eigenstates are connected by ladder operators constructed out of $q$, $p$, $q^\dagger$ and $p^\dagger$. Some examples are discussed.

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Applications of topological *-algebras of unbounded operators to modified quons

In this paper we discuss some applications of topological *-algebras of unbounded operators to what we call Modified Quons (MQ). In particular, the existence of the thermodynamical limit for some models of free and interacting modified quons is proved in the same framework proposed by the author in a recent paper for ordinary bosons.

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Model pseudofermionic systems: Connections with exceptional points

We discuss the role of pseudo-fermions in the analysis of some two-dimensional models, recently introduced in connection with non self-adjoint hamiltonians. Among other aspects, we discuss the appearance of exceptional points in connection with the validity of the extended anti-commutation rules which define the pseudo-fermionic structure.

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Intertwining operators for non-self-adjoint hamiltonians and bicoherent states

This paper is devoted to the construction of what we will call {\em exactly solvable models}, i.e. of quantum mechanical systems described by an Hamiltonian $H$ whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be explicitly constructed out of some {\em minimal ingredients}. In particular, motivated by PT-quantum mechanics, we will not insist on any self-adjointness feature of the Hamiltonians considered in our construction. We also introduce the so-called bicoherent states, we analyze some of their properties and we show how they can be used for quantizing a system. Some examples, both in finite and in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, are discussed.

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Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian for a Modulated Jaynes-Cummings Model with PT Symmetry

We consider a two-level system such as a two-level atom, interacting with a cavity field mode in the rotating wave approximation, when the atomic transition frequency or the field mode frequency is periodically driven in time. We show that in both cases, for an appropriate choice of the modulation parameters, the state amplitudes in a generic $n${-}excitation subspace obey the same equations of motion that can be obtained from a \emph{static} non-Hermitian Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian with ${\mathcal PT}$ symmetry, that is with an imaginary coupling constant. This gives further support to recent results showing the possible physical interest of ${\mathcal PT}$ symmetric non-Hermitian Hamilto…

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Nonlinear pseudo-bosons

In a series of recent papers the author has introduced the notion of (regular) pseudo-bosons showing, in particular, that two number-like operators, whose spectra are ${\Bbb N}_0:={\Bbb N}\cup\{0\}$, can be naturally introduced. Here we extend this construction to operators with rather more general spectra. Of course, this generalization can be applied to many more physical systems. We discuss several examples of our framework.

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A note on the Pais-Uhlenbeck model and its coherent states

In some recent papers many quantum aspects of the Pais-Uhlenbeck model were discussed. In particular, several inequivalent hamiltonians have been proposed, with different features, giving rise, at a quantum level, to the fourth-order differential equation of the model. Here we propose two new possible hamiltonians which also produce the same differential equation. In particular our first hamiltonian is self-adjoint and positive. Our second proposal is written in terms of pseudo-bosonic operators. We discuss in details the ground states of these hamiltonians and the (bi-)coherent states of the models.

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Intertwining operators between different Hilbert spaces: connection with frames

In this paper we generalize a strategy recently proposed by the author concerning intertwining operators. In particular we discuss the possibility of extending our previous results in such a way to construct (almost) isospectral self-adjoint operators living in different Hilbert spaces. Many examples are discussed in details. Many of them arise from the theory of frames in Hilbert spaces, others from the so-called g-frames.

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More wavelet-like orthonormal bases for the lowest Landau level: Some considerations

In a previous work, Antoine and I (1994) have discussed a general procedure which 'projects' arbitrary orthonormal bases of L2(R) into orthonormal bases of the lowest Landau level. In this paper, we apply this procedure to a certain number of examples, with particular attention to the spline bases. We also discuss Haar, Littlewood-Paley and Journe bases.

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Eigenvalues of non-hermitian matrices: a dynamical and an iterative approach. Application to a truncated Swanson model

We propose two different strategies to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given, not necessarily Hermitian, matrix (Formula presented.). Our methods apply also to the case of complex eigenvalues, making the strategies interesting for applications to physics and to pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics in particular. We first consider a dynamical approach, based on a pair of ordinary differential equations defined in terms of the matrix (Formula presented.) and of its adjoint (Formula presented.). Then, we consider an extension of the so-called power method, for which we prove a fixed point theorem for (Formula presented.) useful in the determination of the eigenvalues of (Formula presented…

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Pseudo-fermions in an electronic loss-gain circuit

In some recent papers a loss-gain electronic circuit has been introduced and analyzed within the context of PT-quantum mechanics. In this paper we show that this circuit can be analyzed using the formalism of the so-called pseudo-fermions. In particular we discuss the time behavior of the circuit, and we construct two biorthogonal bases associated to the Liouville matrix $\Lc$ used in the treatment of the dynamics. We relate these bases to $\Lc$ and $\Lc^\dagger$, and we also show that a self-adjoint Liouville-like operator could be introduced in the game. Finally, we describe the time evolution of the circuit in an {\em Heisenberg-like} representation, driven by a non self-adjoint hamilton…

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Modeling interactions between political parties and electors

In this paper we extend some recent results on an operatorial approach to the description of alliances between political parties interacting among themselves and with a basin of electors. In particular, we propose and compare three different models, deducing the dynamics of their related {\em decision functions}, i.e. the attitude of each party to form or not an alliance. In the first model the interactions between each party and their electors are considered. We show that these interactions drive the decision functions towards certain asymptotic values depending on the electors only: this is the {\em perfect party}, which behaves following the electors' suggestions. The second model is an …

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More mathematics on pseudo-bosons

We propose an alternative definition for pseudo-bosons. This simplifies the mathematical structure, minimizing the required assumptions. Some physical examples are discussed, as well as some mathematical results related to the biorthogonal sets arising out of our framework. We also briefly extend the results to the so-called nonlinear pseudo-bosons.

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Projector operators in clustering

In a recent paper, the notion of quantum perceptron has been introduced in connection with projection operators. Here, we extend this idea, using these kind of operators to produce a clustering machine, that is, a framework that generates different clusters from a set of input data. Also, we consider what happens when the orthonormal bases first used in the definition of the projectors are replaced by frames and how these can be useful when trying to connect some noised signal to a given cluster. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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An operatorial approach to stock markets

We propose and discuss some toy models of stock markets using the same operatorial approach adopted in quantum mechanics. Our models are suggested by the discrete nature of the number of shares and of the cash which are exchanged in a real market, and by the existence of conserved quantities, like the total number of shares or some linear combination of cash and shares. The same framework as the one used in the description of a gas of interacting bosons is adopted.

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Some results on the rotated infinitely deep potential and its coherent states

The Swanson model is an exactly solvable model in quantum mechanics with a manifestly non self-adjoint Hamiltonian whose eigenvalues are all real. Its eigenvectors can be deduced easily, by means of suitable ladder operators. This is because the Swanson Hamiltonian is deeply connected with that of a standard quantum Harmonic oscillator, after a suitable rotation in configuration space is performed. In this paper we consider a rotated version of a different quantum system, the infinitely deep potential, and we consider some of the consequences of this rotation. In particular, we show that differences arise with respect to the Swanson model, mainly because of the technical need of working, he…

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A no-go result for the quantum damped harmonic oscillator

Abstract In this letter we show that it is not possible to set up a canonical quantization for the damped harmonic oscillator using the Bateman Lagrangian. In particular, we prove that no square integrable vacuum exists for the natural ladder operators of the system, and that the only vacua can be found as distributions. This implies that the procedure proposed by some authors is only formally correct, and requires a much deeper analysis to be made rigorous.

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Generalized Heisenberg algebra and (non linear) pseudo-bosons

We propose a deformed version of the generalized Heisenberg algebra by using techniques borrowed from the theory of pseudo-bosons. In particular, this analysis is relevant when non self-adjoint Hamiltonians are needed to describe a given physical system. We also discuss relations with nonlinear pseudo-bosons. Several examples are discussed.

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Simplified stock markets and their quantum-like dynamics

In this paper we continue our systematic analysis of the operatorial approach previously proposed in an economical context and we discuss a mixed toy model of a simplified stock market, i.e. a model in which the price of the shares is given as an input. We deduce the time evolution of the portfolio of the various traders of the market, as well as of other observable quantities. As in a previous paper, we solve the equations of motion by means of a fixed point like approximation.

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The role of information in a two-traders market

In a very simple stock market, made by only two \emph{initially equivalent} traders, we discuss how the information can affect the performance of the traders. More in detail, we first consider how the portfolios of the traders evolve in time when the market is \emph{closed}. After that, we discuss two models in which an interaction with the outer world is allowed. We show that, in this case, the two traders behave differently, depending on \textbf{i)} the amount of information which they receive from outside; and \textbf{ii)}the quality of this information.

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A quantum statistical approach to simplified stock markets

We use standard perturbation techniques originally formulated in quantum (statistical) mechanics in the analysis of a toy model of a stock market which is given in terms of bosonic operators. In particular we discuss the probability of transition from a given value of the {\em portfolio} of a certain trader to a different one. This computation can also be carried out using some kind of {\em Feynman graphs} adapted to the present context.

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Algebras of unbounded operators and physical applications: a survey

After a historical introduction on the standard algebraic approach to quantum mechanics of large systems we review the basic mathematical aspects of the algebras of unbounded operators. After that we discuss in some details their relevance in physical applications.

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Multiplications of Distributions in One Dimension and a First Application to Quantum Field Theory

In a previous paper we introduced a class of multiplications of distributions in one dimension. Here we furnish different generalizations of the original definition and we discuss some applications of these procedures to the multiplication of delta functions and to quantum field theory. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).

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Some results on the dynamics and transition probabilities for non self-adjoint hamiltonians

We discuss systematically several possible inequivalent ways to describe the dynamics and the transition probabilities of a quantum system when its hamiltonian is not self-adjoint. In order to simplify the treatment, we mainly restrict our analysis to finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. In particular, we propose some experiments which could discriminate between the various possibilities considered in the paper. An example taken from the literature is discussed in detail.

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Many-body applications of the stochastic limit: a review

We review some applications of the perturbative technique known as the {\em stochastic limit approach} to the analysis of the following many-body problems: the fractional quantum Hall effect, the relations between the Hepp-Lieb and the Alli-Sewell models (as possible models of interaction between matter and radiation), and the open BCS model of low temperature superconductivity.

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Bicoherent-State Path Integral Quantization of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian

We introduce, for the first time, bicoherent-state path integration as a method for quantizing non-hermitian systems. Bicoherent-state path integrals arise as a natural generalization of ordinary coherent-state path integrals, familiar from hermitian quantum physics. We do all this by working out a concrete example, namely, computation of the propagator of a certain quasi-hermitian variant of Swanson's model, which is not invariant under conventional $PT$-transformation. The resulting propagator coincides with that of the propagator of the standard harmonic oscillator, which is isospectral with the model under consideration by virtue of a similarity transformation relating the corresponding…

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Quantum dynamics for classical systems

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On the presence of families of pseudo-bosons in nilpotent Lie algebras of arbitrary corank

We have recently shown that pseudo-bosonic operators realize concrete examples of finite dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras over the complex field. It has been the first time that such operators were analyzed in terms of nilpotent Lie algebras (under prescribed conditions of physical character). On the other hand, the general classification of a finite dimensional nilpotent Lie algebra $\mathfrak{l}$ may be given via the size of its Schur multiplier involving the so-called corank $t(\mathfrak{l})$ of $\mathfrak{l}$. We represent $\mathfrak{l}$ by pseudo-bosonic ladder operators for $t(\mathfrak{l}) \le 6$ and this allows us to represent $\mathfrak{l}$ when its dimension is $\le 5$.

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Relations between the Hepp-Lieb and the Alli-Sewell Laser Models

In this paper we show that the dissipative version of the laser model proposed by Alli and Sewell can be obtained by considering the stochastic limit of the (open system) hamiltonian introduced by Hepp and Lieb in their seminal work. We also prove that the Dicke-Haken-Lax hamiltonian produces, after the stochastic limit is considered, the generator of a semigroup with equations of motion very similar to those of Alli-Sewell, and coinciding with these under suitable conditions.

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D-Pseudo-Bosons, Complex Hermite Polynomials, and Integral Quantization

The D-pseudo-boson formalism is illustrated with two examples. The first one involves deformed complex Hermite polynomials built using finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the group GL(2, C) of invertible 2 × 2 matrices with complex entries. It reveals interesting aspects of these representations. The second example is based on a pseudo-bosonic generalization of operator-valued functions of a complex variable which resolves the identity. We show that such a generalization allows one to obtain a quantum pseudo-bosonic version of the complex plane viewed as the canonical phase space and to understand functions of the pseudo-bosonic operators as the quantized versions of functions…

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Algebraic dynamics in O*-algebras: a perturbative approach

In this paper the problem of recovering an algebraic dynamics in a perturbative approach is discussed. The mathematical environment in which the physical problem is considered is that of algebras of unbounded operators endowed with the quasiuniform topology. After some remarks on the domain of the perturbation, conditions are given for the dynamics to exist as the limit of a net of regularized linear maps. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.

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A model of adaptive decision-making from representation of information environment by quantum fields

We present the mathematical model of decision making (DM) of agents acting in a complex and uncertain environment (combining huge variety of economical, financial, behavioral, and geo-political factors). To describe interaction of agents with it, we apply the formalism of quantum field theory (QTF). Quantum fields are of the purely informational nature. The QFT-model can be treated as a far relative of the expected utility theory, where the role of utility is played by adaptivity to an environment (bath). However, this sort of utility-adaptivity cannot be represented simply as a numerical function. The operator representation in Hilbert space is used and adaptivity is described as in quantu…

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Generalized Riesz systems and orthonormal sequences in Krein spaces

We analyze special classes of bi-orthogonal sets of vectors in Hilbert and in Krein spaces, and their relations with generalized Riesz systems. In this way, the notion of the first/second type sequences is introduced and studied. We also discuss their relevance in some concrete quantum mechanical system driven by manifestly non self-adjoint Hamiltonians.

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An operatorial description of desertification

We propose a simple theoretical model for desertification processes based on three actors (soil, seeds, and plants) on a two-dimensional lattice. Each actor is described by a time dependent fermionic operator, and the dynamics is ruled by a self-adjoint Hamilton-like operator. We show that even taking into account only a few parameters, accounting for external actions on the ecosystem or the response to positive feedbacks, the model provides a plausible description of the desertification process, and can be adapted to different ecological landscapes. We first describe the simplified model in one cell. Then, we define the full model on a two-dimensional region, taking into account additional…

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Coherent states: a contemporary panorama

Coherent states (CS) of the harmonic oscillator (also called canonical CS) were introduced in 1926 by Schr?dinger in answer to a remark by Lorentz on the classical interpretation of the wave function. They were rediscovered in the early 1960s, first (somewhat implicitly) by Klauder in the context of a novel representation of quantum states, then by Glauber and Sudarshan for the description of coherence in lasers. Since then, CS have grown into an extremely rich domain that pervades almost every corner of physics and have also led to the development of several flourishing topics in mathematics. Along the way, a number of review articles have appeared in the literature, devoted to CS, notably…

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Examples of pseudo-bosons in quantum mechanics

We discuss two physical examples of the so-called {\em pseudo-bosons}, recently introduced in connection with pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics. In particular, we show that the so-called {\em extended harmonic oscillator} and the {\em Swanson model} satisfy all the assumptions of the pseudo-bosonic framework introduced by the author. We also prove that the biorthogonal bases they produce are not Riesz bases.

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Topological quasi *-algebras and the time evolution of QM∞systems

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States and representations of CQ∗ -algebras

A class of quasi *-algebras which exhibits some analogy with C*-algebras is studied. The extension of some properties of C*-algebras which are relevant for physical applications (such as the GNS-representation) is discussed. Quasi *-algebras of linear operators in rigged Hilbert space are shown to be typical examples of the developed framework.

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Generalized Bogoliubov transformations versus D-pseudo-bosons

We demonstrate that not all generalized Bogoliubov transformations lead to D -pseudo-bosons and prove that a correspondence between the two can only be achieved with the imposition of specific constraints on the parameters defining the transformation. For certain values of the parameters, we find that the norms of the vectors in sets of eigenvectors of two related apparently non-selfadjoint number-like operators possess different types of asymptotic behavior. We use this result to deduce further that they constitute bases for a Hilbert space, albeit neither of them can form a Riesz base. When the constraints are relaxed, they cease to be Hilbert space bases but remain D -quasibases.

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$O^\star$-algebras and quantum dynamics: some existence results

We discuss the possibility of defining an algebraic dynamics within the settings of O -algebras. Compared to our previous results on this subject, the main improvement here is that we are not assuming the existence of some Hamiltonian for the full physical system. We will show that, under suitable conditions, the dynamics can still be defined via some limiting procedure starting from a given regularized sequence. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.

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Linear pseudo-fermions

In a recent series of papers we have analyzed a certain deformation of the canonical commutation relations producing an interesting functional structure which has been proved to have some connections with physics, and in particular with quasi-hermitian quantum mechanics. Here we repeat a similar analysis starting with the canonical anticommutation relations. We will show that in this case most of the assumptions needed in the former situation are automatically satisfied, making our construction rather {\em friendly}. We discuss some examples of our construction, again related to quasi-hermitian quantum mechanics, and the bi-coherent states for the system.

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Toward a formalization of a two traders market with information exchange

This paper shows that Hamiltonians and operators can also be put to good use even in contexts which are not purely physics based. Consider the world of finance. The work presented here {models a two traders system with information exchange with the help of four fundamental operators: cash and share operators; a portfolio operator and an operator reflecting the loss of information. An information Hamiltonian is considered and an additional Hamiltonian is presented which reflects the dynamics of selling/buying shares between traders. An important result of the paper is that when the information Hamiltonian is zero, portfolio operators commute with the Hamiltonian and this suggests that the dy…

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A Quantum-Like View to a Generalized Two Players Game

This paper consider the possibility of using some quantum tools in decision making strategies. In particular, we consider here a dynamical open quantum system helping two players, $\G_1$ and $\G_2$, to take their decisions in a specific context. We see that, within our approach, the final choices of the players do not depend in general on their initial {\em mental states}, but they are driven essentially by the environment which interacts with them. The model proposed here also considers interactions of different nature between the two players, and it is simple enough to allow for an analytical solution of the equations of motion.

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Artificial neural networks and liver diseases: An economic and pre-imaging diagnosis

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Some results on the algebraic approach to quantum dynamics

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Physical applications of algebras of unbounded operators

During the past 20 years a long series of papers concerning algebras of unbounded operators appeared in the literature, papers which, though being originally motivated by physical arguments, contain almost no physics at all. On the contrary the mathematical aspects of these algebras have been analyzed in many details and this analysis produced, up to now, the monographes [32] and [2]. Some physics appeared first in [28] and [31], in the attempt to describe systems with a very large (1024) number of degrees of freedom, following some general ideas originally proposed in the famous Haag and Kastler’s paper, [27], on QM∞.

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Construction of pseudo-bosons systems

In a recent paper we have considered an explicit model of a PT-symmetric system based on a modification of the canonical commutation relation. We have introduced the so-called {\em pseudo-bosons}, and the role of Riesz bases in this context has been analyzed in detail. In this paper we consider a general construction of pseudo-bosons based on an explicit {coordinate-representation}, extending what is usually done in ordinary supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We also discuss an example arising from a linear modification of standard creation and annihilation operators, and we analyze its connection with coherent states.

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Non-Hermitian Physics and Master Equations

A longstanding tool to characterize the evolution of open Markovian quantum systems is the GKSL (Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad) master equation. However, in some cases, open quantum systems can be effectively described with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, which have attracted great interest in the last twenty years due to a number of unconventional properties, such as the appearance of exceptional points. Here, we present a short review of these two different approaches aiming in particular to highlight their relation and illustrate different ways of connecting non-Hermitian Hamiltonian to a GKSL master equation for the full density matrix.

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A description of pseudo-bosons in terms of nilpotent Lie algebras

We show how the one-mode pseudo-bosonic ladder operators provide concrete examples of nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension five. It is the first time that an algebraic-geometric structure of this kind is observed in the context of pseudo-bosonic operators. Indeed we don't find the well known Heisenberg algebras, which are involved in several quantum dynamical systems, but different Lie algebras which may be decomposed in the sum of two abelian Lie algebras in a prescribed way. We introduce the notion of semidirect sum (of Lie algebras) for this scope and find that it describes very well the behaviour of pseudo-bosonic operators in many quantum models.

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D pseudo-bosons in quantum models

Abstract We show how some recent models of PT-quantum mechanics perfectly fit into the settings of D pseudo-bosons, as introduced by one of us. Among the others, we also consider a model of non-commutative quantum mechanics, and we show that this model too can be described in terms of D pseudo-bosons.

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Levels of Welfare: The Role of Reservoirs

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Nonstandard analysis in classical physics and quantum formal scattering

After a rigorous introduction to hyperreal numbers, we give in terms of non standard analysis, (1) a Lagrangian statement of classical physics, and (2) a statement of formal quantum scattering. © 1988 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

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An Interlude: Writing the Hamiltonian

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Weak commutation relations of unbounded operators and applications

Four possible definitions of the commutation relation $[S,T]=\Id$ of two closable unbounded operators $S,T$ are compared. The {\em weak} sense of this commutator is given in terms of the inner product of the Hilbert space $\H$ where the operators act. Some consequences on the existence of eigenvectors of two number-like operators are derived and the partial O*-algebra generated by $S,T$ is studied. Some applications are also considered.

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Quantum Concepts in the Social, Ecological and Biological Sciences

This is a book of applications of quantum techniques to modelization in various areas.

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Bi-coherent states as generalized eigenstates of the position and the momentum operators

AbstractIn this paper, we show that the position and the derivative operators, $${{\hat{q}}}$$ q ^ and $${{\hat{D}}}$$ D ^ , can be treated as ladder operators connecting various vectors of two biorthonormal families, $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_\varphi $$ F φ and $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_\psi $$ F ψ . In particular, the vectors in $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_\varphi $$ F φ are essentially monomials in x, $$x^k$$ x k , while those in $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}_\psi $$ F ψ are weak derivatives of the Dirac delta distribution, $$\delta ^{(m)}(x)$$ δ ( m ) ( x ) , times some normalization factor. We also show how bi-coherent states can be constructed for these $${{\hat{q}}}$$ q ^ and $${{\hat{D}}}$$ D ^ , both as con…

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A dynamical approach to compatible and incompatible questions

We propose a natural strategy to deal with compatible and incompatible binary questions, and with their time evolution. The strategy is based on the simplest, non-commutative, Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}=\mathbb{C}^2$, and on the (commuting or not) operators on it. As in ordinary Quantum Mechanics, the dynamics is driven by a suitable operator, the Hamiltonian of the system. We discuss a rather general situation, and analyse the resulting dynamics if the Hamiltonian is a simple Hermitian matrix.

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Applications of wavelets to quantum mechanics: A pedagogical example

We discuss in many details two quantum mechanical models of planar electrons which are very much related to the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. In particular, we discuss the localization properties of the trial ground states of the models starting from considerations on the numerical results on the energy. We conclude that wavelet theory can be conveniently used in the description of the system. Finally we suggest applications of our results to the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.

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Extended pseudo-fermions from non commutative bosons

We consider some modifications of the two dimensional canonical commutation relations, leading to {\em non commutative bosons} and we show how biorthogonal bases of the Hilbert space of the system can be obtained out of them. Our construction extends those recently introduced by one of us (FB), modifying the canonical anticommutation relations. We also briefly discuss how bicoherent states, producing a resolution of the identity, can be defined.

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Gibbs states defined by biorthogonal sequences

Motivated by the growing interest on PT-quantum mechanics, in this paper we discuss some facts on generalized Gibbs states and on their related KMS-like conditions. To achieve this, we first consider some useful connections between similar (Hamiltonian) operators and we propose some extended version of the Heisenberg algebraic dynamics, deducing some of their properties, useful for our purposes.

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A note on faithful traces on a von Neumann algebra

In this short note we give some techniques for constructing, starting from a {\it sufficient} family $\mc F$ of semifinite or finite traces on a von Neumann algebra $\M$, a new trace which is faithful.

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A First Look at Stock Markets

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Two-dimensional Noncommutative Swanson Model and Its Bicoherent States

We introduce an extended version of the Swanson model, defined on a two-dimensional noncommutative space, which can be diagonalized exactly by making use of pseudo-bosonic operators. Its eigenvalues are explicitly computed and the biorthogonal sets of eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and of its adjoint are explicitly constructed.We also show that it is possible to construct two displacement-like operators from which a family of bi-coherent states can be obtained. These states are shown to be eigenstates of the deformed lowering operators, and their projector allows to produce a suitable resolution of the identity in a dense subspace of \(\mathcal{L}^\mathrm{2}\, (\mathbb{R}^\mathrm{2})\).

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Quantum field inspired model of decision making: Asymptotic stabilization of belief state via interaction with surrounding mental environment

This paper is devoted to justification of quantum-like models of the process of decision making based on the theory of open quantum systems, i.e. decision making is considered as decoherence. This process is modeled as interaction of a decision maker, Alice, with a mental (information) environment ${\cal R}$ surrounding her. Such an interaction generates "dissipation of uncertainty" from Alice's belief-state $\rho(t)$ into ${\cal R}$ and asymptotic stabilization of $\rho(t)$ to a steady belief-state. The latter is treated as the decision state. Mathematically the problem under study is about finding constraints on ${\cal R}$ guaranteeing such stabilization. We found a partial solution of th…

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Hamiltonians defined by biorthogonal sets

In some recent papers, the studies on biorthogonal Riesz bases has found a renewed motivation because of their connection with pseudo-hermitian Quantum Mechanics, which deals with physical systems described by Hamiltonians which are not self-adjoint but still may have real point spectra. Also, their eigenvectors may form Riesz, not necessarily orthonormal, bases for the Hilbert space in which the model is defined. Those Riesz bases allow a decomposition of the Hamiltonian, as already discussed is some previous papers. However, in many physical models, one has to deal not with o.n. bases or with Riesz bases, but just with biorthogonal sets. Here, we consider the more general concept of $\mat…

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Quantizations from reproducing kernel spaces

Abstract The purpose of this work is to explore the existence and properties of reproducing kernel Hilbert subspaces of L 2 ( C , d 2 z / π ) based on subsets of complex Hermite polynomials. The resulting coherent states (CS) form a family depending on a nonnegative parameter s . We examine some interesting issues, mainly related to CS quantization, like the existence of the usual harmonic oscillator spectrum despite the absence of canonical commutation rules. The question of mathematical and physical equivalences between the s -dependent quantizations is also considered.

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First results on applying a non-linear effect formalism to alliances between political parties and buy and sell dynamics

We discuss a non linear extension of a model of alliances in politics, recently proposed by one of us. The model is constructed in terms of operators, describing the \emph{interest} of three parties to form, or not, some political alliance with the other parties. The time evolution of what we call \emph{the decision functions} is deduced by introducing a suitable hamiltonian, which describes the main effects of the interactions of the parties amongst themselves and with their \emph{environments}, {which are }generated by their electors and by people who still have no clear {idea }for which party to vote (or even if to vote). The hamiltonian contains some non-linear effects, which takes into…

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Fixed Points in Topological *-Algebras of Unbounded Operators

We discuss some results concerning fixed point equations in the setting of topological *-algebras of unbounded operators. In particular, an existence result is obtained for what we have called {\em weak $\tau$ strict contractions}, and some continuity properties of these maps are discussed. We also discuss possible applications of our procedure to quantum mechanical systems.

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A Noncommutative Approach to Ordinary Differential Equations

We adapt ideas coming from Quantum Mechanics to develop a non-commutative strategy for the analysis of some systems of ordinary differential equations. We show that the solution of such a system can be described by an unbounded, self-adjoint and densely defined operator H which we call, in analogy with Quantum Mechanics, the Hamiltonian of the system. We discuss the role of H in the analysis of the integrals of motion of the system. Finally, we apply this approach to several examples.

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kq-Representation for pseudo-bosons, and completeness of bi-coherent states

We show how the Zak $kq$-representation can be adapted to deal with pseudo-bosons, and under which conditions. Then we use this representation to prove completeness of a discrete set of bi-coherent states constructed by means of pseudo-bosonic operators. The case of Riesz bi-coherent states is analyzed in detail.

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(H,ρ)-induced dynamics and large time behaviors

Abstract In some recent papers, the so called ( H , ρ ) -induced dynamics of a system S whose time evolution is deduced adopting an operatorial approach, borrowed in part from quantum mechanics, has been introduced. Here, H is the Hamiltonian for S , while ρ is a certain rule applied periodically (or not) on S . The analysis carried on throughout this paper shows that, replacing the Heisenberg dynamics with the ( H , ρ ) -induced one, we obtain a simple, and somehow natural, way to prove that some relevant dynamical variables of S may converge, for large t , to certain asymptotic values. This cannot be so, for finite dimensional systems, if no rule is considered. In this case, in fact, any …

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Generalized Riesz systems and quasi bases in Hilbert space

The purpose of this article is twofold. First of all, the notion of $(D, E)$-quasi basis is introduced for a pair $(D, E)$ of dense subspaces of Hilbert spaces. This consists of two biorthogonal sequences $\{ \varphi_n \}$ and $\{ \psi_n \}$ such that $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \ip{x}{\varphi_n}\ip{\psi_n}{y}=\ip{x}{y}$ for all $x \in D$ and $y \in E$. Secondly, it is shown that if biorthogonal sequences $\{ \varphi_n \}$ and $\{ \psi_n \}$ form a $(D ,E)$-quasi basis, then they are generalized Riesz systems. The latter play an interesting role for the construction of non-self-adjoint Hamiltonians and other physically relevant operators.

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Non-self-adjoint hamiltonians defined by Riesz bases

We discuss some features of non-self-adjoint Hamiltonians with real discrete simple spectrum under the assumption that the eigenvectors form a Riesz basis of Hilbert space. Among other things, {we give conditions under which these Hamiltonians} can be factorized in terms of generalized lowering and raising operators.

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Exceptional points in a non-Hermitian extension of the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian

We consider a generalization of the non-Hermitian \({\mathcal PT}\) symmetric Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian, recently introduced for studying optical phenomena with time-dependent physical parameters, that includes environment-induced decay. In particular, we investigate the interaction of a two-level fermionic system (such as a two-level atom) with a single bosonic field mode in a cavity. The states of the two-level system are allowed to decay because of the interaction with the environment, and this is included phenomenologically in our non-Hermitian Hamiltonian by introducing complex energies for the fermion system. We focus our attention on the occurrence of exceptional points in the spec…

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Few Simple Rules to Fix the Dynamics of Classical Systems Using Operators

We show how to use operators in the description of exchanging processes often taking place in (complex) classical systems. In particular, we propose a set of rules giving rise to an Hamiltonian operator for such a system \({\mathcal{S}}\), which can be used to deduce the dynamics of \({\mathcal{S}}\).

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The stochastic limit in the analysis of the open BCS model

In this paper we show how the perturbative procedure known as {\em stochastic limit} may be useful in the analysis of the Open BCS model discussed by Buffet and Martin as a spin system interacting with a fermionic reservoir. In particular we show how the same values of the critical temperature and of the order parameters can be found with a significantly simpler approach.

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Structure of locally convex quasi C * -algebras

There are examples of C*-algebras A that accept a locally convex *-topology τ coarser than the given one, such that Ã[τ] (the completion of A with respect to τ) is a GB*-algebra. The multiplication of A[τ] may be or not be jointly continuous. In the second case, Ã[*] may fail being a locally convex *-algebra, but it is a partial *-algebra. In both cases the structure and the representation theory of Ã[τ] are investigated. If Ã+ τ denotes the τ-closure of the positive cone A+ of the given C*-algebra A, then the property Ā+ τ ∩ (-Ā+ τ) = {0} is decisive for the existence of certain faithful *-representations of the corresponding *-algebra Ã[τ]

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Some invariant biorthogonal sets with an application to coherent states

We show how to construct, out of a certain basis invariant under the action of one or more unitary operators, a second biorthogonal set with similar properties. In particular, we discuss conditions for this new set to be also a basis of the Hilbert space, and we apply the procedure to coherent states. We conclude the paper considering a simple application of our construction to pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics.

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Dissipation evidence for the quantum damped harmonic oscillator via pseudo-bosons

It is known that a self-adjoint, time-independent hamiltonian can be defined for the quantum damped harmonic oscillator. We show here that the two vacua naturally associated to this operator, when expressed in terms of pseudo-bosonic lowering and raising operators, appear to be non square-integrable. This fact is interpreted as the evidence of the dissipation effect of the classical oscillator at a purely quantum level.

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Pseudo-Bosons, So Far

In the past years several extensions of the canonical commutation relations have been proposed by different people in different contexts and some interesting physics and mathematics have been deduced. Here, we review some recent results on the so-called {\em pseudo-bosons}. They arise from a special deformation of the canonical commutation relation $[a,a^\dagger]=\1$, which is replaced by $[a,b]=\1$, with $b$ not necessarily equal to $a^\dagger$. We start discussing some of their mathematical properties and then we discuss several examples.

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Pseudo-bosons for the $D_2$ type quantum Calogero model

In the first part of this paper we show how a simple system, a 2-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator, can be described in terms of pseudo-bosonic variables. This apparently {\em strange} choice is useful when the {\em natural} Hilbert space of the system, $L^2({\bf R}^2)$ in this case, is, for some reason, not the most appropriate. This is exactly what happens for the $D_2$ type quantum Calogero model considered in the second part of the paper, where the Hilbert space $L^2({\bf R}^2)$ appears to be an unappropriate choice, since the eigenvectors of the relevant hamiltonian are not square-integrable. Then we discuss how a certain intertwining operator arising from the model can be used t…

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On some properties of g-frames and g-coherent states

After a short review of some basic facts on g-frames, we analyze in details the so-called (alternate) dual g-frames. We end the paper by introducing what we call {\em g-coherent states} and studying their properties.

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?Almost? mean-field ising model: An algebraic approach

We study the thermodynamic limit of the algebraic dynamics for an "almost" mean-field Ising model, which is a slight generalization of the Ising model in the mean-field approximation. We prove that there exists a family of "relevant" states on which the algebraic dynamics αt can be defined. This αt defines a group of automorphisms of the algebra obtained by completing the standard spin algebra with respect to the quasiuniform topology defined by our states. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

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A short note on O*-algebras and quantum dynamics

We review some recent results concerning algebraic dynamics and O*-algebras. We also give a perturbative condition which can be used, in connection with previous results, to define a time evolution via a limiting procedure.

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Some physical appearances of vector coherent states and coherent states related to degenerate Hamiltonians

In the spirit of some earlier work on the construction of vector coherent states over matrix domains, we compute here such states associated to some physical Hamiltonians. In particular, we construct vector coherent states of the Gazeau-Klauder type. As a related problem, we also suggest a way to handle degeneracies in the Hamiltonian for building coherent states. Specific physical Hamiltonians studied include a single photon mode interacting with a pair of fermions, a Hamiltonian involving a single boson and a single fermion, a charged particle in a three dimensional harmonic force field and the case of a two-dimensional electron placed in a constant magnetic field, orthogonal to the plane…

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Weak pseudo-bosons

We show how the notion of {\em pseudo-bosons}, originally introduced as operators acting on some Hilbert space, can be extended to a distributional settings. In doing so, we are able to construct a rather general framework to deal with generalized eigenvectors of the multiplication and of the derivation operators. Connections with the quantum damped harmonic oscillator are also briefly considered.

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Transition probabilities for non self-adjoint Hamiltonians in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces

In a recent paper we have introduced several possible inequivalent descriptions of the dynamics and of the transition probabilities of a quantum system when its Hamiltonian is not self-adjoint. Our analysis was carried out in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. This is useful, but quite restrictive since many physically relevant quantum systems live in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. In this paper we consider this situation, and we discuss some applications to well known models, introduced in the literature in recent years: the extended harmonic oscillator, the Swanson model and a generalized version of the Landau levels Hamiltonian. Not surprisingly we will find new interesting feature…

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Abstract ladder operators and their applications

We consider a rather general version of ladder operator $Z$ used by some authors in few recent papers, $[H_0,Z]=\lambda Z$ for some $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$, $H_0=H_0^\dagger$, and we show that several interesting results can be deduced from this formula. Then we extend it in two ways: first we replace the original equality with formula $[H_0,Z]=\lambda Z[Z^\dagger, Z]$, and secondly we consider $[H,Z]=\lambda Z$ for some $\lambda\in\mathbb{C}$, $H\neq H^\dagger$. In both cases many applications are discussed. In particular we consider factorizable Hamiltonians and Hamiltonians written in terms of operators satisfying the generalized Heisenberg algebra or the $\D$ pseudo-bosonic commutation r…

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Nonstandard variational calculus with applications to classical mechanics. 1. An existence criterion

Using the framework of nonstandard analysis, I find the discretized version of the Euler-Lagrange equation for classical dynamical systems and discuss the existence of an extremum for a given functional in variational calculus. Some results related to the Cauchy existence theorem are obtained and discussed with various examples.

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Hamiltonians Generated by Parseval Frames

AbstractIt is known that self-adjoint Hamiltonians with purely discrete eigenvalues can be written as (infinite) linear combination of mutually orthogonal projectors with eigenvalues as coefficients of the expansion. The projectors are defined by the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonians. In some recent papers, this expansion has been extended to the case in which these eigenvectors form a Riesz basis or, more recently, a ${\mathcal{D}}$ D -quasi basis (Bagarello and Bellomonte in J. Phys. A 50:145203, 2017, Bagarello et al. in J. Math. Phys. 59:033506, 2018), rather than an orthonormal basis. Here we discuss what can be done when these sets are replaced by Parseval frames. This interest is moti…

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A bounded version of bosonic creation and annihilation operators and their related quasi-coherent states

Coherent states are usually defined as eigenstates of an unbounded operator, the so-called annihilation operator. We propose here possible constructions of {\em quasi-coherent states}, which turn out to be {\em quasi} eigenstate of a \underline{bounded} operator related to an annihilation-like operator. We use this bounded operator to construct a sort of modified harmonic oscillator and we analyze the dynamics of this oscillator from an algebraic point of view.

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A Phenomenological Operator Description of Dynamics of Crowds: Escape Strategies

Abstract We adopt an operatorial method, based on creation, annihilation and number operators, to describe one or two populations mutually interacting and moving in a two-dimensional region. In particular, we discuss how the two populations, contained in a certain two-dimensional region with a non-trivial topology, react when some alarm occurs. We consider the cases of both low and high densities of the populations, and discuss what is changing as the strength of the interaction increases. We also analyze what happens when the region has either a single exit or two ways out.

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(H, ρ)-induced dynamics and the quantum game of life

Abstract We propose an extended version of quantum dynamics for a certain system S , whose evolution is ruled by a Hamiltonian H, its initial conditions, and a suitable set ρ of rules, acting repeatedly on S . The resulting dynamics is not necessarily periodic or quasi-periodic, as one could imagine for conservative systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. In fact, it may have quite different behaviors depending on the explicit forms of H, ρ as well as on the initial conditions. After a general discussion on this (H, ρ)-induced dynamics, we apply our general ideas to extend the classical game of life, and we analyze several aspects of this extension.

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Non-isospectral Hamiltonians, intertwining operators and hidden hermiticity

We have recently proposed a strategy to produce, starting from a given hamiltonian $h_1$ and a certain operator $x$ for which $[h_1,xx^\dagger]=0$ and $x^\dagger x$ is invertible, a second hamiltonian $h_2$ with the same eigenvalues as $h_1$ and whose eigenvectors are related to those of $h_1$ by $x^\dagger$. Here we extend this procedure to build up a second hamiltonian, whose eigenvalues are different from those of $h_1$, and whose eigenvectors are still related as before. This new procedure is also extended to crypto-hermitian hamiltonians.

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{$CQ\sp *$}-algebras: structure properties

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Applications of Topological *-Algebras of Unbounded Operators

In this paper we discuss some physical applications of topological *-algebras of unbounded operators. Our first example is a simple system of free bosons. Then we analyze different models which are related to this one. We also discuss the time evolution of two interacting models of matter and bosons. We show that for all these systems it is possible to build up a common framework where the thermodynamical limit of the algebraic dynamics can be conveniently studied and obtained.

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Representable states on quasilocal quasi *-algebras

Continuing a previous analysis originally motivated by physics, we consider representable states on quasi-local quasi *-algebras, starting with examining the possibility for a {\em compatible} family of {\em local} states to give rise to a {\em global} state. Some properties of {\em local modifications} of representable states and some aspects of their asymptotic behavior are also considered.

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Wavelet-like orthonormal bases for the lowest Landau level

As a first step in the description of a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field, such as encountered in the fractional quantum Hall effect, we discuss a general procedure for constructing an orthonormal basis for the lowest Landau level, starting from an arbitrary orthonormal basis in L2(R). We discuss in detail two relevant examples coming from wavelet analysis, the Haar and the Littlewood-Paley bases.

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Non-self-adjoint Hamiltonians with complex eigenvalues

Motivated by what one observes dealing with PT-symmetric quantum mechanics, we discuss what happens if a physical system is driven by a diagonalizable Hamiltonian with not all real eigenvalues. In particular, we consider the functional structure related to systems living in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, and we show that certain intertwining relations can be deduced also in this case if we introduce suitable antilinear operators. We also analyze a simple model, computing the transition probabilities in the broken and in the unbroken regime.

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$PT$-symmetric graphene under a magnetic field

We propose a $PT$-symmetrically deformed version of the graphene tight-binding model under a magnetic field. We analyze the structure of the spectra and the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonians around the $K$ and $K'$ points, both in the $PT$-symmetric and $PT$-broken regions. In particular we show that the presence of the deformation parameter $V$ produces several interesting consequences, including the asymmetry of the zero-energy states of the Hamiltonians and the breakdown of the completeness of the eigenvector sets. We also discuss the biorthogonality of the eigenvectors, which {turns out to be} different in the $PT$-symmetric and $PT$-broken regions.

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A chain of solvable non-Hermitian Hamiltonians constructed by a series of metric operators

We show how, given a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian $H$, we can generate new non-Hermitian operators sequentially, producing a virtually infinite chain of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians which are isospectral to $H$ and $H^\dagger$ and whose eigenvectors we can easily deduce in an almost automatic way; no ingredients are necessary other than $H$ and its eigensystem. To set off the chain and keep it running, we use, for the first time in our knowledge, a series of maps all connected to different metric operators. We show how the procedure works in several physically relevant systems. In particular, we apply our method to various versions of the Hatano-Nelson model and to some PT-symmetric Hamiltonians.

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Multi-Resolution Analysis and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: More Results

In a previous paper we have proven that any multi-resolution analysis of $L^2(\R)$ produces, for even values of the inverse filling factor and for a square lattice, a single-electron wave function of the lowest Landau level (LLL) which, together with its (magnetic) translated, gives rise to an orthonormal set in the LLL. We have also discussed the inverse construction. In this paper we simplify the procedure, clarifying the role of the kq-representation. Moreover, we extend our previous results to the more physically relevant case of a triangular lattice and to odd values of the inverse filling factor. We also comment on other possible shapes of the lattice as well as on the extension to ot…

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Some classes of topological quasi *-algebras

The completion $\overline{A}[\tau]$ of a locally convex *-algebra $A [ \tau ]$ with not jointly continuous multiplication is a *-vector space with partial multiplication $xy$ defined only for $x$ or $y \in A_{0}$, and it is called a topological quasi *-algebra. In this paper two classes of topological quasi *-algebras called strict CQ$^*$-algebras and HCQ$^*$-algebras are studied. Roughly speaking, a strict CQ$^*$-algebra (resp. HCQ$^*$-algebra) is a Banach (resp. Hilbert) quasi *-algebra containing a C$^*$-algebra endowed with another involution $\sharp$ and C$^*$-norm $\| \|_{\sharp}$. HCQ$^*$-algebras are closely related to left Hilbert algebras. We shall show that a Hilbert space is a H…

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Matrix Computations for the Dynamics of Fermionic Systems

In a series of recent papers we have shown how the dynamical behavior of certain classical systems can be analyzed using operators evolving according to Heisenberg-like equations of motions. In particular, we have shown that raising and lowering operators play a relevant role in this analysis. The technical problem of our approach stands in the difficulty of solving the equations of motion, which are, first of all, {\em operator-valued} and, secondly, quite often nonlinear. In this paper we construct a general procedure which significantly simplifies the treatment for those systems which can be described in terms of fermionic operators. The proposed procedure allows to get an analytic solut…

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Modified Landau levels, damped harmonic oscillator and two-dimensional pseudo-bosons

In a series of recent papers one of us has analyzed in some details a class of elementary excitations called {\em pseudo-bosons}. They arise from a special deformation of the canonical commutation relation $[a,a^\dagger]=\1$, which is replaced by $[a,b]=\1$, with $b$ not necessarily equal to $a^\dagger$. Here, after a two-dimensional extension of the general framework, we apply the theory to a generalized version of the two-dimensional Hamiltonian describing Landau levels. Moreover, for this system, we discuss coherent states and we deduce a resolution of the identity. We also consider a different class of examples arising from a classical system, i.e. a damped harmonic oscillator.

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New structures in the theory of the laser model. II. Microscopic dynamics and a nonequilibrium entropy principle

In a recent article, Alli and Sewell [J. Math. Phys. 36, 5598 (1995)] formulated a new version of the Dicke-Hepp-Lieb laser model in terms of quantum dynamical semigroups, and thereby extended the macroscopic picture of the model. In the present article, we complement that picture with a corresponding microscopic one, which carries the following new results. (a) The local microscopic dynamics of the model is piloted by the classical, macroscopic field, generated by the collective action of its components; (b) the global state of the system carries no correlations between its constituent atoms after transient effects have died out; and (c) in the latter situation, the state of the system at …

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Heisenberg dynamics for non self-adjoint Hamiltonians: symmetries and derivations

In some recent literature the role of non self-adjoint Hamiltonians, $H\neq H^\dagger$, is often considered in connection with gain-loss systems. The dynamics for these systems is, most of the times, given in terms of a Schr\"odinger equation. In this paper we rather focus on the Heisenberg-like picture of quantum mechanics, stressing the (few) similarities and the (many) differences with respected to the standard Heisenberg picture for systems driven by self-adjoint Hamiltonians. In particular, the role of the symmetries, *-derivations and integrals of motion is discussed.

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In this paper we use the stochastic limit approach as a tool to discuss the open BCS model of low temperature superconductivity. We also briefly discuss the role of a second reservoir interacting with the first one (but not with the system) in the computation of the critical temperature corresponding to the transition from a normal to a superconducting phase.

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Heisenberg picture in the description of simplified stock markets

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Some Physical Appearances of Vector Coherent States and CS Related to Degenerate Hamiltonians

In the spirit of some earlier work on the construction of vector coherent states over matrix domains, we compute here such states associated to some physical Hamiltonians. In particular, we construct vector coherent states of the Gazeau-Klauder type. As a related problem, we also suggest a way to handle degeneracies in the Hamiltonian for building coherent states. Specific physical Hamiltonians studied include a single photon mode interacting with a pair of fermions, a Hamiltonian involving a single boson and a single fermion, a charged particle in a three dimensional harmonic force field and the case of a two-dimensional electron placed in a constant magnetic field, orthogonal to the plane…

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Quons, coherent states and intertwining operators

We propose a differential representation for the operators satisfying the q-mutation relation $BB^\dagger-q B^\dagger B=\1$ which generalizes a recent result by Eremin and Meldianov, and we discuss in detail this choice in the limit $q\to1$. Further, we build up non-linear and Gazeau-Klauder coherent states associated to the free quonic hamiltonian $h_1=B^\dagger B$. Finally we construct almost isospectrals quonic hamiltonians adopting the results on intertwining operators recently proposed by the author.

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The Heisenberg picture in the analysis of stock markets and in other sociological contexts

We review some recent results concerning some toy models of stock markets. Our models are suggested by the discrete nature of the number of shares and of the cash which are exchanged in a real market, and by the existence of conserved quantities, like the total number of shares or some linear combination of the cash and the shares. This suggests to use the same tools used in quantum mechanics and, in particular, the Heisenberg picture to describe the time behavior of the portfolio of each trader. We finally propose the use of this same framework in other sociological contexts.

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Multi-resolution analysis generated by a seed function

In this paper we use the equivalence result originally proved by the author, which relates a multiresolution analysis (MRA) of ℒ2(R) and an orthonormal set of single electron wave functions in the lowest Landau level, to build up a procedure which produces, starting with a certain square-integrable function, a MRA of ℒ2(R). © 2003 American Institute of Physics.

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Transitions in Presence of Short Laser Pulses

Accurate numerical calculations are carried out to investigate the validity of the two-state approximation in the case of resonant interactions between electromagnetic radiation and atoms . Short pulses are considered and the presence of the atomic spectrum is modelled by introducing a third, nonresonant, state . We show that the harmonics of the pulse profile may play a significant role in the dynamics of the process and may cause energy nonconserving transitions between the atomic states. © 1990 Taylor & Francis Ltd.

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Dynamics for a quantum parliament

In this paper we propose a dynamical approach based on the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad equation for a problem of decision making. More specifically, we consider what was recently called a quantum parliament, asked to approve or not a certain law, and we propose a model of the connections between the various members of the parliament, proposing in particular some special form of the interactions giving rise to a {\em collaborative} or non collaborative behaviour.

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Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity

The increasingly popular concept of a hidden Hermiticity of operators (i.e., of their Hermiticity with respect to an {\it ad hoc} inner product in Hilbert space) is compared with the recently introduced notion of {\em non-linear pseudo-bosons}. The formal equivalence between these two notions is deduced under very general assumptions. Examples of their applicability in quantum mechanics are discussed.

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Pseudo-bosons, so far

In the past years several extensions of the canonical commutation relations have been proposed by different people in different contexts and some interesting physics and mathematics have been deduced. Here, we review some recent results on the so-called pseudo-bosons. They arise from a special deformation of the canonical commutation relation [a,a †]= ll, which is replaced by [a,b]=ll, with b not necessarily equal to a †. We start discussing some of their mathematical properties and then we discuss several examples.

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Projector operators in clustering

In a recent paper the notion of {\em quantum perceptron} has been introduced in connection with projection operators. Here we extend this idea, using these kind of operators to produce a {\em clustering machine}, i.e. a framework which generates different clusters from a set of input data. Also, we consider what happens when the orthonormal bases first used in the definition of the projectors are replaced by frames, and how these can be useful when trying to connect some noised signal to a given cluster.

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Some Results about Frames

In this paper we discuss some topics related to the general theory of frames. In particular we focus our attention to the existence of different 'reconstruction formulas' for a given vector of a certain Hilbert space and to some refinement of the perturbative approach for the computation of the dual frame.

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Quasi *-algebras of measurable operators

Non-commutative $L^p$-spaces are shown to constitute examples of a class of Banach quasi *-algebras called CQ*-algebras. For $p\geq 2$ they are also proved to possess a {\em sufficient} family of bounded positive sesquilinear forms satisfying certain invariance properties. CQ *-algebras of measurable operators over a finite von Neumann algebra are also constructed and it is proven that any abstract CQ*-algebra $(\X,\Ao)$ possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms can be represented as a CQ*-algebra of this type.

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Representable linear functionals on partial *-algebras

A GNS-like *-representation of a partial *-algebra \({{\mathfrak A}}\) defined by certain representable linear functionals on \({{\mathfrak A}}\) is constructed. The study of the interplay with the GNS construction associated with invariant positive sesquilinear forms (ips) leads to the notions of pre-core and of singular form. It is shown that a positive sesquilinear form with pre-core always decomposes into the sum of an ips form and a singular one.

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Meccanica Razionale per l'ingegneria

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Let [Formula: see text] be a partial *-algebra endowed with a topology τ that makes it into a locally convex topological vector space [Formula: see text]. Then [Formula: see text] is called a topological partial *-algebra if it satisfies a number of conditions, which all amount to require that the topology τ fits with the multiplier structure of [Formula: see text]. Besides the obvious cases of topological quasi *-algebras and CQ*-algebras, we examine several classes of potential topological partial *-algebras, either function spaces (lattices of Lp spaces on [0, 1] or on ℝ, amalgam spaces), or partial *-algebras of operators (operators on a partial inner product space, O*-algebras).

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Gibbs states, algebraic dynamics and generalized Riesz systems

In PT-quantum mechanics the generator of the dynamics of a physical system is not necessarily a self-adjoint Hamiltonian. It is now clear that this choice does not prevent to get a unitary time evolution and a real spectrum of the Hamiltonian, even if, most of the times, one is forced to deal with biorthogonal sets rather than with on orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. In this paper we consider some extended versions of the Heisenberg algebraic dynamics and we relate this analysis to some generalized version of Gibbs states and to their related KMS-like conditions. We also discuss some preliminary aspects of the Tomita-Takesaki theory in our context.

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(Regular) pseudo-bosons versus bosons

We discuss in which sense the so-called {\em regular pseudo-bosons}, recently introduced by Trifonov and analyzed in some details by the author, are related to ordinary bosons. We repeat the same analysis also for {\em pseudo-bosons}, and we analyze the role played by certain intertwining operators, which may be bounded or not.

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The Stochastic Limit of the Open BCS Model of Superconductivity

We review some recent results concerning the open BCS model of superconductivity as originally proposed by Buffet and Martin. We also briefly analyze some possible generalizations.

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An operator view on alliances in politics

We introduce the concept of an {\em operator decision making technique} and apply it to a concrete political problem: should a given political party form a coalition or not? We focus on the situation of three political parties, and divide the electorate into four groups: partisan supporters of each party and a group of undecided voters. We consider party-party interactions of two forms: shared or differing alliance attitudes. Our main results consist of time-dependent decision functions for each of the three parties, and their asymptotic values, i.e., their final decisions on whether or not to form a coalition.

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Dynamics of closed ecosystems described by operators

Abstract We adopt the so-called occupation number representation , originally used in quantum mechanics and recently adopted in the description of several classical systems, in the analysis of the dynamics of some models of closed ecosystems. In particular, we discuss two linear models, for which the solution can be found analytically, and a nonlinear system, for which we produce numerical results. We also discuss how a dissipative effect could be effectively implemented in the model.

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Two-Parameters Pseudo-Bosons

We construct a two-parameters example of {\em pseudo-bosons}, and we show that they are not regular, in the sense previously introduced by the author. In particular, we show that two biorthogonal bases of $\Lc^2(\Bbb R)$ can be constructed, which are not Riesz bases, in general.

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A concise review on pseudo-bosons, pseudo-fermions and their relatives

We review some basic definitions and few facts recently established for $\D$-pseudo bosons and for pseudo-fermions. We also discuss an extended version of these latter, based on biorthogonal bases, which lives in a finite dimensional Hilbert space. Some examples are described in details.

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