Elmar Brähler
Utilization of professional psychological care in a large German sample of cancer patients
Objective Although one-third of cancer patients are perceived to have a need for psychological support based on the percentage of mental disorders, little is known about the actual utilization of psychological care in cancer. We aimed to assess cancer patients' reported use of psychological care and its correlates in a large, representative sample. Methods In a multicenter, cross-sectional study in Germany, 4020 cancer patients (mean age 58 years, 51% women) were evaluated. We obtained self-reports of use of psychotherapy and psychological counseling. We measured distress with the Distress Thermometer, symptoms of depression with the Patient Health Questionnaire, anxiety with the Generalize…
Binnenmigration und psychische Gesundheit in der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie – Relevante Faktoren 20 und 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung
ZusammenfassungFragestellung Welche Faktoren spielen für die psychische Gesundheit von Binnenmigrierten im Vergleich zu Nichtmigrierten eine Rolle?Methode Daten der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie aus den Jahren 2010 und 2020 wurden benutzt, um mithilfe von Bootstrapping-basierten Mediationsanalysen Binnenmigrierte mit Nichtmigrierten in ihrem Grad der psychischen Belastung zu vergleichen.Ergebnisse Binnenmigrierte berichteten 2010, aber nicht 2020, weniger psychische Belastung. Dieser Effekt verschwand, nachdem Kovariaten und Mediatoren inkludiert wurden. Wichtige Mediatoren waren Lebenssituation, enge politische Verbundenheit mit der BRD, Gewinner der deutschen Einheit, Sicherheit am Arbei…
Procrastination, Distress and Life Satisfaction across the Age Range – A German Representative Community Study
Addressing the lack of population-based data the purpose of this representative study was to assess procrastination and its associations with distress and life satisfaction across the life span. A representative German community sample (1,350 women; 1,177 men) between the ages of 14 and 95 years was examined by the short form of the General Procrastination Scale (GPS-K; 1) and standardized scales of perceived stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue and life satisfaction. As hypothesized, procrastination was highest in the youngest cohort (14-29 years). Only in the youngest and most procrastinating cohort (aged 14 to 29 years), men procrastinated more than women. As we had further hypothesized,…
Later-life depressive symptoms and anxiety attacks in displaced and nondisplaced populations
Abstract Background Forced displacement has been suggested as a potential cause for depression and anxiety in later life. Little research has been done on the influence of the host country's socio-political system. Here we examine whether the later-life effects of displacement on mental health (i.e. depressive symptoms and anxiety attacks) differ between socio-political contexts. We hypothesized that between-group differences (displaced vs. nondisplaced) in self-rated depression scores and frequencies of anxiety attacks are more pronounced in East versus West German populations. Methods Datasets from three representative nationwide surveys (2002, 2003, 2007) were analyzed; study participant…
Psychometrische Überprüfung der deutschen Version der Health Regulatory Focus Scale
Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale Objectives: This study examines the psychometric properties of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale (HRFS), which measures health-related promotion- and prevention-based motivation. METHODS The study is based on data from the 28th (N = 332) and 29th survey wave (N = 253) of the Saxony Longitudinal Study. It examines item characteristics, factorial, convergent and prognostic validity as well as the influence of sociodemographic variables. RESULTS The psychometric properties of the German version are excellent, after removal of Item 5. A two-factor structure as well as good validity were conf…
From Bi-Dimensionality to Uni-Dimensionality in Self-Report Questionnaires
Abstract. The common factor model – by far the most widely used model for factor analysis – assumes equal item intercepts across respondents. Due to idiosyncratic ways of understanding and answering items of a questionnaire, this assumption is often violated, leading to an underestimation of model fit. Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman (2006) suggested the introduction of a random intercept into the model to address this concern. The present study applies this method to six established instruments (measuring depression, procrastination, optimism, self-esteem, core self-evaluations, and self-regulation) with ambiguous factor structures, using data from representative general population samples. I…
Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik in der Online-Psychotherapieforschung
Zusammenfassung. Zunehmend wächst das Angebot evidenzbasierter psychotherapeutischer Online-Interventionen. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob bestimmte Persönlichkeitsmerkmale Nutzung und Erfolg von onlinebasierten Interventionen beeinflussen. Erste Befunde liefern Hinweise, dass sich breite (z.B. Offenheit für neue Erfahrungen, Gewissenhaftigkeit) sowie spezifische Traits (z.B. Einstellung zu psychotherapeutischen Online-Interventionen) als relevante Prädiktoren erwiesen. Trotz der bislang limitierten Datenlage für differentielle Effekte bei klinischen Stichproben stellen Persönlichkeitsmerkmale für die vielen möglichen Varianten der Online-Psychotherapie bei verschiedenen Störungsbildern eine…
The latent nature of prolonged grief - A taxometric analysis: Results from a representative population sample
Individuals suffering from prolonged grief disorder (PGD) show severe grief reactions after the death of a significant other, even beyond a period of grieving that is within a person's cultural and religious context. In addition to this core element, PGD can manifest in various ways. Symptoms may include persistent preoccupation, intense emotional pain, or impairment in important life domains. The symptoms, furthermore, have to be of culturally or religiously inappropriate extent or severity, taking into account different norms of grieving. PGD is discussed as a distinct diagnostic category in the revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Nosology of PGD has been hi…
Association Between Restless Legs Syndrome and Adult ADHD in a German Community-Based Sample
Objective: Previous research in clinical samples indicated a significant association between ADHD and restless legs syndrome (RLS). The present study examined the association between adult ADHD and RLS in the German population. Method: Self-rating instruments to assess RLS, childhood ADHD, and adult ADHD were administered to a community-based sample ( N = 1,632). In addition, current depression and anxiety, sleep disturbances, weight, and height were assessed by self-report. Results: Adult ADHD was associated with statistically significant increases in the odds of meeting diagnostic criteria for RLS even when adjusting for potential confounding variables such as weight (odds ratio [OR] = 3…
Validation of the German version of the Bodily Distress Syndrome 25 checklist in a representative German population sample
Abstract Objective The Bodily Distress Syndrome 25 (BDS 25) checklist is a self-report instrument that can be used for case finding of a BDS in both clinical practice and research. We assessed the reliability and the internal and external validity of the German version of the BDS 25 in a sample of the general German population. Methods The psychometric properties of the BDS 25 German were examined in a representative cross-sectional German population survey which included 2386 persons aged ≥14 years. Validation instruments included the Somatic Symptom Scale 8, the Giessen Subjective Complaints List 8 and the Patient Health Questionnaire 4. Participants were asked if they had been diagnosed …
Egg donation, surrogate mothering, and cloning: attitudes of men and women in Germany based on a representative survey
Objective To determine opinions and attitudes of the German general population toward the treatment methods of reproductive medicine: egg donation, surrogate mothering, and reproductive cloning. Design Representative survey. Setting German general population: face-to-face interviews at home with 2,110 persons, aged 18–50 years. Patient(s) Patients were not included. Intervention(s) No interventions took place. Main Outcome Measure(s) Approval and disapproval of treatment methods of reproductive medicine and preimplantation genetic diagnosis were assessed by questionnaires regarding medical, age, reasons, or general. Result(s) Overall, the diverse treatment methods of reproductive medicine f…
Adjustment disorder as proposed for ICD-11: Dimensionality and symptom differentiation
Although Adjustment Disorder as a diagnostic category is widely used in clinical practice it is critically discussed that it has not been conceptualized as a category with unique symptoms. Hence, the conceptualization of Adjustment Disorder is subject to substantive change in ICD-11 including core symptoms and additional features in a uni-faceted concept. Adjustment Disorder was assessed with a self-rating instrument in a representative sample of the German general population (N=2512). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were applied to test the dimensionality of symptoms according to the new diagnostic concept. Latent class analysis (LCA) was applied to test whether there are distinguishabl…
Air Quality and Chronic Stress: A Representative Study of Air Pollution (PM2.5, PM10) in Germany.
Objective With rising attention on climate change and the aftermath of burning fossil fuels, there is much concern regarding the effects of air pollution on physical and psychological health. However, the relationship between chronic stress and air pollution is relatively unexplored in humans. Methods By combining German representative data with national pollution data and using step-wise regression analyses, this study investigates how air pollution (particulate matter 2.5 and 10 [PM2.5 and PM10]) impacts ones' chronic stress levels (TICS). Results Results show PM2.5 fine-dust particles significantly affect chronic stress, while PM10 has no such effect. Air pollution (PM2.5), age, and inco…
Childhood Adversities and Later Attitudes towards Harmful Parenting Behaviour including Shaking in a German Population‐based Sample
A reanalysis of the center for epidemiological studies depression scale (CES-D) using non-parametric item response theory
Abstract The “Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale” (CES-D; Radloff, 1977 ) is a questionnaire used world-wide to measure depressive symptoms. Although the original four-factor-structure has been widely accepted and replicated, some studies point to other factor-structures like a one- and two-factor-structure. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the factor structure of the CES-D (one-, two- and four-factor-structure), which was found using classical test theory (CTT), with two non-parametric item-response-theory-models (Mokken-Scaling; Monotone-homogeneity-model; MHM and Double-monotonicity-model; DMM). To this end, a representative German sample was analyzed (N = 2…
Base rates for depersonalization according to the 2-item version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS-2) and its associations with depression/anxiety in the general population.
Abstract Background Recently, the two item version of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS-2) has been validated in a clinical sample and has demonstrated that it is a useful tool for the detection of clinically significant depersonalization (DP). In order to provide a framework for the interpretation of the CDS-2 scores the aim of this study was to achieve normative data of a representative sample of the German population and to evaluate the associations with depression, anxiety and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods A nationally representative face-to-face household survey was conducted during the mid of 2009 in Germany. The sample comprised N = 2512 participants. The survey …
Psychometric properties of the German version of the Self-Image Scale (SIS-D)
Background The Self-Image Scale is a self-report measure originally developed for use in women with cancer. Two subscales assess appearance satisfaction (self-acceptance) and perceptions of partners’ acceptance of their appearance (partner-acceptance). This study aimed to increase the Self-Image Scale’s utility by 1) confirming the two-factor structure of the German version of the Self-Image Scale, 2) testing measurement invariance across sex and age groups and validity, and 3) gathering general population normative data. Methods Confirmatory factor analysis methods were used to examine the proposed two-factor model in a random sample of adults from the general German population (N = 1367).…
Measurement invariance, validation and normative data of the Jenkins Sleep Scale-4 (JSS-4) in the German general population across the life span.
Abstract Objective As sleep disorders have become a major concern in public health, there is strong need for a brief and sound measure for sleep problems. The purposes of the study were to 1) evaluate factor structure and measurement invariance, 2) validate the scale based on sociodemographic data and distress, and 3) provide norm values for the general population. Methods In a representative survey of the German population N = 2515 participants (14 to 95 years) filled in the 4-item Jenkins Sleep Scale (JSS-4), sociodemographic questions and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (anxiety, depression, somatic symptom load). The JSS-4 was analyzed by principal component analysis, confirmatory and mu…
Personality functioning as a mediator of adult mental health following child maltreatment.
Abstract Background The broad range of adverse health outcomes following child maltreatment (child maltreatment) underscores the need to investigate shared trajectories that contribute to associated physical and mental health problems. Previous research focused on different mechanisms, such as emotion regulation or attachment. In the present study, we propose personality functioning, comprising self- and interpersonal regulation and perception, to mediate between child maltreatment and mental and physical health. Methods In a German representative sample (N = 2,508), we assessed remembered child maltreatment, levels of personality functioning, and different health outcomes in adulthood, nam…
Association of child maltreatment subtypes and long-term physical health in a German representative sample
ABSTRACT Background: Child maltreatment is a major public problem, associated with enormous consequences on the individual and socioeconomic level. Studies show a clear impact of child maltreatment on long-term physical health. However, there is a lack of analyses comprising a wide variety of subtypes of maltreatment and addressing cumulative effects of different maltreatment subtypes experienced during childhood on physical health. Objective: The objective of this analysis was to assess the association of different subtypes and the intensity of child maltreatment with long-term physical health outcomes. Methods: In a cross-sectional observational approach, a representative sample of the Ge…
Cancer patients’ preferred and perceived level of involvement in treatment decision-making: an epidemiological study
Background: We aimed to analyze preferred and perceived levels of patients’ involvement in treatment decision-making in a representative sample of cancer patients. Material and Methods: We conducted a multicenter, epidemiological cross-sectional study with a stratified random sample based on the incidence of cancer diagnoses in Germany. Data were collected between January 2008 and December 2010. Analyses were undertaken between 2017 and 2019. We included 5889 adult cancer patients across all cancer entities and disease stages from 30 acute care hospitals, outpatient facilities, and cancer rehabilitation clinics in five regions in Germany. We used the Control Preferences Scale to assess the …
Psychometric evaluations of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), based on nine samples
The aim of this study was to examine psychometric properties of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R).The LOT-R was administered in five clinical samples, three samples of the adult general population, and one sample of adolescents. Seven of the studies were performed in Germany and two in Colombia. All of the sample sizes were above 300.Cronbach's alpha coefficients were between .57 and .75 for the eight adult samples, the correlations between the scales optimism and pessimism ranged from -.05 to -.37, and the coefficients of temporal stability (test-retest correlations) of the scales ranged from .43 to .69. There were no systematic age and gender effects observed in the nine studies. …
Sexual desire and sexual activity of men and women across their lifespans: results from a representative German community survey
OBJECTIVES To present data on sexual desire and sexual activity from a representative survey of men and women covering the total age range of the adult German population, as previous studies have usually been based on samples selected for gender (either men or women) and age (ageing populations). SUBJECTS AND METHODS A representative sample of 2341 men and women aged 18-93 years were surveyed to determine frequency and intensity of sexual desire and sexual activity, and their social, individual and interpersonal characteristics. RESULTS Sexual desire declined with advancing age; overall, men reported more frequent and stronger sexual desire than women. However, there were important interact…
Frequency of somatic symptoms in the general population: Normative values for the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15).
The PHQ-15 is widely used as an open access screening instrument for somatic symptoms in different health care settings. The objectives of the study were to contribute to the construct validity and to generate normative data for the PHQ-15.The survey was conducted in the general population in Germany from August 2011 to November 2014 (n=9250). All participants underwent an extensive core assessment including a set of questionnaires.Men reported significantly less (p0.001) physical symptoms than women (4.6 [SD=3.6] vs. 6.3 [SD=4.1]). The PHQ-15 total score was strongly correlated with the physical component of quality of life (r=-0.58), fatigue (r=0.56), anxiety (r=0.54) and sleep problems (…
The Prevalence of sexual abuse in institutions : Results from a representative population-based sample in Germany
The lifetime prevalence of sexual abuse in institutional settings in Germany was examined in a sample representative of the general adult population (N = 2,437). Participants completed a survey on whether they had ever experienced such abuse, its nature (contact, noncontact, forced sexual, intercourse), the type of institution (e.g. school, club), and the relationship of perpetrator to victim (peer, caregiver, staff member). Overall, 3.1% of adult respondents (women: 4.8%, men: 0.8%) reported having experienced some type of sexual abuse in institutions. Adult women reported higher rates of all types than did men, with rates of 3.9% versus 0.8% for contact sexual abuse, 1.2% versus 0.3% for …
Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the General Health Questionnaire-12 in a German and a Colombian population sample
While the General Health Questionnaire, 12-item version (GHQ-12) has been widely used in cross-cultural comparisons, rigorous tests of the measurement equivalence of different language versions are still lacking. Thus, our study aims at investigating configural, metric and scalar invariance across the German and the Spanish version of the GHQ-12 in two population samples. The GHQ-12 was applied in two large-scale population-based samples in Germany (N = 1,977) and Colombia (N = 1,500). To investigate measurement equivalence, confirmatory factor analyses were conducted in both samples. In the German sample mean GHQ-12 total scores were higher than in the Colombian sample. A one-factor model …
Loneliness predicts suicidal ideation and anxiety symptoms in long-term childhood cancer survivors.
Abstract Background/Objective Long-term childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at risk for adverse late effects. However, not all of them are well understood. The present study addressed loneliness, a previously under-researched mental health risk in cancer survivor populations. We assessed the prevalence of loneliness and its impact on psychological symptoms over time. Method: A registry-based sample of N = 633 adult long-term CCS underwent medical and psychological assessments and took part in a follow-up survey 2.5 years later. Psychological symptoms (somatic, anxiety, depression symptoms, and suicidal ideation) were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire. We calculated linear reg…
Predicting presenteeism via effort-reward imbalance and dispositional optimism: Is it the interaction that matters? Results from The Saxony Longitudinal Study
BACKGROUND The importance of experienced work stress and individual traits as well as their interplay is analyzed with regard to dysfunctional coping behavior in case of sickness. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine the predictive capability of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment, meaning the intrinsic propensity in terms of excessive work-related expenditure (OC), in consideration of dispositional optimism/pessimism on presenteeism. METHODS A total of 353 men and women aged 38 from the 25th panel wave of The Saxony Longitudinal Study in 2011 were included in the analysis. Effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment was assessed with the Effort-Rewar…
What's past is prologue: Recalled parenting styles are associated with childhood cancer survivors' mental health outcomes more than 25 years after diagnosis
Abstract Background With the increased survival rates of childhood cancer, long-term survivors' well-being over the life span has come into focus. A better understanding of the determinants of childhood cancer survivors' (CCS) mental health outcomes contributes to the identification of vulnerable individuals as well as to the development of evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts. It has been noted that psychosocial factors such as parental rearing behavior shape individual differences in mental health. There is also evidence that parents show altered parenting behavior in the face of childhood cancer, e. g. that they express more emotional support, but also more worries. However…
Authoritarianism and the transgenerational transmission of corporal punishment.
Abstract Background Authoritarianism, firstly described by Horkheimer in 1936, is characterized by submission to authorities, aggression against subordinates and conventionalism. Authoritarianism is discussed as major contributor for right-wing attitudes. Horkheimer hypothesized that authoritarianism has its origin in the experience of harsh parenting and exposure to corporal punishment (CP) by authoritarian parents. The other way around, literature points towards an association between conventionalism and support of CP as disciplinary method, suggesting a role of authoritarianism in the vicious cycle of transgenerational transmission of CP. Objective We aimed to assess the association of a…
Psychometric Properties of Two Brief Versions of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist: HSCL-5 and HSCL-10
The Hopkins Symptom Checklist–25 (HSCL-25) is a widely applied measure of depression and anxiety. The present study examines two of its short forms—the HSCL-5 and HSCL-10, which have been proposed by previous research—in a representative sample of the German general population. To this end, we conducted exploratory and confirmatory analysis on two subsamples ( n = 1,246 and n = 1,216). Our results suggest that, compared with the HSCL-25, both short forms represent economical ways of assessing depression and anxiety. Model fit was good and correlations with established measures demonstrate convergent validity. Both HSCL short forms are strongly invariant across sex, and we found evidence fo…
Revised Short Screening Version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS) From the German General Population
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and validating a short form of the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The POMS is a widely-applied measure for the assessment of an individual's mood. Thus, it is of great relevance for many research questions in clinical and social psychology. To develop the short scale, we first examined psychometric properties and found the optimal 16-item solution among all valid combinations of the full POMS in an exploratory subsample (n = 1,029) of our complete representative sample of the German general population. We then validated this model in a confirmatory subsample (n = 977). Additionally, we examined its invariance across age groups and…
Validating the German version of the Quality of Relationship Inventory: confirming the three-factor structure and report of psychometric properties.
Research on psychosocial influences such as relationship characteristics has received increased attention in the clinical as well as social-psychological field. Several studies demonstrated that the quality of relationships, in particular with respect to the perceived support within intimate relationships, profoundly affects individuals' mental and physical health. There is, however, a limited choice of valid and internationally known assessments of relationship quality in Germany. We report the validation of the German version of the Quality of Relationships Inventory (QRI). First, we evaluated its factor structure in a representative German sample of 1.494 participants by means of confirm…
Normierung und Evaluation der Messinvarianz der 8-Item-Kurzform der Center of Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D-8)
Measurement invariance and normative data of the 8-item short form of the Center of Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D-8) Objectives: Female gender is a risk factor for depression. It is questionable whether a given psychometric instrument depicts depressive symptom severity in men and women alike. Therefore, we examined measurement invariance of the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale-8 (CES-D-8) between women, men and different age groups. Additionally, we aimed providing normative data for CES-D-8. Methods: We assessed depressive symptoms in a German population-based sample (N = 2,507) with the CES-D-8. Gender-distorted items were excluded in the short form. R…
Correlations between hormones, physical, and affective parameters in aging urologic outpatients.
Abstract Objective: To determine the relationship between sex hormones, physical complaints, depression, sexuality, and life satisfaction in aging men. Methods: 263 outpatients aged 40 years and above ( M =56.2; 40–84 years) were recruited from 6 andrological outpatient departments in Germany to evaluate "aging male" symptoms. Subjects were assessed by standardised self-report questionnaires, physical, and endocrinological examination. Results: Total and free testosterone as well as DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate) levels decreased significantly with age. SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and LH (luteinizing hormone) increased; estradiol remained unchanged. Inactivity, lower urinar…
Screening for DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder: Diagnostic Accuracy of Self-Report Measures Within a Population Sample.
OBJECTIVE The new DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder was introduced to improve the diagnosis of persons experiencing what used to be called somatoform disorders. So far, it is unclear whether existing self-report measures are useful to detect the new somatic symptom disorder. This study investigates the diagnostic accuracy of three self-report questionnaires that measure somatic complaints (15 item Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ-15]) and psychological features (7-item Whiteley Index [WI-7]; Scale for Assessing Illness Behavior [SAIB]), in detecting somatic symptom disorder. METHODS A nationally representative general population survey was performed resulting in 250 participants (minimum age …
Excessiveness in Symptom-Related Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors: An Investigation of Somatic Symptom Disorders in the General Population.
OBJECTIVE The diagnostic criteria of somatic symptom disorder (SSD) emphasize that somatic symptoms receive disease value once they are accompanied by excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. The main objective of this study was to examine what constitutes excessiveness in psychological reactions to somatic complaints and how excessive symptom-related behavior influences self-reported health status and health care utilization. METHODS A national, representative general population survey was performed between January and March 2016 in Germany, including 2395 individuals older than 13 years. Self-report questionnaires (Somatic Symptom Scale-8, Somatic Symptom Disorder-B Criteria Scale) wer…
Measuring Illness Behavior in One Minute
Abstract. The present study addresses shortcomings in previous psychometric research into the Scale for the Assessment of Illness Behavior (SAIB) and develops a short form, the SAIB-10. We used ant-colony optimization to construct a subset of items in an exploratory sample ( n = 1,187) and affirmed it in factor analysis in a confirmatory sample ( n = 1,208). We find excellent model fit and evidence for strict invariance across sex and age. As expected, there were associations with distressed personality, perceived social support, and mental health. Finally, we report normative values for usage by researchers and clinicians. In sum, the SAIB-10 is an economical measure of illness behavior a…
Konfirmatorische Prüfung der Skalenstruktur des SF-12 Version 2.0 in einer deutschen bevölkerungs-repräsentativen Stichprobe
Zusammenfassung. Der Short Form Health Survey SF-12 Fragebogen ist die Kurzform des krankheitsübergreifenden Short Form SF-36 Health Survey, der zur generischen Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität eingesetzt wird. Die 12 Items des SF-12 erlauben die Bildung eines körperlichen und eines psychischen Summenwertes. Mittels konkurrierender konfirmatorischer Strukturmodelle wurden auf Basis der Daten einer für Deutschland repräsentativen Normstichprobe von N = 2 524 Personen 3 theoriebasierte bzw. in der Literatur berichtete Modellvarianten geprüft. Nach Modifikation des Messmodells des psychischen Faktors konnte eine gute Datenpassung des zweidimensionalen Modells erreicht werden …
Die deutsche Version der Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Brief Form 2.0 (LPFS-BF): Faktorenstruktur, konvergente Validität und Normwerte in der Allgemeinbevölkerung
ZusammenfassungDas alternative DSM-5-Modell der Persönlichkeitsstörungen definiert als Kernmerkmal aller Persönlichkeitsstörungen das Funktionsniveau der Persönlichkeit, das wiederum über Probleme mit dem Selbst (Selbstpathologie) und Probleme im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich (interpersonale Pathologie) operationalisiert wird. Als kurzes Selbstbeurteilungsverfahren zur Diagnostik des Funktionsniveaus der Persönlichkeit ist die 12 Items umfassende Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Brief Form 2.0 (LPFS-BF) von einer niederländischen Arbeitsgruppe entwickelt worden. In dieser Studie wurde die deutsche Version der LPFS-BF erstmals an einer großen und repräsentativen Allgemeinbevölkerungssti…
Die Qualität der Hausarzt-Patient-Beziehung. Patientenbezogene Prädiktoren in einer repräsentativen deutschen Bevölkerungsstichprobe
Einleitung: Patientenzentrierung und eine gute Arbeitsallianz sind zentrale Merkmale der hausarztlichen Behandlung. Umfragen zeigen, dass die meisten Deutschen mit der Beziehung zu ihrem Hausarzt zufrieden sind. Jedoch ist offen, welche Faktoren die Qualitat der Beziehung zum Hausarzt beeinflussen. Diese Studie hat daher zum Ziel, patientenbezogene Pradiktoren der Qualitat der Beziehung zwischen Hausarzt und Patient zu identifizieren. Material und Methoden: Personen einer reprasentativen Stichprobe der deutschen Allgemeinbevolkerung wurden im Rahmen einer Querschnittstudie mit standardisierten Fragebogen untersucht. Die Qualitat der Hausarzt-Patient-Beziehung wurde mit der deutschen Version…
The role of self-compassion in the relationship between attachment, depression, and quality of life.
Abstract Background Self-compassion may be shaped by early attachment experiences, and has been linked to mental health and well-being. This study examined the role of two distinct features of self-compassion, self-warmth and self-coldness, in the relationship between attachment insecurity and depression as well as quality of life in a general population sample in Germany. Methods Participants (N = 2,253; 53.4% female, Mage 50 years) completed the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), Adult Attachment Scale (AAS), Beck Depression Inventory-Fast Screen (BDI-FS), and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30). Mediation analysis was used to…
Gender-Dependent Associations of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms With Eating Disorder Psychopathology in a Representative Population Sample
Background:Evidence shows that anxiety and depressive disorders play an important role in eating disorder behavior. However, given the epidemiology of eating disorders, there is a need to investigate potentially gender-specific connections.Method:This study tested the associations of anxiety and depression symptoms with eating disorder symptoms and behaviors and explored whether they differed between men and women. Within a population-representative survey (N= 2,510; ages 14–94), participants completed measures of depression symptoms (PHQ-2), anxiety symptoms (GAD-2), and eating disorder symptoms (EDE-Q8). We conducted linear regression analyses of the EDE-Q8 sum score and General Linear Mo…
Kurzversion des Bielefelder Fragebogens zu Partnerschaftserwartungen (BFPE-12)
Zusammenfassung. Die Kurzfassung des Bielefelder Fragebogens zu Partnerschaftserwartungen (BFPE-12) ist ein Selbstrating zur Messung partnerschaftsbezogener Bindungsaspekte. Neben der Messung der Dimensionen Akzeptanzprobleme, Öffnungsbereitschaft und Zuwendungsbedürfnis können Personen Bindungsmustern zugewiesen werden. Die vorliegende Studie evaluiert Faktorenstruktur und psychometrische Eigenschaften des Instruments anhand einer aktuellen bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichprobe. Die Stichprobe umfasst N = 1574 Personen. Es wurden soziodemographische Variablen, der BFPE-12, die Kurzform des Depressive Experiences Questionnaire Self-Criticism sowie der Patient Health Questionnaire-4 erhoben…
Child maltreatment by nursing staff and caregivers in German institutions: A population-representative analysis.
Abstract Background Child maltreatment by caregivers seem to make a significant contribution to general maltreatment rates. Interestingly, research assessing prevalence rates of maltreatment mainly focuses on individual components either in relation to different types of maltreatment or in relation to different types of institutions. Objective The current study assesses prevalence rates for child maltreatment by caregivers in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, facilities for the disabled, schools, Kindergartens, and after-school care or residential care. Participants and setting: In a cross-sectional survey, a representative sample of the German population above the age of 14 (N = 2,516) wa…
Somatic symptoms in the Eastern and Western states of Germany 30 years after unification: Population-based survey analyses.
Background Following German reunification, physical health indicators in the formerly separated states (German Democratic Republic- East/ Federal Republic of Germany-West) have converged. However, it remains unclear how these societal changes have impacted somatic complaints, a major indicator of physical and mental health. Therefore, we investigated how somatic symptom reporting in men and women evolved regarding residency. Methods We administered cross-sectional surveys representative of the German population with comparable sample size in 1994 (N = 3047), 2001 (N = 2050), 2013 (N = 2508) and 2019 (N = 2531) following random route procedure. Men and women aged 14-99 reported demographics …
Associations Between the Residential Environment and Physical Activity in German College Students and the Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediator
Social-ecological models suggest that influences on physical activity should be examined on multiple levels, but most of the empirical studies in this area have investigated the different levels separately. To integrate the different levels, we examined self-efficacy with respect to physical exercise as a mediator of the relation between environmental characteristics and physical activity. In a cross-sectional German study, 1,292 college students completed a questionnaire that included measures of their perceived residential environment, self-efficacy, and physical activity. Structural equation modeling was used to assess direct and indirect effects on physical activity. The cycling and wa…
The eating disorder examination-questionnaire 8: A brief measure of eating disorder psychopathology (EDE-Q8)
Objective The aim of this study was to develop, evaluate, and standardize a short form of the well-established Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q). The newly developed EDE-Q8 was required to reflect the originally postulated structure of the EDE-Q. Method Data were drawn from two nationwide representative population surveys in Germany: a survey conducted to develop the EDE-Q8 in 2009 (N = 2,520); and a survey conducted in 2013 (N = 2,508) for the evaluation and calculation of EDE-Q8 percentiles. Results The EDE-Q8 had excellent item characteristics, very good reliability and a very good model fit for the postulated second-order factorial structure. Furthermore, a strong correl…
Modified 2016 American College of Rheumatology Fibromyalgia Criteria, the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks–American Pain Society Pain Taxonomy, and the Prevalence of Fibromyalgia
Objective To study the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) in the general population according to a 2016 modification of the American College of Rheumatology criteria (FM 2016) and the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trial Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks-American Pain Society pain taxonomy criteria (AAPT), and to compare diagnostic and clinical variables between the criteria sets. Methods We studied 2,531 randomly selected subjects from the German general population in 2019. Pain regions from the Michigan Body Map were fitted to the FM 2016 and the AAPT criteria, and criteria symptom items were derived from validated questionnaires assessing somatic and psychol…
Long-term effects on adult attachment in German occupation children born after World War II in comparison with a birth-cohort-matched representative sample of the German general population.
Children born of war are a phenomenon of every conflict. At the end of World War II and thereafter, approximately 400,000 children were fathered by foreign soldiers and born to local women in Germany. Quantitative research on psychosocial consequences of growing up as German occupation child (GOC) has been missing so far.This study examines adult attachment and its association with current depression in GOC (N = 146) using self-report instruments: Adult Attachment Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire. Data were compared to a birth-cohort-matched representative sample of the German population (BCMS; N = 786).GOC differ in both attachment dimensions (less comfortable with closeness/intimacy, l…
The Cycle of Violence: Examining Attitudes Toward and Experiences of Corporal Punishment in a Representative German Sample
The use of corporal punishment (CP) is controversial despite the negative consequences of its use that have been documented. Consequences include the use of CP by those who experienced CP themselves, described in the theory of the cycle of violence. There are little data on the cycle of violence, especially on those who break it and in representative samples. This study examines the cycle of violence in a representative sample by analyzing experiences of and attitudes toward CP. Attitudes toward, and own experiences of, CP by their parents were assessed in a sample of 2,519 individuals (female 54.6%, age range = 14-99 years, M = 48.9 years). Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify…
Validierung der Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität mittels des SF-12 Version 2.0 in einer deutschen Normstichprobe
Hintergrund: Mit der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität ist das subjektive Befinden von Menschen zu einem wesentlichen Teil der Gesundheitsforschung geworden. In der Lebensqualitätsforschung werden auf Basis einer bio-psycho-sozialen Modellvorstellung psychologische, funktionale und soziale[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
The desire for children among adult survivors of childhood cancer: Psychometric evaluation of a cancer-specific questionnaire and relations with sociodemographic and psychological characteristics.
OBJECTIVE Long-term childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are less likely to become parents than their peers of the same age. Previous research has suggested that besides fertility, this outcome is shaped by psychosocial factors such as emotional motives toward having a child. Drawing from a sample of CCS with survival times >25 years, we present the validation of a questionnaire assessing cancer-specific reproductive motives and concerns. METHODS We evaluated the cancer-specific version of the Leipzig Questionnaire of Motives to have a Child (LKM-C) in a register-based sample of adult CCS (N = 632, 31% had children, 44.5% women). We conducted a confirmatory factor analysis and tested associatio…
Parenting in the face of serious illness: Childhood cancer survivors remember different rearing behavior than the general population
Objective A child's cancer diagnosis and treatment affect the whole family. While it has been recognized that parents are an important resource for their children, little is known about the specifics of parenting in the face of serious illness. Methods We used the Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior Questionnaire in a register-based cohort of adult childhood cancer survivors (CCS) (N = 951) and a representative population sample of the same age range (N = 2042). The questionnaire assesses behavior of mothers and fathers with three scales (emotional warmth, rejection/punishment, and control/overprotection) by querying the (former) child. We compared the two groups using general linear models.…
Westwärts und nicht vergessen. Innerdeutsche Migration und psychosoziale Folgen 1990 - 2020
Depression, Anxiety and Quality of Life in Long-Term Survivors of Malignant Melanoma: A Register-Based Cohort Study
Aim The purpose of the study was to determine anxiety and depression, quality of life, and their determinants in long-term survivors of malignant melanoma. Methods In a state cancer registry a cohort of survivors of malignant melanoma was contacted via the physician registered. Of 1302 contactable patients, 689 (52.2%) completed a questionnaire including the Patient Health Questionnaire with generalized anxiety (GAD-7) and depression (PHQ-9) and the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ 30). Based on multiple regression analysis, predictors of quality of life and distress were identified. Comparison data were assessed in two waves of representative face-to-face household surveys of…
Performance status and depressive symptoms as predictors of quality of life in cancer patients. A structural equation modeling analysis
Objective: This study aimed to examine whether depressive symptoms and performance status are independent predictors of both the physical and psychological domains of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in cancer patients. Methods: A sample of 4020 cancer patients (mean age 58 years, 51% women) was evaluated. Depressive symptoms were measured with the patient health questionnaire and HRQoL with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire core 30. The impact of the illness on everyday activities was assessed with physician ratings of both the Karnofsky performance status and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status. The sim…
European reference values for the quality of life questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30: Results of a German investigation and a summarizing analysis of six European general population normative studies
The aims of this study are to present the results of a new general population normative study of the quality of life questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 and to give European reference values averaged across six studies.The empirical study was based on a representative sample of the German adult population (N = 2448). The subjects were asked to fill in several questionnaires, one of them being the EORTC QLQ-C30.EORTC QLQ-C30 mean scores of this sample indicated slightly better quality of life (QoL) than in previous European studies. QoL decreased with age, but there were only small gender differences. The mean scores were compared with the age and gender adjusted scores of five other European normat…
Noise annoyance is associated with depression and anxiety in the general population : the contribution of aircraft noise
BACKGROUND: While noise annoyance has become recognized as an important environmental stressor, its association to mental health has hardly been studied. We therefore determined the association of noise annoyance to anxiety and depression and explored the contribution of diverse environmental sources to overall noise annoyance. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We investigated cross-sectional data of n = 15.010 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), a population-based, prospective, single-center cohort study in Mid-Germany (age 35 to 74 years). Noise annoyance was assessed separately for road traffic, aircraft, railways, industrial, neighborhood indoor and outdoor noise ("during the day"; "i…
Declining Sexual Activity and Desire in Men—Findings From Representative German Surveys, 2005 and 2016
Abstract Background Surveys have indicated an increase of sexual activity in aging men; recently, however, a decrease of sexual activity has been reported in young men. Aim To assess (i) sexual activity and desire and their determinants across the age range in a population-based male sample and (ii) their changes over 11 years. Methods A representative survey of men (N = 1,095) 18 to 93 years old from 2016 was compared with a survey from 2005 (N = 1,106 men) with the same age range. Samples were drawn from the German population at random using standardized sampling procedures. Questions were filled out by participants in the presence of a trained interviewer. Sexual activity was compared us…
Family physician–patient relationship and frequent attendance of primary and specialist health care: Results from a German population-based cohort study
Abstract Objective To investigate the association between the quality of the family physician–patient relationship and frequent attendance of primary and specialist health care. Methods Cross-sectional survey of a representative German population sample ( N = 2.266). Family physician–patient relationship was assessed with the Patient Doctor Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9). Determinants of frequent attendance were analyzed using logistic regression. Results Frequent attendance of family physicians was associated with lower income (OR 1.43, 95% CI 1.02–2.00), not being in paid work (OR 1.58, CI 1.08–2.30), psychological distress (OR 1.14, CI 1.07–1.22), somatic symptoms (OR 1.07, CI 1.04…
Prevalence Rate and Course of Symptoms of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)
Abstract. Objective: According to DSM-5, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is characterized by chronic temper outbursts and irritable moods. So far, little is known about its prevalence rate, course and influence on individual well-being. We assessed the prevalence rates of DMDD symptoms during adulthood and primary school age – the latter retrospectively – and studied their relationship with psychiatric disorders and socioeconomic variables. Methods: A total of 2,413 subjects, aged 18–94 years, participated in this population-based, representative study based on self-reports. Results: 12 (0.50 %) subjects reported elevated DMDD symptoms during adulthood, and 19 (0.79 %) report…
Life satisfaction, distress, and resiliency across the life span of women.
Objective: This study aimed to determine (1) the relationship between life satisfaction, mental disorders, and aging in the female community and (2) to identify the impact of vulnerability factors, personal (resilience, self-esteem), and social resources on life satisfaction and distress. Methods: A stratified random sample of the German female population (N = 2,540) was investigated using standardized questionnaires of life satisfaction (Questions on Life Satisfaction), depression, anxiety (Patient Health Questionnaire), resilience scale (RS-11), and self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). Results: When participants were divided into six age groups (18-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, an…
Associations of adverse childhood experiences and bullying on physical pain in the general population of Germany
Rebecca C Brown,1,* Paul L Plener,1,2,* Elmar Braehler,3,4 Joerg M Fegert,1 Markus Huber-Lang5 1Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany; 2Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 3Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of The Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany; 4University of Leipzig, Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, Leipzig, Germany; 5Institute of Clinical and Experimental Trauma-Immunology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany *These authors contributed equally to this work Background: Chronic pain is a f…
A brief form of the Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (F-SozU) was developed, validated, and standardized
Abstract Objectives Development of a brief instrument (F-SozU K-6) for the measurement of perceived social support in epidemiologic contexts by shortening a well-established German questionnaire (F-SozU K-14). Study Design and Setting The development of the F-SozU K-6 consisted of two phases; phase 1: the F-SozU K-14 was presented to a general population sample representative for the Federal Republic of Germany (N = 2,007; age: 14–92 years). Six items for the short form were selected based on the maximization of coefficient alpha. Phase 2: the new short form (F-SozU K-6) was evaluated and standardized in an independent second population survey (N = 2,508, age: 14–92 years). Results The F-So…
Monitoring recent trends: The prevalence of disclosure of sexual abuse in a representative sample of the German population based on indicator 16.2.3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Abstract Background The monitoring of trends is important. The United Nations (UN) have defined indicators to monitor the proportion of young men and women who have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18 (Indicator 16.2.3) as part of their global agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Objective To examine recent trends in the disclosure of sexual abuse based on the indicator 16.2.3 of the SDG. Participants and setting A total of 7530 participants across Germany (51.1% female) were included. The participants were between 14 and 94 years old. Methods Three representative surveys were conducted using identical methods in 2010 (N = 2504), 2016 (N = 2510) and 2018 (N = 2516). A …
The Interplay between Child Maltreatment and Stressful Life Events during Adulthood and Cardiovascular Problems—A Representative Study
Psychological stress is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. While the relevance of early life stress, such as that which is due to child maltreatment (CM), is well known to impact individual stress responses in the long-term, and data on the interplay between CM and stressful events in adulthood on cardiovascular health are sparse. Here, we aimed to assess how stressful life events in adulthood are associated with cardiovascular health infarction in later life and whether this association is independent of CM. In a cross-sectional design, a probability sample of the German population above the age of 14 was drawn using different sampling steps. The final sample included 2510 pe…
Noise annoyance predicts symptoms of depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance 5 years later. Findings from the Gutenberg Health Study
Abstract Background Cross-sectional studies have shown that noise annoyance is strongly associated with mental distress, however, its long-term effects on mental health is unknown. We therefore investigated whether noise annoyance predicts depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance in a large, representative sample 5 years later. Methods We investigated longitudinal data of N = 11 905 participants of the Gutenberg Health Study, a population-based, prospective, single-centre cohort study in mid-Germany (age at baseline 35–74 years). Noise annoyance was assessed at baseline and 5-year follow-up (sources: road traffic, aircraft, railways, industrial, neighbourhood indoor and outdoor noise; and …
Struktur- und Prozessqualität in ambulanten psychosozialen Krebsberatungsstellen des Förderschwerpunktes „Psychosoziale Krebsberatung“ der Deutschen Krebshilfe
Ziel der Studie: Ziel der Studie ist es, Merkmale der Struktur- und der strukturnahen Prozessqualitat der psychosozialen Krebsberatung exemplarisch fur eine Stichprobe von 28 ambulanten psychosozialen Krebsberatungsstellen zu beschreiben, die im Rahmen des 2007 von der Deutschen Krebshilfe e.V. ausgeschriebenen Forderschwerpunkts „Psychosoziale Krebsberatungsstellen“ zeitlich befristet gefordert werden. Dieser von einem Evaluationsprojekt begleitete Forderschwerpunkt verfolgt das Ziel, qualitatsgesicherte ambulante psychosoziale Krebsberatung in Deutschland zu fordern und Bemuhungen um deren Finanzierung uber die Forderung hinaus zu unterstutzen. Methodik: Die Qualitatsmerkmale der Einricht…
Epidemiology of sexual dysfunction in the male population.
Sexual dysfunctions have found an increasing attention in recent epidemiological studies of the ageing male. The purpose of this paper is to review the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions and risk factors based on community samples. Studies have not only demonstrated a strong age-related incline of erectile dysfunction (ED), but also of ejaculatory and orgasmic disorders (particularly a reduced or absent ejaculation). Despite a declining sexual desire, sexual interest remains present in old age. Lower urinary tract symptoms have been identified as strong risk factors for ED along with cardiovascular, metabolic, psychiatric disorders and lifestyle factors. The wide range of prevalence rate est…
Dimensional Latent Structure of Relationship Quality: Results of Three Representative Population Samples
One central issue for every latent construct in psychology (e.g., relationship quality) is its latent nature: Differences in intelligence, for example, are traditionally considered to be dimensional (e.g., when quantifying intelligence by a standardized test score) rather than categorical (distinguishing different categories such as intelligent vs. unintelligent). When considering a categorical construct, such as Down syndrome, on the other hand, the characteristic is qualitative (groups are classified by existence or absence of an extra chromosome) rather than quantitative (varying degrees of Down syndrome). The group bound together by the possession of a certain characteristic (disease, d…
Psychosomatische Medizin in der Gutenberg- Gesundheitsstudie (GHS) – Fragestellungen, Messverfahren, ausgewählte Ergebnisse
Psychosomatic medicine in the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) - research questions, measurement instruments, selected results Goal: Main questions from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) related to psychosomatic medicine are presented: (1) Prevalence and incidence of mental illnesses, (2) Sex-specific risk- and protective factors for mental health, (3) Interplay between psychological and somatic diseases and (4) methodical-psychometric developments. Methods: The GHS is an ongoing, prospective and interdisciplinary cohort study in Mainz. The comprehensive examinations include psychological characteristics and clinical and laboratory tests. 15010 respondents were selected in the baseline study fro…
Recalled parental rearing style, self-esteem, and psychopathological symptoms in the general population
The enduring impact of perceived parental behavior on self-esteem as well as anxiety and depression in adults is still unknown. In a large random route sample (age range 18?92), 4,747 subjects were asked to complete questionnaires about recalled parental rearing, selfesteem, anxiety, and depression. Structural equation modeling was used, and the data from the mother and the father version of the FEE (a questionnaire for recalled parental rearing) were analyzed separately. A model proposing that self-esteem mediates the relationship between parental behavior and psychopathological symptoms fits the data rather well (CFI = .95, RMSEA = .05, TLI = .94). Hence, the recalled authoritative parent…
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory 8: Validation of a Brief Measure of Narcissistic Personality
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and validating a short form of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). The NPI is the most widely-applied measure for the assessment of narcissistic personality traits and, therefore, it is of great relevance for many research questions in personality and social psychology. To develop the short scale, we first found the optimal eight-item solution among all valid combinations of the NPI-15 items in an exploratory subsample (n = 1,165) of our complete representative sample of the German general population. We then validated this model in a confirmatory subsample (n = 1,126). Additionally, we examined its invariance across age…
Evaluation of the revised sense of coherence scale in a representative German sample.
Background and objectivesTo evaluate the Revised Sense of Coherence (SOC-R) scale in a large representative German sample.DesignA nationwide household survey involving a total of 2510 face-to-face interviews.MethodsIn addition to the SOC-R, childhood trauma and maltreatment (CTM), lifetime traumatic events (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, CTQ, and the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5, LEC-5), and mental health (Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-4) were assessed.ResultsThe final sample consisted of N = 2373 participants (52.3% females; M = 48.24 years). Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed a three-factor structure for the SOC-R ('manageability', 'balance', 'reflection') with acceptable indi…
Teststatistische Prüfung und Normierung der deutschen Versionen des EUROHIS-QOL Lebensqualität-Index und des WHO-5 Wohlbefindens-Index
Zusammenfassung. Der Beitrag berichtet uber die teststatistische Prufung und Normierung der deutschen Versionen des EUROHIS-QOL 8 Item Index (EUROHIS-QOL) zur Erfassung der generischen Lebensqualitat und des Wohlbefindens-Index der WHO (WHO-5) zur Erfassung der Wohlbefindens aus Sicht der Befragten. Datengrundlage bildet eine reprasentative Stichprobe der bundesdeutschen Bevolkerung aus dem Jahr 2004. Die teststatistische Prufung verweist auf gute psychometrische Eigenschaften des EUROHIS-QOL Index. Obgleich Modifikationsmoglichkeiten bestehen, wird die Selektion von Items ausgeschlossen, weil dies den komzeptuellen Vorgaben der Indexkonstruktion widersprechen wurde. Die Ergebnisse der test…
Association of Physical Morbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life in a Representative Sample of Older German People
Abstract. The association between health-related quality of life (HRQoL; Short-Form Health Survey-12; SF-12) and patient-reported morbidity-related symptoms measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) is analyzed in a representative sample of older people in the general German population. Data from 1,659 people aged 60 to 85 years were obtained. Latent class analysis identified six classes of patients, which optimally categorize clusters of physical symptoms the participants reported: musculoskeletal impairments (39.8%), healthy (25.7%), musculoskeletal and respiratory/cardiac impairments (12.8%), musculoskeletal and respiratory impairments, along with bowel and digestion prob…
The Prevalence and Consequences of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the German Population
Background Multiple studies have shown a link between cumulative adverse experiences in childhood and a wide variety of psychosocial problems in later life. There have not been any pertinent representative studies of the German population until now. The goal of this study is to determine the frequency of adverse childhood experiences (ACE), the extent to which they manifest themselves in patterns of co-occurrence, and their possible connection to psychosocial abnormalities in the German population. Methods 2531 persons (55.4% female) aged 14 years and up (mean [M] = 48.6 years, standard deviation [SD] = 18) were retro- spectively studied for ACE and psychosocial abnormalities by means of th…
The immediate impact of lockdown measures on mental health and couples’ relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic
BackgroundLockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to have negative effects on mental health and relationship quality. However, little is known about the magnitude of these psychological effects on a population level and for vulnerable subgroups.MethodsA representative sample (N = 2503; 50.2% female; mean age = 49.5) of the German population was assessed face-to-face during the COVID-19 pandemic (February 10-April 25, 2020). They were examined for differences in mental health (BSI-18) and relationship quality (PFB) in a pre-lockdown and lockdown subsamples. After testing and establishing the measurement models in confirmatory factor analyses, we added covariates as predic…
Evaluation der Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen deutschen Bevölkerungsumfrage
ZusammenfassungBisherige Studien zu Sexual Sensation Seeking (SSS) und der Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS) wurden überwiegend an nach dem Alter sowie dem Geschlecht selektierten Stichproben durchgeführt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die deutsche Version der SSSS anhand einer repräsentativen Umfrage an Männern und Frauen evaluiert, welche die gesamte Altersspanne der erwachsenen deutschen Bevölkerung umfasst. Die Gütekriterien und die Faktorenstruktur der deutschen Version der Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale wurden anhand einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von N=2420 Probanden (54% Frauen, 46% Männer) im Alter von 18–93 Jahren (M=50,44, SD=16,97) untersucht. Die SSSS zeigt gute Werte hinsichtli…
Predictors of quality of life of cancer patients, their children, and partners
Objective The objective of this study is to assess the quality of life (QOL) of cancer patients and their family members over 1-year period post therapy. Methods We evaluated QOL in cancer patients (N = 161) (Short Form-8 Health Survey (SF-8), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 30- Item Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30)), their partners (N = 110) (SF-8), and their children (N = 115) (KIDSCREEN-27) using a longitudinal design (t1: post therapy, t2: 6 months after t1, t3: 12 months after t1). Multiple regression models were employed to examine factors related to QOL. Results After cancer therapy, impairments in the patients' QOL were found primarily in…
Assessing Procrastination
Abstract. The short form of the General Procrastination Scale (GPS-K; Klingsieck & Fries, 2012 ; Lay, 1986 ) is a reliable self-report scale measuring general procrastination. The presumed one-dimensional factor structure of the scale, however, has never been examined. Thus, the purposes of this representative study were to examine its dimensionality and factorial invariance across age and sex, and to provide norm values of the German general population. The GPS-K was administered to a representative community sample ( N = 2,527; age range 14–95 years). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. To explore convergent validity, standardized scales of distress and life satisfact…
Emotion regulation strategies moderate the relationship of fatigue with depersonalization and derealization symptoms.
Abstract Background The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships of common emotion regulation strategies (suppression and reappraisal) to self-reported fatigue and depersonalization/derealization symptoms. Specifically, we tested the moderating effect of suppression and reappraisal on the link of fatigue with depersonalization and derealization symptoms. Opposite effects were expected for both emotion regulation strategies assuming that cognitive reappraisal has an adaptive buffering effect, while suppression intensifies the association of fatigue and depersonalization/derealization experiences. Methods In a representative study (N = 2524) we assessed emotion regulation…
Childhood adversities and distress - The role of resilience in a representative sample.
While adverse childhood experiences have been shown to contribute to adverse health outcomes in adulthood, specifically distress and somatic symptoms, few studies have examined their joint effects with resilient coping style on adult adjustment. Hence, we aim to determine the association between resilient coping and distress in participants with and without reported childhood adversities. A representative German community sample (N = 2508) between 14-92 years (1334 women; 1174 men) was examined by the short form of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Brief Resilience Coping Scale, standardized scales of distress and somatoform symptoms. Childhood adversity was associated with reduced ad…
Linking cancer and mental health in men and women in a representative community sample
Abstract Objective In aging populations, a growing number of individuals are affected by cancer. However, the relevance of the disease for mental health is still controversial, especially after treatment. We drew from a representative community sample to explore the link of cancer with mental health assessing different dimensions and different periods of time. Methods A cohort of 14,375 men and women (35–74 years) underwent medical assessments and was queried about cancer history, previous diagnoses of mental disorders, current mental distress symptoms, and current subjective health appraisal. Results 1066 participants (7.4%) reported a diagnosis of cancer (survival time M = 9.79 (SD = 9.07…
Prevalence and determinants of online-sex use in the German population.
Introduction The unlimited access to sexual features in the World Wide Web has raised concerns about excessive and problematic online-sex use. However, little is known about antecedents of internet-sex use of different intensity. Based on a representative German sample of 2,522 participants between the ages of 14 and 97 years, the aims of the present study were (1) to determine the prevalence rates of online-sex users with the short version (ISSTGSV) of the Internet Sex Screening Test and (2) to associate online-sex use with anxious vs. avoidant partner attachment patterns and “Big Five” personality traits as potential antecedents. Results The ISST is a brief, one-dimensional and reliable m…
Die PPmP im Spiegel der Zitierungen
Unsere Zeitschrift erfüllt für ihre Leserinnen und Leser viele Funktionen. Sie soll der Fort- und Weiterbildung dienen, auch fachpolitische Übersichten geben, aber vor allem auch über den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und die Arbeit in den Fachgebieten Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie informieren.Die wissenschaftliche Reputation einer Zeitschrift wird oft daran festgemacht, in welcher Weise Beiträge in anderen wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen rezipiert werden. Das Jahresende legt es nahe, wieder einmal einen Blick auf die Rezeption der Zeitschrift zu werfen. Wir wollen zum einen eine Längsschnittbetrachtung machen in dem Sinne, welche Artikel der Zeitschrift langfrist…
Psychometric evaluation of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screener GAD-7, based on a large German general population sample.
Abstract Background The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scales GAD-7 and GAD-2 are instruments for the assessment of anxiety. The aims of this study are to test psychometric properties of these questionnaires, to provide normative values, and to investigate associations with sociodemographic factors, quality of life, psychological variables, and behavioral factors. Methods A German community sample (n=9721) with an age range of 18–80 years was surveyed using the GAD-7 and several other questionnaires. Results Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the unidimensionality and measurement invariance of the GAD-7 across age and gender. Females were more anxious than males (mean scores: M=4.07 vs. M…
Menopausal syndrome limited to hot flushes and sweating a representative survey study.
The menopausal syndrome is described as a series of various physical and nonphysical symptoms attributed to perimenopausal changes in hormone levels. However, evidence is biased by focusing research on the target group of middle aged women only. To overcome this bias, we examined the occurrence of menopausal symptoms during the entire life span in both women and men.Therefore, we studied the occurrence of menopausal symptoms with the widely used Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) across the entire life span in both women and men. To this end, we performed a nationwide cross-sectional survey study in Germany in which we examined a representative sample of 2527 persons aged from 14 to 95 years. Add…
The Prevalence of Sexual Violence: Results From a Population-Based Sample
BACKGROUND: Sexual violence can cause severe mental and bodily harm. This is the first study of a population-based sample in Germany to assess both the frequency of the subjects' having experienced sexual violence and the frequency of their having manifested sexually aggressive behavior themselves. METHODS: 2513 persons (of whom 2422 were over age 18 and 91 were aged 14 to 18) were asked about their experiences with sexual violence in the past 12 months, either as the person committing sexual violence or as the victim of sexual violence at the hands of other adults or similarly aged adolescents. RESULTS: 0.6% (n = 6) of the men and 1.2% (n = 16) of the women surveyed, and ca. 5% (n = 4) of …
Psychosomatisch relevante Instrumente in der Leipziger LIFE-Adult-Study
Psychosomatically relevant instruments used in the Leipzig LIFE-Adult-StudyObjectives: The main aim of the Leipzig Life-Adult-Study was to examine civilization diseases. In this paper we present the instruments used in this study which are relevant in a psychosomatic context. In addition, several results obtained with the study data will be described. Methods: The study comprised 10,000 inhabitants of Leipzig, the age range was 18-80 years. Beyond comprehensive medical examinations, the study included several questionnaires concerning mental health and quality of life. Results: This paper presents an overview on the assessment instruments for the following areas: medical examinations, socio…
Depression, anxiety and health status across different BMI classes: A representative study in Germany
Abstract Background Changes in body mass index (BMI) over the course of one's lifetime are related to the development of mental disorders. In the current study we compared symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety as well as general health status in the four BMI-classes: underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity. Furthermore, mediator role of general health status on the relationship between BMI and depression and generalized anxiety was analyzed. Methods A representative sample (random-route sampling) of the German population (N = 2350) was investigated in a cross-sectional survey by measuring the three questionnaires PHQ-9, GAD-7 and EQ-5D-5L. Results The results showed signifi…
Age and gender differences in anxiety and depression in cancer patients compared with the general population.
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the levels of anxiety and depression in cancer patients with those of the general population, to examine age and gender differences in anxiety and depression, to analyse the impact of several socio-demographic and clinical parameters on anxiety and depression, and to test the age and gender measurement invariance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Methods A sample of 3,785 German patients with cancer and a sample of 2,747 people of the German general population were examined using the HADS. Results Patients with cancer were more anxious but slightly less depressed than age- and gender-matched individuals of the general populat…
Prevalence, correlates, and predictors of depersonalization experiences in the German general population.
The survey aimed to investigate the prevalence of depersonalization (DP) experiences, its sociodemographic characteristics and its associations with medical conditions, illness behavior, and potential etiologic factors. A representative face-to-face household survey was conducted. The sample consists of n = 1,287 participants aged 14 to 90 years. Sociodemographic variables, medical conditions, current mental disorders, health care utilization, and childhood adversities were assessed. A total of 1.9% participants scored in the range of clinically significant DP (DP-C) and 9.7% reported at least some impairment through DP (DP-I). DP-C/DP-I were strongly associated with depression and anxiety.…
Experienced Childhood Maltreatment in a Sample of Pedophiles: Comparisons With Patients of a Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinic and the General Population.
Abstract Background Adverse childhood events have a lasting impact on mental health. Studies on patients with pedophilia focus on traumatic events as sexual abuse in their childhood, in which further childhood maltreatment is rarely described. Aim In addition to previous studies on patients with pedophilia that focus on traumatic events as sexual abuse, we further investigate different types of childhood maltreatment. Methods We compared 3 samples using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: patients with pedophilia, psychotherapy outpatients, and general population (GP). Descriptive analyses were conducted for prevalence rates. To assess statistical differences between the samples concerning …
Patient participation in the medical decision-making process in haemato-oncology - a qualitative study
Cancer patients are showing increased interest in shared decision-making. Patients with haematological illnesses, however, express considerably less desire for shared decision-making as compared with other oncological patient groups. The goal of the current project was to identify the reasons for the lower desire for shared decision-making among patients with haematological illness. We conducted qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 11 haematological patients (39-70 years old) after the beginning of therapy concerning the course and evaluation of medical shared decision-making. The patients were often overwhelmed by the complexity of the illness and the therapy and did not want to as…
Validation of the German Version of the Power of Food Scale in a General Population Sample
<b><i>Objective:</i></b> The Power of Food Scale (PFS) is a self-report instrument for assessing appetitive motivation in the absence of caloric needs. The study aim was to validate the German PFS version in a large population sample. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Complete information on all PFS items was available from 2,421 respondents (age ≥14) of a nationally representative sample of the German population. We examined the psychometric properties of the German PFS version and provided population-based normative data. <b><i>Results:</i></b> The 3-factor structure of the original scale was replicated in confirmatory factor an…
Type D personality is independently associated with major psychosocial stressors and increased health care utilization in the general population
Abstract Background Type D is considered as a non pathological personality trait and propensity for mental distress. Its relationship with mental distress has been mainly studied in cardiovascular patients and with respect to depression. The knowledge about the relationship of Type D with mental disorders, psychosocial stressors and health care utilization in the general population is insufficient. Therefore the present study sought to determine the associations of Type D with mental distress, major psychosocial stressors, health status, and health care utilization in the general population. Methods Cross-sectional analysis in a representative population based sample of n = 2495 subjects (m…
Life satisfaction, anxiety, depression and resilience across the life span of men
To determine (a) the relationship between life satisfaction, anxiety, depression and ageing in the male community and (b) to identify the impact of vulnerability factors, personal and social resources on life satisfaction and distress.A stratified random sample of the German male population (N = 2144) was investigated by standardized questionnaires of life satisfaction (FLZ(M)), depression, anxiety (PHQ), resilience (RS-11) and self-esteem (RSS).No age-related change was found regarding overall life satisfaction. Satisfaction with health decreased in midlife (51-60 years), while the importance of health increased. Importance of and satisfaction with partnership and sexuality were only reduc…
The Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12): Factorial structure, validity and population-based norms.
The Somatic Symptom Disorder - B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) assesses the psychological features of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD). The present study investigates the dimensionality and psychometric properties in a general population sample and provides norm values.Test dimensionality was evaluated via confirmatory factor analysis and nonparametric item response theory. Correlational analyses and logistic regression models based on related measures (SSS 8, PHQ-2, GAD-2, Health Care Utilization) were used to derive predictive validity. Age and gender specific norms were derived via quantile regression.The SSD-12 has good item characteristics and excellent reliability (Cronbach's α=0.95). C…
Validierung der Messung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität mittels des Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) in einer deutschen Normstichprobe
Validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) assessing health-related quality of life in a normative German sample Objectives: Convergent and divergent validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 assessing HRQoL by analyzing its associations with depressiveness (PHQ-9), social support (OSS-3) and satisfaction with life (SWLS). Methods: A normative German sample (N = 2.524) was analyzed using correlation, regression as well as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling for ordinal data. Results: The SF-12-scale Mental Health is associated most strongly with the validation criteria (PHQ: r[scales/constructs] = -.73/-.88, OSS-3: r = .35/.55, SWLS: r =…
#patientstoo - Professional sexual misconduct by healthcare professionals towards patients: a representative study.
Abstract Aims Sexual border violations are a severe problem in the healthcare system. Studies using non-probability samples indicate a high prevalence of professional sexual misconduct (PSM) towards patients. However, valid prevalence rates are lacking. Methods We did a cross-sectional, observational study in Germany from February to April 2020. By different sampling steps, a probability sample of the German population above the age of 14 was generated. The final sample consisted 2503 persons (50.2% female, mean age: 49.5 years). Participants were asked about sexual contacts with and sexual harassment by healthcare professionals. Using descriptive statistics, prevalence rates of PSM were es…
Welche Auswirkungen haben Flucht und Vertreibung auf Lebensqualität und Befindlichkeit? Repräsentative Erhebung mit den vor 1946 Geborenen in Deutschland
Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: Zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges war ein groser Teil der deutschen Bevolkerung Flucht und Vertreibung ausgesetzt. Massive Belastungen und Traumatisierungen wurden in zahlreichen Einzelfallschilderungen beschrieben. Erste systematische Untersuchungen an ausgewahlten Stichproben ergaben Hinweise auf nachhaltige psychische Langzeitfolgen der Vertreibung; reprasentative Erhebungen in der deutschen Bevolkerung fehlen aber bisher. Ziele der vorliegenden Studie waren daher zu bestimmen, wie sich Lebensqualitat, psychisches und korperliches Befinden von Vertriebenen aus den ostlichen Siedlungsgebieten im hoheren Lebensalter entwickelt haben im Vergleich zu Nichtvertri…
The Core Self-Evaluation Scale: Psychometric properties of the German version in a representative sample
The Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) is an economical self-reporting instrument that assesses fundamental evaluations of self-worthiness and capabilities. The broad aims of this study were to test the CSES's psychometric properties. The study is based on a representative survey of the German general population. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for different models with 1, 2, and 4 latent factors. The CSES was found to be reliable and valid, as it correlated as expected with measures of depression, anxiety, quality of life, self-report health status, and pain. A 2-factor model with 2 related factors (r = -.62) showed the best model fit. Furthermore, the CSES was measurement invar…
Prevalence and overlap of somatic symptom disorder, bodily distress syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome in the German general population: A cross sectional study
Abstract Objective To study the prevalence and clinical characteristics of Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD), Bodily Distress Syndrome (BDS) and fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and their overlap in the general German population. Methods A cross-sectional nationally representative population survey was performed. 2531 participants (mean age 48.8 ± 17.85 years, 53.3% women) completed the Somatic Symptom Scale SSS-8, the Bodily Distress Syndrome (BDS) 25 checklist, the Whiteley Index 7 (WI-7), the self-administered comorbidity questionnaire and the Michigan Body Map. Case definitions of SSD, BDS and FMS were assigned using established criteria. Results 4.5% of participants met the criteria of SSD (SS…
The association between night eating and body mass depends on age
Night eating syndrome (NES) is marked by substantial evening or nocturnal food intake, insomnia, morning anorexia, and depressed mood. Originally, NES was described as an eating pattern among obese individuals.However, subsequent studies showed that NES also occurs among non-obese individuals, who appear to be younger than obese individuals with NES. Thus, it has been proposed that NES may lead to future weight gain,which may explain inconsistent findings about associations between NES and body mass. The current study investigated the relationships between age, body mass index (BMI), and night eating severity in a representative sample of German adults (n = 2317). It was found that age mode…
Detecting Authoritarianism Efficiently: Psychometric Properties of the Screening Instrument Authoritarianism – Ultra Short (A-US) in a German Representative Sample
With right-wing-extremist and -populist parties and movements on the rise throughout the world, the concept of authoritarianism has proven to be particularly valuable to explain the psychological underpinnings of these tendencies. Even though many scales to measure the different dimensions of authoritarianism exist, no short screening instrument has been tested and validated on a large scale so far. The present study examines the psychometric properties of the screening instrument Authoritarianism ��� Ultrashort (A-US) in three representative German samples (n = 2,524, n = 2,478, and n = 2,495). Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the A-US demonstrated acceptable internal co…
Psychometric properties of the Somatic Symptom Scale 8 (SSS-8) in a representative sample of German adolescents.
Abstract Objective The psychometric properties of the Somatic Symptom Scale 8 (SSS-8) have been investigated in different studies. However, there is no study examining its psychometric properties on representative data of adolescents. The study at hand will present results from a large representative sample of German adolescents (13 to 18 years). Methods The following analyses draw on cross-sectional data from German ninth-grade students collected in 2015. Altogether, 10,638 individuals were surveyed with a return rate of 68.5% as part of a periodic representative survey in the German federal state of Lower Saxony. Results For the SSS-8, coefficient omega for the full sample was ω = 0.90, a…
Is assessment of depression equivalent for migrants of different cultural backgrounds? Results from the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS)
BACKGROUND Bearing in mind the multicultural background of a national population, little is known about the measurement invariance across different cultures or ethnicities of frequently used screeners for depression. For this reason, the main objective of the current study is to assess the measurement invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) across groups with different migration backgrounds. METHODS We provided psychometric analyses (descriptive statistics at item and scale level, reliability analysis, exploratory [EFA] and confirmatory factor analyses [CFA]) comparing a native population with first- and second-generation migrants of the German population-based Gutenberg Heal…
Sind wir wirklich so glücklich, wie wir es glauben? Eine kritische Untersuchung der Arbeitszufriedenheit an einer Universitätskinderklinik
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Trotz zahlreich berichteter Defizite und einem zunehmend angespannten Arbeitsumfeld in deutschen Krankenhäusern wird die Arbeitszufriedenheit von den Mitarbeitern regelmäßig als hoch bis sehr hoch einschätzt. Damit fehlen wichtige Argumente zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen gegenüber den Vorständen. Aus dieser Diskrepanz zwischen Arbeitsbedingungen und subjektiver Zufriedenheit ergab sich die Motivation für die vorliegende Arbeit. Methodik Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mittels einer Mitarbeiterbefragung am Kinderzentrum des Universitätsklinikum Leipzig AöR. Unterteilt wurde nach ärztlichem, Pflege- und Funktionsdienst. Gemessen wurde die subje…
Is somatosensory amplification a risk factor for an increased report of side effects? Reference data from the German general population
Abstract Objective The study investigates the association between somatosensory amplification and the reporting of side effects. It establishes a German version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale and examines its psychometric properties in a representative sample of the German population. Methods Sample size was 2.469, with 51% taking any medication. Participants answered the Somatosensory Amplification Scale, Generic Assessment of Side Effects Scale, and indicated whether they were taking any medication and the type of medication. Correlational analysis and binary logistic regression were performed. Results When examining a subsample reporting both medication intake and general bodil…
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Avatar Preferences in Online Games
Abstract. This study investigates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), age, and sex with respect to their avatar preference in online games. The analyses comprise a subsample of n = 1817 adolescents and adults from 14 to 60 years within a representative German population-based study. Results indicate that 14 % of this sample uses avatars in online games, with significantly more males (22.6 %) than females (7.7 %) doing so. Persons with multiple ACEs (≥ 4) have a higher OR of 2.05 (95 % CI: 1.418–2.956) to use avatars in online games. Regarding avatar preference, females are more likely to play supporters than males, and males are more likely to choose damagers and…
Psychometric evaluation of the Eating Disorders in Youth-Questionnaire when used in adults: Prevalence estimates for symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and population norms.
Objective Restrictive eating behaviors occur across ages, but little is known about symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), especially in adults. This study sought to examine the prevalence of symptoms of ARFID in the adult population, providing a psychometric evaluation of the Eating Disorders in Youth-Questionnaire (EDY-Q) and population norms. Method In a representative survey of the German population, N = 2,424 adults (1,297 women, 1,127 men; age 49.5 ± 17.5 years) were assessed with the EDY-Q and measures of eating disorder and general psychopathology for divergent validation. Results The point prevalence of self-reported symptoms of ARFID amounted to 0.8% (20/2,…
Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20), Derived From Seven Samples
Abstract Context Fatigue is a frequent symptom in patients suffering from chronic diseases. The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) is often used to measure fatigue. The aim of this article was to test the scale structure of the questionnaire. Methods The MFI-20 data were obtained from seven samples, including general population samples and samples of patients with different diseases (N between 122 and 1993). Five confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models were tested for each sample. Results The scale structure postulated by the original test authors could not be confirmed by the CFAs. The inclusion of a method factor which considers the positive versus the negative orientation of t…
Child maltreatment is mediating long-term consequences of household dysfunction in a population representative sample.
AbstractBackground:Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) exhibit long-lasting consequences on later life and are considered as a major public health problem. ACEs can be divided into household dysfunctions, which affect the child indirectly, and direct maltreatment. As a high correlation between ACEs in general is known, we assessed the risk for child maltreatment associated with the occurrence of household dysfunctions. To provide a better understanding for the mechanisms leading to the deleterious sequelae of ACEs, we furthermore assessed whether the long-term consequences of household dysfunction are mediated by child maltreatment and thereby might be targeted by effective child protection…
Efficacy and predictors of outcome of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (stpp) in depressed breast cancer patients: A randomised controlled trial
Results: 34 people made up the data set. 25/34 (74%) answered the questionnaire. 11/25(44%) had suicidal thoughts in the previous 72 hours. 3/34 (9%) had deliberately self-harmed in the previous 72 hours. 29/34 (85%) stated that the needle exchange would be their first contact point in health care if they had concerns over theirmental health. Qualitative data revealed drug workers are providing mental health support to service users, but haven’t received formal training. Discussion: This is a small study limited by questionnaire design and sample size. However, it does highlight some important points. Namely, drug users remain at higher risk of suicide ideation and selfharm than general pop…
Parental rearing style and socio-demography of married and cohabiting individuals in a representative German sample
ABSTRACTWhereas the number of marriages has decreased, alternatives such as cohabitation have increased in German society. The main goal of the present representative study was to specify the influ...
Between commodification and altruism: gender imbalance and attitudes towards organ donation. A representative survey of the German community
The German transplant law (TGP) of 1997 only recognises organ donation if the donor agrees (‘extended consent’) and if done for altruistic reasons. Several alternatives will be discussed here, including incentives and passive agreement. Based upon a representative survey, the authors examined the attitudes of Germans towards several European models of organ donation and their attitude towards organ donation in general whilst living and after death. The acceptance of possible compensation systems was also explored. In Germany the majority do not favour compensation systems, but rather passive agreement. There is evidence of gender difference with respect to this attitude. Men tend to favour …
The association of adverse childhood experiences and of resilience with chronic noncancer pain in the German adult population - A cross-sectional survey.
Background Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) might predispose to and resilience might protect against chronic noncancer pain (CNCP). We studied whether ACE are positively associated with CNCP, whether resilience was negatively associated with CNCP and whether resilience buffered a potential association of ACE with CNCP. Methods A cross-sectional survey (N = 2,425) representative for the adult German general population was conducted in 2013. The following questionnaires were used: Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire for CNCP stages; Childhood Trauma Screener for ACE; Brief Resilient Coping Scale for resilience; Patient Health Questionnaire 4 for psychological symptom burden; Giessen Subjectiv…
Gender-specific associations of loneliness and suicidal ideation in a representative population sample: Young, lonely men are particularly at risk
Loneliness has been related to negative physical and mental health outcomes including suicidal ideation (SI). However, it is not clear whether loneliness is equally important for SI in women and men and in individuals of all age groups.Participants were a representative population sample (N=2,450) comprising the entire adult age range (18-95 years). Participants filled out established questionnaires (UCLA Three-Item Loneliness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, Patient Health Questionnaire-4). We tested a multiple linear regression model of SI (controlling for income, living alone, and mental distress) with interaction terms (loneliness x gender, loneliness x age, gender x age, lonelin…
Loneliness and its relation to mental health in the general population: Validation and norm values of a brief measure
Abstract Background Loneliness has been increasingly recognized as an important determinant of mental health. The purposes of this study were to (1) determine the degree of loneliness of women and men across different age groups, (2) explore its association with distress, (3) psychometrically evaluate the Three-Item Loneliness Scale, (4) provide norm values. Methods The Three-Item Loneliness Scale was applied in a representative survey of the German population (N=2527; 14–95 years). Standardized scales were used measuring distress (depression and anxiety symptoms, perceived stress, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, fatigue, life satisfaction). Factor structure and measurement invariance acro…
New onset of depression in aging women and men: contributions of social, psychological, behavioral, and somatic predictors in the community.
AbstractBackgroundBased on the vulnerability–stress model, we aimed to (1) determine new onset of depression in individuals who had not shown evidence of depression at baseline (5 years earlier) and (2) identify social, psychological, behavioral, and somatic predictors.MethodsLongitudinal data ofN= 10 036 participants (40–79 years) were evaluated who had no evidence of depression at baseline based on Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), no history of depression, or intake of antidepressants. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to predict the onset of depression.ResultsPrevalence of new cases of depression was 4.4%. Higher rates of women (5.1%) than men (3.8%) were due to thei…
Psychometrische Evaluation und Normwerte einer Ultrakurzform der Sense of Coherence Scale “SOC-3”
ZusammenfassungKohärenzsinn ist eine psychische Ressource, die maßgeblich zu einem adaptiven Coping im Umgang mit belastenden Situationen beiträgt. In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchen wir eine Ultrakurzform der Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-3) in einer repräsentativen Stichprobe der deutschen Bevölkerung (N=2.018). Das 3-Item-Modell wies exzellente Gütekriterien sowie eine akzeptable Reliabilität auf. Über Altersgruppen und Geschlecht konnte partielle strikte Messinvarianz des Modells nachgewiesen werden. In Bezug auf Konstruktvalidität demonstrierten unsere Analysen starke Überschneidungen der SOC-3 mit längeren SOC-Versionen (−9 und−29). Analog zu den SOC-Langversionen wurden erwartung…
Is the General Self-Efficacy Scale a Reliable Measure to be used in Cross-Cultural Studies? Results from Brazil, Germany and Colombia.
AbstractThis study evaluated cross-cultural measurement invariance for the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES) in a large Brazilian (N = 2.394) and representative German (N = 2.046) and Colombian (N = 1.500) samples. Initially, multiple-indicators multiple-causes (MIMIC) analyses showed that sex and age were biasing items responses on the total sample (2 and 10 items, respectively). After controlling for these two covariates, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) was employed. Configural invariance was attested. However, metric invariance was not supported for five items, in a total of 10, and scalar invariance was not supported for all items. We also evaluated the differences be…
An art therapy intervention for cancer patients in the ambulant aftercare - results from a non-randomised controlled study
An art therapy intervention for cancer patients in the ambulant aftercare – results from a non-randomised controlled study Art therapy in psycho-oncology is gaining increasing importance, but systematic evaluations of its effects are rare. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of an art therapy intervention for cancer patients in ambulant aftercare on psychological distress and coping. The intervention consisted of 22 sessions. At three points of measurement (t1: before intervention, t2: following intervention, t3: 6 months after t2), participants responded to questionnaires (Freiburg Questionnaire on Coping with Illness, Perceived Adjustment to Chronic Illness Scale, Hospital…
East vs. West: Differences in the prevalence of child maltreatment in Germany before the reunification
Efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) with depressed breast cancer patients: results of a randomized controlled multicenter trial.
BACKGROUND There is a lack of trials of psychodynamic treatments of depression in breast cancer patients. The purpose of this trial was to determine the efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) in non-metastatic breast cancer patients diagnosed with depression, one of the most frequent mental comorbidities of breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a multicenter prospective trial, 157 breast cancer patients with comorbid depression were randomized to either individual STPP (intervention group, N=78) or 'treatment as usual' (control group, TAU, N=79). As our primary outcome measure, we hypothesized a higher rate of remission defined as no diagnosis of depression (Structured C…
Brief assessment of subjective health complaints: Development, validation and population norms of a brief form of the Giessen Subjective Complaints List (GBB-8).
Abstract Objective Although there is no causal relationship to medical morbidity, routine clinical assessment of somatic symptoms aids medical diagnosis and assessment of treatment effectiveness. Regardless of their causes, somatic symptoms indicate suffering, distress, and help-seeking behavior. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a brief self-report questionnaire to assess somatic symptom strain. Methods A brief form of the Giessen Subjective Complaints List (GBB-8) was developed and validated in a large population sample representative of the Federal Republic of Germany ( N = 2008). Psychometric analyses included confirmation of factor structure, classical item anal…
Different Contexts of Sexual Abuse With a Special Focus on the Context of Christian Institutions: Results From the General Population in Germany.
Recent revelations of the extent of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Germany and the United States have once more triggered the debate about sexual abuse. Those inquiries identify cases that are known to authorities or have been recorded in these institutions. However, to assess the full magnitude of the problem, data beyond recorded or known cases are needed, as it can be assumed that a vast number of cases are not reported and are hence not included in such file reviews. Therefore, representative surveys are needed. The aim of the present study was to examine the prevalence of sexual abuse by priests and in different contexts in the German population based on a representative…
Risk factors for suicidal ideation in a large, registry-based sample of adult long-term childhood cancer survivors
Abstract Introduction Long-term childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at risk for physical and psychosocial late effects. Previous research has attested to increased rates of suicidal ideation (SI) in CCS, an especially dangerous indicator of distress. However, little was known about risk factors of SI among CCS which go beyond illness- and treatment related variables. Methods A registry-based sample of 916 adult long-term CCS (Mage=34.58 years [SD=5.53], Mage at diagnosis=6.15 years [SD=4.28]) underwent medical assessments and filled out questionnaires. We conducted a linear regression analysis on SI, testing predictors of different areas: sociodemographic, social, physical health and healt…
How can we support COVID-19 survivors? Five lessons from long-term cancer survival.
Similarities and Differences of Mental Health in Women and Men: A Systematic Review of Findings in Three Large German Cohorts
In Germany, large, population-based cohort studies have been implemented in order to identify risk and protective factors for maintaining health across the life span. The purpose of this systematic review is to analyse findings from three large ongoing cohorts and to identify sex-specific prevalence rates, risk and protective factors for mental health. Published studies from the Cooperative Health Research in the Region Augsburg (KORA), the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) and the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS)), representing the southern, north-eastern and middle parts of Germany, were identified through searches of the databases PubMed and Web of Science. A total of 52 articles was ident…
Sleep quality in the general population: psychometric properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, derived from a German community sample of 9284 people.
Abstract Background The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is frequently used to assess sleep problems in patients. The aim of this study was to provide reference values for this questionnaire, to test psychometric properties, and to analyze associations with psychological, sociodemographic, and behavioral factors. Methods A German community sample comprising 9284 adult residents (aged 18–80 years) was surveyed using the PSQI and several other questionnaires. Results According to the generally accepted cut-off (PSQI > 5), 36% of the general population slept badly. Females reported significantly more sleep problems than males (mean scores: M = 5.5 vs. M = 4.4, respectively; effect size d …
Socio-demographic, health-related, and individual correlates of diagnostic self-testing by lay people: Results from a representative survey in Germany
Introduction A broad range of self-tests (testing for e.g. HIV, cancer, hepatitis B/C) have become available and can be conducted by lay consumers without the help of a health professional. The aims of this study were to (a) investigate the prevalence of self-testing, (b) identify the most frequently used self-tests, and (c) explore the associations between socio-demographic, health-related and individual factors with self-testing. Methods A face-to-face plus paper-pencil cross-sectional survey was conducted. The sample consisted of 2.527 respondents who were representative of the German population in terms of the age, sex, and residence. Basic descriptive statistics and univariate logistic…
Normierung des SF-12 Version 2.0 zur Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität in einer deutschen bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichprobe
Zusammenfassung. Der Short-Form-Health Survey (SF-12) ist ein Screeninginstrument zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität. Der Körperliche Skalenwert repräsentiert Allgemeine Gesundheitswahrnehmung, Körperliche Funktionsfähigkeit und Rollenfunktion sowie Schmerzen. Der Psychische Skalenwert bildet Emotionale Rollenfunktion, Psychisches Wohlbefinden, Negativen Affekt und Soziale Funktionsfähigkeit ab. Alternativ kann die Emotionale Rollenfunktion getrennt ermittelt werden. Die Daten entstammen einer schriftlichen Befragung einer für Deutschland repräsentativen Normstichprobe von N = 2 524 Personen. Der Körperliche Skalenwert kann mit R2 = .305 besser prädiziert werden als die …
Cancer patients’ preferred and perceived level of involvement in treatment decision-making: an epidemiological study
Background: We aimed to analyze preferred and perceived levels of patients’ involvement in treatment decision-making in a representative sample of cancer patients.Material and Methods: We conducted...
Recalled parental rearing behavior in adult women and men with depressive and anxiety symptoms: Findings from a community study.
Objectives: Addressing the lack of population-based data, the purpose of this representative study was to assess sex- and age-specific associations of maternal and paternal rearing behavior with depressiveness and anxiety controlling for sociodemographic and somatic variables. Methods: 8,175 subjects participating in a population-based study completed standardized questionnaires measuring Recalled Parental Rearing Behavior and distress. Results: Women recalled their fathers as more controlling and warmer, and their mothers as more rejecting than men. Comparisons between age groups (≤ 60 vs. > 60 years) revealed that younger participants recalled more parental control and emotional warmth. I…
Prevalence of Chronic Disabling Noncancer Pain and Associated Demographic and Medical Variables
OBJECTIVES In population surveys, up to 30% of participants reported chronic pain. Reports of chronic pain do not necessarily imply disability associated with pain. We assessed the prevalence of chronic disabling noncancer pain and associated demographic and medical variables in a sample of the general German population. METHODS A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 4360 people aged 14 years and above, who were representative of the German population. Measures were obtained for demographic variables, presence of chronic pain (based on the definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain), chronic pain stages (based on a chronic pain grade questionnaire), and disease l…
Erratum, Psychisches Befinden, Beschwerden und Belastungen: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Studie.
Zusammenfassung. Die Erfassung von Beschwerden und der Befindlichkeit sind wesentlicher Teil eines klinisch-diagnostischen Prozesses. Da Angststorungen und Depressionen in hohem Mase mit verschiedenen psychischen und korperlichen Belastung einhergehen, wurden in dieser Studie primar die pradiktiven Eigenschaften der Beschwerden-Liste (B-LR) und der Befindlichkeits-Skala (Bf-SR) in revidierter Form mittels Regressionsanalysen (linear und hierarchisch) an einer Stichprobe von N = 2504 untersucht. Als abhangiges Kriterium galt die Auspragung von Angst- und Depressionssymptomen, ermittelt uber das Kurzscreening Patient-Health-Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4). Da vermutet wurde, dass entsprechende Sympto…
The role of stress and self-efficacy in somatic and psychological symptoms during the climacteric period - Is there a specific association?
Abstract Objectives To investigate the influence and specificity of sociodemographic and psychological factors on the perception of symptoms associated with menopause. Study design Data are based on a nationwide cross-sectional survey study in Germany. A representative sample of 1350 females aged 14–95 years was examined. Sociodemographic factors, perceived stress, and self-efficacy were assessed. Women were divided into three age groups (young women ≤ 44 years; perimenopausal women 45–60 years; older women ≥ 61 years), and the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) was used over the entire life span. Main outcome measures Total score on the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and hot flushes/sweating asses…