Stefana Milioto
Thermodynamic studies of octyltrimethylammonium chloride in water
Densities, heat capacities, enthalpies of dilution at 298 K and osmotic coefficients at 310 K of octyltrimethylammonium chloride were measured as functions of concentration. From the experimental data, the partial molar volumes, heat capacities, relative enthalpies, nonideal free energies and entropies at 298 K were derived as functions of concentration. A comparison between the above data and those of dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride reported in the literature shows that the increase of the alkyl chain length shifts the apparent molar volumevs. concentration curves towards greater values and the heat capacity, relative enthalpy and free energyvs. concentration curves towards smaller value…
Nanocomposites based on clay nanoparticles and block copolymer
Thermodynamic evidences for the formation of tri-block copolymer/surfactant nanostructures in water
Design of PNIPAAM covalently grafted on halloysite nanotubes as a support for metal-based catalysts
A thermo-responsive polymer such as poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) was covalently grafted on the external surface of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) by means of microwave irradiation. This nanomaterial was used as a support and stabilizer for palladium nanoparticles. The obtained HNT–PNIPAAM/PdNPs was characterized by means of TGA, SEM, EDS and TEM analyses. The palladium content of the catalyst was estimated to be 0.4 wt%. The stability of the catalytic material at different temperatures (below and above the PNIPAAM lower critical solution temperature) was tested in the Suzuki reaction under microwave irradiation. In addition, TEM analysis after five consecutive runs was performed. The …
Calorimetric and Volumetric Investigations of the Effect of the Hydrophobicity of the Surfactant on the Binding between (Ethylene oxide)13-(propylene oxide)30-(ethylene oxide)13 and Sodium Alkanoates in Aqueous Solutions
The enthalpy and the volume of transfer (DeltaY(t)) of the unassociated (ethylene oxide)(13)-(propylene oxide)(30)-(ethylene oxide)(13) (L64) from water to the aqueous sodium alkanoate solutions as functions of the surfactant concentrations (m(S)) were determined at 298 K. The surfactants studied are sodium hexanoate, sodium heptanoate, sodium octanoate, sodium undecanoate, and sodium dodecanoate. As a general feature, for the short alkyl chain surfactants, DeltaY(t) describes an S-shaped curve in the range of m(S) analyzed whereas for the more hydrophobic surfactants the DeltaY(t) vs m(S) trends exhibit maxima which appear at ms values very close to the critical micellar concentration in w…
Halloysite, Al2Si2O5·2H2O, is a naturally occurring two-layered alluminosilicate, chemically similar to kaolin, which has a predominantly high-aspect-ratio hollow tubular structure in the submicrometer range and an internal diameter in the nanometer range. The size of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs), generally varies from 50 to 70 nm in external diameter, ca. 15 nm diameter lumen, and 0.5 to 1 μm in length. Halloysite tubes have aluminol (Al-OH) groups on the internal surface and siloxan groups (Si-O-Si) on the external surface. The very large diameter of the halloysite lumen makes it potentially suitable for the accommodation of a range of guests. In recent reports, for example, the mesoporous…
Co-loaded cardanol/triazole-halloysite system: characterization of the supramolecular complex and evaluation of its antiproliferative activity
Halloysite nanotubes modified with triazolium salts (f-HNT) were found to be promising drug carriers for biological molecules [1 ]. In this work we report data about f-HNT as carrier for cardanol, a molecule with interesting biological activity [2]. The interactio n between cardanol and f- HNT was highlighted by HPLC, FTIR spectroscopy, TGA , water contact angle measurements and SEM investigations. Release of cardanol from the system and cytotoxic e ffect of the complex f- HNT/Card on hepatocarcinoma cell lines were, also, evaluated. The obtained results put forward the use of halloysite as drug c arrier
Thermodynamics of transfer of some nitroalkanes from aqueous to dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide micellar phases
Abstract The enthalpies of mixing of some aqueous n-nitroalkane solutions with dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide micellar solutions were determined. The experimental data were treated by using a previously reported approach giving the enthalpies of transfer of solute from the aqueous to the micellar phases and the distribution constant of solute between the two phases at the same time. From these, the standard thermodynamic quantities of transfer (ΔtrfG°, ΔtrfH° and ΔtrfS°) are derived. In order to study the effect of the nature of both the solvent and the head group of solute, these properties are compared with those from water to octane and with those of alcohols and nitriles from aqueous …
Green conditions for the Suzuki reaction using microwave irradiation and a new HNT- supported ionic liquid-like phase (HNT-SILLP) catalyst
A new catalytic system based on modified halloysite nanotubes was employed in the Suzuki reaction under microwave irradi- ation. A set of solvents, times and bases was screened and the best experimental conditions were obtained when the reactions were carried out for 10 min in water–ethanol at 120 °C in presence of K2CO3 as base. Good recyclability was observed. The new catalytic system was employed using either 1 mol% or 0.1 mol%. The palladium catalyst displayed good activity, allowing the synthesis of several biphenyl compounds in high yield working with only 0.1 mol% palladium loading. The application of mi- crowave irradiation decreased the reaction time and also improved conversion wi…
Thermodynamic properties and conductivities of some dodecylsurfactants in water
Densities, heat capacities, enthalpies of dilution, osmotic coefficients and conductivities are reported for dodecylamine hydrochloride, dodecyldimethylammonium and dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride in water over a wide range of concentration. The last two properties were also measured for dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide. From the thermodynamic data partial molar volumes, heat capacities and relative enthalpies and nonideal free energies and entropies were derived as a function of the surfactant concentration. The cmc's and degree of counterion dissociation were also calculated from the transport properties. It is shown that the trends of volumes, enthalpies, free energies and entropies ar…
Halloysite Nanotube with Fluorinated Lumen: Non-Foaming Nanocontainer for Storage and Controlled Release of Oxygen in Aqueous Media
Halloysite clay nanotubes were selectivity modified by adsorbing perfluoroalkylated anionic surfactants at the inner surface. The modified nanotubes formed kinetically stable dispersions due to the enhanced electrostatic repulsions exercised between the particles. We proved that the modified nanotubes can be used as non-foaming oxygen nanocontainers in aqueous media. The gas release from supersaturated dispersions can be controlled by external stimuli and system composition. In conclusion, we managed to put forward an easy strategy to develop smart materials from natural nanoclays, which can endow important applications like the storage and delivery of gas.
Dispersions of nanosilica in biocompatible copolymers
Dispersions of nanosilica in matrices of biocompatible copolymers were prepared by melt blending. Copolymers with variable molecular size at fixed hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio and nanosilicas with different interfacial areas were studied. For comparison, a nanoclay was also investigated. The interfacial area played a relevant role in conferring peculiar properties on the nanohybrids. Amazingly, the macromolecule adsorbed on the nanosilica surface maintains some crystallinity which was quantitatively evaluated. In contrast, all the macromolecule anchored to the nanoclay surface is amorphous. The change of the crystalline state was reflected in the dielectric and the electrical conductivity …
Thermodynamics of cyclodextrin-surfactant interactions. Volume Enthalpy and Heat Capacity Studies
Cyclodextrins as Solubility-Enhancement Agents for Contaminant Removal from Solid Substrates
Biopolymer-Targeted Adsorption onto Halloysite Nanotubes in Aqueous Media.
Studies on the adsorption of biopolymers onto halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) in water were conducted. Three polymers with different charges-anionic (pectin), neutral (hydroxypropyl cellulose), and cationic (chitosan)-were chosen. The thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of polymers onto the HNT surface were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The experimental data were interpreted based on a Langmuir adsorption model. The standard variations in free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of the process were obtained and discussed. Turbidimetry was used to evaluate the stability of functionalized nanoparticles in water. The ζ-potential clarified the surface charge properties of …
Paper consolidation with Halloysite nanotubes. TGA, DMA and contact angle investigations
Heat capacities, volumes and solubilities of pentanol in aqueous surfactant solutions
Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of pentanol (PentOH) 0.05m in dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), dodecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) and dodecylamine hydrochloride (DAC) micellar solutions were measured at 25°C. They were assumed to approach the standard infinite dilution values and rationalized by means of previously reported equations. The distribution constant between the aqueous and the micellar phase and heat capacity and volume of pentanol in both phases were thus derived. The results show that the presence of methyl groups on the surfactant head group does not appreciably influence the apparent molar volume and heat capacity of pentanol in micellar phase and the…
ChemInform Abstract: Green Conditions for the Suzuki Reaction Using Microwave Irradiation and a New HNT-Supported Ionic Liquid-Like Phase (HNT-SILLP) Catalyst.
Aryl iodides are coupled with conversions comparable to aryl bromides whereas conversions of aryl chlorides are significantly lower.
Composite Aggregates of Tri-block Copolymers and Laponite in Aqueous Media. The Role Played by the Copolymer and their Ability to Solubilise Additives
Dual drug-loaded halloysite hybrid-based glycocluster for sustained release of hydrophobic molecules
A dual drug-loaded HNT–CD glycocluster delivery system based on halloysite nanotubes and carbohydrate functionalized cyclodextrin was developed by a green protocol using solvent-free microwave irradiation. The nanohybrid was employed for concurrent load and release of silibinin and curcumin. The new delivery system was characterized by means of TGA, FT-IR spectroscopy, SEM and DLS. These techniques confirm the successful loading of the two drugs in the system. SEM and DLS measurements highlighted that the nanomaterial preserves a tubular structure with an average hydrodynamic radius of ca. 200 nm. The release of the drugs from the HNT glycocluster was investigated by means of UV-vis spectro…
Halloysite Nanotubes: Controlled Access and Release by Smart Gates
© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Hollow halloysite nanotubes have been used as nanocontainers for loading and for the triggered release of calcium hydroxide for paper preservation. A strategy for placing end-stoppers into the tubular nanocontainer is proposed and the sustained release from the cavity is reported. The incorporation of Ca(OH) 2 into the nanotube lumen, as demonstrated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping, retards the carbonatation, delaying the reaction with CO 2 gas. This effect can be further controlled by placing the end-stoppers. The obtained material is tested for paper deacidification. We…
Ecocompatible Halloysite/Cucurbit[8]uril Hybrid as Efficient Nanosponge for Pollutants Removal
Hybrid materials based on halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8]) were prepared with the aim to obtain efficient nanosponges towards hydrocarbons both in liquid and vapor phases. The loading on both HNT surfaces and the hybrid morphology were evidenced by FTIR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy. In order to highlight the interactions in the hybrid 13C {1H} CP-MAS NMR experiments were performed. The aqueous colloidal stability of HNT/CB[8] was highlighted through ζ potential and dynamic light scattering measurements. The HNT/CB[8] composite was employed as nanosponge to capture aromatic oils in aqueous phase as evidenced by fluorescence e…
Energetics of sodium dodecylsulfate-dodecyldimethylamine oxide mixed micelle formation
Enthalpies of dilution and osmotic coefficients of the sodium dodecyl-sulfate (NaDS)-dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO) mixtures in water have been measured at 25 and 37°C, respectively. From the enthalpies of dilution the apparent molar relative enthalpies LΦ were calculated. The change of the LΦ vs. total molality mt profiles with the mole fraction reflects the variation of the ionic character of the mixed micelles. From the osmotic coefficients the nonideal free energy G2ni were calculated. By combining G2ni with the partial molar relative enthalpies, the nonideal entropies TS2ni were determined. At a given mole fraction, G2ni and TS2ni values are decreasing and increasing respectively, t…
Heat Capacity of Transfer of (Ethylene oxide)13-(propylene oxide)30-(ethylene oxide)13 from Water to the Aqueous Anionic Surfactant Solutions at 298 K. A Quantitative Treatment
Heat capacities of transfer (ACpt) of unimeric (ethylene oxide)(13)-(propylene oxide)(30)-(ethylene oxide)(13) from water to the aqueous surfactant solutions as functions of the surfactant concentrations (m(S)) were determined at 298 K. The surfactants investigated are sodium hexanoate, sodium heptanoate, sodium octanoate, sodium undecanoate, and sodium dodecanoate. For short alkyl chain surfactants, the profiles of the DeltaCp(t) versus ms curves show maxima and minima; for long alkyl chain surfactants, the maximum becomes sharper and moved to lower ms values whereas the minimum tends to disappear. These experimental trends are different from those of the enthalpy in agreement with the fac…
Modulating the self-assembly of thermosensitive block copolymers by selective cyclodextrins
Heat capacities, volumes and solubilities of pentanol in aqueous alkyltrimethylammonium bromides
Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of pentanol, 0.05m in decyl-, tetradecyl- and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromides micellar solutions, were measured at 25°C. They were assumed to approach the standard infinite dilution values and rationalized by means of previously reported equations following which the distribution constant between the aqueous and the micellar phase, heat capacity, and volume of pentanol in both phases are simultaneously derived. The present results show that the volume of the micellar core does not seem to have a significant effect on the apparent molar volume and heat capacity of pentanol in the micellar phase and on the free energy of transfer of pentanol from…
Exploiting the Colloidal Stability and Solubilization Ability of Clay Nanotubes/Ionic Surfactant Hybrid Nanomaterials
Halloysite clay nanotubes are functionalized by exploiting the different charges between the inner positive and the outer negative surfaces; accordingly, a selective adsorption is pursued by employing anionic and cationic surfactants. The obtained hybrid materials dispersed in aqueous phase are studied from the physicochemical viewpoint to investigate the colloidal stability that is a crucial parameter for applications. It is demonstrated that the adsorption of anionic surfactant into the HNTs lumen increases the net negative charge of the nanotubes enhancing the electrostatic repulsions and consequently the dispersion stability. The solubilization capability of these functionalized nanotub…
Effect of short homopolymer on structure and gelation of aqueous laponite dispersions
Copolymer−Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes in Water and in the Solid State. A Physico-Chemical Study
The formation of inclusion complexes (ICs) composed of cyclodextrins (CDs) and poly(ethylene oxides)-poly(propylene oxides)-poly(ethylene oxides) (PEO-PPO-PEO) was studied. To this purpose, native and hydroxypropyl cyclodextrins with different cavity size were chosen. The PEO-PPO-PEO copolymers were selected to study the role of the molecular weight, keeping constant the hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio, and the hydrophilicity. The volumetric studies at 25 degrees C allowed to determine the equilibrium constant and the volume change for the IC formation in water as well as the IC stoichiometry. Surface tension experiments evidenced that the copolymer and the CD interfacial behavior is controll…
Aggregation of triblock copolymers in water induced by chlorinated oils
Halloysite Nanotubes for Cleaning, Consolidation and Protection
Herein, we report our recent research concerning the development of halloysite based protocols for cleaning, consolidation and protection purposes. Surface modification of halloysite cavity by anionic surfactants was explored to fabricate inorganic micelles able to solubilize hydrophobic contaminants. Hybrid dispersions based on halloysite and ecocompatible polymers were tested as consolidants for paper and waterlogged archaeological woods. Encapsulation of deacidifying and flame retardant agents within the halloysite lumen was conducted with aim to obtain nanofiller with a long-term protection ability. The results prove the suitability and versatility of halloysite nanotubes, which are per…
Thermodynamics of Aqueous Poly(ethylene oxide)−Poly(propylene oxide)−Poly(ethylene oxide)/Surfactant Mixtures. Effect of the Copolymer Molecular Weight and the Surfactant Alkyl Chain Length
A calorimetric study was performed to focus attention on the interactions between copolymers and anionic surfactants in aqueous solutions. Three aspects were analyzed: (1) the hydrophobicity of the surfactant, (2) the change of the copolymer molecular weight, and (3) the nature of the hydrophilicity of the copolymer. To this purpose, the family of sodium alkanoates (sodium octanoate through sodium dodecanoate) and the triblock copolymers EO76PO 29EO76 (F68), EO103PO39EO 103 and EO132PO50EO132 were investigated. Comparing F68 and EO13PO30EO13 (L64), previously studied by us, provided information on the effect of the copolymer hydrophilicity. The experimental data were analyzed by means of a …
Pharmaceutical properties of supramolecular assembly of co-loaded cardanol/triazole-halloysite systems
Halloysite nanotubes were explored as drug carrier for cardanol, which is considered as a promising natural anticancer active species. To this aim, besides the pristine nanoclay, a chemical modification of the nanocarrier was performed by attaching triazolium salts with different hydrophobicity at the outer surface of the hollow nanotubes. The interaction between cardanol and nanotubes was highlighted in solution by HPLC. This method proved the loading of the drug into the nanotubes. The solid dried complexes formed by pristine and modified halloysite with the cardanol were characterized by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis as well as water contact angle to evidence the structure,…
Understanding the Effects of Crosslinking and Reinforcement Agents on the Performance and Durability of Biopolymer Films for Cultural Heritage Protection
In the last two decades, the naturally occurring polysaccharides, such as chitosan and pectin, have gained great attention having potential applications in different sectors, from biomedical to new generation packaging. Currently, the chitosan and pectic have been proposed as suitable materials also for the formulation of films and coatings for cultural heritage protection, as well as packaging films. Therefore, the formulation of biopolymer films, considering only naturally occurring polymers and additives, is a current challenging trend. This work reports on the formulation of chitosan (CS), pectin (PC), and chitosan:pectin (CS:PC) films, also containing natural crosslinking and reinforce…
Halloysite nanotubes with fluorinated cavity: an innovative consolidant for paper treatment
AbstractHybrid material based on halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and sodium perfluorooctanoate (NaPF8) was used as a consolidant for paper treatment. The consolidation efficiency was determined by thermogravimetry as well as by paper grammage determination. Morphological analysis of the treated paper was performed by means of scanning electron microscopy while the effect of modified HNTs on the thermal behaviour of the cellulose fibres was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry which determined the combustion enthalpy of the paper.Water contact angle measurements were performed to study the paper wettability. The physico-chemical properties investigated (mesoscopic structure, thermal…
Coffee grounds as filler for pectin: Green composites with competitive performances dependent on the UV irradiation.
Novel composite bioplastics were successfully prepared by filling pectin matrix with treated coffee grounds. The amount of coffee dispersed into the pectin was changed within a wide filler range. The morphology of the pectin/coffee hybrid films was studied by microscopic techniques in order to investigate their mesoscopic structure as well as the sizes distribution of the particles dispersed into the matrix. The micrographs showed that the coffee grounds are uniformly dispersed within the polymeric matrix. The morphological characteristics of the biocomposite films were correlated to their properties, such as wettability, water uptake, thermal behavior and mechanical performances. Dynamic m…
Palladium supported on Halloysite-triazolium salts as catalyst for ligand free Suzuki cross-coupling in water under microwave irradiation
Abstract Environmental friendly halloysite-dicationic triazolium salts (second generation) obtained by subsequent click reactions of a diyne derivative in the presence of 2-azidopropyl-modified halloysite nanotubes, were used as supports for palladium catalyst. Thanks to the high triazolium loading (25%) these materials were able to support higher amount of the metal than that on the monocationic derivative (first generation). Such materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM investigations. The new catalytic system was employed in the ligand free Suzuki cross-coupling under microwave irradiation. A set of solvent, time and% loading of palladium was…
Thermodynamic Behavior of Non-Ionic Tri-block Copolymers in Water at Three Temperatures
Apparent molar volumes (V Φ) of aqueous solutions of some copolymers, based on ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) units, were determined as functions of concentration at three temperatures. Viscosity measurements were also carried out on some of these systems. The effects studied include how the molecular architecture and the molecular weight affect the aggregation of the copolymer, keeping constant the EO/PO ratio. Modeling of the volumetric data yielded the partial molar volume of the copolymer in the standard (V°) and the aggregated (V M) states, as well as the equilibrium constant for micellization and the aggregation number. Analysis of the viscosity data supported the insigh…
Aqueous phase/nanoparticles interface: hydroxypropyl cellulose adsorption and desorption triggered by temperature and inorganic salts
The study highlighted the main forces driving the adsorption of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) onto clay nanoparticles with a disk-like shape (Laponite RD). Modeling the isothermal titration calorimetry data provided the key thermodynamic properties, which enabled us to discuss the microscopic aspects contributing to the energetic and the entropic changes of the polymer adsorption at the nanoparticle/liquid interface. We evidenced that the process is strongly enthalpy-driven and that the interactions lead to constraints of the HPC configuration at interface. The functionalized nanoparticles enhanced the polymer solubility in water expanding the one-phase area of the binodal curve. Temperatur…
Multicavity halloysite-amphiphilic cyclodextrin hybrids for co-delivery of natural drugs into thyroid cancer cells
Multicavity halloysite nanotube materials were employed as simultaneous carriers for two different natural drugs, silibinin and quercetin, at 6.1% and 2.2% drug loadings, respectively. The materials were obtained by grafting functionalized amphiphilic cyclodextrin onto the HNT external surface. The new materials were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, SEM, thermogravimetry, turbidimetry, dynamic light scattering and ζ-potential techniques. The interaction of the two molecules with the carrier was studied by HPLC measurements and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. The release of the drugs from HNT-amphiphilic cyclodextrin, at two different pH values, was also investigated by means of…
Volumes of aqueous block copolymers based on poly(propylene oxides) and poly(ethylene oxides) in a large temperature range: A quantitative description
The focus of this paper was on a quantitative comprehension of temperature effect on the volumes of aqueous di-block and triblock copolymers, based on propylene oxide (PO) and ethylene oxide (EO) units. To this purpose, literature data dealing with (EO316PO94 + water) and (EO13PO30EO13 + water) mixtures were analyzed. The volume vs. temperature trends were rationalized on the basis of the (unimers + aggregate) equilibrium by taking into account the temperature effect on both the partial molar volumes of the unimeric and the aggregated copolymer as well as the equilibrium constant of micellization. The analysis extended to the expansibility allowed to quantify the contribution for the shift …
Gelation Dynamics of Laponite Hydrogels in Presence of Tri-block Copolymers and their Homopolymers: a Rheological and Dynamic Light Scattering Study
Incorporation of Nitropropane in Copolymer and Copolymer-Surfactant Aggregates. A Volume, Viscosity and Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study
Thermodynamics of Solubilization of Pentanol in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Dodecyldimethylamine Oxide Mixed Micelles
Abstract Heat capacity and density measurements of pentanol (PeOH)-sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDS)-dodecyldimethylamine oxide-water mixtures were carried out at 0.03 m PeOH as a function of the total surfactants concentration (mc) at different ratios (XNaDS). From experimental data, the apparent molar volumes (VΦ,R) and heat capacities (CΦ,R) of PeOH in the surfactants mixture solutions were calculated. As a general feature, at a given mixture composition, VΦ,R increases monotonically with mt as observed in pure surfactants. In the cases of XNaDS = 0.1 and 0.3, VΦ,R drops at about 0.1 and 0.15 mt respectively. The decreasing CΦ,R VS mt curve shows peculiarities which were ascribed to the pres…
Halloysite nanotube (HNT) is an emerging biocompatible material with appealing perspective for technological applications, such as in catalysis1 and in pharmaceutical research.2 Halloysite is a double-layered aluminosilicate mineral that has a predominantly hollow tubular structure. The functionalization of HNTs is a good strategy to introduce an organic moiety onto the external surface and, therefore, to obtain innovative catalyst supports.3 We have modified the external surface of halloysite nanotube with octylimidazolium moieties (HNT-IL) by microwave irradiation in solvent-free conditions and we have have employed this material as support catalyst of Pd nanoparticles. The new HNT/Pd cat…
Clay/Non-Ionic Surfactant Hybrid Nanocomposites
This chapter gives an overview of the structural and chemical physical properties of nanocomposites formed by clay minerals and surfactants, which represent a class of materials with promising features for applications in different industrial, biomedical, and environmental applications. Due to their non-toxicity and biocompatibility, a great deal of attention is nowadays devoted to the study of non-ionic surfactants. Among them, block copolymers represent a combination of the properties of common amphiphilic molecules and long polymer chains. These macromolecules can form a great variety of supra-molecular structures generated from self-organization phenomena in aqueous media. Nanostructure…
Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of Yarn Samples from Flemish Tapestry of the Sixteenth Century
We propose a physico-chemical approach for theharacterization of the conservation condition of yarns from a Flemish tapestry of the sixteenth century. The aging effect on the yarns’ performance was evaluated by comparison with commercial materials. Water uptake experiments highlighted the aptitude of yarns toward water sorption and their increased hydrophilicity upon aging. Thermogravimetric analysis can be considered a fast approach for the fiber identification and assessment on the material life-time. The dynamic mechanical analysis provided direct evidence on the yarns, conservation state and their performance under different mechanical stresses. The proposed characterization path can be…
Aqueous nonionic copolymer-functionalized laponite clay. A thermodynamic and spectrophotometric study to characterize its behavior toward an organic material.
The affinity of functionalized Laponite clay toward an organic material in the aqueous phase was explored. Functionalization was performed by using triblock copolymers based on ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) units that are EO(11)PO(16)EO(11) (L35) and PO(8)EO(23)PO(8) (10R5). Phenol (PhOH) was chosen as organic compound, which represents a contaminant prototype. To this purpose, densities and enthalpies of mixing as well as PhOH UV-absorption spectra were determined. The enthalpy and the spectrophotometry revealed PhOH-Laponite interactions whereas the volume did not. It emerged that the area occupied by PhOH on the Laponite surface is equal to that computed from the partial m…
Enthalpies of transfer of pentanol from water to sodium dodecylsulfate-dodecyl-dimethylamine oxide-water mixtures
At a given surfactant-surfactant ratio, the enthalpies of transfer ΔH (W→W+S) of pentanol 0.03m from water to sodium dodecylsulfate (NaDS)-dodecyldimethylamine oxide-water mixtures as functions of the surfactants mixture concentration (m t) were determined. ForX NaDS=0.9, ΔH (W→W+S) increases monotonically withm t such as observed for pure surfactants. ForX NaDS=0.12 and 0.3, ΔH (W→W+S) increases withm t up to 0.12m beyond which it decreases withm t. AtX NaDS=0.6, two monotonic curves can be distinguished in the ΔH (W→W+S)vs. m t trend. Experimental data were fitted through an equation previously reported for additives in pure surfactants derived by assuming the pseudo-phase transition mode…
Effects of halloysite content on the thermo-mechanical performances of composite bioplastics
Abstract The aim of this study is the design and preparation of Mater-Bi/halloysite nanocomposite materials that could be employed as bioplastics alternative to the petroleum derived products. The biocomposite materials at variable halloysite content (from 0 to 30 wt%) were prepared by using the solvent casting method. We investigated the mechanical behaviour and the thermal properties of the prepared nanocomposites in order to estimate their suitability as biocompatible packaging materials. The thermo-mechanical characteristics were correlated to the nanocomposites' morphologies, which were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a general result, the physico-chemical performance…
Adsorption isotherms and thermal behavior of hybrids based on quercetin and inorganic fillers
We investigated the adsorption process of quercetin onto several inorganic fillers, such as kaolinite, calcium carbonate and alumina. Firstly, we performed equilibrium adsorption studies in order to determine the quercetin/filler adsorption isotherms, which were successfully fitted through the Langmuir model. Based on the adsorption data analysis, we estimated the maximum adsorption capacity of each filler as well as the Langmuir constant, which is related to the affinity between quercetin and the surfaces of the inorganic particles. Then, we prepared hybrids formed by fillers saturated with quercetin. The obtained composites were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis with the aim of …
Why does vacuum drive to the loading of halloysite nanotubes? The key role of water confinement.
The filling of halloysite nanotubes with active compounds solubilized in aqueous solvent was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Based on Knudsen thermogravimetric data, we demonstrated the water confinement within the cavity of halloysite. This process is crucial to properly describe the driving mechanism of halloysite loading. In addition, Knudsen thermogravimetric experiments were conducted on kaolinite nanoplates as well as on halloysite nanotubes modified with an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecanoate) in order to explore the influence of both the nanoparticle morphology and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of the lumen on the confinement phenomenon. The analysis of the…
Polysaccharides/Halloysite nanotubes for smart bionanocomposite materials.
Biopolymers as alternative to fossils-derived polymers are attracting the interest of researcher in material science. Besides the economic advantages, the sustainability makes polysaccharides ideal candidates to prepare films and formulations. The addition of Halloysite nanotubes as green inorganic fillers was exploited to improve the physico-chemical properties and to introduce smart response abilities to the material. Halloysite is a natural tubular nanomaterial with hollow cavity and large aspect ratio. The effect of polymer charge on the morphology and mesoscopic properties of polysaccharides/halloysite nanocomposites has been highlighted. Different strategies (solvent casting, lyophili…
Thermodynamics of transfer of polar additives from the aqueous to the dodecylsurfactant micellar phases
The enthalpies of transfer from water to aqueous surfactant solutions, ΔH(W→W+S), of polar additives have been determined as a function of the surfactant concentration at fixed additive concentration. The surfactants used are sodium dodecylsulfate (NaDS), dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide and dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO). The additives used are iso-butanol t-butanol, butoxyethanol, phenol, benzene, tributylphosphine oxide (TBPO), octyldimethylphosphine oxide (ODPO), octydimethylamine oxide (ODAO), DDAO and NaDS. A maximum was observed in the plots of ΔH(W→W+S) vs. fsms curves for ODPO and ODAO in NaDS while a small minimum was observed for TBPO. The experimental data are rationalized on…
Temperature and Solvent effect on the Cyclodextrin-Triblock Copolymers Pseudo-Polyrotaxanes Formation
Tuning the Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Adsorption and Desorption at the Nanoparticle/Water Interface by Temperature and Inorganic Salts
Laponite clay in homopolymer and tri-block copolymer matrices
Macromolecule/laponite nanomaterials were studied by DSC and X-ray diffraction techniques. The matrices are poly(ethylene) glycols at various molecular masses and poly(ethylene oxides)-poly(propylene oxides)-poly(ethylene oxides) tri-block copolymers. The latter were tuned by modulating the molecular masses, at constant hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio, and the hydrophilicity. For all the investigated systems, the enthalpy of melting (ΔH m) is nearly constant up to a given composition thereafter it increases monotonically reaching the value of the pure macromolecule. We proposed a model to interpret the DSC data. Briefly, it was invoked a mechanism of interaction following which some segments …
Direct chemical grafted curcumin on halloysite nanotubes as dual-responsive prodrug for pharmacological applications
Covalently functionalized halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were successfully employed as dual-responsive nanocarriers for curcumin (Cur). Particularly, we synthesized HNT-Cur prodrug with a controlled curcumin release on dependence of both intracellular glutathione (GSH) and pH conditions. In order to obtain HNT-Cur produgs, halloysite was firstly functionalized with cysteamine through disulphide linkage. Afterwards, curcumin molecules were chemically conjugated to the amino end groups of halloysite via Schiff's base formation. The successful functionalization of halloysite was proved by thermogravimetric analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. Ex…
Sustainable nanocomposites based on halloysite nanotubes and pectin/polyethylene glycol blend
Abstract This study was focused on the preparation and characterization of biofilms based on pectin/polyethylene glycol 20000 (PEG) blend and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs). The obtained blends loaded with a natural nanoclay are proposed as sustainable alternative to the polymers produced from non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels. Properties of technological interest have been monitored and they were correlated to the structural features of the nanocomposites. It turned out that the wettability of the films can be tuned by changing the composition and the distribution of HNTs into the material as well as the surface roughness. The tensile properties of the blend are enhanced by the pre…
Clay Nanotube/PNIPAAM Hybrid material
The solubilisation behaviour of some dichloroalkanes in aqueous solutions of PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymers: a dynamic light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy, and SANS study.
The aggregation behaviour of PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymers in water and in water + chlorinated additive mixtures was studied by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The copolymers were chosen such as to investigate the effects of molecular architecture (L35 and 10R5) and molecular weight by keeping constant the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance (F88 and F108). 1,2-Dichloroethane was used as a prototype of water basins contaminants. The hydrodynamic radius of the block copolymer aggregates (R(h,M)) and the intensity ratio of pyrene of the first and the third vibrational band (I(1)/I(3)) were determined as a function of…
A thermodynamic study to evidence interactions between tri-block copolymers and conventional surfactant
Separation of halloysite/kaolinite mixtures in water controlled by sucrose addition: The influence of the attractive forces on the sedimentation behavior
In this work, we propose an easy strategy for the separation of halloysite/kaolinite mixtures in sucrose aqueous solution. Preliminarily, we investigated the influence of the sucrose addition on the colloidal stability of kaolinite nanoplates and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) dispersed in water. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements revealed that the HNTs aqueous mobility is dependent on the sucrose concentration, while the ζ-potential is negligibly affected by the addition of the carbohydrate in the aqueous solvent. On the other hand, any variations on the surface charge and dynamic behavior of kaolinite were detected in the presence of sucrose. The obtained ζ-potential and DLS results…
Halloysite Nanotubes: Interfacial Properties and Applications in Cultural Heritage
The peculiar surfaces of halloysite nanotubes and their biocompatibility are attracting the interest of researchers based on the wide range of attainable applications. The large aspect ratio of this nanotubular material ensures promising properties as a reinforcing agent in polymeric matrixes, such as cellulose and its derivatives, that entail strengthening due to, for instance, aging-induced degradation. The halloysite cavity has a suitable size for hosting a large variety of active species such as deacidifying (calcium hydroxide) and flame retardant agents (fluorinated surfactants) for a controlled and sustained release relevant to the conservation of cultural heritage. Additionally, anio…
Highly untangled multiwalled carbon nanotube@polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane ionic hybrids: Synthesis, characterization and nonlinear optical properties
Abstract Highly de-bundled multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) polymer nanohybrids were obtained via ionic assembling of a novel POSS-polyimidazolium-ionic liquid (POSS = polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes) with oxidized MWCNTs. The synthesis, accomplished by a simple bilayer chloroform/water metathetical reaction process, was promoted by the high surfactant properties of POSS-imidazolium-polyionic liquid, which assisted the effective de-bundling, dispersion and purification of the as prepared POSS@MWCNT polymers in organic media, via a surface coating mechanism. The presence of remarkably intense radial breathing modes (RBMs) in Raman spectra, both in solution and as solid, corroborates…
Thermodynamic and Structural Characterization of Copolymer Functionalized Nanosized Particles
Aqueous Block Copolymer-Surfactant Aggregates: Tools to Solubilize Organic Compounds. Thermodynamic and Structural Investigations
Effect on the block copolymer self-assembling in water of block selective cyclodextrin addition
Layered composite based on halloysite and natural polymers: a carrier for the pH controlled release of drugs
We have prepared new biohybrid materials based on halloysite nanotubes and natural polymers (alginate and chitosan) for the controlled and sustained release of bioactive species. A functional nanoarchitecture has been designed allowing us to generate a layered tablet with a chitosan/halloysite nanocomposite film sandwiched between two alginate layers. The assembly of the raw components and the final structure of the hybrid tablet have been highlighted by the morphological and wettability properties of the prepared materials. Since the biohybrid has been designed as a smart carrier, halloysite nanotubes have been first loaded with a model drug (sodium diclofenac). The effect of the tablet th…
Core/Shell Gel Beads with Embedded Halloysite Nanotubes for Controlled Drug Release
The use of nanocomposites based on biopolymers and nanoparticles for controlled drug release is an attractive notion. We used halloysite nanotubes that were promising candidates for the loading and release of active molecules due to their hollow cavity. Gel beads based on chitosan with uniformly dispersed halloysite nanotubes were obtained by a dropping method. Alginate was used to generate a coating layer over the hybrid gel beads. This proposed procedure succeeded in controlling the morphology at the mesoscale and it had a relevant effect on the release profile of the model drug from the nanotube cavity.
Interactions of native and modified cyclodextrins with some biologically active pyridine derivatives.
Waterlogged archaeological wood: evaluation of consolidation treatments by calorimetry
Phenol in Aqueous Mixtures Composed by Pluronic Copolymer and Laponite Clay. A Calorimetric and Spectrophotometric Study
Halloysite nanotubes filled with salicylic acid and sodium diclofenac: effects of vacuum pumping on loading and release properties
AbstractIn this work, we investigated the effects of the vacuum pumping on both the loading efficiencies and the release kinetics of halloysite nanotubes filled with drug molecules dissolved in ethanol. As model drugs, salicylic acid and sodium diclofenac were selected. For comparison, the loading of the drug molecules was conducted on platy kaolinite to explore the key role of the hollow tubular morphology on the filling mechanism of halloysite. The effects of the pressure conditions used in the loading protocol were interpreted and discussed on the basis of the thermodynamic results provided by Knudsen thermogravimetry, which demonstrated the ethanol confinement inside the halloysite cavi…
Halloysite nanotubes as sustainable nanofiller for paper consolidation and protection
We investigated the filling process of cellulose-based paper with natural clay nanotubes and their mixtures with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) that is commonly used as glue and consolidant for degraded paper. A comprehensive characterization of the materials was carried out through morphology, wettability, thermal degradation, and tensile properties. The treatment with halloysite nanotubes generated a decrease of the paper mechanical performance and did not alter the thermal properties. The co-presence of HPC and nanoparticles generated a more uniform nanotubes distribution in the paper fibrous structure and a significant enhancement of both the mechanical properties and the surface hydroph…
Aggregation of Poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) Copolymers in Water at Some Temperatures. Volumetric and viscosimetric studies
Small Angle Neutron Scattering, X-ray Diffraction, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and Thermogravimetry Studies to Characterize the Properties of Clay Nanocomposites
Nanocomposites based on laponite RD and (ethylene oxide)98(propylene oxide)67(ethylene oxide)98 (F127)triblock copolymer or poly(ethylene) glycol 2000 (PEG2000) were prepared by using the melting method. Small-angle neutron scattering and the X-ray diffraction experiments provided insights into the organization of the laponite RD dispersed in the macromolecular matrix over a wide length scale. SANS data analysis by means of a fractal law evidenced the formation of clusters of laponite RD at long correlation distance. The single laponite RD particles and the lamellar structure of F127 were described in the shorter length scale. Finally, the crystalline structure of the macromolecule was obse…
Within the cultural heritage field the wood conservation of waterlogged archaeological objects aims at preventing the collapsing of the wooden structure (upon drying) the degradation of which is related to the Taxon but also to the chemical and biological nature of the site. The refilling of the wood cavities with a consolidant, which confers robustness and stability, is an interesting strategy for the conservation methods of waterlogged archaeological objects. To this purpose, using different impregnation methods, waterlogged archaeological woods were consolidated by using aqueous mixtures of poly(ethylene) glycols with different molecular weights (PEG 400 and PEG 4000) as well as mixtures…
Solubilisation of Chlorinated oils in triblock copolymers-surfactant mixed aggregates
Thermodynamic and19F NMR studies of antimony trifluoride in water
Densities, specific heat capacities per unit volume and enthalpies of dilution at 25°C and osmotic coefficients at 37°C were measured for antimony trifluoride in water as functions of concentration. From the first three properties the apparent and partial molar volumes, heat capacities and relative enthalpies were derived. As well, pH measurements in water at 25°C and19F NMR spectra in water and methanol at 33°C were also carried out. All the thermodynamic properties together with the chemical shifts abruptly change in the very dilute concentration region (<0.1m) and, then, tend to a constant value. These trends have been rationalized through a simple model based on an equilibrium of dissoc…
Effect of Morphology and Size of Halloysite Nanotubes on Functional Pectin Bionanocomposites for Food Packaging Applications
Pectin bionanocomposite films filled with various concentrations of two different types of halloysite nanotubes were prepared and characterized in this study as potential films for food packaging applications. The two types of halloysite nanotubes were long and thin (patch) (200-30 000 nm length) and short and stubby (Matauri Bay) (50-3000 nm length) with different morphological, physical, and dispersibility properties. Both matrix (pectin) and reinforcer (halloysite nanotubes) used in this study are considered as biocompatible, natural, and low-cost materials. Various characterization tests including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, rele…
Clay nanotubes for paper consolidation
In the last years SILLP (supported ionic liquid-like phase)-based materials prepared by covalent attachment have been synthesized [1]. Recently, we have synthesized a palladium-based catalytic system using halloysite nanotubes modified with octylimidazolium moieties and we have tested it in the Suzuki cross-coupling reaction under traditional heating, microwave irradiation and a very small amount of Pd catalyst [2,3]. It is known that support based on triazole motif showed superior activity to the analogous imidazole molecules [4] so, we have focused our attention to develop a new SILLP system with triazolium moiety. Herein we report the synthesis of an original Pd-dicationic triazolium sup…
Standard partial molar volumes of alcohols in aqueous dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide solutions
Density measurements of water-dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB)-alcohol ternary systems as a function of alcohol and surfactant concentrations were carried out at 25°C. The alcohols were propanol (PrOH), 2-propanol (2-PrOH) and hexanol (HexOH). The apparent molar volume Vϕ,R of alcohols have been calculated and the standard (infinite dilution) partial molar volumes of alcohols V R at each surfactant concentration were obtained by means of a least squares fit of Vϕ,R vs. the alcohol concentration. The V R vs. surfactant concentration curves have been rationalized in terms of the partial molar volume of alcohol in the aqueous V f and the micellar V b phases and the distribution constant…
Solubilization of Dichloroalkanes in Aqueous Tri-Block Copolymers Solutions. Thermodynamic and Structural Studies
A Volumetric and Calorimetric Study on Interactions Occurring Between Cyclodextrins and Nicotinic Acid in Aqueous Solution.
Bionanocomposites based on pectins and halloysite nanotubes
Steric stabilization of modified nanoclays triggered by temperature.
Halloysite clay nanotubes were modified through the adsorption of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-amine terminated (PNIPA-NH2) onto the external surface by exploiting electrostatic interactions at pH=6. In spite the amount of attached polymer is rather low (1 wt%), the properties of the nanotubes are deeply modified. The apparent specific volume and isentropic compressibilities of the hybrid nanomaterial dispersed in water evidenced the transferring of the termosensitive property from the polymer to halloysite. The hydrodynamic radius as well as the ζ-potential of the nanohybrid are consistent with the attachment of a positively charged polymer onto the negative surface of the nanotube. The col…
Le interazioni carboidrati–lectine giocano un ruolo fondamentale in diversi processi biologici come ad esempio nelle infiammazioni, embriogenesi, sviluppo cellulare, etc..1 Sebbene l’interazione tra lectine e carboidrati sia un’interazione debole, la possibilità di instaurare contemporaneamente interazioni multiple tra differenti unità di lectine e differenti unità di carboidrati ne aumenta l’efficienza e la selettività.2 Nella presente comunicazione si riporta la sintesi di nuovi glicocluster basati su nanotubi di allosite, a cui sono state chimicamente legate unità ciclodestriniche che presentano sul bordo largo unità zuccherine quali galattosio, mannosio e lattosio. I materiali ottenuti …
Nanohydrogel Formation within the Halloysite Lumen for Triggered and Sustained Release
An easy strategy to obtain nanohydrogels within the halloysite nanotube (HNTs) lumen was investigated. Inorganic reverse micelles based on HNTs and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromides were dispersed in chloroform, and the hydrophilic cavity was used as a nanoreactor to confine the gel formation based on alginate cross-linked by calcium ions. Spectroscopy and electron microscopy experiments proved the confinement of the polymer into the HNT lumen and the formation of calcium-mediated networks. Biological tests proved the biocompatibility of the hybrid hydrogel. The nanogel in HNTs was suitable for drug loading and sustained release with the opportunity of triggered burst release by chemical …
Polyethylene glycol/clay nanotubes composites
Nanocomposites of poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) 20000 filled with clay nanotubes (HNTs) were prepared. The thermal properties obtained from thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry were correlated to the morphology imaged by scanning electron microscopy. Low amounts of HNTs generate compact structure while large amounts of HNTs create craters and voids. The decrease of polymer degradation temperature in the presence of large amount of nanoclay (ca. 80 wt%) is a consequence of the morphology at the mesoscale range. The thermal opposite effect observed in the HNTs low regime (up to ca. 20 wt%) is due to the gas entrapment into the nanoparticles lumen. The quantitative analysis of …
Nanocomposite based on Multi-Macrocyclic Receptors and Halloysite for Volatile Organic Compounds Capture
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals released to the atmosphere by natural and anthropogenic sources. VOCs are hazardous air pollutants and promote formation of photochemical smog. Variety of chemicals released from pharmaceutical industry includes priority pollutants like benzene, toluene, and dichloromethane. The aim of this work was at designing, preparing and characterizing from the physico-chemical view-point a pseudo nano-sponge with low environmental impact for pollutant removal. As adsorbent material, a nanocomposite based on nanoclay and cucurbiturils, which are biocompatible materials, were investigated. Clay minerals (e.g. montmorillonite and kaolin) are important comp…
Kinetics of Gelation of Aqueous Laponite Dispersions in the Presence of Tri-blockCopolymers and their Homopolymers. Rheological and Dynamic Light Scattering Studies
Thermal methods to evaluate consolidation of artworks
Phenolic compound originated from one of the main class of secondary metabolites, as curcumin and its derivatives have been studied and their biological and pharmacological activities have been evaluated, too [1,2]. Unfortunately, curcumin exhibits poor bioavailability after oral or topic administration [3]. Therefore a carefully designed carrier could significantly facilitate curcumin delivery and broaden the range of its possible pharmaceutical applications. Halloysite was found to be a viable and inexpensive nanoscale container for the encapsulation of biological active molecules [4]. In this communication we report data about a new potential curcumin carrier based on positively charged …
Cyclodextrin-Macromolecule Interactions. Volumetric and Calorimetric Investigations
Synthesis, characterization and study of covalently modified triazole LAPONITE® edges
Abstract LAPONITE® (Lap) clay mineral was successful functionalized by triazole groups in a two steps procedure. First, the Lap edges were modified with 3-azidopropyltrimethoxysilane by traditional heating and microwave irradiation. Microwave irradiation allowed us to obtain high loading onto the Lap edges in lower times compared to those obtained through conventional method. Afterwards, the triazole moieties were obtained by reaction between azido functionalized Lap and propargyl alcohol. The successful functionalization of Lap was proved by thermogravimetric analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and ζ-potential measurements. Finally, the effects of the surface modificatio…
Clay nanotubes/ionic surfactant: Smart hybrid nanomaterials for the solubilization of hydrophobic compounds in aqueous media
Thermodynamic properties of some N-alkyl-N-methylpiperidinium chlorides and N-alkylpiperidine hydrochlorides in water
Densities and heat capacities at 25[degrees]C were measured for N-octyl-, N-decyl- and N-dodecyl-N-methylpiperidinium chlorides and for N-octyl- and N-dodecylpiperidine hydrochlorides in water as functions of concentration. Enthalpies of dilution at 25[degrees]C and osmotic coefficients at 37[degrees]C of the N-methyl-N-alkylpiperidinium chlorides were also measured as functions of concentration. The partial molar volumes, heat capacities, relative enthalpies, nonideal Gibbs energies and entropies at 25[degrees]C were derived as functions of the surfactant concentration. By increasing the alkyl chain length of the surfactant, both the apparent molar volume vs. concentration curves are shift…
Nanoclays for Conservation
Within the conservation of artworks materials, this chapter describes innovative strategies based on clay nanoparticles that are promising for protective coating, surface cleaning, and consolidation. We present the preparation of polymer/montmorillonite nanocomposites, which are revealed as efficient protective coatings for highly porous stones, marbles, and bread-made artifacts. Anticorrosive films for metal substrates have been obtained by polymer filling with laponite and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) containing corrosion inhibitors into their lumen. The dispersion of hydrophobically modified HNTs into chitosan matrix drives to fabricate biofilms with surface cleaning capacity. Rust stains…
Aqueous block copolymer-surfactant mixtures and their ability in solubilizing chlorinated organic compounds. A thermodynamic and SANS study.
Within the topic of surfactant enhanced solubilization of additives sparingly soluble in water, volumetric, solubility, conductivity, and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on mixtures composed of alpha,omega-dichloroalkane, surfactant, copolymer, and water were carried out at 298 K. The triblock copolymers (ethylene oxide)132(propylene oxide)50(ethylene oxide)132 (F108) and (ethylene oxide)76(propylene oxide)29(ethylene oxide)76 (F68) were chosen to investigate the role of the molecular weight keeping constant the hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio. The selected surfactants are sodium decanoate (NaDec) and decyltrimethylammonium bromide (DeTAB) with comparable hydrophobicity and …
A Calorimetric and Viscosimetric Study for the Characterization of Pectin Hydrogels. Application in the field of Cultural Heritage
Thermodynamic properties of N-octyl- and N-dodecylnicotinamide chlorides in water
Densities, heat capacities and enthalpies of dilution at 25°C and osmotic coefficients at 37°C were measured for N-octyl- and N-dodecylnicotinamide chlorides in water over an extended concentration region. Partial molar volumes, heat capacities, relative enthalpies and nonideal free energies and entropies at 25°C were derived as a function of the surfactant concentration. For both surfactants, plots of volumes, enthalpies and free energies vs. concentration are regular whereas those of heat capacities and entropies present anomalies at about 0.8 and 0.1m for the octyl and dodecyl compounds, respectively. Changes in the slope of a plot of osmotic coefficients times molality vs. molality were…
Necklace-like supramolecular structures evidenced by differential scanning calorimetry, volume and viscosity experiments
Halloysite Nanotubes Coated by Chitosan for the Controlled Release of Khellin
In this work, we have developed a novel strategy to prepare hybrid nanostructures with controlled release properties towards khellin by exploiting the electrostatic interactions between chitosan and halloysite nanotubes (HNT). Firstly, khellin was loaded into the HNT lumen by the vacuum-assisted procedure. The drug confinement within the halloysite cavity has been proved by water contact angle experiments on the HNT/khellin tablets. Therefore, the loaded nanotubes were coated with chitosan as a consequence of the attractions between the cationic biopolymer and the halloysite outer surface, which is negatively charged in a wide pH range. The effect of the ionic strength of the aqueous medium…
Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Films Filled with Halloysite Nanotubes/Wax Hybrid Microspheres
The design of novel nanocomposite films based on hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) and wax/halloysite hybrid microspheres has been reported. In particular, we first prepared wax/clay Pickering emulsions which were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and microscopy. SEM images allowed more detailed insights on the nanotubes disposition at the wax/water interface, acting as an outer stabilizing shell. Therefore, the cellulosic biopolymer was added, and it was found that HPC enhances the colloidal stability of the particles, preventing their coalescence and sedimentation. The preparation of the composite films was carried out by the solvent casting method, which enabled the development of …
Volumes and compressibilities of pentanol in aqueous alkyltrimethylammonium bromide solutions at different temperatures
Speed of sound and density properties of ternary water-tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide-pentanol system at 15, 25 and 35°C and of water-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide-pentanol system at 25, 35 and 45°C were measured at fixed alcohol concentration as a function of surfactant concentration. The apparent molar volumes Vϕ,R and isentropic compressibilities Kϕ,RS of pentanol in micellar solutions as a function of the surfactant concentration show irregular behavior which depends on the alkyl chain length of the surfactant and tends to disappear with increasing temperature. These anomalies are ascribed to micellar transitions. For both surfactants at high concentrations, Vϕ,R decrease and …
Bionanocomposites Based on Pectins and Halloysite Nanotubes: from the Structure to the Properties
Materiali nanostrutturati e tecnologie innovative per il recupero e la conservazione dei beni architettonici: un approccio interdisciplinare
Multifunctional hybrid Polyoxometalates for silicone gels with improved thermal and mechanical properties
Temperature-responsive hybrid nanomaterials based on modified halloysite nanotubes uploaded with silver nanoparticles
New temperature-responsive hybrid nanomaterials based on modified halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) containing grafted polymer brushes with silver nanoparticles have been successfully fabricated. We used a three steps process including synthesis of the initiating coatings onto HNTs surface, fabrication of the POEGMA – poly(oligo(ethylene glycol)ethyl ether methacrylate) grafted brushes and synthesis of the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The synthesis and properties of hybrid nanomaterials were studied by FT-IR, TGA and DLS methods. It is shown that the introduction of AgNPs, formed from 0.005 M AgNO3 solution leads to a significant reduction of low critical solution temperature (LCST) of the polym…
Laponite Clay Dispersed in Polymeric Matrices. DSC and Structural Studies
Oil solubilization in copolymer and copolymer covered laponite aqueous dispersion
Halloysite nanotubes loaded with peppermint essential oil as filler for functional biopolymer film
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show how a functional bionanocomposite film with both antioxidant and antimicrobial activities was successfully prepared by the filling of a pectin matrix with modified Halloysite nanotubes (HNT) containing the essential peppermint oil (PO). Firstly, HNT surfaces were functionalized with cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) molecules with the aim to enhance the affinity of the nanofiller towards PO, which was estimated by means of HPLC experiments. The HNT/CB[6] hybrid was characterized by several methods (thermogravimetry, FT-IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy) highlighting the influence of the supramolecular interactions on the composition, therma…
ChemInform Abstract: Eco-Friendly Functionalization of Natural Halloysite Clay Nanotube with Ionic Liquids by Microwave Irradiation for Suzuki Coupling Reaction.
Abstract Microwave assisted halloysite (HNT) external surface functionalization with ionic liquids is described. HNTs modification was achieved in two steps: a) grafting of 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane on the external surface of HNT by a microwave irradiation; b) anchorage of vinylimidazolium ionic liquids by a thiol-ene reaction. MW irradiation allowed us to obtain high loading onto the HNT surface compared to those obtained through conventional synthesis. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that the grafting has occurred only on the external surface of HNT. Turbidimetric and dynamic light scattering analyses showed that the introduction of…
Halloysite nanotubes-based nanocomposites for the hydrophobization of hydraulic mortar
Abstract The treatment of stone surfaces for their protection from ageing caused by natural and anthropogenic effects is an open issue in materials development for Cultural Heritage. We thought interesting to verify the suitability of a modified cellulose biofilm filled with halloysite nanotubes as wax compatibilizers to design a protecting layer. A hydraulic mortar was selected as a stone prototype. To improve the physico-chemical properties of the covering layer, wax microparticles have been incorporated to control transport, consolidation and wettability features. In particular, different application protocols have been studied, namely brushing and spraying, to assess whether the propos…
Lifetime predictions of non-ionic and ionic biopolymers: kinetic studies by non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis
AbstractIn this paper, films based on sustainable polymers with variable charge have been investigated by non-isothermal thermogravimetry in order to predict their lifetime, which is a key parameter for their potential use in numerous technological and biomedical applications. Specifically, chitosan has been selected as positively charged biopolymer, while alginate has been chosen as negatively charged biopolymer. Among non-ionic polymers, methylcellulose has been investigated. Thermogravimetric measurements at variable heating rates (5, 10, 15 and 20 °C min−1) have been performed for all the polymers to study their degradation kinetics by using isoconversional procedures combined with ‘Mas…
Solubilization of an Organic Solute in Aqueous Solutions of Unimeric Block Copolymers and Their Mixtures with Monomeric Surfactant: Volume, Surface Tension, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Viscosity, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Studies
The ability of aqueous systems, formed by unimeric copolymers and their mixtures with a monomeric surfactant, in solubilizing large quantities of 1-nitropropane (PrNO2) was explored. The copolymers are F68 and L64, which differ for the hydrophilicity, and the surfactant is sodium dodecanoate. For a better understanding of the mechanism of solubilization, thermodynamic (volume and differential scanning calorimetry), spectroscopy (steady-state fluorescence), viscosity, and interfacial investigations were carried out. PrNO2 causes the micellization of the unimeric copolymer, and the required amount of PrNO2 depends on the composition, the copolymer nature, and the temperature. Large quantities…
Nanostructured systems functional to the recover and conservation of cultural heritage
Colloidal stability of halloysite clay nanotubes
Abstract The colloidal stability of halloysite clay nanotubes dispersion is reviewed showing the strategy and the mechanism to obtain stable systems in water and apolar solvents. The selective modification of halloysite inner/outer surfaces can be achieved by exploiting electrostatic interactions. The adsorption of anionic surfactants onto the halloysite cavity allows generating inorganic cylindrical micelles that can be separated from the solvent. On the other hand, the functionalization of halloysite shell by positively charged surfactants drives to obtain stable water-in-oil emulsions. The interactions with ionic and nonionic polymers alters the dispersability of halloysite due to electr…
Halloysite nanotubes as support for metal-based catalysts
Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are clay minerals with a hollow nanotubular structure. There is growing interest in these nanomaterials, due to their biocompatibility, potential applications and availability. The surface chemistry of HNTs is versatile for the targeted chemical modification of the inner lumen and outer surface. Functionalized halloysite constitutes a valuable support for metal nanoparticles, promoting catalytic applications with tunable properties. The peculiar tubular shape of HNTs favors the dispersion and surface availability of the supported metal nanoparticles that are active in the catalytic path. Moreover, the presence of an empty lumen opens new perspectives for the prod…
Microemulsion encapsulated into halloysite nanotubes and their applications for cleaning of a marble surface
Halloysite nanotubes were used to incorporate anionic surfactant micelles and an organic solvent to generate a cleaning system to be applied in Cultural Heritage restoration. The targeted adsorption is driven by electrostatic interactions based on the nanotubes peculiar charge separation. Namely anionic species are driven to the positively charged inner surface while being prevented from interacting with the halloysite outer surface that possesses a positive charge density. The hybrid organic/inorganic emulsion was characterized by dynamic light scattering. Analysis of the autocorrelation function allowed us to define the presence of surfactant aggregates inside/outside the nanotube lumen a…
Materiali ibridi a base di nanotubi di allosite per la rimozione d’inquinanti
L’allosite (HNT) è un interessante materiale argilloso allumino-silicato naturale, non tossico e biocompatibile, con la caratteristica forma tubolare cava dotata di parziale carica positiva interna e negativa esterna.Combinando le peculiarità di un composto organico con le proprietà di un materiale inorganico, è possibile ottenere sistemi ibridi organici–inorganici con interessanti proprietà e vasti campi di applicazione. Sono un esempio delle “nanospugne” capaci di adsorbire efficacemente potenziali inquinanti. In questo contesto sono stati preparati, dei materiali ibridi “spugna” costituiti da unità ciclodestriniche e allosite e ancora un sistema ibrido HNT-Cucurbit[8]uril. Il primo possi…
Halloysite based material for enhanced solubilization
N,N,N-Alkyloctyldimethylammonium Chlorides in Water: A Thermodynamic Investigation
Abstract Specific conductivities, densities, heat capacities and enthalpies of dilution at 298 K and osmotic coefficients at 310 K were measured for N,N,N -octylbutyldimethylammonium, N,N,N -octylpentyldimethylammonium, and N,N -dioctyldimethylammonium chlorides in water as functions of concentration. From the specific conductivity data, the CMC and the degree of the counterion dissociation have been calculated. It is shown that additional CH 2 groups in the variable alkyl chain affect both CMC and β less than they do in the single chain surfactants. The partial molar volumes, heat capacities, relative enthalpies, nonideal free energies, and entropies at 298 K were derived as functions of t…
Clay Nanotube/Perfluorinated Surfactant Hybrid Materials
Hydrophobically Modified Halloysite Nanotubes as Reverse Micelles for Water-in-Oil Emulsion.
An easy strategy to obtain inorganic reverse micelles based on halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and alkyltrimethylammonium bromides has been developed. The selective modification of the HNTs external surface with cationic surfactants endows to generate tubular nanostructures with a hydrophobic shell and a hydrophilic cavity. The influence of the surfactants alkyl chain on the HNTs functionalization degree has been investigated. The dynamic behavior of the surfactant/HNT hybrids in solvents with variable polarity has been correlated to their affinity toward hydrophobic media explored through partition experiments. The water-in-oil emulsion is able to solubilize copper sulfate, proving the incorpo…
Selective functionalization of halloysite cavity by click reaction: structured filler for enhancing mechanical properties of bionanocomposite films
Selective modification of the inner surface of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) by the cycloaddition of azides and alkynes (click reaction) was successfully achieved. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry confirmed that the modification involved only the HNT cavity. Morphological investigations evidenced that the functionalized nanotubes formed microfibers and clusters in the micrometer range. By means of the casting method, these nanomaterials were dispersed into biopolymeric matrixes (chitosan and hydroxypropyl cellulose) with the aim of obtaining nanocomposite films with tunable properties from the physicochemical viewpoint. For comparison purposes, we also characterize…
Thermodynamics of adsorption of low and high molecular weight surfactants onto polystyrene nanoparticles
Effect of different processing techniques and presence of antioxidant on the chitosan film performance
In the last two decades, the naturally occurring polysaccharides have gained great attention because of their potential applications in different sectors, for example, from food to biomedical sectors. Chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide with good transparency, and currently, it has been considered also as suitable material for the formulation film and coating in cultural heritage protection. In this work, the chitosan films (Ch), with and without natural antioxidant such as citric acid (CA), are formulated considering two different processing techniques: (i) conventional solvent casting and (ii) compression molding, that is an unconventional method for this polysaccharide, giving the poss…
Copolymers sensitive to temperature and pH in water and in water+oil mixtures: A DSC, ITC and volumetric study
Block copolymer micelles are receiving an increasing interest because of the variety of structures and the possibilities to tune them by changing external and internal parameters achieving the desired properties for a specific purpose. We have investigated the acid/base behavior, self-assembling and solubilization ability towards polar oils of star-like copolymers named Tetronics. They are composed of branched four-arms each one consisting of two blocks made of EO and PO units linked to the diethylenediamine group, which confers pH response ability. The copolymers T1107 and T90R4 were studied with a sequential and reverse architecture. The thermodynamics of the acid/base equilibrium was stu…
Polystyrene nanoparticles in the presence of (ethylene oxide)13(propylene oxide)30(ethylene oxide)13, N,N-dimethyloctylamine-N-oxide and their mixtures. A calorimetric and dynamic light scattering study
Polystyrene nanoparticles were synthesized by emulsion polymerization of styrene. They were functionalized using the conventional surfactant N,N-dimethyloctylamine-N-oxide (ODAO), the tri-block copolymer (ethylene oxide)13(propylene oxide)30(ethylene oxide)13 (L64) and their mixtures. To this purpose, dynamic light scattering and calorimetric experiments were carried out and provided information consistent to each other. The L64 adsorption is Langmuir-type in the copolymer dilute regime and generates complex structures at larger concentrations. In the region where ODAO is in the unimeric state, the adsorption process is cooperative leading to hemi-micelle formation at the polystyrene nanopa…
Mass Action Model Applied to the Thermodynamic Properties of Transfer of Nonionic Copolymers from Water to the Aqueous Surfactant Solutions
A thermodynamic model which enables the properties of aqueous copolymer/surfactant mixtures to be fit quantitatively was proposed. Namely, a relationship between the properties of transfer of the unassociated copolymer from water to the aqueous surfactant solutions (DeltaY(t)) and the surfactant concentration was derived. The model was based on the idea that AY, can be expressed in terms of the following contributions: (1) interaction between monomers of copolymer and surfactant, (2) displacement of the monomer-micelle equilibrium induced by the copolymer, (3) formation of the surfactant-copolymer aggregation complex, and (4) formation of the mixed micelles. Such a model was applied to most…
Covalently modified halloysite clay nanotubes: synthesis, properties, biological and medical applications
Halloysite (HNT) is a promising natural nanosized tubular clay mineral that has many important uses in different industrial fields. It is naturally occurring, biocompatible, and available in thousands of tons at low cost. As a consequence of a hollow cavity, HNT is mainly used as nanocontainer for the controlled release of several chemicals. Chemical modification of both surfaces (inner lumen and outer surface) is a strategy to tune the nanotube's properties. Specifically, chemical modification of HNT surfaces generates a nanoarchitecture with targeted affinity through outer surface functionalization and drug transport ability from functionalization of the nanotube lumen. The primary focus …
Halloysite nanotubes sandwiched between chitosan layers: novel bionanocomposites with multilayer structures
This work is a contribution to the design of multilayer biocomposites based on halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and chitosan. Both the polymer and nanotubular inorganic additive have been selected among easily available green materials. An innovative preparation procedure based on the sequential casting of chitosan and HNTs has been proposed in order to obtain multilayer composite biofilms. A physico-chemical investigation (contact angle measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry) has been conducted to characterize the bionanocomposites. As evidenced by scanning electron microscopy, the nanocomposites possess an intermediate halloysite layer between the chitosan ones. The …
Inclusion complexes of triblock L35 copolymer and hydroxyl propyl cyclodextrins: a physico-chemical study
In this work, we studied the formation of supramolecular inclusion complexes (pseudopolyrotaxanes) generated by the interactions between L35 Pluronic (PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymer) and hydroxyl propyl-modified cyclodextrins (HP-alpha-CD and HP-beta-CD). The structural characteristics of the L35/CD composites were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, which highlighted the effective inclusion of the copolymer. The thermodynamic properties of the pseudopolyrotaxanes were determined through density and speed of sound experiments conducted on aqueous mixtures with various L35/CD compositions, while turbidimetric analyses allowed the investigation of the kinetics of the threading pro…
Solubilization of Nitropropane in Copolymer and Surfactant-Copolymer Aggregates
Enthalpies of mixing of some nitriles aqueous solutions with dodecylsurfactants micellar solutions
The enthalpies of mixing of some n-nitriles (from acetonitrile to valeronitrile) aqueous solutions with dodecyltzimethylammonium bromide, sodium dodecylsulfate and dodecyltzimethylammonium oxide micellar solutions were determined. The measurements were performed by systematically changing the surfactant concentration at a given solute concentration. The experimental enthalpies were rationalized in terms of the standard enthalpy of transfer of solute from the aqueous to the micellar phase and of the distribution constant between the two phase. Information on the effect of the nature of the surfactant on the standard thermodynamic quantities of transfer(ΔG t o , ΔH t o , TΔS t o ) is reported…
Determining the selective impregnation of waterlogged archaeological woods with poly(ethylene) glycols mixtures by differential scanning calorimetry
The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique was demonstrated to be a reliable and fast tool for the investigation of the selective impregnation of archaeological woods with poly(ethylene) glycols (PEGs) mixtures. To this aim, waterlogged archaeological woods were impregnated by using aqueous mixtures of PEG 4000 and PEG 400 as well as mixtures of these polymers in the melt state. The efficiency of the treatments was also estimated by determining the total consolidant content entrapped into the cavities of degraded wood by means of DSC and thermogravimetry.
Halloysite nanotubes as nanoreactors for heterogeneous micellar catalysis
Abstract Hypothesis Electrostatic attractions between the anionic head group of sodium alkylsulphates and the positively charged inner surface of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) drive to the formation of tubular inorganic micelles, which might be employed as nanoreactors for the confinement of non polar compounds in aqueous media. On this basis, sodium alkylsulphates/halloysite hybrids could be efficient nanocatalysts for organic reactions occurring in water. Experiments Sodium decylsulphate (NaDeS) and sodium dodecylsulphate (NaDS) were selected for the functionalization of the halloysite cavity. The composition, the structure and the surface charge properties of the hybrid nanotubes were dete…
Adsorption of triblock copolymers and their homopolymers at laponite clay/solution interface. Role played by the copolymer nature
The adsorption thermodynamics of copolymers, based on ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide ( PO) units, at the laponite (RD) clay/liquid interface was determined at 298 K. The copolymer nature was tuned at molecular level by changing the hydrophilicity, the architecture and the molecular weight (Mw) keeping constant the EO/PO ratio. Polyethylene (PEGs) and polypropylene (PPGs) glycols with varying Mw and their mixture were also investigated to discriminate the role of the EO and the PO segments in the adsorption process. Enthalpies of transfer of RD, at fixed concentration, from water to the aqueous macromolecule solutions as functions of the macromolecule molality were determined. They …
Quantitative description of temperature induced self-aggregation thermograms determined by differential scanning calorimetry
A novel thermodynamic approach for the description of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments on self-aggregating systems is derived and presented. The method is based on a mass action model where temperature dependence of aggregation numbers is considered. The validity of the model was confirmed by describing the aggregation behavior of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers, which are well-known to exhibit a strong temperature dependence. The quantitative description of the thermograms could be performed without any discrepancy between calorimetric and van 't Hoff enthalpies, and moreover, the aggregation numbers obtained from the best fit of the DSC exper…
Non-isothermal thermogravimetry as an accelerated tool for the shelf-life prediction of paracetamol formulations
Abstract In this work, non-isothermal thermogravimetric studies have been carried out on several paracetamol formulations with the aim to predict their shelf-lives under variable storage conditions. Specifically, paracetamol tablets of different brands have been investigated allowing to estimate their pharmaceutical quality by considering the specific drug stability. The proposed protocol is based on the kinetic study of thermogravimetric data by the combination of isoconversional procedures (Friedman and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods) and “Master plot” analysis. Accordingly, the kinetics of the paracetamol degradation is totally explored in terms of activation energy, pre-exponent…
Partial molar volumes and compressibilities of alkyltrimethylammonium bromides
Density and ultrasound measurements were performed for dodecyl- and tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide at 15, 25 and 35°C and for hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide at 25, 35 and 45°C over a wide concentration region. From these and previously reported data, partial molar volumes and isentropic and isothermal compressibilities were derived as a function of the surfactant concentration. It is shown that by increasing the surfactant concentration the apparent molar volumes and compressibilities increase according to the expected behavior of surfactant solutions. However, anomalies are displayed in plots of apparent molar compressibility of tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide and of the speed…
Bionanocomposite films containing halloysite nanotubes and natural antioxidants with enhanced performance and durability as promising materials for cultural heritage protection
In the last decade, the interest toward the formulation of polymer films for cultural heritage protection continuously grew, and these films must be imperatively transparent, removable, and should not react/interact with surface of the artworks. In this research, bionanocomposite films, based on chitosan (Ch) and pectin (P) and containing naturally occurring fillers and antioxidants, were formulated by solvent casting methods and were accurately characterized. The natural halloysite nanotubes (HNT) have a two-fold role, specifically, physical compatibilizer and antioxidant carrier. Therefore, the theoretical solubility between Ch and P was estimated considering Hoy&rsquo
Printable Hydrogels Based on Alginate and Halloysite Nanotubes.
The design of hydrogels for the controlled release of active species is an attractive challenge. In this work, we prepared hybrid hydrogels composed of halloysite nanotubes as the inorganic component, and alginate as the organic counterpart. The reported procedure allowed us to provide the resulting materials with a peculiar wire-like shape. Both optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the morphological properties of the hydrogel wires, whose diameters were ca. 0.19 and 0.47 mm, respectively. The possibility to be exploited as drug delivery systems was carried out by loading the nanoclay with salicylic acid and by studying the release profiles. Thermogravimetric e…
Selective adsorption of oppositely charged PNIPAAM on halloysite surfaces: a route to thermo-responsive nanocarriers.
Halloysite nanotubes were functionalized with stimuli-responsive macromolecules to generate smart nanohybrids. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-methacrylic acid (PNIPAAM-co-MA) was selectively adsorbed into halloysite lumen by exploiting electrostatic interactions. Amine-terminated PNIPAAM polymer was also investigated that selectively interacts with the outer surface of the nanotubes. The adsorption site has a profound effect on the thermodynamic behavior and therefore temperature responsive features of the hybrid material. The drug release kinetics was investigated by using diclofenac as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug model. The release kinetics depends on the nanoarchitecture of th…
Effect of Large Changes in Temperature and Pressure on the Thermodynamic Properties of Micellization and on the Distribution Constant of a Polar Solute in Micellar Solutions
Density measurements of pentanol (PentOH)−dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB)−water mixtures as functions of both alcohol and surfactant (mS) concentrations were carried out at 0.1 MPa from 45 to 75 °C and at 19 MPa from 25 to 130 °C. The standard (infinite dilution) partial molar volumes and expansibilities of DTAB in water and the corresponding properties in the micellar phase were calculated from the experimental data. As far as PentOH in DTAB micellar solutions is concerned, with the exception of the standard partial molar volume (V°R) data at 130 °C and 19 MPa, all the V°R vs mS trends are monotonic curves with mS. The data of V°R as a function of mS were treated by means of an equ…
Olive mill wastewaters decontamination based on organo-nano-clay composites
Abstract Green composites for environmental applications were successfully prepared by intercalation of the biosurfactant Quillaja saponin onto montmorillonite mineral clay on varying pH and surfactant/clay ratio. Equilibrium adsorption isotherms were constructed and the system was characterized by performing TGA and XRD analyses. The efficiency of the surfactant-modified clay in the removal of the organic content present in olive mill wastewaters (OMW) was evaluated by means of spectrophotometric measurements. The interest for this cogent issue comes from the consideration that, despite their high pollutant content, OMW can be considered as a potential resource of several organic compounds…
Aggregates of Triblock Copolymers and Triblock Copolymer-Surfactant Functional to the Solubilization of Chlorinated Oils. A Thermodynamic Study
Excess enthalpies of solution of primary and secondary alcohols in dodecyldimethylamine oxide micellar solutions
The excess enthalpies of solution with respect to water of some primary and secondary alcohols in dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO) micellar solutions were measured by mixing aqueous solutions of alcohols with surfactant solutions. Standard free energies, enthalpies and entropies were obtained from the distribution of alcohols between aqueous and micellar phases. It is shown that thermodynamics of transfer of secondary alcohols from aqueous to the DDAO micellar phase differ slightly from those of their corresponding primary alcohols, that the additivity rule holds for free energies of transfer and that enthalpy and entropy display convex curves. The present data are compared with those from…
Alginate gel beads filled with halloysite nanotubes
Abstract Novel hybrid gel beads with a well defined and controlled size formed by alginate biopolymer and halloysite (Hal) nanotubes were designed, prepared and characterized from the physico-chemical viewpoint. The thermogravimetry made it possible to determine the water content, the total as well as the local compositions of Hal into the gel beads. Dielectric spectroscopy evidenced that Hal reduced the fluctuation of ions. The SEM micrographs showed that the dried beads exhibit a rough surface, with pores in the micrometer range. In addition, the concentration of nanotubes was higher into the bead core at a higher overall loading. The performance of these materials was verified with the s…
I composti fenolici fanno parte dei metaboliti secondari delle piante e tra questi la curcumina è stata ampiamente studiata per le sue intrinseche proprietà farmacologiche.1-4 La curcumina [bis(4-idrossi-3-metossi-fenil)-1,6-eptadiene-3,5-dione] isolata sotto forma di pigmento giallo dal rizoma secco della curcuma longa è stata utilizzata in presenza di sistemi delivery per applicazioni farmaceutiche.5 Uno degli svantaggi della curcumina è la sua scarsa biodisponibilità in ambiente acquoso;6 problema che può essere risolto incapsulandola in nanocontenitori. Tra i sistemi nanodelivery naturali che non presentano citotossicità vi sono i nanotubi di allosite. I nanotubi di allosite sono…
A comparative thermogravimetric study of waterlogged archaeological and sound woods
Waterlogged archaeological woods Pinus pinaster and Fagus sylvatica L. were analyzed by using TG technique. Degradation processes ascribable to the holocellulose decay were evidenced at nearly the same temperature for sound and archaeological samples. The residual matters at 600 and 900 °C of the sound woods are much lower than those of archaeological waterlogged woods in agreement with the presence of inorganic materials encapsulated during the burial into the marine environment. It was proposed a new protocol to rapidly calculate the maximum water content parameter, which is related to the wood degradation state. TG experiments at variable heating rates were performed to obtain kinetic pa…
Thermodynamics of cyclodextrin-star copolymer threading-dethreading process
We investigated the interactions of a star-like copolymer with cyclodextrins (CD) with different cavity size. Direct measurements of thermodynamic properties were done, and the application of proper molecular models was useful for the interpretation of the involved phenomena. The CD–copolymer inclusion complexes were characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry. The copolymer aggregation induced by temperature was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, volume and compressibility measurements. The behavior of the ternary T1107/CD/water mixture was interpreted considering competing equilibria. The investigated systems showed an interesting temperature responsive behavior so t…
Thermodynamic Studies to Evidence Block Copolymer-Surfactant Interactions
Gels Based on Pectin for Cultural Heritage Applications
Halloysite Nanotubes Loaded with Calcium Hydroxide: Alkaline Fillers for the Deacidification of Waterlogged Archeological Woods
A novel green protocol for the deacidifying consolidation of waterlogged archaeological woods through aqueous dispersions of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1500 and halloysite nanotubes containing calcium hydroxide has been designed. First, we prepared functionalized halloysite nanotubes filled with Ca(OH)2 in their lumen. The controlled and sustained release of Ca(OH)2 from the halloysite lumen extended its neutralization action over time, allowing the development of a long-term deacidification of the wood samples. A preliminary thermomechanical characterization of clay/polymer nanocomposites allows us to determine the experimental conditions to maximize the consolidation efficiency of the wood…
Halloysite based geopolymers filled with wax microparticles as sustainable building materials with enhanced thermo-mechanical performances
This work proposes a novel protocol for the fabrication of halloysite based geopolymers filled with beeswax microparticles obtained from Pickering emulsions. The actual filling of the microwax into the geopolymers has been demonstrated by using several techniques, including thermal analyses, spectroscopies, microscopies and contact angle experiments. According to the morphological and structural investigations, microwax spherical particles (diameter ranging between ca. 3 and 5 μm) have been homogeneously dispersed within the geopolymeric network conferring excellent properties to the hybrid geopolymers in terms of mechanical performances and heat storage capacity although their low content …
Halloysite Nanotubes as Support for Metal-Based Catalysts
Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are a natural, biocompatible, environmental friendly and cheap double-layered aluminosilicate mineral that has a predominantly hollow tubular structure. The general stoichiometry of halloysite is Al2Si2O5·4(H2O). The layer units consist of a tetrahedral SiOH sheet stacked with an edge shared octahedral AlO6 sheet with an internal aluminol group AlOH. A water layer exists between the adjacent two layers. Thanks to their structural features, HNTs are suitable for a potential application as support for catalytic composites. Recently, we reported the synthesis of novel palladium-based catalytic systems using halloysite nanotubes modified with imidazolium or triazoliu…
Volumes and heat capacities of anionic-nonionic surfactant mixtures
Density, heat capacity and surface tension measurements of sodium decylsulfate (NaDeS)-dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO)-water mixtures were carried out as functions of the surfactants total molality mt at fixed stoichiometric mixture compositions XNaDeS. From the surface tension data, the critical micelle concentration of NaDeS-DDAO mixtures as a function of XNaDeS were obtained. From density and heat capacity data, the apparent molar volume VΦ,2 and heat capacity CΦ,2 of NaDeS-DDAO mixtures in water were calculated, respectively. At a given mole fraction, VΦ,2 and CΦ,2 monotonically increases and decreases, respectively, with increasing mt. However, anomalies were observed at XNaDeS=0.1 a…
Solubilization of oils in aqueous solution of star-like block copolymer with thermo- and pH-sensitive features
Solid/liquid interface. Interaction between polystyrene nanoparticles and amphiphilic additives
Pickering Emulsion Gels Based on Halloysite Nanotubes and Ionic Biopolymers: Properties and Cleaning Action on Marble Surface
We have fabricated ecocompatible Pickering emulsions based on halloysite nanotubes and ionic biopolymers (chitosan and pectin) from renewable resources. The effect of pectin and chitosan on the Pickering emulsion was investigated by direct visualization of the oil droplets and by the thermodynamic characterization at the interface. Pectin enhances the Pickering emulsion stability, while a phase separation and nonhomogeneous gel was observed in the presence of chitosan. We have demonstrated that the Pickering emulsion in a pectin based gel phase is suitable for wax layer removal from a marble surface. A controlled cleaning is achieved by tuning the contact time between the gel and the marble…
Green conditions for the Suzuki reaction using microwave irradiation and a new HNT-supported ionic liquid-like phase (HNT-SILLP) catalyst
A new catalytic system based on modified halloysite nanotubes was employed in the Suzuki reaction under microwave irradiation. A set of solvents, times and bases was screened and the best experimental conditions were obtained when the reactions were carried out for 10 min in water–ethanol at 120 °C in presence of K2CO3 as base. Good recyclability was observed. The new catalytic system was employed using either 1 mol% or 0.1 mol%. The palladium catalyst displayed good activity, allowing the synthesis of several biphenyl compounds in high yield working with only 0.1 mol% palladium loading. The application of microwave irradiation decreased the reaction time and also improved conversion with r…
Halloysite Nanotubes/Perfluoroctanote: an efficient consolidant and flame retardant for paper
Extended Investigation of the Aqueous Self-Assembling Behavior of a Newly Designed Fluorinated Surfactant
The physicochemical behavior of the newly synthesized fluorinated 5-hydroxyamino-3-perfluoroheptyl-1,2,4-oxadiazin-6-one (PFHO) surfactant was investigated. Thermal analysis showed that the pure surfactant is thermally stable under an inert atmosphere to 135 degrees C, which is several degrees higher than the melting point (99 degrees C). PFHO is rather active at the water/air interface where it assumes a standing up configuration. It exhibits an enhanced self-assembling behavior; accordingly, the critical micellar concentrations at some temperatures are 2 orders of magnitude lower than those of a similar surfactant having the same phobicity, such as sodium perfluorooctanoate. Even in the d…
A physico-chemical study to evidence nano-structured systems formed by triblock copolymers
Effect of the Biopolymer Charge and the Nanoclay Morphology on Nanocomposite Materials
This work represents a contribution to the design, preparation, and characterization of nanocomposite materials based on biocompatible components. The effects of composition, filler geometry, and polymer charge were highlighted, and their role on the final properties of the nanocomposites was revealed. We combined some biopolymers (methylcellulose, alginate, chitosan) with two nanoclays (kaolinite sheets and halloysite nanotubes) to prepare nanocomposites by means of the casting method from water. The thermal stability, the surface wettability, and the mechanical properties of the obtained films were studied. SEM micrographs highlighted the surface morphology of the biocomposite materials. …
Halloysite-Based Bionanocomposites
Scientific research has been invigorated by a new class of biodegradable materials as alternatives to polymers derived from fossils. Such biomaterials can also offer economic advantages because they are derived from renewable resources. Several biopolymers (gelatin, chitin, chitosan, starch, pectin, cellulose and its modified versions, etc.) have been exploited to produce films and formulations. Their use is limited because of fast degradation, predominant hydrophilic character, and, in some cases, unsatisfactory mechanical properties. However, the properties of these polymers can be improved by using inorganic fillers such as additives. Halloysite nanotube is a promising green filler for t…
Heat capacities and volumes of suspensions in the presence of surfactants
Abstract Density and heat capacity measurements of water–surfactant–silica ternary systems were carried out as functions of the silica and the surfactant concentrations at 298 K. From these properties, the apparent molar volume and heat capacity of the surfactant in a given water+silica mixture were evaluated. As well, the apparent specific volume and heat capacity of silica, at a given concentration, in the water+surfactant mixtures as functions of the surfactant concentration were calculated. Some surfactants (decyltrimethylammonium bromide, sodium octanoate, sodium decanoate, sodium dodecanoate, sodium decylsulfate, sodium perfluorooctanoate and N , N -dimethyldodecylamine- N -oxide) wer…
A Thermodynamic Model for the Properties of Transfer of Non-ionic Copolymers from water to the aqueous Surfactant Solution. Effect of the Copolymer Molecular Weight and the Surfactant Hydrophobicity
An Extended Physico-Chemical Study of Nanocomposites Based on Block Copolymers and Inorganic Nanoparticles
Dispersioni di nanoargille in biofilms. Il ruolo chiave del polimero nel controllo della struttura.
Negli ultimi anni è notevolmente cresciuto l’interesse nei confronti dei nanocompositi. ossia di materiali caratterizzati da una matrice polimerica nella quale sono disperse particelle di dimensione nanometrica. In questo ambito lo sviluppo di sistemi ottenuti dalla combinazione di un biopolimero e di una nanoargilla può costituire una via interessante per realizzare nuovi green materials tecnologicamente interessanti. In virtù di questa considerazione è stato condotto uno studio chimico-fisico su dispersioni di nanotubi di allosite (HNTs) e nanodischi di laponite RD in matrici biopolimeriche (idrossipropilcellulosa e pectina con basso grado di esterificazione) sia in fase acquosa sia in fa…
Dispersions of Nanoclays of Different Shapes into Aqueous and Solid Biopolymeric Matrices. Extended Physicochemical Study
Dispersions of nanofillers into aqueous and solid biopolymeric matrices were studied from the physicochemical viewpoint. This work was carried out based on the idea that the combination of biopolymers, derived from renewable resources, and nanofiller, environmentally friendly, may form a new generation of nanomaterials with excellent and unique properties at low cost. To this purpose, two pectins with different degrees of methyl esterification and nanoclays like halloysite and laponite RD were selected. The thermodynamic and structural studies on the aqueous mixtures of pectin and nanoclay were able to discriminate the interactions, which control the adsorption of pectin onto the filler and…
Modulating the Self-assembly of Block Copolymers by Selective Cyclodextrins
Nanocomposites based on block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles. Structural and thermal properties
L’allosite (Al2Si2O5•2H2O), è un alluminosilicato naturale, chimicamente simile al caolino; essa ha una struttura tubolare cava dell’ordine dei micrometri (0.5-1 μm ) e un diametro interno dell’ordine dei nanometri (15 nm ). I nanotubi di allosite (HNT) presentano sulla superficie esterna gruppi SiO2 mentre su quella interna gruppi AlOH. Viste le caratteristiche strutturali, HNT trovano applicazioni come Host, fungendo in alcuni casi da nanoreattori. Tali applicazioni sono però limitate dall’idrofilia della superficie, sia interna che esterna. In questo lavoro è stata sviluppata una nuova metodologia sintetica che prevede l’ultilizzo delle microonde per ancorare organosilani come precursori…
Halloysite nanotubes/pluronic nanocomposites for waterlogged archeological wood: thermal stability and X-ray microtomography
Filling a polymer with halloysite nanotubes is considered a promising strategy to generate nanocomposites with tailored physicochemical properties. We have focused our attention on pluronic block copolymer/halloysite nanocomposites prepared by melt blending. The effect of composition on thermal stability and polymer crystallinity was investigated by thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Electron microscopy was used to monitor the nanoparticle distribution in the polymeric matrix. The pluronic thermal stability is reduced by the clay nanoparticles. Concerning the polymer crystallinity, it is slightly decreased even if the melting temperature is lowered by halloysite. Furthe…
Sustainable plastics based on halloysite nanotubes and biopolymers
Filling of Mater-Bi with Nanoclays to Enhance the Biofilm Rigidity
We investigated the efficacy of several nanoclays (halloysite, sepiolite and laponite) as nanofillers for Mater-Bi, which is a commercial bioplastic extensively used within food packaging applications. The preparation of Mater-Bi/nanoclay nanocomposite films was easily achieved by means of the solvent casting method from dichloroethane. The prepared bio-nanocomposites were characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in order to explore the effect of the addition of the nanoclays on the mechanical behavior of the Mater-Bi-based films. Tensile tests found that filling Mater-Bi with halloysite induced the most significant improvement of the mechanical performances under traction force, …
Chemical modification of halloysite nanotubes for controlled loading and release.
Clay minerals have been used for medical purposes from ancient times. Among them, the halloysite nanotube, an aluminosilicate of the kaolin group, is an emerging nanomaterial which possesses peculiar chemical characteristics. By means of suitable modifications, such as supramolecular functionalization or covalent modifications, it is possible to obtain novel nanomaterials with tunable properties for several applications. In this context the covalent grafting of suitable organic moieties on the external surface or in the halloysite lumen has been exploited to improve the loading and release of several biologically active molecules. The resulting hybrid nanomaterials have been applied as drug…
Mixed aggregates based on tetronic-fluorinated surfactants for selective oils capture
Abstract An aqueous star-like copolymer solution was titrated with perfluoro carboxylic acids at various compositions to prepare a polymeric surfactant composed of fluorinated nano-domains. The copolymer is X-shaped where each arm contains ethylene oxide and propylene oxide repetitive units linked to a central ethylenediamine group. The aggregation behavior of the hybrid macromolecule was studied from the physico-chemical point of view by changing parameters like temperature and composition. The solubilization of perfluorinated and hydrogenated alcohols in mixed self-assembled structure revealed that a selectivity toward the fluorinated moiety can be done. The self-assembled structures are …
Solubilisation of chlorinated oils in triblock copolymers and triblock copolymer-surfactant mixed aggregates
Caratterizzazione e valutazione dell’attività anti proliferativa di nuovi sistemi per il drug carrier Allosite-sali triazolici/cardanolo
Da precedenti studi è stato valutato che i nanotubi di allosite modificati con sali triazolici (f-HNT), sono dei promettenti sistemi carrier per molecole biologiche1. In questo lavoro si riportano i risultati ottenuti studiando gli f-HNT come carrier per il cardanolo, molecola con interessanti attività biologiche. L’interazione fra il cardanolo e gli f-HNT è stata valutata tramite HPLC, spettroscopia FTIR, analisi termogravimentrica, misure di angolo di contatto e microscopia a scansione elettronica. Infine sono stati studiati sia il rilascio del cardanolo dal sistema che gli effetti citotossici del complesso f-HNT/Cardanolo verso linee cellulari di epatocarcinoma. I dati sperimentali otten…
Thermodynamic Characterization of Interactions of Cyclodextrins with Nicotinic Acid
Heat capacities of butanol and pentanol in aqueous dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide solutions
Heat capacities of the ternary systems water-dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB)-butanol and water-DTAB-pentanol were measured at 25°C. The standard partial molar heat capacities of pentanol in micellar solutions show a maximum at about 0.35 mol-kg−1 DTAB that has been attributed to a micellar structural transition. This maximum tends to vanish by increasing the alcohol concentration and by decreasing the alcohol alkyl chain length; in the case of butanol it was not detected. The behavior of the standard partial molar heat capacities of alcohols in micellar solutions in the region above the cmc and below the structural transition was explained using a previously reported mass-action mod…
Thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of beeswax-halloysite nanocomposites for consolidating waterlogged archaeological woods
Abstract Thermal and mechanical properties were determined for the halloysite nanotubes (HNT)/beeswax composites at various compositions. The beeswax degradation temperatures and time course, provided by thermogravimetry (TG), evidenced the improvement of the thermal properties operated by HNT. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) allowed us to determine the enthalpy of melting as well as the time course of the melting process for beeswax. A slight loss of beeswax crystallinity was observed upon HNT addition. The dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) provided the loss and the storage modulus for the nanocomposites upon heating and it was shown that the nanoclays create an inorganic framewo…
Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Halloysite Nanotubes: From General Aspects to Technological Applications
Besides surfactants, which decrease the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquids, also interfacially active particles can successfully stabilize an emulsion system by attaching at the liquid–liquid interface. The preparation of the resulting Pickering emulsions has been so far investigated starting from the study of the interactions arising between the dispersed droplets and the stabilizers, till the application of these systems in a wide range of different fields. This work is intended to provide an overall overview about the development of Pickering emulsions by considering the most general aspects and scanning the diverse types of solid stabilizers. Among them, Halloysite nanot…
Development and characterization of co-loaded curcumin/triazole-halloysite systems and evaluation of their potential anticancer activity.
Abstract Positively charged halloysite nanotubes functionalized with triazolium salts (f-HNT) were employed as a carrier for curcumin molecules delivery. The synthesis of these f-HNT new materials is described. Their interaction with curcumin was evaluated by means dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV–vis spectroscopy in comparison with pristine unmodified HNT (p-HNT). The curcumin load into HNT was estimated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements, while the morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Release of curcumin from f-HNT, at three different pH values, by means of UV–vis spectroscopy was also studied. Furthermore, different cancer cell …
Modified Halloysite Nanotubes: Nanoarchitectures for Enhancing the Capture of Oils from Vapor and Liquid Phases
We prepared hybrid halloysite nanotubes (HNT/sodium alkanoates) in which the inner cavity of the nanoclay was selectively modified. Physicochemical studies evidenced the interactions between HNT and sodium alkanoates, ruled out clay exfoliation, quantified the amount of the loaded substance, and showed an increase of the total net negative charge, allowing us to obtain rather stable aqueous nanoclay dispersions. These dispersions were exploited as inorganic micelles to capture hydrocarbon and aromatic oils in the vapor and liquid states and were revealed to be nonfoaming but very efficient in encapsulating oils. Here, we have fabricated biocompatibile and low-cost inorganic micelles that ca…
Triblock Copolymers/Laponite Nanostructures in Aqueous Media and their Solubilization Capability. Thermodynamic and Structural Study
Calorimetry: a Valuable Tool for Emerging Smart Nanomaterials
It is well known that calorimetry is a powerful technique to determine the complete energetics (standard free energy, enthalpy and entropy) of interaction processes. We are now assisting to the increment of the use of nano-calorimetry, which appears rather versatile because it can evidence weak interactions quickly and accurately and, furthermore, needs very small amounts of material. Unfortunately, over the years the calorimetry has been applied to restricted fields so that it has been underemployed in studying smart nanomaterials (polypseudorotaxanes, polymeric aggregates, surface functionalized nanoparticles, nanocomposites, etc.) to which a tremendous scientific interest has been recent…
Colloidal stability and self-assembling behavior of nanoclays
Abstract Currently, nanoclays are attracting the attention of a wide part of the scientific community, due to some of their most peculiar features that make them good candidates for applications in different fields. In light of this, some strategies can be pursued in order to obtain stable colloidal dispersions of nanoclays with the aim to improve their features and to expand their use. Hence, this chapter presents an overview on the structural and morphological characteristics, the physico-chemical properties and the main approaches that are taken into account for the preparation of homogeneous suspensions of Halloysite, Imogolite and Laponite in both aqueous and apolar solvent media. In p…
Functionalized halloysite multivalent glycocluster as a new drug delivery system.
A new design for halloysite nanotube materials was obtained by grafting chemically modified cyclodextrin units onto the nanotube surface. In particular, grafted cyclodextrins were decorated with thiosaccharide pendants, in order to mimic the well-known binding of sugars to proteins and the glyco-cluster effect occurring during cellular recognition events. The obtained materials were characterized by using a combination of varied techniques (FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, turbidimetry), and their potential drug-delivery abilities were tested by studying their interactions with the common naturally occurring anticancer a…
Nanocomposites based on esterified colophony and halloysite clay nanotubes as consolidants for waterlogged archaeological woods
We have designed an innovative protocol for the consolidation of waterlogged archaeological woods by using acetone mixtures of halloysite clay nanotubes and a chemically modified colophony (Rosin). Firstly, we have investigated the thermal properties of HNTs/Rosin nanocomposites, which have been prepared by means of the casting method from acetone. The HNTs content have been systematically changed in order to study the influence of the inorganic filler on the thermal stability and glass transition process of Rosin. We have observed that the thermal properties of the hybrids are affected by the specific HNTs/Rosin interactions. Then, acetone dispersions of HNTs/Rosin composites at variable f…
Stability of Halloysite, Imogolite, and Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Solvent Media
Inorganic nanotubes are attracting the interest of many scientists and researchers, due to their excellent application potential in different fields. Among them, halloysite and imogolite, two naturally-occurring aluminosilicate mineral clays, as well as boron nitride nanotubes have gained attention for their proper shapes and features. Above all, it is important to reach highly stable dispersion in water or organic media, in order to exploit the features of this kind of nanoparticles and to expand their applications. This review is focused on the structural and morphological features, performances, and ratios of inorganic nanotubes, considering the main strategies to prepare homogeneous col…
Calorimetric and Dynamic Light Scattering Characterization of Surfactant-Nanoparticle Interactions
Hyperactive TiO2 Photocatalyst Obtained by Microwave Treatment
Films of Halloysite Nanotubes Sandwiched between Two Layers of Biopolymer: From the Morphology to the Dielectric, Thermal, Transparency, and Wettability Properties
This study focused on the preparation and characterization of films based on biopolymers (hydroxypropylcellulose and low methoxyl pectin) and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs). The morphology is strongly dependent on the polymer nature. In particular, we observed a sandwich-like structure composed of two hydroxypropylcellulose layers incorporating the HNTs and a homogeneous distribution of the nanotubes into the low methoxyl pectin matrix. The different mesoscopic properties were invoked to explain the dielectric, thermal, and wettability properties of the corresponding films. Nanocomposites obtained by combining materials from renewable resources and HNTs is a challenging task in view of designi…
Simultaneous Removal and Recovery of Metal Ions and Dyes from Wastewater through Montmorillonite Clay Mineral
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of Montmorillonite nanoclay (Mt), readily and inexpensively available, for the simultaneous adsorption (and removal) of two classes of pollutants: metal ions and dyes. The attention was focused on two &ldquo
Nell'ampio scenario dei nanomateriali, i sistemi nanotubolari godono di un consolidato e crescente interesse sia nell'ambito scientifico che industriale. Fra la miriade di sistemi tubolari, recentemente i nanotubi allosite (HNT) hanno attirato l’attenzione della comunità scientifica.1 Grazie alla presenza di una cavità vuota, gli HNT trovano, principalmente, applicazione come nanocontainer per il rilascio controllato di composti chimici, in particolare, farmaci. L’introduzione di modificazioni covalenti su entrambe le superfici permette di modulare le proprietà dell’allosite, aumentando così i suoi campi di applicazione. In questa comunicazione verranno presentati recenti risultati ottenuti…
Biocompatible Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-halloysite Nanotubes for Thermoresponsive Curcumin Release
The grafting of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) onto the halloysite external surface is proposed in order to obtain a novel thermoresponsive drug carrier for curcumin delivery. The new nanomaterial is characterized by means of FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and SEM investigations. A high density of polymer chain was achieved at the nanoparticle surface. The PNIPAAM dehydration phenomenon was observed in water above 32 °C that is nearly coincident with the lower critical solution temperature for the polymer. The colloidal stability as well as the wettability of the obtained nanomaterial may be triggered by temperature stimuli. In vitro tests simulating the gastro-intes…
Volumes, heat capacities and solubilities of amyl compounds in decyltrimethylammonium bromide aqueous solutions
Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of amylamine (PentNH2) 0.02m, capronitrile (PentCN) 0.02m and nitropentane (PentNO2) 0.009m in decyltrimethylammonium bromide (DeTAB) micellar solutions, in water and in octane were measured at 25°C. By assuming that their concentration approaches the standard infinite dilution state, heat capacities and volumes were rationalized by means of previously reported equations following which the distribution constant between the aqueous and the micellar phase and heat capacity and volume of the additives in both phases are simultaneously derived. The present results are compared to those we have previously obtained for pentanol (PentOH). The thermodynam…
A Calorimetric Investigation to Study the Effect of Polymers onto the Behaviour of Aqueous Laponite Concentrated Dispersions
Solubilization of an Organic Compound in Aqueous Solutions of Unimeric Block Copolymers and their Mixtures with Monomeric Surfactant. Volume, SANS, Surface Tension, DSC, Viscosity and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Studies
Volumetric and viscosimetric studies to probing the structure of nano-organized systems based on nonionic block copolymers at some temperatures
Thermogravimetric analysis. A tool to evaluate the ability of mixtures in consolidating waterlogged archaeological woods
Waterlogged archaeological woods (Pinus pinaster, Ulmus cf. minor and Fagus sylvatica L.) were consolidated by using Colophony, Rosin 100, and a mixture of Poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) 3000 and Poly(propylene) glycol (PPG) 425. The efficiency of the consolidants was estimated by determining the content entrapped into the cavity of degraded wood. For this purpose, thermogravimetry was demonstrated to be a reliable tool. In the case that the polymeric mixture was used for impregnation, it was also possible to discriminate the amount of PEG 3000 from that of PPG 425 captured by the wood capillaries. Regardless of the wood nature, all the consolidants were present in treated samples in large amo…
Temperature-controlled poly(propylene) glycol hydrophobicity on the formation of inclusion complexes with modified cyclodextrins. A DSC and ITC study.
The study highlighted the main forces driving the formation of hydroxypropyl-cyclodextrins (HP-CDs) + poly(propylene) glycol 725 g mol(-1) inclusion complexes. The temperature parameter was chosen as the variable to modulate the hydrophobicity of the polymer, and consequently ITC experiments as functions of temperature as well as DSC measurements were done in a systematic way. The polymer is not included into HP-α-CD, it is strongly bound to HP-β-CD and it is floating in HP-γ-CD. The stability of the inclusion complexes is entropy controlled. The gain of the entropy is a unique result compared to the opposite literature findings for inclusion complexes based on polymers and CDs. This peculi…
Eco-friendly functionalization of natural halloysite clay nanotube with ionic liquids by microwave irradiation for Suzuki coupling reaction
Abstract Microwave assisted halloysite (HNT) external surface functionalization with ionic liquids is described. HNTs modification was achieved in two steps: a) grafting of 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane on the external surface of HNT by a microwave irradiation; b) anchorage of vinylimidazolium ionic liquids by a thiol-ene reaction. MW irradiation allowed us to obtain high loading onto the HNT surface compared to those obtained through conventional synthesis. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that the grafting has occurred only on the external surface of HNT. Turbidimetric and dynamic light scattering analyses showed that the introduction of…
Aqueous Laponite Clay Dispersions in the Presence of Poly(ethylene oxide) or Poly(propylene oxide) Oligomers and their Triblock Copolymers
The effect of polyethylene oxide (PEO) or polypropylene oxide (PPO) oligomers of various molecular weight (Mw) as well as of triblock copolymers, based on PEO and PPO blocks, on aqueous laponite RD suspensions was studied with small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The radius of gyration (RG) increases for low Mw whereas the opposite occurs for larger Mw. This behavior is explained on the-basis that an effective RG is given by two contributions: (1) the size of the particles coated with the polymer and (2) the interactions between the laponite RD particles which are attractive for small and repulsive for large polymers. The SANS curves in the whole Q-range are well described by a model of n…
Formation of pseudorotaxanes and micelles supramolecular assemblies tuned by selective cyclodextrins
Halloysite nanotubes filled with MgO for paper reinforcement and deacidification
Abstract A novel material for the deacidification and protection of paper has been designed by using MgO filled halloysite nanotubes (Hal). The ability of MgO loaded nanotubes to control the acidic conditions was evaluated by pH measurements in aqueous solvent. Afterwards, paper was impregnated into hydroxypropyl cellulose dispersions containing the consolidating material. A simulation of strong acidic conditions allowed us to evaluate the deacidification effect of the composite material on the samples. In particular, the paper reaches a pH of 7.7 after 1 h exposition to HNO3 vapours when MgO-Hal nanoparticles are added to the impregnation mixture at a concentration of 10 wt% and it remains…
Crystallinity of block copolymer controlled by cyclodextrin
We report a differential scanning calorimetry study to investigate the effect of cyclodextrins (CD) on the crystallinity of a copolymer. Tetronics was selected as copolymer with star-like shape formed by four polyethylene oxide flanked by four polypropylene oxide blocks linked to ethylenediamine central group. The use of CD with different cavity size was exploited for a block selective inclusion. A model for supramolecular association was considered for a quantitative description of the enthalpy data. The polymer chain incorporation into the CD cavity generates a loss of crystallinity. The stoichiometry of the CD/copolymer aggregates can be tuned by changing the CD cavity size. The investig…
Mixed Micellar Systems
Halloysite nanoclays (HNTs) are promising nanomaterials because of their versatile properties, such as hollow tubular morphology and tunable surface chemistry. HNTs are biocompatible, no toxic and abundantly available at low cost. Due to these characteristics HNTs are suitable for development of hybrid sustainable materials, which are perspective for wastewater remediation, green packaging and drug delivery. HNTs are quite polydisperse in size with a length of ca. 1 m, while the external diameter and the lumen range between 50-80 nm and 10-15 nm, respectively. Chemically, halloysite is composed of gibbsite octahedral sheet (Al-OH) groups on the inner surface and siloxane (Si−O−Si) groups o…
It is well known that calorimetry is a powerful technique to determine the complete energetics of interaction processes. Unfortunately, over the years the calorimetry has been applied to restricted fields so that it has been underemployed in studying smart nanomaterials (polypseudorotaxanes, polymeric aggregates, surface functionalized nanoparticles, nanocomposites, etc.) to which a tremendous scientific interest has been recently addressed. Within this topic some relevant recent results from our laboratory will be described in the following. As concerns the supramolecular chemistry field, we exploited strategies to design stable and stimuli responsive polypseudorotaxanes based on cyclodext…
Halloysite/Keratin Nanocomposite for Human Hair Photoprotection Coating
We propose a novel keratin treatment of human hair by its aqueous mixtures with natural halloysite clay nanotubes. The loaded clay nanotubes together with free keratin produce micrometer-thick protective coating on hair. First, colloidal and structural properties of halloysite/keratin dispersions and the nanotube loaded with this protein were investigated. Above the keratin isoelectric point (pH = 4), the protein adsorption into the positive halloysite lumen is favored because of the electrostatic attractions. The ζ-potential magnitude of these core-shell particles increased from -35 (in pristine form) to -43 mV allowing for an enhanced colloidal stability (15 h at pH = 6). This keratin-cla…
Enthalpies of Mixing of Some Primary Hydrogenated and Fluorinated Alcohols and Sodium Dodecanoate Aqueous Solutions
Abstract The enthalpies of transfer from water to the surfactant solutions ΔH(W → W + S) of some hydrogenated and fiuorinated alkanols and of sodium dodecanoate NaL were determined. In the premicellar region the measurements were carried out as functions of both the additive and the surfactant concentrations in order to evaluate the interaction parameters between the additive and the surfactant molecules. It is shown that in this region, pair, triplet, and quadruplet interaction parameters between unlike solute molecules contribute to ΔH(W → W + S). Within the large uncertainty with which these parameters are determined because of the very narrow surfactant and alcohol concentration interva…
Solubilization of a,w-Dichloroalkanes in Block Copolymer Supramolecular Structures Formed in Aqueous Media. A Thermodynamic and Structural Study
Enthalpies of solution and dilution of butanol and pentanol in dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide micellar solutions
The enthalpies of solution and of dilution of 1-butanol and 1-pentanol were measured in micellar solutions of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide by systematically changing the concentration of alcohols and surfactant. The enthalpies of solution at infinite dilution of alcohols at each surfactant concentration were evaluated from a linear plot. This quantity increases with surfactant concentration (up to 0.8m) with a curvature which depends on the alcohol alkyl chain length. The difficulties arising for a quantitative treatment of both the enthalpies of dilution and of solution at finite alcohol concentrations are discussed. The dependence on the surfactant concentration of the standard enthal…