Santo Giammanco

Prevention of Eating Disorders (EDs): longitudinal study in preadolescent girls

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Minerali Macro

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Antioxidant effectiveness of sicilian red wines in comparison with french red wines.

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Effect of uric acid on plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine consumption in human

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Flavonoids as bioactive components of food: Influence of the 7–o–glycosilation on antioxidant activity of flavanones

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Effects of Environmental Lighting and Tryptophan Devoid Diet on the Rat Vaginal Cycle

Cerebral serotonin level influences luteinizing hormone release and, consequently, ovulation. The present study evaluated the effects of precooked maize meal (polenta), a diet almost devoid of tryptophan the serotonin precursor on the alterations of the estrus cycle as measured by vaginal smears analysis in Wistar rats. Several conditions of environmental lighting were used in order to modify ovarian cycle: 1) natural alternating light/dark cycle; 2) continuous darkness; 3) continuous light by sodium steams: 4) continuous light by fluorescent neon tubes. Rats bred in continuous lighting showed estrus-proestrus rate significantly greater than rats bred in normal lighting or in continuous dar…

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CBS and MTRR mutations, observed in Sicily, in thromboembolic and hyperhomocystemic patients, unresponsive to administration of folate and vitamin B12

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"Prevalence of owerweight and obesity in children form some school of Palermo"

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Study on the polyphenolic contents in oils from olea europea (var. nocellara del Belice, Sicily) plants: comparison between traditional and organic cultivation

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Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of food service staff in nursing homes and long-term care facilities

The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices of food service staff in nursing homes and long-term care facilities for the elderly in Sicily, Italy. Association with some demographic and work-related variables was also investigated. This survey provides information and outlines many complex questions concerning the basics of food hygiene. Education level, length of service in the employment and attending courses on food hygiene influenced the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food service staff. This study has evidenced the need for continuous training among food service staff regarding food safety in LTCF and nursing homes.

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Acidi grassi e composti antiossidanti degli oli extravergine D. O. P. Siciliani e la prevenzione delle patologie cardiovascolari

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Antioxidant capacity and total phenolics of Sicilian wines from different varieties and vintage year

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"Prevention of eating disorders(eds) in preadolescent girls form some schools of Palermo: self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness"

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Variation of the Body Mass Index and the body composition in overweight and obese children submitted to nutritional counselling

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Quantification of methane output from mud volcanoes and mofettes south of Mt. Etna (Italy)

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The nutritional properties of sicilian red wines as determined by the analysis of their polyphenolic composition and antioxidant capacity

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A protocol to evaluate the antioxidant capacity by crocin bleaching assay in Pleurotus edible mushrooms

Unpublished data on the chemical composition and nutritional value of Pleurotus mushrooms, growing on Umbelliferous plants (Apiaceae), are here reported. Cultivated basidiomata of four different Pleurotus taxa were analyzed in order to evaluate the composition in lipids, sugars, nitrogen, water, vitamins, ashes, and energetic values. The results showed that Pleurotus mushrooms are suitable in every type of diet thanks to their low caloric content, gastronomic value, vitamins, and mineral salt contents. The presence of a high content of vitamin B12 and riboflavin in Pleurotus nebrodensis is noteworthy.

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Correlation between substance “P” and enzymatic activity of lysosomal Cathepsin A in rat peritoneal mast-cells, in physiologic conditions

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Food safety in hospitals and in nursing homes for the elderly: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses and domestic staff

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Prevalence of overweight ad obesity in children from some schools of Palermo

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Preliminary observation on antioxidant capacity in Pleurotus eryngii species-complex

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Relationship between diet in the first year of life, social factors and body weight in preadolescent schoolchildren in Palermo

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A coupled geophysical and geochemical approach to the study of buried degassing structures on mt. Etna

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A review of the literature and a new classification of the early determinants of childhood obesity: from pregnancy to the first years of life

Abstract From as early on as the development of the fetus, the risk of obesity can be evaluated. At the beginning of life, nutritional intake in man is controlled by innate biological systems and internal signals; and later on, the learning processes determine cognitive structures about food and nutrition, strongly influencing eating habits. It is important to identify all the factors that have an influence on childhood obesity and intervene with prevention programs. In this review, the databases “Pubmed" and “The Cochrane Library" were consulted to provide a review of recent literature (1982-2007) concerning childhood obesity. A particular importance is given to the influence exerted by th…

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Stilbenes in red wine and their effects on antioxidant capacity.

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Histamine release: a proof of physiologic inhibition mechanism of inflammatory function of Substance P, caused by Cathepsin A

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Soil CO2 emissions from the lower SW flank of Mt. Etna: possible relations with hidden faults and preliminary output estimate

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Molecular identification of yeasts from Sicilian red wine

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Comparison between mediterranean extra–virgin olive oils

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Molecular identification of yeast from Sicilian red wine.

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Nutritional counselling in overweight and obese children of some schools from Palermo.

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Study on the plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine intake: different behaviour of women and men.

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Extra-virgin olive oils of the Mediterranean basin: Nocellara del Belice, (Sicily) and Koroneiki (Crete)

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Nutritional properties of red wine: composition of anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols of different Sicilian varieties

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"Prevention of atherosclerosis: dietary habits and nutritional education in schoolchildren."

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Prevention of atherosclerosis: dietary habitus and nutritional education in schoolchildren

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Hyperhomocysteinemia in thromboembolic disease: role of mthfr,cbs and mtrr mutations in Sicily

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Dietary habits and food consumptions

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Antioxidant capacity of plasma after red wine intake in Human volunteers

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Schoolchildren obesity, food consumptions, socio–cultural level and nutritional education in Sicily during the last 15 years

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Study of the physiological effects of Quercetin and Kaempferol (alone or mixed) on the MnSOD enzyme

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Extra virgin olive oil, Nutritional quality related to Jaen index

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Dietary calcium intake and evaluation of some influencing factors, in preadolescent schoolchildren from Palermo, for the prevention of osteoporosis

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Evaluation of the factors of family risk and style of food life in obese and overweight children

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Wild-type Saccharomyces characterization in spontaneous fermentation of red bulgarian wine

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Magmatic gas leakage at Mt. Etna (Sicily,Italy): Relationships with the vocano-tectonic structures ,the hydrological pattern and the eruptive activity

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Trends in childhood obesity, food habits, life styles and knowledge over three years: results from a longitudinal study

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La termoregolazione corporea

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Geochemistry and mineralogy of travertine deposits of the SW flanks of Mt. Etna: An indicator of past degassing activity

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The phenolic compound of olive oil and human health

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Wild-type Saccharomyces characterisation in spontaneous fermentations of red Bulgarian wine

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Le secrezioni gastrointestinali

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Risk factors for eating disorders and correlation with the body mass index, in preadolescent girls from some schools of Palermo

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Effects of an intervention of nutrition and health on weight status and physical activity of sicilian schoolchildren.

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Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children from some schools of Palermo

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Polyphenols, tocopherols and fatty acids of extra virgin olive oils D.O.P. in Sicily

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Antioxidant capacity as an index to charaterise wine nutraceutic properties: a study on Sicilian red wines

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Total phenols, α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol and related antioxidant capacity in olive oil with different Jean index values

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Polifenoli del vino come agenti protettivi contro l’aterogenesi: correlazione tra contenuto polifenolico e capacità antiossidante di vini siciliani

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The antioxidant capacity of red wine in relationship with its polyphenolic constituents

The aim of this study is evaluate either the antioxidant or pro-oxidant behaviour of some typical polyphenolic compounds of red wine, to investigate the influence of two different pH levels on the antioxidant properties and to clarify their activity–structure relationship. The antioxidant activity of compounds in hydrophilic solutions at pH 3.5 and pH 7.4 were measured by a competition kinetic test, based on the crocin bleaching. The position and the number of substitution groups influence the magnitude of the antioxidant activity of the polyphenolic compounds, but their antioxidant properties are also strongly influenced by the pH conditions. Increasing the pH, a considerable increase in a…

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A research on the action of testosterone propionate and of ciproterone acetate on the mouse-killing behaviour of the adult rat.

AbstractData demonstrate exactly that testosterone favour above all the killing behaviour of castrate males at birth in comparison with control males while ciproterone acetate turns out to be more effective in diminishing the killing behaviour of males having integral testicle and of androgenized females at birth in comparison with castrated males.The results point out that the killing behaviour of rats is affected by the presence of testosterone in the first days of life, and in the grown-up animal.

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Nutraceutic properties of wine: influence of resveratrol and malvidin-3-O-glucoside sorption by Oak wood

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Soil CO2 emission from the lower flanks of Mt Etna: possible relations withj hidden faults and preliminary output estimate

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Preliminary study on food habitus and consumpitions in adult subjects attendine general medicine outpatientients

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Genetic heterogeneity of familial hypercholesterolemia in Sicily

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"Relazione fra stato ponderale e rischio cardiovascolare in soggetti obesi e in sovrappeso, in età scolare, previa analisi di composizione corporea"

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Short term diet of precooked corn meal almost lacking in tryptophan and interspecific rat-mouse aggressive behaviour.

The content of tryptophan in a precooked corn meal and in 4 types of selected corn seeds: Zea mays indurata, identata, opaque/2 and Marano synth., has been determined by three different methods: ion-exchange chromatography, spectrofluorometry and spectrophotometry. This content is very low, less than 0.080% d.w. Alimentation for 4 d with a diet composed of precooked corn meal with a tryptophan content less than 0.025% induced the appearance of aggressive-cidal or aggressive non-cidal behaviour towards the mouse in more than half of Wistar rats bred in a room constantly lighted by a sodium steam light. The appearance of this behaviour is probably connected with a decrease in brain serotonin.

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Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy.

Abstract Background Food hygiene in hospital poses peculiar problems, particularly given the presence of patients who could be more vulnerable than healthy subjects to microbiological and nutritional risks. Moreover, in nosocomial outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease, the mortality risk has been proved to be significantly higher than the community outbreaks and highest for foodborne outbreaks. On the other hand, the common involvement in the role of food handlers of nurses or domestic staff, not specifically trained about food hygiene and HACCP, may represent a further cause of concern. The purpose of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning food safet…

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Squalene, α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol concentration during ripening phase in olive oil pulp

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Preadolescent obesity in schoolchildren from Palermo: analysis of some correlated factors

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Maize based diets and possible neurobehavioural after-effects among some populations in the world

Maize is a cereal particularly lacking in tryptophan, which is the precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Altough complementary foods may eliminate tryptophan deficiency, serotonin deficiency may often continue to exist because of competition made by other Large Neutral Amino Acids (LNAA) against tryptophan for neuron access, since they use the same carrier to cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus serotonin synthesis depends on two variables: the amount of tryptophan and the trp/LNAA ratio (R). “R” is lowest for common maize, low for beans and, as a rule, for most vegetable foods, higher for meat. So, when maize is the preponderant food in the meal, the “R” value lowers and so…

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The phenolic compounds of olive oil: structure, biological activity and beneficial effects on human health

AbstractThe Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, cereals, fruit, fish, milk, wine and olive oil and has salutary biological functions. Epidemiological studies have shown a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and certain kinds of cancer in the Mediterranean area. Olive oil is the main source of fat, and the Mediterranean diet's healthy effects can in particular be attributed not only to the high relationship between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in olive oil but also to the antioxidant property of its phenolic compounds. The main phenolic compounds, hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which give extra-virgin olive oil its bitter, pungent taste, have powerful a…

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Magmatic gas leakage at Mt.Etna (Sicily,Italy):Relationships with the volcano-tectonic structures,the hydrological pattern and the eruptive activity

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Composition de vins rouges siciliens et leurs propriétés "nutraceutiques"

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Chemical and nutritional properties of Sicilian P.O.D. extravirgin olive oils.

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Analysis of total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content during ripeting of Sicilian red grapes

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The Influence of Sex, of Castration in New-Born Males and of Androgen Treatment in New-Born Females on the Mouse-Killing Behaviour of the Rat

AbstractThe results we have got on the mouse-killing behaviour of the rat point out the remarkable percentage difference between control males and control females, between integral males and males castrated at birth, and between normal females and females under the effects of androgens.Such results make us believe that the appearance of the killer behaviour is affected by the presence of testosterone in the first days of life of the rat.

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Prevention of Eating Disorders (EDs) in preadolescents girls from some schools of Palermo: self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness.

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The phenolic compounds of olive oil and human health

research product

Additional file 1 of Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy

Additional file 1: Questionnaire about food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy. It included five sections: a) demographic characteristics, employment status and hospital/ward where the nurse worked; b) knowledge about food hygiene; c) attitudes towards prevention of foodborne diseases; d) measures to be used in prevention of foodborne diseases; e) sources of information about food hygiene. (DOC 33 KB)

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Flavanones in Citrus fruit: structure-antioxidant activity relationships

Epidemiological surveys have shown an inverse relationship between the intake of fruit and the incidence of coronary heart disease and some type of cancer. Data found in the literature regarding the flavonoids in general while this study focuses on flavanones, a subclass of flavonoids which occurs in Citrus fruit. The aim of this work is to elucidate the antioxidant or pro-oxidant behaviours of some common flavanones and to determine their activity–structure relationships as antioxidant using the crocin bleaching inhibition assay. The compounds studied were regarding both the aglycon form and the glycoside form. Data evidence that the substitution of the 7th OH group of the flavanones by a …

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Nutritional counselling in overweight and obese children of some school from Palermo

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Influence of Oak wood contact on nutraceutical properties of a model wine

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Additional file 2 of Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy

Authors’ original file for figure 1

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Behaviour of different nutritional parameters, in extra virgin olive oil, during the ripening phase

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capacity and total phenolics of sicilian wines from different varieties and vintage year

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Una intervista lunga per una lunga vita

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Soil CO2 emissions from the lower SW flank of Mt. Etna: Estimate of organic and magmatic contributions to the total degassing

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Environmental lighting and muricidal behaviour in the male Wistar rat.

Effects of different conditions of environmental lighting on the appearance of the muricidal behaviour in male Wistar rats have been studied. The animals were kept under different conditions of environmental lighting: 1) natural day light alternated with the dark of the night; 2) sodium, continuous light emitted by a sodium steam lamp; 3) neon, continuous light emitted by fluorescent neon tubes. The continuous sodium steam light increased the percentage of animals becoming muricide when compared to animals bred in a natural environment with a normal succession of day-night lighting. On the contrary, this percentage decreased if the rats of the same group are exposed to continuous light emit…

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Citrus flavonoids: Molecular structure, biological activity and nutritional properties: A review

Abstract Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between dietary flavonoid intakes and cardiovascular diseases. Citrus fruits are the main winter fruits consumed in the Mediterranean diet, so they are the main source of dietary flavonoids. The possible beneficial effects are due, not only to the high amounts of vitamins and minerals, but also to the antioxidant properties of their flavonoids. Dietary flavonoids may help to supplement the body antioxidant defences against free radicals. These compounds’ possible beneficial effects are due to their antioxidant activity, which is related to the development of atherosclerosis and cancer, and to anti-inflammatory and antimicro…

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"Dietary calcium intake and evaluation of some influencing factors, in preadolescent schoolchildren form Palermo, for the prevention of dsteoporosis"

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Hospital catering and food safety: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of the nursing staff in sicilian hospitals

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Effects of phenolic compounds on metabolic syndrome: study on higth-fructose-fed rats.

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