Giuseppe Alonzo
The culturable bacterial community of frass produced by larvae of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Canary island date palm
Aims: Larvae of the red palm weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) feed inside palm stem tissues, making galleries and producing a wet fermenting frass. We characterized the culturable bacteria associated with frass produced by tunnelling larvae inside the Canary island date palms and investigated the role of frass and gut bacteria in plant polymers breakdown. Methods and Results: A culture-dependent method was used to isolate bacteria from frass and noninfested palm tissues. Bacterial isolates were grouped into operational taxonomic units based on polymorphisms in the ITS-PCR profiles, and representative isolates were identified by partial sequencing …
Nature of Interactions at the Interface of Two Water-Saturated Commercial TiO2 Polymorphs
Two commercial TiO2 samples, a 100% anatase and a 100% rutile, were used for the fast field cycling NMR experiments. The results showed a different behavior between the different samples. In particular, water molecules were unbonded to the solid surface for the rutile sample, whereas they appeared to chemically interact with the surface through H-bond formation with the anatase sample. The above findings accord with the generally lower activity of rutile with respect to anatase reported in literature for photocatalytic oxidation reactions in water. The difficulty of water to interact with rutile surface, indeed, could hinder the formation of OH radicals, which are the most important oxidant…
Indagin su fibre di carbonio e interazione con l'acqua mediante rilassometria NMR.
Rilassometria in fase solida di tessuti di una solanacea affine a melanzana a differenti frequenze di Larmor protoniche
Reticulitermes lucifugus è una specie di termite diffusa in Italia e che causa gravi danni alle strutture legnose di monumenti storici e artistici. L’intestino delle termiti ospita una comunità microbica di batteri e flagellati, responsabile della degradazione del materiale lignocellulosico. Studi preliminari sulla comunità microbica dei simbionti di R. lucifugus, hanno descritto alcune specie di protozoi, ma non ci sono ancora informazioni sui simbionti batterici. Al fine di caratterizzare la comunità microbica intestinale di R. lucifugus è stato utilizzato un approccio molecolare coltura indipendente e colture di arricchimento per l’isolamento dei batteri cellulosolitici. Per l’analisi co…
Degradazione di pesticidi organofosforici in matrici ambientali
Matrici quali acqua, suolo ed aria sono costantemente soggette a forti pressioni antropiche. I pesticidi pur avendo apportato grandi benefici alle attività agricole influiscono negativamente sugli equilibri degli ecosistemi. Circa 85-90% dei principi attivi applicati in agricoltura non raggiunge gli organismi a cui sono destinati, ma viene disperso nell’ambiente. In tale contesto l’individuazione di microrganismi deputati alla loro degradazione diventa un importante mezzo per la salvaguardia ambientale e della salute umana. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di isolare batteri del suolo capaci di degradare composti organofosforici, i quali rivestono una notevole importanza nelle pr…
1H NMR spectra of Ph2SbX, PhSbX2, and Ph3SbX2 (XCl, Br, I); 121Sb Mössbauer spectra of PhSbX2 and crystal structure of Ph2SbI1
1H NMR spectroscopic data of Ph2SbX, PhSbX2, and Ph3SbX2 (XCl, Br, I) have been determined by iterative simulation. 121Sb Mossbauer spectra of PhSbX2 (XCl, Br, I) have been measured. The synthesis of Ph2SbI is achieved by reaction of Ph2SbCl with NaI in ethanol. The crystal structure of Ph2SbI consists of molecules with pyramidal C2SbI units.
Building green covering for a sustainable use of energy
Nowadays the growth of the cities increased built and paved areas, energy use and heat generation. The phenomenon of urban warming, called urban heat island, influences negatively outdoor comfort conditions, pollutants concentration, energy demand for air conditioning, as well as increases environmental impact due to the demand of energy generation. A sustainable technology for improving the energy efficiency of buildings is the use of green roofs and walls in order to reduce the energy consumption for conditioning in summer and improve the thermal insulation in winter. The use of green roofs and walls can contribute to mitigate the phenomenon of heat island, the emissions of greenhouse gas…
ChemInform Abstract: Environmental NMR: Fast-Field-Cycling Relaxometry
Fast-field-cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry deals with the variation of the spin–lattice relaxation times (T1) in a complex system, as the strength of the applied magnetic field is changed. Information about molecular dynamics can be achieved. Until now, only model theories for FFC NMR relaxometry have been developed for polymer and material sciences. Just a few applications have been performed in the environmental sciences. These mainly deal with soil porosity, rock permeability, biomass transformations, and natural organic matter dynamics. Further, FFC NMR relaxometry can also be applied to monitor the environmental fate of contaminants, to understand the dynamics of nutrients at the soil–pl…
Applicability of solid state fast field cycling NMR relaxometry in understanding relaxation properties of leaves and leaf-litters
Abstract Inversion recovery high field solid state (SS) 1H NMR spectroscopy and fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry have been applied on dried leaves and leaf-litters from a reafforestated area in central Sicily (Italy) in order to evaluate relaxation properties in both slow ( 1 ≪ ω 0 2 τ C 2 ) and fast ( 1 ≫ ω 0 2 τ C 2 ) motion regimes. Namely, SS 1H NMR spectroscopy (i.e. slow motion regime conditions) revealed that two relaxation components (a fast and a slow one) can be identified in all the leaves and leaf-litter samples. The fast component was assigned to small sized plant metabolites, whereas the slow one was attributed to slowly tumbling macropolymeric molecules. FFC NMR relax…
Comportamento di diversi substrati nel trattamento di un refluo urbano
Aroma Profiling of Leaf, Flower, Peel and In Vitro Embryo Tissues of “Ciaculli Late” Mandarin
Abstract Volatile compounds released from leaf, flower and peel as well as from somatic (nucellar) embryo tissues of “Tardivo di Ciaculli” or “Ciaculli late” mandarin have been collected/ concentrated by headspace solid phase microextraction, HS-SPME, and analyzed by GC-MS. The tehnique allowed the rapid comparison of the volatiles from the various sources; in particular, 19 compounds were identified for the embryos, 16 for leaf and flower and 13 for peel. Limonene was the most abundant volatile component of the embryo and peel while γ-terpinene was the major compound among volatiles from leaf and flower. Relatively high amounts of methyl N-methyl anthranilate and β-caryophyllene were also …
Determinazione volumetrica di Cr(III) con EDTA in presenza di verde naftolo β come agente schermante
Efficiency of biochar for reducing mobility of inorganic contaminants
Anthropogenic activities have produced numerous sites with extensive contamination close to residential areas. Several physicochemical and biological remediation methods exist for remediation of metal contaminated soils and lands, such as soil washing, soil flushing, phytoremediation, and electrokinetics. Biochar (biologically derived charcoal) is produced by pyrolysis of biomasses under low oxygen conditions, and it can be applied for recycling organic waste in soils. The main objectives of the present study were to determine the possible use of biochar from forest ersidues (Populus nigra) in order to achieve a stabilization of inorganic contaminants by adsorption processes. Adsorption of …
Influenza della temperatura di pirolisi e del tempo di residenza sulle proprietà fisico-chimiche del biochar prodotto da pollina
La pollina è tradizionalmente utilizzata in agricoltura come fertilizzante organico grazie al suo alto contenuto in nutrienti immediatamente disponibili per le piante (principalmente azoto, potassio e fosforo). Nonostante i vantaggi apportati alle colture, l’eccessivo uso della pollina come ammendante del suolo può causare gravi problemi ambientali, tra cui rischi per la salute umana e lisciviazione di nitrati o altri inquinanti nelle acquee sotterranee. Per diminuire i rischi legati al suo utilizzo, una soluzione alternativa potrebbe essere il ri-utilizzo energetico della pollina tramite la sua conversione in biochar. Il biochar è una sostanza carboniosa derivante dalla pirolisi di qualsia…
Caratterizzazione di sostanza organica disciolta mediante rilassometria NMR in modalità fast field cycling
Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of clusters Mn2(CO)8[μ-Sn(hal)Mn(CO)5]2 (hal = Cl, Br) and related Mn and Re compounds
Abstract In order to be acquainted with the nature of bonds at Sn involved in the title compounds, as well as to get information on the configuration of the strictly related derivatives I2Sn2Mn4(CO)18 and Cl2Sn2Re4(CO)18, the Mossbauer spectroscopic investigation reported in this paper has been carried out. The experimental parameters (isomer shifts, δ; nuclear quadrupole splittings, ΔE; for the bromide derivative only, the asymmetry parameter η and the sign of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant e2qQ) have been discussed in connection with data concerning compounds with tin-transition metal bonds, mainly hal2Sn[Mn(CO)5]2 (hal = Cl, Br) and ClSn[Mn(CO)5]3. Rationalizations of ΔE and η …
Complexes of Tin(IV) with Tridentate Ligands M�SSBAUER, Infrared, and Solution Phase Studies
The configuration in the solid state and in solution phase of complexes of SuIV wit,li tridentate “planar” ligands, Sn(trid)2 and HNEt3Cl3 Sntrid, have been investigated by infrared and MOSSBAUER spectroscopy, as well as by osmometry, conductivity, and electronic and PMR spectroscopy. The presence of monomeric Sn(trid)2 and ionic [HNEt] [Cl3Sn trid−] species has been inferred. Octahedral type configurations are advanced for both classes of compounds. Komplexe des Zinn (IV) mit dreizahigen Liganden. Mossbauer- und IR-Spektren sowie Untersuchungen von Losungen Die Struktur von SnIV-Komplexen mit dreizahnigen “planaren” Liganden, Sn(trid)2 und HNEt3Cl2Sntrid, wurde in fester Phase und in Losun…
The environmental evaluation of the “Comprensorio di Pace del Mela, area ad elevato rischio ambientale”
Infrared and M�SSBAUER spectroscopic studies on complexes of Hal2SnIV moieties with tridentate ligands
Novel complexes hal2Sntrid, where hal Cl, Br, and trid2− are dianions of „planar” tridentate ligands with ONO and SNO donor basic atoms, were synthesized and structurally investigated in the solid state mainly by far infrared and MOSSBAUER spectroscopy. Possible configurations were advanced and discussed, and it was concluded that the most probable is a monomeric trigonal bipyramidal structure for all compounds, although polymers, or dimers with O or Cl bridges, were not a priori excluded, in a special way for Br2Sntrid. Infrarot- und MOSSBAUER-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Komplexen von Hal2SnIV mit dreizahnigen Liganden Neue Komplexverbindungen von Typ hal2Sntrid werden dargestellt (…
La risorsa solare per il florovivaismo in serra.
Synthesis and characterization of mixed catecholate and 1,10-phenanthroline complexes of antimony(III), C6H4O2SbX·1,10-phenanthroline (X F, Cl, Br, I)
Abstract The title compounds have been easily synthesized by reacting antimony(III) catecholates, C 6 H 4 O 2 SbX, with 1,10-phenanthroline. The infrared spectra of the solids are in accordance with a chelating behaviour of the phenanthroline ligand and the molecular monomeric nature of the fluoride derivative. In the case of the chloride, and possibly also for X Br and I, infrared data are better interpreted admitting a consistent ionic SbX bond interaction. The conductance data for their methanolic solutions also indicate a distinctive behaviour of the fluoride derivative, this being weakly ionized, whereas the remaining halides behave as 1:1 electrolytes. The main features of the mass…
Attitudine alla trasformazione dei prodotti agricoli
Bismuth trihalide complexes with nitrogen and phosphorus chelating ligands
Abstract Bismuth(III) halides react with 1,10-phenanthroline, 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde-2-pyridylhydrazone and diphenylphosphynoethane in methanol. A stoichiometry differing from 1:1 is found only for BiCl 3 (Phen) 1.33 and BiCl 3 (Dpe) 1.5 . Characterization of these compounds, which are not very soluble in common solvents, follows from analytical, mass and IR spectral data. In the low frequency region, the IR spectra proved to be useful to ascertain the presence of bridging halogens.
Effect of Sowing Time on Coriander Performance in a Semiarid Mediterranean Environment
In semiarid environments, time of sowing is one of the most important factors influencing seed yields. For coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), the most commonly recommended cropping technique is spring sowing (March–April), since the optimum soil temperature for seed germination ranges between 20 and 23 °C, and the crop shows a remarkable sensitivity to frost and cold. In many semiarid areas of southern Italy, however, the occurrence of prolonged dry periods in summer and spring does not allow for the scheduling of summer crops without irrigation. However, the generally mild winter temperatures and the typical rainfall distribution, which is mostly concentrated over the winter months, could …
Biodegradazione di miscele di gasolio in suoli contaminati
Il biorisanamento mediante l’utilizzo di microrganismi ha un ruolo fondamentale nelle pratiche di trasformazione di molecole potenzialmente tossiche quali gli idrocarburi, che quotidianamente vengono riversati negli ecosistemi provocando fenomeni di antropizzazione in equilibri naturali particolarmente sensibili. Numerosi ceppi batterici sono abili degradatori e mineralizzatori di sostanze inquinanti xenobiotiche di sintesi e recalcitranti non esistenti in natura, quali i derivati di idrocarburi aromatici e policlorobifenili (PCB). Mediante colture su mezzo minerale Bushnell-Haas agarizzato (BH) in presenza di una miscela di idrocarburi come unica fonte di carbonio sono stati isolati 5 cepp…
Use of SPME extraction to determinate adsorbition / desorbition phenomena in soil and water matrices
Variations in the volatile compounds of a Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) variety grown in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment
Fennel is an industrial source of anethole but, recently, further interest has came from the suggested possibility of many industrial uses of this plant. The volatile substances from the seeds of fennel grown in Sparacia (Cammarata - AG - Sicily; 37° 38' N; 13° 46' E) have been investigated and compared on a statistical base with previously reported data. The variety grown in Sparacia fall into the "high fenchone" chemovariety. The substances alpha-toluene, alpha-terpinene, beta-phellandrene + limonene and camphene appear the components most sensitive to environment and grow condition modifications. Fennel is an industrial source of anethole but, recently, further interest has come from the…
Speciale Colture Protette. Sperimentazioni in ambienti non convenzionali. Missione possible: coltivare in Antartide.
Use of SPME extraction to determine organophosphorus pesticides adsorption phenomena in water and soil matrices
Solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) coupled with GC enables rapid and simple analysis of organophosphorus pesticides in a range of complex matrices. Investigations were made into the extraction efficiencies from water of six organophosphorus insecticides (methamidophos, omethoate, dimethoate, parathion methyl, malathion, and parathion ethyl) showing a wide range of polarities. Three SPME fibres coated with different stationary phases, polydimethylsiloxane, polyacrylate, and carbowax-divinylbenzene (CW-DVB), were investigated. Water was spiked with the pesticides at concentrations from 1 to 0.01 µg mL-1, and the solutions used for optimization of the procedure. The CW-DVB fibre, with a 65 µm…
Arsenic, antimony and bismuth complexation by L-cysteine in water
Synthese, dans l'eau, des complexes L-cysteine: AsL 3 , SbL 3 •H 2 O et BiL 3 .H 2 O L=forme monoanionique de cysteine. Etude IR des structures
CPMAS 13C NMR Characterization of Leaves and Litters from the Reafforestated Area of Mustigarufi in Sicily (Italy)
Reafforestation is generally based on the planting of exotic fast growing tree species suitable for adapting to even harsh environments. Once the introduced plants ameliorate soil conditions, they can be progressively replaced by au- tochthonous plant species. Reafforestation is applied worldwide. However, only few studies on the effect of reafforesta- tion on lands from Mediterranean regions are available. This paper reports the characterization by cross polarization 13C NMR spectroscopy of fresh leaves and superficial litters from a reafforestated area in central Sicily (Italy). NMR assign- ment is attempted. A differentiation among the molecular systems within leaves and litters is also …
Analisi della comunità microbica intestinale di Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
L’intestino delle termiti ospita una comunità microbica di batteri e flagellati anaerobi, responsabile della degradazione del materiale lignocellulosico. La digestione della lignocellulosa da parte delle termiti dipende dalla simbiosi con microrganismi procarioti ed eucarioti che vivono nel loro intestino. I microrganismi trasformano la cellulosa in zuccheri e acetato, producendo idrogeno, metano e anidride carbonica. Abbiamo analizzato la comunità microbica intestinale di Reticulitermes lucifugus lucifugus, una delle due specie di termiti italiane, che vive in ambienti sotterranei, è distruttiva per le strutture legnose degli ambienti urbani causando seri danni ai monumenti storici e può c…
Biomonitoraggio di elementi in tracce mediante licheni come bioaccumulatori: Stato dell'arte in Sicilia
4-(2-piridilazo)resorcinolo come indicatore metallocromico schermato da verde naftolo b nella retrotitolazione di EDTA in eccesso per determinare Cr(III) come complesso Cr(III)/EDTA
VIII Christmas workshop sulla qualità della vita - La filiera agro alimentare. Normativa cogente e volontaria: situazione attuale e prospettive per le PMI
Fast field cycling NMR relaxometry characterization of biochars obtained from an industrial thermochemical process
Biochar has unique properties which make it a powerful tool to increase soil fertility and to contribute to the decrease of the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide through the mechanisms of C sequestration in soils. Chemical and physical biochar characteristics depend upon the technique used for its production and the biomass nature. For this reason, biochar characterization is very important in order to address its use either for agricultural or environmental purposes. Three different biochars obtained from an industrial gasification process were selected in order to establish their chemical and physical peculiarities for a possible use in agronomical practices. They were obtained by char…
From Molecules to Systems: Sol-Gel Microencapsulation in Silica-Based Materials
Agroalimentare e sviluppo economico sostenibile: energia, efficienza energetica, ambiente e cibo
Nell’ultimo decennio, il sistema agroalimentare nazionale nella sua accezione più ampia di agricoltura e industria alimentare, ha assunto una configurazione fortemente sistemica, aperta al contributo di diverse discipline e tecnologie. Tale evoluzione ha consentito al sistema agricolo di raggiungere posizioni ragguardevoli se consideriamo che nel complesso l’agroalimentare rappresenta per l’economia italiana un valore di 250 miliardi €, pari a circa 16% del PIL. Il mondo agricolo, nel suo complesso, costituisce ormai uno snodo fondamentale per attività che riguardano: l’energia, l’ambiente, il cibo, il territorio, il benessere dei cittadini, il sistema economico aree urbane-aree rurali. Il …
Differenze tra tessuti del frutto di una solanacea affine a melanzana a differenti tempi di maturazione attraverso misure di dinamica molecolare NMR
Structure alteration of a sandy-clay soil by biochar amendments
The aim of the present study was to investigate structure alterations of a sandy-clay soil upon addition of different amounts of biochar (f bc ). All the f bc samples were analyzed by high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) technique and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry. HEMC was applied in order to evaluate aggregate stability of biochar-amended soil samples. 1H NMR relaxometry experiments were conducted for the evaluation of the pore distributions through the investigation of water dynamics of the same samples. The HEMC technique revealed improvement in aggregate stability through measurements of the amount of drainable pores and the stability ratio. The latter increased…
The PULSA (Plant-based Unit for Life Support in Antarctica): a sustainable plant food technology for remotes and isolated environments
Caratterizzazione mediante spettroscopia NMR in fase solida di foglie e lettiera di quattro essenze forestali
La velocità di degradazione del materiale vegetale che arriva al suolo dipende dalle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dei residui che ne influenzano l’appetibilità e, dunque, la facilità con cui i microrganismi li degradano. Molti studi hanno evidenziato come elevate percentuali di lignina e di composti polifenolici possano limitare l’attività dei microrganismi, in quanto poche specie microbiche hanno un apparato enzimatico completo per la degradazione dei suddetti polimeri. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è l’analisi, tramite spettroscopia NMR in fase solida (CPMAS 13C-NMR), della composizione molecolare delle foglie e della relativa lettiera di 4 essenze forestali: Eucaliptus occidentalis En…
Germination responses of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. on a heavy metal polluted substrate.
Uso di Brassica napus L., Helianthus Maximiliani Schrad. and Populus Deltoides in phytoremediation su due tipologie di suolo contaminato con metalli pesanti.
The determination of polyphenols content in white mulberry leaves.
E. Ciampi, G. Alonzo, A. Sinacori. Cultivation of Mulberry, particularly Morus alba L., was introduced in Europe between the ninth and the twelfth centuries together with sericulture. Mulberry as both Morus alba L. and Morus nigra L. Species, is a rustic plant, well suited for the Mediterranean climate and which is also appreciated for its fruits. Found in the past useful in medicinal applications, is now, from recent studies, indicated as potential health beneficial for the high content in polyphenol substances. Mulberry leaves from 13 varieties, grown in the experimental field of the University of Palermo, Agriculture Faculty, have been investigated for their content in antioxidant substa…
Integration of Antartica hydroponics as sustainable option for food plant in Space.
Complexes of organometallic compounds. LI. The correlation between 119Sn Mössbauer isomer shifts and partial atomic charges on tin in R3SnL compounds
Abstract The 119Sn Mossbauer isomer shift parameters, δ, of compounds R3SnL (R = AlK, Ph; L = F, Cl, OH, OR′, CN, NCS, NCO, N3) have been correlated to partial atomic charges on tin QSn, calculated according to a valence state electronegativity equalization procedure carried out by the CHELEQ program. A unique δ/QSn correlation has been obtained for all the five-coordinated R3SnL species by using average δ parameters for the AlK3IV derivatives.
Abstract A linear correlation between the chemical isomer shift and the quadrupole coupling constant for a number of antimony tris-thiolates has been evidenced. This behaviour can be rationalized on considering a modulation of the s/p character of the lone pair of electrons from the influence of secondary bonds.
X-ray crystal structure and antimony-121 Mössbauer spectrum of catecholato bis(1,10-phenanthroline)antimony(III) tetraphenylborate
The crystal structure of the title compound was solved by means of X-ray diffraction at room temperature. The salt consists of a tetrahedral tetraphenylborate anion and a complex cation containing a catecholatoantimony(III) unit chelated by two 1,10-phenanthrolines. The three bidentate ligands are essentially arranged in one half of the Sb coordination sphere, leaving ample space to accomodate the lone pair of electrons. The Mossbauer parameters of the title compound and of the complex (C6H4O2)SbF·Phen were measured and their rationalization accomplished in the light of their respective molecular structures.
Biodegradazione di n-alcani a catena lunga in ecosistemi contaminati
Innovazione e promozione della filiera vitivinicola siciliana
Citrus somatic hybrid leaf essential oil
The essential oil from the leaves of a Citrus interspecific somatic hybrid obtained by symmetric protoplast fusion between ‘Milam’ lemon [purported sexual hybrid of C. Jambhiri Lush (×) C. sinensis] and ‘Femminello’ lemon (C. limon L. Burm f.) has been characterized by steam distillation GC–MS analysis and its composition compared with that of the corresponding oils obtained from the parent plants. The amount (%) of the different classes of substances present in the oils show, in the new hybrid, an overall lowering of the hydrocarbon fraction and an increase of the oxygenated components. The somatic hybrid shows a close similarity in the amounts of terpenes, sesquiterpenes and alcohols with…
Use of biochar as peat substitute for growing substrates of Euphorbia × lomi potted plants
Biochar from conifers wood was used in soilless culture as growing substrate alternative to peat for ornamental crops. Potted plants of Euphorbia × lomi Rauh cv. ‘Ilaria’ were grown with different mixtures (v:v) of brown peat and biochar in order to evaluate main physical and chemical characteristics of this biomaterial as well as its effect on plant growth, ornamental characteristics and nutrients uptake. Biochar addition to peat increased pH, EC and K content of the growing substrates, as well as air content and bulk density. Biochar content of substrates significantly affected plant growth and biomass partitioning: higher number of shoots and leaves, leaf area and leaf dry weight were re…
Biomonitoring activities of “Comprensorio di Pace del Mela”. Analyses of air quality data.
Studio sulla presenza di metalli pesanti nell'alveo di una via d'acqua contigua alla distilleria "Bertolino Spa" e utilizzato per lo scarico di acque reflue aziendali
Infrared and Mössbauer studies on adducts R3SnOH · R3MX (M = Sn, Pb; X = Pseudohalide)
Abstract The synthesis of the solid adducts Me3SnOH · Me3 SnNCO, Me3SnOH · Me3SnNCS, Me3SnOH · Me3PbN3, Ph3SnOH · Ph3SnN3 is reported. The compounds have been investigated by infrared and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Their structure probably consists of polymeric OH-R3Sn-X-R3Sn(Pb) chains in which hydroxyl and pseudohalide (X) groups are bridging pentacoordinate tin atoms. In contrast to the triphenyl compound, the trimethyl derivatives show evidence of hydrogen bonding between adjacent chains.
An Investigation of the Seasonal Pattern of Mannitol Content in Deciduous and Evergreen Species of the Oleaceae Growing in Northern Sicily
In several species of the Oleaceae, mannitol, already present at considerable levels, accumulates in response to stress. This family comprises both deciduous and evergreen species, and we investigated the role of mannitol in deciduous malacophyll and evergreen sclerophyll species growing under the same conditions in the field. The relationship between mannitol content and changes in rainfall or temperature was also studied. The mannitol content of leaves of Fraxinus ornus L., F. angustifolia Vahl., Olea europaea L. and Phillyrea media L. was determined by gas chromatography. Leaf samples were collected once a month for 1 year. In the two ash species, the seasonal pattern of mannitol content…
Volatilizzazione di selenio da Opuntia Ficus-indica (L.) Mill. In differenti tipi di suolo.
The culturable bacterial community of frass produced by larvae of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Canary island date palm.
Aims: Larvae of the red palm weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) feed inside palm stem tissues, making galleries and producing a wet fermenting frass. We characterized the culturable micro-organisms associated with frass produced by tunnelling larvae inside the Canary island date palms and investigated the role of frass and gut bacteria in plant polymers breakdown. Methods and Results: A culture-dependent method was used to isolate bacteria from frass and noninfested palm tissues. Bacterial isolates were grouped into operational taxonomic units based on polymorphisms in the ITS-PCR profiles, and representative isolates were identified by partial sequenci…
Thermal degradation of microcrystalline cellulose in concentrated phosphoric acid as assessed by HPLC, high field NMR spectroscopy and low field NMR relaxometry
The most common renewable fuel is ethanol. It is a liquid produced by fermentation of glucose which is very abundant in cellulose based material sources. Plants produce about 180 billion tons of cellulose per year globally. For this reason cellulose is the largest organic carbon reservoir on Earth. Cellulose is composed exclusively of glucose units linked via B-1,4 glycosidic bonds. Each D-(+)-glucose unit contains three hydroxyl groups, which can form complex spatial networks of inter- and intra- molecular hydrogen bonds. They are responsible for the high crystallinity and compactness of cellulose, thereby making it very resistant to biological and chemical attack. In the presence of miner…
Preface to the Special Issue on ‘‘Applications and developments of magnetic resonance techniques in geosciences’’
Tridimensional molecular assembly of the major components of extra-virgin olive oils
Use of SPME extraction to determine adsorption/desorption phenomena in water and soil matrices.
Adsorption of dissolved organic matter on clay minerals as assessed by infra-red, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and low field T1 NMR relaxometry
Abstract Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a very important environmental constituent due to its role in controlling factors for soil formation, mineral weathering and pollutant transport in the environment. Prediction of DOM physical–chemical properties is achieved by studying its chemical structure and spatial conformation. In the present study, dissolved organic matter extracted from compost obtained from the organic fraction of urban wastes (DOM-P) has been analysed by FT-IR, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and 1H T1 NMR relaxometry with fast field cycling (FFC) setup. While the first two spectroscopic techniques revealed the chemical changes of dissolved organic matter after adsorption eith…
Effetto di due vini rossi siciliani su alcuni fattori di rischio cardiovascolare
Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether Sicilian red wine consumption is associated with a lower cardiovascular risk. Methods. Forty-eight subjects of both sexes (age range 35-65 years) nondrinkers or rarely drinkers of moderate red wine intake were selected. Subjects were divided into two groups (group A and group B), assigned to receive with a crossover design 250 ml/die (during the meals) of one of two types of Sicilian red wines (Nero d’Avola and Etna Torrepalino respectively). At all visits (-15 days, basal, +4 and +8 weeks) the following parameters were measured: blood glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides (by enzyme kit methods, Boehringer Mannheim, Milan, It…
Anthropogenic activities alter the natural flow of materials and introduce novel chemicals into the environment thereby causing serious soil and water pollution Indeed, many industries produce aqueous effluents containing toxic substances, especially heavy metals The presence of these contaminants in the environment is a great issue because of their toxicity and bioaccumulation ability which affect human life and the environment Various physicochemical and biological techniques have been used to remove the heavy metals from waste waters, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, chemical coagulation, electrolytic methods, membrane processes, and adsorption Biochar is a carbonaceous ma…
Antimony-121 mössbauer and infrared spectral study on halophenylantimonate(III) Compounds
Abstract The synthesis and the 121 Sb Mossbauer and infrared spectra of halophenylantimonates(III) M[PhSbX 3 ] (M Me 4 N, Ph 4 As;X Cl, Br, I) are reported, and the spectral data are discussed and compared with those of SbX 4 and other related systems. The results are in accord with the participation of the antimony 5s electrons in the SbPh bond. In the interpretation of the electric field gradient, the contributions to V zz from both the lone pair and the SbPh bond electron densities are assumed to be dominant.
Studies on some antimony(III) complexes with tridentate schiff base ligands
Abstract The antimony(III) complexes FSb(Sab), ClSb(Sab) and ClSb(Sat) containing dianonic, potentially tridentate Schiff-base ligands with ONO(Sab 2− ) and ONS(Sat 2− ) donor atoms have been prepared and characterized. The mass spectra of these derivatives are reported. The occurrence of chelation by the tridentate ligand is inferred from the infrared data. The antimony-121 Mossbauer parameters at 4.2 K are reported. The magnitudes and the positive sign of eQV zz suggest a consistent p-character of the antimony lone-pair orbital. Observed differencies in the isomer shift and eQV zz values are discussed on the basis of the likely distribution of electron density around antimony.
Progetto di Monitoraggio Biologico nel comprensorio territoriale dell'Area a Rischio di Crisi Ambientale di Pace del Mela mediante l'utilizzo di organismi lichenici
Le tecnologie colturali "senza suolo" per i sistemi serra. Manuale operativo per le colture vegetali idroponiche.
The “Assessorato Territorio e Ambiente” of the Regional Sicilian Government and the “Ingegneria e Tecnologie Agro Forestali” (ITAF) Department, Palermo University, have been involved in a study (D.R.S. N° 473) concerning the occurrence of environmental pollution by heavy metals in the "Comprensorio territoriale di Pace del Mela". The involved local administrations (“comuni”) in the area of interest are: Condrò, Gualtieri Sicaminò, Milazzo, Pace del Mela, S.Filippo del Mela, Santa Lucia del Mela, San Pier Niceto. Naturalistic aspects and landscape relevance of the “Pace del Mela” area is supported by the existence of three Natural Reserves, twelve Sites of Community Interest (S.I.C.) and a Z…
Ruolo delle Biomasse nello sviluppo socio-economico della Regione Siciliana. Potenzialità produttive e prospettive occupazionali.
Effects of some botanical pesticides on Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae) and its predator Cydnodromus californicus (McGregor) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in laboratory trials
Nature of water-biochar interface interactions
A poplar biochar obtained by an industrial gasification process was saturated with water and analyzed using fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry in a temperature range between 299 and 353 K. Results revealed that the longitudinal relaxation rate increased with the increment of the temperature. This behavior was consistent with that already observed for paramagnetic inorganic porous media for which two different relaxation mechanisms can be accounted for: outer- and inner-sphere mechanisms. The former is due to water diffusing from the closest approach distance to infinity, whereas the second is due to water interacting by nonconventional H-bonds to the porous surface of the solid materi…
Feromoni sessuali volatili e di contatto che determinano l'accoppiamento in Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).
Dynamics of hyaluronan aqueous solutions as assessed by fast field cycling NMR relaxometry.
Fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry has been used to study the conformational properties of aqueous solutions of hyaluronan (HYA) at three concentrations in the range 10 to 25 mg mL(-1). Results revealed that, irrespective of the solution concentration, three different hydration layers surround hyaluronan. The inner layer consists of water molecules strongly retained in the proximity of the HYA surface. Because of their strong interactions with HYA, water molecules in this inner hydration layer are subject to very slow dynamics and have the largest correlation times. The other two hydration layers are made of water molecules which are located progressively further from the HYA surface.…
In search of layered antimony(III) materials: synthesis and characterization of oxo-antimony(III) catecholate and further studies on antimony(III) phosphate
Abstract A new layered oxo-antimony(III) catecholate, [Sb(C6H4O2)]2O, can be obtained by reacting senarmontite with aqueous catechol. The same reaction performed with valentinite, the other allotropic form of Sb2O3, shows an intermediate hydrate that loses water at about 100°C. Both compounds can be obtained from SbPO4 under appropriate experimental conditions. [Sb(C6H4O2)]2O and the hydrated form, which appear to be layered materials, have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric/differential thermal analyses, and infrared techniques. Preliminary evidence of a reversible intercalation of pyridine into [Sb(C6H4O2)]2O was collected. Taking into consideration the possible us…
Char or biochar is a type of charcoal obtained from gasification/pyrolysis of biomasses. Instead of burning standing biomass from cleared forest, the resource is charred. The result is a highly porous, carbon-rich solid residue, really similar in appearance to the coal produced by natural burning. First considered an industrial waste, in recent years, the interest in this material has grown enormously given its ability to improve physical, chemical, biological and mechanical properties of soils, when used as amendment. However, its effects are highly variable depending onits chemical-physical properties which in turn depend greatly on the starting feedstock. The present study reports about …
Un campione biossido di titanio sintetizzato in laboratorio è stato ottenuto mediante idrolisi di TiCl4 in acqua deionizzata (rapporto in volume 1:10) a temperatura ambiente. Dopo 12 h di agitazione la soluzione trasparente è stata portata all’ebollizione per 0.5 h per ottenere la sospensione finale. La sospensione è stata quindi seccata alla temperatura di 50°C per ottenere il catalizzatore in polvere. Successivamente, la polvere così ottenuta è stata lavata e centrifugata diverse volte allo scopo di ridurre fino a valori trascurabili la concentrazione di ioni cloruro nell’acqua di lavaggio. Il catalizzatore così ottenuto è stato denominato HP0.5 (Home Prepared bollito per 0.5 h) [1]. Un g…
Degradazione termica di biomasse lignocellulosiche in acido fosforico
La lignocellulosa è la più abbondante fonte rinnovabile per la produzione di bioetanolo. Sfortunatamente la produzione di biocarburanti liquidi da scarti lignocellulosici presenta molti inconvenienti a causa della compattezza e della complessità di questi materiali, caratteristiche che rendono molto più difficoltosa la loro degradazione enzimatica in zuccheri fermentabili rispetto ad altri biopolimeri come l’amido. Inoltre il costo della produzione di bioetanolo da biomasse lignocellulosiche è ancora molto alto rispetto a quello dei processi industriali che utilizzano come materiale di partenza l’amido. Obiettivo del presente studio è quello di testare su campioni di biomassa lignocellulosi…
Effect of Heating Time and Temperature on the Chemical Characteristics of Biochar from Poultry Manure
Poultry manure (PM) chars were obtained at different temperatures and charring times. Chemical-physical characterization of the different PM chars was conducted by cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) (13)C NMR spectroscopy and thermal analysis. CPMAS (13)C NMR spectra showed that the chemical composition of PM char is dependent on production temperature rather than on production duration. Aromatic and alkyl domains in the PM chars obtained at the lowest temperatures remained unchanged at all heating times applied for their production. The PM char obtained at the highest temperature consisted only of aromatic structures having chemical nature that also appeared invariant with hea…
Studio sull'uso di opuntia ficus-indica Mill. nel biomonitoraggio ambientale
Complexes of organometallic compounds
Abstract Tetraphenylarsonium and tetramethylammonium salts of the complex anions Ph 3 Pb(N 3 ) − 2 , Ph 3 Pb(N 3 )(NCS) − , Ph 2 Pb(N 3 ( 2 − 4 )) and Ph 2 Pb(N 3 )(NCS) − 2 have been prepared and characterized. Infrared spectra and solution conductance data are reported. Possible configurations of the complex anions are discussed.
Regeneration of cellulose by water addition to phosphoric acid/cellulose mixture
In the last years, phosphoric acid has been increasingly considered as a simple and economic solvent for cellulose pretreatment before its degradation to glucose. Cellulose swells in 71–80% phosphoric acid solutions, whereas at higher H3PO4 concentrations dissolution appears to occur. In addition, it is reported that regenerated cellulose is more easily fermentable to bioethanol. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanism for cellulose regeneration following treatment with phosphoric acid at room temperature. CPMAS 13C NMR spectra revealed a downfield shift of the 13C NMR signals from the regenerated cellulose as compared to the crystalline one. CPMAS 31P NMR spectroscopy s…
Characterization of five sour orange clones through molecular markers and leaf essential oils analysis.
Five clones of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) showing significant morphological differences were selected from our germplasm collection and characterized both by genetic and leaf volatiles analysis. The genetic studies were undertaken by the use of molecular markers developed by PCR-based techniques (ISSR and RAPD), while the leaf essential oil patterns were obtained by chromatographic and mass spectrometric determination. Data obtained suggest that reasonably similar information can be achieved from the two techniques, supporting each other in characterization studies.
Thermal degradation of microcrystalline cellulose in concentrated phosphoric acid
The most common renewable fuel is ethanol. It is a liquid produced by fermentation of glucose which is very abundant in cellulose based materials. Bioethanol is achieved in a two-steps process: 1. hydrolysis of the cellulose included in the ligno-cellulosic materials to fermentable reducing sugars; 2. fermentation of such sugars to ethanol. While the second fermentation step, mediated by yeasts or bacteria, is very well established, the first one must be still assessed for process optimization. Many efforts have been made to identify solvents for cellulose in order to develop methods for the achievement of fermentable glucose. In the presence of mineral acid, cellulose undergoes hydrolysis …
Isolation Of Organophosphorus Pesticides Bacteria Degraders From Agricultural Sicilian Soils.
Pesticides are generally categorized according to their great or low persistence in the environment. Although new biological, chemical, and management technologies are continually being developed to provide more sustainable production alternatives, it is expected that the use of pesticides will continue to be an essential tool in the integrated pest management. Pesticides are biologically active compounds designed to interfere with metabolic processes. Organophosphorus pesticides (OP) pesticides are less persistent than Organochlorine pesticides (OC), they are not without environmental risks, so this justifies the social concern about their level in different kind of matrices like soil, wat…
Analisi della comunità batterica intestinale di larve del Punteruolo Rosso.
Le larve del Punteruolo rosso, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), hanno uno sviluppo endofita durante il quale innescano nella pianta fenomeni di marcescenza e di fermentazione. Quando questa attività coinvolge la gemma apicale, la pianta è destinata a soccombere. Studi condotti negli ultimi dieci anni hanno dimostrato che i microorganismi simbionti presenti nell’intestino degli insetti xilofagi giocano un ruolo chiave in diverse funzioni fisiologiche quali la digestione della cellulosa e dell’emicellulosa, l’acetogenesi, l’idrogenogenesi, la riduzione dei solfati e la fissazione dell’azoto (König et al, 2006; Khiyami e Alyamani 2008). Di conseguenza, lo studio d…
Effects of afforestation with four unmixed plant species on the soil–water interactions in a semiarid Mediterranean region (Sicily, Italy)
Purpose An assessment of the effect of plant cover on the properties of four afforested soils in central Sicily was performed with the aim of discriminating among them after 60 years of afforestation. Materials and methods Chemical and biochemical soil analyses were coupled to fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxation investigations in order to monitor surface interactions of water in water-saturated soils. Results and discussion The traditional soil analyses revealed that the most stable soil properties such as soil texture and pH are not affected by 60 years of afforestation. Soils developed under eucalyptus trees showed larger amounts of hydrophilic organic matter as compared to the soils …
Statistical analyses on the essential oil of italian coriander (coriandrum sativum L.) fruits of different ages and origins
Thirty-one samples of Coriandrum sativum L. fruits, of different origin, year of cultivation (harvest) and crop management systems were subjected to volatile component analysis by combining Head Space Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) with GC/MS. In order to determine the importance of the major sources of volatile variability, some statistical analyses, including Cluster Analysis (CA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), were performed on the obtained data. The compounds, which gave the main contribution to the partition and classification of the original data, were α-pinene, p-cymene, γ-terpinene and linalool. The age of the fruits, which ranged from 1–16 years, seemed to generate …
Mechanisms of Water Interaction with Pore Systems of Hydrochar and Pyrochar from Poplar Forestry Waste
The aim of this study was to understand the water-surface interactions of two chars obtained by gasification (pyrochar) and hydrothermal carbonization (hydrochar) of a poplar biomass. The two samples revealed different chemical compositions as evidenced by solid state (13)C NMR spectroscopy. In fact, hydrochar resulted in a lignin-like material still containing oxygenated functionalities. Pyrochar was a polyaromatic system in which no heteronuclei were detected. After saturation with water, hydrochar and pyrochar were analyzed by fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry. Results showed that water movement in hydrochar was mainly confined in very small pores. Conversely, water movement in py…
Combined proton NMR wideline and NMR relaxometry to study SOM-water interactions of cation-treated soils
Abstract Focusing on the idea that multivalent cations affect SOM matrix and surface, we treated peat and soil samples by solutions of NaCl, CaCl2 or AlCl3. Water binding was characterized with low field 1H-NMR-relaxometry (20 MHz) and 1H wideline NMR spectroscopy (400 MHz) and compared to contact angles. From 1H wideline, we distinguished mobile water and water involved in water molecule bridges (WaMB). Large part of cation bridges (CaB) between SOM functional groups are associated with WaMB. Unexpectedly, 1H NMRrelaxometry relaxation rates suggest that cross-linking in the Al-containing peat is not stronger than that by Ca. The relation between percentage of mobile water and WaMB water in…
Effect of texture on the dynamics of a water saturated biochar
Biochar is defined as charred organic matter applied to soil in a deliberate manner, with the intent to improve soil properties (Lehmann et al., 2009). Biomass-derived char can be used as energy carrier, as adsorber and as material for the improvement of soil properties. Carbonized organic matter can have different physical and chemical properties depending on the technology used for its production. Moreover char texture influences deeply physical and chemical properties. In this work effect of texture on the dynamics of a water saturated biochar was analyzed by FFC NMR. An industrial biochar derived from gasification of poplar wood was sieved to determine influence of texture on water dynami…
On the synthesis and characterization of layered antimony(III) phosphate and its interaction with moist ammonia and amines
Samples of antimony(III) phosphate, a layered material, were prepared at room temperature, using the two allotropic forms of Sb2O3, layered valentinite and cubic senarmontite. The compounds were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and thermogravimetric–differential thermal analysis. Solids exposed to ammonia, ethylenediamine, or hydrazine vapors also were studied. The interaction between SbPO4 and the bases always led to the formation of stoichiometric amounts of Sb2O3 and hydrogen phosphate(–2) salts of the bases. With ammonia, the SbPO4 raw materials gave rise to valentinite or senarmontite, depending on which Sb2O3 allotropic form was used to prepare antimony phosp…
Preparation, crystal structure, and infrared characterization of the first thiocyanato-oxy-antimonate(III) [(CH3)4N]2[Sb6O4(NCS)12]
The salt [(CH3)4N]2[Sb6O4(NCS)12] is the first identified thiocyanato-oxy-antimonate(III) complex. Reported are details of the synthesis, relevant infrared data and its x-ray structure. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with Z = 2 (C10H12N7O2S6Sb3) and unit cell dimensions a = 11.314(6), b = 12.846(3), c = 8.679(2) A; α = 91.93(3)°, β = 90.31(3)° and γ = 99.13(3)°. It contains centrosymmetric [Sb6O4(NCS)12]2− anions packed with isolated tetramethyl-ammonium cations. The fundamental structural element of the anion is provided by the fusion of three SbOSbO rings forming a zig-zag portion of a ribbon, only slightly pleated. Peculiar is the unequivalence of the six thioc…
Environmental NMR: Fast-field-cycling Relaxometry
Fast-field-cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry deals with the variation of the spin–lattice relaxation times (T1) in a complex system, as the strength of the applied magnetic field is changed. Information about molecular dynamics can be achieved. Until now, only model theories for FFC NMR relaxometry have been developed for polymer and material sciences. Just a few applications have been performed in the environmental sciences. These mainly deal with soil porosity, rock permeability, biomass transformations, and natural organic matter dynamics. Further, FFC NMR relaxometry can also be applied to monitor the environmental fate of contaminants, to understand the dynamics of nutrients at the soil–pl…
Conformational behaviour of humic substances at different depths along a profile of a Lithosol under loblolly (Pinus taeda) plantation
The conformation of natural organic matter (NOM) plays a key role in many physical and chemical processes including interactions with organic and inorganic pollutants and soil aggregates stability thus directly influencing soil quality. NOM conformation can be studied by solid state NMR spectroscopy with cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CPMAS NMR). In the present study we applied CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy on three humic acid fractions (HA) each extracted from a different horizon in a Lithosol profile under Pinus taeda. Results showed that the most superficial HA was also the most aliphatic in character. Amount of aromatic moieties and hydrophilic HA constituents increased along…
L'uso di energia da fonti rinnovabili per la promozione dello sviluppo socio economico della regione siciliana
Role of volatile and contact pheromones in the mating behaviour of Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Volatiles and contact pheromones involved in the mating behaviour of the Painted bug, Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Het- eroptera: Pentatomidae), were investigated in behavioural and chemical experiments. Vertical open Y-shaped olfactometer bioassays showed that odour from males attract females but not males, while that from females did not attract either gender. Adult females were also attracted by hexane extracts of volatile compounds collected from males. In open arena bioassays, males displayed the characteristic steps of courtship behaviour in the presence of virgin females. Such courtship behaviour was displayed in the presence of females killed by freezing, but not in the presence of f…
Changes in the bacterial community of Canary island date palm tissues attacked by Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is a trunk tissue borer that has recently become the major pest of palms in the Mediterranean Basin. In Sicily the red palm weevil is strongly associated with the Canary island date palm, Phoenix canariensis Hortorum ex Chabaud, an ornamental palm with high economic value. RPW larvae consumes the trunk tender soft tissues, making galleries that present a chewed appearance with a characteristic fermented odour. Several aspects of the RPW’s biology still need to be investigated such as its gut bacterial community, and the agents of fermentation processes that occur in the galleries made by the larvae. The aim of this work was to analyse the…
Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) is an annual containing relevant amounts (2-4%) of essential oil, easily obtained through steam distillation of the whole aerial part or of the seeds alone. In Sicily, true dill is not present as wild plant; on the contrary, another Umbelliferae plant, Ridolfia segetum Moris., is largely widespread. The rather limited available literature is mostly devoted to the study of some botanical aspects or, at most, to chemical and analytical characterization of its leaves and flowers. Although at a deep examination the conformation of fruits is rather different between the two species, inside the inland Sicily the two genotypes, both referred to with the same dialectal …
Complexes of dichlorophenyl and trichloro-antimony(V) moieties with dianionic tridentate ligands
Investigations on organotin, organolead, lead(IV), and lead(II) dithiolates
Abstract Bis(triorganometal) 1,2-dithiolates (R3M)2S2R′ [(HS)2R′ = C7H8S2 for toluene-dithiol-3,4 (H2TDT); M = Sn, Pb; R = Ph; or (HS)2R′ = C10H14S2 for 1,2-dimethyl-4,5-bis(mercaptomethyl)benzene (H2DBB); M = Sn, R = CH3, C6H5; M = Pb, R = C6H5], diorganometal 1,2-dithiolates R2MS2R′ [(HS)2R′ = C6H6S2 for 1,2-dimercaptobenzene (H2DMB); M = Pb, R = CH3, C2H5, C6H5; or (HS)2R′ = H2TDT; M = Sn, R = CH3, C6H5; M = Pb, R = C6H5; or (HS)2R′ = H2DBB; M = Sn, R = CH3, C6H5; M = Pb, R = CH3, C2H2, C6H5; or (HS)2R′ = C8H6N2S2 for 2,3-dimercaptoquinoxaline (H2QDT); M = Pb, R = C6H5] and some lead(IV) and lead(II) dithiolates Pb(S2R′)n [(HS)2R′ = H2DMB, n = 2; (HS)2R′ = H2TDT, n = 2; (HS)2R′ = H2DBB, …
Determination of Cr(III) as Cr(III)/EDTA Complex by EDTA Excess Back-Titration with Zn(II) in Presence of 4-(2-Pyridylazo)-Resorcinol Indicator and Naphthol Green β as Inert Dye
Determination of Cr(III) as Cr(III)/EDTA Complex by EDTA Excess Back-Titration with Zn(II) in Presence of 4-(2-Pyridylazo)-Resorcinol Indicator and Naphthol Green β as Inert Dye.
Effect of Organic Amendments on the Evolution of Soil Organic Matter in Soils Stressed by Intensive Agricultural Practices
Losses of soil organic carbon often occur because of intensive agricultural practices that lead to removal of organic carbon following harvest production and to insufficient inputs. Organic amendments can be a very appropriate matrix for enhancing organic carbon content in very stressed agricultural soils. In general, they, enhancing soil organic matter, play an important role in environmental matrices due, for example, to their capacity in retaining water, in interacting with organic and inorganic pollutants, and in enhancing nutrient availability to plants. For this reason, the understanding of the mechanisms with which organic amendments interact with other chemicals in the environment i…
Low field NMR spectroscopy for quality evaluation of natural organic matter
Confronto NMR tra diverse forme di cellulosa in materiali cartacei da raccolta differenziata
Preliminary studies on treated waterlogged wood by low field NMR spectroscopy
L’universalità dell’uovo e le applicazioni innovative per l’assorbimento dei metalli pesanti da acque reflue: “Ovodepurazione”
Marine sediment analysis. Results, chemical procedures and legislative aspects.
Citrus cybrid leaf essential oil
The essential oil from the leaves of a Citrus cybrid plant, obtained by somatic hybridization between ‘Valencia’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), embryogenic parent, and ‘Femminello’ lemon (C. limon L. Burm f.), leaf parent, has been studied by steam distillation and GC–MS analysis and compared with the correspondent oils from the parent plants. Although the overall composition of the cybrid essential oil appears much closer to that of ‘Femminello’, the relatively higher percentage of β-caryophyllene, as well as the qualitative and quantitative modifications of the esteric fraction, are characteristic of the new hybrid. Since cybrid cells possess the nuclear genome of the mesophyll…
Peel oil and fruit characteristics of 14 clones of “Femminello” lemon variety in Sicily.
Supramolecular organization of triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oils as assessed by high and low field NMR spectroscopies
Energia rinnovabile per i sistemi serra
Solid-state 1H-NMR relaxation properties of the fruit of a wild relative of eggplant at different proton Larmor frequencies
1H longitudinal relaxation time profiles (T1) at different proton Larmor frequencies were registered for a solid state plant tissue by using fast field cycling (FFC) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. T1 distributions were obtained and the curves deconvoluted in order to differentiate among the different T1 components. Among the components, two were assigned to hydrophobic (e.g. fatty acids) and hydrophilic (e.g. saccharides) molecular systems, whereas the remaining others were attributed to bulk and bound water. This paper showed for the first time solid state FFC-NMR spectroscopy applied to plant tissue, and revealed that relaxometry is a very promising technique for studying …
Complexes of organometallic compounds
Abstract The configurations of (CH 3 ) 3 PbNCS, (C 6 H 5 ) 3 PbNCS, (C 6 H 5 ) 2 Pb(NCS) 2 , (C 6 H 5 ) 3 Pb(NCS) 2 − and (C 6 H 5 ) 2 Pb(NCS) 4 2− have been investigated in the solid and (except for the insoluble diphenyl derivative) in solution. From infrared spectroscopy it is deduced that the compounds are isothiocyanates in both states, and there is evidence for a polymeric nature of the solid neutral species involving bridging through NCS. PMR and osmometric investigations show that five-coordinate species (CH 3 ) 3 Pb(NCS)·(CH 3 ) 2 CO are present in acetone solution. Possible configurations are discussed.
Progetto di monitoraggio biologico degli inquinanti atmosferici nel “ Comprensorio territoriale dell’Area a Rischio di Crisi Ambientale di Pace del Mela” mediante l’utilizzo dei licheni.
Mössbauer spectroscopic studies on compounds containing tin-cadmium and tin-zinc bonds
The Mossbauer parameters of compounds Ph3Sn MCl · TMED (M = Cd, Zn; TMED = N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine), (Ph3Sn)2CdL2 (L2 = TMED, 2,2′-bipyridine and o-phenanthroline) and (Ph3Sn)2 Zn · TMED have been determined and are discussed in connection with Mossbauer data concerning Ph3SnIV derivatives with other Sn-metal bonds. The isomer shift values suggest a high s character in SnCd and SnZn bonds resulting in deviations from regular tetrahedral environments around tin. Experimental quadrupole splittings and calculated partial quadrupole splitting values indicate reduced donor abilities towards the tin atom of an individual Ph3SnIV moiety by Cd-and Zn(Ph3Sn)1−nClnL2 (i.e., the remaini…
Determinazione Volumetrica di Cr(III) con EDTA in Presenza di Verde Naftolo come Agente Schermante
Characterization of the volatile components relased from natuaral organic substances
Synthesis, infrared and121Sb M�ssbauer spectra of some Antimony(III) Thiocyanate Complexes
The first isolation of an antimony(III) thiocyanate complex salt, [(CH3)4N][Sb(CNS)4] (I), and of two adducts of the Sb(CNS)3 formal unit with potentially tridentate nitrogen donors, Sb(CNS)3tpta (II) and [Sb(CNS)3]3(dqp)2 (III), is described. In these derivatives, infrared and Mossbauer spectral data are essentially indicating the predominant presence of N-bonded thiocyanate. For complex I, the occurrence also of groups bridging through the nitrogen atom is advanced. Synthese, IR- und 121Sb-Mosbauer-Spektren von Antimon (III)-thiocyanat-Komplexen Die erstmalige Darstellung eines Antimon(III)-thiocyanat-Komplexes, [(CH3)4N][Sb(CNS)4] (I) und von zwei Addukten der formalen Sb(CNS)3-Einheit m…
Dissolution mechanism of crystalline cellulose in H3PO4 as assessed by high-field NMR spectroscopy and Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometry
Many processes have been proposed to produce glucose as a substrate for bacterial fermentation to obtain bioethanol. Among others, cellulose degradation appears as the most convenient way to achieve reliable amounts of glucose units. In fact, cellulose is the most widespread biopolymer, and it is considered also as a renewable resource. Due to extended intra- and interchain hydrogen bonds that provide a very efficient packing structure, however, cellulose is also a very stable polymer, the degradation of which is not easily achievable. In the past decade, researchers enhanced cellulose reactivity by increasing its solubility in many solvents, among which concentrated phosphoric acid (H(3)PO…
Antimony-121 Mössbauer and infrared spectral studies on 1,10-phenanthroline adducts of antimony(III) halides
Abstract The syntheses of the mono-adducts of 1,10-phenanthroline with SbX 3 (X = F, Cl, Br) and PhSbI 2 are described. These compounds and the 1:1 adduct between 2,2′-bipyridine and PhSbI 2 have been characterized mainly in the solid state by infrared and Mossbauer spectroscopic techniques. The structures of the antimony trihalide complexes appear to be based on halogen bridged polymers in which the stereochemical activity of the lone pair of electrons varies with the halogen, the highest p-character of the lone pair being observed with the trifluoride adduct. Mossbauer results for the PhSbI 2 complexes suggest a ψ-octahedral stereochemistry with the lone pair and the Ph group in trans pos…
Effect of kinematic viscosity over the dynamic properties of an extra-virgin olive oil
Previous studies 1,2 have shown that kinematic viscosity values of food oils depend on the presence of added solvents and on the nature of the oil under investigation (e.g., geographical origin and treatments prior to oil production). However, to the best of our knowledge, only one paper 3 dealt with the correlation between viscosity values and relaxation times of simple pure alkyl compounds. Up to now, no papers have been found in literature dealing with viscosity of complex mixtures and their relaxometric properties. In this study, we intended to investigate the effect of kinematic viscosity over the dynamic properties of an extra-virgin olive oil which is known as a very complex mixture …
Reconstruction of the environmental evolution of a Sicilian saltmarsh (Italy)
The present study deals with the reconstruction of the environmental evolution of a Trapani saltmarsh (southwestern Sicily, Italy) by combining different analytical approaches such as metal content evaluation, low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry, and benthic foraminifera identification. A 41 cm core was collected in the sediments of a Trapani saltmarsh (southwestern Sicily, Italy) at a water depth of about 50 cm. Different time intervals were recognized, each characterized by peculiar features that testify different environmental conditions. In particular, the bottom layers of the sediment core (41–28 cm) comprised the lowest amount of mud fraction, only some selected met…
Synthesis and characterization of a novel high luminescent gold-2-mercapto-1-methyl-imidazole complex
Synthesis and characterization of a new gold-2-mercapto-1-methyl imidazole are reported. This new organic material shows an extraordinary fluorescence activity (superfluorescence) up to 220°C with an unusual quantum yield of 0.2. Both fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy were applied to understand the behavior of the gold-2-mercapto-1-methylimidazole complex. Results suggest that the superfluorescence activity can be attributed to the shrinking of the HOMO-LUMO band gap energy following complexation of the organic imidazole system with gold. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Valutazione del grado di stagionatura del parmigiano mediante misure di rilassometria NMR a ciclo di campo
Studio quantomeccanico strutturale e conformazionale di piretrine di origine naturale
Anthropogenic activities alter the natural flow of materials and introduce novel chemicals into the environment thereby causing serious soil and water pollution. Indeed, many industries produce aqueous effluents containing toxic substances, especially heavymetals. The presence of these contaminants in the environment is a great issue because of their toxicityand bioaccumulation ability which affect human life and the environment. Various physicochemical and biological techniques have been used to remove the heavy metals from waste waters, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, chemical coagulation, electrolytic methods, membrane processes, and adsorption. Biochar is a carbonaceous …
Adsorbimento di pesticidi organofosforici in suoli con differenti caratteristiche chimico fisiche.
Synthesis and characterization of some arsenic, antimony and bismuth complexes of 2-mercaptoaniline
Abstract The complexes of arsenic, antimony and bismuth as well as phenylantimony and phenylbismuth with monoanionic 2-mercaptoaniline are reported. IR spectra are consistent with chelating behaviour of the ligand but only a weak nitrogen to metal bonding interaction is advanced. The mass spectra fragmentation pattern is also presented. It can be interpreted with the loss of successive ligand units and, as a general feature, the abundance of a given ion decreases as the mass of the metal increases. Species with one or two protons less give more intense peaks possibly corresponding to ions containing the dianionic form of the ligand.
Synthesis and crystal structure of [(PhenH)(PhenH2)][BiCl6] . 2H2O with different o-phenanthroline protonations.
The reaction between bismuthate oxide and phen (1,10-phenanthroline) in acid medium led to the isolation of the unusual [(PhenH)(PhenH2)][BiCl6] 2H2O derivative, which has been characterized by X-ray analysis and IR spectroscopy. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with a = 8.313(2), b = 9.349(2), c = 9.807(3) A, a = 86.39(3), B = 110.27(3) and y = 106.48(3)°. The crystal structure is made of [BiCl6] 3- anions and [(PhenHXPhenr2)]3+cations. A network of hydrogen bond interactions involving the two clathrated water molecules, the phenanthroline moiety and the chlorines characterizes the entire structure.
Comportamento di differenti substrati nel trattamento di un refluo urbano
Scopo di questo lavoro è stato lo studio delle proprietà adsorbenti, nei confronti di un refluo urbano, di differenti materiali (sabbia, ghiaia, lapillo, argilla espansa e zeolite) considerati usualmente chimicamente inerti e frequentemente usati in agricoltura come substrati o negli impianti di depurazione come costituenti di filtri. Prima dell'uso tutti i substrati sono stati sterilizzati per evidenziarne le proprietà assorbenti. Il refluo è stato sterilizzato e stabilizzato aggiungendo acido solforico a pH = 1 e successivamente è stato addizionato di Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr e Pb ad una concentrazione di 5 mg/l. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato interessanti capacità di rimuovere fino al 50% del…
The influence of aromatic cations on the geometries of the Bi(III) halide polyhedra. Synthesis and crystal structures of quinolinium, isoquinolinium and 8-hydroxyquinolinium polychlorobismuthate(III) derivatives
Abstract The compounds [quinolinium]4[Bi2Cl10] (1), [isoquinolinium]4[Bi2Cl10].2H2O (2) and [8-hydroxyquinolinium]4[BiCl6]·Cl·2H2O (3) have been obtained by reacting bismuthate oxide and the appropriate base in HCl acid medium. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 consist of quinolinium and isoquinolinium cations, respectively, interacting through hydrogen bonding with [Bi2Cl10]4− dimers. The different degree of interactions in the two derivatives causes significant differences in the bond distances of the anions. The crystal structure of 3 is made of [BiCl6]3− and Cl− anions and 8-hydroxyquinolinium cations. Hydrogen bond interactions including the N-bonded and O-bonded H atoms together with …
Indagine su fibre di carbonio e interazione con l'accqua mediante rilassometria NMR
Studio di Opuntia Ficus–Indica (L.) Mill., come possibile pianta iperaccumulatrice di metalli pesanti, accresciute su due tipologie di suolo contaminato.
The gut microbiota of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes lucifugus (Isoptera; Rhinotermitidae)
Termite gut is host to a complex microbial community consisting of prokaryotes, and in some cases flagellates, responsible for the degradation of lignocellulosic material. Here we report data concerning the analysis of the gut microbiota of Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi), a lower termite species that lives in underground environments and is widespread in Italy, where it causes damage to wood structures of historical and artistic monuments. A 16S rRNA gene clone library revealed that the R. lucifugus gut is colonized by members of five phyla in the domain Bacteria: Firmicutes (49 % of clones), Proteobacteria (24 %), Spirochaetes (14 %), the candidatus TG1 phylum (12 %), and Bacteroidetes (…
Biodiversity of organophosphorus-degrading bacteria isolated from agricultural soils
Organophosphorus (OP) insecticides are used all over the world for crop protection. Although OPs are less persistent than organochlorine pesticides, they still constitute an environmental risk thus increasing the social concern about their levels in soils, surface and ground waters. Biodegradation by microorganisms is primarily responsible for elimination of the OP insecticides released to the environment. In the present study the OP degrading potential of agricultural soils with different agronomic history was investigated. Using enrichment cultures, with parathion or dimethoate as the sole C and energy sources, 47 bacterial isolates were obtained from OPs contaminated and pristine agricul…
Studio quantomeccanico della struttura e delle conformazioni di pesticidi organofosforici
Uso della microestrazione in fase solida per una prima valutazione della biodiversità di citrus
Sustainable greenhouse horticulture in Europe
Sol–Gel Microcapsulation in Silica-Based Particles: A Comparative Study
Comparison between the two main sol–gel/emulsion methods to prepare microparticles made of organosilica doped with a lipophilic molecule shows that entrapment only takes place starting from O/W emulsions. In this case, however, formation of spherical microcapsules, observed when the sol–gel polycondensation is carried out in a W/O microemulsion, does not take place.
Valutazione di sedimenti marini provenienti da aree portuali. Aspetti normativi e tecnici.
Synthesis and structural studies by infrared and Mössbauer spectroscopy of adducts of tin(IV) and organotin(IV) derivatives with 2,2′-azopyridine
Abstract A number of complexes have been prepared by the reaction between 2,2′-azopyridine(AZP) and tin(IV) halides and organotin(IV) halides, and characterized by elemental analysis and infrared and variable temperature 119Sn Mossbauer spectroscopies. All of the new compounds have 1:1 stoichiometry, with the AZP ligand occupying two coordination sites by bonding through one of the ring and one of the azo group nitrogen atoms, to give rise to distorted octahedral structures. In the diorganotin complexes the two organic groups occupy trans positions. The infrared and Mossbauer spectroscopic data suggest that these compounds are monomeric in the solid state.
Investigation of cuticular hydrocarbons from Bagrada hilaris genders by SPME/GC-MS
The cuticular hydrocarbons of male and female Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were investigated, by headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Measurements were done with fiber coatings of different polarity after optimization of headspace volumes and extraction temperatures. This resulted in the use of polyacrylate fiber, 22-ml vial as the sample holder, and an extraction temperature of 150 degrees C. The analytical procedures allowed identification of 13 peaks, corresponding to a homologous series of n-alkanes (nC(17)-nC(29)). The hydrocarbon profiles of male and female B. hilaris were qualitatively equal, but marked sex-…
Thermal transformation of micro-crystalline cellulose in phosphoric acid
Use of crude oil derivatives such as diesel and gasoline is becoming unsuitable due to their detriment to environment and to the increasing worldwide energy demand which is driving crude oil reservoirs towards exhaustion. Replacement of diesel and gasoline with biofuels (i.e. biodiesel and bioethanol, respectively) is very desirable. In fact, biofuels are not only environmentally sustainable, but also potentially inexhaustible due to the large amounts of waste biomasses from which they can be retrieved. In the present study, a model compound (micro-crystalline cellulose) was dissolved in phosphoric acid and converted at 80 °C to glucose, thereby providing the possible substrate for fermenta…
Synthesis, antimony-121 mössbauer and infrared spectral characterization of antimony trifluoride and catecholatoantimony(III) fluoride adducts with tridentate nitrogen donors
Abstract The synthesis of the adducts SbF 3 (L) and (C 6 H 4 O 2 )SbF(L) [L = pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde- 2-pyridylhydrazone (paphyH); 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine (terpy) and 2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (tpta)] is reported. Infrared data are consistent with the occurred chelation from the terdentate ligand providing an overall pseudo-seven coordination at Sb. The stereoactivity of the antimony lone pair is inferred from the large value of the Mossbauer quadrupole coupling constant observed for all the compounds.
La Tecnica della microestrazione in fase solida (SPME) per l'analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei feromoni sessuali degli insetti fitofagi: il caso della Cocciniglia bianca del limone
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the evaluation of soil organic matter changes following thermal variations
Soil organic matter (SOM) is an ubiquitous, complex material which is produced by the degradation of plant tissues and animal bodies. It is the major indicator of soil quality since it is directly involved in the maintenance of soil fertility, prevention of erosion and desert encroachment and provision of suitable environment for biological activity. Organic matter is an important driving force in environmental global change as it acts as both a source and sink of atmospheric carbon. However, SOM is subjected to rapid changes due to environmental transformations such as massive deforestations, fires, intensive land uses, temperature increases and so on. In the present work, a characterizati…
The guardianship of the waters through the eggshell waste.
Caratterizzazione della componente volatile rilasciata da sostanza organica naturale di suoli vulcanici
Il suolo è una matrice caratterizzata da notevole complessità chimico-fisica. Tra le varie componenti, la sostanza organica naturale (NOM) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nelle interazioni con contaminanti di natura organica ed inorganica. La NOM è attualmente considerata una associazione supramolecolare di sistemi organici con un peso molecolare non superiore a 1000-2000 Da. La sua caratterizzazione è tradizionalmente effettuata mediante l’ausilio di tecniche cromatografiche e spettroscopiche. La verifica dell’allontanamento di molecole a basso peso molecolare all’aumento della temperatura, nell’intervallo 40-100 °C, è stata condotta con tecniche di microestrazione in fase solida in spazio di …
Synthesis, infrared and M�ssbauer characterization and X-ray crystal structure of 1,10-phenanthrolinium tetrachloromethoxy phenylantimonate(V)
The compound has been characterized by X-ray crystal structure determination, Mossbauer and i.r. spectroscopy. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space groupP21/c (No. 14) witha=24.228(4),b=8.335(2),c=23.975(4) A,β=117.83(3)° andZ=8. Least-squares refinement on 3749 observed reflections gave finalR=0.034 (Rw=0.037). The compound is constituted by [(C6H5)SbCl4OMe]− anions andphenH+cations. The coordination polyhedron about Sb is an octahedron (Sb-Cl 2.416(3), Sb-O 1.962(7) and Sb-C 2.138(9) A). The whole structure is characterized by two short contacts (O(1)⋯N(2) 2.76(1) O(2)⋯N(4) 2.75(1) A) involving the methoxy oxygens of the two independent anionic units [(C6H5)SbCl4OMe]− and two nitrogens…
Variations in the Volatile Compounds of a Fennel (Foeniculum VulgareMill.) Variety Grown in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Environment
Abstract Fennel is an industrial source of anethole but, recently, further interest has came from the suggested possibility of many industrial uses of this plant.The volatile substances from the seeds of Fennel grown in Sparacia (Cammarata – AG – Sicily; 37° 38’ N; 13° 46’ E) have been investigated and compared on a statistical base with previously reported data. The variety grown in Sparacia fall into the “high fenchone” chemovariety. The substances α-toluene, α-terpinene, β-phellandrene+limonene and camphene appear the components most sensitive to environment and grow condition modifications.
Metagenomic analysis of the microbiota hindgut of Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Termites hindguts host a microbial community consisting of anaerobic flagellates and bacteria. This gut microflora is responsible for the degradation of lignocellulosic material. Here we report the data concerning the analysis of the hindgut microbial community of Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi), a termite commonly present in Italy, based on a metagenomic approach. Metagenomic DNA was extracted from the gut content of termites and the SSU rDNA was polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - amplified using universal primers for prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Two clone libraries were constructed and clones were grouped into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU) by RFLP analysis. One representative clone was…
Biodegradation of organophosphorus pesticides by soil bacteria.
A number of studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed that crop-protection products, applied to drained fields, could move downwards through the soil profile and to the groundwater. Organophosphorus insecticides (OPs) are used all over the world for crop protection, for other agricultural practices such as sheep dipping and, in aquaculture, for the control of sea lice. Ops besides showing a specific neurotoxicity and have also been related to various modern diseases, including Creutzfeldt–Jakob (CJD) and the Gulf War syndrome. Although OPs are less persistent than Organoclorine pesticides (OCs), they still constitute an environmental risks thus increasing the social concern about their levels i…
Dynamics of pistachio oils by proton nuclear magnetic resonance relaxtion dispersion
A number of pistachio oils were selected in order to test the efficacy of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation dispersion (NMRD) technique in the evaluation of differences among oils (1) obtained from seeds subjected to different thermal desiccation processes, (2) retrieved from seeds belonging to the same cultivar grown in different geographical areas and (3) produced by using seed cultivars sampled in the same geographical region. NMRD measures relaxation rate values which are related to the dynamics of the chemical components of complex food systems. Results not only allowed to relate kinematic viscosity to relaxometry parameters but also were successful in the differentiation among the…
Geothermal energy for greenhouse and agro-food industry
Integration of antarctica hydroponics as sustainable option for food plant in space.
Fast field Cycling NMR for quality characterization of typical sicilian honeys.
Proton NMR relaxometry with fast field cycling (FFC-NMR) setup is developing as a very promising tool for the characterization of agro-food matrices. In fact, some papers have been published reporting on differences among balsamic vinegars, porous properties of oil-water emulsions and quality of meat-products. In the present study, quality of some typical Sicilian honey samples has been evaluated by traditional wet-chemical analyses and FFC-NMR. Nine wet-chemical parameters have been measured such as water content, pH, acidity (free, lactonic and total acidity), fructose, glucose, saccharose, electrical conductivity, diastase activity and colour. Results showed that 84% of the samples were …