Inge Seiffge-krenke

Does successful attainment of developmental tasks lead to happiness and success in later developmental tasks? A test of Havighurst's (1948) theses.

This study tested Havighurst's (1948) contention that successful attainment of age-specific developmental tasks leads to happiness and success in achieving subsequent tasks. A longitudinal study on 146 participants was carried out to investigate the links between developmental progression in adolescence and young adulthood and happiness, which was assessed by two indices: high self-esteem and low symptomatology. The importance individuals place on achieving normative developmental tasks and current developmental status was assessed six times during adolescence and young adulthood, self-esteem and symptomatology were assessed five times. Results revealed a shift in the time frames for accomp…

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Effects of (un)employment on young couples’ health and life satisfaction

This study investigated effects of employed and unemployed job status on health outcomes with questionnaires in 50 young couples. Analysis of variance revealed higher pessimism, higher stress levels, and lower life satisfaction in couples in which one partner was unemployed. These couples also exhibited more health risk behaviours compared to couples in which both partners were working. The dyadic analysis of data, using an actor-partner interdependence model, demonstrated strong actor and partner effects for male partner's job status. Being unemployed was significantly associated not only with male partner's life satisfaction but also with the life satisfaction of his female partner. In ad…

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Culture beats gender? The importance of controlling for identity- and parenting-related risk factors in adolescent psychopathology.

This study analyzed the unique effects of gender and culture on psychopathology in adolescents from seven countries after controlling for factors which might have contributed to variations in psychopathology. In a sample 2259 adolescents (M = 15 years; 54% female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland identity stress, coping with identity stress, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, anxious rearing) and psychopathology (internalizing, externalizing and total symptomatology) were assessed. Due to variations in stress perception, coping style and maternal behavior, these covariates were partialed out before the psychopathology scores were subjected to…

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Factors Contributing to Different Agency in Work and Study

Most young adults today are following longer educational tracks and postpone entrance into the workforce. This 2-year study aimed to determine factors contributing to occupational self-efficacy in a representative sample of n = 1,891 young adults ( M = 23.92, SD = 2.17 years) with different work statuses (studying, in an apprenticeship, employed, or unemployed). Occupational identity, perceived work quality, the ability to cope with work stress, and symptomatology were assessed. Path analyses revealed that work status was the most important predictor of later occupational self-efficacy, with employment showing the strongest prediction of later agency in the professional domain. Ruminative e…

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The diversity of romantic pathways during emerging adulthood and their developmental antecedents

The present study examined patterns of romantic pathways in 100 Israeli emerging adults (54 males) who were followed from age 22 to 29 years. Analyses of interviews at age 29 yielded four distinctive romantic pathways differing in stability and ability to learn from romantic experiences: Sporadic, Lengthy Relationships but Absence of Experiential Learning, Moving from Casual to Steady Involvements, and Steady Relationships. Low efficacy, immature dependency, and level of maternal support measured 7 years earlier, predicted less optimal romantic pathways; Sporadic, and Lengthy relationships but absence of experiential learning. Distinctive gender pathways suggested that men are more likely …

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Veränderungen in der Stresswahrnehmung und -bewältigung bei Jugendlichen mit Diabetes im Vergleich zu gesunden Jugendlichen

Zusammenfassung. Ziel dieser Studie war eine Reanalyse der Daten zu Stress und Coping von Jugendlichen mit Typ 1 Diabetes (n = 91) im Vergleich zu gesunden (n = 107) im Längsschnitt (Alter bei Ersterhebung: M = 13.9, SD = 1.35). Über vier Erhebungswellen wurde Stress und Coping erhoben und mittels verschiedener Modellierungen mit latenten Wachstumsmodellen analysiert. Neben der Abklärung, ob der Gesundheitsstatus eher eine Moderator- oder eine Mediatorvariable in Bezug auf Stress und Coping in der Adoleszenz darstellt, wurden die Auswirkungen des Geschlechts und des Alters zu Studienbeginn untersucht. Weitere Analysen gingen dem Einfluss der Qualität der glykämischen Kontrolle bei Jugendlic…

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Diversity in Romantic Relations of Adolescents with Varying Health Status

In a longitudinal study on adolescents varying in health status, the similarities and differences between adolescents’ close friendships and romantic relationships were analyzed. From a total of 91 diabetic and 107 healthy adolescents, a subsample of 95 adolescents who consistently had experiences with both relationships over 4 years was drawn. Information was obtained from semistructured interviews and the Network of Relationship Inventory. The results demonstrated important time-dependent links between intimacy in both relationship types in healthy adolescents. Despite considerable gains in intimacy toward close friends and romantic partners across time, diabetic adolescents did not focu…

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Prädiktoren von lebenslanger Delinquenz

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Die Unterscheidung zwischen jugendgebundener und persistierender Delinquenz ist von theoretischer und praktischer Relevanz. Fragestellung: Relevante Merkmale für persistierende Delinquenz sollen identifiziert werden. Methode: Frühe Delinquenz, belastende Lebensereignisse, Copingstile und Persönlichkeitsvariablen wurden an 241 männlichen Straftätern untersucht. Ergebnisse: Straftäter mit langen Haftstrafen unterschieden sich von solchen mit kürzerer Haftdauer in der Persönlichkeitsstruktur sowie dem Bewältigungsverhalten. Früheres aggressives, antisoziales Verhalten leistete keinen substanziellen Anteil zur Gruppentrennung, während das Ausmaß schw…

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Was ist noch „normal“? Mütterliches Erziehungsverhalten als Puffer und Risikofaktor für das Auftreten von psychischen Störungen und Identitätsdiffusion

What is "normal"? Maternal parenting behavior as risk and protective factor for psychopathology and identity diffusion Objectives: This study analyzes the implications of today's highly altered maternal parenting behaviors on children's development and psychological health. Methods The relationship between maternal parenting behaviors (support, psychological control, and anxious monitoring) and delayed identity development or identity diffusion as well as internalizing or externalizing symptomatology was investigated in a sample of 732 youths (301 adolescents, 351 young adults, and 80 patients). Cluster analysis identified two types of maternal parenting behaviors: authoritative maternal be…

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Familiäre Entwicklungsprozesse im Beziehungskontext

Welche Entwicklung vollzieht sich in einer Familie von ihrem Beginn bis zu ihrer Auflosung? Wie beeinflussen Kinder ihre Familie?

research product

Romantic relationships in intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic adolescent couples in Germany: The role of attachment to parents, self-esteem, and conflict resolution skills

We investigated romantic relationships in a sample of 380 adolescents who formed 190 heterosexual couples (mean age: females 17 years; males 18 years): 173 intra-ethnic (German) couples and 17 inter-ethnic couples. Factor analyses revealed two types of love experiences: (a) experiences of attraction and a passionate focus on the partner (passionate love) and (b) experiences of affiliation (companionate love). No differences were found between intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic couples in romantic experiences, self-esteem, and conflict resolution skills. Adolescents in intra-ethnic couples had more close relations with parents than adolescents in inter-ethnic couples. Actor—Partner Interdependen…

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Competent in Work and Love? Emerging Adults’ Trajectories in Dealing With Work–Partnership Conflicts and Links to Health Functioning

In a 3-year longitudinal study on 989 emerging adults, we assessed self-efficacy in dealing with work–family conflicts and different indices of work and relationships characteristics (e.g., satisfaction, commitment, and stress). In addition, we assessed different indices of health functioning (e.g., sick days, body complaints, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and well-being). Latent class growth analyses revealed three different trajectories of competence with work-to-partnership conflicts over time that were related to work, romantic relationships, and health. Emerging adults in the high stable group (characterized by high levels of self-efficacy in dealing with conflicts in work…

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Identity configurations across love and work in emerging adults in romantic relationships

Love and work constitute two life-defining identity domains for emerging adults. The present study utilized a five-dimensional identity model and examined identity configurations across these two domains, capturing the degree to which identity statuses correspond across domains. A sample of German 18–30-year-olds who were either working or studying and engaged in a romantic relationship was assessed at baseline and three years later. Six identity clusters emerged in each domain. Combining identity clusters across love and work domains, 7 identity configurations were distinguished. Whereas some configurations were characterized by strong commitments in one or both domains, other configuratio…

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Lassen sich intrapsychische Konflikte im Sinne der OPD-KJ-2 durch psychodynamische Psychotherapie verändern? Die Sicht von jugendlichen Patienten und ihren Therapeuten

Changes in the level of structure and conflict are, in addition to alleviating of symptoms, central goals of psychodynamic therapies. This study examines this question with a focus on intrapsychic development-impairing conflicts in the sense of the OPD-CA on a sample of 121 adolescents and their 46 therapists. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the M = 73.27 hours (SD = 17.40) therapy, they assessed the level of conflict and structure from the patients' and the therapists' perspectives. The results show large effect sizes with regard to the reduction of the overall conflict level from the point of view of the therapists (η2 = .33). While the therapists reported higher initial…

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Love: Theories and Stages

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Changes in stress perception and coping during adolescence: the role of situational and personal factors.

The present study investigated the interplay between developmental changes in stress and coping during early and late adolescence. Using a longitudinal design, stress perception and coping styles of 200 adolescents in 7 different stressful situations were investigated. Multilevel piecewise latent growth curve models showed that stress perception decreased during late adolescence, whereas active and internal coping increased continuously from ages 12 to 19. Adolescents’ high levels of perceived stress in a particular situation were associated with a high level of active coping but a low level of internal coping in that same situation. Withdrawal was associated with high levels of perceived s…

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The Highly Structured Climate in Families of Adolescents With Diabetes: Functional or Dysfunctional for Metabolic Control?

Objective: Compare changes in perceived family climate over time in families with healthy adolescents and families with adolescents with diabetes and analyze the links to metabolic control. Method: In a total of four annually conducted surveys, 89 German adolescents with diabetes and 106 healthy adolescents as well as their parents completed the Family Environment Scale (FES). Metabolic control was determined by physicians' reports of adolescents' hemoglobin (HbA,) levels. Results: Compared to families with healthy adolescents, families caring for an adolescent with diabetes portrayed their family interactions as considerably more structured and less cohesive and stimulating. Family climate…

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Kommunikation und Coping von Vätern diabetischer Jugendlicher

Zusammenfassung. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert und vergleicht das Coping und die Kommunikation in Familien mit chronisch kranken und gesunden Jugendlichen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Perspektive des Vaters. Während sich auf der Fragebogenebene kaum Unterschiede in der Bewältigung nicht-krankheitsspezifischer familiärer Probleme zwischen Vätern gesunder und diabetischer Jugendlicher zeigten, traten erhebliche Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung familiärer Beziehungen und insbesondere im beobachteten Kommunikationsverhalten auf. Die Studie verdeutlicht die Passivität von Vätern diabetischer Jugendlicher und die enormen Anstrengungen der erkankten Jugendlichen, ihre Väter in die fa…

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Entwicklungsregulation im jungen Erwachsenenalter

Zusammenfassung. Die vorliegende Längsschnittstudie untersucht die Realisierung von Entwicklungsaufgaben zu zwei Zeitpunkten im jungen Erwachsenenalter. An einer Stichprobe von N = 102 Probanden wurde der gegenwärtige Entwicklungsstand und die intendierte Entwicklungsnorm in acht alterstypischen Entwicklungsaufgaben überprüft. Drei Entwicklungsaufgaben von besonderer Wichtigkeit (Partnerschaft, Berufseinstieg und Gründung eines eigenen Haushalts) wurden genauer analysiert. Zwei verschiedene Modelle zum Zusammenhang zwischen Entwicklungsstand und Entwicklungsnorm, das Realisierungsmodell (je höher die Entwicklungsnorm, desto höher der Grad der Realisierung) und das Adjustierungsmodell (die E…

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Das leistungsorientierte Familienklima in Familien mit chronisch kranken Jugendlichen

Zusammenfassung. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Veränderungen in den familiären Beziehungen in Familien mit chronisch kranken und gesunden Jugendlichen und stellt Beziehungen her zur medizinischen Adaptation in der Gruppe der Erkrankten. An der vierjährigen Längsschnittstudie nahmen 91 diabetische und 107 gesunde Jugendliche sowie ihre Eltern teil. Die längsschnittlichen Analysen belegen, daß für Familien mit einem chronisch kranken Jugendlichen ein weitaus höheres Maß an Leistungsorientierung und Strukturierung charakteristisch ist als für Familien mit einem gesunden Jugendlichen; gleichzeitig gibt es nur wenige Möglichkeiten zu persönlichem Wachstum, und die familiären Beziehungen we…

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"Come on, Say Something, Dad!": Communication and Coping in Fathers of Diabetic Adolescents

Objective: To investigate fathers’ coping and communication behavior in families with a healthy or a diabetic adolescent. Method: Fathers of diabetic adolescents and healthy adolescents (N 134) were investigated longitudinally with respect to their non-illness-specific coping behavior, their perceptions of family climate, and communicative behavior in solving a joint family task. Data were obtained through questionnaires and content analysis of recordings of verbal communication activity. Results: Based on questionnaire data, few differences were found between diabetic and healthy adolescents’ fathers’ styles of coping with non-illness-specific family problems over time. However, several si…

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Differences in agency? How adolescents from 18 countries perceive and cope with their futures

This study investigated how N = 5,126 adolescents (mean age of 15 years) from 18 countries perceive and cope with future- and school-related stress. The adolescents completed the Problem Questionnaire (PQ), which assesses stress, and the Coping Across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ), which assesses three coping styles (reflection/support-seeking, emotional outlet, and withdrawal/denial). Across countries, adolescents reported considerably higher levels of future-related stress than school-related stress. The adolescents actively coped with stressors in both domains and seldom relied on emotional outlet or withdrawal/denial. A clustering of the countries according to socioeconomic criteria …

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Adolescents as “producers of their own development”: Correlates and consequences of the importance and attainment of developmental tasks

In a four-wave longitudinal study, 228 adolescents from seven age cohorts were investigated annually regarding the importance and subjective attainment of age-specific developmental tasks. Distal outcomes (educational trajectory and residential independence) were examined when the adolescents were 21 years old. The results of latent growth models (LGM) showed that there was no mean level change in the importance of developmental tasks, whereas perceived attainment of developmental tasks increased over time. In general, whereas the importance of developmental tasks was more impacted by family factors, the attainment of tasks was more influenced by individual factors. Adolescents with more pa…

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Coping with stress in different phases of romantic development

The degree to which coping with stress in romantic relationships is related to relationship development was examined longitudinally in a sample of early adolescents (n=107). Repeated measures ANOVAs revealed a significant decrease in romantic stress over time, while at the same time active coping with romantic stress increased. Concurrently, the quality of romantic relationships changed towards greater intimacy and affection. The results provide some support for recent theories of a developmental sequence in romantic relationships, according to which relationships progress from a more casual initial stage towards a more committed affection phase. In addition, the study illustrates that the …

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Identity and future concerns among adolescents from Italy, Turkey and Germany: intra and between-cultural comparisons

The present study investigated stress perception and coping styles in 3259 Turkish, Italian, and German adolescents with a mean age of 14.97 years (SD = 1.74). The adolescents filled in self-report measures assessing stress perception and coping styles in two problem domains: future and identity. In order to allow for analyses of intra-country and inter-country variation, two subsamples were assessed per country. Results revealed that adolescents from all countries experienced future concerns as most stressful. Identity-related stressors showed a greater inter-country variation. However, intra-country variation in stress perception was much lower than variation in stress perception between …

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Neue Ansätze zur diagnostischen und therapeutischen Arbeit mit der Konfliktachse der OPD-KJ

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Stress with parents and peers: how adolescents from 18 nations cope with relationship stress.

We investigated how adolescents from five regions around the world perceived and coped with parent- and peer-related stress.The study comprised N = 4957 adolescents (mean age of 15.2 years) from 18 countries.The study used self-report measures for stress perception and coping style.Across countries, adolescents perceived parent-related stress to be considerably greater than peer-related stress. They coped less actively with parent-related stress than with peer-related stress. Significant differences emerged with respect to geographic region and key demographic indicators. Adolescents from Eastern European and Western countries had generally quite low levels of stress. Adolescents from South…

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Jungen und Freundschaft

Freundschaftsbeziehungen sind hilfreich, weil sich Gleichaltrigen dieselben Entwicklungsaufgaben etwa zur selben Zeit stellen (Salisch 2000). Engen Freundschaftsbeziehungen kommt gerade in der Fruhphase der Adoleszenz eine entscheidende, identitatsstiftende Funktion zu. Sie liefern emotionale Sicherheit und helfen, die Erfahrungen der korperlichen Reife zu verarbeiten und zu einer mannlichen Identitat zu gelangen.

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Stress With Parents and Peers: How Adolescents From Six Nations Cope With Relationship Stress

This study investigated how 2000 adolescents from middle-class families in six countries perceived and coped with parent-related and peer-related stress. Adolescents from Costa Rica, Korea, and Turkey perceived parent-related stress to be greater than peer-related stress, whereas stress levels in both relationship types were similar in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Pakistan. Female adolescents predominantly reported higher levels of peer-related stress than male adolescents. Adolescents in all countries used negotiating and support-seeking to cope with relationship stress more often than emotional outlet or withdrawal. Withdrawal occurred more often to deal with parent-related than with …

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Längsschnittliche Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Stressbewältigungsverhalten von Eltern und ihren jugendlichen Kindern

Zusammenfassung. Anhand einer Längsschnittstudie, welche 201 Jugendliche und deren 189 Mütter und 148 Väter umfasst, wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Stressbewältigungsverhalten von Jugendlichen und ihren Eltern analysiert. Dabei werden verschiedene Moderatorvariablen wie das Geschlecht von Jugendlichen und ihren Eltern und das wahrgenommene Familienklima aus der Sicht des Jugendlichen mitberücksichtigt. Sowohl die Jugendlichen wie auch ihre Eltern sind kompetente Stressbewältiger. Funktionale Copingstile überwiegen bei beiden Respondentengruppen. Das Stressbewältigungsverhalten der Jugendlichen konnte nur zu einem geringen Prozentsatz durch elterliche Einflussgrößen vorhergesagt werden …

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Parent-adolescent conflict, treatment adherence and glycemic control in Type 1 diabetes: the importance of adolescent externalising symptoms.

Parent-adolescent conflict has been demonstrated to relate to treatment adherence and glycemic control in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes. The present longitudinal study investigated how these variables were interrelated over time, and examined whether externalising and internalising symptoms function as mediating variables. A total of 109 adolescents with diabetes participated at four annual time points and completed measures on conflict with parents, internalising and externalising symptoms. Information on treatment non-adherence and glycemic control was obtained from treating physicians. Cross-lagged analyses from a structural equation modelling approach indicated that father-adolescent…

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One-sided and mutually aggressive couples: Differences in attachment, conflict prevalence, and coping

Contains fulltext : 150212.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) This study investigated concurrent links between adolescent romantic couples’ reports of aggression (relational and physical) and relationship functioning (e.g., attachment security, conflict prevalence, coping strategies, jealousy, and affiliative and romantic relationship quality) using a pattern-oriented approach. The sample included 194 romantic partner dyads (Mage = 16.99 years for females and Mage = 18.41 years for males). A hierarchical cluster analysis identified five distinct subgroups of dyads based on male and female reports of relational and physical aggression, ranging from nonaggressive couples (42%), to tho…

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Competent youth in a "disorderly world": findings from an eighteen-nation study.

Future- and school-related stressors are salient for adolescents from different regions of the world, and they cope with these stressors competently.

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Bindungsrepräsentation und Coping im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter

Zusammenfassung. Zu insgesamt fünf längsschnittlichen Erhebungszeitpunkten wurde an 103 Personen der Zusammenhang zwischen deren Bindungsrepräsentation und deren Bewältigungsverhalten im Umgang mit alltäglichen Belastungen untersucht. Sowohl im Jugendalter als auch im jungen Erwachsenenalter wurden Unterschiede in der Art der Problembewältigung in Abhängigkeit von der Bindungsrepräsentation gefunden. In Übereinstimmung mit der Bindungstheorie und neueren Konzepten der Emotionsregulation setzten sich jene Personen, denen im jungen Erwachsenenalter eine sichere Bindungsrepräsentation zuerkannt wurde, sowohl in der Adoleszenz als auch im Alter von 21 Jahren aktiver mit ihren Problemen auseina…

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Identitätsentwicklung, Familienbeziehungen und Symptombelastung bei Jugendlichen aus sieben Ländern

Identity Development, Family Relations, and Symptomatology in Adolescents from Seven Countries This study analyzed identity development and parental rearing in adolescents from seven countries. In a sample of 2,259 adolescents (M = 15 years; 54 % female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, anxious rearing), identity development (exploration, commitment and ruminative exploration) and psychopathology was assessed. Adolescents from central Europe (France and Germany) were characterized by quite low scores in most identity dimensions, compared to adolescents from all other countries. Particular high were scores i…

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Welche Vorteile bringt eine umfassende Diagnostik mit OPD-KJ bei kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Patienten?

Fragestellung: Dieser Beitrag stellt die Vorteile einer umfassenden OPD-KJ Diagnostik für eine kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Stichprobe dar. Methodik: Drei Achsen der OPD-KJ, die Konflikt- und Strukturachse sowie die Achse Behandlungsvoraussetzungen wurden zusätzlich zum MAS und der ICD-10 Diagnose an einer Gruppe von 61 stationären kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Patienten in Österreich eingeschätzt. Ergebnisse: Es zeigten sich deutliche Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Bedeutung internalisierter, entwicklungshemmender Konflikte, allerdings war das Strukturniveau bei allen Patienten einheitlich im Bereich gering bis mäßig angesiedelt, d. h. Strukturleistungen wie Umgang mit negativen A…

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Entwicklungspsychologie und Psychotherapie: Zwei „feindliche Schwestern“?

Spatestens seit den 80-er Jahren, mit der Grundung der neuen Disziplin der Entwicklungspsy-chopathologie wurde deutlich, in welch enger Wechselbeziehung “normale” und pathologische Entwicklungsprozesse stehen. Es brauchte in der Tat einige Jahrzehnte, bis sich die Erkenntnis durchsetzte ... that we can learn more about the normal functioning of an organism by studying it’s pathology and, likewise, learn more about it’s pathology by studying it’s normal condition (Cicchetti 1984, S. 1).

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Operationalisierte Psychodynamische Diagnostik im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Befunde zur Beziehungs- und Strukturachse

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Does Identity Precede Intimacy? Testing Erikson's Theory on Romantic Development in Emerging Adults of the 21st Century

Erikson stated that healthy identity development during adolescence is a precursor of intimacy in romantic relationships during emerging adulthood. However, from a developmental contextual perspective, there are reasons to question this strict developmental ordering. Using interview and questionnaire data from a longitudinal study on 93 adolescents, the authors tested whether ego development in middle adolescence predicts intimacy in emerging adulthood. Second, the authors examined whether identity achievement at the transition to adulthood mediates this link. Results revealed direct links between early ego development (age 15) and intimacy in romantic relationships (age 25). No paths were…

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Parenting behavior and psychodynamic conflicts: Cross-sectional findings in a normative sample of adolescents and their parents

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Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung von OPD-KJ-Konflikten durch Patient_innen und ihre Therapeut_innen

Zusammenfassung. Der OPD-KJ-Konfliktfragebogen legt eine Version zur Erfassung der Bewältigungsmodi unbewusster Konflikte gemäß der Operationalisierten Psychodynamischen Diagnostik (OPD-KJ) für Patient_innen und ihre Therapeut_innen vor. Zur Auswahl der Items für den Konfliktfragebogen wurden Expertenratings und psychometrische Gütekriterien, basierend auf einer Stichprobe von 427 Jugendlichen (53.6 % Patienten) und 44 Therapeut_innen, kombiniert. Die Kurzversion enthält 28 Items, die sieben intrapsychische Konflikte und ihre aktiven bzw. passiven Bewältigungsmodi umfasst (Gesamt ICC = .855; p < .001). Es ergaben sich erwartbare Unterschiede zwischen gesunden und klinisch auffälligen Ju…

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Depression bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Prävalenz, Diagnostik, ätiologische Faktoren, Geschlechtsunterschiede, therapeutische Ansätze

Die Prävalenzraten für die verschiednen Formen von Depression (depressiven Stimmungen, depressiven Syndromen und Major Depression) haben in den letzten Jahren zugenommen, die Geschlechtsunterschiede mit deutlich höheren Raten für Mädchen haben sich erhöht. Als ätiologische Faktoren für das Auftreten von Depression werden u. a. zunehmende Stressfaktoren, dysfunktionale Bewältigungsstile, ein negatives Körperkonzept und unsichere Bindungsmuster genannt. Unter den verschiedenen therapeutischen Ansätzen hat sich die psychoananlytische Behandlungsmethode als die umfassendste erwiesen. Schlüsselwörter Prävalenzraten - Komorbidität - Stress - Coping - Körperkonzept - Bindung Prevalence rates of th…

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Coping Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Links to Attachment State of Mind

The objective of this study was to examine the links between coping and attachment. In a longitudinal study of 112 participants, coping behavior was assessed at five points in time during adolescence (starting at the age of 14 years) and early adulthood. In addition, at the age of 21 years, state of mind regarding current and earlier attachment experiences was assessed by employing the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). In both adolescence and early adulthood, differences in coping styles were found to be related to differences in attachment. Individuals classified as secure dealt with their problems more actively by using their social network during adolescence and at the age of 21 years. B…

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Health Promotion in Schools

In the past two decades, an increasing number of school-based mental health programs and services have been developed and implemented. In this overview, quantitative reviews of prevention and intervention programs targeting adolescent obesity, drug use, smoking, alcohol consumption, and aggressive and violent behaviors such as bullying are presented. Research into the effectiveness of comprehensive school health programs provides evidence of the positive influence of these programs on student health behaviors. However, conditions that initiate and maintain effective school health promotion programs depend on several school-based organizational and program implementation factors. Therefore, …

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Coping with everyday stress and links to medical and psychosocial adaptation in diabetic adolescents.

Abstract Purpose To study coping with everyday stressors in a longitudinal sample of 98 adolescents with insulin-dependent mellitus (type 1) diabetes. Methods The adolescents with type 1 diabetes were classified into three homogeneous groups of metabolic control by latent class analysis, based on annual tests of hemoglobin A1 values. Questionnaires assessing frequent minor stressors as well as ways of coping with these stressors were given annually over the course of 4 years. Latent class analysis revealed three distinctive groups of metabolic control over time. Adolescents who exhibited continuously poor, satisfactory, and good metabolic control. Eighty percent of the adolescents stayed in…

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Idendity development, coping, and adjustment in emerging adults with a chronic illness: the sample case of type 1 diabetes

Abstract Purpose The present study focused on identity development in emerging adults (aged 18–30 years) with type 1 diabetes. The three study aims were to examine the following: (1) whether identity development was affected by having diabetes, as compared with development in a nondiabetic sample; (2) how identity development was related to depressive symptoms, coping with diabetes, and diabetes-related problems in the diabetic sample; and (3) whether the pathways from identity development to problems with diabetes and depressive symptoms were mediated through coping strategies in the diabetic sample. Methods A total of 194 emerging adults with type 1 diabetes and 344 nondiabetic emerging a…

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Change in ego development, coping, and symptomatology from adolescence to emerging adulthood

Abstract In a 10-year longitudinal study, the developmental course of internalizing and externalizing symptoms was investigated in a group of 98 individuals who exhibited different ego development trajectories from adolescence into emerging adulthood. This study explored whether an increase or a decrease in psychopathological symptomatology was associated with different ego development progressions in conjunction with the use of certain coping behaviors. In general, the study revealed that increases in ego development and the use of adaptive coping behavior were associated with a decrease in symptomatology over time. Ego developmental trajectories with a very steep progression were linked w…

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Wie aktiv sind Familien mit Söhnen im Vergleich zu Familien mit Töchtern?

Zusammenfassung. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Analyse der familiären Krankheitsbewältigung in Familien chronisch erkrankter Jugendlicher. Zu diesem Zweck wurde das gemeinsame Coping von 94 Familien mit an Diabetes erkrankten Jugendlichen über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren untersucht. Die familiären Bewältigungsbemühungen waren in Familien mit Söhnen, besonders wenn diese erst 15 Jahre alt waren, intensiver als in Familien mit gleichaltrigen Töchtern. Insgesamt jedoch nahmen in allen Familien die Bewältigungsbemühungen über die Zeit ab und gaben zunehmend dem individuellen Coping des erkrankten Jugendlichen Raum. Die Befunde zeigen ferner eine starke Abhängigkeit der familiären Bewält…

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Verzögerte Identitätsentwicklung, Familienbeziehungen und Psychopathologie: Zusammenhänge bei gesunden und klinisch auffälligen Heranwachsenden

Zusammenfassung. In einer vergleichenden Studie an gesunden Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen sowie einer Gruppe von Patienten (gesamt N = 732) wurde die Identitätsentwicklung im Kontext von Identitätsstress, elterlichen dysfunktionalen Erziehungsstilen und Symptombelastung untersucht. Erwartungsgemäß fand sich in der Gruppe der Patienten eine arretierte Identitätsentwicklung mit hohen Werten in ruminativer Exploration, besonders viel Identitätsstress und eine hohe externalisierende und internalisierende Symptombelastung; die elterlichen Erziehungsstile waren durch viel mütterliche psychologische Kontrolle bei fehlender Unterstützung zusammen mit einer ängstlichen väterlichen Erziehung g…

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Does adolescents' psychopathology change in times of change?

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Is stress perceived differently in relationships with parents and peers? Inter‐ and intra‐regional comparisons on adolescents from 21 nations

This study investigated how adolescents (mean age of 15 years) from 21 countries perceived parent- and peer-related stress. Across countries, adolescents perceived parent-related stress at considerably greater levels than peer-related stress. Adolescents assigned to six geographical regions differed significantly in overall stress levels as well as in the disparity between perceived stress levels in the parent and peer domain. Regional comparisons revealed that adolescents from Southern Europe exhibited the highest levels of parent-related stress, followed by adolescents from Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. The stress levels of adolescents from Central European and North American …

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Väter — notwendig, überflüssig oder sogar schädlich für die Entwicklung ihrer Kinder?

Charakteristisch fur die Forschung der vergangenen Jahrzehnte ist eine starke Pathologisierung der Beziehung von Vatern zu ihren Kindern. In Studien zu Gewalt und Missbrauch in Familien wurde auf die schadigende Wirkung von Vatern auf ihre Kinder hingewiesen. Auch gegenwartig existiert viel mehr Forschung uber pathologische, traumatisierende Vater als uber die normale Vater-Kind-Beziehung (Seiffge-Krenke 2001c). Aber was wissen wir uber normale Vater-Kind-Beziehungen?

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Self-Concept, Body Image, and Perceived Health

Studies of chronically ill adolescents have typically concentrated too much on social resources as factors that can buffer the effects of stress, while neglecting internal resources, such as self-concept and overall health (Cohen & Wills, 1985; Jamison, Lewis, & Burish, 1986). For a long time, studies on diabetic adolescents only focused on certain aspects of internal resources. Corresponding to studies carried out on adults with diabetes, much research concentrated on understanding the “diabetic personality” (Dunn & Turtle, 1981). It is surprising that so little consideration has been given to examining the role of the self-concept, because it is known that this internal resource is centra…

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Geschwisterbeziehungen zwischen Verbundenheit und Individuation

Geschwisterbeziehungen sind komplex, weil sie sowohl durch vertikale Beziehungen zu beiden Eltern als auch durch horizontale Beziehungen zueinander gestaltet sind. Diese horizontale Perspektive stand bislang ganz im Schatten der vertikalen Beziehungen, und zwar sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Psychotherapie. Der Entwicklungsgewinn, die Entwicklungschance des Aufwachsens mit Geschwistern wurde kaum gesehen und genutzt. Bestenfalls beschaftigte man sich mit eher negativen Aspekten von Geschwisterbeziehungen wie Neid und Rivalitat.

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Wohlbefindensforschung im Kindes- und Jugendalter

Zusammenfassung. In diesem Beitrag werden einführend die Konstrukte subjektives Wohlbefinden und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität näher beleuchtet. Des Weiteren wird ein Überblick über Korrelate des Wohlbefindens gegeben. Unter Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungsdynamik sowie von Alters- und Geschlechtsunterschieden wird die Bedeutung sozialer Beziehungen für Wohlbefinden bzw. Wohlbefindensbeeinträchtigungen aufgezeigt. Thematisiert werden zudem Zusammenhänge zwischen dem sich entwickelnden Körperkonzept und dem Wohlbefinden. Auffällig ist die gesteigerte Unzufriedenheit mit Gewicht und Figur, die sich bei weiblichen Heranwachsenden zeigt. Auch im Zusammenhang mit Risikoverhaltensweisen wi…

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Welchen Einfluss haben unterschiedliche Vatertypen auf das Familienklima im jungen Erwachsenenalter? Eine multiperspektivische Längsschnittuntersuchung an 14- bis 27- Jährigen und ihren Vätern

Impact of Different Types of Fathers on Family Climate in Young Adulthood: A Multi-perspective Longitudinal Study on 14 to 27 Year Olds and their Fathers In a 13 year longitudinal study, the influence of three types of fathers on the family climate was analyzed. In a sample of 213 subjects, their 169 fathers and their 210 mothers, the family environment ( Family Environment Scales) was examined when the subjects were young adults (M = 26.89, SD = 1.32). The results of the study point to significant changes in family climate in those young adults who described their father as increasingly negative (N = 28) or distant (N = 11) when in adolescence. These two groups showed a more negative famil…

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Parent-child relationship trajectories during adolescence: Longitudinal associations with romantic outcomes in emerging adulthood

Contains fulltext : 90774.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) This study examined the developmental trajectories of parent-child relationships in adolescence. especially with respect to changes in support levels and negativity, and analyzed if and how these trajectories were associated with the subsequent quality of romantic relationships in young adulthood. A sample of 145 German subjects was followed across six waves (i.e. ages 14, 15. 16, 17, 21, and 23 years). Growth mixture modeling revealed three developmental trajectories of parent-child relationships across adolescence (i.e. normative, increasingly negative, and decreasingly negative/distant), which were associated with the q…

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Neuere Ergebnisse der Vaterforschung

Nachdem die Vaterforschung lange Zeit an einer Defizithypothese orientiert war und die Ahnlichkeit zwischen dem Verhalten von Vatern und Muttern zu belegen versuchte, verdeutlichen empirische Studien der letzten Jahre zunehmend eine besondere, distinktive Funktion von Vatern fur die Entwicklung ihrer Kinder. Sie bezieht sich auf die Bedeutung motorischer und spielerischer Aktivitaten, die Akzentuierung des Geschlechts und die Unterstutzung der Verselbststandigung des Kindes. Die distinktive Funktion von Vatern lasst sich auch in Bezug auf psychopathologische Symptome ihrer Kinder nachweisen. Dieser Beitrag hebt aber auch differentielle Aspekte, wie unterschiedliche Typen von Vatern, hervor.

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The body in adolescent diaries. The case of Karen Horney.

The role of the body and its functions in the psychic life of the individual has occupied a central place in psychoanalytic thinking and writing. Developmentally, the body and the ego as a psychic organization have an integral, mutual relationship which becomes particularly important during adolescence, when the body matures physically while at the same time cognition, self-reflection, and social relations develop. This contribution presents results of the content analyses, focusing on the body, of 40 diaries written by twenty women during their adolescent years, compared with Karen Horney's adolescent diaries. In contrary to these diaries of the other young women, Karen Horney's adolescent…

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Wenn die fördernde Umwelt ausfällt

Um angemessen beurteilen zu konnen, ob bestimmte Verhaltensweisen oder Defizite als pathologisch einzuschatzen sind, braucht man genaue Kenntnisse der normalen Entwicklung. Andererseits konnen aber auch gerade abweichende Entwicklungsverlaufe fur das Verstandnis der normalen Entwicklung von grosem Wert und Nutzen sein. Oftmals werden Bedingungen, Mechanismen und Prozesse, die eine normale Entwicklung ermoglichen, steuern und vorantreiben, besonders deutlich, wenn sie fehlen bzw. versagen.

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Does clinically relevant psychopathology in adolescents necessarily require treatment or does it “grow out”?

OBJECTIVE: To determine the treatment effect of psychodynamic therapy for adolescents in comparison to normative developmental progression in two groups without treatment: healthy adolescents and adolescents with juvenile diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a 3-wave longitudinal study, n = 531 adolescents (n = 303 treated adolescents, n = 119 healthy, n = 109 with diabetes) and their parents filled out psychopathology questionnaires (Youth Self-Report [YSR] and Child Behaviour Checklist [CBCL]). Growth curve modeling (GCM) was used to examine within-person change in psychopathology while controlling for stable between-person differences. RESULTS: GCM analyses revealed significant with…

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Developmental changes in the microgenesis of face perception revealed by effects of context and inversion

AbstractPresent studies on the development of face perception mechanisms are ambiguous about the question of whether holistic face vision arises early, or in the second decade of life (Crookes & McKone, 2009). Measuring the time course of face matching we assess effects of context and inversion as correlates of holistic processing in the microgenesis of face perception within the first 650ms, and compare among 8- to 10-year-old children and adults. Results for adults indicate dominance of holistic viewing at brief timings, which is gradually replaced by feature selective strategies enabling them to selectively attend either internal or external features, as demanded by instruction. For chil…

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Psychische Struktur, intrapsychische Konflikte und Abwehrstile in der Adoleszenz

Associations Between Personality Structure, Unconscious Conflicts, and Defense Styles in Adolescence According to the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis in Childhood and Adolescence, associations between personality structure, unconscious conflicts, and defense styles are postulated. So far, an empirical investigation of these associations in mentally healthy adolescents is missing. The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of unconscious conflicts as well as the unconscious defense of conflicts by elucidating intrapersonal factors within a normative sample. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to analyse the extent to which sex, age, and socioeconomic status are relat…

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Predicting the timing of leaving home and related developmental tasks: Parents’ and children’s perspectives

In this longitudinal study, we examined the changes in romantic activity, parental support, and the quality of parents’ marital relationships as predictors of the timing of leaving home in a sample of 93 children and their parents. During their adolescent years, on-time leavers received decreasing levels of parental support and were more romantically active, compared with late leavers or those later residing with their parents. The lower romantic activity of the two latter groups continued throughout emerging adulthood. No differences between the three groups emerged with respect to professional career. Parents’ marital quality had no impact on the timing of leaving home. The children’s and…

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Qualitätssicherung in der Psychotherapieausbildung

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Wie wirksam sind analytische und tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Langzeitpsychotherapien bei Jugendlichen?

Fragestellung: In der Qualitätssicherung der analytischen Psychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen fehlen bislang Studien, die die Effizienz aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher, an der Behandlung beteiligter Personen erheben. Methodik: In 28 Langzeitpsychotherapien bei Jugendlichen wurde die Effizienz der Behandlung aus der Sicht von Jugendlichen, ihren Eltern sowie ihren Therapeuten über drei Messzeitpunkte in einem Zeitraum von durchschnittlich 113 Stunden untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Therapiegruppe (n = 28) unterschied sich von einer unbehandelten Wartekontrollgruppe (n = 32) nicht in wesentliche Stichprobenmerkmalen; auch das Diagnosespektrum war gleich. Die Therapeuten berichteten eine …

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The capacity to balance intimacy and conflict: Differences in romantic relationships between healthy and diabetic adolescents

This chapter focuses on developmental changes in romantic relations of adolescents differing in health status. Whereas healthy adolescents were increasingly able to balance both intimacy and conflict in their relationships with romantic partners, diabetic adolescents were unable to experience both positive and negative relationship qualities. Although this developmental delay was partly overcome, after four years some differences were still noticeable.

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Können Unterschiede in Stresswahrnehmung und -bewältigung Geschlechtsunterschiede in der depressiven Symptombelastung bei Jugendlichen erklären?

Zusammenfassung: Die vorliegende Längsschnittstudie untersucht den differentiellen Beitrag von Belastung, Bewältigung und sozialen Beziehungen zur Erklärung depressiver Symptombelastung im Jugendalter. 101 weibliche und 89 männliche Jugendliche nahmen an vier jährlichen Erhebungswellen teil, in denen depressive Symptome, Alltagsbelastungen, Konflikte mit Eltern und Freunden, der Copingstil sowie das Selbstkonzept untersucht wurden. Im Alter von 14 Jahren wurden bei weiblichen im Vergleich zu männlichen Jugendlichen ein höheres Ausmaß an Alltagsstressoren, mehr Konflikte in der Beziehung zur Mutter sowie mehr vermeidendes Coping festgestellt; männliche Jugendliche wiesen zu allen Messzeitpu…

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Adolescent Precursors of Romantic Relationships in Young Adulthood

In a six-year longitudinal study, the early contributors to romantic relationships in young adults were analyzed. Seventy-two adolescents participated annually in a survey assessing their relationships with parents and close friends at the ages of 14, 15, and 17 years. In addition, developmental progression in establishing a separate identity and developing a mature body concept was assessed. At the age of 20, the sample was again investigated with a focus on its current quality of romantic relations, assessed by the Love Experience Questionnaire (LEQ). Factor analysis of the LEQ revealed three distinctive components of romantic love in young adults: connectedness, attraction, and painful …

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Adolescent psychopathology in times of change: Introduction to the special issue

The aim of this special issue is to understand better the many changes in adolescent psychopathology have taken place over the last decades. The factors associated with adjustment problems and psychopathology in adolescence today are not necessarily the same as the factors that predicted problems and psychopathology in the past. But the basic strategies for connecting negative experiences with adolescent psychopathology remain as important today as they were for understanding adolescent psychopathology decades ago. This is well exemplified in the studies included in this Special Issue. What all this studies have in common is that parenting and the family environment are assumed to play a ke…

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Adolescent coping with everyday stressors: A seven-nation study of youth from central, eastern, southern, and northern Europe

The present study compares problem-specific coping strategies and coping styles of European adolescents from seven nations. The sample consisted of 3031 adolescent participants, aged 11 to 20, from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and Switzerland. The adolescents completed the Coping Across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ) by indicating which coping strategies (from 20 alternatives) they usually employed in dealing with age-specific problems (covering 8 different domains). The strategies can be collapsed to three coping styles: active coping, internal coping, and withdrawal. Results show that adolescents from all seven nations predominantly employed functional f…

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Welchen Einfluss haben Identitätsstress, problematische Bewältigungsstile und dysfunktionales mütterliches Verhalten auf die Symptombelastung von normalen und klinisch auffälligen Heranwachsenden?

Zusammenfassung. In einer vergleichenden Studie an gesunden Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen sowie einer Gruppe von Patienten (Gesamt N = 732) wurden Identitätsstress, Bewältigung, mütterliche dysfunktionale Erziehungsstile und Symptombelastung untersucht. Erwartungsgemäß fanden sich in der Gruppe der Patienten besonders viel Identitätsstress und eine hohe Symptombelastung sowie viel mütterliche psychologische Kontrolle bei fehlender Unterstützung. Aber auch gesunde Erwachsene berichteten hohen Identitätsstress, ohne dass eine erhöhte Symptombelastung auftrat. Bei der Vorhersage der externalisierenden und internalisierenden Symptombelastung erwies sich der Status „klinische Gruppe“, abe…

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Streß, Krankheit und Bewältigung: Bewältigen Jugendliche mit Diabetes Alltagsstressoren weniger kompetent als gesunde Jugendliche?

Zusammenfassung. Der Einfluß einer chronischen Erkrankung auf die Bewältigung von Alltagsstressoren wurde in einer Längsschnittstudie über vier Jahre analysiert. Bei 107 gesunden und 89 diabetischen Jugendlichen wurde die Belastung durch Alltagsstressoren sowie die Bewältigung von Alltagsstressoren einmal jährlich untersucht. Gesunde und an Diabetes erkrankte Jugendliche unterschieden sich nicht in der erlebten Belastung durch Streß und auch nicht in der Rangfolge der Stressoren, die als besonders belastend eingeschätzt wurden. Auffällige Unterschiede zwischen beiden Gruppen bestanden dagegen in der Bewältigung dieser Alltagsstressoren. An Diabetes erkrankte Jugendliche wiesen einen weniger…

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Gendered pathways to young adult symptomatology

The transition to adulthood is a critical juncture in the course of psychopathology. This study examined the ways in which earlier capacity to deal with relationship stress during adolescence contributed to an adaptive outcome in emerging adulthood. In a prospective study of 145 individuals, relationship stress, individual coping capacities, and perceived support from fathers, mothers, and peers were analyzed, when the participants were 13 and 17 years old. The effects of these earlier capacities to deal with relationship stress on health outcomes were examined in young adulthood (age 23). Gendered pathways to young adults’ symptomatology emerged. Females experiencing earlier relationship …

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Coping With Relationship Stressors: A Decade Review

This review identifies key issues in research on adolescent coping with stress with parents, friends, and romantic partners during the past decade. An analysis of 78 studies revealed findings on relationship stressors and the potential links between the use of different coping styles for different relationship types. Research has confirmed consistent gender differences in dealing with relationship stress and shown how individual factors (e.g., personality factors and attachment style) contribute to variations in stress perception and coping styles. Implications for prevention and intervention are identified and suggestions are made for future research, particularly with respect to complex a…

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“She’s Leaving Home . . .” Antecedents, Consequences, and Cultural Patterns in the Leaving Home Process

In the past, the tasks of establishing psychological and practical independence were linked in time. Nowadays, these transitions are no longer successively manageable sequences; rather, they are characterized by fluctuations, discontinuities, and reversals. In this review, research findings on factors contributing to the diversity in emerging adults’ leaving home patterns (including early leaving, late leaving, or continued residence in the parents’ home) are summarized. These findings show that although culture, gender, social class, and education shape leaving home patterns, individual factors (e.g., emerging adults’ attachment representations or their progress in the domains of love and…

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Psychoanalytische Entwicklungs betrachtungen der Jugend

Die psychoanalytische Entwicklungstheorie der Adoleszenz ist kein geschlossenes Gebaude, sondern eher eine Ansammlung von theoretischen Ideen und Konzeptionen, die sich in den letzten hundert Jahren seit den historischen Anfangen durch Freud entwickelt haben. Dies hangt auch damit zusammen, dass der Fokus der psychoanalytischen Entwicklungstheorie bis heute auf der fruhen Kindheit liegt. Dennoch sind die entstandenen Konzeptionen interessant und nachdenkenswert und sie haben die psychologische Forschung des Jugendalters zu zahlreichen Studien angeregt. Die psychoanalytischen Konzeptionen stehen – und auch dies ist eine bemerkenswerte Anregung – in einem interessanten Kontrast zu gangigen en…

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Adolescent romantic relationships across the globe: Involvement, conflict management, and linkages to parents and peer relationships

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Diagnostische Arbeit mit dem Befundbogen der Konfliktachse der OPD-KJ: Empirische Ergebnisse an stationären und ambulanten Patient_innen

Zusammenfassung. In der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie findet die Operationalisierte Psychodynamische Diagnostik (OPD-KJ) in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Anwendung. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Konfliktachse der OPD-KJ vor, die eine Operationalisierung von sieben psychodynamischen Konflikten und den jeweils zugeordneten Verarbeitungsmodi enthält. Er beschreibt empirische Ergebnisse zum Vergleich der Konfliktachsenratings und des Strukturratings in einer ambulanten und einer stationären Gruppe von Kindern und Jugendlichen (gesamt N = 186, 12.7 Jahre, 54 % weiblich). Die Befunde zeigen an der Gesamtgruppe, dass die diagnosespezifischen Geschlechtsunterschiede verschwind…

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How Individual Coping, Mental Health, and Parental Behavior Are Related to Identity Development in Emerging Adults in Seven Countries

So far, there is a dearth of research comparing identity processes across cultures and its contributing factors. In this study, the association of individual and family factors with identity processes was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adults ( M = 22.0 years; 66% female) from France, Germany, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, Poland, and Turkey. Exploration and commitment levels were highest in non-Western countries like Peru, Turkey, and Pakistan, whereas emerging adults in France scored lowest in exploration and commitment and reported highest levels in identity distress, internalizing/externalizing symptoms, and identity diffusion. Identity distress, coping with identity distress, parental behavior,…

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«Emerging Adulthood»: Forschungsbefunde zu objektiven Markern, Entwicklungsaufgaben und Entwicklungsrisiken

Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt zunächst Charakteristiken der neu entdeckten Entwicklungsphase «Emerging Adulthood» (18 bis 30 Jahre) vor und fasst dann Forschungsbefunde zu wichtigen Entwicklungsbereichen wie Auszug, Partnerschaft, Beruf und Identitätsentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt auf deutschen Studien und Statistiken dar. Die neuen Herausforderungen bringen trotz der Verlängerung der Zeitspanne bis zur Realisierung bestimmter Entwicklungsaufgaben einen erheblichen Entwicklungsdruck und Zukunftsangst mit sich, die sich in einer zunehmenden Symptombelastung bemerkbar machen, auf den unser Versorgungssystem noch nicht eingestellt ist. Kinder- und Jugend- und die Erwachsenenpsychiatrie/-psychot…

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Work and Love During Emerging Adulthood

Emerging adults engage in greater experimentation in the areas of work and love, and the transitions to work and the establishment of firm partnerships are characterized by fluctuations, discontinuities, and reversals. Whereas earlier studies on emerging adults have examined the separate effects of work and relationship, in this special section 5 studies were presented which examined these two transitions simultaneously by using a longitudinal design to account for the reciprocal influences and the long-term effects on health outcomes. In addition, methodological concerns when investigating the reciprocal influences and dependencies between love and work were raised and a cross-cultural pe…

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Testing theories of romantic development from adolescence to young adulthood: Evidence of a developmental sequence

In an 8-year prospective study conducted on 103 subjects, the developmental sequence of and the factors contributing to a bonded romantic outcome in young adulthood were investigated. The subjects’ self-concepts and their relationships with mothers, fathers, and same-sex friends were assessed at the ages of 13, 15, and 17 years. Having a romantic partner and the quality of relationships with romantic partners were assessed at ages 13, 15, 17, and 21 years. Evidence was found for a developmental sequence in romance with respect to differences in the quality and duration of romantic relationships over time. Factor analysis revealed that at age 21, bonded romantic love emerged as a romantic o…

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Essstörungen: Entwicklungspsychologische und entwicklungspsychopathologische Perspektive

Zusammenfassung. Der vorliegende Beitrag betrachtet Essstörungen unter entwicklungspsychologischer und entwicklungspsychopathologischer Perspektive. Körperbildstörungen, gestörtes Essverhalten und der Einfluss beider Eltern werden in den Kontext der normalen Mädchenentwicklung gestellt und insbesondere der Einfluss der Freundinnen und der neuen Medien herausgearbeitet. Bereits bei nicht essgestörten Jugendlichen fallen extremes Diätieren und ängstliche Körperkontrolle, aber auch elterliche problematische Kommunikationsstile und die oft schädlichen Interaktionen mit Gleichaltrigen auf. Die Grenze zu pathologischen Phänomenen ist entsprechend schwer zu ziehen. Hinzukommen hohe Komorbiditäten…

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Discrepancies between Mothers' and Fathers' Perceptions of Sons' and Daughters' Problem Behaviour: A Longitudinal Analysis of Parent‐Adolescent Agreement on Internalising and Externalising Problem Behaviour

One hundred and ninety-eight adolescents and their mothers (N = 189) and fathers (N = 136) participated in a 4-year longitudinal study. Adolescent problem behaviour was assessed by the Youth Self-Report (YSR) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). In addition, parental stress and marital adjustment were determined. Results showed that mothers and fathers showed high agreement, especially about their daughters, whereas parents and adolescents showed little agreement. Agreement was higher for internalising than for externalising behaviours. In general, adolescents reported more symptomatology than their parents did. However, mothers' ratings of their children's behaviours were significantly…

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Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Breakup Distress During Early Emerging Adulthood

Breakups are a normative and frequent part of the romantic experience. In this longitudinal study, we followed 144 adolescents (mean age = 16.57) for a period of 4 years and examined the extent to which level of depressive symptoms predicts the intensity of breakup distress during emerging adulthood and, further, the extent to which breakup distress reported during emerging adulthood is associated with the quality of a current romantic relationship. The findings suggest that higher levels of depressive symptoms during adolescence can lead to more difficulty in recovering from breakup in early emerging adulthood. In addition, experiencing greater breakup distress during emerging adulthood w…

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All they need is love? Placing romantic stress in the context of other stressors: A 17-nation study

The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and future-related stressors in 8,654 adolescents with a mean age of M = 15.3; SD = 1.84. The adolescents from 17 countries were grouped into seven regions, i.e., Mid-Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, South Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Future-related stressors were perceived as being more stressful than romantic stressors by all adolescents, irrespective of the region in which they lived. Identity-related stressors were of greater concern to adolescents from South Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Romantic stress was much higher in adolescents from Mid-…

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Freunde und romantische Partner als „Entwicklungshelfer“

Eine in der Forschung, aber auch in der Psychotherapie eher ubersehene Perspektive ist die, dass Freunde und romantische Partner echte „Entwicklungshelfer“ sind, dass sie gemeinsam Agenten und Produzenten ihrer Entwicklung sind. Eine Zentrierung auf die Eltern, oder genauer auf die Mutter, also eine vertikale Sichtweise, war lange Zeit vorherrschend in der entwicklungspsychologischen Forschung und auch in Psychotherapien. Winnicott (1965/2002) steht stellvertretend fur viele Psychoanalytiker, die in ihren Konzeptionen unsere Sicht der fruhen Beziehungen bereicherten, aber offenkundig keinen Blick dafur hatten, dass der Beziehungsraum von Beginn an sehr komplex ist. Die Einflusse, Entwicklun…

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Emerging Adults’ Psychopathology in Seven Countries: The Impact of Identity-Related Risk Factors

The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adults (M = 22.0 years; 66% female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland. Identity stress, coping with identity stress, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, and anxious rearing), and psychopathology (internalizing, externalizing, and total symptomatology) were assessed. After partialing out the influence of stress, coping, and perceived maternal behavior, country did no longer exert a significant effect on symptom scores. The effect for gender remained, as did an interaction between country and gender. Rather unexpected, on average, males reported higher i…

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Der Einfluss des Familienklimas und der Bindungsrepräsentation auf den Auszug aus dem Elternhaus

Zusammenfassung. Im Vergleich zur Vielzahl an soziologischen Studien über den Auszug aus dem Elternhaus existieren sehr wenige psychologische Studien, die die Ursachen und Prädiktoren von unterschiedlichem Auszugsverhalten untersuchen. Die Frage, ob Unterschiede im Auszugsverhalten auf Unterschiede im Familienklima zurückgehen, steht im Zentrum dieses Beitrags. In einer Längsschnittsstudie an 93 Familien wurden drei Gruppen mit unterschiedlichem Auszugsverhalten gefunden: rechtzeitig Ausziehende, Nesthocker und Spätauszieher/wieder Eingezogene. Während der Adoleszenz wurde das Familienklima von allen Familienmitgliedern erhoben, später wurde die Bindungsrepräsentation erfasst. Zusammengeno…

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Gendered pathways to romantic attachment in emerging adults: The role of body image and parental support

This study analyses the impact of body image and perceived parental behaviour (support and negativity) as factors that contribute to romantic attachment in emerging adulthood. In a 11-year longitudinal study on 144 females and 114 males, we assessed body image, body mass index, and perceived father's and mother's support and negativity during adolescence (at ages 14 and 17) and in emerging adulthood (age 21). At the age of 25, romantic attachment was assessed. Results of path analyses revealed that females' positive body image was consistently linked with greater parental support over time and contributed to low avoidance in romance at the age of 25, whereas perceived negativity with father…

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"Bad romance": Links between psychological and physical aggression and relationship functioning in adolescent couples

Contains fulltext : 150442.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Assortative mating is an important issue in explaining antisocial, aggressive behavior. It is yet unclear, whether the similarity paradigm fully explains frequent displays of aggression in adolescents' romantic relationships. In a sample of 194 romantic partner dyads, differences between female and male partners' reports of aggression (psychological and physical) and different measures of relationship functioning (e.g., jealousy, conflicts, and the affiliative and romantic quality of the relationship) were assessed. A hierarchical cluster analysis identified five distinct subgroups of dyads based on male and female reports …

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Friends or lovers? Person- and variable-oriented perspectives on dyadic similarity in adolescent romantic relationships

Item does not contain fulltext Variable- and person-oriented approaches were used to examine the affiliative and romantic experiences of adolescents in heterosexual romantic relationships and its associations with relationship conflict and jealousy on a sample of 194 romantic partner dyads. Variable-oriented findings indicated that affiliative experiences were associated with fewer and more constructively resolved conflicts, whereas romantic experiences were associated with more jealousy. Person-oriented analyses identified six distinct types of romantic relationships: four characterized by congruent perceptions and two characterized by incongruent perceptions. Adolescents in the consummate…

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Beziehungserfahrungen in der Adoleszenz: Welchen Stellenwert haben sie zur Vorhersage von romantischen Beziehungen im jungen Erwachsenenalter?

Zusammenfassung. In einer 6-jährigen Längsschnittstudie wurden frühe Einflüsse auf romantische Beziehungen bei jungen Erwachsenen untersucht. 72 Jugendliche nahmen im Alter von 14, 15 und 17 Jahren an jährlichen Untersuchungen teil, bei denen die Beziehungen zu ihren Eltern und engen Freunden durch das Network of Relationship Inventory (NRI) erfasst wurden. Außerdem wurde der Entwicklungsverlauf, bezogen auf eine eigenständige Identität und ein reifes Körperkonzept, erhoben. Beim Übergang zum Erwachsenenalter, im Alter von 20 Jahren, wurde die Stichprobe erneut untersucht, und zwar im Hinblick auf die Qualität ihrer derzeitigen romantischen Beziehungen, die durch die Love Experience Scales…

research product

Psychopathologie bei Jugendlichen aus sieben Ländern: Welche Bedeutung hat die Kontrolle von Identitätsentwicklung und Familienbeziehungen?

Zusammenfassung. In dieser kulturvergleichenden Studie wurde der Einfluss von Geschlecht und Land auf die Symptombelastung von Jugendlichen untersucht, nachdem identitätsbezogene Faktoren kontrolliert wurden. In einer Stichprobe von 2259 Jugendlichen (M = 15.3 Jahre; 54 % weiblich) aus Frankreich, Deutschland, der Türkei, Griechenland, Peru, Pakistan und Polen wurde die Identitätsentwicklung und der mütterliche Erziehungsstil (Unterstützung, psychologische Kontrolle und ängstliches Monitoring) sowie die internalisierende und externalisierende Symptombelastung ermittelt. In einer Kovarianzanalyse wurde die Variation durch Land, Geschlecht und Alter sowie die Interaktion Land x Geschlecht un…

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Identity development in German emerging adults: not an easy task.

In this chapter, we review identity development in German youth as well as the impact of German cultural history on difficulties in developing a sense of national identity. Current socioeconomic and political contexts, such as instability of labor markets and prolonged transitions to work and partnership, are likely to affect identity development. Identity development is particularly challenging for young adults from immigrant backgrounds, from low socioeconomic brackets, or who suffer from chronic health conditions. In this context, we highlight the supportive role of social networks (parents, peers, and romantic partners) for identity development. Cross-cultural studies have suggested dis…

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Phantasien, Symbolisierungen und Kreativität als Ressourcen

Zu den kindlichen Ressourcen gehoren Phantasien, Spiel, Malen, Schreiben und anderen Symbo-lisierungsformen. Sie sollen unter der Perspektive von Kindern und Jugendlichen als Produzenten ihrer eigenen Entwicklung betrachtet werden. Die Bedeutung von Phantasien und Symbolisierungen in Form von Zeichnungen, Marchen, schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen u.a. ist ein klinisch unmittelbar relevantes Thema, wie die Arbeiten von Chasseguet-Smirgel (1986), Rattner u. Danzer (1993) und Segal (1996) verdeutlichen.

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Differences in psychodynamic conflicts between healthy adolescents and adolescent patients: Results with the conflict questionnaire

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The dark side of romantic relationships: Aggression in adolescent couples and links to attachment

Item does not contain fulltext This study focuses on romantic relationships from the perspective of both partners. This dyadic approach was chosen to account for the fact that both partners may differently contribute to the escalation of aggression. In a sample of 194 romantic partner dyads, differences between female and male partners׳ reports of aggression (relational and physical) and measures of attachment security and jealousy were assessed. A hierarchical cluster analysis identified five distinct subgroups of dyads with mutually aggressive or one-sided aggressive dyad. Of note were dyads with aggressive females and self-silencing males. The mutually aggressive couples showed the least…

research product

Sind sexuelle Aktivitäten in der Adoleszenz für zukünftige Partnerbeziehungen gut?

Is sexual activity during adolescence good for future romantic relationships?Objectives: The study examines the effects of different forms of sexual activity at the age of 16 on sexuality and the quality of romantic relationships at the age of 23. Methods: In a multimodal longitudinal study (diaries, questionnaires), 144 16-year-old adolescents (59.7 % female) reported on their sexual activities and their relationship status. At the age of 23, they reported on their romantic and sexual experiences in the past two years and the quality of their current romantic relationship. Regressions analyzed the predictive power of adolescent predictors for future sexuality and relationship quality. Resu…

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Are friends and romantic partners the “best medicine”? How the quality of other close relations mediates the impact of changing family relationships on adjustment

In this longitudinal study, the link between changing relationships between adolescents and their parents and the mediating role of friendships and support from romantic partners on internalizing and externalizing symptoms were analyzed. Based on data on parent—child relationships obtained in 228 adolescents (ages 14 to 17) and their fathers and mothers, three different developmental trajectories were found which were differently linked with internalizing and externalizing symptomatology at ages 17 and 21. The quality of relationships with friends and romantic partners mediated the links between earlier parent—adolescent relationships and later problem behavior. The impact of close relation…

research product

Coping with School-Related Stress and Family Stress in Healthy and Clinically Referred Adolescents

This study compares stress perception and coping style in 77 early and late adolescents differing in psychological health. Coping with two normative, age-specific stressors, namely, school-related stressors, and conflicts with parents was investigated via the Coping Process Interview, which assesses coping immediately after an event has happened. Results obtained from the interviews were validated by the results of standardized questionnaires assessing stress perception and coping style in dealing with school-related stress and family stress. Both stressors were not perceived as structurally similar events. Differences were obtained with respect to the appraisal of the stressor, causal att…

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Die Entwicklung des gesunden Kindes

Kinder und Jugendliche sind eine vergleichsweise gesunde Altersgruppe. Ihre Gesundheitsgefahrdungen ergeben sich vor allem aus der Einbettung ihrer Entwicklung und Gesundheitsfursorge in den familiaren Kontext und damit ihrer Abhangigkeit von ihrer Familie, eine entwicklungsangemessene Forderung und emotionale Zuwendung zu erhalten. Altersspezifische Gefahrdungen stellen zusatzlich die kognitive Unreife (bei kleineren Kindern) und die Verfuhrung zu gesundheitsriskantem Verhalten (bei Jugendlichen) dar.

research product

Mobbing, Bullying und andere Aggressionen unter Schülern als Quelle von Schulstress: Inwieweit sind die "Opfer" daran beteiligt?

Schulstress kommt in erheblichem Maße auch durch aggressive Interaktionen zwischen Schülern zustande. Aggressionen in der Schule können vielfältige Formen annehmen und verschiedene Ursachen haben. In diesem Beitrag geht es um Bullying, Mobbing und relationale Aggression unter Schülern. Wichtige Forschungsbefunde zu den verschiedenen Aggressionsformen werden dargestellt. Anschließend wird eine psychoanalytische Behandlung einer Jugendlichen wegen Mobbing vorgestellt. Die Therapie erstreckte sich über 70 Stunden und umfasste auch begleitende Elterngespräche. Der Behandlungsverlauf verdeutlicht, dass es wichtig ist, die eigene Beteiligung der Schülerinnen und Schüler am Auslösen und Aufrechter…

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