Sabir Jacquir

New Approach of Controlling Cardiac Alternans

The alternans of the cardiac action potential duration is a pathological rhythm. It is considered to be relating to the onset of ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death. It is well known that, the predictive control is among the control methods that use the chaos to stabilize the unstable fixed point. Firstly, we show that alternans (or period-2 orbit) can be suppressed temporally by the predictive control of the periodic state of the system. Secondly, we determine an estimation of the size of a restricted attraction's basin of the unstable equilibrium point representing the unstable regular rhythm stabilized by the control. This result allows the application of predictive control…

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Automatic Processing Scheme for Low Laser Invasiveness Electro Optical Frequency Mapping mode

International audience; Electro optical techniques are efficient backside contactless techniques usually used for design debug and defect location in modern VLSI. Unfortunately, the signal to noise ratio is quite low and depends on laser power with potential device stress due to long acquisition time or high laser power, especially in up to date technologies. Under these conditions, to maintain a good signal or image quality, specific signal or image processing techniques can be implemented. In this paper, we proposed a new spatial filtering by stationary wavelets and contrast enhancement which allows the use of low laser power and short acquisition time in image mode.

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Frequency mapping in dynamic light emission with wavelet transform

International audience; Dynamic photon emission microscopy is an e cient tool to analyse today's integrated circuit. Nevertheless, the reduction of transistor's dimensions leads to more complex acquisitions where many spots can be seen. A frequency characterization of the whole acquired area can help to have a better understanding of it. With that purpose in mind, a new methodology to draw frequency mapping of dynamic light emission acquisition is reported. It is fully automated and based on wavelet transform and autocorrelation function. Regarding the possible use in an industrial context, the suggested method can help to localize abnormal emission activity and it gives some perspectives o…

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Automatic emission spots identification in static and dynamic imaging by research of local maxima.

International audience

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Spatial correction in dynamic photon emission by affine transformation matrix estimation

International audience; Photon emission microscopy and Time Resolved Imaging have proved their efficiency for defect localization on VLSI. A common process to find defect candidate locations is to draw a comparison between acquisitions on a normally working device and a faulty one. In order to be accurate and meaningful, this method requires that the acquisition scene remains the same between the two parts. In practice, it can be difficult to set. In this paper, a method to correct position by affine matrix transformation is suggested. It is based on image features detection, description and matching and affine transformation estimation.

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Arrhythmia due to mild therapeutic hypothermia - a study in vitro

International audience; Introduction: In case of resuscitation after CA, the brain suffers the ischemia and the inflammation from reperfusion. To days, the only therapy available is the mild therapeutic hypothermia (MTH) : put the patient under 34°C-32°C during 12-24 hours. MTH has been shown to increase the hospital survival rate, but it has many adverse effects, among which the cardiac arrhythmia generation represents an important part (up to 34%). Cardiac culture in vitro provides a better spatial resolution than study in vivo, which could bring some insights of the mechanism of post-hypothermia arrhythmia generation. Method: Monolayer cardiac culture is prepared with cardiomyocytes from…

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Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for complex fractionated atrial electrogram discrimination

International audience; Atrial fibrillation is the most encountered pathology of the heart rate. The reasons of its occurrence and its particular characteristics remain unknown, resulting from complex phenomena interaction. From these interactions emerges Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrograms (CFAE) which are useful for the ablation procedure. This study presents a method based on nonlinear data analysis, the Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) applied on intracardiac atrial electrograms to detect CFAE particularities. The results obtained on areas previously tagged by a cardilogist show a good sensitivity to CFAE. Combination of RQA features offers a larger discrimination potential…

research product

Multisite field potential recordings and analysis of the impulse propagation pattern in cardiac cells culture

To provide further insights into the impulse propagation between cardiac myocytes, we performed multiparametric studies of excitation spread with cellular resolution in confluent monolayers of cultured cardiomyocytes (CM). Simultaneous paired intracellular recordings of action potentials in two individual CM revealed slight periodic spontaneous advances/delays in the interspike time lag. Multisite field potential recordings performed with microelectrode arrays (MEA) confirmed random and iterative cycle-to-cycle changes in the direction of excitation spread. These local spontaneous variations in the cardiac impulse propagation pathways may be a safety process protecting against microscopical…

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Experimental study of arrhythmia due to mild therapeutic hypothermia after resuscitation of cardiac arrest

International audience; Introduction: One of the important challenges after cardiac arrest (CA) is the neurological damage of the brain. In case of resuscitation after CA, the brain suffers the ischemia and the inflammation from reperfusion. To days, the only therapy available is the mild therapeutic hypothermia (MTH) : put the patient under 34°C-32°C during 12-24 hours. Even though that MTH has been shown to increase the hospital survival rate, it has many adverse effects, among which the cardiac arrhythmia generation represents an important part (up to 34%). Cardiac culture in vitro provides a better spatial resolution (to cellular level) than study in vivo, which could bring some insight…

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Mise en œuvre d’une chaîne d’acquisition et de traitement du signal : Application à la mesure du rythme cardiaque en licence 1ère année

International audience; Dans le cadre de cet article, nous présentons un projet de travaux pratiques mis en place dans le cadre d’un module intitulé « Sciences et Traitement de l’Information ». L’objectif pédagogique de ce module est de donner aux étudiants de 1ère année de Licence un aperçu applicatif de l’électronique, du traitement du signal et de l’informatique. Cette découverte se fait au travers de la réalisation d’un système d’acquisition et de traitement, ce projet étant découpé en fonctions de base qui sont étudiées d’abord séparément avant d’être regroupées pour aboutir à une application réelle. La mise en place de ce module date de la rentrée 2012-2013 et le retour d’expérience m…

research product

Cardiac arrhythmia induced by hypothermia in a cardiac model in vitro

The neurological damage after cardiac arrest (CA) constitutes a big challenge of hospital discharge since years. The therapeutic hypothermia therapy (34°C-32°C) has shown its benefit to reduce cerebral oxygen demand and improve neurological outcomes after the cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that induced hypothermia after CA has been shown to increase the hospital survival rate, it can have many adverse effects, among which the cardiac arrhythmia generation represents an important part (up to 34%, according different clinical studies). Compared to studies in vivo, cardiac culture in vitro provides a better spatial resolution at cellular level, which could bring some insights of the mechanis…

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Experimental study of electrical FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons with modified excitability

International audience; We present an electronical circuit modelling a FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron with a modified excitability. To characterize this basic cell, the bifurcation curves between stability with excitation threshold, bistability and oscillations are investigated. An electrical circuit is then proposed to realize a unidirectional coupling between two cells, mimicking an inter-neuron synaptic coupling. In such a master-slave configuration, we show experimentally how the coupling strength controls the dynamics of the slave neuron, leading to frequency locking, chaotic behavior and synchronization. These phenomena are then studied by phase map analysis. The architecture of a possible ne…

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Spiral wave induced numerically using electrical stimulation and comparison with experimental results.

Experiments in vitro on a Microelectrode Array (MEA) platform show that electrical stimulation can provoke the generation of spiral waves in cardiac tissue. Nevertheless, the conditions leading to this artificial fibrillation state remain unclear. In order to have a better understanding of this phenomenon, a numerical simulation study has been conducted. The results obtained with a two-dimensional FitzHugh-Nagumo model proved that it is possible to create spiral waves by adding a stimulation current under certain conditions, which are made explicit.

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Identification of Synaptic Integration Mode in CA3 Pyramidal Neuron Model

International audience; A morphologically realistic and anisotropic model of CA3 pyramidal neuron was developed to determine the synaptic integration modes the neuron is able to perform. Linearity and nonlinearity were identified in different synaptic locations with varying active mechanisms such as the presence of ionic channels in the dendritic arbor and the types of receptors in the synapse. Quantification of synaptic integration was performed using paired-pulse stimulation protocol and subthreshold input/output (sI/O) transformation. Results show that the mode of synaptic integration is location-dependent while the linearity or nonlinearity in the integration is mainly influenced by the…

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Reaction-Diffusion Network For Geometric Multiscale High Speed Image Processing

International audience; In the framework of heavy mid-level processing for high speed imaging, a nonlinear bi-dimensional network is proposed, allowing the implementation of active curve algorithms. Usually this efficient type of algorithm is prohibitive for real-time image processing due to its calculus charge and the inadequate structure for the use of serial or parallel architectures. Another kind of implementation philosophy is proposed here, by considering the active curve generated by a propagation phenomenon inspired from biological modeling. A programmable nonlinear reaction-diffusion system is proposed under front control and technological constraints. Geometric multiscale processin…

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A hybrid stimulation strategy for suppression of spiral waves in cardiac tissue

International audience; Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia whose mechanisms are thought to be mainly due to the self perpetuation of spiral waves (SW). To date, available treatment strategies (antiarrhythmic drugs, radiofrequency ablation of the substrate, electrical cardioversion) to restore and to maintain a normal sinus rhythm have limitations and are associated with AF recurrences. The aim of this study was to assess a way of suppressing SW by applying multifocal electrical stimulations in a simulated cardiac tissue using a 2D FitzHugh-Nagumo model specially convenient for AF investigations. We identified stimulation parameters for successful termination of S…

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Complexity analysis of experimental cardiac arrhythmia

International audience; To study the cardiac arrhythmia, an in vitro experimental model and Multielectrodes Array (MEA) are used. This platform serves as an intermediary of the electrical activities of cardiac cells and the signal processing / dynamics analysis. Through it the extracellular potential of cardiac cells is acquired, allowing a real-time monitoring / analyzing. Since MEA has 60 electrodes / channels dispatched in a rectangular region, it allows real-time monitoring and signal acquisition on multiple sites. The in vitro experimental model (cardiomyocytes cultures from new-born rats' heart) is directly prepared on the MEA. This carefully prepared culture has similar parameters as…

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Automatic detection of P, QRS and T patterns in 12 leads ECG signal based on CWT

International audience; In this paper, a new method based on the continuous wavelet transform is described in order to detect the QRS, P and T waves. QRS, P and T waves may be distinguished from noise, baseline drift or irregular heartbeats. The algorithm, described in this paper, has been evaluated using the Computers in Cardiology (CinC) Challenge 2011 database and also applied on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database (MITDB). The data from the CinC Challenge 2011 are standard 12 ECG leads recordings with full diagnostic bandwidth compared to the MITDB which only includes two leads for each ECG signal. Firstly, our algorithm is validated using fifty 12 leads ECG samples from the CinC collection…

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Control of irregular cardiac rhythm

International audience; The aim of this work is to investigate the chaos control of the one di- mensional map which modelizes the duration of the current cardiac action potential (APD) as a function of the previous one. Using OGY control method, we obtain very satisfactory numerical results to stabilize the irregular heart rhythm into the normal rhythm.

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Filtering and emission area identification in the Time Resolved Imaging data

Abstract Time Resolved Imaging (TRI) acquisitions allow precise timing analysis of emission spots. Up to date technologies deeply challenge their isolation by hiding the weak ones, under sizing or over sizing visually detectable emission spots and finally by jeopardizing timing resolution. We report on an algorithm based on 1 and 2D signal processing tools which automates the identification of emission sites and optimizes separation between noise and useful signal, even for weak spots surrounding strong emission areas. The application of the algorithm on several sets of data from different types of devices and their results are also discussed.

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A mixed FES/EMG system for real time analysis of muscular fatigue

International audience; In this article, we present a functional electrical stimulator allowing the extraction in real time of M-wave characteristics from resulting EMG recodings in order to quantify muscle fatigue. This system is composed of three parts. A Labview software managing the stimulation output and electromyogram (EMG) input signal, a hardware part amplifying the output and input signal and a link between the two previous parts which is made up from input/output module (NIdaq USB 6251). In order to characterize the fatigue level, the Continuous Wavelet Transform is applied yielding a local maxima detection. The fatigue is represented on a scale from 0 for a fine shaped muscle to …

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A theoretical approach of the propagation through geometrical constraints in cardiac tissue

International audience; The behaviour of impulse propagation in the presence of non-excitable scars and boundaries is a complex phenomenon and induces pathological consequences in cardiac tissue. In this article, a geometrical con¯guration is considered so that cardiac waves propagate through a thin strand, which is connected to a large mass of cells. At this interface, waves can slow down or even be blocked depending on the width of the strand. We present an analytical approach leading to determine the blockade condition, by introducing planar travelling wavefront and circular stationary wave. Eventually, the in°uence of the tissue geometry is examined on the impulse propagation velocity.

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Automatic defect localization in VLSI circuits: A fusion approach based on the Dempster-Shafer theory

Defect localization in Very Large Integration Cir-cuits (VLSI) requires to use multi-sensor information such aselectrical waveforms, emission microscopy images and frequencymapping in order to detect, localize and identify the failure. Eachsensor provides a specific kind of feature modeling the evidence.Thus, the defect localization in VLSI can be summarized asa problem of data fusion with heterogeneous and impreciseinformation. This study illustrates how to reproduce the humandecision for modeling and fusing the different multi-sensorfeatures by using the Demspter-Shafer theory. We propose notonly an automatic decision rule for mass functions computingbut also confidence intervals to quantif…

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Quantitatively characterizing drug-induced arrhythmic contractile motions of human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.

Quantification of abnormal contractile motions of cardiac tissue has been a noteworthy challenge and significant limitation in assessing and classifying the drug-induced arrhythmias (i.e. Torsades de pointes). To overcome these challenges, researchers have taken advantage of computational image processing tools to measure contractile motion from cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs). However, the amplitude and frequency analysis of contractile motion waveforms doesn't produce sufficient information to objectively classify the degree of variations between two or more sets of cardiac contractile motions. In this paper, we generated contractile motion dat…

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New statistical post processing approach for precise fault and defect localization in TRI database acquired on complex VLSI

International audience; Timing issue, missing or extra state transitions or unusual consumption can be detected and localized by Time Resolved Imaging (TRI) database analysis. Although, long test pattern can challenge this process. The number of photons to process rapidly increases and the acquisition time to have a good signal over noise ratio (SNR) can be prohibitive. As a result, the tracking of the defect emission signature inside a huge database can be quite complicated. In this paper, a method based on data mining techniques is suggested to help the TRI end user to have a good idea about where to start a deeper analysis of the integrated circuit, even with such complex databases.

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Predictive Chaos Control for the 1D-map of Action Potential Duration

International audience; In the present work, a nonlinear control method namely predictive controlis investigated. The proposed method allows stabilizing unstable period-1 rhythm.Using mathematical analysis and computer simulations, we show that this methodcan be used to control chaotic behavior or pathological rhythms. As example, theresults are illustrated in the case of the 1D-map action potential duration (APDi+1)which modelizes the cardiac action potential duration as the function of the previousone (APDi).

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Relationship between complex fractionated atrial electrogram patterns and different heart substrate configurations

International audience; Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrograms (CFAE) were identified as being symptomatic of reentrant activities. Signals recorded by an intracardiac catheter give an imprecise vision of the underlying phenomena that occur in the proarrhythmic substrate. In this study, phenomenological and ionic numerical models were used to simulate a small piece of the atrium substrate. The catheter measurement is also simulated numerically to take into account electrode particularities. Modifications were applied on the numerical substrate. Then stimulation scenarios were generated in the numerical substrate such as planar waves, stable or breaking spirals. Comparison between simulate…

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Pattern image enhancement by extended depth of field

International audience

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Cluster matching in time resolved imaging for VLSI analysis

International audience; If scaling has the benefit of enabling manufacturers to design tomorrow's integrated circuits, from the failure analyst point of view it also has the drawback of making devices more complex. The test sequence for modern VLSI can be quite long, with thousands of vector. Dynamic photon emission databases can contain millions of photons representing thousands of state changes in the region of interest. Finding a candidate location where to perform physical analysis is quite challenging, especially if the fault occurs on a single vector. In this paper, we suggest a new methodology to find single vector fault in dynamic photon emission database. The process is applied at …

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Cardiac arrhythmia induced by hypothermia in a cardiac model in vitro

nouvelle version avec l'article complet; International audience; The neurological damage after cardiac arrest (CA) constitutes a big challenge of hospital discharge since years. The therapeutic hypothermia therapy (34°C-32°C) has shown its benefit to reduce cerebral oxygen demand and improve neurological outcomes after the cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that induced hypothermia after CA has been shown to increase the hospital survival rate, it can have many adverse effects, among which the cardiac arrhythmia generation represents an important part (up to 34%, according different clinical studies). Compared to studies in vivo, cardiac culture in vitro provides a better spatial resolution a…

research product


International audience; An approximate analytical solution characterizing initial condi- tions leading to action potential ¯ring in smooth nerve ¯bres is determined, using the bistable equation. In the ¯rst place, we present a non-trivial sta- tionary solution wave. Then, we extract the main features of this solution to obtain a frontier condition between the initiation of the travelling waves and a decay to the resting state. This frontier corresponds to a separatrix in the projected dynamics diagram depending on the width and the amplitude of the stationary wave.

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Analysis of an Experimental Model of In Vitro Cardiac Tissue Using Phase Space Reconstruction

International audience; The in vitro cultures of cardiac cells represent valuable models to study the mechanism of the arrhythmias at the cellular level. But the dynamics of these experimental models cannot be characterized precisely, as they include a lot of parameters that depend on experimental conditions. This paper is devoted to the investigation of the dynamics of an in vitro model using a phase space reconstruction. Our model, based on the heart cells of new born rats, generates electrical field potentials acquired using a microelectrode technology, which are analyzed in normal and under external stimulation conditions. Phase space reconstructions of electrical field potential signal…

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Cardiac arrhythmias induced by an electrical stimulation at a cellular level

To provide insights into the impulse propagation between cardiac myocytes, we performed studies of excitation spread with cellular resolution in confluent monolayers of cultured cardiomyocytes (CM). Multisite field potentials have been recorded using microelectrode arrays (MEA) technology in a basal condition and in proarrhythmic conditions induced by a high frequency electrical stimulation. The in vitro observation of spiral waves opens a new way to test the anti-arrhythmic drugs or strategies at cellular level.

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Parameters analysis of FitzHugh-Nagumo model for a reliable simulation

International audience; Derived from the pioneer ionic Hodgkin-Huxley model and due to its simplicity and richness from a point view of nonlinear dynamics, the FitzHugh-Nagumo model has been one of the most successful neuron / cardiac cell model. It exists many variations of the original FHN model. Though these FHN type models help to enrich the dynamics of the FHN model. The parameters used in these models are often in biased conditions. The related results would be questionable. So, in this study, the aim is to find the parameter thresholds for one of the commonly used FHN model in order to pride a better simulation environment. The results showed at first that inappropriate time step and…

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Comparison of complex fractionated atrial electrograms at cellular scale using numerical and experimental models.

This study investigates the existence of the pseudo complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) at cellular level. Our assumptions are based on the fact that CFAEs are linked to the generation of the spiral waves. These are created using a numerical model and an experimental model of in vitro culture of neonatal rats cardiac cells. Pseudo bipolar electrograms resulting from these two models are compared qualitatively and some patterns could be identified as CFAE signature.

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Pattern image enhancement by extended depth of field

Abstract Most optical defect localization techniques such as dynamic laser stimulation or photon emission microscopy require a pattern image of the device to be taken. The main purpose is for device navigation, but it also enables the analyst to identify the location of the monitored activity by superimposing it onto the pattern image. The defect localization workflow usually starts at low or medium magnification. At these scales, several factors can lead to a lack of orthogonality of the sample with the optical axis of the system. Therefore, images can be locally out of focus and poorly resolved. In this paper, a method based on Depth of Field Extension is suggested to correct the pattern …

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Control of the One Dimensional Map Dynamics of the Cardiac Action Potential Duration

International audience; The aim of this work is to investigate the control of the chaos in the one dimensional map which modelizes the duration of the current cardiac action potential (APD) as a function of the previous one. Using OGY control method, we obtain very satisfactory numerical results to stabilize the irregular heart rhythm into the normal rhythm.

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<title>Reaction-diffusion electrical network for image processing</title>

We consider an experimental setup, modelling the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation without recovery term and composed of a 1D nonlinear electrical network made up of discrete bistable cells, resistively coupled. In the first place, we study the propagation of topological fronts in the continuum limit, then in more discrete case. We propose to apply these results to the domain of signal processing. We show that erosion and dilation of a binary signal, can be obtained. Finally, we extend the study to 2D lattices and show that it can be of great interest in image processing techniques.© (2006) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted fo…

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Unsupervised image processing scheme for transistor photon emission analysis in order to identify defect location

International audience; The study of the light emitted by transistors in a highly scaled complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit (IC) has become a key method with which to analyze faulty devices, track the failure root cause, and have candidate locations for where to start the physical analysis. The localization of defective areas in IC corresponds to a reliability check and gives information to the designer to improve the IC design. The scaling of CMOS leads to an increase in the number of active nodes inside the acquisition area. There are also more differences between the spot’s intensities. In order to improve the identification of all of the photon emission sp…

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Modélisation, Analyse et Traitement de l'Information

Mes activités de recherche s’articulent, d’une part, autour de l’instrumentation et du génie biomédical,et, d’autre part, autour du traitement et de la transmission non linéaire de l’information. Elles sebasent sur la modélisation des signaux à partir de modèles non linéaires (principalement modèles deréaction-diffusion. . . ) continus (EDP) et discrets (numériques). Dans cette partie, d’un point de vuefondamental, des phénomènes dynamiques complexes ou chaotiques sont caractérisés à travers l’analyse,la classification, la reconnaissance des motifs dans des signaux physiologiques ou issus des circuitsélectroniques. Un autre axe sur lequel je travaille concerne l’analyse et le traitement des…

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Détection d'Anomalie dans les Signaux Physiologiques

International audience; Les signaux physiologiques sont des séries temporelles riches en informations. Analyser ces signaux pour extraire ces informations, pour établir un diagnostic ou encore pour prédire une évolution, nécessite des outils performants et adaptés à leurs caractéristiques intrinsèques. En effet le comportement d'un système biologique dépend des variations de très nombreux paramètres, ce qui le rend alors presque imprévisible. Les méthodes issues de la théorie du chaos et de la dynamique non linéaire apportent des éléments qui permettent de comprendre ce type de comportements, et d'établir ainsi un lien qualitatif avec des modèles mathématiques bio-inspirés ou phénoménologiq…

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Phase Space Reconstruction of an Experimental Cardiac Electrical Signal

International audience; Cardiac arrhythmias are very common pathologies which can be treated either by medications, invasive ablation procedures or device implantations. In order to improve theses treatments, clinical and experimental models are used to test new drugs. In this context, in vitro cultures of cardiac cells represent valuable models to study the mechanism of the arrhythmias at the cellular level. In this paper, we investigate the stability and robustness of an experimental model in normal and under external stimulation conditions. Phase space reconstructions of attractors in normal and arrhythmic cases are performed after characterizing the nonlinearity of the model, computing …

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Active spike transmission in the neuron model with a winding threshold manifold

International audience; We analyze spiking responses of excitable neuron model with a winding threshold manifold on a pulse stimulation. The model is stimulated with external pulse stimuli and can generate nonlinear integrate-and-fire and resonant responses typical for excitable neuronal cells (all-or-none). In addition we show that for certain parameter range there is a possibility to trigger a spiking sequence with a finite number of spikes (a spiking message) in the response on a short stimulus pulse. So active transformation of N incoming pulses to M (with M>N) outgoing spikes is possible. At the level of single neuron computations such property can provide an active "spike source" comp…

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International audience; An analytical solution characterizing initial conditions leading to action potential firing in smooth nerve fibers is determined, using the bistable equation. In the first place, we present a nontrivial stationary solution wave, then, using the perturbative method, we analyze the stability of this stationary wave. We show that it corresponds to a frontier between the initiation of the travelling waves and a decay to the resting state. Eventually, this analytical approach is extended to FitzHugh-Nagumo model.

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Analyse de la dynamique de la durée du potentiel d'action cardiaque à travers un modèle itératif

International audience; Le présent travail a pour but de caractériser, par une étude mathématique rigoureuse la dynamique du modèle itératif de la durée du potentiel d'action. L'étude de ce modèle, qui découle de celui de Beeler Reuter (BR), se caractérise par une dynamique matérialisée par une courbe de restitution et qui peut servir d'outil pertinent dans l'analyse et le diagnostic d'arythmie. Par ailleurs l'analyse de la stabilité du modèle permet de définir les zones d'existence de différents rythmes cardiaques.

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Active spike responses of analog electrical neuron: Theory and experiments

Using an analog electrical FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron including complex threshold excitation (CTE) properties, we analyze its spiking responses under pulse stimulation corresponding to oscillating threshold manifold. The system is subjected to outside pulse stimulus and can generate nonlinear integrate-and-flre and resonant responses which are typical for excitable neuronal cells ("all-or-none"). The answer of the neuron strongly depends on the number and the characteristics of incoming impulses (amplitude, width, strength and frequency). For certain parameters range, there is a possibility to trigger a spiking sequence with a finite number of spikes in response of a single short stimulus pulse…

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