Claire Sulmont-rossé
Innovation in Traditional Food Products
International audience; Innovation is widely accepted as one of the keys to being successful. However, companies can innovate and still fail if markets fail to accept the innovation. In most cases, the acceptance of an innovation depends on the innovation itself and also on the product to which it is applied. In this chapter acceptance of different innovations in traditional food products is investigated, thus focusing on the definition of the "traditional" and "innovation" concepts from the consumer's perspective. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are combined to better understand and predict the possibilities of success when applying different generic and specific innovations in tra…
Impact of food fortification on nutritional outcomes and satisfaction in the older people: A systematic literature review protocol
Malnutrition, a recognized pathology in the older adults, corresponds to an imbalance of nutritional intake compared to the body's needs. To treat this disease, several alternatives can be used, among which there is food fortification. Food-based fortification (also known as dietary enrichment) corresponds to the addition of conventional foods or high calorie and/or nutrients ingredients in the person's meals and dishes. It is a strategy used to treat moderate and severe malnutrition but can be employed as prevention. In this context, the purpose of the present study was to conduct a systematic review of all studies related to the nutritional and satisfaction issue of fortified foods dedica…
En EHPAD, repérer les petits mangeurs et adapter leur alimentation : quel coût, quel bénéfice ?
National audience; Des pesées alimentaires ont montré qu'une large majorité de personnes âgées vivant en EHPAD (Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personne Âgée Dépendante) ne mange pas suffisamment pour couvrir ses besoins nutritionnels. Il s'ensuit un coût pour les personnes elles-mêmes (augmentation du risque nutritionnel), ainsi qu'un coût pour l'environnement (gaspillage alimentaire). Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de RENESSENS était de proposer aux résidents d'EHPAD une offre alimentaire adaptée à leurs capacités d'ingestion afin de couvrir leurs besoins nutritionnels. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une étude clinique de 6 mois dans deux maisons de retraite, l'une contrôle (n=43) et l'autr…
Mesurer le goût. Quand la mémoire s'en mêle
; Dans le domaine alimentaire, le goût est un critère très important de satisfaction ou d’insatisfaction des consommateurs. Il est donc essentiel de le maîtriser, ce qui implique de pouvoir le mesurer.
Le portage de repas est-il un levier pour prévenir la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées à domicile ? Résultats d'une étude clinique de 4 mois
National audience
Smelling in the old age
Several authors argued that ageing is accompanied by an impairment of olfactory abilities, i.e., the ability to perceive an odour or a taste. However, beyond this overall effect of age on chemosensory abilities, ageing is accompanied by variability in olfactory performance: the decline of odour perception with age is not uniform across odorants neither across elderly individuals. Decline in odour perception may not be inevitable to the aging individual and that factors secondary to aging, such as poor health status or cognitive decline, may contribute to deficits in odour detectability beyond the age effect per se.
Optimiser l'offre alimentaire à destination des personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie à domicile
Culture and odor categorization : agreement between cultures depends upon the odors
This study evaluated the effect of culture on the relationship between psychological dimensions underlying odor perception and odor categorization. In a first experiment, French, Vietnamese and American participants rated several perceptual dimensions of everyday odorants, and sorted these odorants on the basis of their similarity. Results showed that the three groups of participants differed in their perceptual judgments but agreed in categorizing the odors into four consensual groups (floral, sweet, bad, and nature). Three dimensions––pleasantness, edibility, cosmetic acceptability––discriminated these groups in the same way in the three countries. In a second experiment, the participants…
Troubles du goût et de l'odorat chez les seniors
The effectiveness of personalized design to feed elderly people
Beyond the physiological age, the elderly population is characterized by a high heterogeneity in terms of physical, psychological and sociological status (Maître et al, 2015). Regarding eating behavior, several studies have highlighted a large inter-individual variability in chemosensory abilities (i.e. the ability to perceive an odor or a taste; Sulmont-Rossé et al, 2015) and oral-heath status (i.e. dental status, salivary flow; ALIMASSENS project), as well as inter-individual variability in food preference and food intake (AUPALESENS project). However, the food offer dedicated to the elderly population, and in particular to elderly people who needs help to obtain and/or prepare food for t…
Food memory, properties and age impact
International audience
Des projets de recherche pour ré-enchanter l'acte alimentaire
Revue; Des projets de recherche pour ré-enchanter l'acte alimentaire
Sensory changes with age and impact on appetite and food intake
International audience
Alliesthesia is greater for odors of fatty foods than of non-fat foods
International audience; Alliesthesia is the modulation of the rewarding value of a stimulus according to the internal state (hungry or satiated). This study aimed to evaluate this phenomenon as a function of the nature of the stimulus (odors evoking edible and non-edible items, and the food odors evoking fatty and non-fat foods) and to compare the effectiveness of two reward evaluations (measures of pleasantness and appetence) to reveal alliesthesia. The results showed that both fatty and non-fat food odors were judged as less pleasant and less appetent when the subjects were satiated than when they were hungry, whereas no such difference was observed for non-food odors. There was a greater…
Plaisir et alimentation chez la personne âgée
National audience
L'alimentation au grand âge : les normes, habitudes et préférences en évolution. 3 questions à Claire Sulmont-Rossé
National audience
Sex-Specific Sociodemographic Correlates of Dietary Patterns in a Large Sample of French Elderly Individuals
International audience; This cross-sectional analysis provides up-to-date information about dietary patterns (DP) and their sociodemographic correlates in European elderly individuals. We studied 6686 enrollees aged 65+ (55% women) in the ongoing French population-based NutriNet-Sante e-cohort. Diet was assessed via three 24 h records. The sex-specific correlates of factor analysis derived DP were identified with multivariable linear regression. Using 22 pre-defined food groups, three DP were extracted. The "healthy" DP (fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish) was positively associated with education, living alone, and being a former smoker (women), and negatively associated with being overw…
Food pickiness in the elderly: Relationship with dependency and malnutrition
Special Issue: 5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Eurosense) 2012 "A sense of inspiration"; International audience; Among factors contributing to malnutrition in the elderly, the present study aimed at assessing the impact of food selectivity (also referred as food "pickiness") on the nutritional status of the elderly. A survey with 559 French people over 65 years old was conducted to collect data on food selectivity, dependency and nutritional status. Food selectivity was assessed by asking respondents to tick each food they dislike among a list of familiar foods. Since some foods could be ticked as disliked because elderly people experience physical difficulties in …
Révéler la capacité à agir des acteurs de la restauration collective
Dis grand-mère, est-ce que tu as des belles dents ?
Using food comfortability to compare food's sensory characteristics expectations of elderly people with or without oral health problems
International audience; Food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments. Those impairments may impact food perception by changing texture perception and the release of flavor components, which have a significant impact on food acceptability. The present study aimed at evaluating the impact of oral health on the perception of food comfortability in an elderly population. This was achieved by asking elderly people with a good oral health and elderly people with poor oral health to rate six cereal products and six meat products using a food comfortability q…
Plaisir alimentaire : du souvenir à la consommation
National audience
Priming effects of an olfactory food cue on subsequent food-related behaviour
International audience; Studies in cognitive psychology have highlighted a link between perception and action, by revealing the non-conscious influence that a cue can have on thinking and doing. The present study aimed at exploring whether an olfactory food cue could have an impact on food choices. We chose fruity odours as olfactory food cues, in order to examine if this kind of olfactory cue could lead individuals to choose fruit and vegetables. In the first experiment, 58 participants were assigned randomly to either a control or a melon-scent condition. In the melon-scent condition, they were unobtrusively exposed to a melon odorant in a waiting room, while in the control condition the …
Le petit appétit du grand âge
National audience
A study on texture-taste-aroma interactions: physico-chemical and cognitive mechanisms
International audience; Texture–taste, texture–aroma and aroma–taste interactions were examined in custard desserts varying in viscosity (at identical composition), sucrose level and aroma nature. All reciprocal interactions were investigated, with each binary interaction addressed through an independent sensory study. Rheological, in vivo aroma release and sucrose release measurements were run in parallel to control for a possible physico-chemical origin of these interactions. Observed interactions were found to be dependent upon the nature of the sensory modalities involved; physico-chemical mechanisms could only in some instances entirely explain these interactions. Taste and aroma did n…
Home-Delivered Meals: Characterization of Food Intake in Elderly Beneficiaries
Objective. In this study, we focus on elderly people (≥70 years old) benefiting from a home delivery meal service as part of a social welfare program. We aimed to: (i) assess the gap between the recommended and actual nutritional intake in this population and (ii) study the relationship between the intake of nutrients and the variables characterizing the participants’ health and nutritional status. Design. A dietary survey (24-hour record) was conducted during a home interview, with 64 people receiving a home delivery meal service (75% women
DIY Protein Fortification: What foods are suitable for UK older adults to fortify at home? The recipe for success
Aroma cross-modal interactions with texture and taste in dairy products
Comment répondre aux besoins des seniors : travaux de recherche et initiatives
National audience
Impact d'une odeur non consciemment perçue sur des choix alimentaires
Présentation orale (résumé de 2 p.); Bien qu'il ait été longtemps considéré que nous étions pleinement conscients des motivations guidant nos comportements, les recherches actuelles en psychologie et en économie suggèrent qu'en matière de choix, nous ne sommes pas les êtres rationnels que nous pensons être (Dijksterhuis et al., 2006; Kahneman & Tversky, 2000). Les choix correspondent en fait à des processus complexes d'intégration, qui ne sont pas seulement rationnels, mais surtout basés sur des sentiments, des émotions et des souvenirs (Loewenstein et al., 2001). En outre, il est maintenant bien établi en psychologie qu'une part significative des comportements et choix sont influencés par …
Goût et plaisir alimentaire chez la personne âgée : des idées reçues à la réalité scientifique
National audience
Influence des représentations cognitives implicites sur les intentions de comportement
National audience
Development of innovative food-based fortification solutions to sustain health in older people using a co-creation approach
Eating well to age well new culinary ideas to help our seniors!
Quelle information accompagne la distribution des Compléments Nutritionnels Oraux (CNO) à l’hôpital : un état des lieux
Introduction et but de l’etude Bien que l’efficacite des Complements Nutritionnels Oraux (CNO) ait ete prouvee dans de nombreuses situations cliniques, leur utilisation en milieu hospitalier se heurte a des problematiques de prescription, de distribution et d’observance. L’objectif de l’etude etait de faire un etat des lieux des informations donnees par le personnel soignant aux patients lors de la distribution des CNO et d’etudier les representations des patients vis-a-vis de ces produits. Materiel et methodes Au cours d’une premiere phase, un observateur neutre a suivi les equipes de service et consigne tous les echanges verbaux entre soignant et patient lors de la distribution des CNO. A…
Characteristics of memory for foods: Consequences for sensory and consumer science
International audience
Comment notre mémoire des aliments influence-elle nos attentes ? Le rôle de l’apprentissage
National audience
Colloque "Aupalesens" : le 26 novembre 2013 à Dijon
En partenariat avec Vitagora, le CHU-Dijon et l'ESA-Angers, le CSGA (Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation) organise ce colloque de restitution du programme de recherche Aupalesens : Quels leviers sensoriels pour prévenir et lutter contre la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées ? Le 26 novembre 2013 à Dijon.
Le confort en bouche, un nouveau concept pour mieux comprendre les attentes des consommateurs seniors
International audience; In humans, oral food intake is the ultimate stage of food supply chain and the beginning of food disintegration and digestion process. During aging, the oral health changes and sometimes eating food can be a real challenge as food can be hard to masticate, humidify or swallow. To meet this challenge, and as part of the AlimaSSenS project, a team of researchers from the Centre of taste and eating behaviour investigated the concept of “oral comfort” when eating a food in an elderly population. A group of 107 seniors aged 65 years and more participated in qualitative (focus group) and quantitative studies (tasting sessions) in order to explore the concept of oral comfor…
L'alimentation des seniors : bien manger pour bien vieillir
Engager les personnes âgées dans l’acte alimentaire : les pratiques du personnel en EHPAD
Resume Cet article propose de comprendre quelles sont les representations et pratiques des professionnels exercant en Etablissement d’hebergement pour personne âgee dependante (EHPAD) afin de mettre en place des actions qui engagent le resident dans l’acte alimentaire. La demarche d’engagement dans l’acte alimentaire n’est pas seulement souhaitee pour une satisfaction des besoins nutritionnels, mais aussi pour un benefice plus general, autour de la convivialite et du mieux-etre (mental et physique). Pour realiser cette etude, une enquete a ete menee aupres de 20 personnes travaillant en EHPAD. Ces entretiens semi-directifs ont donne lieu a une analyse par le prisme d’une matrice SWOT (Stren…
Which knowledge do consumers living far from production area have from PDO food products? A case study on French cheese and wine
International audience
Improving meal context in nursing homes. Impact of four strategies on food intake and meal pleasure
In France, in most nursing homes, the composition of menus, the time and the place at which meals are served, the choice of one's place at the table are imposed on residents. Yet, the act of eating cannot be restricted to nutritional and sensory aspects alone. It also includes a psycho-affective dimension, which relates to the context in which the meal is served. We tested the impact of four contextual factors, considered individually, on food intake and meal pleasure in elderly people living in nursing homes: the way the main course was named on the menu, the size and the variety of portions of vegetables served to residents, the presence or not of condiments in the middle of the table and…
Impact of dependance on the act of food: contributions of sociology
National audience
Vieillissement, adaptation alimentaire au grand âge et petit appétit : le petit mangeur âgé
Atteindre un âge canonique de 100 ans avec toutes les fonctions cognitives et physiques de l'âge adulte est le souhait de chacun. Pour autant, avec le vieillissement, l'héritage génétique, les conditions de vie durant la vie adulte et certains accidents de la vie peuvent faire basculer des personnes âgées plus rapidement que d'autres vers la dépendance, la dénutrition, la fragilité. Simone de Beauvoir écrivait « la sénescence n'est pas une pente que chacun descend à la même vitesse. C'est une volée de marches irrégulières que certains dégringolent plus vite que d'autres ». Le vieillissement a ses surprises et pour un même âge de 90 ans, alors que certains peuvent rivaliser avec les plus jeu…
Oral health and adherence to national dietary guidelines in France
International audience
Latest insight into factors that affect food perception in older adults
Revue; Latest insight into factors that affect food perception in older adults. Food Matters Live: Meeting the sensory capabilities of the older consumer
Different sensory aspects of a food are not remembered with equal acuity
International audience; In the present study, food memory for three sensory aspects involved in food perception, taste, texture and aroma, is compared. Participants received a lunch including a custard dessert (target) under incidental learning condition. One day later, participants were presented with samples identical to the target and with distractors varying either in sweetness, thickness or cherry aroma. Memory was assessed by an absolute recognition question (“Did you eat this sample yesterday?”) and by relative questions (“Is this sample less, equal or more sweet than the sample you ate yesterday?”). Results showed better memory performance for sweetness than for the two other sensor…
Dénutrition et alimentation des personnes âgées
Le portage de repas à domicile : processus d’installation et d’appropriation de ce service par les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie
Resume Introduction La survenue d’incapacites physiques ou cognitives peut conduire une personne âgee a deleguer certaines tâches de la vie courante a un aidant. Si la mise en place d’aides permet le maintien a domicile et est fortement plebiscitee par les seniors, la perte d’autonomie constitue neanmoins un element de rupture dans sa vie d’une personne. Objectif Notre objectif etait d’explorer les processus d’installation d’un service de livraison de repas a domicile et les mecanismes d’appropriation de ce service par les beneficiaires. Methode Des entretiens semi-directifs ont ete realises aupres de 30 beneficiaires d’un service de livraison de repas (21 femmes ; 70–97 ans). Resultat L’an…
Providing choice and/or variety during a meal: Impact on vegetable liking and intake
Food choice is defined as providing the opportunity for an individual to select the food he or she wants to consume while food variety is defined as providing an individual with foods that differ on at least one sensory characteristic. Literature shows that providing food choice or providing food variety may increase meal enjoyment and food intake. However, these two factors have been mainly investigated separately, while they may actually co-occur in real-life settings. In fact, in many out-of-home catering situations, individuals have the possibility to choose as many dishes as they desire from among different proposals for their meal. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact…
Adapter un portage de repas à l'appétit et à l'état nutritionnel de personnes âgées dépendantes : une étude clinique de 4 mois
Avec l'âge, la capacité des personnes âgées à réaliser les tâches du quotidien, notamment celles reliées à l'alimentation (courses, préparation des repas), peut être altérée. En France, face à cette situation, de plus en plus de personnes âgées font appel à des services de livraison de repas à domicile. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de caractériser le statut nutritionnel des personnes âgée, faisant appel à ce type de service et de mesurer l'impact d'une intervention nutritionnelle adaptée, en personnalisant leur livraison de repas à leurs besoins. 64 personnes âgées, bénéficiant d'une livraison de repas à domicile ont été recrutés et répartis au hasard dans un groupe expérimental (n=32 …
Appropriateness and valuation of traditional cheeses exposed to different innovations – a study in France and Norway
International audience
Food memory and its relation with age and liking: An incidental learning experiment with children, young and elderly people
International audience; The present study compared incidental learning and food memory in children, young adults and elderly people for three sensory modalities (taste, texture and aroma). The relation of gender and liker-status (i.e. how much we like a product) with food memory was also investigated. Participants received a complete meal including a custard dessert used as target under incidental learning conditions. 24 h later, participants were confronted with a series of samples consisting of the target and slightly modified versions of the target (distractors) and were unexpectedly asked to perform an ‘‘absolute memory’’ (‘‘Did you eat this sample yesterday?’’) and a ‘‘relative memory’…
Sensory testing in new product development: Working with older people
Very few studies today validate the use of various sensory tools among elderly subjects, although the population is ageing rapidly. This chapter deals with applied sensory assessment in the food sector. It first presents heterogeneity factors in this population: physical and psychological health and dependency, decrease of chemosensory capacities, changes in oral-motor skills and modifications of cognitive abilities. Then, a study aiming at comparing the capacity of young and more or less dependent elderly subjects to use a discrete scale (discriminatory power and repeatability) in a monadic sequential presentation is described. Finally, recommendations are given about the cases where a pan…
Guide Grand âge & petit appétit
Déterminisme des choix alimentaires de la personne âgée
Communication à destination du monde socio-professionnel.; « Bien manger » est un facteur clef pour permettre de « bien vieillir » - c’est-à-dire de rester actif, autonome et en bonne santé au cours de l’avancée en âge. Cependant, malgré l’existence de recommandations spécifiant les besoins nutritionnels des personnes âgées (WHO, 2002), de nombreuses études ont montré une prise calorique et nutritionnelle insuffisante au sein de la population âgée européenne (Roman-Vinas et al, 2011; Madej et al, 2013; Mensink et al, 2013).[br/][br/]IMPACT DU VIEILLISSEMENT SUR LE COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE DU SUJET ÂGÉ[br/]Le processus de vieillissement, même lorsqu’il se déroule normalement, est associé à d…
Mesurer la capacité de patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer à détecter les odeurs
National audience
Amélioration des repas et variété : Quel impact sur la prise alimentaire et le plaisir des seniors dépendants ?
National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude: S’alimenter est un acte indispensable à la vie qui fait intervenir l’ensemble de nos fonctions sensorielles. Au-delà de ces fonctions, nous apprécions, aussi, davantage un repas lorsque le plat est à notre goût ou lorsqu’il est présenté avec soin et avec de la variété. Au cours de l’avancée en âge, pathologies et dépendance constituent des facteurs de dénutrition importants (HAS 2007) et augmentent le risque de placement en institution. En collectivité, le libre choix disparait ce qui peut réduire sensiblement le plaisir des repas. L’objectif du travail était d’identifier des leviers pour lutter contre la problématique nutritionnelle du suj…
Les déterminants d'un apport protéique faible chez les personnes âgées
National audience
Âge et perception chimiosensorielle : quel impact sur les préférences alimentaires ?
National audience
Impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on subsequent food choices
International audience; Current research in psychology suggests that unconscious processes influence a significant proportion of choices and decisions. To study the impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on food choices, we used a priming paradigm. We had previously shown that non-attentively perceived fruity odours could impact food choice intentions (on a menu card), guiding participants toward items containing more fruit and/or vegetables. The present study was designed to extend these findings, in a real-life consumption setting. One hundred and fifteen participants took part in this study, and were assigned randomly to either a control or a scented condition. On arrival in the lab…
L'alimentation de la personne âgée : attention aux idées reçues !
Participation à une manifestation grand public dans le cadre des projets Aupalesens, Renessens et AlimaSSenS.; L'alimentation de la personne âgée : attention aux idées reçues !. Le salon des Seniors "Bien vieillir en Côte d'Or"
Je mange donc je suis... Mais de quoi je me souviens ?
National audience
La nutrition des personnes âgées : l'affaire de tous !
National audience
Plaisir du goût
Evidence for different patterns of chemosensory alterations in the elderly population: impact of age versus dependency
The present experiment aimed to explore the interindividual variability in chemosensory abilities among the elderly population. The chemosensory abilities of 559 subjects, aged from 65 to 99 years, were evaluated. Various categories of the elderly, including people who were living at home either without or with assistance, and people who were living in a nursing home, were interviewed. The results revealed that 43% of the sample presented well-preserved chemosensory abilities, whereas 21% of the participants presented a moderate impairment. Of the sample, 33% presented well-preserved olfactory abilities but strong impairment in gustatory abilities and 3% were nearly anosmic but remained abl…
Are odors efficient primes to induce relevant food choices?
International audience; Studies in cognitive psychology have revealed the non-conscious influences that a cue can have on thinking and doing. Our study explored the impact of an olfactory food cue on food choices. Two fruity odors were chosen as olfactory food cues to examine the impact on consumers’ food choices. In Experiment 1, 58 participants were randomly assigned to either a control or a melon-scent condition. In the latter, they were exposed unobtrusively to a melon odorant in a waiting room, while in the control condition the room was non-odorized. Following this, all participants performed a lexical decision task and a task involving choice from a menu in a dedicated test room. The…
L'alimentation, source de plaisir et de partage
Quelle mémoire avons-nous de nos expériences sensorielles ?
Acceptance of health innovation in their food in French older consumers
La personne âgée en portage de repas : quel statut nutritionnel ?
Reducing salt content in dry cured ham: Are expected and sensory likings of french consumers congruent?
International audience
Impacts of a non-consciously perceived food odour on subsequent food-related behaviour
International audience
Differential activation of neural networks in an odor recognition task: an event-related fMRI study
Differential activation of neural networks in an odor recognition task: an event-related fMRI study. 32. Annual meeting (AChemS)
Âge, perception chimiosensorielle et préférences alimentaires
Revue non indexée dans le JCR.; National audience; Le vieillissement s’accompagne d’un déclin des sensibilités olfactives et gustatives (sensibilités chimiosensorielles). Or, lorsque nous mangeons, la saveur et l’odeur d’un aliment contribuent largement au plaisir associé à son ingestion. Plusieurs auteurs ont fait l’hypothèse que le déclin des capacités chimiosensorielles observé chez les seniors conduirait à des modifications des préférences alimentaires, celles-ci entraînant à leur tour des changements de l’appétit et de la prise alimentaire. Effectivement, lorsque les préférences sont mesurées à un instant t, les seniors tendent à préférer des aliments ayant une flaveur plus intense. C…
Using food comfortability to compare food's sensory characteristics expectations of elderly people with or without oral health problems
Food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments. Those impairments may impact food perception by changing texture perception and the release of flavor components, which have a significant impact on food acceptability. The present study aimed at evaluating the impact of oral health on the perception of food comfortability in an elderly population. This was achieved by asking elderly people with a good oral health and elderly people with poor oral health to rate six cereal products and six meat products using a food comfortability questionnaire. Thirty-sev…
De l'indépendance à la dépendance, que se passe-t-il lors du vieillissement ?
Revue; De l'indépendance à la dépendance, que se passe-t-il lors du vieillissement ?
Le petit mangeur âgé
National audience
Influence of substrate oxidation on the reward system, no role of dietary fibre.
International audience; It has been suggested that a high intake of dietary fibre helps regulate energy intake and satiety. The present study aimed to examine whether dietary fibre influenced the liking and wanting components of the food reward system, the metabolic state or subsequent intake. Five sessions involving 32 normal-weight subjects (16 men and 16 women, 30.6 ± 7.6 year) were held. The sessions differed in the composition of the bread eaten during breakfasts (dietary fibre content varied from 2.4 to 12.8 g/100 g). Several factors such as the palatability, weight, volume, energy content and macronutrient composition of the breakfasts were adjusted. Energy expenditure, the respirato…
Vieillissement : les risques d'une mauvaise santé bucco-dentaire
Comment lutter contre la perte de goût en gériatrie ?
International audience
Goût et préférences du consommateur âgé
Revue; Goût et préférences du consommateur âgé. Sixième journée mondiale de la déglutition :
Impact of a non-consciously perceived odour on subsequent food choices
Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; Although people were initially considered as entirely conscious of the motivations driving their behaviour and choices, current research in psychology suggests that a significant part of choices and decision-making is influenced by unconscious processes (Bargh, & Chartrand, 1999; Dijksterhuis et al., 2005). To study the unconscious processes involved in food choice, we used the priming paradigm. In a first experiment, we showed that non-consciously perceived fruity odours impacted intentions of food choices (on a menu card), guiding participants toward more fruit and/or vegetable (Gaillet et al., under review). The pres…
Quand les odeurs influencent les choix alimentaires : impact d'un amorçage olfactif
National audience; Introduction. Bien souvent, nous pensons que nos comportements sont influencés par des stimuli perçus de. façon consciente. Cependant, en psychologie c. ognitive, il est clairement établi que la. perception d’un stimulus peut. influencer le comportement. de manière indirecte et non. consciente, en passant par l’ac. tivation de concepts de haut. niveau. Ces activations peuvent. être explorées en utilisant un paradigme expérime. ntal appelé « amorçage ». Il est basé sur la. présentation préalable d'un stim. ulus (visuel, auditif, olfac. tif, ...) qui va modifier les. traitements cognitifs ultérieu. rs. Les effets d’amorçage ont. été largement étudiés avec des. stimuli visue…
Techniques culinaires et confort en bouche chez la personne âgée
Culinary processes and food comfortability in an older population Aging is often accompanied by oral impairments, including the loss of teeth and a decline in saliva flow. These changes can lead older people to avoid the consumption of foods that are difficult to chew such as meat. This may consequently increase the risk of sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass, strength and performance) as well as the risk of protein-energy undernutrition in this population. In order to compensate the decline in oral health observed in older individual and to maintain meat consumption, we assessed the impact of four culinary processes (cooking bag, tenderizer, marinade and low-temperature cooking) on the percept…
Co-creation of food solutions to sustain health and autonomy in older adults
Evolution des préférences et des répertoires alimentaires avec l'âge
National audience
Co-creation of food solution to improve nutritional status in older adults
Grand âge et petit appétit
National audience
Semantic, Typicality and Odor Representation: A Cross-cultural Study
This study investigated odor-category organization in three cultures by evaluating (i) the relationship between linguistic and perceptual categorization and (ii) the existence of an internal structure of odor categories. In the first experiment, three groups of 30 participants from American, French and Vietnamese cultures performed a sorting task. The first group sorted 40 odorants on the basis of odor similarity, the second group sorted 40 odor names on the basis of name similarity and the last group sorted 40 odor names on the basis of imagined odor similarity. Results showed that odor categorization was based on perceptual or conceptual similarity and was in part independent of word and …
Designing a food model to study the impact of food liking on food intake: characterization of isocaloric apple purees varying in texture
International audience
Improving food offer in order to prevent and tackle undernutrition
When a person shows a decline in appetite or loses weight, is essential to adapt his/her diet in order to fulfil the nutritionc needs and prevent undernutrition. Three axes must but considered and combined: enriching diet (increasing the content of essential nutrients in a meal without increasing! the volume to be ingested); adapting food texture to orc capacities (chewing, salivation, swallowing); optimizing food sensory characteristics by taking into account food habit and food preferences.
CIAG Bien vieillir : les vidéos sont en ligne
Le carrefour de l’innovation agronomique dédié à l’alimentation des séniors et du bien vieillir s'est tenu au Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation de Dijon le 27 novembre 2013. Les vidéos sont en ligne.
Le petit mangeur âgé : quand l'appétit fragilise le statut nutritionnel
National audience; Le vieillissement est associé à de nombreux changements physiologiques, sensoriels, psychologiques et sociologiques susceptibles d'avoir un impact délétère sur la prise alimentaire de la personne âgée. Dans le cadre de RENESSENS, 68 personnes âgées vivant en institution (66 à 100 ans ; 87,4±0.9 d'âge moyen ; 75% de femmes) ont été recrutées et suivies pendant 24 heures de façon à peser tous les aliments et toutes les boissons consommées. Les résultats ont montré que 83% des résidents ne satisfaisaient pas à leurs besoins caloriques et protidiques (43% présentaient un apport inférieur au 2/3 des apports conseillés), essentiellement à cause d'une consommation insuffisante d…
ALIMADENT : un projet de recherche participatif pour développer des recettes adaptées aux capacités bucco-dentaires des personnes âgées
Odor perception
Support de cours - *INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully, BP 86510, 21065 Dijon cedex Diffusion du document : INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully, BP 86510, 21065 Dijon cedex; International audience
Impact d’un amorçage olfactif sur la prise alimentaire auprès de patients Alzheimer
Dans le contexte d’une population vieillissante, la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées est devenue une préoccupation majeure de santé publique, en France comme dans la plupart des pays occidentaux (PNNS, 2011). La dénutrition correspond à un déficit des apports nutritionnels, en termes de calories et/ou de nutriments et micronutriments. Sans prise en charge, elle entraîne une diminution de la mobilité, un risque accru de chutes ou de fractures, une vulnérabilité vis-à-vis des maladies infectieuses et une aggravation des maladies chroniques. En parallèle des stratégies « nutritionnelles » (conseils nutritionnels, utilisation de compléments nutritionnels), l’objectif du programme AUPALESENS…
Le goût de la santé
National audience
Les préférences alimentaires
National audience
Monotonous consumption of fibre-enriched bread at breakfast increases satiety and influences subsequent food intake
Research report; International audience; This study aimed to observe the influence of the monotonous consumption of two types of fibre-enriched bread at breakfast on hedonic liking for the bread, subsequent hunger and energy intake. Two groups of unrestrained normal weight participants were given either white sandwich bread (WS) or multigrain sandwich bread (MG) at breakfast (the sensory properties of the WS were more similar to the usual bread eaten by the participants than those of the MG). In each group, two 15-day cross-over conditions were set up. During the experimental condition the usual breakfast of each participant was replaced by an isocaloric portion of plain bread (WS or MG). D…
Explorer le lien entre odorat et appétit, pour mieux lutter contre la dénutrition
The trigeminal system
Support de cours - *INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully, BP 86510, 21065 Dijon cedex Diffusion du document : INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully, BP 86510, 21065 Dijon cedex; International audience
The role of novelty detection in food memory
International audience; Memory plays a central role in food choice. Recent studies focusing on food memory in everyday eating and drinking behaviour used a paradigm based on incidental learning of target foods and unexpected memory testing, demanding recognition of the target among distractors, which deviate slightly from the target. Results question the traditional view of memory as reactivation of previous experiences. Comparison of data from several experiments shows that in incidentally learned memory, distractors are rejected, while original targets are not recognised better than by chance guessing. Food memory is tuned at detecting novelty and change, rather than at recognising a prev…
Poire ou fraise ? Influence implicite des odeurs sur notre comportement alimentaire
National audience
Development of innovative food-based fortification solutions to sustain health in older people using a co-creation approach
ENGAGE: Development of actions to (re)engage institutionalized older people in the meals
Eating in nursing home implies a redefinition of the meal, from the point of view of the nursing staff which are subjected to specific constraints connected to hygiene and nutritional frame, but also from the point of view of the residents who are subjected to the medicalization of food consumption, to the changes of practices and to the redefining of the commensality. In their survey carried out in nursing homes with in-house kitchen, the sociologist P. Cardon and the anthropologist E. Souternon observed that the institution’s kitchen was often perceived as a “black-box” by the residents.A first step of the project consisted in carrying out semi-directive interviews with older people livin…