X. Zhou
Measurement of the D→K−π+ strong phase difference in ψ(3770)→D0D¯0
Abstract We study D 0 D ¯ 0 pairs produced in e + e − collisions at s = 3.773 GeV using a data sample of 2.92 fb−1 collected with the BESIII detector. We measured the asymmetry A K π CP of the branching fractions of D → K − π + in CP-odd and CP-even eigenstates to be ( 12.7 ± 1.3 ± 0.7 ) × 10 − 2 . A K π CP can be used to extract the strong phase difference δ K π between the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed process D ¯ 0 → K − π + and the Cabibbo-favored process D 0 → K − π + . Using world-average values of external parameters, we obtain cos δ K π = 1.02 ± 0.11 ± 0.06 ± 0.01 . Here, the first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively, while the third uncertainty arises …
Measurements of the branching fractions of $\psi(3686)\rightarrow\bar{\Sigma}^{0}\Lambda+c.c.$ and $\chi_{cJ (J = 0,1,2)} \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$
Based on $4.481\times10^8$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, the branching fraction of the isospin violating decay $\psi(3686)\rightarrow\bar{\Sigma}^{0}\Lambda+c.c.$ is measured to be $(1.60 \pm 0.31 \pm 0.13~\pm~0.58) \times 10^{-6}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third is the uncertainty arising from interference with the continuum. This result is significantly smaller than the measurement based on CLEO-c data sets. The decays $\chi_{cJ} \rightarrow\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ are measured via $\psi(3686)\rightarrow\gamma\chi_{cJ}$, and the branching fractions are determined to be $\mathcal{B}\left(\chi_{c0}\rightar…
Measurement of the absolute branching fraction for Λc+→Λμ+νμ
Abstract We report the first measurement of the absolute branching fraction for Λ c + → Λ μ + ν μ . This measurement is based on a sample of e + e − annihilation data produced at a center-of-mass energy s = 4.6 GeV , collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage rings. The sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 567 pb − 1 . The branching fraction is determined to be B ( Λ c + → Λ μ + ν μ ) = ( 3.49 ± 0.46 ( stat ) ± 0.27 ( syst ) ) % . In addition, we calculate the ratio B ( Λ c + → Λ μ + ν μ ) / B ( Λ c + → Λ e + ν e ) to be 0.96 ± 0.16 ( stat ) ± 0.04 ( syst ) .
Cross section measurement of e+e−→pp¯η and e+e−→pp¯ω at center-of-mass energies between 3.773 GeV and 4.6 GeV
Study of the $e^+e^- \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\omega$ process at center-of-mass energies between 4.0 and 4.6 GeV
Using $15.6$ $\rm fb^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected at twenty-four center-of-mass energies from $4.0$ to $4.6$ GeV with the BESIII detector, the helicity amplitudes of the process $e^+e^-\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\omega$ are analyzed for the first time. Born cross section measurements of two-body intermediate resonance states with statistical significance greater than 5$\sigma$ are presented, such as $f_{0}(500)$, $f_{0}(980)$, $f_{2}(1270)$, $f_{0}(1370)$, $b_{1}(1235)^{\pm}$, and $\rho(1450)^{\pm}$. In addition, evidence of a resonance state in $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-\omega$ production is found. The mass of this state obtained by line shape fitting is about 4.2 GeV/$c^2$, which is consi…
Search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay J/ψ→eτ
A search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay J/ψ→e±τ∓ with τ∓→π∓π0ντ is performed with about 10×109 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII. No significant signal is observed, and an upper limit is set on the branching fraction B(J/ψ→e±τ∓)<7.5×10−8 at the 90% confidence level. This improves the previously published limit by two orders of magnitude.
Measurement of $\Lambda$ transverse polarization in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68-3.71$ GeV
With data samples collected with the BESIII detector at seven energy points at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68 - 3.71$ GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 333 pb$^{-1}$, we present a study of the $\Lambda$ transverse polarization in the $e^+e^-\to\Lambda\bar\Lambda$ reaction. The significance of polarization by combining the seven energy points is found to be 2.6$\sigma$ including the systematic uncertainty, which implies a non-zero phase between the transition amplitudes of the $\Lambda\bar\Lambda$ helicity states. The modulus ratio and the relative phase of EM-$psionic$ form factors combined with all energy points are measured to be $R^{\Psi} =$ 0.71$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $\pm$ 0.03 and $\Delta…
Measurement of the Branching Fraction for the Decay $\psi(3686) \rightarrow \phi K_{S}^{0} K_{S}^{0}$
Based on $(448.1 \pm 2.9 )\times 10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, the decay $\psi(3686)\rightarrow \phi K_{S}^{0} K_{S}^{0}$ is observed for the first time. Taking the interference between $\psi(3686)$ decay and continuum production into account, the branching fraction of this decay is measured to be $\mathcal{B}(\psi(3686)\rightarrow\phi K_S^0 K_S^0 )$ = $(3.53 $ $\pm$ $0.20$ $\pm$ $0.21$)$\times 10^{-5}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. Combining with the world average value for ${\mathcal B}(J/\psi\to \phi K^0_SK^0_S)$, the ratio $\mathcal{B}(\psi(3686)\rightarrow \phi K_{S}^{0} K_{S}^{…
Observation of an a 0 -like State with Mass of 1.817 GeV in the Study of D s + → K S 0 K + π 0 Decays
Measurement of the branching fraction for ψ(3686)→ωKS0KS0
Analyzing (448.1±2.9)×106 ψ(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the ψ(3686)→ωKS0KS0 decay is observed for the first time. The branching fraction for this decay is determined to be Bψ(3686)→ωKS0KS0=(7.04±0.39±0.36)×10−5, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.
Observation of e+e−→γX(3802) at BESIII
Precision measurement of the mass of the tau lepton
An energy scan near the $\tau$ pair production threshold has been performed using the BESIII detector. About $24$ pb$^{-1}$ of data, distributed over four scan points, was collected. This analysis is based on $\tau$ pair decays to $ee$, $e\mu$, $eh$, $\mu\mu$, $\mu h$, $hh$, $e\rho$, $\mu\rho$ and $\pi\rho$ final states, where $h$ denotes a charged $\pi$ or $K$. The mass of the $\tau$ lepton is measured from a maximum likelihood fit to the $\tau$ pair production cross section data to be $m_{\tau} = (1776.91\pm0.12 ^{+0.10}_{-0.13}$) MeV/$c^2$, which is currently the most precise value in a single measurement.
Observation of the decay $D^+_s\to \omega\pi^+\eta$
Using 7.33 fb$^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.128 and 4.226~GeV, we observe for the first time the decay $D^{\pm}_s\to \omega\pi^{\pm}\eta$ with a statistical significance of 7.6$\sigma$. The measured branching fraction of this decay is $(0.54\pm0.12\pm0.04)\%$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.
Search for invisible decays of the Λ baryon
Physical review / D 105(7), L071101 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.L071101
Observation of the $\psi(1^3D_2)$ state in $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\gamma\chi_{c1}$ at BESIII
We report the observation of the $X(3823)$ in the process $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-X(3823) \to \pi^+\pi^-\gamma\chi_{c1}$ with a statistical significance of $6.2\sigma$, in data samples at center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}=$4.230, 4.260, 4.360, 4.420 and 4.600~GeV collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII electron positron collider. The measured mass of the $X(3823)$ is $(3821.7\pm 1.3\pm 0.7)$~MeV/$c^2$, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic, and the width is less than $16$~MeV at the 90\% confidence level. The products of the Born cross sections for $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-X(3823)$ and the branching ratio $\mathcal{B}[X(3823)\to \gamma\chi_{c1,c2}]$ are also measu…
Updated measurement of the branching fraction of $D_s^+\to \tau^+\nu_\tau$ via $\tau^+\to\pi^+\bar{\nu}_\tau$
We report the updated study of $D_s^+\to \tau^+\nu$ via $\tau^+\to\pi^+\bar{\nu}_\tau$ with a boosted decision trees analysis, with $7.33$ fb$^{-1}$ of $e^{+}e^{-}$ collision data collected by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between $4.128$ and $4.226$~GeV. The branching fraction of $D_s^+\to \tau^+\nu_\tau$ is determined to be $(5.41\pm0.17_{\rm stat}\pm0.13_{\rm syst})\%$. The product of the $D_s^+$ decay constant $f_{D_s^+}$ and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{cs}|$ is $f_{D_s^+}|V_{cs}| = (247.6\pm3.9_{\rm stat}\pm3.2_{\rm syst}\pm1.0_{\rm input})~\mathrm{MeV}$. Combining with the $|V_{cs}|$ obtained from the global fit in the Standard Model and the $f_{…
Search for a massless dark photon in $\Lambda^{+}_{c}\to p \gamma^{\prime}$ decay
A search for a massless dark photon $\gamma^{\prime}$ is conducted using 4.5 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.600 and 4.699 $\mathrm{GeV}$ with the BESIII detector at BEPCII. No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction $\mathcal{B}(\Lambda^{+}_{c}\to p \gamma^{\prime})$ is determined to be $8.0\times 10^{-5}$ at 90% confidence level.
Observation of the hindered electromagnetic Dalitz decay ψ(3686)→e+e−ηc
Physical review / D 106(11), 112002 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.112002
Measurement of cross sections of the interactions e+e−→ ϕϕω and e+e−→ ϕϕϕ at center-of-mass energies from 4.008 to 4.600 GeV
Abstract Using data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider at six center-of-mass energies between 4.008 and 4.600 GeV, we observe the processes e + e − → ϕ ϕ ω and e + e − → ϕ ϕ ϕ . The Born cross sections are measured and the ratio of the cross sections σ ( e + e − → ϕ ϕ ω ) / σ ( e + e − → ϕ ϕ ϕ ) is estimated to be 1.75 ± 0.22 ± 0.19 averaged over six energy points, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The results represent first measurements of these interactions.
Observation of a Near-Threshold Structure in the K+ Recoil-Mass Spectra in e+e−→K+(Ds−D*0+Ds*−D0)
We report a study of the processes of e^{+}e^{-}→K^{+}D_{s}^{-}D^{*0} and K^{+}D_{s}^{*-}D^{0} based on e^{+}e^{-} annihilation samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at BEPCII at five center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.628 to 4.698 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 3.7 fb^{-1}. An excess of events over the known contributions of the conventional charmed mesons is observed near the D_{s}^{-}D^{*0} and D_{s}^{*-}D^{0} mass thresholds in the K^{+} recoil-mass spectrum for events collected at sqrt[s]=4.681 GeV. The structure matches a mass-dependent-width Breit-Wigner line shape, whose pole mass and width are determined as (3982.5_{-2.6}^{+1.8}±2.1) MeV/c^{2} and (…
Feasibility and physics potential of detecting $^8$B solar neutrinos at JUNO
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) features a 20 kt multi-purpose underground liquid scintillator sphere as its main detector. Some of JUNO's features make it an excellent location for 8B solar neutrino measurements, such as its low-energy threshold, high energy resolution compared with water Cherenkov detectors, and much larger target mass compared with previous liquid scintillator detectors. In this paper, we present a comprehensive assessment of JUNO's potential for detecting 8B solar neutrinos via the neutrino-electron elastic scattering process. A reduced 2 MeV threshold for the recoil electron energy is found to be achievable, assuming that the intrinsic radioactive …
Measurement of cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow��^{0}\bar��^{0}$ near threshold
Using $e^+e^-$ collision data at ten center-of-mass energies between 2.644 and 3.080 GeV collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 500 pb$^{-1}$, we measure the cross sections and effective form factors for the process $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow��^{0}\bar��^{0}$ utilizing a single-tag method. A fit to the cross section of $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow��^{0}\bar��^{0}$ with a pQCD-driven power function is performed, from which no significant resonance or threshold enhancement is observed. In addition, the ratio of cross sections for the processes $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow��^{-}\bar��^{+}$ and $��^{0}\bar��^{0}$ is calculated using recent BESIII mea…
Optimization of the JUNO liquid scintillator composition using a Daya Bay antineutrino detector
To maximize the light yield of the liquid scintillator (LS) for the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20 t LS sample was produced in a pilot plant at Daya Bay. The optical properties of the new LS in various compositions were studied by replacing the gadolinium-loaded LS in one antineutrino detector. The concentrations of the fluor, PPO, and the wavelength shifter, bis-MSB, were increased in 12 steps from 0.5 g/L and <0.01 mg/L to 4 g/L and 13 mg/L, respectively. The numbers of total detected photoelectrons suggest that, with the optically purified solvent, the bis-MSB concentration does not need to be more than 4 mg/L. To bridge the one order of magnitude in the detect…
Study of $e^+e^- \rightarrow ��^{0}X(3872)��$ and search for $Z_c(4020)^{0}\rightarrow X(3872)��$
Using data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring at center-of-mass energies from 4.178 to 4.600 GeV, we study the process $e^+e^-\rightarrow��^{0}X(3872)��$ and search for $Z_c(4020)^{0}\rightarrow X(3872)��$. We find no significant signal and set upper limits on $��(e^+e^-\rightarrow��^{0}X(3872)��)\cdot\mathcal{B}(X(3872)\rightarrow��^{+}��^{-}J/��)$ and $��(e^+e^-\rightarrow��^{0}Z_c(4020)^{0})\cdot\mathcal{B}(Z_c(4020)^{0}\rightarrow X(3872)��)\cdot\mathcal{B}(X(3872)\rightarrow��^{+}��^{-}J/��)$ for each energy point at $90\%$ confidence level, which is of the order of several tenths pb.
Observation of the $Y(4230)$ and a new structure in $e^+ e^- \rightarrow K^+ K^- J/\Psi^*$
Chinese physics / C 46(11), 111002 (2022). doi:10.1088/1674-1137/ac945c
Measurement of $Λ$ transverse polarization in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68-3.71$ GeV
With data samples collected with the BESIII detector at seven energy points at $\sqrt{s}= 3.68 - 3.71$ GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 333 pb$^{-1}$, we present a study of the $Λ$ transverse polarization in the $e^+e^-\toΛ\barΛ$ reaction. The significance of polarization by combining the seven energy points is found to be 2.6$σ$ including the systematic uncertainty, which implies a non-zero phase between the transition amplitudes of the $Λ\barΛ$ helicity states. The modulus ratio and the relative phase of EM-$psionic$ form factors combined with all energy points are measured to be $R^Ψ =$ 0.71$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $\pm$ 0.03 and $ΔΦ^Ψ$ = (23$^{+8.8}_{-8.0}$ $\pm$ 1.6$)^\circ$…
Unveiling the spatial structure of the overionized plasma in the supernova remnant W49B
W49B is a mixed-morphology supernova remnant with thermal X-ray emission dominated by the ejecta. In this remnant, the presence of overionized plasma has been directly established, with information about its spatial structure. However, the physical origin of the overionized plasma in W49B has not yet been understood. We investigate this intriguing issue through a 2D hydrodynamic model that takes into account, for the first time, the mixing of ejecta with the inhomogeneous circumstellar and interstellar medium, the thermal conduction, the radiative losses from optically thin plasma, and the deviations from equilibrium of ionization induced by plasma dynamics. The model was set up on the basi…
Partial wave analysis of $\psi(2S) \to p \bar{p}\eta$
Using a sample of $1.06 \times 10^{8}$ $\psi(2S)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, the decay $\psi(2S) \to p \bar{p}\eta$ is studied. A partial wave analysis determines that the intermediate state N(1535) with a mass of $1524\pm5^{+10}_{-4}$ MeV/$c^2$ and a width of $130^{+27+57}_{-24-10}$ MeV/$c^2$ is dominant in the decay; the product branching fraction is determined to be $B(\psi(2S) \to N(1535)\bar{p})\times B(N(1535)\to p\eta)+c.c. = (5.2\pm0.3^{+3.2}_{-1.2})\times 10^{-5}$. Furthermore, the branching fraction of $\psi(2S) \to \eta p \bar{p}$ is measured to be $(6.4\pm0.2\pm0.6)\times 10^{-5}$.
Determination of the Pseudoscalar Decay Constant fDs+ via Ds+→μ+νμ
Partial wave analysis of $J / ψ → γ η η ′$
Physical review / D 105(7), 072002 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.072002
Determination of the absolute branching fractions of D0→K−e+νe and D+→K¯0e+νe
Gamma-Ray Flares from Mrk421 in 2008 observed with the ARGO-YBJ detector
In 2008 the blazar Markarian 421 entered a very active phase and was one of the brightest sources in the sky at TeV energies, showing frequent flaring episodes. Using the data of ARGO-YBJ, a full coverage air shower detector located at Yangbajing (4300 m a.s.l., Tibet, China), we monitored the source at gamma ray energies E > 0.3 TeV during the whole year. The observed flux was variable, with the strongest flares in March and June, in correlation with X-ray enhanced activity. While during specific episodes the TeV flux could be several times larger than the Crab Nebula one, the average emission from day 41 to 180 was almost twice the Crab level, with an integral flux of (3.6 +-0.6) 10^-1…
First measurement of polarizations in the decay $D^0 \to ωϕ$
Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb$^{-1}$ collected at a center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=3.773$ GeV by the BESIII detector, the decay $D^0 \toωϕ$ is observed for the first time. The branching fraction is measured to be $(6.48 \pm 0.96 \pm 0.40)\times 10^{-4}$ with a significance of $6.3 σ$, where the first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. An angular analysis reveals that the $ϕ$ and $ω$ mesons from the $D^0 \to ωϕ$ decay are transversely polarized. The $95\%$ confidence level upper limit on longitudinal polarization fraction is set to be less than $0.24$, which is inconsistent with current theoretical expectations a…
Improved measurement of the absolute branching fraction of inclusive semileptonic Λc+ decay
Using 4.5 fb−1 of e+e− annihilation data samples collected at center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.600 to 4.698 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we measured the absolute branching fraction for the inclusive semileptonic decay Λc+→Xe+νe, where X refers to any possible particle system. The branching fraction of the decay is determined to be B(Λc+→Xe+νe)=(4.06±0.10stat±0.09syst)%. Our result improves the precision of previous measurements of B(Λc+→Xe+νe) by more than threefold. Using the known Λc+ lifetime and the charge-averaged semileptonic decay width of nonstrange charmed mesons, we measure the ratio of inclusive semileptonic decay widths Γ(Λc+→Xe+νe)/Γ¯(D→Xe+νe)=1.28…
Amplitude analysis and branching-fraction measurement of \boldmath $D_{s}^{+} \to K^0_{S}\pi^{+}\pi^{0}$
Utilizing a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.32~$\rm fb^{-1}$, recorded by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226~GeV, we perform an amplitude analysis of the decay $D_{s}^{+} \to K_{S}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{0}$ and determine the relative fractions and phase differences of different intermediate processes, which include $K_{S}^{0}\rho(770)^{+}$, $K_{S}^{0}\rho(1450)^{+}$, $K^{*}(892)^{0}\pi^{+}$, $K^{*}(892)^{+}\pi^{0}$, and $K^{*}(1410)^{0}\pi^{+}$. Using a double-tag technique, and making an efficiency correction that relies on our knowledge of the phase-space distribution of the decays coming from the amplitude analysis, the absolute branch…
Measurement of the e+e− → π+π− cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation
Precise Measurement of the e(+)e(-) ->pi(+)pi(-) J/psi Cross Section at Center-of-Mass Energies from 3.77 to 4.60 GeV
The cross section for the process e(+)e(-)-> pi(+) pi(-) J/psi is measured precisely at center-of-mass energies from 3.77 to 4.60 GeV using 9 fb(-1) of data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. Two resonant structures are observed in a fit to the cross section. The first resonance has a mass of (222.0 +/- 3.1 +/- 1.4) MeV/ c(2) and a width of (44.1 +/- 4.3 +/- 2.0)MeV, while the second one has a mass of (4320.0 +/- 10.4 +/- 7.0)MeV/c(2) and a width of (101.4(- 19.7)(+25.3) +/- 10.2) MeV, where the first errors are statistical and second ones are systematic. The first resonance agrees with the Y(4260) resonance reported by previous experiments. The prec…
Observation of the decayψ(3686)→ΛΣ¯±π∓+c.c.
Using a sample of 1:06 X 10(8) psi(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector, we present the first observation of the decays of psi(3686) -> Lambda(Sigma) over bar (+) pi(-) + c.c. and psi(3686) -> Lambda(Sigma) over bar (-) pi(+) + c.c. The branching fractions are measured to be B(psi(3686) -> Lambda(Sigma) over bar (+) pi(-) + c.c.) = (1.40 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.13) X 10(-4) and B(psi(3686) -> Lambda (Sigma) over bar (-) pi(+) + c.c.) = (1.54 +/- 0.04 +/- 0.13) X 10(-4) where the first errors are statistical and the second ones systematic.
Measurement of the integrated luminosities of the data taken by BESIII at √ s = 3.650 and 3.773 GeV
Data sets were collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPC II collider at the center-of-mass energy of root s=3.650 GeV during May 2009 and at root s=3.773 GeV from January 2010 to May 2011. By analyzing the large angle Bhabha scattering events, the integrated luminosities of the two data sets are measured to be (44.49 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.44) pb(-1) and (2916.94 +/- 0.18 +/- 29.17) pb(-1), respectively, where the first error is statistical and the second error is systematic.
Observation of the Leptonic Decay $D^+ → τ^+ ν_τ$
Physical review letters 123(21), 211802 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.211802
Measurement ofχcjdecaying intopn¯π−andpn¯π−π0
Using (106.41 +/- 0.86) x 10(6) Psi(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, we study for the first time the decay chi(cJ) -> eta'K+K- (J = 1, 2), where eta' -> gamma rho(0) and eta' -> eta pi(+)pi(-). A partial wave analysis in the covariant tensor amplitude formalism is performed for the decay chi(c1) -> eta'K+K-. Intermediate processes chi(c1) -> eta'f(2)'(1525) chi(c1) -> K-0*(1430)K-+/-(-/+) (K-0*(1430)(+/-) -> eta'K-+/-) are observed with statistical significances larger than 5 sigma, and their branching fractions are measured.
TH-302 + Gemcitabine (G + T) vs Gemcitabine (G) in Patients with Previously Untreated advanced Pancreatic Cancer (PAC)
ABSTRACT Background TH-302 is a hypoxia targeted prodrug with a hypoxia-triggered 2-nitroimidazole component designed to release the DNA alkylator, bromo-isophosphoramide mustard (Br-IPM), when reduced in severe hypoxia. A randomized Phase 2B study (NCT01144455) was conducted to assess the benefit of G + T to standard dose G as first-line therapy of PAC. Materials and methods An open-label multi-center study of two dose levels of TH-302 (240 mg/m2 or 340 mg/m2) in combination with G versus G alone (randomized 1:1:1). G (1000 mg/m2) and T were administered IV over 30-60 minutes on Days 1, 8 and 15 of a 28-day cycle. Patients on the G could crossover after progression and be randomized to a G…
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…
Study of $\psi(3686)\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}\omega$
Based on a data sample of $(448.1\pm2.9)\times10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the branching fraction of $\psi(3686)\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}\omega$ is measured to be $\rm (3.30\pm0.34(stat.)\pm0.29(syst.))\times10^{-5}$ for the first time. In addition, the $\Lambda\omega$ (or $\bar{\Lambda}\omega$) invariant mass spectra is studied and the potential presence of excited $\Lambda$ states has been investigated.
An improved limit for Γ e e of X ( 3872 ) and Γ e e measurement of ψ ( 3686 )
First simultaneous measurement of $\Xi^0$ and $\bar{\Xi}^0$ asymmetry parameters in $\psi(3686)$ decay
The $\Xi^0$ asymmetry parameters are measured using entangled quantum $\Xi^0$-$\bar{\Xi}^0$ pairs from a sample of $(448.1 \pm 2.9) \times 10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII. The relative phase between the transition amplitudes of the $\Xi^0 \bar{\Xi}^0$ helicity states is measured to be $\Delta \Phi = -0.050 \pm 0.150 \pm 0.020$~rad, which implies that there is no obvious polarization at the current level of statistics. The decay parameters of the $\Xi^0$ hyperon $(\alpha_{\Xi^0}, \alpha_{\bar{\Xi}^0}, \phi_{\Xi^0}, \phi_{\bar{\Xi}^0})$ and the angular distribution parameter $(\alpha_{\psi(3686)})$ and $\Delta \Phi$ are measured simultaneously for the fi…
Measurement of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay $D^+\to K^+��^+��^-��^0$ with semileptonic tags
Using an $e^+e^-$ annihilation data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $2.93\,\rm fb^{-1}$ collected at a center-of-mass energy of 3.773 GeV with the BESIII detector, the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay $D^+\to K^+��^+��^-��^0$ is studied with a semileptonic tag method. After removing the decays containing narrow intermediate resonances, $D^+\to K^+��$, $D^+\to K^+��$, and $D^+\to K^+��$, the branching fraction for the decay $D^+\to K^+��^+��^-��^0$ is determined to be $(1.03 \pm 0.12_{\rm stat} \pm 0.06_{\rm syst})\times 10^{-3}$. The ratio of the branching fraction for $D^+\to K^+��^+��^-��^0$ to its Cabibbo-favored counterpart $D^+\to K^-��^+��^+��^0$ is measured to be $…
Measurement of the Dynamics of the Decays Ds+→η(′)e+νe
PubMed ID: 30978074
Evidence of a Resonant Structure in the Cross Section between 4.05 and 4.60 GeV
The cross section of the process e^{+}e^{-}→π^{+}D^{0}D^{*-} for center-of-mass energies from 4.05 to 4.60 GeV is measured precisely using data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. Two enhancements are clearly visible in the cross section around 4.23 and 4.40 GeV. Using several models to describe the dressed cross section yields stable parameters for the first enhancement, which has a mass of 4228.6±4.1±6.3 MeV/c^{2} and a width of 77.0±6.8±6.3 MeV, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. Our resonant mass is consistent with previous observations of the Y(4220) state and the theoretical prediction of a D…
Cross section measurement of e+e−→π+π−ψ(3686) from s=4.0076 GeV to 4.6984 GeV
Measurement of the inclusive branching fraction for ψ(3686)→KS0+anything
Abstract Using 5.9 pb−1 of e + e − annihilation data collected at center-of-mass energies from 3.640 to 3.701 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII Collider, we measure the observed cross sections of e + e − → K S 0 X (where X = anything ). From a fit to these observed cross sections with the sum of continuum and ψ ( 3686 ) and J / ψ Breit-Wigner functions and considering initial state radiation and the BEPCII beam energy spread, we obtain for the first time the product of ψ ( 3686 ) leptonic width and inclusive decay branching fraction Γ ψ ( 3686 ) e e B ( ψ ( 3686 ) → K S 0 X ) = ( 373.8 ± 6.7 ± 20.0 ) eV, and assuming Γ ψ ( 3686 ) e e is ( 2.33 ± 0.04 ) keV from PDG value, we measur…
Observation of the Singly Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay $Λ_{c}^{+} \to nπ^{+}$
The singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay $Λ_{c}^{+} \to nπ^{+}$ is observed for the first time with a statistical significance of $7.3σ$ by using 3.9 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^{+}e^{-}$ collision data collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.612 and 4.699 GeV with the BESIII detector at BEPCII. The branching fraction of $Λ_{c}^{+} \to nπ^{+}$ is measured to be $(6.6\pm1.2_{\rm stat}\pm0.4_{\rm syst})\times 10^{-4}$. By taking the upper limit of branching fractions of $Λ_{c}^{+} \to pπ^0$ from the Belle experiment, the ratio of branching fractions between $Λ_{c}^{+} \to nπ^{+}$ and $Λ_{c}^{+} \to pπ^0$ is calculated to be larger than 7.2 at the 90% confidence level, which disagrees with the …
Measurement of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factors in e+e−→pp¯ in the Energy Region 2.00–3.08 GeV
The process of e+e−→pp¯ is studied at 22 center-of-mass energy points (s) from 2.00 to 3.08 GeV, exploiting 688.5 pb−1 of data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider. The Born cross section (σpp¯) of e+e−→pp¯ is measured with the energy-scan technique and it is found to be consistent with previously published data, but with much improved accuracy. In addition, the electromagnetic form-factor ratio (|GE/GM|) and the value of the effective (|Geff|), electric (|GE|), and magnetic (|GM|) form factors are measured by studying the helicity angle of the proton at 16 center-of-mass energy points. |GE/GM| and |GM| are determined with high accuracy, providing uncertaintie…
Study of BESIII trigger efficiencies with the 2018 J/psi data
Using a dedicated data sample taken in 2018 on the $J/\psi$ peak, we perform a detailed study of the trigger efficiencies of the BESIII detector. The efficiencies are determined from three representative physics processes, namely Bhabha-scattering, dimuon production and generic hadronic events with charged particles. The combined efficiency of all active triggers approaches $100\%$ in most cases with uncertainties small enough as not to affect most physics analyses.
Improved measurement of the branching fractions of the inclusive decays $D^+ \to K_S^0X $ and $D^0 \to K_S^0X $
By analyzing 2.93 fb$^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data taken at the center-of-mass energy of 3.773 GeV with the BESIII detector, the branching fractions of the inclusive decays $D^+\to K^0_S X$ and $D^0\to K^0_S X$ are measured to be $(32.78\pm 0.13\pm 0.27)\%$ and $(20.54\pm 0.12\pm 0.18)\%$, respectively, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. These results are consistent with the world averages of previous measurements, but with improved precision.
Amplitude analysis and branching-fraction measurement of \boldmath $D_{s}^{+} \to K^0_{S}��^{+}��^{0}$
Utilizing a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.32~$\rm fb^{-1}$, recorded by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226~GeV, we perform an amplitude analysis of the decay $D_{s}^{+} \to K_{S}^{0}��^{+}��^{0}$ and determine the relative fractions and phase differences of different intermediate processes, which include $K_{S}^{0}��(770)^{+}$, $K_{S}^{0}��(1450)^{+}$, $K^{*}(892)^{0}��^{+}$, $K^{*}(892)^{+}��^{0}$, and $K^{*}(1410)^{0}��^{+}$. Using a double-tag technique, and making an efficiency correction that relies on our knowledge of the phase-space distribution of the decays coming from the amplitude analysis, the absolute branching fract…
First Observation of the Direct Production of the χ_{c1} in e^{+}e^{-} Annihilation.
Physical review letters 129(12), 122001 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.122001
Study of the Decay D+s → π+π+π−η and Observation of the W-annihilation Decay D+s → a0(980)+ρ0
Study of Open-Charm Decays and Radiative Transitions of the X(3872)
The processes X(3872)→D*0D¯0+c.c.,γJ/ψ,γψ(2S), and γD+D− are searched for in a 9.0 fb−1 data sample collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.278 GeV with the BESIII detector. We observe X(3872)→D*0D0¯+c.c. and find evidence for X(3872)→γJ/ψ with statistical significances of 7.4σ and 3.5σ, respectively. No evident signals for X(3872)→γψ(2S) and γD+D− are found, and the upper limit on the relative branching ratio Rγψ≡{B[X(3872)→γψ(2S)]}/{B[X(3872)→γJ/ψ]}<0.59 is set at 90% confidence level. Measurements of branching ratios relative to decay X(3872)→π+π−J/ψ are also reported for decays X(3872)→D*0D0¯+c.c.,γψ(2S),γJ/ψ, and γD+D−, as well as the non-D*0D0¯ three-body decays π0…
Measurement of the absolute branching fractions for purely leptonic D+s decays
We report new measurements of the branching fraction $\cal B(D_s^+\to \ell^+\nu)$, where $\ell^+$ is either $\mu^+$ or $\tau^+(\to\pi^+\bar{\nu}_\tau)$, based on $6.32$ fb$^{-1}$ of electron-positron annihilation data collected by the BESIII experiment at six center-of-mass energy points between $4.178$ and $4.226$ GeV. Simultaneously floating the $D_s^+\to\mu^+\nu_\mu$ and $D_s^+\to\tau^+\nu_\tau$ components yields $\cal B(D_s^+\to \tau^+\nu_\tau) = (5.21\pm0.25\pm0.17)\times10^{-2}$, $\cal B(D_s^+\to \mu^+\nu_\mu) = (5.35\pm0.13\pm0.16)\times10^{-3}$, and the ratio of decay widths $R=\frac{\Gamma(D_s^+\to \tau^+\nu_\tau)}{\Gamma(D_s^+\to \mu^+\nu_\mu)} = 9.73^{+0.61}_{-0.58}\pm 0.36$, whe…
Measurement of the $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow����^{0}��^{0}$ cross section at center-of-mass energies from 2.0 to 3.08 GeV
The cross section of the process $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow����^{0}��^{0}$ is measured at nineteen center-of-mass energies from 2.0 to 3.08 GeV using data collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring. A resonant structure around 2.20 GeV is observed with significance larger than 5$��$. Using a coherent fit to the cross section line shape, the mass and width are determined to be $M=2223\pm16\pm11~{\rm MeV}/c^2$ and $\varGamma=51\pm29\pm21~{\rm MeV}$, respectively, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic.
Observation of $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\eta\psi(2S)$ at center-of-mass energies from 4.236 to 4.600 GeV
Using a total of $5.25~{\rm fb}^{-1}$ of $e^{+}e^{-}$ collision data with center-of-mass energies from 4.236 to 4.600 GeV, we report the first observation of the process $e^{+}e^{-}\to \eta\psi(2S)$ with a statistical significance of $5\sigma$. The data sets were collected by the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. We measure the yield of events integrated over center-of-mass energies and also present the energy dependence of the measured cross section.
Measurements of the center-of-mass energies of e+e- collisions at BESIII
Chinese physics / C 45(10), 103001 (2021). doi:10.1088/1674-1137/ac1575
Observation of a Charged Charmoniumlike Structure Zc(4020) and Search for the Zc(3900) in e+e−→π+π−hc
First Observation of the Semileptonic Decay $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow pK^- e^+\nu_e$
Using $4.5~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ annihilation data samples collected at the center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.600~GeV to 4.699~GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, a first study of the semileptonic decays $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow pK^-e^+\nu_e$, $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow \Lambda(1520) e^+\nu_e$ and $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow \Lambda(1405) e^+\nu_e$ is performed. The $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow pK^-e^+\nu_e$ decay is observed with a significance of $8.2\sigma$ and the branching fraction is measured to be $\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow pK^- e^+\nu_e)=(0.88\pm0.17_{\rm stat.}\pm0.07_{\rm syst.})\times 10^{-3}$. We also report evidence of $\Lambda_c^+\rightarrow \Lambda(1…
Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of inclusive semielectronic $D_s^+$ decays
We measure the inclusive semielectronic decay branching fraction of the $D_s^+$ meson. A double-tag technique is applied to $e^+e^-$ annihilation data collected by the BESIII experiment at the BEPCII collider, operating in the center-of-mass energy range $4.178 - 4.230$ GeV. We select positrons from $D_s^+\rightarrow Xe^{+}\nu_e$ with momenta greater than 200 MeV/$c$, and determine the laboratory momentum spectrum, accounting for the effects of detector efficiency and resolution. The total positron yield and semielectronic branching fraction are determined by extrapolating this spectrum below the momentum cutoff. We measure the $D_s^+$ semielectronic branching fraction to be $\mathcal{B}\le…
Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction of the Inclusive Decay Λc+ → Λ+X
Physical review letters 121(6), 062003 (2018). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.062003
Observation of an Anomalous Line Shape of the η′π+π− Mass Spectrum near the pp¯ Mass Threshold in J/ψ→γη′π+π−
Search for the rare semi-leptonic decay $J/\psi\to D^{-}e^{+}\nu_{e}+c.c.$
Using $10.1\times10^{9}$ $J/\psi$ events produced by the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) at a center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=3.097~\rm{GeV}$ and collected with the BESIII detector, we present a search for the rare semi-leptonic decay $J/\psi\to D^{-}e^{+}\nu_{e}+c.c.$. No excess of signal above background is observed, and an upper limit on the branching fraction $\mathcal{B}(J/\psi\to D^{-}e^{+}\nu_{e}+c.c.)<7.1\times10^{-8}$ is obtained at $90\%$ confidence level. This is an improvement of more than two orders of magnitude over the previous best limit.
Precision Measurement of the Decay $\Sigma^{+} \rightarrow p\gamma$ in the Process $J/\psi\rightarrow \Sigma^{+}\bar{\Sigma}^{-}$
Using $(10\:087\pm44)\times10^{6}$ $J/\psi$ events collected with the BESIII detector, the radiative hyperon decay $\Sigma\rightarrow p\gamma$ is studied at an electron-positron collider experiment for the first time. The absolute branching fraction is measured to be $\left(0.996 \pm 0.021_{\rm stat.}\pm 0.018_{\rm syst.}\right)\times 10^{-3}$, which is lower than its world average value by $4.2$ standard deviations. Its decay asymmetry parameter is determined to be $-0.652 \pm 0.056_{\rm stat.}\pm 0.020_{\rm syst.}$. The branching fraction and decay asymmetry parameter are the most precise to date, and the accuracies are improved by $78\%$ and $34\%$, respectively.
Study of e+e−→pp¯ in the vicinity of ψ(3770)
Using 2917 pb(-1) of data accumulated at 3.773 GeV, 44.5 pb(-1) of data accumulated at 3.65 GeV and data accumulated during a psi(3770) line-shape scan with the BESIII detector, the reaction e(+)e(-) -> p (p) over bar is studied considering a possible interference between resonant and continuum amplitudes. The cross section of e(+)e(-) -> psi(3770) -> p (p) over bar, sigma(e(+)e(-)-> psi(3770) -> p (p) over bar), is found to have two solutions, determined to be (0.059(-0.020)(+0.070) +/- 0.012) pb with the phase angle phi = (255.8(-26.6)(+39.0) +/- 4.8). ( psi(3770) -> p ) = (2.57(-0.13)(+0.12) +/- 0.12) pb with phi = (266.9(-6.3)(+6.1) +/- 0.9)degrees both of which agree with a destructive…
Amplitude analysis and branching-fraction measurement of Ds+ → KS0 K-π+π+
Study of e+e−→π0X(3872)γ and search for Zc(4020)0→X(3872)γ
Measurements of absolute hadronic branching fractions of the Λc+ baryon
Kolcu, Onur Buğra (Arel Author) --- Makale 69 yazarlıdır.
Measurement of cross section for e+e−→Ξ0Ξ¯0 near threshold
Abstract Using e + e − collision data at ten center-of-mass energies between 2.644 and 3.080 GeV collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 500 pb−1, we measure the cross sections and effective form factors for the process e + e − → Ξ 0 Ξ ¯ 0 utilizing a single-tag method. A fit to the cross section of e + e − → Ξ 0 Ξ ¯ 0 with a pQCD-driven power function is performed, from which no significant resonance or threshold enhancement is observed. In addition, the ratio of cross sections for the processes e + e − → Ξ − Ξ ¯ + and Ξ 0 Ξ ¯ 0 is calculated using recent BESIII measurement and is found to be compatible with expectation from isosp…
Search for Baryonic Decays of \psi(3770) and \psi(4040)
By analyzing data samples of 2.9 fb^{-1} collected at \sqrt s=3.773 GeV, 482 pb^{-1} collected at \sqrt s=4.009 GeV and 67 pb^{-1} collected at \sqrt s=3.542, 3.554, 3.561, 3.600 and 3.650 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring, we search for \psi(3770) and \psi(4040) decay to baryonic final states, including \Lambda\bar\Lambda\pi^+\pi^-, \Lambda \bar\Lambda\pi^0, \Lambda\bar\Lambda\eta, \Sigma^+ \bar\Sigma^-, \Sigma^0 \bar\Sigma^0, \Xi^-\bar\Xi^+ and \Xi^0\bar\Xi^0 decays. None are observed, and upper limits are set at the 90% confidence level.
Search for $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime\to \pi^+ e^- \bar{\nu}_e +c.c.$ decays in $\jpsi \to \phi \eta$ and $\phi \eta^\prime$
Using a sample of 225.3 million $\jpsi$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII $e^+e^-$ collider in 2009, searches for the decays of $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime\to\pi^+ e^- \bar{\nu}_e +c.c.$ in $\jpsi \to \phi \eta$ and $\phi\eta^\prime$ are performed. The $\phi$ signals, which are reconstructed in $K^+K^-$ final states, are used to tag $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ semileptonic decays. No signals are observed for either $\eta$ or $\eta^\prime$, and upper limits at the 90% confidence level are determined to be $7.3\times 10^{-4}$ and $5.0\times 10^{-4}$ for the ratios $\frac{{\mathcal B}(\eta\to \pi^+ e^- \bar{\nu}_e +c.c.)}{{\mathcal B}(\eta \to \pip\pim\piz)}$ and $\frac{{\mathca…
Observation of a resonant structure in e+e− → ωη and another in e+e− → ωπ0 at center-of-mass energies between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV
Abstract Born cross sections for the processes e + e − → ω η and e + e − → ω π 0 have been determined for center-of-mass energies between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. The results obtained in this work are consistent with previous measurements but with improved precision. Two resonant structures are observed. In the e + e − → ω η cross sections, a resonance with a mass of ( 2176 ± 24 ± 3 ) MeV / c 2 and a width of ( 89 ± 50 ± 5 ) MeV is observed with a significance of 6.2σ. Its properties are consistent with the ϕ ( 2170 ) . In the e + e − → ω π 0 cross sections, a resonance denoted Y ( 2040 ) is observed with a significance of more than 10σ. Its mass an…
Observation of a Charged Charmoniumlike Structure in e+e−→π+π−J/ψ at s=4.26 GeV
Dark photon search in the mass range between 1.5 and 3.4 GeV/c2
Physics letters / B 774, 252 - 257 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2017.09.067
Observation of $e^+e^-\toπ^0π^0ψ_2(3823)$
Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.3 $\rm fb^{-1}$ collected at center-of-mass energies from $4.23$ to $4.70$~GeV with the BESIII detector, we observe the process $e^+e^-\toπ^0π^0ψ_2(3823)$ for the first time with a statistical significance of $6.0σ$. The ratio of average cross sections for $e^+e^-\toπ^0π^0ψ_2(3823)$ over $π^+π^-ψ_2(3823)$ is determined to be $\mathcal{R}=\frac{σ[e^+e^-\toπ^0π^0ψ_2(3823)]}{σ[e^+e^-\toπ^+π^-ψ_2(3823)]}=0.57\pm 0.14\pm0.05$, which is consistent with expectations from isospin symmetry. Here and below, the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The mass of the $ψ_2(3823)$ is measured to be $M[ψ_2(3823…
Determination of Spin-parity Quantum Numbers for the Narrow Structure Near the $p\bar{\Lambda}$ Threshold in $e^+e^-\to pK^-\bar{\Lambda}+c.c.$
A narrow structure in the $p\bar{\Lambda}$ system near the mass threshold, named as $X(2085)$, is observed in the process $e^+e^- \to p K^-\bar{\Lambda}$ with a statistical significance greater than $20\sigma$. Its spin and parity are determined for the first time to be $J^P=1^+$ in an amplitude analysis, with statistical significance greater than $5\sigma$ over other quantum numbers. The pole positions of $X(2085)$ are measured to be $M_{\rm pole}=(2086\pm4\pm6)$~MeV and $\Gamma_{\rm pole}=(56\pm5\pm16)$ MeV, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. The analysis is based on the study of the process $e^+e^-\to pK^-\bar{\Lambda}$ and uses the data sam…
Search for the rare semi-leptonic decay J/ψ → D−e+ ν e + c.c.
Abstract Using 10.1 × 109J/ψ events produced by the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) at a center-of-mass energy $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 3.097 GeV and collected with the BESIII detector, we present a search for the rare semi-leptonic decay J/ψ → D−e+νe + c.c. No excess of signal above background is observed, and an upper limit on the branching fraction ℬ(J/ψ → D−e+νe + c. c.) < 7.1 × 10−8 is obtained at 90% confidence level. This is an improvement of more than two orders of magnitude over the previous best limit.
Measurement of e+e−→γχc0,c1,c2 cross sections at center-of-mass energies between 3.77 and 4.60 GeV
Measurement of $\eta^\prime\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^- e^+e^-$ and $\eta^\prime\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\mu^+\mu^-$
Based on a sample of 225.3 million J/\psi events accumulated with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII, the decays of \eta' to pi+pi-l+l- are studied via J/\psi to \gamma\eta'. A clear \eta' signal is observed in the pi+pi-e+e- mass spectrum, and the branching fraction is measured to be \BR(\eta' to pi+pi-e+e-) = (2.11\pm0.12 (stat.)\pm0.15 (syst.))\times10^{-3}, which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions and the previous measurement, but is determined with much higher precision. No \eta' signal is found in the pi+ pi- mu+ mu- mass spectrum, and the upper limit is determined to be \BR(\eta' to pi+ pi- mu+ mu-)<2.9\times10^{-5} at the 90% confidence level.
Observation of a cross-section enhancement near mass threshold in e + e - → Λ Λ
The process e(+)e(-) -> Lambda(Lambda) over bar is studied using data samples at root s = 2.2324, 2.400, 2.800 and 3.080 GeV collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider. The Born cross section is measured at root s = 2.2324 GeV, which is 1.0 MeVabove the Lambda(Lambda) over bar mass threshold, to be 305 +/- 45(-36)(+66) pb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The cross section near threshold is larger than that expected from theory, which predicts the cross section to vanish at threshold. The Born cross sections at root s = 2.400, 2.800 and 3.080 GeV are measured and found to be consistent with previous experimental results, but with…
Measurements of the branching fractions of ψ(3686)→Σ¯0Λ+c.c. and χcJ(J=0,1,2)→ΛΛ¯
An improved limit for Γee of X(3872) and Γee measurement of ψ(3686)
Using the data sets taken at center-of-mass energies above 4 GeV by the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring, we search for the reaction e(+)e(-) -> gamma(ISR) X(3872) -> gamma(ISR)pi(+ ...
Study of the $f_{0}(980)$ through the decay $D_{s}^{+} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} e^{+} \nu_{e}$
Using $e^+e^-$ collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.33 ${\rm fb^{-1}}$ recorded by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.128 and 4.226 ${\rm GeV}$, we present an analysis of the decay $D_{s}^{+} \to f_{0}(980)e^{+}\nu_{e}$ with $f_{0}(980) \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}$, where the $D_s^+$ is produced via the process $e^+e^- \to D_{s}^{*\pm}D_{s}^{\mp}$. We observe the $f_{0}(980)$ in the $\pi^+\pi^-$ system and the branching fraction of the decay $D_{s}^{+} \to f_{0}(980)e^{+}\nu_{e}$ with $f_0(980)\to\pi^+\pi^-$ is measured to be $(1.72 \pm 0.13_{\rm stat} \pm 0.10_{\rm syst}) \times10^{-3}$, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectiv…
Measurement of the branching fraction of $D_s^+\to \tau^+ \nu_{\tau}$ via $\tau^+ \to \mu^+ \nu_{\mu}\bar{\nu_{\tau}}$
Utilizing $7.33~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data taken at the center-of-mass energies of 4.128, 4.157, 4.178, 4.189, 4.199, 4.209, 4.219, and 4.226 GeV with the BESIII detector, the branching fraction of the leptonic decay $D_s^+\to\tau^+\nu_\tau$ via $\tau^+\to\mu^+\nu_\mu\bar \nu_\tau$ is measured to be $\mathcal{B}_{D_s^+\to\tau^+\nu_\tau}=(5.34\pm0.16_{\rm stat}\pm0.10_{\rm syst})\%$. Combining this branching fraction with the world averages of the measurements of the masses of $\tau^+$ and $D_s^+$ as well as the lifetime of $D_s^+$, we extract the product of the decay constant of $D_s^+$ and the $c\to s$ Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element to be $f_{D_s^+}|V_{cs}|=(246…
Measurement of in oscillation using quantum correlations in at
We report a measurement of the parameter y(CP) in D-0-(D) over bar (0) oscillations performed by taking advantage of quantum coherence between pairs of D-0(D) over bar (0) mesons produced in e(+)e(-) annihilations near threshold. In this work, doubly-tagged D-0(D) over bar (0) events, where one D decays to a CP eigenstate and the other D decays in a semileptonic mode, are reconstructed using a data sample of 2.92 fb(-1) collected with the BESIII detector at the center-of-mass energy of root s = 3.773 GeV. We obtain y(CP) = (-2.0 +/- 1.3 +/- 0.7)%, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. This result is compatible with the current world average.
Measurement of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay D+→K+π+π−π0 with semileptonic tags
Measurement of the branching fraction of leptonic decay Ds+ →τ+ντ via τ+ →π+π0 ν ¯ τ
Search for the decay Ds+→a0(980)0e+νe
Using 6.32 fb−1 of electron-positron collision data recorded by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226 GeV, we present the first search for the decay Ds+→a0(980)0e+νe, a0(980)0→π0η, which could proceed via a0(980)−f0(980) mixing. No significant signal is observed. An upper limit of 1.2×10−4 at the 90% confidence level is set on the product of the branching fractions of Ds+→a0(980)0e+νe and a0(980)0→π0η decays.
Measurement of the leptonic decay width of J/ψ using initial state radiation
Physics letters / B 761, 98 - 103(2016). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2016.08.011
Observation of ψ(3686)→η′e+e−
Abstract Using a data sample of 448.1 × 10 6 ψ ( 3686 ) events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we report the first observation of the electromagnetic Dalitz decay ψ ( 3686 ) → η ′ e + e − , with significances of 7.0σ and 6.3σ when reconstructing the η ′ meson via its decay modes η ′ → γ π + π − and η ′ → π + π − η ( η → γ γ ), respectively. The weighted average branching fraction is determined to be B ( ψ ( 3686 ) → η ′ e + e − ) = ( 1.90 ± 0.25 ± 0.11 ) × 10 − 6 , where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the singly Cabibbo suppressed decay Λc+ →pη′
Physical review / D 106(7), 072002 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.072002
New Features in the Electromagnetic Structure of the Neutron
Here we present new results for the Born cross section and the effective form factor of the neutron at the center-of-mass energies ${\bf \sqrt{s}}$ between 2.0 and 3.08 GeV, using 18 data sets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 647.9 pb${\bf ^{-1}}$ from e${\bf ^+}$e${\bf ^-}$ annihilation reactions collected at the BESIII experiment. The process $e^{+}e^{-}\to n\bar{n}$ is analyzed with three individual categories to improve the efficiency of $n\bar{n}$ reconstruction. The cross section of $e^{+}e^{-}\to n\bar{n}$ is measured at 18 c.m. energies where the best precision is 8.1\% at $\sqrt{s}=2.396$ GeV. The corresponding effective form factors are extracted under the assumption $…
Measurements of Differential Cross Sections of Inclusive $\pi^0$ and $K^0_S$ Production in $e^{+}e^{-}$ Annihilation at Energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV
Based on electron positron collision data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage rings, the differential cross sections of inclusive $\pi^0$ and $K^0_S$ production as a function of hadron momentum, normalized by the total cross section of the $e^{+}e^{-} \to$ hadrons process, are measured at six center-of-mass energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV. Our results with a relative hadron energy coverage from 0.1 to 0.9 significantly deviate from several theoretical calculations based on existing fragmentation functions, especially at lower energies.
Measurement of the $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ cross section from threshold to 3.00 GeV using events with initial-state radiation
Using initial-state radiation events from a total integrated luminosity of 11.957 fb$^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected at center-of-mass energies between 3.773 and 4.258 GeV with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, the cross section for the process $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ is measured in 16 $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ invariant mass intervals from the production threshold up to 3.00 GeV$/c^{2}$. The results are consistent with previous results from BaBar and BESIII, but with better precision and with narrower $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ invariant mass intervals than BaBar.
Measurement of the branching fraction and decay asymmetry of $Λ\to nγ$
The radiative hyperon decay $Λ\to nγ$ is studied using $(10087\pm44)\times 10^6$ $J/ψ$ events collected with the BESIII detector operating at BEPCII. The absolute branching fraction of the decay $Λ\to nγ$ is determined with a significance of 5.6$σ$ to be $[0.832\pm0.038(\rm stat.)\pm0.054(\rm syst.)]\times10^{-3}$, which lies significantly below the current PDG value. By analyzing the joint angular distribution of the decay products, the first determination of the decay asymmetry $α_γ$ is reported with a value of $-0.16\pm0.10(\rm stat.)\pm0.05(\rm syst.)$.
Observation of the Singly Cabibbo Suppressed Decay Λc+→nπ+
Physical review letters 128(14), 142001 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.142001
Search for new decay modes of the $\psi_2(3823)$ and the process $e^+e^-\rightarrow\pi^0\pi^0\psi_2(3823)$
The decays $\psi_2(3823)\rightarrow\gamma\chi_{c0,1,2}, \pi^+\pi^-J/\psi, \pi^0\pi^0J/\psi, \eta J/\psi$, and $\pi^0J/\psi$ are searched for using the reaction $e^+e^-\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-\psi_2(3823)$ in a 19 fb$^{-1}$ data sample collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.1 and 4.7 GeV with the BESIII detector. The process $\psi_2(3823)\rightarrow\gamma\chi_{c1}$ is observed in a 9 fb$^{-1}$ data sample in the center-of-mass energy range 4.3 to 4.7 GeV, which confirms a previous observation but with a higher significance of $11.8\sigma$, and evidence for $\psi_2(3823)\rightarrow\gamma\chi_{c2}$ is found with a significance of $3.2\sigma$ for the first time. The branching-fraction rati…
Search for hyperon $ΔS=ΔQ$ violating decay $Ξ^{0}\toΣ^{-}e^{+}ν_{e}$
Using a data sample of $(1.0087\pm0.0044)\times10^{10}$ $J/ψ$ decay events collected with the BESIII detector at the center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=3.097$ GeV, we present a search for the hyperon semileptonic decay $Ξ^{0}\toΣ^{-}e^{+}ν_{e}$ which violates the $ΔS=ΔQ$ rule. No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction $\mathcal{B}(Ξ^{0}\toΣ^{-}e^{+}ν_{e})$ is determined to be $1.6\times10^{-4}$ at the 90% confidence level. This result improves the previous upper limit result by about one order of magnitude.
Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the inclusive semileptonic $\Lambda_c^+$ decay
Physical review letters 121(25), 251801 (2018). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.251801
Observation of $D^0\to K_1(1270)^- e^+\nu_e$
Using 2.93 fb$^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data taken with the BESIII detector at a center-of-mass energy of 3.773 $\rm \,GeV$, the observation of the $D^0\to K_1(1270)^- e^+\nu_e$ semileptonic decay is presented. The statistical significance of the decay $D^0\to K_1(1270)^- e^+\nu_e$ is greater than $10\sigma$. The branching fraction of $D^0\to K_1(1270)^- e^+\nu_e$ is measured to be $(1.09\pm0.13^{+0.09}_{-0.16} \pm 0.12)\times10^{-3}$. Here, the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third originates from the assumed branching fraction of $K_1(1270)^- \rightarrow K^-\pi^+\pi^-$. The fraction of longitudinal polarization in $D^0\to K_1(1270)^- e^+\nu_e$ is det…
Observation of a Near-Threshold Structure in the K + Recoil-Mass Spectra in e + e − → K + ( D s − D * 0 + D s * − D 0 )
Search for the decay $D_s^+\to a_0(980)^0e^+\nu_e$
Using 6.32 fb$^{-1}$ of electron-positron collision data recorded by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226~GeV, we present the first search for the decay $D_s^+\to a_0(980)^0 e^+\nu_e,\,a_0(980)^0\rightarrow \pi^0\eta$, which could proceed via $a_0(980)$-$f_0(980)$ mixing. No significant signal is observed. An upper limit of $1.2 \times 10^{-4}$ at the $90\%$ confidence level is set on the product of the branching fractions of $D_{s}^{+}\to a_0(980)^0 e^+\nu_e$ and $a_0(980)^0\rightarrow \pi^0\eta$ decays.
Observation of an Isoscalar Resonance with Exotic J P C = 1 − + Quantum Numbers in J / ψ → γ η η ′
Measurement of the branching fractions of Ds+→η′X and Ds+→η′ρ+ in e+e−→Ds+Ds−
We study D-s(+) decays to final states involving the eta' with a 482 pb(-1) data sample collected at root s = 4.009 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. We measure the branching fractions B(D-s(+) -> eta'X) = (8.8 +/- 1.8 +/- 0.5)% and B(D-s(+) > eta'rho(+)) = (5.8 +/- 1.4 +/- 0.4)% where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. In addition, we estimate an upper limit on the non-resonant branching ratio B(D-s(+) -> eta'pi(+)pi(0)) eta'rho(+)). (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Measurement of the Cross Section for $e^{+}e^{-}\to$ hadrons at Energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV
Based on electron-positron collision data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider II storage rings, the value of $R\equiv\sigma(e^{+}e^{-}\to$hadrons)/$\sigma(e^{+}e^{-}\to\mu^{+}\mu^{-})$ is measured at 14 center-of-mass energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV. The resulting uncertainties are less than $3.0\%$, and are dominated by systematic uncertainties.
Study of the decay D+→K*(892)+KS0 in D+→K+KS0π0
Search for new decay modes of the ψ2(3823) and the process e+e−→π0π0ψ2(3823)
Genome-wide association meta-analysis of corneal curvature identifies novel loci and shared genetic influences across axial length and refractive error
Corneal curvature, a highly heritable trait, is a key clinical endophenotype for myopia - a major cause of visual impairment and blindness in the world. Here we present a trans-ethnic meta-analysis of corneal curvature GWAS in 44,042 individuals of Caucasian and Asian with replication in 88,218 UK Biobank data. We identified 47 loci (of which 26 are novel), with population-specific signals as well as shared signals across ethnicities. Some identified variants showed precise scaling in corneal curvature and eye elongation (i.e. axial length) to maintain eyes in emmetropia (i.e. HDAC11/FBLN2 rs2630445, RBP3 rs11204213); others exhibited association with myopia with little pleiotropic effects …
Search for the semi-leptonic decays $\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda \pi^+ \pi^- e^+ \nu_e$ and $\Lambda_c^+ \to p K_S^0 \pi^- e^+ \nu_e$
We search for the semi-leptonic decays $\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda \pi^+ \pi^- e^+ \nu_e$ and $\Lambda_c^+ \to p K_S^0 \pi^- e^+ \nu_e$ in a sample of 4.5 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation data collected in the center-of-mass energy region between 4.600 GeV and 4.699 GeV by the BESIII detector at the BEPCII. No significant signals are observed, and the upper limits on the decay branching fractions are set to be $\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda \pi^+ \pi^- e^+ \nu_e)<3.9\times10^{-4}$ and $\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_c^+ \to p K_S^0 \pi^- e^+ \nu_e)<3.3\times10^{-4}$ at the 90% confidence level, respectively.
Study of the decay D s + → K S 0 K S 0 π + and observation of an isovector partner to f 0 ( 1710 )
Observation of the decay $\chi_{cJ} \to \Omega^- \bar{\Omega}^+$
Using an $e^+e^-$ collision data sample of $(27.08 \pm 0.14) \times 10^{8}$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected by the BESIII detector, we report the first observation of $\chi_{cJ} \to \Omega^- \bar{\Omega}^+$ ($J=0,\,1,\,2$) decays with significances of $5.6\sigma$, $6.4\sigma$, and $18\sigma$, respectively, where the $\chi_{cJ}$ mesons are produced in the radiative $\psi(3686)$ decays. The branching fractions are determined to be $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c0} \to \Omega^- \bar{\Omega}^+) = (3.51 \pm 0.54 \pm 0.29) \times 10^{-5}$, $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c1} \to \Omega^- \bar{\Omega}^+) = (1.49 \pm 0.23 \pm 0.10) \times 10^{-5}$, and $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c2} \to \Omega^- \bar{\Omega}^+) = (4.52 \pm 0.24 \pm…
Measurements of Born cross sections of e+e−→Ds*+DsJ−+c.c.
Search for the decay $D^{0} \to π^{0} ν\barν$
We present the first experimental search for the rare charm decay $D^{0} \to π^{0} ν\barν$. It is based on an $e^+e^-$ collision sample consisting of $10.6\times10^{6}$ pairs of $D^0\bar{D}^0$ mesons collected by the BESIII detector at $\sqrt{s}$=3.773 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.93~fb$^{-1}$. A data-driven method is used to ensure the reliability of the background modeling. No significant $D^{0} \to π^{0} ν\barν$ signal is observed in data and an upper limit of the branching fraction is set to be $2.1\times 10^{-4}$ at the 90$\%$ confidence level. This is the first experimental constraint on charmed-hadron decays into dineutrino final states.
Search for the decay D0 → π0ν¯v
We present the first experimental search for the rare charm decay D0→π0νν¯. It is based on an e+e− collision sample consisting of 10.6×106 pairs of D0D¯0 mesons collected by the BESIII detector at s=3.773 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb−1. A data-driven method is used to ensure the reliability of the background modeling. No significant D0→π0νν¯ signal is observed in data and an upper limit of the branching fraction is set to be 2.1×10−4 at the 90% confidence level. This is the first experimental constraint on charmed-hadron decays into dineutrino final states.
Measurements of cross section of e+e−→pp¯π0 at center-of-mass energies between 4.008 and 4.600 GeV
Based on e(+)e(-) annihilation data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider at 13 center-of-mass energies from 4.008 to 4.600 GeV, measurements of the Born cross section o ...
Observation of an Isoscalar Resonance with Exotic $J^{P C} = 1^{− +}$ Quantum Numbers in $J / ψ → γ η η ′$
Physical review letters 129(19), 192002 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.192002
Measurements of the branching fractions for D+→KS0KS0K+, KS0KS0π+ and D0→KS0KS0, KS0KS0KS0
Abstract By analyzing 2.93 fb − 1 of data taken at the ψ ( 3770 ) resonance peak with the BESIII detector, we measure the branching fractions for the hadronic decays D + → K S 0 K S 0 K + , D + → K S 0 K S 0 π + , D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 and D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 K S 0 . They are determined to be B ( D + → K S 0 K S 0 K + ) = ( 2.54 ± 0.05 s t a t . ± 0.12 s y s . ) × 10 − 3 , B ( D + → K S 0 K S 0 π + ) = ( 2.70 ± 0.05 s t a t . ± 0.12 s y s . ) × 10 − 3 , B ( D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 ) = ( 1.67 ± 0.11 s t a t . ± 0.11 s y s . ) × 10 − 4 and B ( D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 K S 0 ) = ( 7.21 ± 0.33 s t a t . ± 0.44 s y s . ) × 10 − 4 , where the second one is measured for the first time and the others are measured wit…
The Belle II Physics Book
cd. autorów: L. Cao48,‡, G. Caria145,‡, G. Casarosa57,‡, C. Cecchi56,‡,D. Cˇ ervenkov10,‡,M.-C. Chang22,‡, P. Chang92,‡, R. Cheaib146,‡, V. Chekelian83,‡, Y. Chen154,‡, B. G. Cheon28,‡, K. Chilikin77,‡, K. Cho70,‡, J. Choi14,‡, S.-K. Choi27,‡, S. Choudhury35,‡, D. Cinabro170,‡, L. M. Cremaldi146,‡, D. Cuesta47,‡, S. Cunliffe16,‡, N. Dash33,‡, E. de la Cruz Burelo9,‡, E. de Lucia52,‡, G. De Nardo54,‡, †Editor. ‡Belle II Collaborator. §Theory or external contributing author. M. De Nuccio16,‡, G. De Pietro59,‡, A. De Yta Hernandez9,‡, B. Deschamps129,‡, M. Destefanis60,‡, S. Dey116,‡, F.Di Capua54,‡, S.Di Carlo75,‡, J. Dingfelder129,‡, Z. Doležal10,‡, I. Domínguez Jiménez125,‡, T.V. Dong30,26,…
Measurement of the Born cross sections for e+e−→η′π+π− at center-of-mass energies between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV
The Born cross sections for the process $e^+e^- \to \eta^\prime \pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ at different center-of-mass energies between $2.00$ and $3.08$~GeV are reported with improved precision from an analysis of data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. An obvious structure is observed in the Born cross section line shape. Fit as a Breit-Wigner resonance, it has a statistical significance of $6.3\sigma$ and a mass and width of $M=(2108\pm46\pm25)$~MeV/$c^2$ and $\Gamma=(138\pm36\pm30)$~MeV, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. These measured resonance parameters agree with the measurements of BABAR in $e^+e^- \to \eta^\pri…
Measurement of the phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes of J/ψ decays
Kolcu, Onur Buğra (Arel Author)
Measurement of the Cross Section for e+e−→Ξ−Ξ¯+ and Observation of an Excited Ξ Baryon
Using a total of 11.0 fb−1 of e+e− collision data with center-of-mass energies between 4.009 and 4.6 GeV and collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, we measure fifteen exclusive cross sections and effective form factors for the process e+e−→Ξ−Ξ¯+ by means of a single baryon-tag method. After performing a fit to the dressed cross section of e+e−→Ξ−Ξ¯+, no significant ψ(4230) or ψ(4260) resonance is observed in the Ξ−Ξ¯+ final states, and upper limits at the 90% confidence level on ΓeeB for the processes ψ(4230)/ψ(4260)→Ξ−Ξ¯+ are determined. In addition, an excited Ξ baryon at 1820 MeV/c2 is observed with a statistical significance of 6.2–6.5σ by including the systematic uncertainty, an…
Measurement of proton electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region using initial state radiation at BESIII
Physics letters / B 817, 136328 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136328
Study of the D0 → K− μ+ νμ Dynamics and Test of Lepton Flavor Universality with D0→K−l+νl Decays
The driving factors of new particle formation and growth in the polluted boundary layer
Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Mao Xiao et al. New particle formation (NPF) is a significant source of atmospheric particles, affecting climate and air quality. Understanding the mechanisms involved in urban aerosols is important to develop effective mitigation strategies. However, NPF rates reported in the polluted boundary layer span more than 4 orders of magnitude, and the reasons behind this variability are the subject of intense scientific debate. Multiple atmospheric vapours have been postulated to participate in NPF, including sulfuric acid, ammonia, amines and organics, but their relative roles remain unclear. We investigated NPF in the CLOUD chamber using mixtures of anthropogenic vap…
Precision measurement of the matrix elements for $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $\eta\to\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0$ decays
A precision measurement of the matrix elements for $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $\eta\to\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0$ decays is performed using a sample of $(10087\pm44)\times10^6$ $J/\psi$ decays collected with the BESIII detector. The decay $J/\psi \to \gamma \eta$ is used to select clean samples of 631,686 $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ decays and 272,322 $\eta\to\pi^0\pi^0\pi^0$ decays. The matrix elements for both channels are in reasonable agreement with previous measurements. The non-zero $gX^2Y$ term for the decay mode $\eta\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ is confirmed, as reported by the KLOE Collaboration, while the other higher-order terms are found to be insignificant. Dalitz plot asymmetries in the $\eta\to\p…