Isabelle Lesschaeve
The water-soluble extract of goat cheese : a high flavour fraction
International audience
Carte sensorielle d'eaux gazeuses : une application du vocabulaire libre et de l'analyse procusteenne
National audience
La formation d'un jury d'analyse sensorielle
National audience
QTLs for organoleptic quality in fresh market tomato
International audience
Etude des performances de sujets effectuant l'analyse descriptive quantitative de l'odeur ou de l'arôme de produits alimentaires. Recherche de liens entre épreuves de sélection et épreuves de profil
*INRA Laboratoire de recherches sur les arômes BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA Laboratoire de recherches sur les arômes BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA) Diplôme : Dr. d'Université
Chemical and sensory effects of the intense sweeteners aspartame acesulfame k, sodium saccharinate and cyclamate orange flavours soft drinks
International audience
Qualité organoleptique de la tomate: Des progrès en contrôle génétique
Hors série : Tomate; National audience
Olfactory memory performance: effects of sensory experience, familiarity and label use consistency
National audience
Aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) and the representativeness of the odour of food extracts
International audience
Séparation et caractérisation sensorielles des énantiomères de molécules chirales très odorantes
National audience
Analyse instrumentale et sensorielle de 4 composés olfactivement actifs dans les vins blancs de Bourgogne issus de cépage Chardonnay
National audience
Association de Penicillium camemberti Geotrichum candidum. effets sur la qualité sensorielle de camemberts
National audience
Evaluation of the representativeness of the odor of beer extracts prior to analysis by GC eluate sniffing
The importance of obtaining and proving that the odor of an extract is representative of the odor of the original product from which it was obtained, before analysis by GC-FID, GC-MS, or GC sniff, is discussed. The sensory methods, such as triangle tests, matching tests, and quantitative analysis, used to determine the representativeness of the odor of an extract are described. Beer extracts obtained by three methods were used to illustrate the interest of the sensory tests. A method using a mixture of XAD resins was proved by sensory analysis to give some extracts with sensory characteristics representative of the particular beers from which they were obtained
Production of representative wine extracts for chemical and olfactory analysis
International audience
QTLs for quality and flavour in fresh market tomatoes
International audience
Analysis of four potent odorants in Burgundy chardonnay wines : partial quantitative descriptive sensory analysis and optimization of simultaneous extraction method
International audience
Could selection tests detect the future performance of descriptive panellists ?
Abstract This paper discusses the appropriateness of screening tests in explaining descriptive panellist performances. It is based on a case study aimed at forming a descriptive panel capable of flavour profiling Camembert cheeses. Eighteen subjects were selected using four sensory tasks evaluating smell sensitivities, olfactory knowledge, odour memory and descriptive ability. Three additional tests were proposed during the 45 hour training to evaluate the recognition memory for odours, the concentration and the verbal creativity abilities. Panellist performances were determined on repeatability and discrimination abilities, and on the complexity of the individual sensory space. Some signif…
Underlying some keypoints for the training of descriptive panelists and their effects on profiling performance
International audience
Mise au point et validation d'une technique d'extraction des arômes du beurre permettant de conserver la typicité de l'odeur des produits
L'obtention d'un extrait representatif de l'odeur d'un aliment est une etape essentielle de l'analyse de ses composes d'arome. Dans le cas du beurre, deux techniques d'extraction ont ete comparees du point de vue de la qualite des extraits obtenus, avec l'aide d'un jury de degustateurs : une technique d'extraction sous vide et une technique d'extraction a l'eau. Les extraits obtenus par distillation sous vide, purement aqueux, ne sont pas representatifs des beurres d'origine. Neanmoins, ils en restituent toutes les qualites odorantes lorsqu'ils sont reincorpores au sein d'une emulsion comparable a celle du beurre. Les aromes extraits sont alors evalues dans un contexte tenant compte de leur…
Goat cheese flavour , identification of the character flavour impact compounds
International audience
Cooperation between Penicillium camemberti and Geotrichum candidum : effect on taste and flavour qualities of camembert type cheese
National audience
Monitoring a descriptive panel-Consistence and agreement evaluation by both univariate and multivariante techniques
Special Issue Rose Marie Pangborn Memorial Symposium; International audience
Importance relative de la sélection et de l'entrainement sur les performances d'un jury d'analyse sensorielle descriptive
National audience
Relationships between odorous intensity and partition coefficients of delta-decalactone, diacetyl and butyric acid in model emulsions
International audience
Effects of panel experience on olfactory memory performance: influence of stimuly familiarity and labeling ability of subjects
This work attempted to define the impact of panel experience on olfactory memory performance by comparing scores in an odor recognition task obtained from a highly trained descriptive panel (17 subjects) and a naive one (33 subjects with no experience in sensory analysis). During the inspection phase, 16 odorants were presented monadically to subjects for familiarity rating and a written description. The recognition session was planned 7 days later with 32 odorants (including the 16 of the target set). Subjects also described the odor of the stimuli. The memory performance of each panel was estimated by the mean value of individual d' (index of detectability). Training of the descriptive pa…
Study of the water-soluble fraction of goat cheese
International audience
Amertume et fractions azotees de fromages a pate molle de type camembert : role de l'association de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum
National audience
Contrôle génétique de la variation des teneurs en composés volatils chez la tomate
National audience
Etude de la qualité de camemberts réalisés avec des associations de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum: effet desamèrisant de Geotrichum candidum
National audience
A sensory map of sparkling waters : an application of free-choice profiling method and procustes analysis
Effect of the association of surface flora on the sensory properties of mold ripened cheese
International audience
Chemical and sensory effects of intense sweeteners on the flavour of diet orange soft drinks
International audience
Chemical and sensory effects of the intense sweeteners aspartame , acesulfame K ,sodium saccharinate and cyclamate on orange flavoured soft drinks
International audience
Composés volatils responsable de l'arôme de diverses variétés de tomates
National audience
Impact of associations of microorganims on the sensory properties of fermented foods
National audience
Effect of fat content on odor intensity of tree aroma compounds in model emulsions : delta-decalactone, diacetyl, and butyric acid
International audience
Effet des conditions d'apprentissage sur le pouvoir discriminant de sujets effectuant le profil sensoriel de jus d'orange
National audience
Volatile compounds in strawberry jam : influence of cooking on volatiles
Volatile constituents of strawberry jam were identified and their olfactive impact estimated by HRGC effluent sniffing. Amounts of volatiles in jam were only slightly affected by addition of sugar, but were closely related to design of the cooker and to the pressure used. Losses by evaporation during cooking were studied. Different types of behaviour were observed for the specific aromatic components. Cooker design largely influenced flavor losses at low pressures. Condensation of vapors during cooking and incorporation of the condensate in pectin solutions could result in a more flavorfull product.
Screening individual ability to perform descriptive analysis of food products : basic statements and application to a camembert cheese descriptive panel
A battery of sensory tests is proposed to select potential descriptive panelists. This set of tests is flavor specific. Several abilities are examined: odor and taste recognition, odor memory, discrimination and descriptive capacities. A detailed example of such a battery to select a Camembert cheese descriptive panel is given. The objectives of each test are discussed. Stimuli are chosen to be consistent with the sensory properties which can be perceived in cheese. Score distributions demonstrate the discrimination among candidates for each test. Globally, results show the difficulty to find 20 panelists amongst about a hundred with good scores on each test. The panel leader has to choose …