Karine Gourrat
S2L3: Dry versus soaked wood: Modulating the volatile extractible fraction of oak wood by heat treatments
International audience
Volatile and odour-active compounds of air-classified faba bean fractions
Identification of volatile compounds in fruit juices using stir bar sorptive extraction, headspace solid-phase microextraction and solvent-assisted flavor evaporation
Identification of volatile compounds in fruit juices using stir bar sorptive extraction, headspace solid-phase microextraction and solvent-assisted flavor evaporation. Euro Food Chem 18
Organoleptic propoerties of dark chocolates investigated by direct-injection mass spectrometry (PTR-To-MS) and GC-olfactometry
15. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium ; Graz (Autriche) - (2017-09-18 - 2017-09-22); International audience; A preliminary sensory study conducted on a set of 187 dark chocolates varying in terms of cocoa origin and variety allowed their classification into four distinct sensory categories. Fingerprints in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of these chocolates wereobtained by a direct-injection mass spectrometry headspace method using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS). This chemical analysis allowed discriminating the four sensory poles, so the sensory discrimination seemed to be mainly based on volatile compounds. Then, the key odorants responsible for chocolates differen…
Characterisation of odour active compounds in aromatic caramel using GC-olfactometry and GC-mass spectrometry
International audience
Identification and quantification of volatile compounds responsible for bread’s aromatic profile
Bread’s texture and aroma are key factors influencing its acceptability by consumers.The main purpose of the present study was to characterize aroma compounds in three different French baguettes varying in their structural properties (density, hardness, size of alveoli and crumb’s heterogeneity). The volatile fraction of their crumb was isolated by Solvent Assisted Flavour Evaporation (SAFE) technique. Extracts were analysed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Aroma-active compounds were determined by GC-Olfactometry (GC-O) and results were processed with detection frequency method. A total of 81 compounds (pyrazines, lactones, furans, ketones, pyrroles, aldehydes, alcohols, ac…
Characterization of key aroma compounds in Burgundy truffle
International audience
Volatile and odour-active compounds of air-classified faba bean fractions
Faba bean is an interesting alternative to animal proteins due to environmental, food functionality and nutritional benefits. Air-classification is a dry process based on the separation of the coarse fraction (starch fraction) and the fine fraction (protein fraction). Volatile compounds, and especially odour-active ones, contribute to pulse’s off-notes that decrease the consumer acceptability. Degradation of amino acids, carotenoid and free fatty acid oxidations are the origins of these molecules and happen during plant growth, storage and transformation stages. Today, a little is known about volatile and mainly odour-active compounds of faba beans. To better understand the volatiles involv…
Analytical comparison and sensory representativity of SAFE, SPME, and Purge and Trap extracts of volatile compounds from pea flour
Pisum sativum is of great economic and nutritional interest due to its protein content. Nevertheless, pea products are underused as a protein source in human food because of their strong beany flavour. Therefore, the objective of this study was to select an efficient and representative method to extract volatile molecules of pea flour. In the first step, three extraction methods were chosen: solid phase micro extraction (SPME); Purge and Trap extraction and solvent assisted flavour evaporation (SAFE). The corresponding extracts were analysed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In the second step, the sensory representativity of the extracts was assessed either by direct ga…
Dry vs soaked wood: Modulating the volatile extractible fraction of oak wood by heat treatments
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the water content of wood on the concentrations of volatile compounds which can be extracted after heat treatments. Head Space-Solid Phase Micro Extraction Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME GC-MS) has been used to compare the concentrations of six aroma compounds (vanillin, furfural, eugenol, guaiacol and cis- and trans-whisky lactones) in hydroalcoholic extracts of heated oak wood samples either previously soaked in hot water or not. Except for eugenol, concentrations of extracted aromas appeared to be lower in soaked woods than in dry woods for temperatures up to 200 °C. If a delaying effect of water could explain s…
The production of an infant formula with a minimally processed route impacts its nutritional, physiological and sensorial qualities
International audience
Comparison of 3 ionisation methods - electron ionisation, chemical ionisation and atmospheric pressure photoionisation - for the characterisation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
International audience; Gas chromatography (GC) is a reproducible, robust, selective and sensitive method to analyse volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a wide range of applications. The separated analytes are generally characterised by mass spectrometry (MS) under vacuum conditions. The main ionisation method is the Electron Ionisation (EI): high energy exchanges occur, causing reproducible molecular fragmentations. Chemical Ionisation (CI) is another ionisation method where a reactive gas (i.e. methane or ammonia) is ionised to form reactant ions. GC-MS can also be conducted under atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric Pressure PhotoIonisation (APPI) is the most recent source [1]. Emitted pho…
Organoleptic properties of dark chocolates investigated by direct-injection mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and GC-MS-Olfactometry
Sesquiterpene volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine
SPE IPM UB CT1; International audience; Inducing resistance in plants by the application of elicitors of defense reactions is an attractive plant protection strategy, particularly for grapevine (Vitis vinifera), which is susceptible to severe fungal diseases. Although induced resistance (IR) can be successful under controlled conditions, in most cases, IR is not sufficiently effective for practical disease control under outdoor conditions. Progress in the application of IR requires a better understanding of grapevine defense mechanisms and the ability to monitor defense markers to identify factors, such as physiological and environmental factors, that can impact IR in the vineyard. Volatile…
Volatile organic compounds: a role in elicitor-induced resistance of grapevine against pathogens?
International audience; As Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to fungal diseases, numerous chemical treatments are generally required to ensure the quantity and quality of the harvest. However, in the context of sustainable viticulture, there are increasing societal request, political incitation, and winegrowers’ awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. Among possible solutions the use of elicitors that could be included in integrated pest management or biocontrol strategies might be very promising. These bioactive compounds are able to trigger plant defences, leading to induced resistance (IR) against pathogens. Despite IR can be elicited very successfully in controlled environment…
In-mouth metabolism and production of flavor sulfur compounds by oral microbiota enzymes
Flavor perception is the main factor in the acceptance of food. Cysteine derivatives are aroma precursors present in a number of plant-based foods (vegetables, fruits, as well as beverages such as wine). They have low odorant properties, but become odorant when metabolized into aroma sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. These sulfur compounds are sometimes associated with food aversion. Therefore, it is desirable to improve our knowledge of the entailed enzymatic mechanisms and design strategies aiming at controlling their release in-mouth. The involved enzymes are presumably carbon-sulfur lyases (C-S lyases) from the oral microbiota, but evidences are scarce. Recently, we showed that saliv…
Sesquiterpenes VOCs are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine
International audience
Identification of volatile compounds of fruit juice by head space (HSSE) and immersion stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and thermal desorption-cryogenic focusing-gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Identification of volatile compounds of fruit juice by head space (HSSE) and immersion stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and thermal desorption-cryogenic focusing-gas chromatography mass spectrometry. 16. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses (ISOEN 2015)
A HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis of IR heated wood: Impact of the water content on the depth profile of oak wood aromas extractability
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0963996913003736; International audience; Controlled and reproducible IR heat treatments were applied to oak wood surfaces in order to establish a depth-profiled picture of the extractability of volatile compounds, with particular emphasis on the impact of the initial water content. Headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) has been used to compare the concentrations of six aroma compounds (vanillin, furfural, eugenol; guaiacol and cis- and trans-whisky lactones) in hydroalcoholic extracts of series of slices representative of the first 8 mm of the wood facing the IR source. Results…
Multivariate approach to reveal relationships between sensory perception of cheeses and aroma profile obtained with different extraction methods
A new and original statistical approach was used to compare the effectiveness of 4 different methods to analyse aroma compounds of seven different commercial semi-hard cheeses with regard to their orthonasal sensory perception. Four extraction methods were evaluated: Purge and Trap, Artificial Mouth, Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) and Solvent-Assisted Flavour Evaporation (SAFE). Among the headspace methods, Artificial Mouth gave the closest representation of the studied product space to the sensory perception one. The SAFE method was complementary to the dynamic headspace methods, as it was very efficient in extracting the heavy molecules but less efficient for extracting the most volat…
Impact of a minimally processing route for the production of infant formulas on the organoleptic properties
Many new-borns are fed with substitutes of breast milk. These products undergo several heat treatments, necessary to insure their microbiologic safety but probably modifying their organo-leptic properties. High temperature can damage milk proteins and form Maillard reaction prod-ucts with lactose. Microfiltration – to replace the heat treatments for a milk debacterization – combined with a soft spray-drying is currently an alternative little exploited to produce infant formulas (IFs) although microbiologically safe. The aim of this study was to determine the im-pact of such processing route on the organoleptic properties of the IFs. Three experimental IFs were manufactured at a semi-industr…
Effect of oenological tannins on wine aroma before and after oxidation: a real-time study by coupling sensory (TDS) and chemical (PTR-ToF-MS) analyses
Identification and quantification of the odour active compounds in sheep’s raw milk cheeses with flavour defect
Identification and quantification of the odour active compounds in sheep’s raw milk cheeses with flavour defect. 14. Weurman flavour research symposium
Organoleptic properties of dark chocolates investigated by direct-injection mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and GC-Olfactometry
Characterization of the aromatic potential of grape berry
IntroductionProbe is a research infrastructure gathering 4 analytical platforms of INRAE and allowing multi-approach and multi-complementarity to be explored and exploited. As a proof of concept, a common study was conducted around the structure and the evolution of the skin of the grape berry and the diffusion of compounds of interest during the winemaking process.Materials and methodsIn this context, the aromatic potential on two Vitis vinifera grape varieties (Carignan and Grenache,) were studied. Berries were harvested at an average potential alcohol of 12% vol. in the vineyard of the Pech Rouge experimental unit (INRAE, Gruissan, France) and separated according to their natural heterog…
Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized red wine: A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation and analytical chemistry.
International audience; Addition of oenological tannins claims to have a positive impact on wine stability, protection from oxidation and likely sensory persistence. However, their role on red wine aroma during oxidation is controversial. The present study aims at investigating the effect of addition of oenological tannins on wine flavour (mainly aroma) before and after air exposure. Temporal Dominance of Sensations, a dynamic sensory evaluation, was coupled with a dynamic chemical measurement (nosespace analysis) using a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass-Spectrometer connected to the nasal cavity of 17 assessors. Results showed that the oxidation of a non-oaked Pinot Noir red wine decreases th…
The salivary reactor: an innovating tool for the categorization of food products through their aroma and taste compounds release profiles
International audience
Does aroma composition allow to discriminate groups of dark chocolates categorized on the basis of their organoleptic properties? Inputs of direct-injection mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and GC-Olfactometry
International audience
Release of aroma compounds from fat spread in a salivary reactor
International audience
Contribution of the aromatic composition of bread crumb and crust to temporal perceptions
Odour active compounds in raw sheep-milk cheeses with flavour defects
proceedings paper from the 14th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium (15-19 September 2014, Queens' College Cambridge, UK); absent
Aroma characterization of freshly-distilled French brandies; their specificity and variability within a limited geographic area
Freshly-distilled French wine brandies were evaluated by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O). Six brandy samples were studied, coming from two growth areas, both belonging to the same limited geographic zone, which is a homogeneous vineyard area. The GC-O methodology, using detection frequency analysis, revealed 88 olfactive areas (OAs) for which the detection frequency was ≥ 25%. OAs were then identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in electron and chemical ionization modes and semi-quantified by internal normalization using gas-chromatography with flame ionization detection. Co-eluting species were separated by multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfacto…
Characterization of key aroma compounds in vegetable proteins foods
International audience; The flavour profile of vegetable proteins food is complex due to the presence of a large number of compounds belonging to different chemical classes. The manufacturing process use many parameters of which temperature plays a role in the generation of volatile compounds.The flavour profile of two vegetable proteins sample (high and low thermal processing) were studied. GC-MS analyses detected and identified 71 aroma compounds (pyrazines, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes) in the two samples. Quantification showed a difference between the two thermal treatments. GC-O analysis described 70 olfactive areas, 39 of which attributed to a chemical compound.