Norbert Dahmen
Detection of TOAD-64 in adult rat brain as revealed by two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis followed by MALDI mass spectrometry
The molecular mechanisms by which antipsychotic effects are achieved remain largely elusive. Possible mechanisms include the modulation of nerve cell gene expression. The antipsychotic drug haloperidol was administered orally (1.6 mg/kg) to adult rats for 3 weeks. Protein patterns in striata and forebrains were studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). One differentially regulated protein spot was identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) after trypsin digest. Turned on after devision-64 kD (TOAD-64), the identified protein, was present in all gels and, in addition, was up-regulated in the striata but not in the forebrains of the hal…
Neurocognitive impairments in non-deprived smokers-results from a population-based multi-center study on smoking-related behavior
The aim of the present study was to examine neurocognitive function associated with chronic nicotine use. A total of 2163 healthy participants (1002 smokers, 1161 never-smoking controls) participated in a population-based case- control design.The main outcome measures were six cognitive domain factors derived from a neuropsychological test battery. In smokers, the battery was administered after controlled smoking of one cigarette. Analyses included age, sex and education as covariates. Results demonstrated small, but significant deficits in smokers for visual attention (P < 0.001) and cognitive impulsivity (P < 0.006), while verbal episodic memory, verbal fluency, verbal working memory, and…
Serotonergic polymorphisms in patients suffering from alcoholism, anxiety disorders and narcolepsy.
Abstract 1. Alterations in the serotonergic neurotransmission have been frequently described for patients suffering from alcoholism, anxiety disorders and narcolepsy. 2. The authors tested for association of the 5-HT2A receptor polymorphism (T102C) and the intron 7 tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) polymorphism (A218C) among 176 alcohol dependent patients, 35 patients with panic disorder, 50 patients with generalized anxiety disorder, 55 patients with narcolepsy and 87 healthy controls. 3. Allele and genotype frequencies of the 5-HT2A receptor polymorphism (T102C), the intron 7 TPH polymorphism (A218C) were almost similar between the patients suffering from alcohol dependence, panic disorder, ge…
Indication of a common origin of German and American Families with Familial Amyloidneuropathy Typ II
Abstract The classification of familial amyloid neuropathies (FAP) is traditionally based on clinical and regional aspects. In the last 10 years more than 40 mutations of the transthyretin gene have been found to be responsible for different clinical forms of amyloidosis including familial FAP.FAP II is caused by a mutation on the codon 58 of the transthyretin gene. Only two american kindreds (the Maryland/German and the Ohio family) have previously been reported with FAP II starting in the 3rd or 4th decade by sensory disturbances of the hands typically as a carpal tunnel syndrome. We report on a german family with FAP II from the rhine river area south of Mainz. Four members with typical …
Sex differences in allelic frequencies of the 5-HT2C Cys23Ser polymorphism in psychiatric patients and healthy volunteers: findings from an association study
Polymorphisms in the serotonergic system are believed to play a role in the etiology and treatment of different psychiatric illnesses. The 5-HT2C receptor gene is X-linked, with a frequent mutation at nucleotide 68 leading to a Ser-->Cys transition at amino acid 23. Recent studies have demonstrated an impaired function of 5-HT2C receptors and an increased production of the major noradrenergic metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol in the cerebrospinal fluid among the subjects carrying the Ser23 allele (Lappalainen et al., 1999). Biol. Psychiatry 46:821). We genotyped patients with alcohol dependence, panic disorder without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, narcolepsy an…
Quantitation of GABA transporter 3 (GAT3) mRNA in rat brain by competitive RT-PCR.
Gamma-amino butyric acid is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA transporters (GATs) remove GABA from the synaptic cleft. Till now, five distinct GABA transporters have been cloned and termed consecutively GAT1 to GAT4 and vGAT. To study the mechanisms by which tolerance and dependence associated with drugs enhancing GABAergic transmission is brought upon we analysed the mRNA expression levels of GATs in various brain regions under different conditions. In this paper, we describe our protocol for measurement of GAT3 mRNA expression, and its validation through control experiments for the various steps. We performed competitive reverse transcription and polymerase chain re…
The P300 event-related potential and smoking--a population-based case-control study.
A better understanding of the factors underlying habitual tobacco smoking may further new strategies to go about this major health problem. The P300 event-related potential (ERP) has emerged as a valuable (endo)phenotype in neuropsychiatric research. Previous studies suggested the P300 ERP to be reduced in smokers. The main purpose of the present study was to provide an in-depth description of smoking-related behavioral, biological and electrophysiological phenotypes with an emphasis on the P300 ERP and its mutual relationship with other smoking-related parameters. In this case-control study N=1318 participants (smokers and never-smoking controls) were investigated at 6 German academic inst…
Blood ethanol levels and adenylyl cyclase activity in lymphocytes of alcoholic patients
Abstract Background: The adenylyl cyclase (AC) signal transduction pathway is a target of acute and chronic ethanol actions. This study examined whether AC activity in lymphocyte membranes of male alcoholic patients correlated with blood concentrations of ethanol. Methods: Patients ( n = 13; mean age: 40 ± 8 years) were studied on the day of admission (day 0) and 2 days later under detoxification. Moreover, 13 age-matched male healthy controls (mean age 40 ± 9 years) were included. Lymphocyte membranes were prepared by differential centrifugation whereby blood ethanol was washed out. As a measure of AC activity the formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) from adenosine triphospha…
A monoamine oxidase B gene variant and short-term antidepressant treatment response.
Genetic differences among patients suffering from Major Depression are likely to contribute to interindividual differences in medication treatment response. Thus, the identification of gene variants affecting drug response is needed in order to be able to predict response to psychopharmacological drugs. This study analyzed a possible association of the common A644G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) within intron 13 of the monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) gene with antidepressant treatment response. The study population consisted of n = 102 patients with major depression (criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition; DSM-IV) participating in a randomized do…
Association analysis between variants of the interleukin-1beta and the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene and antidepressant treatment response in major depression
Andr&eacute; Tadic1, Dan Rujescu2, Matthias J M&uuml;ller3, Ralf Kohnen4, Hans H. Stassen5, Armin Szegedi6, Norbert Dahmen11Department of Psychiatry, University of Mainz, Germany; 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Munich, Germany; 3Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Marburg-Sued, Germany, and Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Giessen, Germany; 4IMEREM, Nuernberg, Germany; 5Department of Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 6Organon, Roseland, NJ, USAAbstract: This study investigated the possible association of the interleukin-1 beta (IL-1&beta;) C-511T promoter polymorphism and the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) (86bp)n variable number o…
Association study of a SNP coding for a M129V substitution in the prion protein in schizophrenia.
Confirmation of association of the GABRA2 gene with alcohol dependence by subtype-specific analysis
Objectives: Three recent studies revealed a haplotypic association of alcohol dependence with the gene encoding the {alpha}2 subunit of the {gamma}-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor (GABRA2). The present study examined whether variation of the GABRA2 gene confers susceptibility to different subtypes of alcohol dependence in the German population. Methods: A total of 257 German alcohol-dependent patients and 88 healthy population controls were genotyped for six single-nucleotide polymorphisms covering the middle part and the 3′ end of GABRA2. Allelic, genotypic and haplotypic comparisons were done for subgroups of alcohol-dependent patients with a presumed high genetic load. Results:…
A Genome-wide Association Study of Early-onset Breast Cancer Identifies PFKM as a Novel Breast Cancer Gene and Supports a Common Genetic Spectrum for Breast Cancer at Any Age
Abstract Early-onset breast cancer (EOBC) causes substantial loss of life and productivity, creating a major burden among women worldwide. We analyzed 1,265,548 Hapmap3 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) among a discovery set of 3,523 EOBC incident cases and 2,702 population control women ages ≤ 51 years. The SNPs with smallest P values were examined in a replication set of 3,470 EOBC cases and 5,475 control women. We also tested EOBC association with 19,684 genes by annotating each gene with putative functional SNPs, and then combining their P values to obtain a gene-based P value. We examined the gene with smallest P value for replication in 1,145 breast cancer cases and 1,142 control …
REM-associated hallucinations and sleep paralysis are dependent on body posture
Trans-ancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders
AbstractLiability to alcohol dependence (AD) is heritable, but little is known about its complex polygenic architecture or its genetic relationship with other disorders. To discover loci associated with AD and characterize the relationship between AD and other psychiatric and behavioral outcomes, we carried out the largest GWAS to date of DSM - IV diagnosed AD. Genome - wide data on 14,904 individuals with AD and 37,944 controls from 28 case / control and family - based studies were meta - analyzed, stratified by genetic ancestry (European, N = 46,568; African; N = 6,280). Independent, genome - wide significant effects of different ADH1B variants were identified in European (rs1229984; p = …
Blood laboratory findings in patients suffering from self-perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)
Risks from electromagnetic devices are of considerable concern. Electrohypersensitive (EHS) persons attribute a variety of rather unspecific symptoms to exposure to electromagnetic fields. The pathophysiology of EHS is unknown and therapy remains a challenge. We hypothesized that some electrosensitive individuals are suffering from common somatic health problems. Toward this end we analysed clinical laboratory parameters including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), creatinine, hemoglobine, hematocrit and c-reactive protein (CRP) in subjects suffering from EHS and in controls that are routinely used in clinical medicine to identify or…
Association study of suicidal behavior and affective disorders with a genetic polymorphism in ABCG1, a positional candidate on chromosome 21q22.3
The gene that codes for the ABC transporter ABCG1 is located in a chromosomal susceptibility region (21q22.3) for affective disorders. Genetic variations in ABCG1 have been associated with affective disorders in Japanese males. In this study, we investigated the distribution of a G2457A polymorphism in patients with affective disorders, suicide attempters with various psychiatric diagnoses and healthy subjects. We initially found a trend towards a modest association with affective disorders in males (p = 0.046 for allele frequencies and p = 0.046 for AA versus GG). We conducted a replication study with independent patients and controls. There was no association with affective disorders, eit…
A common biological basis of obesity and nicotine addiction
Contains fulltext : 128630.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Smoking influences body weight such that smokers weigh less than non-smokers and smoking cessation often leads to weight increase. The relationship between body weight and smoking is partly explained by the effect of nicotine on appetite and metabolism. However, the brain reward system is involved in the control of the intake of both food and tobacco. We evaluated the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting body mass index (BMI) on smoking behavior, and tested the 32 SNPs identified in a meta-analysis for association with two smoking phenotypes, smoking initiation (SI) and the number of cigarettes smoked …
Association of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 4 polymorphisms with nicotine dependence in 5500 Germans.
Polymorphisms in the CHRNA4 gene coding the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 4 have recently been suggested to play a role in the determination of smoking-related phenotypes. To examine this hypothesis, we conducted a genetic association study in three large samples from the German general population (N(1)=1412; N(2)=1855; N(3)=2294). Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms in CHRNA4 were genotyped in 5561 participants, including 2707 heavily smoking cases (regularly smoking at least 20 cigarettes per day) and 2399 never-smoking controls (or=100 cigarettes over lifetime). We examined associations of the polymorphisms with smoking case-control status and with the extent of nicotin…
Differences between Human Plasma and Serum Metabolite Profiles
BackgroundHuman plasma and serum are widely used matrices in clinical and biological studies. However, different collecting procedures and the coagulation cascade influence concentrations of both proteins and metabolites in these matrices. The effects on metabolite concentration profiles have not been fully characterized.Methodology/principal findingsWe analyzed the concentrations of 163 metabolites in plasma and serum samples collected simultaneously from 377 fasting individuals. To ensure data quality, 41 metabolites with low measurement stability were excluded from further analysis. In addition, plasma and corresponding serum samples from 83 individuals were re-measured in the same plate…
TheMAOA T941G polymorphism and short-term treatment response to mirtazapine and paroxetine in major depression
This study investigated the possible association of the MAOA T941G gene variant with differential antidepressant response to mirtazapine and/or paroxetine in 102 patients with major depression (DSM-IV criteria) participating in a randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial. Female mirtazapine-treated patients homozygous for the T-allele had a significantly faster and better treatment response than TG/GG-patients. In males, we failed to show an association between MAOA T941G gene variant and mirtazapine response. In the paroxetine-treated group, there were no significant differences in treatment response between MAOA T941G genotype groups. Time course of response and antidepressant eff…
Association of 5′ end neuregulin-1 ( NRG1 ) gene variation with subcortical medial frontal microstructure in humans
Animal data suggest that the gene neuregulin-1 (NRG1) is involved in neuronal myelination. A haplotype (deCODE) in the 5' end region of the gene was described to double the risk for schizophrenia in an Icelandic population (Stefansson, H., Sigurdsson, E., Steinthorsdottir, V., Bjornsdottir, S., Sigmundsson, T., Ghosh, S., Brynjolfsson, J., Gunnarsdottir, S., Ivarsson, O., Chou, T.T., Hjaltason, O., Birgisdottir, B., Jonsson, H., Gudnadottir, V.G., Gudmundsdottir, E., Bjornsson, A., Ingvarsson, B., Ingason, A., Sigfusson, S., Hardardottir, H., Harvey, R.P., Lai, D., Zhou, M., Brunner, D., Mutel, V., Gonzalo, A., Lemke, G., Sainz, J., Johannesson, G., Andresson, T., Gudbjartsson, D., Manolesc…
Increased frequency of migraine in narcoleptic patients
We explored the relationship between narcolepsy and different types of headaches. We interviewed 68 patients with idiopathic narcolepsy for the presence of headache symptoms based on the criteria of the International Headache Society (IHS). Eighty-one percent of the patients reported headaches that warranted an IHS headache diagnosis. Fifty-four percent of the patients (64% women, 35% men) had migraine with all IHS criteria fulfilled.
Randomized controlled study of early medication change for non-improvers to antidepressant therapy in major depression – The EMC trial
Patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and no improvement after two weeks of antidepressant pharmacotherapy have a high risk of treatment failure. The aim of the study was to determine whether an early medication change (EMC) strategy is superior to a guideline-based treatment in MDD patients without improvement after two weeks of antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Eight-hundred-and-eighty-nine patients with MDD were enrolled, 879 patients received the SSRI escitalopram. Of those, 192 patients had no improvement, defined as a reduction of < 20% on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17) after 14 days of treatment, and were randomly assigned to open treatment with the EMC strategy…
Psychological and hormonal features of smokers at risk to gain weight after smoking cessation--results of a multicenter study.
Preclinical and clinical data suggest modulating effects of appetite-regulating hormones and stress perception on food intake. Nicotine intake also interferes with regulation of body weight. Especially following smoking cessation gaining weight is a common but only partially understood consequence. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction between smoking habits, the appetite regulating hormone leptin, negative affectivity, and stress vulnerability on eating behavior in a clinical case-control study under standardized conditions. In a large population-based study sample, we compared leptin and cortisol plasma concentrations (radioimmunoassay) between current tobacco smokers with …
Adenylyl cyclase activity is increased in younger, but decreased in older, alcoholic patients after detoxification.
Acute and chronic administration of ethanol leads to alterations of the adenylyl cyclase (AC) signal transduction pathway. This study examined whether the formation of cAMP by AC in lymphocytes correlates with age in alcoholic patients and in healthy controls. Blood was drawn for preparation of lymphocyte membranes and for determination of basal, GTPgammaS-stimulated, and forskolin-stimulated AC activity from 68 actively drinking alcoholic patients (age, mean +/- SD: 45 +/- 10; range: 26-69 years) after ethanol detoxification. The patients' AC activity correlated negatively with age. In contrast, no effect of age was observed in the healthy controls (age, mean +/- SD: 42 +/- 11; range: 24-6…
229 – ERBB4 genotype effects on human brain structure
Background:Disturbed functional and structural brain connectivity in schizophrenia has been shown in a large number of studies. There is evidence from several neuroimaging and post mortem studies that altered neuronal myelination may in part account for this deficit. Recent investigations have suggested that variations of the genes that encode the Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) ErbB4 receptor complex might be associated with schizophrenia illness. As NRG1 and ErbB4 have been implicated in myelination and neuronal proliferation. We investigated whether cerebral micro and macrostructure is predicted by two risk haplotypes of the ErbB4 gene. Methods: The effects of two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SN…
W05-01 - Rationale and Design of an RCT Comparing “EMC-Strategy” with TAU in Patients with Major Depression - the EMC Trial
IntroductionFor Major Depression, current guidelines recommend treatment durations of 3-8 weeks until optimisation in case of insufficient outcome. Many retrospective studies indicate that improvement (HAMD-17 decrease ≥20%) occurs usually within 10-14 days and that non-improvement after 14 days of treatment is highly predictive for poor clinical outcome.MethodsIn level 1 of the EMC trial, non-improvers after 14 days of antidepressant treatment will be randomised to “early medication change” (EMC) strategy or treatment according to current guidelines (TAU). EMC schedules treatment optimisations on day 15 and day 29 in case of non-improvement. TAU schedules a medication change after 28 days …
Modulatory role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism on the effects of serious life events on impulsive aggression in borderline personality disorder.
Impulsive aggression belongs to the key features of borderline personality disorder (BPD). In the development of BPD, serious life events are known to play a major role. Acute and chronic stress has been suggested to inhibit hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) synthesis and to mediate neural plasticity in response to adverse social experiences. Recently it has been reported that the frequency of violent suicide attempts is higher in adult suicide attempters reporting severe childhood sexual abuse and carrying the Val(66)Val genotype of the BDNF Val(66)Met polymorphism. In this study we analysed modulating effects of BDNF Val(66)Met polymorphism on the effects of physical ma…
Sequence variants at CHRNB3-CHRNA6 and CYP2A6 affect smoking behavior
Contains fulltext : 89305.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) Smoking is a common risk factor for many diseases. We conducted genome-wide association meta-analyses for the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD) in smokers (n = 31,266) and smoking initiation (n = 46,481) using samples from the ENGAGE Consortium. In a second stage, we tested selected SNPs with in silico replication in the Tobacco and Genetics (TAG) and Glaxo Smith Kline (Ox-GSK) consortia cohorts (n = 45,691 smokers) and assessed some of those in a third sample of European ancestry (n = 9,040). Variants in three genomic regions associated with CPD (P < 5 x 10(-8)), including previously identified SNPs at 15q25 repre…
Dopamine-related genes and spontaneous smoking cessation in ever-heavy smokers
Several studies have provided evidence for associations of polymorphisms located in and near dopamine-related genes and nicotine dependence and other smoking-related phenotypes, including pharmacogenetic interactions. Aim: The purpose of the present work was to examine the association of SNPs in the DOPA decarboxylase (DDC), dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) and dopamine transporter (SLC6A3) genes with smoking cessation in a large retrospective study featuring approximately 900 cessation events. Materials & methods: Data originated from the enrollment questionnaire of the epidemiological ESTHER study of community-dwelling adults aged 50–74 years, conducted in the German state of Saarland bet…
Peripheral Leptin Levels in Narcoleptic Patients
Narcolepsy is a severe sleep disorder that in most patients is characterized by the deficiency of central orexin. Clinically, narcolepsy is associated with obesity. Currently, there is a literature controversy about the potential alteration of leptin levels in narcoleptic patients. Theoretically, diminished leptin levels could partially contribute to the observed overweight of patients. Two studies have reported decreased leptin levels, whereas a larger, recent study failed to detect differences between patients and controls.To help settle the controversy, we have measured peripheral leptin levels in 42 narcoleptic patients and in 31 body mass index-matched controls.No significant differenc…
Functional polymorphism in the neuropeptide Y gene promoter (rs16147) is associated with serum leptin levels and waist-hip ratio in women
<b><i>Objective:</i></b> The neuropeptide-Y (NP-Y) gene is a strong candidate gene in the pathophysiology of obesity-linked behavior, and several single-nucleotide polymorphisms of NP-Y have already been linked to body weight and appetite. However, the results from current studies remain inconclusive. The aim of the present study was to test whether a certain functional genetic variant (SNP rs16147) in the NP-Y promoter gene is associated with serum leptin levels and body fat distribution. <b><i>Method:</i></b> We genotyped and measured the serum leptin levels of the NP-Y rs16147 polymorphism in 1,097 Caucasian subjects in the context of a pop…
Genetic contribution to alcohol dependence: Investigation of a heterogeneous german sample of individuals with alcohol dependence, chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, and alcohol-related cirrhosis
The present study investigated the genetic contribution to alcohol dependence (AD) using genome-wide association data from three German samples. These comprised patients with: (i) AD; (ii) chronic alcoholic pancreatitis (ACP); and (iii) alcohol-related liver cirrhosis (ALC). Single marker, gene-based, and pathway analyses were conducted. A significant association was detected for the ADH1B locus in a gene-based approach (puncorrected = 1.2 × 10-6; pcorrected = 0.020). This was driven by the AD subsample. No association with ADH1B was found in the combined ACP + ALC sample. On first inspection, this seems surprising, since ADH1B is a robustly replicated risk gene for AD and may therefore be …
Replication of the association between CHRNA4 rs1044396 and harm avoidance in a large population-based sample.
Harm avoidance is a personality trait characterized by excessive worrying and fear of uncertainty, which has repeatedly been related to anxiety disorders. Converging lines of research in rodents and humans point towards an involvement of the nicotinic cholinergic system in the modulation of anxiety. Most notably, the rs1044396 polymorphism in the CHRNA4 gene, which codes for the α4 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, has been linked to negative emotionality traits including harm avoidance in a recent study. Against this background, we investigated the association between harm avoidance and the rs1044396 polymorphism using data from N=1673 healthy subjects, which were collected …
No association of alcohol dependence with a NMDA-receptor 2B gene variant
Heavy metal exposure in patients suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Abstract Background Risks from electromagnetic devices are of considerable concern. Electrohypersensitive (EHS) persons attribute a variety of rather unspecific symptoms to the exposure to electromagnetic fields. The pathophysiology of EHS is unknown and therapy remains a challenge. Objectives Heavy metal load has been discussed as a potential factor in the symptomatology of EHS patients. The main objective of the study was to test the hypothesis of a link between EHS and heavy metal exposure. Methods We measured lead, mercury and cadmium concentrations in the blood of 132 patients ( n = 42 males and n = 90 females) and 101 controls ( n = 34 males and n = 67 females). Results Our result…
TNFA promoter polymorphisms and narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a debilitating sleep disorder that affects up to 0.05% of individuals in Caucasian populations. It is highly associated with the HLA-DR2 group antigen or the HLA-DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 haplotype, respectively. However, the HLA association by itself cannot sufficiently explain the increased risk to family members, as HLA-DR2 is quite common in the general population and most people harboring the respective genotype do not develop any symptoms of narcolepsy. Situated in the HLA class II region, the TNFA gene is translated into the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha. TNFA promoter polymorphisms have been linked to several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. We analyzed three SNP …
Lack of modulating effects of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism on the association of serious life events (SLE) and impulsivity in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder
A genomewide association study of smoking relapse in four European population-based samples.
OBJECTIVES: Genomewide association studies (GWAS) have identified clear evidence of genetic markers for nicotine dependence. Other smoking phenotypes have been tested, but the results are less consistent. The tendency to relapse versus the ability to maintain long-term abstinence has received little attention in genetic studies; thus, our aim was to provide a better biological understanding of this phenotype through the identification of genetic loci associated with smoking relapse. METHODS: We carried out a GWAS on data from two European population-based collections, including a total of 835 cases (relapsers) and 990 controls (abstainers). Top-ranked findings from the discovery phase were …
Narcoleptic and schizophrenic hallucinations
The differential diagnosis of narcolepsy versus schizophrenia is sometimes complicated by similar phenomenology, particularly when hallucinations predominate. REM sleep disturbances seem fundamental in the pathophysiology of narcolepsy, and REM sleep intrusions during periods of wakefulness are often associated with hallucinations also in healthy controls and in patients with other brain disorders including schizophrenia. This study used a semistructured interview to investigate different aspects of hallucinations (frequency, modality, content, and dependence on body posture) in 148 patients with narcolepsy, 21 patients with acute exacerbation of a schizophrenic disorder, and 128 healthy su…
Genome-wide association and genetic functional studies identify autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene (AUTS2) in the regulation of alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption is a moderately heritable trait, but the genetic basis in humans is largely unknown, despite its clinical and societal importance. We report a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of ∼2.5 million directly genotyped or imputed SNPs with alcohol consumption (gram per day per kilogram body weight) among 12 population-based samples of European ancestry, comprising 26,316 individuals, with replication genotyping in an additional 21,185 individuals. SNP rs6943555 in autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene ( AUTS2 ) was associated with alcohol consumption at genome-wide significance ( P = 4 × 10 −8 to P = 4 × 10 −9 ). We found a genotype-specific expression of AUTS2 in 9…
Distribution of clozapine and desmethylclozapine between blood and brain in rats.
Desmethylclozapine is the major metabolite of clozapine in serum. Although the metabolite is pharmacologically active in vitro, the occurrence of desmethylclozapine in brain under steady-state conditions and its role for clinical actions of clozapine are unclear. In this study 20 male Sprague-Dawley rats received five oral doses of clozapine 20 mg/kg at 1.5-h intervals. At 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 h after the last administration, at a time four animals were killed for analysis of clozapine and desmethylclozapine concentrations in serum and brain. The treatment yielded steady-state serum concentrations of clozapine that are considered as therapeutically effective in man. Desmethylclozapine concentrat…
Induction of c-fos gene expression by the selective sigma receptor ligand EMD 57445 in rat brain.
Based on animal studies it has been reasoned that ligands to sigma binding sites might be effective in the treatment of schizophrenic disorders and may also be used to investigate this largely elusive disorder on a molecular level. Expression patterns of c-fos in rat brain were studied following treatment with single doses of the sigma ligand EMD 57445 (0.3, 1, 3, 30 mg/kg s.c.). Specific c-fos gene expression was detected at all concentrations tested in various cortical areas. The signals observed were dose-dependent with the highest intensities in the piriform cortex. Strong signals were also detected in hippocampal areas CA 1,2,3 and the gyrus dentatus, as well as in the medial habenula …
Variants in COMT and spontaneous smoking cessation: retrospective cohort analysis of 925 cessation events
Genome-wide studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with smoking behaviour and nicotine dependence. Less is known about genetic determinants of smoking cessation, but rs4680 in COMT has recently been shown to explain a substantial proportion of the variation in cessation in the general population. We attempted to replicate the reported, clinically relevant effect in a population-based retrospective cohort analysis of 1443 ever-heavy smokers, of whom 925 had reached abstinence. In Cox regression models, neither rs4680 nor two polymorphisms nearby were associated with smoking cessation. The adjusted relative cessation rate (95% confidence interval) in rs4680 methion…
Elevated peripheral visfatin levels in narcoleptic patients.
OBJECTIVE: Narcolepsy is a severe sleep disorder that is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexies and a tendency towards obesity. Recent discoveries indicate that the major pathophysiology is a loss of hypocretin (orexin) producing neurons due to immunologically mediated degeneration. Visfatin is a recently described proinflammatory adipokine. It is identical to the immune modulating pre-B-cell colony enhancing factor (PBEF). Our study examines the hypothesis that visfatin levels are altered in narcoleptic patients. METHODS: For the analysis, a total of n = 54 patients (n = 18 males and n = 36 females) with the diagnosis of narcolepsy according to DSM-IV and the Internatio…
Molecular cloning of rat G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 (GRK6) from brain tissue, and its mRNA expression in different brain regions and peripheral tissues
The rat G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 (GRK6) cDNA was cloned from rat brain tissue by a combination of reverse-transcription polymerase chain reactions (RT-PCR), based on homology to the cloned human GRK6, and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE-PCR). We obtained a clone of 2817 bp with an open reading frame of 1731 bp encoding for a protein of 576 amino acids that is 96.7% identical and 97.9% similar to its human counterpart. mRNA was detectable in all brain areas examined. In addition, GRK6 was expressed in skeletal muscle, small intestine, aorta, liver, heart, lung, thymus, stomach, uterus and kidney.
ErbB4 genotype predicts left frontotemporal structural connectivity in human brain.
Diminished left frontotemporal connectivity is among the most frequently reported findings in schizophrenia and there is evidence that altered neuronal myelination may in part account for this deficit. Several investigations have suggested that variations of the genes that encode the Neuregulin 1 (NRG1)-ErbB4 receptor complex are associated with schizophrenia illness. As NRG1--ErbB4 has been implicated in neuronal myelination, we investigated with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) whether fractional anisotropy (FA)--a putative measure of neuronal myelination--is predicted by a risk haplotype of the ErbB4 gene. The effects of the ErbB4 genotype were investigated in healthy subjects (N=59; mean …
Chronic oral haloperidol and clozapine in rats: A behavioral evaluation.
The present study evaluated chronic oral treatment of rats with haloperidol or clozapine. Drugs were given in the drinking water for a 23-day period . Rat behavior was analyzed once a week in an open field. Rats ingested either 1.7 mg/kg haloperidol or 40 mg/kg clozapine daily. Blood serum analysis revealed concentrations of 6 ng/ml for haloperidol and 22 ng/ml for clozapine at the end of the treatment. Haloperidol decreased overall activity from the onset of treatment. Clozapine showed similar effects only on the last test day. Control animals showed a slight habituation in exploration-related parameters. In conclusion, these results indicate that oral drug administration through the drink…
Genome-wide Association Study of Alcohol Dependence
Context Alcohol dependence is a serious and common public health problem. It is well established that genetic factors play a major role in the development of this disorder. Identification of genes that contribute to alcohol dependence will improve our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie this disorder. Objective To identify susceptibility genes for alcohol dependence through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and a follow-up study in a population of German male inpatients with an early age at onset. Design The GWAS tested 524 396 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). All SNPs with P −4 were subjected to the follow-up study. In addition, nominally significant SNPs from genes t…
Association study of affective disorders with genetic polymorphisms of monoamine oxidases
Introduction: Monoamine oxidases (MAO) catalyze the oxidative deamination of monoamines like norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. The existing MAOs (A and B) have distinct although partially overlapping biological functions and distributions in the brain. MAO A is mainly expressed in catecholaminergic neurons. Thirty-fold differences in enzyme activity of MAO A can be found in cultured cells from different individuals suggesting a genetic determination of enzyme activity. Indeed, a point mutation in the coding region of the gene which creates a restriction site for Fnu4HI alters the activity. Moreover, the pharmacological inhibition of monoamine oxidase A activity is one of the most effe…
New dopamine D2 receptor polymorphisms in rats and association with apomorphine-induced stereotypies.
Adult Wistar rats injected with the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine display different types of motility patterns with respect to oral stereotypes and locomotor activities. It was tested whether phenotypes exhibiting either ‘sniffing’ or ‘non-sniffing’ behaviour differed in gene structures of dopamine receptors D1 or D2. Forty-five Wistar rats of both genders were tested after a single dose of apomorphine (2 mg/kg s.c.) for stereotyped behaviour. Sequence analysis of the 5′ flanking region, the 5′ untranslated region and the coding region of the two genes revealed a new sequence for the 5′ flanking region of the D1 receptor gene and two polymorphisms in the promoter region of the D2 re…
Electrophysiological brain stem investigations in idiopathic narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy is associated with various rapid eye movement (REM) sleep abnormalities. Distinct brain stem areas seem to play a prominent role in REM sleep regulation. Recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have led to conflicting findings concerning the presence of structural brain stem lesions in patients with idiopathic narcoleptic syndrome. However, multimodal electrophysiological brain stem investigations may reveal functional brain stem abnormalities even in the absence of MRI abnormality. Therefore we investigated brain stem function in 12 idiopathic narcoleptic patients by systematically studying tegmental brain stem pathways. All of the patients met the diagnostic criteria of…
XRCC5 as a Risk Gene for Alcohol Dependence : Evidence from a Genome-Wide Gene-Set-Based Analysis and Follow-up Studies in Drosophila and Humans
Genetic factors play as large a role as environmental factors in the etiology of alcohol dependence. Although genome-wide association studies (GWAS) enable systematic searches for loci not hitherto implicated in the etiology of alcohol dependence, many true findings may be missed due to correction for multiple testing. The aim of the present study was to circumvent this limitation by searching for biological system-level differences, and then following up these findings in humans and animals. Gene-set based analysis of GWAS data from 1333 cases and 2168 controls identified 19 significantly associated gene-sets of which five could be replicated in an independent sample. Clustered in these ge…
Genetic risk prediction and neurobiological understanding of alcoholism.
We have used a translational Convergent Functional Genomics (CFG) approach to discover genes involved in alcoholism, by gene-level integration of genome-wide association study (GWAS) data from a German alcohol dependence cohort with other genetic and gene expression data, from human and animal model studies, similar to our previous work in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A panel of all the nominally significant P-value SNPs in the top candidate genes discovered by CFG (n=135 genes, 713 SNPs) was used to generate a genetic risk prediction score (GRPS), which showed a trend towards significance (P=0.053) in separating alcohol dependent individuals from controls in an independent German…
Association analysis between gene variants of the tyrosine hydroxylase and the serotonin transporter in borderline personality disorder.
For patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), we previously reported an independent effect of the catechol-o-methyl-transferase (COMT) low-activity (Met(158)) allele and an interaction with the low-expression allele of the deletion/insertion (short/long or S/L, resp.) polymorphism in the serotonin transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR). The purpose of the present study was to extend these findings to the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) Val(81)Met single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), the 5-HTTLPR S/L polymorphism incorporating the recently described functional A/G SNP within the long allele of the 5-HTTLPR (rs25531) as well as the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorp…
Association analysis of SCN9A gene variants with borderline personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric disorder affecting about 1-2% of the general population. Key features of BPD are emotional instability, strong impulsivity, repeated self-injurious behavior (SIB) and dissociation. In the etiology of BPD and its predominant symptoms, genetic factors have been suggested. The voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 is expressed in sensory neurons and in the hippocampus, a key region of the limbic system probably dysfunctional in BPD and dissociative disorders. The alpha-subunit of Nav1.7 is encoded by the SCN9A gene on chromosome 2 and variations of SCN9A can lead to complete inability to sense pain. The aim of the present study was t…
Post H1N1 vaccination narcolepsy–cataplexy with decreased CSF beta-amyloid
Basal metabolic rate in narcoleptic patients.
PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM NARCOLEPSY TEND TO BE OBESE.1,2 AMONG OTHER HYPOTHESES LOWER RESTING ENERGY EXPENDITURE HAS BEEN SUSPECTED to be the cause of the narcolepsy-associated obesity.3,4 The use of indirect calorimetry is a well-established noninvasive method to measure the energy expenditure (EE) and the resting (basal) metabolic rate (BMR). Chabas et al. recently published an evaluation of eating behavior and energy balance of 7 typical and 6 atypical narcoleptic patients and 9 controls using indirect calorimetry. Narcoleptic patients were found to have a lower energy expenditure (EE) than controls (n = 13, P = 0.07). Thus, it was concluded that narcolepsy associated obesity could be the…
The German multi-centre study on smoking-related behavior-description of a population-based case-control study
Tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for most of the diseases leading in mortality. Nicotine dependence (ND), which sustains regular smoking, is now acknowledged to be under substantial genetic control with some environmental contribution. At present, however, genetic studies on ND are mostly conducted in populations that have been poorly characterized with regard to ND-related phenotypes for the simple reason that the respective populations were not primarily collected to study ND. The German multi-centre study 'Genetics of Nicotine Dependence and Neurobiological Phenotypes', which is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) as part of the Priority …
Investigation of insulin resistance in narcoleptic patients: dependent or independent of body mass index?
Alice Engel1,2, Jana Helfrich1, Nina Manderscheid1, Petra B Musholt3, Thomas Forst3, Andreas Pf&uuml;tzner3, Norbert Dahmen1,21Department of Psychiatry, University of Mainz, Germany; 2Fachklinik Katzenelnbogen, Katzenelnbogen, Germany; 3IKFE, Institute for Clinical Research and Development, Mainz, GermanyBackground: Narcolepsy is a severe sleep-wake cycle disorder resulting in most cases from a lack of orexin, the energy balance-regulating hormone. Narcoleptic patients have been reported to suffer from an excess morbidity of Type 2 diabetes, even after correction for their often elevated body mass index.Methods: To explore whether narcolepsy is specifically associated with a propensity …
Smoking cessation and variations in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits alpha-5, alpha-3, and beta-4 genes.
Background Evidence has recently accumulated that single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genetic region encoding the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits α-5, α-3, and β-4 are associated with smoking and nicotine dependence. We aimed to determine whether these genetic variations are also predictive of smoking cessation. Methods Lifetime history of smoking was assessed by questionnaire at enrolment into a large epidemiological study of the German elderly population (ESTHER study). Cox proportional hazards modeling was applied in a retrospective cohort approach to determine the associations of individual polymorphisms and haplotypes with smoking cessation probability in 1446 subjects who…
Genome-wide significant association between alcohol dependence and a variant in the ADH gene cluster
Alcohol dependence (AD) is an important contributory factor to the global burden of disease. The etiology of AD involves both environmental and genetic factors, and the disorder has a heritability of around 50%. The aim of the present study was to identify susceptibility genes for AD by performing a genome-wide association study (GWAS). The sample comprised 1333 male in-patients with severe AD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, and 2168 controls. These included 487 patients and 1358 controls from a previous GWAS study by our group. All individuals were of German descent. Single-marker tests and a polygenic score-based analysis to assess the …
Impaired sleep quality and sleep duration in smokers-results from the German Multicenter Study on Nicotine Dependence
Cigarette smoking is a severe health burden being related to a number of chronic diseases. Frequently, smokers report about sleep problems. Sleep disturbance, in turn, has been demonstrated to be involved in the pathophysiology of several disorders related to smoking and may be relevant for the pathophysiology of nicotine dependence. Therefore, determining the frequency of sleep disturbance in otherwise healthy smokers and its association with degree of nicotine dependence is highly relevant. In a population-based case-control study, 1071 smokers and 1243 non- smokers without lifetime Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Axis I disorder were investigated. S…
Analysis of genetic variations of protein tyrosine kinase fyn and their association with alcohol dependence in two independent cohorts.
Abstract Background Decreased sensitivity to and increased tolerance for the effects of alcohol is a phenotype, which was shown to be associated with an increased risk for alcoholism in humans and was observed in protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) fyn knockout mice. Methods We performed an association study of genetic variations of PTK fyn in 430 alcohol-dependent patients and 365 unrelated control subjects from two independent samples. Results In a combined analysis, we found an association of alcohol dependence with the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) T137346C in the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the gene. A relevant association could be excluded for the remaining two informative SNPs. …
Meta-analysis and imputation refines the association of 15q25 with smoking quantity.
Smoking is a leading global cause of disease and mortality(1). We established the Oxford-GlaxoSmithKline study (Ox-GSK) to perform a genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP association with smoking-related behavioral traits. Our final data set included 41,150 individuals drawn from 20 disease, population and control cohorts. Our analysis confirmed an effect on smoking quantity at a locus on 15q25 (P = 9.45 x 10(-19)) that includes CHRNA5, CHRNA3 and CHRNB4, three genes encoding neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. We used data from the 1000 Genomes project to investigate the region using imputation, which allowed for analysis of virtually all common SNPs in the region and offered a …
Increased Frequency of Migraine in Narcoleptic Patients: A Confirmatory Study
Previously we have reported an increased prevalence of migraine in narcoleptic patients. Because of the theoretical and clinical implications of this finding we recruited an independent new study sample of 100 patients with proven narcolepsy and conducted a structured 26-item interview based on the international diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, the Kiel Headache Questionnaire. Narcolepsy symptoms were measured by means of the Stanford Centre for Narcolepsy Sleep Inventory. Migraine prevalence was twofold to fourfold increased in the narcoleptic patients and amounted to 44.4% in women and 28.3% in men. The onset of narcolepsy symptoms was 12.3 ± 11.4 years before the onset of mig…
Hinweise auf einen gemeinsamen Ursprung einer deutschen und amerikanischen Familie mit hereditärer Amyloidneuropathie Typ II
Die Einteilung der familiaren Amyloidneuropathien (FAP) erfolgte nach regionalen und klinischen Aspekten. In den letzten 10 Jahren haben sich mehr als 40 Punktmutationen auf dem Transthyretin (TTR)-Gen als Ursache fur die FAP und andere Amyloidosen nachweisen lassen. Die FAP II, ausgelost durch eine Punktmutation am Codon 58 des TTR-Gens, ist bislang nur bei zwei Sippen aus Maryland und Ohio in den USA stammend bekannt. Die Erkrankung beginnt im 3.–4. Lebensjahrzehnt mit sensiblen Storungen an den Handen typischerweise im Rahmen eines Karpaltunnelsyndroms. Wir berichten von einer deutschen aus der Rheinregion sudlich von Mainz stammenden Familie mit einer FAP II. Vier Familienmitglieder mit…
Association of aMAOAgene variant with generalized anxiety disorder, but not with panic disorder or major depression
This study was conducted to detect a possible association of a T941G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), or major depression (MD). Fifty GAD patients (34 females and 16 males), 38 PD patients (21 females and 17 males), and 108 MD patients (80 females and 28 males) were included. The comparison group consisted of 276 (132 females and 144 males) unrelated healthy individuals. The 941T allele was over-represented in patients suffering from GAD (chi(2) = 6.757; df = 1; P < 0.01, not corrected for multiple testing) when compared to healthy volunteers. No association was observed in MD or PD. Thi…
Appetite and Obesity
Orexin (hypocretin) plays an important role in promoting wakefulness [1]. It stimulates wakefulness when injected in the cerebral ventricles, in the periventricular nucleus, dorsomedial hypothalamus, or lateral hypothalamus [2, 3]. Orexinergic neurons originate from the lateral hypothalamus and have projections to most parts of the central nervous system including the brain stem. The lack of orexin and/or orexin receptors is linked to narcolepsy [4–6].
Interaction between gene variants of the serotonin transporter promoter region (5-HTTLPR) and catecholO-methyltransferase (COMT) in borderline personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by a heterogeneous symptomatology with instability in impulse control, interpersonal relationships and self-image. BPD patients display repeated self-injury, chronic suicidal tendencies and emotional dysregulation, mainly dysregulation of negative affect. In its etiology, genetic and environmental factors have been suggested. Recently, an investigation in male healthy volunteers found gene–gene effects of the catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) low-activity (Met158) and the low-expression allele of the deletion/insertion (short/long or S/L, respectively) polymorphism in the serotonin transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR) on the…
P50 sensory gating and smoking in the general population
P50 gating is a major functional biomarker in research on schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions with high smoking prevalence. It is used as endophenotype for studying nicotinic systems genetics and as surrogate endpoint measure for drug development of nicotinic agonists. Surprisingly, little is known about P50 gating in the general population and the relationship to smoking-related characteristics. In this multicenter study at six academic institutions throughout Germany, n = 907 never-smokers (NS < 20 cigarettes/lifetime), n = 463 light smokers (LS) with Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) ≥ 4 and n = 353 heavy smokers (HS, FTND < 4) were randomly selected from the gene…
No Association Between the Dopamine D2 Receptor Taq I A1 Allele and Earlier Age of Onset of Alcohol Dependence According to Different Specified Criteria
BACKGROUND: The presence of the A1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism has been reported to be associated with an earlier age of onset of alcohol dependence as a marker for severity. METHODS: We tested this hypothesis with special regard to the definition of the age of onset of alcoholism in 243 patients with alcohol dependence, according to DSM-IV criteria assessed by the standardized interview Munchner Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI), consecutively admitted for detoxification. Additionally, the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) was performed. The TaqIA polymorphism was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the PCR…
Gender differences in axis I and axis II comorbidity in patients with borderline personality disorder.
<i>Background/Aims:</i> Differences in the clinical presentation of men and women with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are of potential interest for investigations into the neurobiology, genetics, natural history, and treatment response of BPD. The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in axis I and axis II comorbidity and in diagnostic criteria in BPD patients. <i>Methods:</i> 110 women and 49 men with BPD were assessed with the computer-based version of the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders. Gender differences were investigated for the following outc…
Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies
AbstractEating disorders and substance use disorders frequently co-occur. Twin studies reveal shared genetic variance between liabilities to eating disorders and substance use, with the strongest associations between symptoms of bulimia nervosa (BN) and problem alcohol use (genetic correlation [rg], twin-based=0.23-0.53). We estimated the genetic correlation between eating disorder and substance use and disorder phenotypes using data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Four eating disorder phenotypes (anorexia nervosa [AN], AN with binge-eating, AN without binge-eating, and a BN factor score), and eight substance-use-related phenotypes (drinks per week, alcohol use disorder [AUD], …
The HTR1B 861GC receptor polymorphism among patients suffering from alcoholism, major depression, anxiety disorders and narcolepsy.
Abstract The HTR1B receptor gene has been linked to antisocial alcoholism in a Finnish population and an American Indian tribe [Lappalainen et al., Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 55 (1998) 989]. Using a candidate gene approach, we genotyped 209 patients with alcoholism, 108 patients with major depression, 32 patients with panic disorder, 50 patients with generalized anxiety disorder, 58 patients with narcolepsy and 74 healthy volunteers for the HTR1B 861G>C polymorphism. There was a higher frequency of the HTR1B 861G alleles among the alcohol-dependent patients as compared to the control subjects (χ 2 =4.02, d.f.=2, P =0.04). However, the association resulted from higher frequencies of the opposite…
GRIN1 locus may modify the susceptibility to seizures during alcohol withdrawal
N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, members of the glutamate receptor channel superfamily, are generally inhibited by alcohol. The expression and alternative splicing of the obligatory NR1 subunit is altered by alcohol exposure, emphasizing the involvement of the NR1 subunit, which is coded by the GRIN1 gene, in alcohol-mediated effects. We performed an association study in patients with alcohol dependence with the GRIN1 locus. Two independent case control samples consisting of a total of 442 alcohol-dependent patients and 442 unrelated controls were included. There was no overall difference in allele or genotype frequency between patients and controls. However, the 2108A allele and A-co…
Die Merkmale der Narkolepsie sind seit dem letzten Jahrhundert bekannt, die Tetrade der Zeichen wurde zuerst in den 50er Jahren beschrieben: ausgepragte Tagesmudigkeit, Kataplexien, Schlafparalyse und einschlaf- oder aufwachbezogene Halluzinationen. Polysomnographisch sind eine verkurzte Einschlaf- und REM-Latenz typisch, labordiagnostisch das menschliche Leukozyten-Antigen (HLA) in DQB1*0602 und DQA1*0102. Die exakte Pathophysiologie ist unbekannt, jedoch deuten neuere Studien auf Storungen im Orexin(Hypokretin)-Neurotransmittersystem hin. Man kennt etwa 1.500 Patienten in Deutschland mit Narkolepsie. Die Pravalenzrate in kaukasischen Populationen wird mit ca. 50/100.000 angegeben, so dass…
Season of birth effect in narcolepsy
The causes of narcolepsy are unknown.1 Genetic factors such as positivity for HLA DR2 or certain genotypes of tumor necrosis factor–alpha or the orexin gene only explain a fraction of the risk. A season of birth effect has been observed in numerous studies for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with a 10% excess of birth in winter and spring.2 Among the underlying factors discussed are infectious agents as well as seasonal variations in nutrition, light effects, and toxins.2 Most recently, the vitamin D hypothesis has been revisited.3 The production of vitamin D is associated with exposure to sunlight and the active 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 is a potent modulator of immune functions,4 a dysf…
Lack of association of a functional catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism with risk of tobacco smoking: results from a multicenter case-control study
Background The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) modulates dopaminergic neurotransmission in the prefrontal cortex as well as in the mesolimbic reward system. Since the reward system mediates addictive behavior, the COMT gene is a strong candidate gene regarding the pathophysiology of tobacco dependence and smoking behavior. Because of rather conflicting results in previous studies, the purpose of the present study was to test for association between a functional genetic variant in the COMT gene (single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP] rs4680) and tobacco smoking behavior. Methods In a population-based case-control multicenter study designed for tobacco addiction research, a total of 551 cur…
Depression, emotional blunting, and akinesia in schizophrenia
Depression, negative symptoms, and extrapyramidal signs (EPS) frequently occur together in schizophrenia. Their overlap is due partly to the lack of specificity of assessment instruments. However, to disentangle the three syndromes is clinically important as treatment of schizophrenia requires a differentiated approach. This study investigated the overlap between depression, emotional blunting as a core part of the negative syndrome, and akinesia as manifestation of EPS, using the Calgary Depression Rating Scale (CDSS), the Rating Scale for Emotional Blunting (SEB), and the akinesia score of the Simpson-Angus Scale (SAS) as the most specific assessment instruments presently available. We in…
Frequency and dependence on body posture of hallucinations and sleep paralysis in a community sample.
Association of Common Polymorphisms in the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha4 Subunit Gene with an Electrophysiological Endophenotype in a Large Population-Based Sample
PLoS one 11(4), e0152984 (2016). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152984
Increased prevalence of obesity in narcoleptic patients and relatives
Increased Body Mass Indices (BMIs), increased prevalences of non insulin-dependent diabetes and sleep apnoe syndrome have been reported to be associated with narcolepsy. Our objective was to explore and possibly confirm the association of narcolepsy and increased BMI. In addition, we addressed the question whether increased BMIs also occur in relatives of narcoleptic patients. Together with narcolepsy-related clinical parameters we measured body weight and height of 132 narcoleptic patients who agreed to participate in our narcolepsy research program. In addition, 52 first degree relatives of 22 index patients, mostly from multiplex families, were included in the study. Data were compared t…
Prevalence of eating disorders and eating attacks in narcolepsy
Norbert Dahmen, Julia Becht, Alice Engel, Monika Thommes, Peter TonnPsychiatry Department, University of Mainz, GermanyAbstract: Narcoleptic patients suffer frequently from obesity and type II diabetes. Most patients show a deficit in the energy balance regulating orexinergic system. Nevertheless, it is not known, why narcoleptic patients tend to be obese. We examined 116 narcoleptic patients and 80 controls with the structured interview for anorectic and bulimic eating disorders (SIAB) to test the hypothesis that typical or atypical eating attacks or eating disorders may be more frequent in narcoleptic patients. No difference in the current prevalence of eating disorders bulimia nervosa, b…
An integrated genome research network for studying the genetics of alcohol addiction
Alcohol drinking is highly prevalent in many cultures and contributes to the global burden of disease. In fact, it was shown that alcohol constitutes 3.2% of all worldwide deaths in the year 2006 and is linked to more than 60 diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis, neuropsychiatric disorders, injuries and foetal alcohol syndrome. Alcoholism, which has been proven to have a high genetic load, is one potentially fatal consequence of chronic heavy alcohol consumption, and may be regarded as one of the most prevalent neuropsychiatric diseases afflicting our society today. The aim of the integrated genome research network 'Genetics of Alcohol Addiction'-which is a …
Risk gene variants for nicotine dependence in the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 cluster are associated with cognitive performance
Recent studies strongly support an association of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene cluster CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 with nicotine dependence (ND). However, the precise genotype-phenotype relationship is still unknown. Clinical and epidemiological data on smoking behavior raise the possibility that the relevant gene variants may indirectly contribute to the development of ND by affecting cognitive performance in some smokers who consume nicotine for reasons of "cognition enhancement." Here, we tested seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs684513, rs637137, rs16969968, rs578776, rs1051730, rs3743078, rs3813567 from the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene cluster for association with ND, me…
Chronical haloperidol and clozapine treatment in rats: Differential RNA display analysis, behavioral studies and serum level determination
1. Adult, female rats were treated orally for 23 days with 1.6 mg/kg haloperidol or 36 mg/kg clozapine per day, to study chronic effects of the two neuroleptics. 2. At five time points during the neuroleptic treatment, animal behavior was recorded in an open field and locomotive activity was analysed. At the end of the experiment, rats were decapitated, blood samples were collected and serum concentrations of haloperidol and clozapine were determined by a radioreceptor or HPLC assay, respectively. RNA was isolated from each brain, without cerebellum, and subjected to differential RNA display. 3. Mean serum concentrations were 8 ng/ml for haloperidol and 21 ng/ml for clozapine. Analysis of o…
The catechol o-methyltransferase (COMT) val158met polymorphism modulates the association of serious life events (SLE) and impulsive aggression in female patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Wagner S, Baskaya O, Anicker NJ, Dahmen N, Lieb K, Tadic A. The catechol o‐methyltransferase (COMT) val158met polymorphism modulates the association of serious life events (SLE) and impulsive aggression in female patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Objective: We analyzed i) the effects of serious life events (SLE) on impulsive aggression, and ii) modulating effects of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism on the association between SLEs and impulsive aggression in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Method: One hundred and twelve female BPD patients from Germany were included in this study. Impulsive aggression was assessed by the Buss‐Durkee‐Hostility Inventory (BDHI). Result…
Therapy of Early Poststroke Depression With Venlafaxine: Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy as Determined in an Open, Uncontrolled Clinical Trial
To the Editor: The development of persistent depressive symptoms is a severe and frequent complication of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.1 The etiology of poststroke depression is not well understood. Only few placebo-controlled, double-blind studies have been carried out, all reporting various degrees of superiority of standard antidepressants over placebos.1 2 On the other hand, serious side effects have been reported.3 4 In most of these studies, patients were examined whose stroke had occurred several weeks to several months before the antidepressive therapy was started. Antidepressive therapy in the first weeks after stroke has not yet been attempted in studies. Drug-induced improvemen…
Transcriptional profiles from patients with dystrophinopathies and limb girdle muscular dystrophies as determined by qRT-PCR.
Mutations in genes coding for the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) cause inherited muscular dystrophies (MD), including Morbus Duchenne (DMD) and M. Becker (BMB) as well as limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD). New insights into the pathophysiology of the dystrophic muscle, the identification of compensatory mechanisms and additional proteins interacting with dystrophin are essential for developing new treatments. In order to define molecular mechanisms induced by lack of dystrophin and the subsequent counter-regulatory transcriptional response of degenerating muscle fibres, we have investigated the mRNA expression of 19 functionally linked genes in biopsies of patients with MD by m…
Biomarkers to disclose recent intake of alcohol: potential of 5-hydroxytryptophol glucuronide testing using new direct UPLC-tandem MS and ELISA methods
Aims: This study compared two new methods for direct determination of 5-hydroxytryptophol glucuronide (GTOL) in urine, a biomarker for detection of recent alcohol consumption. Methods: Urine samples were collected from ten alcoholic patients during recovery from intoxication. A direct injection ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method for measurement of the urinary GTOL to 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) ratio, and an ELISA assay for direct measurement of GTOL, were used. Comparison was made with the urinary ethanol and ethyl glucuronide (EtG) concentrations. Results: The breath ethanol concentration on admission ranged between 1.0-3.1 g/l. Th…
Rapid cloning of cDNA ends polymerase chain reaction of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 6: an improved method to determine 5′- and 3′-cDNA ends
Abstract Rapid cloning of 5′- and 3′-cDNA ends polymerase chain reaction (5′-/3′-RACE-PCR) is useful to determine unknown 5′- and 3′-cDNA termini. Even if the method can yield complete cDNA sequences within a couple of days, the RACE procedure bears some characteristic traps and often results in amplification of unspecific PCR-products. Here we used improved 5′- and 3′-RACE-PCR protocols to obtain the complete cDNA sequence of the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 (GRK6) from a rat brain cDNA library. The use of an anchored oligo-(dT) 16 -V-primer in the cDNA synthesis, the addition of single-sided PCR steps prior to the RACE-PCRs and the optimization of the dA-tailing reaction conditions…
COMT genotype predicts BOLD signal and noise characteristics in prefrontal circuits.
Abstract Objective: Prefrontal dopamine (DA) is catabolized by the COMT (catechol- O -methyltransferase) enzyme. Literature suggests that the Val/Met single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the COMT gene predicts executive cognition in humans with Val carriers showing poorer performance due to less available synaptic DA. Recent fMRI studies are thought to agree with these studies having demonstrated prefrontal hyperactivation during n -back and attention-requiring tasks. This was interpreted as “less efficient” processing due to impaired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of neuronal activity. However, electrophysiological studies of neuronal SNR in primates and humans imply that prefrontal cortex…
Tyrosine hydroxylase Val-81-Met polymorphism associated with early-onset alcoholism
The present study examined the association of the Tyrosine hydroxylase Val-81-Met polymorphism with alcohol dependence. One hundred and fifty-nine patients in a psychiatric unit with alcohol dependence were genotyped as well as 92 healthy volunteers. The Val allele was more frequent in patients with alcohol dependence (69.5%) than in controls (62.5%). This effect was largely due to the association with early-onset alcoholism (77.8%), whereas no difference was noted between late-onset patients and controls. Our results suggest a role for tyrosine hydroxylase in early-onset alcoholism.
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption
Contains fulltext : 155360.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) Coffee, a major dietary source of caffeine, is among the most widely consumed beverages in the world and has received considerable attention regarding health risks and benefits. We conducted a genome-wide (GW) meta-analysis of predominately regular-type coffee consumption (cups per day) among up to 91,462 coffee consumers of European ancestry with top single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) followed-up in ~30 062 and 7964 coffee consumers of European and African-American ancestry, respectively. Studies from both stages were combined in a trans-ethnic meta-analysis. Confirmed loci were examined for putative functional and b…
Association of a variant in the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2 gene (CHRM2 ) with nicotine addiction
Genetic factors contribute to the overall risk of developing nicotine addiction, which is the major cause of preventable deaths in western countries. However, knowledge regarding specific polymorphisms influencing smoking phenotypes remains scarce. In the present study we provide evidence that a common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5′ untranslated region of CHRM2, the gene coding for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2 is associated with nicotine addiction. CHRM2 was defined as a candidate gene for nicotine addiction based on previous evidence that linked variations in CHRM2 to alcohol and drug dependence. A total of more than 5,500 subjects representative of the German po…
Activity of the adenylyl cyclase in lymphocytes of male alcoholic patients is state dependent.
A decreased basal and/or stimulated activity of the G-protein/adenylyl cyclase (AC) system in peripheral blood cells has been proposed to represent a trait marker for alcoholism. However, AC activity may underlie state-dependent changes, which may impair a proper interpretation of AC activity measurements. Our study examined systematically the AC activity in peripheral lymphocytes of 73 male alcohol-dependent patients (according to DSM-IV criteria) at three different time points of measurement during the clinical course of detoxification (day 0 = at admission, while still ethanol-affected; day 2 = at the presumed peak of withdrawal symptoms; day E = after detoxification). Basal and stimulat…
Shared genetic etiology between alcohol dependence and major depressive disorder
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The catechol-O-methyltransferase Val108/158Met polymorphism affects short-term treatment response to mirtazapine, but not to paroxetine in major depression.
The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is a major degrading enzyme in the metabolic pathways of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. This study investigated whether the functionally relevant Val(108/158)Met gene variant is associated with differential antidepressant response to mirtazapine and/or paroxetine in 102 patients with major depression (DSM-IV criteria) participating in a randomized clinical trial with both drugs. In patients treated with mirtazapine, but not paroxetine, allelic variations in the COMT gene were associated with differential response. COMT(VAL/VAL) and COMT(VAL/MET) genotype carriers showed a better response than COMT(MET/MET)-bea…
Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci
Estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors represent 20-30% of all breast cancers, with a higher proportion occurring in younger women and women of African ancestry. The etiology and clinical behavior of ER-negative tumors are different from those of tumors expressing ER (ER positive), including differences in genetic predisposition. To identify susceptibility loci specific to ER-negative disease, we combined in a metaanalysis 3 genome-wide association studies of 4,193 ER-negative breast cancer cases and 35,194 controls with a series of 40 follow-up studies (6,514 cases and 41,455 controls), genotyped using a custom Illumina array, iCOGS, developed by the Collaborative Oncological Gene-environm…
Metabolic profiling reveals distinct variations linked to nicotine consumption in humans--first results from the KORA study.
Exposure to nicotine during smoking causes a multitude of metabolic changes that are poorly understood. We quantified and analyzed 198 metabolites in 283 serum samples from the human cohort KORA (Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg). Multivariate analysis of metabolic profiles revealed that the group of smokers could be clearly differentiated from the groups of former smokers and non-smokers. Moreover, 23 lipid metabolites were identified as nicotine-dependent biomarkers. The levels of these biomarkers are all up-regulated in smokers compared to those in former and non-smokers, except for three acyl-alkyl-phosphatidylcholines (e.g. plasmalogens). Consistently significant r…
The TPH intron 7 A218C polymorphism and TCI dimension scores in alcohol-dependent patients: hints to nonspecific psychopathology
Abstract Aims A linkage of certain alleles of the tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) intron 7 A218C polymorphism to suicidality and antisocial behaviour has been described. The aim of our study was to find any association between dimensions of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) indicating impulsivity and the TPH polymorphism alleles in unselected alcohol-dependent patients and age-matched controls. Methods We examined 159 alcohol-dependent patients and 161 controls with the TCI and genotyped them for the TPH intron 7 A218C polymorphism alleles. Results Although homozygous TPH genotypes were found more often in alcohol-dependent patients than in controls, an association between TCI dime…
Nicotine enhances antisaccade performance in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls
Abstract Nicotine has been proposed to be a cognitive enhancer, particularly in schizophrenia patients. So far, the published studies of nicotine effects on antisaccade performance in schizophrenia patients only tested participants who were deprived smokers. Thus, we aimed to test both smoking and non-smoking patients as well as healthy controls in order to extend previous findings. Moreover, we employed a paradigm using standard and delayed trials. We hypothesized that, if nicotine is a genuine cognitive enhancer, its administration would improve antisaccade performance both in smoking and non-smoking participants. A total of 22 patients with schizophrenia (12 smokers and 10 non-smokers) a…
Stimulation of immediate early gene expression by desipramine in rat brain.
The stimulation of immediate early gene expression in brain and neuronal cell culture systems has been reported after various experimental paradigms such as chemiconvulsant-provoked seizures or specific drug applications. In particular, the induction of immediate early genes by adrenergic model substances has been demonstrated by several investigators. This report demonstrates that a single dose of desipramine (10 or 25 mg/kg), a classical tricyclic antidepressant drug acting on the adrenergic system, induced c-fos and zif268 expression in rat hippocampus without affecting c-jun. The observed immediate early gene response might reflect part of a signal transduction cascade involved in long-…